Source code for desispec.bootcalib


Utility functions to perform a quick calibration of DESI data

1. Expand to r, i cameras
2. QA plots
3. Test with CR data
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division

import numpy as np
import copy
import pdb
import yaml
import glob
import math
import time
import os
import sys
import argparse
import locale
from importlib import resources

from astropy.modeling import models, fitting
from astropy.stats import sigma_clip
from astropy.table import Table, Column, vstack
from import fits

#- support astropy 2.x sigma_clip syntax with `iters` instead of `maxiters`
import astropy
if astropy.__version__.startswith('2.'):
    astropy_sigma_clip = sigma_clip
    def sigma_clip(data, sigma=None, maxiters=5):
        return astropy_sigma_clip(data, sigma=sigma, iters=maxiters)

from desispec.util import set_backend

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import as cm
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages

from desiutil.log import get_logger
from desiutil import funcfits as dufits
from numpy.polynomial.legendre import legval

glbl_figsz = (16,9)

# High level wrapper
# TODO: This was ported from the original bin/desi_bootcalib so that it could
# be called independently by quicklook, but it needs to be coordinated with
# desispec.scripts.bootcalib.main()

[docs]def bootcalib(deg,flatimage,arcimage): """ Args: deg: Legendre polynomial degree to use to fit flatimage: desispec.image.Image object of flatfield arcimage: desispec.image.Image object of arc Mostly inherited from desispec/bin/desi_bootcalib directly as needed Returns: xfit, fdicts, gauss, all_wave_soln TODO: document what those return objects are """ flat=flatimage.pix flat[flat<-20]=-20. ny=flat.shape[0] xpk,ypos,cut=find_fiber_peaks(flat) xset,xerr=trace_crude_init(flat,xpk,ypos) xfit,fdicts=fit_traces(xset,xerr) gauss=fiber_gauss(flat,xfit,xerr) #- Also need wavelength solution not just trace arc=arcimage.pix arc[arc<-20]=-20. arc_ivar=arcimage.ivar*(arcimage.mask==0) all_spec=extract_sngfibers_gaussianpsf(arc,arc_ivar,xfit,gauss) llist=load_arcline_list(camera) ### dlamb,wmark,gd_lines,line_guess=load_gdarc_lines(camera) dlamb, gd_lines = load_gdarc_lines(camera, llist) #- Solve for wavelengths all_wv_soln=[] all_dlamb=[] for ii in range(all_spec.shape[1]): spec=all_spec[:,ii] pixpk=find_arc_lines(spec) id_dict=id_arc_lines(pixpk,gd_lines,dlamb,wmark,line_guess=line_guess) id_dict['fiber']=ii #- Find the other good ones if camera == 'z': inpoly = 3 # The solution in the z-camera has greater curvature else: inpoly = 2 add_gdarc_lines(id_dict, pixpk, gd_lines, inpoly=inpoly) #- Now the rest id_remainder(id_dict, pixpk, llist) #- Final fit wave vs. pix too final_fit, mask = dufits.iter_fit(np.array(id_dict['id_wave']), np.array(id_dict['id_pix']), 'polynomial', 3, xmin=0., xmax=1.) rms = np.sqrt(np.mean((dufits.func_val(np.array(id_dict['id_wave'])[mask==0],final_fit)-np.array(id_dict['id_pix'])[mask==0])**2)) final_fit_pix,mask2 = dufits.iter_fit(np.array(id_dict['id_pix']), np.array(id_dict['id_wave']),'legendre',deg, niter=5) id_dict['final_fit'] = final_fit id_dict['rms'] = rms id_dict['final_fit_pix'] = final_fit_pix id_dict['wave_min'] = dufits.func_val(0,final_fit_pix) id_dict['wave_max'] = dufits.func_val(ny-1,final_fit_pix) id_dict['mask'] = mask all_wv_soln.append(id_dict) return xfit, fdicts, gauss,all_wv_soln
######################################################## # Arc/Wavelength Routines (Linelists come next) ########################################################
[docs]def find_arc_lines(spec,rms_thresh=7.,nwidth=5): """Find and centroid arc lines in an input spectrum Parameters ---------- spec : ndarray Arc line spectrum rms_thresh : float RMS threshold scale nwidth : int Line width to test over """ # Threshold criterion npix = spec.size spec_mask = sigma_clip(spec, sigma=4., maxiters=5) rms = np.std(spec_mask) thresh = rms*rms_thresh #print("thresh = {:g}".format(thresh)) gdp = spec > thresh # Avoid edges gdp = gdp & (np.arange(npix) > 2.*nwidth) & (np.arange(npix) < (npix-2.*nwidth)) # Roll to find peaks (simple algorithm) # nwidth = 5 nstep = max(1,nwidth // 2) for kk in range(-nstep,nstep): if kk < 0: test = np.roll(spec,kk) < np.roll(spec,kk+1) else: test = np.roll(spec,kk) > np.roll(spec,kk+1) # Compare gdp = gdp & test # Center gdpix = np.where(gdp)[0] ngd = gdpix.size xpk = np.zeros(ngd) flux = np.zeros(ngd) for jj,igdpix in enumerate(gdpix): # Simple flux-weight pix = np.arange(igdpix-nstep,igdpix+nstep+1,dtype=int) flux[jj] = np.sum(spec[pix]) xpk[jj] = np.sum(pix*spec[pix]) / flux[jj] # Finish return xpk , flux
def remove_duplicates_w_id(wy,w,y_id,w_id) : # might be several identical w_id y_id=np.array(y_id).astype(int) w_id=np.array(w_id).astype(int) y_id2=[] w_id2=[] for j in np.unique(w_id) : w_id2.append(j) ii=y_id[w_id==j] if ii.size==1 : y_id2.append(ii[0]) else : i=np.argmin(np.abs(wy[ii]-w[j])) y_id2.append(ii[i]) y_id2=np.array(y_id2).astype(int) w_id2=np.array(w_id2).astype(int) tmp=np.argsort(w[w_id2]) y_id2=y_id2[tmp] w_id2=w_id2[tmp] return y_id2,w_id2 def remove_duplicates_y_id(yw,y,y_id,w_id) : # might be several identical y_id w_id=np.array(w_id).astype(int) y_id=np.array(y_id).astype(int) w_id2=[] y_id2=[] for j in np.unique(y_id) : y_id2.append(j) ii=w_id[y_id==j] if ii.size==1 : w_id2.append(ii[0]) else : i=np.argmin(np.abs(yw[ii]-y[j])) w_id2.append(ii[i]) w_id2=np.array(w_id2).astype(int) y_id2=np.array(y_id2).astype(int) tmp=np.argsort(y[y_id2]) w_id2=w_id2[tmp] y_id2=y_id2[tmp] return y_id2,w_id2 def refine_solution(y,w,y_id,w_id,deg=3,tolerance=5.) : log = get_logger() # remove duplicates transfo=np.poly1d(np.polyfit(y[y_id],w[w_id],deg=deg)) wy=transfo(y) y_id,w_id=remove_duplicates_w_id(wy,w,y_id,w_id) transfo=np.poly1d(np.polyfit(w[w_id],y[y_id],deg=deg)) yw=transfo(w) y_id,w_id=remove_duplicates_y_id(yw,y,y_id,w_id) if len(y_id) != len(np.unique(y_id)) : log.error("duplicate AT INIT y_id={:s}".format(str(y_id))) if len(w_id) != len(np.unique(w_id)) : log.error("duplicate AT INIT w_id={:s}".format(str(w_id))) nmatch=len(y_id)"init nmatch=%d rms=%f wave=%s"%(nmatch,np.std(wy[y_id]-w[w_id]),w[w_id]))"init nmatch=%d rms=%f"%(nmatch,np.std(wy[y_id]-w[w_id]))) if nmatch<deg+1 : log.error("error : init nmatch too small") return y_id,w_id,1000.,0 rms=0. # loop on fit of transfo, pairing, cleaning for loop in range(200) : # compute transfo transfo=np.poly1d(np.polyfit(y[y_id],w[w_id],deg=deg)) # apply transfo to measurements wy=transfo(y) previous_rms = rms+0. rms=np.std(wy[y_id]-w[w_id]) # match lines mdiff0=min(tolerance,max(2.,rms*2.)) # this is a difficult parameter to tune, either loose lever arm, or have false matches !! mdiff1=tolerance # this is a difficult parameter to tune, either loose lever arm, or have false matches !! unmatched_indices=np.setdiff1d(np.arange(y.size),y_id) for i,wi in zip(unmatched_indices,wy[unmatched_indices]) : dist=np.abs(wi-w) jj=np.argsort(dist) for j,o in enumerate(jj) : if j in w_id : continue if dist[j]<mdiff0 or ( o<jj.size-1 and dist[j]<mdiff1 and dist[j]<0.3*dist[jj[o+1]]) : y_id=np.append(y_id,i) w_id=np.append(w_id,j) break previous_nmatch = nmatch+0 nmatch=len(y_id)"iter #%d nmatch=%d rms=%f"%(loop,nmatch,rms)) if nmatch < deg+1 : log.error("error init nmatch too small") y_id=[] w_id=[] rms=100000. return y_id,w_id,rms,loop if nmatch==previous_nmatch and abs(rms-previous_rms)<0.01 and loop>=1 : break if nmatch>=min(w.size,y.size) : #print("break because %d>=min(%d,%d)"%(nmatch,w.size,y.size)) break return y_id,w_id,rms,loop def id_remainder(id_dict, llist, deg=4, tolerance=1., verbose=False) : log = get_logger() y_id=np.array(id_dict['id_idx']).astype(int) all_y=np.array(id_dict['pixpk']) all_known_waves = np.sort(np.array(llist["wave"])) identified_waves = np.array(id_dict["id_wave"]) # lines identified at previous steps w_id=[] for w in identified_waves : i=np.argmin(np.abs(all_known_waves-w)) diff=np.abs(all_known_waves[i]-w) if diff>0.1 : log.warning("discrepant wavelength".format(w,all_known_waves[i])) w_id.append(i) w_id = np.array(w_id).astype(int) y_id,w_id,rms,niter=refine_solution(all_y,all_known_waves,y_id,w_id,deg=deg,tolerance=tolerance) id_dict['id_idx'] = np.sort(y_id) id_dict['id_pix'] = np.sort(all_y[y_id]) id_dict['id_wave'] = np.sort(all_known_waves[w_id]) id_dict['rms'] = rms"{:d} matched for {:d} detected and {:d} known, rms = {:g}".format(len(y_id),len(all_y),len(all_known_waves),rms)) def compute_triplets(wave) : triplets=[] wave=np.sort(wave) for i1,w1 in enumerate(wave[:-1]) : for i2,w2 in enumerate(wave[i1+1:]) : for i3,w3 in enumerate(wave[i1+i2+2:]) : triplet=[w1,w2,w3,i1,i1+1+i2,i1+i2+2+i3,w2-w1,w3-w1,w2**2-w1**2,w3**2-w1**2] #print(triplet) #print(wave[i1],wave[i1+1+i2],wave[i1+i2+2+i3]) triplets.append(triplet) return np.array(triplets)
[docs]def id_arc_lines_using_triplets(id_dict,w,dwdy_prior,d2wdy2_prior=1.5e-5,toler=0.2,ntrack=50,nmax=40): """Match (as best possible), a set of the input list of expected arc lines to the detected list Parameters ---------- id_dict : dictionnary with Pixel locations of detected arc lines in "pixpk" and fluxes in "flux" w : ndarray array of expected arc lines to be detected and identified dwdy : float Average dispersion in the spectrum d2wdy2_prior : float Prior on second derivative toler : float, optional Tolerance for matching (20%) ntrack : max. number of solutions to be tracked Returns ------- id_dict : dict dict of identified lines """ log=get_logger()"y=%s"%str(y))"w=%s"%str(w)) y = id_dict["pixpk"]"ny=%d nw=%d"%(len(y),len(w))) if nmax<10 : nmax=10 log.warning("force nmax=10 (arg was too small: {:d})".format(nmax)) if len(y)>nmax : #"down-selecting the number of detected lines from {:d} to {:d}".format(len(y),nmax)) # keep at least the edges margin=3 new_y=np.append(y[:margin],y[-margin:]) # now look at the flux to select the other ones flux=id_dict["flux"][margin:-margin] ii=np.argsort(flux) new_y=np.append(new_y,y[margin:-margin][ii[-(nmax-2*margin):]]) y = np.sort(new_y) # compute triplets of waves of y positions y_triplets = compute_triplets(y) w_triplets = compute_triplets(w) # each pair of triplet defines a 2nd order polynomial (chosen centered on y=2000) # w = a*(y-2000)**2+b*(y-2000)+c # w = a*y**2-4000*a*y+b*y+cst # w = a*(y**2-4000*y)+b*y+cst # dw_12 = a*(dy2_12-4000*dy_12)+b*dy_12 # dw_13 = a*(dy2_13-4000*dy_13)+b*dy_12 # dw_12 = a*cdy2_12+b*dy_12 # dw_13 = a*cdy2_13+b*dy_13 # with cdy2_12=dy2_12-4000*dy_12 # and cdy2_13=dy2_13-4000*dy_13 # idet = 1./(dy_13*cdy2_12-dy_12*cdy2_13) # a = idet*(dy_13*dw_12-dy_12*dw_13) # b = idet*(-cdy2_13*dw_12+cdy2_12*dw_13) #triplet=[w1,w2,w3,i1,i1+1+i2,i1+i2+2+i3,w2-w1,w3-w1,w2**2-w1**2,w3**2-w1**2] dy_12=y_triplets[:,6] dy_13=y_triplets[:,7] #dy2_12=y_triplets[:,8] #dy2_13=y_triplets[:,9] # centered version cdy2_12=y_triplets[:,8]-4000.*y_triplets[:,6] cdy2_13=y_triplets[:,9]-4000.*y_triplets[:,7] idet=1./(dy_13*cdy2_12-dy_12*cdy2_13) # fill histogram with polynomial coefs and first index of each triplet in the pair for all pairs of triplets(y,w) # create the 4D histogram ndwdy = 41 nd2wdy2 = 21 dwdy_min = dwdy_prior*(1-toler) dwdy_max = dwdy_prior*(1+toler) dwdy_step = (dwdy_max-dwdy_min)/ndwdy d2wdy2_min = -d2wdy2_prior d2wdy2_max = +d2wdy2_prior d2wdy2_step = (d2wdy2_max-d2wdy2_min)/nd2wdy2 histogram = np.zeros((ndwdy,nd2wdy2,len(y),len(w))) # definition of the histogram # fill the histogram for w_triplet in w_triplets : #d2wdy2 = idet*(dy_13*w_triplet[6]-dy_12*w_triplet[7]) #dwdy = idet*(-cdy2_13*w_triplet[6]+cdy2_12*w_triplet[7]) # bins in the histogram dwdy_bin = ((idet*(-cdy2_13*w_triplet[6]+cdy2_12*w_triplet[7])-dwdy_min)/dwdy_step).astype(int) d2wdy2_bin = ((idet*(dy_13*w_triplet[6]-dy_12*w_triplet[7])-d2wdy2_min)/d2wdy2_step).astype(int) pairs_in_histo=np.where((dwdy_bin>=0)&(dwdy_bin<ndwdy)&(d2wdy2_bin>=0)&(d2wdy2_bin<nd2wdy2))[0] # fill histo iw=int(w_triplet[3]) for a,b,c in zip(dwdy_bin[pairs_in_histo],d2wdy2_bin[pairs_in_histo],y_triplets[pairs_in_histo,3].astype(int)) : histogram[a,b,c,iw] += 1 # find max bins in the histo histogram_ravel = histogram.ravel() best_histo_bins = histogram_ravel.argsort()[::-1]"nmatch in first bins=%s"%histogram.ravel()[best_histo_bins[:3]]) best_y_id=[] best_w_id=[] best_rms=1000. # loop on best matches ( = most populated bins) count=0 for histo_bin in best_histo_bins[:ntrack] : if histogram_ravel[histo_bin]<4 and count>3 : log.warning("stopping here") break count += 1 dwdy_best_bin,d2wdy2_best_bin,iy_best_bin,iw_best_bin = np.unravel_index(histo_bin, histogram.shape) # bin coord #print("bins=",dwdy_best_bin,d2wdy2_best_bin,iy_best_bin,iw_best_bin) # pairs of triplets in this histo bin w_id=np.array([]) y_id=np.array([]) wok=np.where(w_triplets[:,3]==iw_best_bin)[0] yok=np.where(y_triplets[:,3]==iy_best_bin)[0] for w_triplet in w_triplets[wok] : #d2wdy2 = idet[yok]*(dy_13[yok]*w_triplet[6]-dy_12[yok]*w_triplet[7]) #dwdy = idet[yok]*(-cdy2_13[yok]*w_triplet[6]+cdy2_12[yok]*w_triplet[7]) # bins in the histogram dwdy_bin = ((idet[yok]*(-cdy2_13[yok]*w_triplet[6]+cdy2_12[yok]*w_triplet[7])-dwdy_min)/dwdy_step).astype(int) d2wdy2_bin = ((idet[yok]*(dy_13[yok]*w_triplet[6]-dy_12[yok]*w_triplet[7])-d2wdy2_min)/d2wdy2_step).astype(int) wyok=yok[np.where((dwdy_bin==dwdy_best_bin)&(d2wdy2_bin==d2wdy2_best_bin))[0]] for y_triplet in y_triplets[wyok] : y_id=np.append(y_id,y_triplet[3:6]) w_id=np.append(w_id,w_triplet[3:6]) # now need to rm duplicates nw=len(w) ny=len(y) unique_common_id=np.unique(y_id.astype(int)*nw+w_id.astype(int)) y_id=(unique_common_id/nw).astype(int) w_id=(unique_common_id%nw).astype(int) ordering=np.argsort(y[y_id]) y_id=y_id[ordering] w_id=w_id[ordering] # refine