Source code for desispec.fibercrosstalk


Utility functions to correct for the fibercrosstalk

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import numpy as np
from importlib import resources
import yaml
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve

from desiutil.log import get_logger

from import read_xytraceset
from desispec.calibfinder import findcalibfile
from desispec.maskbits import specmask,fibermask

[docs]def compute_crosstalk_kernels(max_fiber_offset=2,fiber_separation_in_pixels=7.3,asymptotic_power_law_index = 2.5): """ Computes the fiber crosstalk convolution kernels assuming a power law PSF tail Args: max_fiber_offset, optional : positive int, maximum fiber offset, 2 by default fiber_separation_in_pixels, optional : float, distance between neighboring fiber traces in the CCD in pixels, default=7.3 asymptotic_power_law_index, optional : float, power law index of PSF tail Returns: A dictionnary of kernels, with key the positive fiber offset 1,2,.... Each entry is an 1D array. """ # assume PSF tail shape (tuned to measured PSF tail in NIR) asymptotic_power_law_index = 2.5 hw=100 # pixel dy = np.linspace(-hw,hw,2*hw+1) kernels={} for fiber_offset in range(1,max_fiber_offset+1) : dx = fiber_offset * fiber_separation_in_pixels r2 = dx**2+dy**2 kern = r2 / (1. + r2)**(1+asymptotic_power_law_index/2.0) kern /= np.sum(kern) kernels[fiber_offset]=kern return kernels
[docs]def eval_crosstalk(camera,wave,fibers,dfiber,params,apply_scale=True,nfiber_per_bundle=25) : """ Computes the crosstalk as a function of wavelength from a fiber offset dfiber (positive and negative) for an input set of fibers Args: camera : str, camera identifier (b8,r7,z3, ...) wave : 1D array, wavelength fibers : list or 1D array of int, list of contaminated fibers dfiber : int, positive or negative fiber offset, contaminating fibers = contaminated fibers + dfiber params : nested dictionnary, parameters of the crosstalk model apply_scale : boolean, optional apply or not the scale factor if found in the list of parameters nfiber_per_bundle : int, optional number of fibers per bundle, only the fibers in the same bundle are considered Returns: 2D array of crosstalk fraction (between 0 and 1) of shape ( len(fibers),len(wave) ) """ log = get_logger() camera=camera.upper() if camera in params : cam=camera else : cam=camera[0] # same for all if cam[0] == "B" or cam[0] == "R" : W0=params[cam]["W0"] W1=params[cam]["W1"] DFIBER="F{:+d}".format(dfiber) P0=params[cam][DFIBER]["P0"] P1=params[cam][DFIBER]["P1"] elif cam[0] == "Z" : W0=params[cam]["W0"] W1=params[cam]["W1"] WP=params[cam]["WP"] WP2=params[cam]["WP2"] DFIBER="F{:+d}".format(dfiber) P0=params[cam][DFIBER]["P0"] P1=params[cam][DFIBER]["P1"] P2=params[cam][DFIBER]["P2"] P3=params[cam][DFIBER]["P3"] P4=params[cam][DFIBER]["P4"] P5=params[cam][DFIBER]["P5"] else : mess = "not implemented!" log.critical(mess) raise RuntimeError(mess) nfibers=fibers.size xtalk=np.zeros((nfibers,wave.size)) for index,into_fiber in enumerate(fibers) : from_fiber = into_fiber + dfiber if from_fiber//nfiber_per_bundle != into_fiber//nfiber_per_bundle : continue # not same bundle if cam[0] == "B" or cam[0] == "R" : fraction = P0*(W1-wave)/(W1-W0) +P1*(wave-W0)/(W1-W0) elif cam[0] == "Z" : dw=(wave>W0)*(np.abs(wave-W0)/(W1-W0)) fraction = P0 + P1*(into_fiber/250-1) + (P2 + P3*(into_fiber/250-1)) * dw**WP + (P4 + P5*(into_fiber/250-1)) * dw**WP2 fraction *= (fraction>0) xtalk[index]=fraction if apply_scale : if camera in params : if DFIBER in params[camera] : if "SCALE" in params[camera][DFIBER] : scale=float(params[camera][DFIBER]["SCALE"]) log.debug("apply scale={:3.2f} for camera={} {}".format(scale,camera,DFIBER)) xtalk *= scale return xtalk
