Source code for desispec.badcolumn


Utility functions to treat bad CCD columns

import numpy as np

from desiutil.log import get_logger
from desispec.maskbits import specmask,fibermask

[docs]def flux_bias_function(delta_x) : """Multiply the excess counts in a bad column by this function to determine the bias on the extracted flux of a spectral trace situated at a distance dx (in pixels) from the bad CCD column. This has been derived empirically on the r and z cameras (with inverse variance cross-dispersion profile weighted extractions). Args: delta_x: float or numpy array Returns: flux bias, same dimension as input delta_x """ scalar=np.isscalar(delta_x) delta_x = np.atleast_1d(delta_x) val = np.zeros(delta_x.shape,dtype=float) nonnull = (np.abs(delta_x)<4.5) val[nonnull] = 1.1/(1+np.abs(delta_x[nonnull]/2.)**5) if scalar : return float(val) else : return val
[docs]def compute_badcolumn_specmask(frame,xyset,badcolumns_table,threshold_value=0.005) : """ fills a mask for spectral values affected by a bad CCD column. Args: frame: desispec.frame.Frame instance xyset: desispec.xytraceset.XYTraceSet instance (valid for the frame) badcolumns_table: astropy.table.Table with columns "COLUMN" (CCD column index) and "ELEC_PER_SEC", value in CCD column, in electron / sec threshold_value: threshold for masking spectral pixels, in electron / sec Returns: mask numpy array of same shape as frame.flux, or None if nothing is masked """ if len(badcolumns_table)==0 : return None log = get_logger() log.debug("Threshold value = {:.4f} electrons/sec".format(threshold_value)) if frame.mask is None : mask=np.zeros(frame.flux.shape,dtype='uint32') else : mask=np.zeros_like(frame.mask) dx_threshold=4 fiber_x=np.zeros(frame.flux.shape,dtype=float) for fiber in range(frame.flux.shape[0]) : fiber_x[fiber] = xyset.x_vs_wave(fiber,frame.wave) for column_x,column_val in zip(badcolumns_table["COLUMN"],badcolumns_table["ELEC_PER_SEC"]) : dx = fiber_x - column_x"Processing col at x={} val={:.4f}".format(column_x,column_val)) bias = column_val*flux_bias_function(dx) mask[np.abs(bias)>=threshold_value] |= specmask.BADCOLUMN nvalsperfiber=np.sum(mask>0,axis=1) nvals=np.sum(nvalsperfiber) nfibers=np.sum(nvalsperfiber>0)"Masked {} flux values from {} fibers".format(nvals,nfibers)) return mask
[docs]def compute_badcolumn_fibermask(frame_mask,camera_arm,threshold_specfrac=0.6) : """ fills a mask for fibers affected by a bad CCD column. Args: frame_mask: 2D integer numpy array (nfibers x nwavelength), with bitmask defined in desispec.maskbits.specmask threshold_specfrac: fraction of specmask.BADCOLUMN masked pixels to trigger a fibermask bitmask fibermask.BADAMP... . camera_arm: 'B','R' or 'Z' Returns: fiber mask 1D numpy array of size nfibers (bitwise OR of the orginal mask with the newly set bits) """ log = get_logger() fiber_mask = np.zeros(frame_mask.shape[0],dtype='uint32') badfibers = np.sum((frame_mask & specmask.BADCOLUMN)>0,axis=1) >= (threshold_specfrac*frame_mask.shape[1]) camera_arm_up = camera_arm.upper() if camera_arm_up not in ["B","R","Z"] : mess="camera_arm must be B,R or Z (upper or lower case)" log.error(mess) raise ValueError(mess) fiber_mask[badfibers] |= fibermask["BADAMP"+camera_arm_up]"Masked {} fibers".format(np.sum(badfibers))) return fiber_mask
[docs]def add_badcolumn_mask(frame,xyset,badcolumns_table,threshold_value=0.005,threshold_specfrac=0.6) : """ Modifies the input frame spectral mask and fiber mask (frame.mask and frame.fibermap["FIBERSTATUS"].mask) by adding (bitwise OR) the BADCOLUMN bits for values/fibers affected by bad CCD columns. Args: frame: desispec.frame.Frame instance xyset: desispec.xytraceset.XYTraceSet instance (valid for the frame) badcolumns_table: astropy.table.Table with columns "COLUMN" (CCD column index) and "ELEC_PER_SEC", value in CCD column, in electron / sec threshold_value: threshold for masking spectral pixels, in electron / sec threshold_specfrac: fraction of specmask.BADCOLUMN masked pixels to trigger a fibermask bitmask fibermask.BADCOLUMN. Returns: nothing, the input frame is modified """ mask = compute_badcolumn_specmask(frame=frame,xyset=xyset,badcolumns_table=badcolumns_table,threshold_value=threshold_value) if mask is None : return # don't do anything if frame.mask is not None : frame.mask |= mask else : frame.mask = mask camera_arm = frame.meta["CAMERA"][0].upper() fiber_mask = compute_badcolumn_fibermask(frame.mask,camera_arm,threshold_specfrac=threshold_specfrac) frame.fibermap["FIBERSTATUS"] |= fiber_mask