y_id,w_id,rms,niter=refine_solution(y,w,y_id,w_id)"get solution with %d match and rms=%f (niter=%d)"%(len(y_id),rms,niter)) if (len(y_id)>len(best_y_id) and rms<max(1,best_rms)) or (len(y_id)==len(best_y_id) and rms<best_rms) or (best_rms>1 and rms<1 and len(y_id)>=8) :"new best solution #%d with %d match and rms=%f (niter=%d)"%(count,len(y_id),rms,niter))"previous had %d match and rms=%f"%(len(best_y_id),best_rms)) best_y_id = y_id best_w_id = w_id best_rms = rms # stop at some moment if best_rms<0.2 and len(y_id)>=min(15,min(len(y),len(w))) :"stop here because we have a correct solution") break if len(y) != len(id_dict["pixpk"]) :"re-indexing the result") tmp_y_id = [] for i in best_y_id : tmp_y_id.append(np.argmin(np.abs(id_dict["pixpk"]-y[i]))) best_y_id = np.array(tmp_y_id).astype(int) y = id_dict["pixpk"] if len(best_w_id) == 0 : log.error("failed, no match") id_dict["status"]="failed" id_dict["id_idx"]=[] id_dict["id_pix"]=[] id_dict["id_wave"]=[] id_dict["rms"]=999. id_dict["fit"]=None return id_dict["status"]="ok" id_dict["id_idx"]=best_y_id id_dict["id_pix"]=y[best_y_id] id_dict["id_wave"]=w[best_w_id] id_dict["rms"]=best_rms deg=max(1,min(3,best_y_id.size-2)) id_dict["fit"]= dufits.func_fit(w[best_w_id],y[best_y_id],'polynomial',deg,xmin=0.,xmax=1.)"{:d} matched for {:d} detected and {:d} known as good, rms = {:g}".format(len(best_y_id),len(y),len(w),best_rms))
######################################################## # Linelist routines ########################################################
[docs]def parse_nist(ion, vacuum=True): """Parse a NIST ASCII table. Note that the long ---- should have been commented out and also the few lines at the start. Taken from PYPIT Parameters ---------- ion : str Name of ion. vacuum : bool, optional Use vacuum wavelengths. Returns ------- :class:`astropy.table.Table` A Table obtained from the data file with some columns added or renamed. """ log=get_logger() # Find file medium = 'vacuum' if not vacuum:"Using air wavelengths") medium = 'air' srch_file = "data/arc_lines/{0}_{1}.ascii".format(ion, medium) if not resources.files('desispec').joinpath(srch_file).is_file(): log.error("Cannot find NIST file {:s}".format(srch_file)) raise Exception("Cannot find NIST file {:s}".format(srch_file)) # Read, while working around non-ASCII characters in NIST line lists nist_file = str(resources.files('desispec').joinpath(srch_file))"reading NIST file {:s}".format(nist_file)) # The data files contain the non-ASCII character 'Ã…', so explicitly set the # encoding when reading the table. # # cupy is known to unexpectedly alter the default encoding, # so we need this for both of those reasons. nist_tbl =, format='ascii.fixed_width', encoding='UTF-8') gdrow = nist_tbl['Observed'] > 0. # Eliminate dummy lines nist_tbl = nist_tbl[gdrow] # Now unique values only (no duplicates) uniq, indices = np.unique(nist_tbl['Observed'],return_index=True) nist_tbl = nist_tbl[indices] # Deal with Rel agdrel = [] for row in nist_tbl: try: gdrel = int(row['Rel.']) except: try: gdrel = int(row['Rel.'][:-1]) except: gdrel = 0 agdrel.append(gdrel) agdrel = np.array(agdrel) # Remove and add nist_tbl.remove_column('Rel.') nist_tbl.remove_column('Ritz') nist_tbl.add_column(Column(agdrel,name='RelInt')) nist_tbl.add_column(Column([ion]*len(nist_tbl), name='Ion', dtype=(str, 5))) nist_tbl.rename_column('Observed','wave') # Return return nist_tbl
[docs]def load_arcline_list(camera, vacuum=True,lamps=None): """Loads arc line list from NIST files Parses and rejects Taken from PYPIT Parameters ---------- lines : list List of ions to load vacuum : bool, optional Use vacuum wavelengths lamps : optional numpy array of ions, ex np.array(["HgI","CdI","ArI","NeI"]) Returns ------- alist : Table Table of arc lines """ log=get_logger() wvmnx = None if lamps is None : if camera[0] == 'b': lamps = ['CdI','ArI','HgI','NeI','KrI'] elif camera[0] == 'r': lamps = ['CdI','ArI','HgI','NeI','KrI'] elif camera[0] == 'z': lamps = ['CdI','ArI','HgI','NeI','KrI','XeI'] elif camera == 'all': # Used for specex lamps = ['CdI','ArI','HgI','NeI','KrI','XeI'] else: log.error("Not ready for this camera") # Get the parse dict parse_dict = load_parse_dict() # Read rejection file medium = 'vacuum' if not vacuum:"Using air wavelengths") medium = 'air' rej_file = resources.files('desispec').joinpath(f"data/arc_lines/rejected_lines_{medium}.yaml") with open(rej_file, 'r') as infile: rej_dict = yaml.safe_load(infile) # Loop through the NIST Tables tbls = [] for iline in lamps: # Load tbl = parse_nist(iline, vacuum=vacuum) # Parse if iline in parse_dict: tbl = parse_nist_tbl(tbl,parse_dict[iline]) # Reject if iline in rej_dict:"Rejecting select {:s} lines".format(iline)) tbl = reject_lines(tbl,rej_dict[iline]) #print("DEBUG",iline) #print("DEBUG",tbl[['Ion','wave','RelInt']]) tbls.append(tbl[['Ion','wave','RelInt']]) # Stack alist = vstack(tbls) # wvmnx? if wvmnx is not None: print('Cutting down line list by wvmnx: {:g},{:g}'.format(wvmnx[0],wvmnx[1])) gdwv = (alist['wave'] >= wvmnx[0]) & (alist['wave'] <= wvmnx[1]) alist = alist[gdwv] # Return return alist
[docs]def reject_lines(tbl,rej_dict, rej_tol=0.1): """Rejects lines from a NIST table Taken from PYPIT Parameters ---------- tbl : Table Read previously from NIST ASCII file rej_dict : dict Dict of rejected lines rej_tol : float, optional Tolerance for matching a line to reject to linelist (Angstroms) Returns ------- tbl : Table Rows not rejected """ msk = tbl['wave'] == tbl['wave'] # Loop on rejected lines for wave in rej_dict: close = np.where(np.abs(wave-tbl['wave']) < rej_tol)[0] if rej_dict[wave] == 'all': msk[close] = False else: raise ValueError('Not ready for this') # Return return tbl[msk]
[docs]def parse_nist_tbl(tbl,parse_dict): """Parses a NIST table using various criteria Parameters ---------- tbl : Table Read previously from NIST ASCII file parse_dict : dict Dict of parsing criteria. Read from load_parse_dict Returns ------- tbl : Table Rows meeting the criteria """ # Parse gdI = tbl['RelInt'] >= parse_dict['min_intensity'] gdA = tbl['Aki'] >= parse_dict['min_Aki'] gdw = tbl['wave'] >= parse_dict['min_wave'] # Combine allgd = gdI & gdA & gdw # Return return tbl[allgd]
[docs]def load_parse_dict(): """Dicts for parsing Arc line lists from NIST Rejected lines are in the rejected_lines.yaml file """ dict_parse = dict(min_intensity=0., min_Aki=0., min_wave=0.) arcline_parse = {} # ArI arcline_parse['ArI'] = copy.deepcopy(dict_parse) arcline_parse['ArI']['min_intensity'] = 1000. # NOT PICKING UP REDDEST LINES # HgI arcline_parse['HgI'] = copy.deepcopy(dict_parse) arcline_parse['HgI']['min_intensity'] = 800. # HeI arcline_parse['HeI'] = copy.deepcopy(dict_parse) arcline_parse['HeI']['min_intensity'] = 20. # NeI arcline_parse['NeI'] = copy.deepcopy(dict_parse) arcline_parse['NeI']['min_intensity'] = 999. #arcline_parse['NeI']['min_Aki'] = 1. # NOT GOOD FOR DEIMOS, DESI #arcline_parse['NeI']['min_wave'] = 5700. arcline_parse['NeI']['min_wave'] = 5850. # NOT GOOD FOR DEIMOS? # ZnI arcline_parse['ZnI'] = copy.deepcopy(dict_parse) arcline_parse['ZnI']['min_intensity'] = 50. # KrI arcline_parse['KrI'] = copy.deepcopy(dict_parse) arcline_parse['KrI']['min_intensity'] = 50. return arcline_parse
