Source code for desispec.ccdcalib



import os, sys, glob, json
import traceback
import datetime
import subprocess
import yaml

import as pyfits
from astropy.table import vstack as table_vstack
from astropy.time import Time
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter

from desispec import io
from desispec.preproc import masked_median
# from desispec.preproc import parse_sec_keyword, calc_overscan
from desispec.preproc import parse_sec_keyword, get_amp_ids, get_readout_mode
from desispec.preproc import subtract_peramp_overscan
from desispec.calibfinder import CalibFinder, sp2sm, sm2sp
from import get_tempfilename, parse_cameras, decode_camword, difference_camwords,create_camword
from desispec.workflow.exptable import get_exposure_table_pathname
from desispec.workflow.tableio import load_table, load_tables, write_table

from desiutil.log import get_logger
from desiutil.depend import add_dependencies

from desispec.workflow.batch import get_config

[docs]def compute_dark_file(rawfiles, outfile, camera, bias=None, nocosmic=False, scale=False, exptime=None): """ Compute classic dark model from input dark images Args: rawfiles (list of str): list of input raw data files (``desi-*.fits.fz``) outfile (str): output file with dark model to write camera (str): camera to process, e.g. b0, r1, z9 Options: bias (str or list): bias file to use, or list of bias files nocosmic (bool): use medians instead of cosmic identification scale (bool): apply scale correction for EM0 teststand data exptime (float): write EXPTIME header keyword; all inputs must match Note: if bias is None, no bias correction is applied. If it is a single file, then use that bias for all darks. If it is a list, it must have len(rawfiles) and gives the per-file bias to use. Note: this computes a classic dark model without any non-linear terms. see bin/compute_dark_nonlinear for current DESI dark model. TODO: separate algorithm from I/O """ log = get_logger()"read images ...") shape=None images=[] first_image_header = None if nocosmic : masks=None else : masks=[] for ifile, filename in enumerate(rawfiles):'Reading {filename} camera {camera}') # collect exposure times primary_header = fitsfile[0].header if not "EXPTIME" in primary_header : primary_header = fitsfile[1].header if "EXPREQ" in primary_header : thisexptime = primary_header["EXPREQ"] log.warning("Using EXPREQ and not EXPTIME, because a more accurate quantity on teststand") else : thisexptime = primary_header["EXPTIME"] flavor = primary_header['FLAVOR'].upper() if flavor != 'DARK': message = f'Input {filename} flavor {flavor} != DARK' log.error(message) raise ValueError(message) if exptime is not None: if round(exptime) != round(thisexptime): message = f'Input {filename} exptime {thisexptime} != requested exptime {exptime}' log.error(message) raise ValueError(message) if first_image_header is None : first_image_header = fitsfile[camera].header elif 'VCCDSEC' in first_image_header and 'VCCDSEC' in fitsfile[camera].header: if fitsfile[camera].header['VCCDSEC']<first_image_header['VCCDSEC']: first_image_header['VCCDSEC']=fitsfile[camera].header['VCCDSEC'] first_image_header['VCCDON']=fitsfile[camera].header['VCCDON'] fitsfile.close() if bias is not None: if isinstance(bias, str): thisbias = bias elif isinstance(bias, (list, tuple, np.array)): thisbias = bias[ifile] else: message = 'bias should be None, str, list, or tuple, not {}'.format(type(bias)) log.error(message) raise RuntimeError(message) else: thisbias = False # read raw data and preprocess them img = io.read_raw(filename, camera, bias=thisbias, nocosmic=nocosmic, mask=False, dark=False, pixflat=False) # propagate gains to first_image_header for a in get_amp_ids(img.meta) : k="GAIN"+a if k in img.meta and k not in first_image_header: first_image_header[k] = img.meta[k] if shape is None : shape=img.pix.shape"adding dark %s divided by exposure time %f s"%(filename,thisexptime)) images.append(img.pix.ravel()/thisexptime) if masks is not None : masks.append(img.mask.ravel()) images=np.array(images) if masks is not None : masks=np.array(masks) smask=np.sum(masks,axis=0) else : smask=np.zeros(images[0].shape)"compute median image ...") medimage=masked_median(images,masks) if scale :"compute a scale per image ...") sm2=np.sum((smask==0)*medimage**2) ok=(medimage>0.6*np.median(medimage))*(smask==0) for i,image in enumerate(rawfiles) : s=np.sum((smask==0)*medimage*image)/sm2 #s=np.median(image[ok]/medimage[ok])"image %d scale = %f"%(i,s)) images[i] /= s"recompute median image after scaling ...") medimage=masked_median(images,masks) if True :"compute mask ...") ares=np.abs(images-medimage) nsig=4. mask=(ares<nsig*1.4826*np.median(ares,axis=0)) # average (not median)"compute average ...") meanimage=np.sum(images*mask,axis=0)/np.sum(mask,axis=0) meanimage=meanimage.reshape(shape) else : meanimage=medimage.reshape(shape)"write result in %s ..."