Source code for desispec.scripts.link_calibnight

import os, sys
import argparse

from desiutil.log import get_logger

from import findfile
from import parse_cameras, decode_camword, relsymlink

calibnight_prefixes = ('badcolumns','biasnight','fiberflatnight','psfnight','ctecorrnight')
_prefixstr = ','.join(calibnight_prefixes)

[docs]def derive_include_exclude(input_include, input_exclude): """ Take the defined include or exclude list and produces the Args: input_include, str or None. Comma separated prefixes of calibnight files to create links. input_exclude, str or None. Comma separated prefixes of calibnight files to exclude from links' Returns: include, set. Complete set of strings of calibration files that should be linked. exclude, set. Complete set of strings of calibration files that should not be linked. """ if input_include is not None and input_exclude is not None: raise ValueError('include and exclude cannot both be defined: ' + f'{input_include=}, {input_exclude=}') include, exclude = None, None if input_include is not None: include = set([x.strip() for x in input_include.split(',')]) else: include = set(calibnight_prefixes) # --include and --exclude are mutually exclusive, so if --exclude is set, # then --include is default value; remove --exclude options from that if input_exclude is not None: exclude = set([x.strip() for x in input_exclude.split(',')]) extras = exclude - include if len(extras) > 0: raise ValueError(f'--exclude has values not found in default --include: {extras}') include -= exclude ## Now include is completely consistent with inputs. Next let's make exclude ## also consistent exclude = set(calibnight_prefixes) - include return include, exclude
[docs]def parse(options=None): """parse options from sys.argv or input list of options""" p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument('--refnight', type=int, required=True, help='Reference night with calibs') p.add_argument('--newnight', type=int, required=True, help='New night without calibs, to link to refnight') p.add_argument('-c', '--cameras', type=str, default='a0123456789', help='Camword of cameras to link, e.g. a01 or b0,r1,z2 [default a0123456789]') inout = p.add_mutually_exclusive_group() inout.add_argument('--include', type=str, help=f'comma separated prefixes of calibnight files to create links [default "{_prefixstr}"]') inout.add_argument('--exclude', type=str, help='comma separated prefixes of calibnight files to exclude from links') p.add_argument('--dryrun', action='store_true', help="dry run; don't actually create links") args = p.parse_args(options) args.include, args.exclude = derive_include_exclude(args.include, args.exclude) args.cameras = decode_camword(parse_cameras(args.cameras, loglevel='WARNING')) return args
def main(args=None): log = get_logger() if not isinstance(args, argparse.Namespace): args = parse(args) if len(args.include) == 0: log.critical(f'No prefixes to include? check --include and --exclude options') sys.exit(1) #- check for any problems before creating any links num_errors = 0 reffiles = list() newfiles = list() for prefix in args.include: #- special case: ctecorr is per-night, not per-camera, #- and allow it to be missing (revisit after PR #2163 is merged) if prefix == 'ctecorrnight': reffile = findfile(prefix, night=args.refnight) newfile = findfile(prefix, night=args.newnight) if not os.path.exists(reffile): #- warn, but not fatal, i.e. proceed with other links log.warning(f'Skipping missing reference {reffile}') else: if check_link(newfile, reffile): reffiles.append(reffile) newfiles.append(newfile) else: num_errors += 1 #- done with ctecorr, move on to next prefix continue for camera in args.cameras: reffile = findfile(prefix, night=args.refnight, camera=camera) newfile = findfile(prefix, night=args.newnight, camera=camera) if check_link(newfile, reffile): reffiles.append(reffile) newfiles.append(newfile) else: num_errors += 1 #- ctecorr is per-night, not per-camera per-night so we only #- have to check/link it once. Break out of camera loop and #- continuewith other prefixes. if prefix == 'ctecorr': break if num_errors > 0: log.critical(f'{num_errors} errors; not proceeding with making links') sys.exit(1)'Linking {args.include} files from {args.newnight} -> {args.refnight}') if args.dryrun:'Dry run: not actually making links') else: newdir = os.path.dirname(newfiles[0]) os.makedirs(newdir, exist_ok=True) for reffile, newfile in zip(reffiles, newfiles): relpath = os.path.relpath(reffile, os.path.dirname(newfile)) if args.dryrun:'Dry run: would create link {newfile} -> {relpath}') else: #- pre-flight checks confirmed this is ok if os.path.islink(newfile): os.remove(newfile)'Linking {newfile} -> {relpath}') relsymlink(reffile, newfile)