Quality Assurance


The DESI spectroscopic pipeline includes a series of routines that monitor the quality of the pipeline products and may be used to inspect outputs across exposures, nights, or a full production.

Expose QA

Here is the magic to expose a set of QA products made at NERSC to the world:

  1. cp -rp QA into www area :: /project/projectdirs/desi/www
  2. fix_permissions.sh -a QA [This may no longer be necessary]

These are then exposed at https://portal.nersc.gov/cfs/desi/rest_of_path



Generate the QA for an input frame file. The code can be written anywhere and the output is written to its “proper” location.


Here is the usage:

usage: desi_qa_frame [-h] --frame_file FRAME_FILE [--reduxdir PATH]

Generate Frame Level QA [v0.4.2]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --frame_file FRAME_FILE
                        Frame filename. Full path is not required nor desired.
  --reduxdir PATH       Override default path ($DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX/$SPECPROD)
                        to processed data.
  --make_plots          Generate QA figs too?


Generate the QA YAML file:

desi_qa_frame --frame_file=frame-r7-00000077.fits

Generate the QA YAML file and figures:

desi_qa_frame --frame_file=frame-r7-00000077.fits --make_plots


Generates Exposure level QA. The current implementation is only for the flat flux.


Here is the usage:

usage: desi_qa_exposure [-h] --expid EXPID [--qatype QATYPE]
                        [--channels CHANNELS] [--reduxdir PATH] [--rebuild]
                        [--qamulti_root QAMULTI_ROOT] [--slurp SLURP]

Generate Exposure Level QA [v0.5.0]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --expid EXPID         Exposure ID
  --qatype QATYPE       Type of QA to generate [fiberflat, s2n]
  --channels CHANNELS   List of channels to include. Default = b,r,z]
  --reduxdir PATH       Override default path ($DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX/$SPECPROD)
                        to processed data.
  --rebuild             Regenerate the QA files for this exposure?
  --qamulti_root QAMULTI_ROOT
                        Root name for a set of slurped QA files (e.g.
                        mini_qa). Uses $SPECPROD/QA for path
  --slurp SLURP         Root name for slurp QA file to add to (e.g. mini_qa).
                        Uses $SPECPROD/QA for path


Generate QA on the fiber flat across the exposure for one or more channels.:

desi_qa_exposure --expid=96 --qatype=fiberflat


This script examines sky subtraction resdiuals for an exposure, night or production.


Here is the usage:

usage: desi_qa_skyresid [-h] [--reduxdir PATH] [--expid EXPID] [--night NIGHT]
                    [--channels CHANNELS] [--prod] [--gauss]
                    [--nights NIGHTS]

Generate QA on Sky Subtraction residuals [v0.4.2]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --reduxdir PATH      Override default path ($DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX/$SPECPROD)
                       to processed data.
  --expid EXPID        Generate exposure plot on given exposure
  --night NIGHT        Generate night plot on given night
  --channels CHANNELS  List of channels to include
  --prod               Results for full production run
  --gauss              Expore Gaussianity for full production run
  --nights NIGHTS      List of nights to limit prod plots


Generate a plot of the sky subtraction residuals for an input Exposure ID. e.g.

desi_qa_sky --expid=123


Generate a plot of the sky subtraction residuals for the Production. If reduxdir is not provided, then the script will use the $SPECPROD and $DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX environemental variables. Simply called:

desi_qa_sky --prod


Examine whether the residuals are distributed as Gaussian statistics. Here is an example:

desi_qa_sky --gauss


This script is used to analyze the QA outputs from a given night. Note that we use desi_qa_prod (below) to generate the QA YAML files.


Here is the usage:

usage: desi_qa_night [-h] [--expid_series] [--bright_dark BRIGHT_DARK]
                     [--qaprod_dir QAPROD_DIR] [--specprod_dir SPECPROD_DIR]
                     [--night NIGHT]

Generate/Analyze Production Level QA [v0.5.0]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --expid_series        Generate exposure series plots.
  --bright_dark BRIGHT_DARK
                        Restrict to bright/dark (flag: 0=all; 1=bright;
                        2=dark; only used in time_series)
  --qaprod_dir QAPROD_DIR
                        Path to where QA is generated. Default is qaprod_dir
  --specprod_dir SPECPROD_DIR
                        Path to spectro production folder. Default is
  --night NIGHT         Night; required