%outfile) hdulist=pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU(meanimage.astype('float32'))]) # copy some keywords for key in [ "TELESCOP","INSTRUME","SPECGRPH","SPECID","DETECTOR","CAMERA", "CCDNAME","CCDPREP","CCDSIZE","CCDTEMP","CPUTEMP","CASETEMP", "CCDTMING","CCDCFG","SETTINGS","VESSEL","FEEVER","FEEBOX", "PRESECA","PRRSECA","DATASECA","TRIMSECA","BIASSECA","ORSECA", "CCDSECA","DETSECA","AMPSECA", "PRESECB","PRRSECB","DATASECB","TRIMSECB","BIASSECB","ORSECB", "CCDSECB","DETSECB","AMPSECB", "PRESECC","PRRSECC","DATASECC","TRIMSECC","BIASSECC","ORSECC", "CCDSECC","DETSECC","AMPSECC", "PRESECD","PRRSECD","DATASECD", "TRIMSECD","BIASSECD","ORSECD", "CCDSECD","DETSECD","AMPSECD", "DAC0","DAC1","DAC2","DAC3","DAC4","DAC5","DAC6","DAC7", "DAC8","DAC9","DAC10","DAC11","DAC12","DAC13","DAC14","DAC15", "DAC16","DAC17","CLOCK0","CLOCK1","CLOCK2","CLOCK3","CLOCK4", "CLOCK5","CLOCK6","CLOCK7","CLOCK8","CLOCK9","CLOCK10", "CLOCK11","CLOCK12","CLOCK13","CLOCK14","CLOCK15","CLOCK16", "CLOCK17","CLOCK18","OFFSET0","OFFSET1","OFFSET2","OFFSET3", "OFFSET4","OFFSET5","OFFSET6","OFFSET7","DELAYS","CDSPARMS", "PGAGAIN","OCSVER","DOSVER","CONSTVER", "GAINA", "GAINB", "GAINC", "GAIND", "VCCDSEC","VCCDON" ] : if key in first_image_header : hdulist[0].header[key] = (first_image_header[key],first_image_header.comments[key]) if exptime is not None: hdulist[0].header['EXPTIME'] = exptime hdulist[0].header["BUNIT"] = "electron/s" hdulist[0].header["EXTNAME"] = "DARK" for i, filename in enumerate(rawfiles): hdulist[0].header["INPUT%03d"%i]=os.path.basename(filename) hdulist.writeto(outfile, overwrite=True)"Wrote {outfile}")"done")
[docs]def compute_bias_file(rawfiles, outfile, camera, explistfile=None, extraheader=None): """ Compute a bias file from input ZERO rawfiles Args: rawfiles: list of input raw file names outfile (str): output filename camera (str): camera, e.g. b0, r1, z9 Options: explistfile: filename with text list of NIGHT EXPID to use extraheader: dict-like key/value header keywords to add Notes: explistfile is only used if rawfiles=None; it should have one NIGHT EXPID entry per line. """ log = get_logger() if explistfile is not None: if rawfiles is not None: msg = "specify rawfiles or explistfile, but not both" log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) rawfiles = list() with open(explistfile, 'r') as fx: for line in fx: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#') or len(line)<2: continue night, expid = map(int, line.split()) filename = io.findfile('raw', night, expid) if not os.path.exists(filename): msg = f'Missing {filename}' log.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) rawfiles.append(filename)"read %s images ...", camera) images=[] shape=None first_image_header = None for filename in rawfiles :"reading %s %s", filename, camera) primary_header=fitsfile[0].header image_header=fitsfile[camera].header if first_image_header is None : first_image_header = image_header elif 'VCCDSEC' in first_image_header and 'VCCDSEC' in fitsfile[camera].header: if fitsfile[camera].header['VCCDSEC']<first_image_header['VCCDSEC']: first_image_header['VCCDSEC']=fitsfile[camera].header['VCCDSEC'] first_image_header['VCCDON']=fitsfile[camera].header['VCCDON'] flavor = image_header['FLAVOR'].upper() if flavor != 'ZERO': message = f'Input {filename} flavor {flavor} != ZERO' log.error(message) raise ValueError(message) # subtract overscan region cfinder=CalibFinder([image_header,primary_header]) image=fitsfile[camera].data.astype("float64") subtract_peramp_overscan(image, image_header) if shape is None : shape=image.shape images.append(image.ravel()) fitsfile.close() images=np.array(images) log.debug('%s images.shape=%s', camera, str(images.shape)) # compute a mask"compute median {camera} image ...") medimage=np.median(images,axis=0) #.reshape(shape)"compute {camera} mask ...") ares=np.abs(images-medimage) nsig=4. mask=(ares<nsig*1.4826*np.median(ares,axis=0)) # average (not median)"compute {camera} average ...") meanimage=np.sum(images*mask,axis=0)/np.sum(mask,axis=0) meanimage=meanimage.reshape(shape) # cleanup memory del images del mask del medimage"write {camera} result to {outfile} ...") hdus=pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU(meanimage.astype('float32'))]) # copy some keywords for key in [ "TELESCOP","INSTRUME","SPECGRPH","SPECID","DETECTOR","CAMERA", "CCDNAME","CCDPREP","CCDSIZE","CCDTEMP","CPUTEMP","CASETEMP", "CCDTMING","CCDCFG","SETTINGS","VESSEL","FEEVER","FEEBOX", "PRESECA","PRRSECA","DATASECA","TRIMSECA","BIASSECA","ORSECA", "CCDSECA","DETSECA","AMPSECA", "PRESECB","PRRSECB","DATASECB","TRIMSECB","BIASSECB","ORSECB", "CCDSECB","DETSECB","AMPSECB", "PRESECC","PRRSECC","DATASECC","TRIMSECC","BIASSECC","ORSECC", "CCDSECC","DETSECC","AMPSECC", "PRESECD","PRRSECD","DATASECD","TRIMSECD","BIASSECD","ORSECD", "CCDSECD","DETSECD","AMPSECD", "DAC0","DAC1","DAC2","DAC3","DAC4","DAC5","DAC6","DAC7","DAC8", "DAC9","DAC10","DAC11","DAC12","DAC13","DAC14","DAC15","DAC16", "DAC17","CLOCK0","CLOCK1","CLOCK2","CLOCK3","CLOCK4","CLOCK5", "CLOCK6","CLOCK7","CLOCK8","CLOCK9","CLOCK10","CLOCK11","CLOCK12", "CLOCK13","CLOCK14","CLOCK15","CLOCK16","CLOCK17","CLOCK18", "OFFSET0","OFFSET1","OFFSET2","OFFSET3","OFFSET4","OFFSET5", "OFFSET6","OFFSET7","DELAYS","CDSPARMS","PGAGAIN","OCSVER", "DOSVER","CONSTVER", "VCCDSEC","VCCDON"] : if key in first_image_header : hdus[0].header[key] = (first_image_header[key],first_image_header.comments[key]) hdus[0].header["BUNIT"] = "adu" hdus[0].header["EXTNAME"] = "BIAS" if extraheader is not None: for key, value in extraheader.items(): hdus[0].header[key] = value add_dependencies(hdus[0].header) for filename in rawfiles : #- keep only NIGHT/EXPID/filename.fits part of path fullpath = os.path.abspath(filename) tmp = fullpath.split(os.path.sep) shortpath = os.path.sep.join(tmp[-3:]) hdus[0].header["COMMENT"] = "Inc. {}".format(shortpath) #- write via temporary file, then rename tmpfile = get_tempfilename(outfile) hdus.writeto(tmpfile, overwrite="True") os.rename(tmpfile, outfile)"done with {camera}")
