Source code for desispec.scripts.daily_processing


import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import time
from astropy.table import Table
import glob

## Import some helper functions, you can see their definitions by uncomenting the bash shell command
from desispec.workflow.tableio import load_tables, write_tables, write_table
from desispec.workflow.utils import verify_variable_with_environment, pathjoin, listpath, \
                                    get_printable_banner, sleep_and_report
from desispec.workflow.timing import during_operating_hours, what_night_is_it, wait_for_cals
from desispec.workflow.exptable import default_obstypes_for_exptable, get_exposure_table_column_defs, \
    get_exposure_table_path, get_exposure_table_name, summarize_exposure
from desispec.workflow.proctable import default_obstypes_for_proctable, \
                                        get_processing_table_path, \
                                        get_processing_table_name, \
                                        erow_to_prow, default_prow
from desispec.workflow.processing import parse_previous_tables, flat_joint_fit, arc_joint_fit, get_type_and_tile, \
                                        science_joint_fit, define_and_assign_dependency, create_and_submit, \
                                        update_and_recurvsively_submit, checkfor_and_submit_joint_job, \
from desispec.workflow.queue import update_from_queue, any_jobs_not_complete
from import difference_camwords, parse_badamps, validate_badamps

[docs]def daily_processing_manager(specprod=None, exp_table_path=None, proc_table_path=None, path_to_data=None, expobstypes=None, procobstypes=None, z_submit_types=None, camword=None, badcamword=None, badamps=None, override_night=None, tab_filetype='csv', queue='realtime', exps_to_ignore=None, data_cadence_time=300, queue_cadence_time=1800, exp_cadence_time=2, dry_run_level=0, dry_run=False, no_redshifts=False, continue_looping_debug=False, dont_check_job_outputs=False, dont_resubmit_partial_jobs=False, verbose=False, use_specter=False, use_tilenight=False): """ Generates processing tables for the nights requested. Requires exposure tables to exist on disk. Args: specprod: str. The name of the current production. If used, this will overwrite the SPECPROD environment variable. exp_table_path: str. Full path to where to exposure tables are stored, WITHOUT the monthly directory included. proc_table_path: str. Full path to where to processing tables to be written. path_to_data: str. Path to the raw data. expobstypes: str or comma separated list of strings. The exposure OBSTYPE's that you want to include in the exposure table. procobstypes: str or comma separated list of strings. The exposure OBSTYPE's that you want to include in the processing table. z_submit_types: list of str's or comma separated list of string. The "group" types of redshifts that should be submitted with each exposure. If not specified, default for daily processing is ['cumulative', 'pernight-v0']. If false, 'false', or [], then no redshifts are submitted. camword: str. Camword that, if set, alters the set of cameras that will be set for processing. Examples: a0123456789, a1, a2b3r3, a2b3r4z3. badcamword: str. Camword that, if set, will be removed from the camword defined in camword if given, or the camword inferred from the data if camword is not given. badamps: str. Comma seperated list of bad amplifiers that should not be processed. Should be of the form "{camera}{petal}{amp}", i.e. "[brz][0-9][ABCD]". Example: 'b7D,z8A' override_night: str or int. 8 digit night, e.g. 20200314, of data to run on. If None, it runs on the current night. tab_filetype: str. The file extension (without the '.') of the exposure and processing tables. queue: str. The name of the queue to submit the jobs to. Default is "realtime". exps_to_ignore: list. A list of exposure id's that should not be processed. Each should be an integer. data_cadence_time: int. Wait time in seconds between loops in looking for new data. Default is 30 seconds. queue_cadence_time: int. Wait time in seconds between loops in checking queue statuses and resubmitting failures. Default is 1800s. exp_cadence_time: int. Wait time in seconds between loops over each science exposure. Default 2. dry_run_level, int, If nonzero, this is a simulated run. If dry_run=1 the scripts will be written or submitted. If dry_run=2, the scripts will not be writter or submitted. Logging will remain the same for testing as though scripts are being submitted. Default is 0 (false). dry_run, bool. When to run without submitting scripts or not. If dry_run_level is defined, then it over-rides this flag. dry_run_level not set and dry_run=True, dry_run_level