Current recommendation

First generate the QA for the given night with desi_qa_prod, e.g.:

desi_qa_prod --make_frameqa 1 --specprod_dir /global/projecta/projectdirs/desi/spectro/redux/daily --night 20200224 --qaprod_dir /global/projecta/projectdirs/desi/spectro/redux/xavier/daily/QA --slurp

Then generate the Night plots:

desi_qa_night --specprod_dir /global/projecta/projectdirs/desi/spectro/redux/daily --qaprod_dir /global/projecta/projectdirs/desi/spectro/redux/xavier/daily/QA --night 20200224 --expid_series


This script is used to both generate and analyze the QA outputs for a complete production.


Here is the usage:

usage: desi_qa_prod [-h] [--make_frameqa MAKE_FRAMEQA] [--slurp] [--remove]
                    [--clobber] [--channel_hist CHANNEL_HIST]
                    [--time_series TIME_SERIES] [--bright_dark BRIGHT_DARK]
                    [--html] [--qaprod_dir QAPROD_DIR] [--S2N_plot]
                    [--ZP_plot] [--xaxis XAXIS]

Generate/Analyze Production Level QA [v0.5.0]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --make_frameqa MAKE_FRAMEQA
                        Bitwise flag to control remaking the QA files (1) and
                        figures (2) for each frame in the production
  --slurp               slurp production QA files into one?
  --remove              remove frame QA files?
  --clobber             clobber existing QA files?
  --channel_hist CHANNEL_HIST
                        Generate channel histogram(s)
  --time_series TIME_SERIES
                        Generate time series plot. Input is QATYPE-METRIC,
                        e.g. SKYSUB-MED_RESID
  --bright_dark BRIGHT_DARK
                        Restrict to bright/dark (flag: 0=all; 1=bright;
                        2=dark; only used in time_series)
  --html                Generate HTML files?
  --qaprod_dir QAPROD_DIR
                        Path to where QA is generated. Default is qaprod_dir
  --S2N_plot            Generate a S/N plot for the production (vs. xaxis)
  --ZP_plot             Generate a ZP plot for the production (vs. xaxis)
  --xaxis XAXIS         Specify x-axis for S/N and ZP plots


One generates the frame QA, the YAML and/or figure files with the –make_frameqa flag. These files are created in a folder tree QA/ that is parallel to the exposures and calib2d folders.:

desi_qa_prod --make_frameqa=1  # Generate all the QA YAML files
desi_qa_prod --make_frameqa=2  # Generate all the QA figure files
desi_qa_prod --make_frameqa=3  # Generate YAML and figures

The optional –remove and –clobber flags can be used to remove/clobber the QA files.


By using the –slurp flag, one generates a full YAML file of all the QA outputs:

desi_qa_prod --slurp   # Collate all the QA YAML files into a series of JSON files, one per night
desi_qa_prod --slurp --remove  # Collate and remove the individual files


A set of static HTML files that provide simple links to the QA figures may be generated:

desi_qa_prod --html  # Generate HTML files

The top-level QA file (in the QA/ folder) includes any PNG files located at the top-level of that folder.

Channel Histograms

Using the –channel_hist flag, the script will generate a series of histogram plots on default metrics: FIBERFLAT: MAX_RMS, SKYSUB: MED_RESID, FLUXCALIB: MAX_ZP_OFF:

desi_qa_prod --channel_hist

Time Series Plot

Using the –time_series input with a qatype and metric produces a Time Series plot of that metric for all nights/exposures/frames in the production, by channel, e.g.:

desi_qa_prod --time_series=SKYSUB-MED_RESID
desi_qa_prod --time_series=FLUXCALIB-ZP

By default, these files are placed in the QA/ folder in the $DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX/$SPECPROD folder.

<S/N> Plot

Generate a plot of <S/N> for a standard set of fiducials – object type at a given magnitude in a given channel (e.g. ELG, 23 mag in channel r). The x-axis is controlled by the –xaxis option and may be MJD, texp (exposure time), or expid. Here is a sample call:

desi_qa_prod --S2N_plot --xaxis texp

ZP Plot

Similar to the <S/N> plot above but for the Zero Point calculated in the three channels. Again, –xaxis controls the abscissa axis. An example:

desi_qa_prod --ZP_plot --xaxis texp