[docs]def _find_zeros(night, cameras, nzeros=25, nskip=2): """Find all OBSTYPE=ZERO exposures on a given night Args: night (int): YEARMMDD night to search cameras (list of str): list of cameras to process Options: nzeros (int): number of zeros desired from valid all-cam observations to not worry about partials nskip (int): number of initial zeros to skip Returns: calib_expdict (dict): dictionary of expids (values) for each camera (keys) for calibration zeros noncalib_expdict (dict): dictionary of expids (values) for each camera (keys) for non calibration zeros. Uses production exposure tables to veto known bad ZEROs, but it will also find any ZEROs on disk for that night, regardless of whether they are in the exposures table or not. """ log = get_logger() ## Ensure cameras are array-like and valid if isinstance(cameras, str): cameras = decode_camword(parse_cameras(cameras)) #- Find all ZERO exposures on this night nightdir = io.rawdata_root() + f'/{night}' requestfiles = sorted(glob.glob(f'{nightdir}/*/request*.json')) calib_expids, noncalib_expids = list(), list() for filename in requestfiles: with open(filename) as fx: r = json.load(fx) #- CALIB ZEROs or non-calib ZEROs for dark sequence #- while being robust to missing OBSTYPE or PROGRAM if ('OBSTYPE' in r) and (r['OBSTYPE'] == 'ZERO') and ('PROGRAM' in r): if r['PROGRAM'].startswith('CALIB ZEROs'): calib_expids.append(int(os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(filename)))) elif r['PROGRAM'].startswith('ZEROs for dark sequence'): noncalib_expids.append(int(os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(filename)))) elif r['PROGRAM'].startswith('ZEROs for morning darks'): noncalib_expids.append(int(os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(filename)))) else: continue else: continue #- Remove ZEROs that are flagged as bad, but allow for the possibility #- of ZEROs that aren't in the exposure table for whatever reason log.debug('Checking for pre-identified bad ZEROs') expfile = get_exposure_table_pathname(night) exptable = load_table(expfile, tabletype='exptable') select_zeros=exptable['OBSTYPE']=='zero' bad = select_zeros & (exptable['LASTSTEP']!='all') badcam = select_zeros & (exptable['BADCAMWORD']!='') notallcams = select_zeros & (exptable['CAMWORD']!='a0123456789') expdicts = dict() for expids, zerotype in zip([calib_expids, noncalib_expids], ['calib', 'noncalib']): expids = np.array(expids, dtype=int) #- drop first two zeros because they are sometimes still stabilizing if nskip > 0:'Dropping first {nskip} {zerotype} ZEROs: {expids[0:2]}') expids = expids[nskip:] if np.any(bad): #this discards observations that are bad for all cams drop = np.isin(expids, exptable['EXPID'][bad]) ndrop = np.sum(drop) drop_expids = expids[drop]'Dropping {ndrop} bad {zerotype} ZEROs: {drop_expids}') expids = expids[~drop] if np.any(badcam|notallcams): #do the by spectrograph evaluation of bad spectra drop = np.isin(expids, exptable['EXPID'][badcam|notallcams]) ndrop = np.sum(drop) drop_expids = expids[drop] expids = expids[~drop] #need lists here so we can append good observations on some spectrographs expdict={f'{cam}': list(expids) for cam in cameras} if len(expids) >= nzeros: #in this case we can just drop all partially bad exposures as we have enough that are good on all cams'Additionally dropped {ndrop} partially bad {zerotype} ZEROs for' + f' all cams because of BADCAM/CAMWORD: {drop_expids}') else: #in this case we want to recover as many as possible'additionally dropped {ndrop} bad {zerotype} ZEROs for some cams' + f'because of BADCAM/CAMWORD: {drop_expids}') for expid in drop_expids: select_exp=exptable['EXPID']==expid goodcamword=difference_camwords(exptable['CAMWORD'][select_exp][0], exptable['BADCAMWORD'][select_exp][0]) goodcamlist=decode_camword(goodcamword) for camera in goodcamlist: if camera in cameras: expdict[camera].append(expid) else: expdict={f'{cam}': expids for cam in cameras} for camera,expids in expdict.items():'Keeping {len(expids)} {zerotype} ZEROs for camera {camera}') #make sure everything is in np arrays again expdict[camera] = np.sort(expids).astype(int) expdicts[zerotype] = expdict #- Verify that all cameras in one are present in the other dictionary for cam in set(expdicts['calib'].keys()).union(set(expdicts['noncalib'].keys())): if cam not in expdicts['calib'].keys(): expdicts['calib'][cam] = np.array([], dtype=int) if cam not in expdicts['noncalib'].keys(): expdicts['noncalib'][cam] = np.array([], dtype=int) return expdicts['calib'], expdicts['noncalib']