is set to 2 (no scripts generated or run). Default for dry_run is False. no_redshifts, bool. Whether to submit redshifts or not. If True, redshifts are not submitted. continue_looping_debug: bool. FOR DEBUG purposes only. Will continue looping in search of new data until the process is terminated. Default is False. dont_check_job_outputs, bool. Default is False. If False, the code checks for the existence of the expected final data products for the script being submitted. If all files exist and this is False, then the script will not be submitted. If some files exist and this is False, only the subset of the cameras without the final data products will be generated and submitted. dont_resubmit_partial_jobs, bool. Default is False. Must be used with dont_check_job_outputs=False. If this flag is False, jobs with some prior data are pruned using PROCCAMWORD to only process the remaining cameras not found to exist. verbose: bool. True if you want more verbose output, false otherwise. Current not propagated to lower code, so it is only used in the main daily_processing script itself. use_specter, bool, optional. Default is False. If True, use specter, otherwise use gpu_specter by default. use_tilenight (bool, optional): Default is False. If True, use desi_proc_tilenight for prestdstar, stdstar, and poststdstar steps for science exposures. Returns: Nothing Notes: Generates both exposure table and processing tables 'on the fly' and saves them at various checkpoints. These should be capable of being reloaded in case of interuption or accidental termination of the manager's process. """ ## If not being done during operating hours, and we're not simulating data or running a catchup run, exit. if not during_operating_hours(dry_run=dry_run) and override_night is None: print("Not during operating hours, and not asked to perform a dry run or run on historic data. Exiting.") sys.exit(0) ## What night are we running on? true_night = what_night_is_it() if override_night is not None: night = int(override_night) print(f"True night is {true_night}, but running for night={night}") else: night = true_night ## Wait for calibrations to completely arrive before proceeding, ## since we need to measure CTE from flats first found_cals = wait_for_cals(night) if not found_cals: print(f"ERROR: didn't find calibration data for {night}") sys.exit(1) if continue_looping_debug: print("continue_looping_debug is set. Will continue looking for new data and needs to be terminated by the user.") ## Recast booleans from double negative check_for_outputs = (not dont_check_job_outputs) resubmit_partial_complete = (not dont_resubmit_partial_jobs) ## Define the obstypes to process if procobstypes is None: procobstypes = default_obstypes_for_proctable() elif isinstance(procobstypes, str): procobstypes = procobstypes.split(',') ## Define the obstypes to save information for in the exposure table if expobstypes is None: expobstypes = default_obstypes_for_exptable() elif isinstance(expobstypes, str): expobstypes = expobstypes.split(',') ## Define the group types of redshifts you want to generate for each tile if no_redshifts: z_submit_types = None else: if z_submit_types is None: pass elif isinstance(z_submit_types, str): if z_submit_types.lower() == 'false': z_submit_types = None elif z_submit_types.lower() == 'none': z_submit_types = None else: z_submit_types = [ztype.strip().lower() for ztype in z_submit_types.split(',')] for ztype in z_submit_types: if ztype not in ['cumulative', 'pernight-v0', 'pernight', 'perexp']: raise ValueError(f"Couldn't understand ztype={ztype} in z_submit_types={z_submit_types}.") else: raise ValueError(f"Couldn't understand z_submit_types={z_submit_types}, type={type(z_submit_types)}.") if z_submit_types is None: print("Not submitting scripts for redshift fitting") else: print(f"Redshift fitting with redshift group types: {z_submit_types}") ## Reconcile the dry_run and dry_run_level if dry_run and dry_run_level == 0: dry_run_level = 2 elif dry_run_level > 0: dry_run = True ## expobstypes must contain all the types used in processing for typ in procobstypes: if typ not in expobstypes: expobstypes.append(typ) ## Warn people if changing camword finalcamword = 'a0123456789' if camword is not None and badcamword is None: badcamword = difference_camwords(finalcamword,camword) finalcamword = camword elif camword is not None and badcamword is not None: finalcamword = difference_camwords(camword, badcamword) badcamword = difference_camwords('a0123456789', finalcamword) elif badcamword is not None: finalcamword = difference_camwords(finalcamword,badcamword) else: badcamword = '' if badcamword != '': ## Inform the user what will be done with it. print(f"Modifying camword