[docs]def load_gdarc_lines(camera, llist, vacuum=True,lamps=None,good_lines_filename=None): """Loads a select set of arc lines for initial calibrating Parameters ---------- camera : str Camera ('b', 'g', 'r') llist : table of lines to use, with columns Ion, wave vacuum : bool, optional Use vacuum wavelengths lamps : optional numpy array of ions, ex np.array(["HgI","CdI","ArI","NeI"]) Returns ------- dlamb : float Dispersion for input camera wmark : float wavelength to key off of [???] gd_lines : ndarray Array of lines expected to be recorded and good for ID line_guess : int or None Guess at the line index corresponding to wmark (default is to guess the 1/2 way point) """ log=get_logger() if lamps is None : lamps=np.array(["HgI","CdI","ArI","NeI"]) lines={} dlamb=0.6 if camera[0] == 'b': dlamb = 0.589 elif camera[0] == 'r': dlamb = 0.527 elif camera[0] == 'z': #dlamb = 0.599 # Ang dlamb = 0.608 # Ang (from teststand, ranges (fiber & wave) from 0.54 to 0.66) # read good lines if good_lines_filename is not None : filename = good_lines_filename else : if vacuum : filename = str(resources.files('desispec').joinpath("data/arc_lines/goodlines_vacuum.ascii")) else : filename = str(resources.files('desispec').joinpath("data/arc_lines/goodlines_air.ascii"))"Reading good lines in {:s}".format(filename)) lines={} ifile=open(filename) for line in ifile.readlines() : if line[0]=="#" : continue vals=line.strip().split() if len(vals)<3 : log.warning("ignoring line '{:s}' in {:s}".format(line.strip(),filename)) continue cameras=vals[2] if cameras.find(camera[0].upper()) < 0 : continue ion=vals[1] wave=float(vals[0]) if ion in lines: lines[ion].append(wave) else : lines[ion]=[wave,] ifile.close()"Good lines = {:s}".format(str(lines)))"Checking consistency with full line list") nbad=0 for ion in lines: ii=np.where(llist["Ion"]==ion)[0] if ii.size == 0 : continue all_waves=np.array(llist["wave"][ii]) for j,w in enumerate(lines[ion]) : i=np.argmin(np.abs(w-all_waves)) if np.abs(w-all_waves[i])>0.2 : log.error("cannot find good line {:f} of {:s} in full line list. nearest is {:f}".format(w,ion,all_waves[i])) nbad += 1 elif np.abs(w-all_waves[i])>0.001 : log.warning("adjusting hardcoded {:s} line {:f} -> {:f} (the NIST line list is the truth)".format(w,ion,all_waves[i])) lines[ion][j]=all_waves[i] if nbad>0 : log.error("{:d} inconsistent hardcoded lines, exiting".format(nbad)) sys.exit(12) gd_lines=np.array([]) for lamp in lamps : if lamp in lines: gd_lines=np.append(gd_lines,lines[lamp]) # Sort and return gd_lines.sort() return dlamb, gd_lines
######################################################## # Fiber routines ######################################################## def fiber_gauss(flat, xtrc, xerr, box_radius=2, max_iter=5, debug=False, verbose=False) : return fiber_gauss_new(flat, xtrc, xerr, box_radius, max_iter)
[docs]def fiber_gauss_new(flat, xtrc, xerr, box_radius=2, max_iter=5, debug=False, verbose=False): """Find the PSF sigma for each fiber This serves as an initial guess to what follows Parameters ---------- flat : ndarray of fiber flat image xtrc: ndarray of fiber traces xerr: ndarray of error in fiber traces box_radius: int, optinal Radius of boxcar extraction in pixels max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations for rejection Returns ------- gauss list of Gaussian sigma """ log=get_logger() npix_y = flat.shape[0] npix_x = flat.shape[1] ny = xtrc.shape[0] # number of ccd rows in trace assert(ny==npix_y) nfiber = xtrc.shape[1] minflux=1. # minimal flux in a row to include in the fit # Loop on fibers gauss = [] start = 0 for ii in range(nfiber): if (ii % 25 == 0): # & verbose: stop=time.time() if start==0 :"Working on fiber {:d} of {:d}".format(ii,nfiber)) else :"Working on fiber %d of %d (25 done in %3.2f sec)"%(ii,nfiber,stop-start)) start=stop # collect data central_xpix=np.floor(xtrc[:,ii]+0.5) begin_xpix=(central_xpix-box_radius).astype(int) end_xpix=(central_xpix+box_radius+1).astype(int) dx=[] flux=[] for y in range(ny) : yflux=np.zeros(2*box_radius+1) tmp=flat[y,begin_xpix[y]:end_xpix[y]] yflux[:tmp.size] = tmp syflux=np.sum(yflux) if syflux<minflux : continue dx.append(np.arange(begin_xpix[y],end_xpix[y])-(xtrc[y,ii])) flux.append(yflux/syflux) dx=np.array(dx) flux=np.array(flux) # compute profile # one way to get something robust is to compute median in bins # it's a bit biasing but the PSF is not a Gaussian anyway bins=np.linspace(-box_radius,box_radius,100) bstep=bins[1]-bins[0] bdx=[] bflux=[] for b in bins : ok=(dx>=b)&(dx<(b+bstep)) if np.sum(ok)>1 : bdx.append(np.mean(dx[ok])) bflux.append(np.median(flux[ok])) if len(bdx)<10 : log.error("sigma fit failed for fiber #%02d"%ii) log.error("this should only occur for the fiber near the center of the detector (if at all)") log.error("using the sigma value from the previous fiber") gauss.append(gauss[-1]) continue # this is the profile : bdx=np.array(bdx) bflux=np.array(bflux) # fast iterative gaussian fit sigma = 1.0 sq2 = math.sqrt(2.) for i in range(10) : nsigma = sq2*np.sqrt(np.mean(bdx**2*bflux*np.exp(-bdx**2/2/sigma**2))/np.mean(bflux*np.exp(-bdx**2/2/sigma**2))) if abs(nsigma-sigma) < 0.001 : break sigma = nsigma gauss.append(sigma) return np.array(gauss)
[docs]def fiber_gauss_old(flat, xtrc, xerr, box_radius=2, max_iter=5, debug=False, verbose=False): """Find the PSF sigma for each fiber This serves as an initial guess to what follows Parameters ---------- flat : ndarray of fiber flat image xtrc: ndarray of fiber traces xerr: ndarray of error in fiber traces box_radius: int, optinal Radius of boxcar extraction in pixels max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations for rejection Returns ------- gauss list of Gaussian sigma """ log=get_logger() log.warning("fiber_gauss uses astropy.modeling. Consider an alternative") # Init nfiber = xtrc.shape[1] ny = xtrc.shape[0] iy = np.arange(ny).astype(int) # Mask mask = np.zeros_like(flat,dtype=int) # Sub images xpix_img = np.outer(np.ones(flat.shape[0]),np.arange(flat.shape[1])) # Gaussian fit g_init = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=1., mean=0., stddev=1.) g_init.amplitude.fixed = True g_init.mean.fixed = True fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() # Loop on fibers gauss = [] start = 0 for ii in range(nfiber): if (ii % 25 == 0): # & verbose: stop=time.time() if start==0 :"Working on fiber {:d} of {:d}".format(ii,nfiber)) else :"Working on fiber %d of %d (done 25 in %3.2f