[docs]def select_zero_expids(calib_exps, noncalib_exps, night, cam, nzeros=25, minzeros=15, nskip=2, anyzeros=False): """Select which ZERO exposure IDs to use for nightly bias Args: calib_exps (array-like): expids of calibration zeros noncalib_exps (array-like): expids of non calibration zeros night (int): YEARMMDD night to process cam (str): camera to process Options: nzeros (int): number of zeros desired from valid all-cam observations to not worry about partials minzeros (int): minimum number of zeros to sufficiently compute a nightly bias nskip (int): number of initial zeros to skip Returns: expids (array): the list of expids selected """ log = get_logger() ntotzeros = len(calib_exps) + len(noncalib_exps) nthreshold = nzeros - nskip # - If anyzeros, use all expids if anyzeros: expids = np.sort(np.append(calib_exps, noncalib_exps)) else: expids = calib_exps ## If we don't have enought total zeros, give up now for this cam if ntotzeros < minzeros: log.error(f'Only {ntotzeros} total ZEROS on {night} and cam {cam};' + f'need at least {minzeros}') return None ## If we have fewer zeros than we ideally want (nthreshold) and we ## have other cals that we haven't tried, add them if not anyzeros and len(expids) < nthreshold and len(noncalib_exps) > 0:'Only {len(expids)} Calib ZEROS on {night} and cam {cam},' + f' but want {nthreshold}. Trying non-calibrations zeros') ## If not enough or just enough noncalib zeros to reach threshold ## add all of them ## Otherwise add just enough noncalib zeros to reach nthreshold if ntotzeros <= nthreshold: num_to_add = len(noncalib_exps) expids = np.sort(np.append(calib_exps, noncalib_exps)) else: ## Draw the exposures from the middle of the set (in hopes that ## they are more stable) num_to_add = nthreshold - len(calib_exps) i = (len(noncalib_exps) - num_to_add) // 2 expids = np.sort( np.append(calib_exps, noncalib_exps[i:i + num_to_add])) ## This shouldn't happen after the above check, but make sure if len(expids) < minzeros: log.error(f'Still only {len(expids)} ZEROS on {night} and ' + f'cam {cam}; need at least {minzeros}.') return None else:'Succeeded in adding {num_to_add} non-calib' + f' zeros. We now have {len(expids)} ZEROS on ' + f'{night} and cam {cam}.') if len(expids) > nzeros: nexps = len(expids) n = (nexps - nzeros) // 2 expids = expids[n:n + nzeros] return expids.astype(int)
[docs]def compute_nightly_bias(night, cameras, outdir=None, nzeros=25, minzeros=15, nskip=2, anyzeros=False, comm=None): """Create nightly biases for cameras on night Args: night (int): YEARMMDD night to process cameras (list of str): list of cameras to process Options: outdir (str): write files to this output directory nzeros (int): number of OBSTYPE=ZERO exposures to use minzeros (int): minimum number of OBSTYPE=ZERO exposures required nskip (int): number of initial zeros to skip anyzeros (bool): allow any ZEROs, not just those taken for CCD calib seq comm: MPI communicator for parallelism Returns: nfail (int): number of cameras that failed across all ranks Writes biasnight*.fits files in outdir or $DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX/$SPECPROD/calibnight/night/ Note: compute_bias_file requires ~12 GB memory per camera, so limit the size of the MPI communicator depending upon the memory available. """ #- only import fitsio if needed, not upon package import import fitsio log = get_logger() ## Ensure cameras are array-like and valid if isinstance(cameras, str): cameras = decode_camword(parse_cameras(cameras)) else: for camera in cameras: if not isinstance(camera, str) or len(camera) != 2 \ or camera[0] not in ['b', 'r', 'z'] or not camera[1].isnumeric(): msg = f"Couldn't understand camera={camera} in {cameras}" log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if comm is not None: rank, size = comm.rank, comm.size else: rank, size = 0, 1 #- Find all zeros for the night expdict = None if rank == 0: calib_expdict, noncalib_expdict = _find_zeros(night, cameras=cameras, nzeros=nzeros, nskip=nskip) used_expdict = {} ## _find_zeros dictionaries already verified to have the same set ## of keys for cam in calib_expdict.keys(): expids = select_zero_expids(calib_expdict[cam], noncalib_expdict[cam], night, cam, nzeros, minzeros, nskip, anyzeros) if expids is not None: used_expdict[cam] = expids'Using {len(used_expdict[cam])} ZEROs for nightly' + f'bias {night} and cam {cam}') expdict=used_expdict if comm is not None: expdict = comm.bcast(expdict, root=0) if len(expdict) == 0: if rank == 0: log.critical("No camera has enough zeros") raise RuntimeError("No camera has enough zeros") #- Rank 0 create output directory if needed if rank == 0: outfile = io.findfile('biasnight', night=night, camera=cameras[0], outdir=outdir) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outfile), exist_ok=True) #- wait for directory creation before continuing if comm is not None: comm.barrier() nfail = 0 for camera in cameras[rank::size]: if camera not in expdict.keys(): log.error(f'execution was skipped for camera {camera} due to lack of usable zeros') nfail+=1 continue expids=expdict[camera] rawfiles=[io.findfile('raw', night, e) for e in expids] outfile = io.findfile('biasnight', night=night, camera=camera, outdir=outdir) #- write to preliminary file until validated as better than default bias head, tail = os.path.split(outfile) tail = tail.replace('biasnight-', 'biasnighttest-') testbias = os.path.join(head, tail) if os.path.exists(outfile):'{outfile} already exists; skipping') elif os.path.exists(testbias):'{testbias} already exists; skipping') else:'Rank {rank} computing nightly bias for {night} {camera}') try: compute_bias_file(rawfiles, testbias, camera, extraheader=dict(NIGHT=night)) except Exception as ex: nfail+=1 log.error(f'Rank {rank} camera {camera} raised {type(ex)} exception {ex}') for line in traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()): log.error(' '+line.strip()) #- Validate that the new nightlybias is better than default if os.path.exists(testbias): rawtestfile = rawfiles[-1] with fitsio.FITS(rawtestfile) as fx: rawhdr = fx['SPEC'].read_header() camhdr = fx[camera].read_header() cf = CalibFinder([rawhdr, camhdr]) defaultbias = cf.findfile('BIAS')'Comparing {night} {camera} nightly bias to {defaultbias} using {os.path.basename(rawtestfile)}') try: mdiff1, mdiff2 = compare_bias(rawtestfile, testbias, defaultbias) except Exception as ex: nfail+=1 log.error(f'Rank {rank} camera {camera} raised {type(ex)} exception {ex}') for line in traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()): log.error(' '+line.strip()) continue maxabs1 = np.max(np.abs(mdiff1)) std1 = np.std(mdiff1) maxabs2 = np.max(np.abs(mdiff2)) std2 = np.std(mdiff2)'Nightly bias {camera}: maxabsdiff {maxabs1:.2f}, stddev {std1:.2f}')'Default bias {camera}: maxabsdiff {maxabs2:.2f}, stddev {std2:.2f}') if maxabs1 < maxabs2 + 0.5 : # add handicap of 0.5 elec to favor nightly bias that also fixes bad columns'Selecting nightly bias for {night} {camera}') os.rename(testbias, outfile) else: log.warning(f'Nightly bias worse than default; leaving {testbias} for inspection') if comm is not None: nfail = np.sum(comm.gather(nfail, root=0)) nfail = comm.bcast(nfail, root=0) if rank == 0 and nfail > 0: log.error(f'{nfail}/{len(cameras)} failed') return nfail
[docs]def compare_bias(rawfile, biasfile1, biasfile2, ny=8, nx=40): """Compare rawfile image to bias images in biasfile1 and biasfile2 Args: rawfile: full filepath to desi*.fits.fz raw data file biasfile1: filepath to bias model made from OBSTYPE=ZERO exposures biasfile2: filepath to bias model made from OBSTYPE=ZERO exposures Options: ny (even int): number of patches in y (row) direction nx (even int): number of patches in x (col) direction Returns tuple (mdiff1[ny,nx], mdiff2[ny,nx]) median(image-bias) in patches The rawfile camera is derived from the biasfile CAMERA header keyword. median(raw-bias) is calculated in ny*nx patches using only the DATASEC portion of the images. Since the DESI CCD bias features tend to vary faster with row than column, default patches are (4k/8 x 4k/40) = 500x100. """ #- only import fitsio if needed, not upon package import import fitsio log = get_logger() bias1, biashdr1 =, header=True) bias2, biashdr2 =, header=True) #- bias cameras must match cam1 = biashdr1['CAMERA'].strip().upper() cam2 = biashdr2['CAMERA'].strip().upper() if cam1 != cam2: msg = f'{biasfile1} camera {cam1} != {biasfile2} camera {cam2}' log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) image, hdr =, ext=cam1, header=True) #- subtract constant per-amp overscan region image = image.astype(float) subtract_peramp_overscan(image, hdr) #- calculate differences per-amp readout_mode = get_readout_mode(hdr) if readout_mode == '4Amp': ny_groups = ny//2 nx_groups = nx//2 elif readout_mode == '2AmpLeftRight': ny_groups = ny nx_groups = nx//2 elif readout_mode == '2AmpUpDown': ny_groups = ny//2 nx_groups = nx else: msg = f'Unknown {readout_mode=}' log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) diff1 = image - bias1 diff2 = image - bias2 median_diff1 = list() median_diff2 = list() amp_ids = get_amp_ids(hdr) for amp in amp_ids: ampdiff1 = np.zeros((ny_groups, nx_groups)) ampdiff2 = np.zeros((ny_groups, nx_groups)) yy, xx = parse_sec_keyword(hdr['DATASEC'+amp]) iiy = np.linspace(yy.start, yy.stop, ny_groups+1).astype(int) jjx = np.linspace(xx.start, xx.stop, nx_groups+1).astype(int) for i in range(ny_groups): for j in range(nx_groups): aa = slice(iiy[i], iiy[i+1]) bb = slice(jjx[j], jjx[j+1]) #- median of differences ampdiff1[i,j] = np.median(image[aa,bb] - bias1[aa,bb]) ampdiff2[i,j] = np.median(image[aa,bb] - bias2[aa,bb]) #- Note: diff(medians) is less sensitive ## ampdiff1[i,j] = np.median(image[aa,bb]) - np.median(bias1[aa,bb]) ## ampdiff2[i,j] = np.median(image[aa,bb]) - np.median(bias2[aa,bb]) median_diff1.append(ampdiff1) median_diff2.append(ampdiff2) #- put back into 2D array by amp d1 = median_diff1 d2 = median_diff2 if readout_mode == '4Amp': mdiff1 = np.vstack([np.hstack([d1[2],d1[3]]), np.hstack([d1[0],d1[2]])]) mdiff2 = np.vstack([np.hstack([d2[2],d2[3]]), np.hstack([d2[0],d2[2]])]) elif readout_mode == '2AmpLeftRight': mdiff1 = np.hstack([d1[0], d1[1]]) mdiff2 = np.hstack([d2[0], d2[1]]) elif readout_mode == '2AmpUpDown': mdiff1 = np.vstack([d1[0], d1[1]]) mdiff2 = np.vstack([d2[0], d2[1]]) assert mdiff1.shape == (ny,nx) assert mdiff2.shape == (ny,nx) return mdiff1, mdiff2
[docs]def compare_dark(preprocfile1, preprocfile2, ny=8, nx=40): """Compare preprocessed dark images based on different dark models Args: preprocfile1: filepath to preprocessed (i.e. dark subtracted) DARK image preprocfile2: filepath to preprocessed (i.e. dark subtracted) DARK image Options: ny (even int): number of patches in y (row) direction nx (even int): number of patches in x (col) direction Returns tuple (mdiff1[ny,nx], mdiff2[ny,nx]) median(image-bias) in patches median(raw-bias) is calculated in ny*nx patches using only the DATASEC portion of the images. Since the DESI CCD bias features tend to vary faster with row than column, default patches are (4k/8 x 4k/40) = 500x100. """ #- only import fitsio if needed, not upon package import import fitsio log = get_logger() diff1, preprochdr1 =, header=True) diff2, preprochdr2 =, header=True) #- bias cameras must match cam1 = preprochdr1['CAMERA'].strip().upper() cam2 = preprochdr2['CAMERA'].strip().upper() if cam1 != cam2: msg = f'{preprocfile1} camera {cam1} != {preprocfile2} camera {cam2}' log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) #- calculate differences per-amp readout_mode = get_readout_mode(preprochdr1) if readout_mode == '4Amp': ny_groups = ny//2 nx_groups = nx//2 elif readout_mode == '2AmpLeftRight': ny_groups = ny nx_groups = nx//2 elif readout_mode == '2AmpUpDown': ny_groups = ny//2 nx_groups = nx else: msg = f'Unknown {readout_mode=}' log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) median_diff1 = list() median_diff2 = list() amp_ids = get_amp_ids(preprochdr1) for amp in amp_ids: ampdiff1 = np.zeros((ny_groups, nx_groups)) ampdiff2 = np.zeros((ny_groups, nx_groups)) #DATASEC is still CCD based, where DETSEC is given the coords in preproc x/y units? yy, xx = parse_sec_keyword(preprochdr1['DETSEC'+amp]) iiy = np.linspace(yy.start, yy.stop, ny_groups+1).astype(int) jjx = np.linspace(xx.start, xx.stop, nx_groups+1).astype(int) for i in range(ny_groups): for j in range(nx_groups): aa = slice(iiy[i], iiy[i+1]) bb = slice(jjx[j], jjx[j+1]) #- median of differences ampdiff1[i,j] = np.median(diff1[aa,bb]) ampdiff2[i,j] = np.median(diff2[aa,bb]) #- Note: diff(medians) is less sensitive ## ampdiff1[i,j] = np.median(image[aa,bb]) - np.median(bias1[aa,bb]) ## ampdiff2[i,j] = np.median(image[aa,bb]) - np.median(bias2[aa,bb]) median_diff1.append(ampdiff1) median_diff2.append(ampdiff2) #- put back into 2D array by amp d1 = median_diff1 d2 = median_diff2 if readout_mode == '4Amp': mdiff1 = np.vstack([np.hstack([d1[2],d1[3]]), np.hstack([d1[0],d1[2]])]) mdiff2 = np.vstack([np.hstack([d2[2],d2[3]]), np.hstack([d2[0],d2[2]])]) elif readout_mode == '2AmpLeftRight': mdiff1 = np.hstack([d1[0], d1[1]]) mdiff2 = np.hstack([d2[0], d2[1]]) elif readout_mode == '2AmpUpDown': mdiff1 = np.vstack([d1[0], d1[1]]) mdiff2 = np.vstack([d2[0], d2[1]]) assert mdiff1.shape == (ny,nx) assert mdiff2.shape == (ny,nx) return mdiff1, mdiff2
[docs]def fit_const_plus_dark(exp_arr,image_arr): """ fit const + dark*t model given images and exptimes Args: exp_arr: list of exposure times image_arr: list of average dark images returns: (const, dark) tuple of images NOTE: the image_arr should *not* be divided by the exposure time """ n_images=len(image_arr) n0=image_arr[0].shape[0] n1=image_arr[0].shape[1] # fit dark A = np.zeros((2,2)) b0 = np.zeros((n0,n1)) b1 = np.zeros((n0,n1)) for image,exptime in zip(image_arr,exp_arr) : res = image A[0,0] += 1 A[0,1] += exptime A[1,0] += exptime A[1,1] += exptime**2 b0 += res b1 += res*exptime # const + exptime * dark Ai = np.linalg.inv(A) const = Ai[0,0]*b0 + Ai[0,1]*b1 dark = Ai[1,0]*b0 + Ai[1,1]*b1 return const, dark
[docs]def fit_dark(exp_arr,image_arr): """ fit dark*t model given images and exptimes Args: exp_arr: list of exposure times image_arr: list of average dark images returns: dark_image NOTE: the image_arr should *not* be divided by the exposure time """ n_images=len(image_arr) n0=image_arr[0].shape[0] n1=image_arr[0].shape[1] # fit dark a = 0 b = np.zeros((n0,n1)) for image,exptime in zip(image_arr,exp_arr) : res = image a += exptime**2 b += res*exptime return b/a
[docs]def model_y1d(image, smooth=0): """ Model image as a sigma-clipped mean 1D function of row Args: image: 2D array to model Options: smooth (int): if >0, Savitzky-Golay filter curve by this window Returns 1D model of image with len = image.shape[0] """ ny, nx = image.shape median1d = np.median(image, axis=1) absdiffimg = np.abs((image.T - median1d).T) robust_sigma = 1.4826*np.median(absdiffimg, axis=1) keep = (absdiffimg.T < 4*robust_sigma).T model1d = np.average(image, weights=keep, axis=1) if smooth>0: model1d[0:ny//2] = savgol_filter(model1d[0:ny//2], smooth, polyorder=3) model1d[ny//2:] = savgol_filter(model1d[ny//2:], smooth, polyorder=3) return model1d
[docs]def make_dark_scripts(outdir, days=None, nights=None, cameras=None, linexptime=None, nskip_zeros=None, tempdir=None, nosubmit=False, first_expid=None,night_for_name=None, use_exptable=True,queue='realtime', copy_outputs_to_split_dirs=False, prepared_exptable=None, system_name=None, min_vccdsec=None): """ Generate batch script to run desi_compute_dark_nonlinear Args: outdir (str): output directory days or nights (list of int): days or nights to include Options: cameras (list of str): cameras to include, e.g. b0, r1, z9 linexptime (float): exptime after which dark current is linear nskip_zeros (int): number of ZEROs at beginning of day/night to skip tempdir (str): tempfile working directory nosubmit (bool): generate scripts but don't submit them to batch queue first_expid (int): ignore expids prior to this use_exptable (bool): use shortened copy of joined exposure tables instead of spectable (need to have right $SPECPROD set) queue (str): which batch queue to use for submission copy_outputs_to_split_dirs (bool): whether to copy outputs to bias_frames/dark_frames subdirs prepared_exptable (exptable): if a table is submitted here, no further spectra will be searched and this will be used instead system_name (str): the system for which batch files should be created, defaults to guessing current system min_vccdsec(str): minimum time a ccd needs to be turned on to be allowed in the model Args/Options are passed to the desi_compute_dark_nonlinear script """ log = get_logger() batch_config=get_config(system_name) runtime= 240 * batch_config['timefactor'] runtime_hh = int(runtime // 60) runtime_mm = int(runtime % 60) if tempdir is None: tempdir = os.path.join(outdir, 'temp')'using tempdir {tempdir}') if not