[docs]def compute_contamination(frame,dfiber,kernel,params,xyset,fiberflat=None,fractional_error=0.1) : """ Computes the contamination of a frame from a given fiber offset Args: frame : a desispec.frame.Frame object dfiber : int, fiber offset (-2,-1,1,2) kernel : 1D numpy array, convolution kernel params : nested dictionnary, parameters of the crosstalk model xyset : desispec.xytraceset.XYTraceSet object with trace coordinates to shift the spectra fiberflat : desispec.fiberflat.FiberFlat object, optional if the frame has already been fiber flatfielded fractionnal_error : float, optional consider this systematic relative error on the correction Returns: contamination , contamination_var: the contamination of the frame, 2D numpy array of same shape as frame.flux, and its variance """ log = get_logger() camera = frame.meta["camera"] fibers = np.arange(frame.nspec,dtype=int) xtalk = eval_crosstalk(camera,frame.wave,fibers,dfiber,params) contamination=np.zeros(frame.flux.shape) contamination_var=np.zeros(frame.flux.shape) central_y = xyset.npix_y//2 nfiber_per_bundle = 25 # dfiber = from_fiber - into_fiber # into_fiber = from_fiber - dfiber # do a simplified achromatic correction for the fiberflat here if fiberflat is not None : medflat=np.median(fiberflat.fiberflat,axis=1) # we can use the signal from the following fibers to compute the cross talk # because the only think that is bad about them is their position in the focal plane. would_be_ok = fibermask.STUCKPOSITIONER|fibermask.UNASSIGNED|fibermask.MISSINGPOSITION|fibermask.BADPOSITION fiberstatus = frame.fibermap["FIBERSTATUS"] fiber_should_be_considered = (fiberstatus==(fiberstatus&would_be_ok)) for index,into_fiber in enumerate(fibers) : from_fiber = into_fiber + dfiber if from_fiber not in fibers : continue if from_fiber//nfiber_per_bundle != into_fiber//nfiber_per_bundle : continue # not same bundle if not fiber_should_be_considered[from_fiber] : continue fraction = xtalk[index] # keep fibers with mask=BADFIBER because we already discarded the fiber with bad status jj=(frame.ivar[from_fiber]>0)&((frame.mask[from_fiber]==0)|(frame.mask[from_fiber]==specmask.BADFIBER)) from_fiber_central_wave = xyset.wave_vs_y(from_fiber,central_y) into_fiber_central_wave = xyset.wave_vs_y(into_fiber,central_y) nok=np.sum(jj) if nok<10 : log.warning("skip contaminating fiber {} because only {} valid flux values".format(from_fiber,nok)) continue tmp=np.interp(frame.wave+from_fiber_central_wave-into_fiber_central_wave,frame.wave[jj],frame.flux[from_fiber,jj],left=0,right=0) if fiberflat is not None : tmp *= medflat[from_fiber] # apply median transmission of the contaminating fiber, i.e. undo the fiberflat correction convolved_flux=fftconvolve(tmp,kernel,mode="same") contamination[into_fiber] = fraction * convolved_flux # we cannot easily use the variance of the contaminant spectrum # we consider only a fractional error to reflect systematic errors in the fiber cross-talk correction contamination_var[into_fiber] = (fractional_error*contamination[into_fiber])**2 if fiberflat is not None : # apply the fiberflat correction of the contaminated fibers for fiber in range(contamination.shape[0]) : if medflat[fiber]>0.1 : contamination[fiber] = contamination[fiber] / medflat[fiber] return contamination , contamination_var
[docs]def read_crosstalk_parameters() : """ Reads the crosstalk parameters in desispec/data/fiber-crosstalk.yaml Returns: nested dictionary with parameters per camera """ log=get_logger() parameter_filename = resources.files('desispec').joinpath("data/fiber-crosstalk.yaml")"read parameters in {}".format(parameter_filename)) stream = open(parameter_filename, 'r') params = yaml.safe_load(stream) stream.close() log.debug("params= {}".format(params)) return params
[docs]def correct_fiber_crosstalk(frame,fiberflat=None,xyset=None): """Apply a fiber cross talk correction. Modifies frame.flux and frame.ivar. Args: frame : desispec.frame.Frame object fiberflat, optional : desispec.fiberflat.FiberFlat object xyset, optional : desispec.xytraceset.XYTraceSet object with trace coordinates to shift the spectra (automatically found with calibration finder otherwise) """ log=get_logger() params = read_crosstalk_parameters() if xyset is None : psf_filename = findcalibfile([frame.meta,],"PSF") xyset = read_xytraceset(psf_filename)"compute kernels") kernels = compute_crosstalk_kernels() contamination = np.zeros(frame.flux.shape) contamination_var = np.zeros(frame.flux.shape) for dfiber in [-2,-1,1,2] :"F{:+d}".format(dfiber)) kernel = kernels[np.abs(dfiber)] cont,var = compute_contamination(frame,dfiber,kernel,params,xyset,fiberflat) contamination += cont contamination_var += var frame.flux -= contamination frame_var = 1./(frame.ivar + (frame.ivar==0)) frame.ivar = (frame.ivar>0)/( frame_var + contamination_var )