sec)"%(ii,nfiber,stop-start)) start=stop mask[:] = 0 ixt = np.round(xtrc[:,ii]).astype(int) for jj,ibox in enumerate(range(-box_radius,box_radius+1)): ix = ixt + ibox try : mask[iy,ix] = 1 except IndexError : pass dx_img = xpix_img - np.outer(xtrc[:,ii],np.ones(flat.shape[1])) # Sum flux = np.sum(mask*flat,axis=1) flux = np.maximum(flux,1.) # Normalize nrm_img = flat / np.outer(flux,np.ones(flat.shape[1])) # Gaussian cpix = np.where(np.abs(dx_img)<0.10) if len(cpix[0]) < 50: cpix = np.where(np.abs(dx_img)<0.40) amp = np.median(nrm_img[cpix]) g_init.amplitude.value = amp # Fixed fdimg = dx_img[mask==1].flatten() fnimg = nrm_img[mask==1].flatten() # Guess at sigma gdfn = (fnimg < amp) & (fnimg > 0.) all_sig = np.abs(fdimg[gdfn]) / np.sqrt( np.log(amp)-np.log(fnimg[gdfn]) ) g_init.stddev.value = np.median(all_sig[np.where((np.abs(fdimg[gdfn])>1) & (np.abs(fdimg[gdfn])<1.5) & (np.isfinite(all_sig)))]) # Initial fit (need to mask!) parm = fitter(g_init, fdimg, fnimg) # Iterate iterate = True nrej = 0 niter = 0 while iterate & (niter < max_iter): # Clip resid = parm(fdimg) - fnimg resid_mask = sigma_clip(resid, sigma=4., maxiters=5) # Fit gdp = ~resid_mask.mask parm = fitter(g_init, fdimg[gdp], fnimg[gdp]) # Again? if np.sum(resid_mask.mask) <= nrej: iterate = False else: nrej = np.sum(resid_mask.mask) niter += 1 if verbose:"Rejected {:d} in {:d} iterations".format(nrej,niter)) #debug = False if debug: plt.clf() plt.scatter(fdimg[gdp], fnimg[gdp]) x= np.linspace(-box_radius, box_radius, 200) plt.plot(x, parm(x), 'r-') plt.close() pdb.set_trace() # Save gauss.append(parm.stddev.value) # return np.array(gauss)
[docs]def find_fiber_peaks(flat, ypos=None, nwidth=5, debug=False,thresh=None) : """Find the peaks of the fiber flat spectra Preforms book-keeping error checking Args: flat : ndarray of fiber flat image ypos : int [optional] Row for finding peaks Default is half-way up the image nwidth : int [optional] Width of peak (end-to-end) debug: bool, optional Returns: xpk, ypos, cut list of xpk (nearest pixel) at ypos ndarray of cut through the image """ log=get_logger()"starting") # Init Nbundle = 20 Nfiber = 25 # Fibers per bundle # Set ypos for peak finding if ypos is None: ypos = flat.shape[0]//2 # Cut image cutimg = flat[ypos-50:ypos+50, :] # Smash cut = np.median(cutimg, axis=0) # Set flux threshold #srt = np.sort(cutimg.flatten()) # this does not work for sparse fibers #thresh = srt[int(cutimg.size*0.95)] / 2. # this does not work for sparse fibers if thresh is None : thresh = np.max(cut)/20."Threshold: {:f}".format(thresh)) pixels_below_threshold=np.where(cut<thresh)[0] if pixels_below_threshold.size>2 : values_below_threshold = sigma_clip(cut[pixels_below_threshold],sigma=3,maxiters=200) if values_below_threshold.size>2 : rms=np.std(values_below_threshold) nsig=7 new_thresh=max(thresh,nsig*rms)"Threshold: {:f} -> {:f} ({:d}*rms: {:f})".format(thresh,new_thresh,nsig,nsig*rms)) thresh=new_thresh else :"Using input threshold: {:f})".format(thresh)) #gdp = cut > thresh # Roll to find peaks (simple algorithm) #nstep = nwidth // 2 #for kk in range(-nstep,nstep): # if kk < 0: # test = np.roll(cut,kk) < np.roll(cut,kk+1) # else: # test = np.roll(cut,kk) > np.roll(cut,kk+1) # # Compare # gdp = gdp & test #xpk = np.where(gdp)[0] # Find clusters of adjacent points clusters=[] gdp=np.where(cut > thresh)[0] cluster=[gdp[0]] for i in gdp[1:] : if i==cluster[-1]+1 : cluster.append(i) else : clusters.append(cluster) cluster=[i] clusters.append(cluster)"Number of clusters found: {:d}".format(len(clusters))) # Record max of each cluster xpk=np.zeros((len(clusters)), dtype=np.int64) for i in range(len(clusters)) : t=np.argmax(cut[clusters[i]]) xpk[i]=clusters[i][t] if debug: #pdb.xplot(cut, xtwo=xpk, ytwo=cut[xpk],mtwo='o') pdb.set_trace() # Book-keeping and some error checking if len(xpk) != Nbundle*Nfiber: log.warning('Found the wrong number of total fibers: {:d}'.format(len(xpk))) else:'Found {:d} fibers'.format(len(xpk))) # Find bundles xsep = np.roll(xpk,-1) - xpk medsep = np.median(xsep) bundle_ends = np.where(np.abs(xsep-medsep) > 0.5*medsep)[0] if len(bundle_ends) != Nbundle: log.warning('Found the wrong number of bundles: {:d}'.format(len(bundle_ends))) else:'Found {:d} bundles'.format(len(bundle_ends))) # Confirm correct number of fibers per bundle bad = ((bundle_ends+1) % Nfiber) != 0 if np.sum(bad) > 0: log.warning('Wrong number of fibers in a bundle') #raise ValueError('Wrong number of fibers in a bundle') # Return return xpk, ypos, cut
[docs]def fit_traces(xset, xerr, func='legendre', order=6, sigrej=20., RMS_TOLER=0.03, verbose=False): """Fit the traces Default is 6th order Legendre polynomials Parameters ---------- xset : ndarray traces xerr : ndarray Error in the trace values (999.=Bad) RMS_TOLER : float, optional [0.02] Tolerance on size of RMS in fit Returns ------- xnew, fits xnew : ndarray New fit values (without error) fits : list List of the fit dicts """ log=get_logger() ny = xset.shape[0] ntrace = xset.shape[1] xnew = np.zeros_like(xset) fits = [] yval = np.arange(ny) for ii in range(ntrace): mask = xerr[:,ii] > 900. nmask = np.sum(mask) # Fit with rejection dfit, mask = dufits.iter_fit(yval, xset[:,ii], func, order, sig_rej=sigrej, weights=1./xerr[:,ii], initialmask=mask, maxone=True)#, sigma=xerr[:,ii]) # Stats on residuals nmask_new = np.sum(mask)-nmask if nmask_new > 200: log.error("Rejected many points ({:d}) in fiber {:d}".format(nmask_new, ii)) # Save xnew[:,ii] = dufits.func_val(yval,dfit) fits.append(dfit) # Residuas gdval = mask==0 resid = xnew[:,ii][gdval] - xset[:,ii][gdval] rms = np.std(resid) if verbose: print('RMS of FIT= {:g}'.format(rms)) if rms > RMS_TOLER: #from xastropy.xutils import xdebug as xdb #xdb.xplot(yval, xnew[:,ii], xtwo=yval[gdval],ytwo=xset[:,ii][gdval], mtwo='o') log.error("RMS {:g} exceeded tolerance for fiber {:d}".format(rms, ii)) # Return return xnew, fits