of data to be processed with badcamword: {badcamword}. "+\ f"Camword to be processed: {finalcamword}") ## Make sure badamps is formatted properly if badamps is None: badamps = '' else: badamps = validate_badamps(badamps) ## Define the set of exposures to ignore if exps_to_ignore is None: exps_to_ignore = set() else: exps_to_ignore = np.sort(np.array(exps_to_ignore).astype(int)) print(f"\nReceived exposures to ignore: {exps_to_ignore}") exps_to_ignore = set(exps_to_ignore) ## Get context specific variable values colnames, coltypes, coldefaults = get_exposure_table_column_defs(return_default_values=True) ## Define where to find the data path_to_data = verify_variable_with_environment(var=path_to_data,var_name='path_to_data', env_name='DESI_SPECTRO_DATA') specprod = verify_variable_with_environment(var=specprod,var_name='specprod',env_name='SPECPROD') ## Define the naming scheme for the raw data ## Manifests (describing end of cals, etc.) don't have a data file, so search for those separately data_glob = os.path.join(path_to_data, str(night), '*', 'desi-*.fit*') manifest_glob = os.path.join(path_to_data, str(night), '*', 'manifest_*.json') ## Determine where the exposure table will be written if exp_table_path is None: exp_table_path = get_exposure_table_path(night=night, usespecprod=True) os.makedirs(exp_table_path, exist_ok=True) name = get_exposure_table_name(night=night, extension=tab_filetype) exp_table_pathname = pathjoin(exp_table_path, name) ## Determine where the processing table will be written if proc_table_path is None: proc_table_path = get_processing_table_path() os.makedirs(proc_table_path, exist_ok=True) name = get_processing_table_name(prodmod=night, extension=tab_filetype) proc_table_pathname = pathjoin(proc_table_path, name) ## Determine where the unprocessed data table will be written unproc_table_pathname = pathjoin(proc_table_path,name.replace('processing', 'unprocessed')) ## Combine the table names and types for easier passing to io functions table_pathnames = [exp_table_pathname, proc_table_pathname, unproc_table_pathname] table_types = ['exptable','proctable','unproctable'] ## Load in the files defined above etable, ptable, unproc_table = load_tables(tablenames=table_pathnames, \ tabletypes=table_types) ## Get relevant data from the tables all_exps = set(etable['EXPID']) arcs, flats, sciences, calibjobs, curtype, lasttype, \ curtile, lasttile, internal_id = parse_previous_tables(etable, ptable, night) do_bias = ('bias' in procobstypes or 'dark' in procobstypes) ## While running on the proper night and during night hours, ## or doing a dry_run or override_night, keep looping while ( (night == what_night_is_it()) and during_operating_hours(dry_run=dry_run) ) or ( override_night is not None ): ## Get a list of new exposures that have been found print(f"\n\n\nPreviously known exposures: {all_exps}") data_exps = set(sorted([int(os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(fil))) for fil in glob.glob(data_glob)])) manifest_exps = set(sorted([int(os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(fil))) for fil in glob.glob(manifest_glob)])) located_exps = data_exps.union(manifest_exps) new_exps = located_exps.difference(all_exps) all_exps = located_exps # i.e. new_exps.union(all_exps) print(f"\nNew exposures: {new_exps}\n\n") ## If there aren't any new exps and there won't be more because we're running on an old night or simulating things, exit if (not continue_looping_debug) and ( override_night is not None ) and ( len(list(new_exps))==0 ): print("Terminating the search for new exposures because no new exposures are present and you have" + \ " override_night set without continue_looping_debug") break ## Loop over new exposures and process them as relevant to that type for exp in sorted(list(new_exps)): if verbose: print(get_printable_banner(str(exp))) else: print(f'\n\n##################### {exp} #########################') ## Open relevant raw data files to understand what we're dealing with erow = summarize_exposure(path_to_data, night, exp, expobstypes, colnames, coldefaults, verbosely=False) ## If there was an issue, continue. If it's a string summarizing the end of some sequence, use that info. ## If the exposure is assosciated with data, process that data. if erow is None: continue elif type(erow) is str: writeout = False if exp in exps_to_ignore: print(f"Located {erow} in exposure {exp}, but the exposure was listed in the expids to ignore. Ignoring this.") elif erow == 'endofarcs' and calibjobs['psfnight'] is None and 'arc' in procobstypes: print("\nLocated end of arc calibration sequence flag. Processing psfnight.