Source code for desispec.scripts.createoverride


import yaml
import os
import time
import numpy as np

from import findfile

[docs]def valid_night(night): """ Test whether or not the input night is valid for a YEARMMDD DESI night or not. Args: night, str, 8 char YEARMMDD. Returns: bool, True if date is consistent. NOTE: Theres a Y2K-esque bug here for dates before 2013 and after 2033 """ isvalid = night.isnumeric() \ and np.abs(int(night[:4]) - 2023) < 10 \ and np.abs(int(night[4:6]) - 6.5) < 6 \ and np.abs(int(night[6:]) - 16) < 15 if not isvalid: print(f"--> Received invalid response: '{night}'. Must be YEARMMDD.") return isvalid
[docs]def valid_yes_no(string): """ Test whether or not the input is valid for a yes/no answer Args: string, str, string to test. Returns: bool, True if input string starts with 'y' or 'n'. """ string = string.lower() isvalid = len(string) > 0 and string[0] in ['y', 'n'] if not isvalid: print(f"--> Received invalid response: '{string}'. Must be 'y' or 'n'.") return isvalid
[docs]def get_response(input_question, validation_func): """ Keep requesting inputs until a valid response is given Args: input_question, str, question to prompt to the user. validation_func, function, function that takes a string as input and returns a boolean representing whether the string is a valid response or not. Returns: response, str, the string provided by the user that passes validation. """ good_format = False response = None while not good_format: response = input(input_question) good_format = validation_func(response) print(f"--> Received valid response: {response}") return response
[docs]def get_night(prompt): """ Prompt the user for a night and return the night as an integer """ night = get_response(prompt, valid_night) return int(night)
[docs]def is_yes(prompt): """ Prompt the user with a yes/no question and return a boolean yes<->True """ response = get_response(prompt, valid_yes_no) return str(response)[0] == 'y'
[docs]def create_override_file(args): """ Create an override file with the given inputs. If no inputs given, prompt the user for all necessary information. """ if args.night is None: night = get_night("What night is it? ") else: night = int(args.night) outdict = {'calibration': dict()} if args.linkcal is None: linkcal = is_yes("Does this night require cal linking? ") else: linkcal = args.linkcal if linkcal: refnight = get_night("What is the reference night? ") good_bias = is_yes("Are there valid zeros for biases? ") good_cte = is_yes("Are there valid falts for cte corections? ") good_badcol = is_yes("Is there a valid dark for badcolumn detection? ") good_psf = is_yes("Are there valid arcs for psf generation? ") good_flats = is_yes("Are there valid flats for " + "fiberflatnight generation? ") if not good_psf and good_flats: print("Since good_psf is False, we cannot use the flats. " + "Setting good_flats to False") good_flats = False if good_bias and good_cte and good_badcol and good_psf and good_flats: print("WARNING: All calibrations given as good for the current " + "night, so *NOT* linking calibrations in the override file.") linkcal = False else: outdict['calibration'] = {'linkcal': dict()} linkcal_include_list, goods, bads = list(), list(), list() if not good_bias: linkcal_include_list.append('biasnight') bads.append('bias') else: goods.append('bias') if not good_cte: linkcal_include_list.append('ctecorrnight') bads.append('cte flats') else: goods.append('cte flats') if not good_badcol: linkcal_include_list.append('badcolumns') bads.append('badcols') else: goods.append('badcols') if not good_psf: linkcal_include_list.append('psfnight') bads.append('psfs') else: goods.append('psfs') if not good_flats: linkcal_include_list.append('fiberflatnight') bads.append('flats') else: goods.append('flats') linkcal_include = ','.join(linkcal_include_list) outdict['calibration']['linkcal'] = {'refnight': refnight, 'include': linkcal_include} if args.ff_solve_grad is None: ff_solve_grad = is_yes("Do we need to set --solve-gradient in autocalib_fiberflat? ") else: ff_solve_grad = args.ff_solve_grad if ff_solve_grad: print("\nNOTE: Check that reference fiberflats in $DESI_SPECTRO_CALIB" + f" are valid for use in gradient correction on {night}.\n") outdict['calibration']['nightlyflat'] = {'extra_cmd_args': ['--autocal-ff-solve-grad']} if not linkcal and not ff_solve_grad: print("There is nothing to be set in an override " + "file, so not creating one.") else: pathname = findfile('override', night=night) dirname = os.path.dirname(pathname) if not os.path.exists(dirname): print(f"{dirname} doesn't exist. Creating directory.") os.makedirs(dirname) if os.path.exists(pathname): timestamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%Hh%Mm') archivepathname = pathname.replace('.yaml', f".{timestamp}.yaml") print(f"\nWARNING: {pathname} exists. Moving that to " + f"{archivepathname}.\n") os.rename(pathname, archivepathname) with open(pathname, 'w') as fil: fil.write(f"# DESI override file for {night}\n") if linkcal: goodstr = ','.join(goods) badstr = ','.join(bads) fil.write(f"# linkcal notes: current night's {goodstr} were ok; {badstr} were bad\n") if ff_solve_grad: fil.write(f"# nightlyflat notes: using '--autocal-ff-solve-grad'\n") fil.write("\n") ## Write out the yaml portion in proper format ## default_flow_style is set to None to get bracketed list ([]) but that also does ## curly brackets in linkcal, so avoid that if doing linkcal if linkcal: yaml.safe_dump(outdict, fil) else: yaml.safe_dump(outdict, fil, default_flow_style=None) print(f"\nWrote override file to: {pathname}")