os.path.isdir(tempdir): os.makedirs(tempdir) if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makdeirs(outdir) if cameras is None: cameras = list() for sp in range(10): for c in ['b', 'r', 'z']: cameras.append(c+str(sp)) today ='%Y%m%d') #- Convert list of days to single string to use in command lastdayornight=0 if days is not None: days = ' '.join([str(tmp) for tmp in days]) lastdayornight=sorted(days.split())[-1] elif nights is not None: nights = ' '.join([str(tmp) for tmp in nights]) lastdayornight=sorted(nights.split())[-1] else: msg = 'Must specify days or nights' log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) #- Create exposure log so that N>>1 jobs don't step on each other nightlist = [int(tmp) for tmp in nights.split()] if prepared_exptable is None: if use_exptable: #grab all exposures from the exposure log in case some have been marked bad #note that some exposures will not be in here, so we'll assume those are all fine'Using exposure tables for {len(nightlist)} night directories') expfiles=[] for night in nightlist: expfiles.append(get_exposure_table_pathname(night)) exptables = load_tables(expfiles) exptable_all=table_vstack(exptables) select = ((exptable_all['OBSTYPE']=='zero')|(exptable_all['OBSTYPE']=='dark')) exptable_select=exptable_all[select]'Scanning {len(nightlist)} night directories') speclog = io.util.get_speclog(nightlist) select_speclog = ((speclog['OBSTYPE']=='ZERO')|(speclog['OBSTYPE']=='DARK')) speclog = speclog[select_speclog] if use_exptable: badcamwords=[] laststeps=[] badamps=[] camwords=[] for entry in speclog: if entry['EXPID'] in exptable_select['EXPID']: sel=entry['EXPID']==exptable_select['EXPID'] badcamwords.append(exptable_select['BADCAMWORD'][sel][0]) badamps.append(exptable_select['BADAMPS'][sel][0]) camwords.append(exptable_select['CAMWORD'][sel][0]) laststeps.append(exptable_select['LASTSTEP'][sel][0]) else: badcamwords.append("") laststeps.append("all") camwords.append("a0123456789") badamps.append("") speclog.add_column(badcamwords,name='BADCAMWORD') speclog.add_column(laststeps,name='LASTSTEP') speclog.add_column(camwords,name='CAMWORD') speclog.add_column(badamps,name='BADAMPS') else: #TODO: need to check if this works properly, else needs to be adapted speclog=prepared_exptable speclog.rename_column('MJD-OBS','MJD') del speclog['HEADERERR'] del speclog['EXPFLAG'] del speclog['COMMENTS'] speclog['OBSTYPE']=np.char.upper(speclog['OBSTYPE']) t = Time(speclog['MJD']-7/24, format='mjd') speclog['DAY'] = t.strftime('%Y%m%d').astype(int) speclogfile = os.path.join(tempdir, 'speclog.csv') tmpfile = speclogfile + '.tmp-' + str(os.getpid()) speclog.write(tmpfile, format='ascii.csv') os.rename(tmpfile, speclogfile)'Wrote speclog to {speclogfile}') n_jobs_per_script = int(batch_config['cores_per_node']//32) #create scripts that do up to 4 cameras in parallel batch_opts = list() if 'batch_opts' in batch_config: for opt in batch_config['batch_opts']: batch_opts.append(f'#SBATCH {opt}') batch_opts = '\n'.join(batch_opts) n_scripts=int(len(cameras)//n_jobs_per_script) if len(cameras)%n_jobs_per_script !=0: n_scripts+=1 for scriptid in range(n_scripts): if night_for_name is not None : job_filename_key=f'scriptnumber-{scriptid}-{night_for_name}' else: job_filename_key = f'scriptnumber-{scriptid}-{lastdayornight}' batchfile = os.path.join(tempdir, f'dark-{job_filename_key}.slurm') logfile = os.path.join(tempdir, f'dark-{job_filename_key}-%j.log') #header with open(batchfile, 'w') as fx: fx.write(f'''#!/bin/bash -l #SBATCH -N 1 #SBATCH --qos {queue} #SBATCH --account desi #SBATCH --job-name dark-{job_filename_key} #SBATCH --output {logfile} #SBATCH --time={f"{runtime_hh:02d}:{runtime_mm:02d}:00" if queue!="debug" else "00:30:00"} #SBATCH --exclusive {batch_opts} cd {outdir} ''') minind=scriptid*n_jobs_per_script maxind=(scriptid+1)*n_jobs_per_script if maxind>len(cameras): maxind=len(cameras) darkfile_list=[] biasfile_list=[] for camera in cameras[minind:maxind]: sp = 'sp' + camera[1] sm = sp2sm(sp) #key = f'{sm}-{camera}-{today}' if night_for_name is not None : key = f'{sm}-{camera}-{night_for_name}' else : key = f'{sm}-{camera}-{lastdayornight}' darkfile = f'dark-{key}.fits.gz' biasfile = f'bias-{key}.fits.gz' logfile2 = os.path.join(tempdir, f'dark-{key}-${{SLURM_JOB_ID}}.log') darkfile_list.append(darkfile) biasfile_list.append(biasfile) cmd = f"desi_compute_dark_nonlinear" cmd += f" \\\n --camera {camera}" cmd += f" \\\n --tempdir {tempdir}" cmd += f" \\\n --darkfile {darkfile}" cmd += f" \\\n --biasfile {biasfile}" if days is not None: cmd += f" \\\n --days {days}" if nights is not None: cmd += f" \\\n --nights {nights}" if linexptime is not None: cmd += f" \\\n --linexptime {linexptime}" if nskip_zeros is not None: cmd += f" \\\n --nskip-zeros {nskip_zeros}" if first_expid is not None: cmd += f" \\\n --first-expid {first_expid}" if min_vccdsec is not None: cmd += f" \\\n --min-vccdsec {min_vccdsec}" with open(batchfile, 'a') as fx: fx.write(f"time {cmd} > {logfile2} 2> {logfile2} &\n") with open(batchfile, 'a') as fx: fx.write("wait\n") for darkfile,biasfile in zip(darkfile_list,biasfile_list): if copy_outputs_to_split_dirs: fx.write(f""" cp {darkfile} dark_frames/{darkfile} cp {biasfile} bias_frames/{biasfile} """) #TODO: the copying needs to be done in a cleaner way, maybe as part of the desi_compute_dark_nonlinear? or just writing to the corresponding output dir directly if not nosubmit: err =['sbatch', batchfile]) if err == 0:'Submitted {batchfile}') else: log.error(f'Error {err} submitting {batchfile}') else:"Generated but didn't submit {batchfile}")