[docs]def extract_sngfibers_gaussianpsf(img, img_ivar, xtrc, sigma, box_radius=2, verbose=True): """Extract spectrum for fibers one-by-one using a Gaussian PSF Parameters ---------- img : ndarray Image img_ivar : ndarray Image inverse variance xtrc : ndarray fiber trace sigma : float Gaussian sigma for PSF box_radius : int, optional Radius for extraction (+/-) Returns ------- spec : ndarray Extracted spectrum """ # Init xpix_img = np.outer(np.ones(img.shape[0]),np.arange(img.shape[1])) mask = np.zeros_like(img,dtype=int) iy = np.arange(img.shape[0],dtype=int) log = get_logger() # all_spec = np.zeros_like(xtrc) cst = 1./np.sqrt(2*np.pi) start=0 for qq in range(xtrc.shape[1]): if verbose & (qq % 25 == 0): stop=time.time() if start>0 :"Working on fiber %d of %d (done 25 in %3.2f sec)"%(qq,xtrc.shape[1],stop-start)) else :"Working on fiber %d of %d"%(qq,xtrc.shape[1])) start=stop # Mask mask[:,:] = 0 ixt = np.round(xtrc[:,qq]).astype(int) for jj,ibox in enumerate(range(-box_radius,box_radius+1)): ix = ixt + ibox try : mask[iy,ix] = 1 except IndexError : pass # Sub-image (for speed, not convenience) gdp = np.where(mask == 1) if len(gdp[1])<2: continue minx = np.min(gdp[1]) maxx = np.max(gdp[1]) nx = (maxx-minx)+1 # Generate PSF dx_img = xpix_img[:,minx:maxx+1] - np.outer(xtrc[:,qq], np.ones(nx)) psf = cst*np.exp(-0.5 * (dx_img/sigma[qq])**2)/sigma[qq] #dx_img = xpix_img[:,minx:maxx+1] - np.outer(xtrc[:,qq],np.ones(img.shape[1])) #g_init = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=1., mean=0., stddev=sigma[qq]) #psf = mask * g_init(dx_img) # Extract #all_spec[:,qq] = np.sum(psf*img,axis=1) / np.sum(psf,axis=1) #all_spec[:,qq] = np.sum(psf*img[:,minx:maxx+1],axis=1) / np.sum(psf,axis=1) a=np.sum(img_ivar[:,minx:maxx+1]*psf**2,axis=1) b=np.sum(img_ivar[:,minx:maxx+1]*psf*img[:,minx:maxx+1],axis=1) ok=(a>1.e-6) all_spec[ok,qq] = b[ok] / a[ok] #import as pyfits #h=pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU(), # pyfits.ImageHDU(img[:,minx:maxx+1],name="FLUX"), # pyfits.ImageHDU(img_ivar[:,minx:maxx+1],name="IVAR"), # pyfits.ImageHDU(psf,name="PSF"), # pyfits.ImageHDU(a,name="A"), # pyfits.ImageHDU(b,name="B")]) #h.writeto("test.fits") #sys.exit(12) # Return return all_spec
[docs]def trace_crude_init(image, xinit0, ypass, invvar=None, radius=2., maxshift0=0.5, maxshift=0.15, maxerr=0.2): # xset, xerr, maxerr, maxshift, maxshift0 """Python port of from IDLUTILS Modified for initial guess Parameters ---------- image : 2D ndarray Image for tracing xinit : ndarray Initial guesses for trace peak at ypass ypass : int Row for initial guesses Returns ------- xset : Trace for each fiber xerr : Estimated error in that trace """ # Init xinit = xinit0.astype(float) #xinit = xinit[0:3] ntrace = xinit.size ny = image.shape[0] xset = np.zeros((ny,ntrace)) xerr = np.zeros((ny,ntrace)) if invvar is None: invvar = np.zeros_like(image) + 1. # # Recenter INITIAL Row for all traces simultaneously # iy = ypass * np.ones(ntrace,dtype=int) xfit,xfiterr = trace_fweight(image, xinit, iy, invvar=invvar, radius=radius) # Shift xshift = np.clip(xfit-xinit, -1*maxshift0, maxshift0) * (xfiterr < maxerr) xset[ypass,:] = xinit + xshift xerr[ypass,:] = xfiterr * (xfiterr < maxerr) + 999.0 * (xfiterr >= maxerr) # /* LOOP FROM INITIAL (COL,ROW) NUMBER TO LARGER ROW NUMBERS */ for iy in range(ypass+1, ny): xinit = xset[iy-1, :] ycen = iy * np.ones(ntrace,dtype=int) xfit,xfiterr = trace_fweight(image, xinit, ycen, invvar=invvar, radius=radius) # Shift xshift = np.clip(xfit-xinit, -1*maxshift, maxshift) * (xfiterr < maxerr) # Save xset[iy,:] = xinit + xshift xerr[iy,:] = xfiterr * (xfiterr < maxerr) + 999.0 * (xfiterr >= maxerr) # /* LOOP FROM INITIAL (COL,ROW) NUMBER TO SMALLER ROW NUMBERS */ for iy in range(ypass-1, -1,-1): xinit = xset[iy+1, :] ycen = iy * np.ones(ntrace,dtype=int) xfit,xfiterr = trace_fweight(image, xinit, ycen, invvar=invvar, radius=radius) # Shift xshift = np.clip(xfit-xinit, -1*maxshift, maxshift) * (xfiterr < maxerr) # Save xset[iy,:] = xinit + xshift xerr[iy,:] = xfiterr * (xfiterr < maxerr) + 999.0 * (xfiterr >= maxerr) return xset, xerr
[docs]def trace_fweight(fimage, xinit, ycen=None, invvar=None, radius=2., debug=False): '''Python port of from IDLUTILS Parameters ---------- fimage: 2D ndarray Image for tracing xinit: ndarray Initial guesses for x-trace invvar: ndarray, optional Inverse variance array for the image radius: float, optional Radius for centroiding; default to 3.0 ''' # Definitions for Cython #cdef int nx,ny,ncen # Init nx = fimage.shape[1] ny = fimage.shape[0] ncen = len(xinit) # Create xnew, xerr xnew = xinit.astype(float) xerr = np.zeros(ncen) + 999. # ycen if ycen is None: if ncen != ny: raise ValueError('Bad input') ycen = np.arange(ny, dtype=int) else: if len(ycen) != ncen: raise ValueError('Bad ycen input. Wrong length') x1 = xinit - radius + 0.5 x2 = xinit + radius + 0.5 ix1 = np.floor(x1).astype(int) ix2 = np.floor(x2).astype(int) fullpix = int(np.maximum(np.min(ix2-ix1)-1,0)) sumw = np.zeros(ncen) sumxw = np.zeros(ncen) sumwt = np.zeros(ncen) sumsx1 = np.zeros(ncen) sumsx2 = np.zeros(ncen) qbad = np.array([False]*ncen) if invvar is None: invvar = np.zeros_like(fimage) + 1. # Compute for ii in range(0,fullpix+3): spot = ix1 - 1 + ii ih = np.clip(spot,0,nx-1) xdiff = spot - xinit # wt = np.clip(radius - np.abs(xdiff) + 0.5,0,1) * ((spot >= 0) & (spot < nx)) sumw = sumw + fimage[ycen,ih] * wt sumwt = sumwt + wt sumxw = sumxw + fimage[ycen,ih] * xdiff * wt var_term = wt**2 / (invvar[ycen,ih] + (invvar[ycen,ih] == 0)) sumsx2 = sumsx2 + var_term sumsx1 = sumsx1 + xdiff**2 * var_term #qbad = qbad or (invvar[ycen,ih] <= 0) qbad = np.any([qbad, invvar[ycen,ih] <= 0], axis=0) if debug: pdb.set_trace() # Fill up good = (sumw > 0) & (~qbad) if np.sum(good) > 0: delta_x = sumxw[good]/sumw[good] xnew[good] = delta_x + xinit[good] xerr[good] = np.sqrt(sumsx1[good] + sumsx2[good]*delta_x**2)/sumw[good] bad = np.any([np.abs(xnew-xinit) > radius + 0.5,xinit < radius - 0.5,xinit > nx - 0.5 - radius],axis=0) if np.sum(bad) > 0: xnew[bad] = xinit[bad] xerr[bad] = 999.0 # Return return xnew, xerr
[docs]def fix_ycoeff_outliers(xcoeff, ycoeff, deg=5, tolerance=2): ''' Fix outliers in coefficients for wavelength solution, assuming a continuous function of CCD coordinates Args: xcoeff[nfiber, ncoeff] : 2D array of Legendre coefficients for X(wavelength) ycoeff[nfiber, ncoeff] : 2D array of Legendre coefficients for Y(wavelength) Options: deg : integer degree of polynomial to fit tolerance : replace fibers with difference of wavelength solution larger than this number of pixels after interpolation Returns: new_ycoeff[nfiber, ncoeff] with outliers replaced by interpolations For each coefficient, fit a polynomial vs. fiber number with one pass of sigma clipping. Remaining outliers are than replaced with the interpolated fit value. ''' log = get_logger() nfibers=ycoeff.shape[0] if nfibers < 3 : log.warning("only {:d} fibers, cannot interpolate coefs".format(nfibers)) return ycoeff deg=min(deg,nfibers-1) nwave=ycoeff.shape[1]+1 wave_nodes = np.linspace(-1,1,nwave) # get traces using fit coefs x=np.zeros((nfibers,nwave)) y=np.zeros((nfibers,nwave)) for i in range(nfibers) : x[i] = legval(wave_nodes,xcoeff[i]) y[i] = legval(wave_nodes,ycoeff[i]) new_ycoeff=ycoeff.copy() bad_fibers=None while True : # loop to discard one fiber at a time # polynomial fit as a function of x for each wave yf=np.zeros((nfibers,nwave)) xx=2*(x - np.min(x)) / (np.max(x) - np.min(x)) - 1 for i in range(nwave) : c=np.polyfit(xx[:,i], y[:,i], deg) yf[:,i]=np.polyval(c, xx[:,i]) diff=np.max(np.abs(y-yf),axis=1) for f in range(nfibers) :"fiber {:d} maxdiff= {:f}".format(f,diff[f])) worst = np.argmax(diff) if diff[worst] > tolerance : log.warning("replace fiber {:d} trace by interpolation".format(worst)) leg_fit = dufits.func_fit(wave_nodes, yf[worst], 'legendre', ycoeff.shape[1]-1, xmin=-1, xmax=1) new_ycoeff[worst] = leg_fit['coeff'] y[worst] = legval(wave_nodes,new_ycoeff[worst]) if bad_fibers is None : bad_fibers = np.array([worst]) else : bad_fibers=np.append(bad_fibers, worst) bad_fibers=np.unique(bad_fibers) continue break return new_ycoeff