\n") ptable, calibjobs['psfnight'], internal_id = arc_joint_fit(ptable, arcs, internal_id, dry_run=dry_run_level, queue=queue) writeout = True elif erow == 'endofflats' and calibjobs['nightlyflat'] is None and 'flat' in procobstypes: print("\nLocated end of long flat calibration sequence flag. Processing nightlyflat.\n") ptable, calibjobs['nightlyflat'], internal_id = flat_joint_fit(ptable, flats, internal_id, dry_run=dry_run_level, queue=queue) writeout = True elif 'short' in erow and calibjobs['nightlyflat'] is None: print("\nLocated end of short flat calibration flag. Removing flats from list for nightlyflat processing.\n") flats = [] if writeout and dry_run_level < 3: write_tables([ptable], tablenames=[proc_table_pathname]) sleep_and_report(2, message_suffix=f"after joint fit", dry_run=dry_run) del writeout continue else: ## Else it's a real row so start processing it pass erow['BADCAMWORD'] = badcamword erow['BADAMPS'] = badamps unproc = False if exp in exps_to_ignore: print(f"\n{exp} given as exposure id to ignore. Not processing.") erow['LASTSTEP'] = 'ignore' # erow['EXPFLAG'] = np.append(erow['EXPFLAG'], ) unproc = True elif erow['LASTSTEP'] == 'ignore': print(f"\n{exp} identified by the pipeline as something to ignore. Not processing.") unproc = True elif erow['OBSTYPE'] not in procobstypes: print(f"\n{erow['OBSTYPE']} not in obstypes to process: {procobstypes}. Not processing.") unproc = True elif str(erow['OBSTYPE']).lower() == 'arc' and float(erow['EXPTIME']) > 8.0: print("\nArc exposure with EXPTIME greater than 8s. Not processing.") unproc = True elif str(erow['OBSTYPE']).lower() == 'dark' and np.abs(float(erow['EXPTIME'])-300.) > 1: print("\nDark exposure with EXPTIME not consistent with 300s. Not processing.") unproc = True elif str(erow['OBSTYPE']).lower() == 'dark' and calibjobs['ccdcalib'] is not None: print("\nDark exposure found, but already proocessed dark with" + f" expID {calibjobs['ccdcalib']['EXPID']}. Skipping this one.") unproc = True print(f"\nFound: {erow}") etable.add_row(erow) if unproc: unproc_table.add_row(erow) sleep_and_report(2, message_suffix=f"after exposure", dry_run=dry_run) if dry_run_level < 3: write_tables([etable, unproc_table], tablenames=[exp_table_pathname, unproc_table_pathname]) continue curtype,curtile = get_type_and_tile(erow) if lasttype is None and curtype != 'dark' and do_bias: print("\nNo dark found at the beginning of the night." + "Submitting nightlybias before processing exposures.\n") prow = default_prow() prow['INTID'] = internal_id prow['OBSTYPE'] = 'zero' internal_id += 1 prow['JOBDESC'] = 'nightlybias' prow['NIGHT'] = night prow['CALIBRATOR'] = 1 prow['PROCCAMWORD'] = finalcamword prow = create_and_submit(prow, dry_run=dry_run_level, queue=queue, strictly_successful=True, check_for_outputs=check_for_outputs, resubmit_partial_complete=resubmit_partial_complete) calibjobs['nightlybias'] = prow.copy() ## Add the processing row to the processing table ptable.add_row(prow) ## Write out the processing table if dry_run_level < 3: write_tables([ptable], tablenames=[proc_table_pathname]) sleep_and_report(2, message_suffix=f"after nightlybias", dry_run=dry_run) # if this is a new tile/obstype, proceed with submitting all of the jobs for the previous tile if lasttype is not None and ((curtype != lasttype) or (curtile != lasttile)): print("\nData for previous tile or obstype is complete. Running joint fits. " + f"{curtype=}, {lasttype=}, {curtile=}, {lasttile=}\n") old_iid = internal_id # If done with science exposures for a tile and use_tilenight==True, use # submit_tilenight_and_redshifts, otherwise use checkfor_and_submit_joint_job if use_tilenight and lasttype == 'science' and len(sciences)>0: extra_job_args = {} extra_job_args['z_submit_types'] = z_submit_types extra_job_args['laststeps'] = ['all','fluxcalib','skysub'] ptable, sciences, internal_id \ = submit_tilenight_and_redshifts(ptable, sciences, calibjobs, internal_id, dry_run=dry_run_level, queue=queue, strictly_successful=True, check_for_outputs=check_for_outputs, resubmit_partial_complete=resubmit_partial_complete, use_specter=use_specter, extra_job_args=extra_job_args) else: ptable, calibjobs, sciences, internal_id \ = checkfor_and_submit_joint_job(ptable, arcs, flats, sciences, calibjobs, lasttype, internal_id, dry_run=dry_run_level, queue=queue, strictly_successful=True, check_for_outputs=check_for_outputs, resubmit_partial_complete=resubmit_partial_complete, z_submit_types=z_submit_types) ## if internal_id changed that means we submitted a joint job ## so lets write that out and pause if (internal_id > old_iid) and (dry_run_level < 3): write_tables([ptable], tablenames=[proc_table_pathname]) sleep_and_report(2, message_suffix=f"after joint fit", dry_run=dry_run) del old_iid prow = erow_to_prow(erow) prow['INTID'] = internal_id