[docs]def make_regular_darks(outdir=None, lastnight=None, cameras=None, window=30, linexptime=None, nskip_zeros=None, tempdir=None, nosubmit=False, first_expid=None,night_for_name=None, use_exptable=True,queue='realtime', copy_outputs_to_split_dirs=None, transmit_obslist = True, system_name=None, no_obslist=False,min_vccdsec=None): """ Generate batch script to run desi_compute_dark_nonlinear Options: outdir (str): output directory lastnight (int): last night to take into account (inclusive), defaults to tonight window (int): length of time window to take into account cameras (list of str): cameras to include, e.g. b0, r1, z9 linexptime (float): exptime after which dark current is linear nskip_zeros (int): number of ZEROs at beginning of day/night to skip tempdir (str): tempfile working directory nosubmit (bool): generate scripts but don't submit them to batch queue first_expid (int): ignore expids prior to this use_exptable (bool): use shortened copy of joined exposure tables instead of spectable (need to have right $SPECPROD set) queue (str): which batch queue to use for submission transmit_obslist(bool): if True will give use the obslist from here downstream system_name(str): allows to overwrite the system for which slurm scripts are created, will default to guessing the current system no_obslist(str): just use exactly the specified night-range, but assume we do not have exposure tables for this (useful when there is no exposure_table yet) min_vccdsec(float): minimum time a ccd needs to be turned on to be allowed in the model (default: 21600=6h) Args/Options are passed to the desi_compute_dark_nonlinear script """ log = get_logger() if lastnight is None:'%Y%m%d') if outdir is None: outdir=os.getenv('DESI_SPECTRO_DARK') if tempdir is None: tempdir=outdir+f'/temp_{lastnight}' if copy_outputs_to_split_dirs is None: copy_outputs_to_split_dirs = True #probably run a script here that updates the obslist or checks it's up-to-date startnight=datetime.datetime.strptime(str(lastnight),'%Y%m%d')-datetime.timedelta(days=window-1) nights = [int((startnight+datetime.timedelta(days=i)).strftime('%Y%m%d')) for i in range(window)] if no_obslist: #this part is only to allow running the dark scripts before we have an exposure table usenights=[] for n in nights: if len(glob.glob(f"{os.getenv('DESI_SPECTRO_DATA')}/{n}/*"))>0: usenights.append(n) nights=usenights obslist=None use_exptable=False else: obslist=load_table(f"{os.getenv('DESI_SPECTRO_DARK')}/exp_dark_zero.csv") #read all calib files to get dates of changes yaml_filenames=glob.glob(os.getenv('DESI_SPECTRO_CALIB')+'/spec/sm*/*.yaml') all_config_data={} for y_file in yaml_filenames: with open(y_file) as f: y_data=yaml.safe_load(f) all_config_data.update(y_data) #extract only the main keys which are dates except for the very first one (could elsewise check on OBS-BEGIN), only mildly more complicated change_dates={k:[] for k in all_config_data.keys()} for speckey,data in all_config_data.items(): required_keys=[(k,{k2:v2 for (k2,v2) in v.items() if k2 in ['DATE-OBS-BEGIN','DATE-OBS-END','DETECTOR','CCDTMING','CCDCFG','AMPLIFIERS']}) for k,v in data.items()] required_keys.sort(key=lambda x:x[1]['DATE-OBS-BEGIN'],reverse=True) usever,useval=required_keys[0] for newver,newval in required_keys[1:]: usenew=True for key in ['DETECTOR','CCDTMING','CCDCFG','AMPLIFIERS']: if useval[key]!=newval[key]: usenew = False break if not usenew: change_dates[speckey].append(int(useval['DATE-OBS-BEGIN'])) useval = newval usever = newver useval = newval usever = newver change_dates_any_spectrograph=sorted(np.unique([int(d) for v in change_dates.values() for d in v])) #this is to not overcomplicate things by tracking per detector yet nights = [n for n in nights if n in obslist['NIGHT']] if len(nights)==0: log.critical("No darks were taken for this time frame, exiting") sys.exit(1) change_dates_in_nights=[d for d in change_dates_any_spectrograph if d<max(nights) and d>min(nights)] #change_dates_relevant={k:v for k,v in change_dates.items() if v in change_dates_in_nights} change_dates_relevant={} for speckey,dates in change_dates.items(): dates_relevant= [date for date in dates if date in change_dates_in_nights] if len(dates_relevant)>0: dates_relevant.sort() change_dates_relevant[speckey]=dates_relevant[-1] obslist=obslist[[o['NIGHT'] in nights for o in obslist]] for i,o in enumerate(obslist): for speckey, date in change_dates_relevant.items(): if o['NIGHT']<date: badcamword_decoded=decode_camword(o['BADCAMWORD']) spec=sm2sp(speckey.split('-')[0]) color=speckey[-1] mask_sp=f"{color}{spec[-1]}" if mask_sp not in badcamword_decoded: badcamword_decoded.append(mask_sp) badcamword_encoded=create_camword(badcamword_decoded) obslist[i]['BADCAMWORD']=badcamword_encoded #truncate to the right nights if transmit_obslist: obslist=obslist[[o['NIGHT'] in nights for o in obslist]] if nskip_zeros is None: nskip_zeros = 0 else: obslist = None make_dark_scripts(outdir, nights=nights, cameras=cameras, linexptime=linexptime, nskip_zeros=nskip_zeros, tempdir=tempdir, nosubmit=nosubmit, first_expid=first_expid,night_for_name=night_for_name, use_exptable=use_exptable,queue=queue, copy_outputs_to_split_dirs=copy_outputs_to_split_dirs,prepared_exptable=obslist, system_name=system_name, min_vccdsec=min_vccdsec)