##################################################################### ##################################################################### # Output #####################################################################
[docs]def write_psf(outfile, xfit, fdicts, gauss, wv_solns, legendre_deg=5, without_arc=False, XCOEFF=None, fiberflat_header=None, arc_header=None, fix_ycoeff=True): """ Write the output to a Base PSF format Parameters ---------- outfile : str Output file xfit : ndarray Traces gauss : list List of gaussian sigmas fdicts : list List of trace fits wv_solns : list List of wavelength calibrations ncoeff : int Number of Legendre coefficients in fits """ # # check legendre degree makes sense based on number of lines if not without_arc: nlines=10000 for ii,id_dict in enumerate(wv_solns): if len(id_dict['id_pix']) > 0 : nlines_in_fiber=(np.array(id_dict['id_pix'])[id_dict['mask']==0]).size #print("fiber #%d nlines=%d"%(ii,nlines_in_fiber)) nlines=min(nlines,nlines_in_fiber) if nlines < legendre_deg+2 : legendre_deg=nlines-2 print("reducing legendre degree to %d because the min. number of emission lines found is %d"%(legendre_deg,nlines)) ny = xfit.shape[0] nfiber = xfit.shape[1] ncoeff=legendre_deg+1 if XCOEFF is None: XCOEFF = np.zeros((nfiber, ncoeff)) YCOEFF = np.zeros((nfiber, ncoeff)) # Find WAVEMIN, WAVEMAX if without_arc: WAVEMIN = 0. WAVEMAX = ny-1. wv_solns = [None]*nfiber else: WAVEMIN = 10000000. WAVEMAX = 0. for id_dict in wv_solns : if 'wave_min' in id_dict : WAVEMIN = min(WAVEMIN,id_dict['wave_min']) if 'wave_max' in id_dict : WAVEMAX = max(WAVEMAX,id_dict['wave_max']) WAVEMIN -= 1. WAVEMAX += 1. wv_array = np.linspace(WAVEMIN, WAVEMAX, num=ny) # Fit Legendre to y vs. wave for ii,id_dict in enumerate(wv_solns): # Fit y vs. wave if without_arc: yleg_fit, mask = dufits.iter_fit(wv_array, np.arange(ny), 'legendre', ncoeff-1, xmin=WAVEMIN, xmax=WAVEMAX, niter=1) else: if len(id_dict['id_wave']) > 0 : yleg_fit, mask = dufits.iter_fit(np.array(id_dict['id_wave'])[id_dict['mask']==0], np.array(id_dict['id_pix'])[id_dict['mask']==0], 'legendre', ncoeff-1, xmin=WAVEMIN, xmax=WAVEMAX, sig_rej=100000.) else : yleg_fit = None mask = None if yleg_fit is None : continue YCOEFF[ii, :] = yleg_fit['coeff'] # Fit x vs. wave yval = dufits.func_val(wv_array, yleg_fit) if fdicts is None: if XCOEFF is None: raise IOError("Need to set either fdicts or XCOEFF!") else: xtrc = dufits.func_val(yval, fdicts[ii]) xleg_fit,mask = dufits.iter_fit(wv_array, xtrc, 'legendre', ncoeff-1, xmin=WAVEMIN, xmax=WAVEMAX, niter=5, sig_rej=100000.) XCOEFF[ii, :] = xleg_fit['coeff'] # Fix outliers assuming that coefficients vary smoothly vs. CCD coordinates if fix_ycoeff : YCOEFF = fix_ycoeff_outliers(XCOEFF,YCOEFF,tolerance=2) # Write the FITS file prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(XCOEFF) prihdu.header['WAVEMIN'] = WAVEMIN prihdu.header['WAVEMAX'] = WAVEMAX prihdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'XTRACE' prihdu.header['PSFTYPE'] = 'bootcalib' from desiutil.depend import add_dependencies add_dependencies(prihdu.header) # Add informations for headers if arc_header is not None : if "NIGHT" in arc_header: prihdu.header["ARCNIGHT"] = arc_header["NIGHT"] if "EXPID" in arc_header: prihdu.header["ARCEXPID"] = arc_header["EXPID"] if "CAMERA" in arc_header: prihdu.header["CAMERA"] = arc_header["CAMERA"] prihdu.header['NPIX_X'] = arc_header['NAXIS1'] prihdu.header['NPIX_Y'] = arc_header['NAXIS2'] if fiberflat_header is not None : if 'NPIX_X' not in prihdu.header: prihdu.header['NPIX_X'] = fiberflat_header['NAXIS1'] prihdu.header['NPIX_Y'] = fiberflat_header['NAXIS2'] if "NIGHT" in fiberflat_header: prihdu.header["FLANIGHT"] = fiberflat_header["NIGHT"] if "EXPID" in fiberflat_header: prihdu.header["FLAEXPID"] = fiberflat_header["EXPID"] yhdu = fits.ImageHDU(YCOEFF, name='YTRACE') # also save wavemin wavemax in yhdu yhdu.header['WAVEMIN'] = WAVEMIN yhdu.header['WAVEMAX'] = WAVEMAX gausshdu = fits.ImageHDU(np.array(gauss), name='XSIGMA') hdulist = fits.HDUList([prihdu, yhdu, gausshdu]) hdulist.writeto(outfile, overwrite=True)
def write_line_list(filename,all_wv_soln,llist) : wave = np.array([]) for id_dict in all_wv_soln : wave=np.append(wave,id_dict["id_wave"]) wave=np.unique(wave) ofile=open(filename,"w") ofile.write("# from bootcalib\n") ofile.write("Ion wave score RelInt\n") for w in wave : ii=np.argmin(np.abs(llist["wave"]-w)) print(w,llist["wave"][ii],llist["Ion"][ii]) ofile.write("{:s} {:f} 1 1\n".format(llist["Ion"][ii],w)) ofile.close() ##################################################################### ##################################################################### # Utilities #####################################################################
[docs]def script_bootcalib(arc_idx, flat_idx, cameras=None, channels=None, nproc=10): """ Runs desi_bootcalib on a series of preproc files Returns: script_bootcalib([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], [10,11,12,13,14]) """ from subprocess import Popen # if cameras is None: cameras = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'] if channels is None: channels = ['b','r','z'] #channels = ['b']#,'r','z'] nchannels = len(channels) ncameras = len(cameras) # narc = len(arc_idx) nflat = len(flat_idx) ntrial = narc*nflat*ncameras*nchannels # Loop on the systems nrun = -1 #nrun = 123 while(nrun < ntrial): proc = [] ofiles = [] for ss in range(nproc): nrun += 1 iarc = nrun % narc jflat = (nrun//narc) % nflat kcamera = (nrun//(narc*nflat)) % ncameras lchannel = nrun // (narc*nflat*ncameras) #pdb.set_trace() if nrun == ntrial: break # Names #- TODO: update to use instead afile = str('preproc-{:s}{:s}-{:08d}.fits'.format(channels[lchannel], cameras[kcamera], arc_idx[iarc])) ffile = str('preproc-{:s}{:s}-{:08d}.fits'.format(channels[lchannel], cameras[kcamera], flat_idx[jflat])) ofile = str('boot_psf-{:s}{:s}-{:d}{:d}.fits'.format(channels[lchannel], cameras[kcamera], arc_idx[iarc], flat_idx[jflat])) qfile = str('qa_boot-{:s}{:s}-{:d}{:d}.pdf'.format(channels[lchannel], cameras[kcamera], arc_idx[iarc], flat_idx[jflat])) lfile = str('boot-{:s}{:s}-{:d}{:d}.log'.format(channels[lchannel], cameras[kcamera], arc_idx[iarc], flat_idx[jflat])) ## Run script = [str(''), str('--fiberflat={:s}'.format(ffile)), str('--arcfile={:s}'.format(afile)), str('--outfile={:s}'.format(ofile)), str('--qafile={:s}'.format(qfile))]#, #str('>'), #str('{:s}'.format(lfile))] f = open(lfile, "w") proc.append(Popen(script, stdout=f)) ofiles.append(f) exit_codes = [p.wait() for p in proc] for ofile in ofiles: ofile.close()
##################################################################### ##################################################################### ##################################################################### # QA #####################################################################
[docs]def qa_fiber_peaks(xpk, cut, pp=None, figsz=None, nper=100): """ Generate a QA plot for the fiber peaks Args: xpk: x positions on the CCD of the fiber peaks at a ypos cut: Spatial cut through the detector pp: PDF file pointer figsz: figure size, optional nper: number of fibers per row in the plot, optional """ # Init if figsz is None: figsz = glbl_figsz nfiber = xpk.size nrow = (nfiber // nper) + ((nfiber % nper) > 0) xplt = np.arange(cut.size) # Plots gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrow, 1) plt.figure(figsize=figsz) # Loop for ii in range(nrow): ax = plt.subplot(gs[ii]) i0 = ii*nper i1 = i0 + nper ax.plot(xplt,cut, 'k-') ax.plot(xpk, cut[xpk],'go') xmin = np.min(xpk[i0:i1])-10. xmax = np.max(xpk[i0:i1])+10. ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) # Save and close if pp is not None: pp.savefig(bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.close()
[docs]def qa_fiber_Dx(xfit, fdicts, pp=None, figsz=None): """ Show the spread in the trace per fiber Used to diagnose the traces Args: xfit: traces fdicts: dict of the traces pp: PDF file pointer figsz: figure size, optional """ # if figsz is None: figsz = glbl_figsz # Calculate Dx nfiber = xfit.shape[1] Dx = [] for ii in range(nfiber): Dx.append(np.max(xfit[:, ii])-np.min(xfit[:, ii])) # Plot plt.figure(figsize=figsz) plt.scatter(np.arange(nfiber), np.array(Dx)) # Label plt.xlabel('Fiber', fontsize=17.) plt.ylabel(r'$\Delta x$ (pixels)', fontsize=17.) # Save and close if pp is None: else: pp.savefig(bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
[docs]def qa_fiber_gauss(gauss, pp=None, figsz=None): """ Show the Gaussian (sigma) fits to each fiber Args: gauss: Gaussian of each fiber pp: PDF file pointer figsz: figure size, optional """ # if figsz is None: figsz = glbl_figsz # Calculate Dx nfiber = gauss.size # Plot plt.figure(figsize=figsz) plt.scatter(np.arange(nfiber), gauss) # Label plt.xlabel('Fiber', fontsize=17.) plt.ylabel('Gaussian sigma (pixels)', fontsize=17.) # Save and close if pp is None: else: pp.savefig(bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
[docs]def qa_arc_spec(all_spec, all_soln, pp, figsz=None): """ Generate QA plots of the arc spectra with IDs Args: all_spec: Arc 1D fiber spectra all_soln: Wavelength solutions pp: PDF file pointer figsz: figure size, optional """ # Init if figsz is None: figsz = glbl_figsz nfiber = len(all_soln) npix = all_spec.shape[0] # nrow = 2 ncol = 3 # Plots gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrow, ncol) plt.figure(figsize=figsz) # Loop for ii in range(nrow*ncol): ax = plt.subplot(gs[ii]) idx = ii * (nfiber//(nrow*ncol)) yspec = np.log10(np.maximum(all_spec[:,idx],1)) ax.plot(np.arange(npix), yspec, 'k-') ax.set_xlabel('Pixel') ax.set_ylabel('log Flux') # ID id_dict = all_soln[idx] for jj,xpixpk in enumerate(id_dict['id_pix']): ax.text(xpixpk, yspec[int(np.round(xpixpk))], '{:g}'.format(id_dict['id_wave'][jj]), ha='center',color='red', rotation=90.) # Save and close pp.savefig(bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
[docs]def qa_fiber_arcrms(all_soln, pp, figsz=None): """ Show the RMS of the wavelength solutions vs. fiber Args: all_soln: Wavelength solutions pp: PDF file pointer figsz: figure size, optional """ # if figsz is None: figsz = glbl_figsz # Calculate Dx nfiber = len(all_soln) rms = [id_dict['rms'] for id_dict in all_soln] # Plot plt.figure(figsize=figsz) plt.scatter(np.arange(nfiber), np.array(rms)) # Label plt.xlabel('Fiber', fontsize=17.) plt.ylabel('RMS (pixels)', fontsize=17.) # Save and close pp.savefig(bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
[docs]def qa_fiber_dlamb(all_spec, all_soln, pp, figsz=None): """ Show the Dlamb of the wavelength solutions vs. fiber Args: all_soln: Wavelength solutions pp: PDF file pointer figsz: figure size, optional """ # if figsz is None: figsz = glbl_figsz # Calculate Dx nfiber = len(all_soln) npix = all_spec.shape[0] xval = np.arange(npix) dlamb = [] for ii in range(nfiber): idict = all_soln[ii] wave = dufits.func_val(xval,idict['final_fit_pix']) dlamb.append(np.median(np.abs(wave-np.roll(wave,1)))) # Plot plt.figure(figsize=figsz) plt.scatter(np.arange(nfiber), np.array(dlamb)) # Label plt.xlabel('Fiber', fontsize=17.) plt.ylabel(r'$\Delta \lambda$ (Ang)', fontsize=17.) # Save and close pp.savefig(bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
[docs]def qa_fiber_trace(flat, xtrc, outfil=None, Nfiber=25, isclmin=0.5): ''' Generate a QA plot for the fiber traces Parameters ---------- flat: ndarray image xtrc: ndarray Trace array isclmin: float, optional [0.5] Fraction of 90 percentile flux to scale image by outfil: str, optional Output file normalize: bool, optional Normalize the flat? If not, use zscale for output ''' ticks_font = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(family='times new roman', style='normal', size=16, weight='normal', stretch='normal') plt.rcParams['']= 'times new roman' cmm = cm.Greys_r # Outfil if outfil is None: outfil = 'fiber_trace_qa.pdf' ntrc = xtrc.shape[1] ycen = np.arange(flat.shape[0]) # Plot pp = PdfPages(outfil) plt.clf() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5.0),dpi=1200) #fig.set_size_inches(10.0,6.5) Nbundle = ntrc // Nfiber + (ntrc%Nfiber > 0) for qq in range(Nbundle): ax = plt.gca() for label in ax.get_yticklabels() : label.set_fontproperties(ticks_font) for label in ax.get_xticklabels() : label.set_fontproperties(ticks_font) # Cut image i0 = qq*Nfiber i1 = np.minimum((qq+1)*Nfiber,ntrc) x0 = np.maximum(int(np.min(xtrc[:,i0:i1]))-3,0) x1 = np.minimum(int(np.max(xtrc[:,i0:i1]))+3,flat.shape[1]) sub_flat = flat[:,x0:x1].T # Scale srt = np.sort(sub_flat.flatten()) sclmax = srt[int(sub_flat.size*0.9)] sclmin = isclmin * sclmax # Plot mplt = plt.imshow(sub_flat,origin='lower', cmap=cmm, extent=(0., sub_flat.shape[1]-1, x0,x1-1), aspect='auto') #extent=(0., sub_flat.shape[1]-1, x0,x1)) #mplt.set_clim(vmin=sclmin, vmax=sclmax) # Axes #plt.xlim(0., sub_flat.shape[1]-1) plt.xlim(0., sub_flat.shape[1]-1) plt.ylim(x0,x1) # Traces for ii in range(i0,i1): # Left plt.plot(ycen, xtrc[:,ii], 'r-',alpha=0.7, linewidth=0.5) # Label #iy = int(frame.shape[0]/2.) #plt.text(ltrace[iy,ii], ycen[iy], '{:d}'.format(ii+1), color='red', ha='center') #plt.text(rtrace[iy,ii], ycen[iy], '{:d}'.format(ii+1), color='green', ha='center') pp.savefig(bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() # Finish print('Writing {:s} QA for fiber trace'.format(outfil)) pp.close()