internal_id += 1 if prow['OBSTYPE'] == 'dark': prow['JOBDESC'] = 'ccdcalib' else: prow['JOBDESC'] = prow['OBSTYPE'] prow = define_and_assign_dependency(prow, calibjobs) if (not use_tilenight) or erow['OBSTYPE'] != 'science': print(f"\nProcessing: {prow}\n") prow = create_and_submit(prow, dry_run=dry_run_level, queue=queue, strictly_successful=True, check_for_outputs=check_for_outputs, resubmit_partial_complete=resubmit_partial_complete,use_specter=use_specter) ## If processed a dark, assign that to the dark job if curtype == 'dark': prow['CALIBRATOR'] = 1 calibjobs['ccdcalib'] = prow.copy() ## Add the processing row to the processing table ptable.add_row(prow) ## Note: Assumption here on number of flats if curtype == 'flat' and calibjobs['nightlyflat'] is None \ and int(erow['SEQTOT']) < 5 \ and np.abs(float(erow['EXPTIME'])-120.) < 1.: flats.append(prow) elif curtype == 'arc' and calibjobs['psfnight'] is None: arcs.append(prow) elif curtype == 'science' and (use_tilenight or prow['LASTSTEP'] != 'skysub'): sciences.append(prow) lasttile = curtile lasttype = curtype ## Flush the outputs sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() if dry_run_level < 3: write_tables([etable, ptable], tablenames=[exp_table_pathname, proc_table_pathname]) sleep_and_report(exp_cadence_time, message_suffix=f"after exposure", dry_run=dry_run) print("\nReached the end of current iteration of new exposures.") if override_night is not None and (not continue_looping_debug): print("\nOverride_night set, not waiting for new data before exiting.\n") else: sleep_and_report(data_cadence_time, message_suffix=f"before looking for more new data", dry_run=(dry_run and ())) if len(ptable) > 0: ptable = update_from_queue(ptable, dry_run=dry_run_level) # ptable, nsubmits = update_and_recurvsively_submit(ptable, # ptab_name=proc_table_pathname, dry_run=dry_run_level) ## Exposure table doesn't change in the interim, so no need to re-write it to disk if dry_run_level < 3: write_table(ptable, tablename=proc_table_pathname) if override_night is None or continue_looping_debug: sleep_and_report(10, message_suffix=f"after updating queue information", dry_run=dry_run) ## Flush the outputs sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() ## No more data coming in, so do bottleneck steps if any apply if use_tilenight and len(sciences)>0: extra_job_args = {} extra_job_args['z_submit_types'] = z_submit_types extra_job_args['laststeps'] = ['all','fluxcalib','skysub'] ptable, sciences, internal_id \ = submit_tilenight_and_redshifts(ptable, sciences, calibjobs, internal_id, dry_run=dry_run_level, queue=queue, strictly_successful=True, check_for_outputs=check_for_outputs, resubmit_partial_complete=resubmit_partial_complete, use_specter=use_specter, extra_job_args=extra_job_args) else: ptable, calibjobs, sciences, internal_id \ = checkfor_and_submit_joint_job(ptable, arcs, flats, sciences, calibjobs, lasttype, internal_id, dry_run=dry_run_level, queue=queue, strictly_successful=True, check_for_outputs=check_for_outputs, resubmit_partial_complete=resubmit_partial_complete, z_submit_types=z_submit_types) ## All jobs now submitted, update information from job queue and save ptable = update_from_queue(ptable, dry_run=dry_run_level) if dry_run_level < 3: write_table(ptable, tablename=proc_table_pathname) print(f"Completed submission of exposures for night {night}.") # ####################################### # ########## Queue Cleanup ############## # ####################################### # print("Now resolving job failures.") # # ## Flush the outputs # sys.stdout.flush() # sys.stderr.flush() # ## Now we resubmit failed jobs and their dependencies until all jobs have un-submittable end state # ## e.g. they either succeeded or failed with a code-related issue # ii,nsubmits = 0, 0 # while ii < 4 and any_jobs_not_complete(ptable['STATUS']): # print(f"Starting iteration {ii} of queue updating and resubmissions of failures.") # ptable, nsubmits = update_and_recurvsively_submit(ptable, submits=nsubmits, # ptab_name=proc_table_pathname, dry_run=dry_run_level) # if dry_run_level < 3: # write_table(ptable, tablename=proc_table_pathname) # if any_jobs_not_complete(ptable['STATUS']): # sleep_and_report(queue_cadence_time, message_suffix=f"after resubmitting job to queue", # dry_run=(dry_run and (override_night is not None) and not (continue_looping_debug))) # # ptable = update_from_queue(ptable, dry_run=dry_run_level) # if dry_run_level < 3: # write_table(ptable, tablename=proc_table_pathname) # ## Flush the outputs # sys.stdout.flush() # sys.stderr.flush() # ii += 1 # # print("No job failures left.") print("Exiting") ## Flush the outputs sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush()