Source code for desispec.fiberbitmasking


Functions to properly take FIBERSTATUS into account in the variances for data reduction

from __future__ import absolute_import, division
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table

from desiutil.log import get_logger
from desispec.maskbits import fibermask as fmsk
from desispec.maskbits import specmask

[docs]def get_fiberbitmasked_frame(frame,bitmask=None,ivar_framemask=True): """ Wrapper script of get_fiberbitmasked_frame_arrays that will return a modified version of the frame instead of just the flux and ivar Note: The input "frame" variable itself is modified and returned, not a copy. """ ivar,mask = get_fiberbitmasked_frame_arrays(frame,bitmask,ivar_framemask,return_mask=True) frame.mask = mask frame.ivar = ivar return frame
[docs]def get_fiberbitmasked_frame_arrays(frame,bitmask=None,ivar_framemask=True,return_mask=False): """ Function that takes a frame object and a bitmask and returns ivar (and optionally mask) array(s) that have fibers with offending bits in fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'] set to 0 in ivar and optionally flips a bit in mask. Args: frame: frame object bitmask: int32 or list/array of int32's derived from desispec.maskbits.fibermask OR string indicating a keyword for get_fiberbitmask_comparison_value() ivar_framemask: bool (default=True), tells code whether to multiply the output variance by (frame.mask==0) return_mask: bool, (default=False). Returns the frame.mask with the logic of FIBERSTATUS applied. Returns: ivar: frame.ivar where the fibers with FIBERSTATUS & bitmask > 0 set to zero ivar mask: (optional) frame.mask logically OR'ed with BADFIBER bit in cases with a bad FIBERSTATUS Examples: Example bitmask list:: bitmask = [fmsk.BROKENFIBER,fmsk.UNASSIGNED,fmsk.BADFIBER,\ fmsk.BADTRACE,fmsk.MANYBADCOL, fmsk.MANYREJECTED] bitmask = get_fiberbitmask_comparison_value(kind='fluxcalib', band='brz') bitmask = 'fluxcalib' bitmask = 4128780 """ ivar = frame.ivar.copy() mask = frame.mask.copy() if ivar_framemask and frame.mask is not None: ivar *= (frame.mask==0) fmap = Table(frame.fibermap) if frame.fibermap is None: log = get_logger() log.warning("No fibermap was given, so no FIBERSTATUS check applied.") if bitmask is None or frame.fibermap is None: if return_mask: return ivar, mask else: return ivar if type(bitmask) in [int,np.int32]: bad = bitmask elif type(bitmask) == str: if bitmask.isnumeric(): bad = np.int32(bitmask) else: band = 'brz' # all by default if frame.meta is not None : if "CAMERA" in frame.meta.keys() : camera = frame.meta["CAMERA"].lower() band = camera[0] bad = get_fiberbitmask_comparison_value(kind=bitmask,band=band) else: bad = bitmask[0] for bit in bitmask[1:]: bad |= bit # find if any fibers have an intersection with the bad bits badfibers = (fmap['FIBERSTATUS'] & bad) > 0 # For the bad fibers, loop through and nullify them for i in np.where(badfibers)[0]: mask[i] |= specmask.BADFIBER if ivar_framemask : ivar[i] = 0. if return_mask: return ivar,mask else: return ivar
[docs]def get_fiberbitmask_comparison_value(kind,band): """Takes a string argument and returns a 32-bit integer representing the logical OR of all relevant fibermask bits for that given reduction step Args: kind: str : string designating which combination of bits to use based on the operation. Possible values are "all", "sky" (or "skysub"), "flat", "flux" (or "fluxcalib"), "star" (or "stdstars") band: str : BADAMP band bits to set. Values include 'b', 'r', 'z', or combinations thereof such as 'brz' Returns: bitmask : 32 bit bitmask corresponding to the fiberbitmask of the desired kind in the desired cameras (bands). """ if kind.lower() == 'all': return get_all_fiberbitmask_with_amp(band) elif kind.lower()[:3] == 'sky': return get_skysub_fiberbitmask_val(band) elif kind.lower() == 'flat': return get_flat_fiberbitmask_val(band) elif 'star' in kind.lower(): return get_stdstars_fiberbitmask_val(band) elif 'flux' in kind.lower(): return get_fluxcalib_fiberbitmask_val(band) else: log = get_logger() log.warning("Keyword {} given to get_fiberbitmask_comparison_value() is invalid.".format(kind)+\ " Using 'fluxcalib' fiberbitmask.") return get_fluxcalib_fiberbitmask_val(band)
def get_skysub_fiberbitmask_val(band): return get_all_fiberbitmask_with_amp(band) def get_flat_fiberbitmask_val(band): return (fmsk.BROKENFIBER | fmsk.BADFIBER | fmsk.BADTRACE | fmsk.BADARC | \ fmsk.MANYBADCOL | fmsk.MANYREJECTED ) def get_fluxcalib_fiberbitmask_val(band): return get_all_fiberbitmask_with_amp(band) def get_stdstars_fiberbitmask_val(band): return get_all_fiberbitmask_with_amp(band) | fmsk.POORPOSITION
[docs]def get_all_nonamp_fiberbitmask_val(): """Return a mask for all fatally bad FIBERSTATUS bits except BADAMPB/R/Z Note: Does not include STUCKPOSITIONER or RESTRICTED, which could still be on a valid sky location, or even a target for RESTRICTED. Also does not include POORPOSITION which is bad for stdstars but not necessarily fatal for otherwise processing a normal fiber. """ return (fmsk.BROKENFIBER | fmsk.MISSINGPOSITION | \ fmsk.BADPOSITION | \ fmsk.BADFIBER | fmsk.BADTRACE | fmsk.BADARC | fmsk.BADFLAT | \ fmsk.MANYBADCOL | fmsk.MANYREJECTED )
def get_justamps_fiberbitmask(): return ( fmsk.BADAMPB | fmsk.BADAMPR | fmsk.BADAMPZ ) def get_all_fiberbitmask_with_amp(band): amp_mask = get_all_nonamp_fiberbitmask_val() if band.lower().find('b')>=0: amp_mask |= fmsk.BADAMPB if band.lower().find('r')>=0: amp_mask |= fmsk.BADAMPR if band.lower().find('z')>=0: amp_mask |= fmsk.BADAMPZ return amp_mask def get_all_fiberbitmask_val(): return ( get_all_nonamp_fiberbitmask_val() | get_justamps_fiberbitmask() )