Source code for desispec.heliocentric


heliocentric correction routine

import os
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, EarthLocation
import astropy.constants

# In restricted environments, such as ReadTheDocs, this throws
# an exception.
    kpno = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(lat=31.96403 * u.deg,
                                       lon=-111.59989 * u.deg,
                                       height =  2097 * u.m)
except TypeError:
    kpno = None

[docs]def heliocentric_velocity_corr_kms(ra, dec, mjd) : """Heliocentric velocity correction routine. See for more details. The computed correction can be added to any observed radial velocity to determine the final heliocentric radial velocity. In other words, wavelength calibrated with lamps have to be multiplied by (1+vcorr/cspeed) to bring them to the heliocentric frame. Args: ra - Right ascension [degrees] in ICRS system dec - Declination [degrees] in ICRS system mjd - Decimal Modified Julian date. Note this should probably be type DOUBLE. Returns: vcorr - Velocity correction term, in km/s, to add to measured radial velocity to convert it to the heliocentric frame. """ # Note: # # This gives the opposite sign from the IDL routine idlutils/pro/coord/ (v5_5_17) # Accounting for this difference in definition, the maximum difference is about ~ 0.2 km/s sc = SkyCoord(ra=ra*u.deg, dec=dec*u.deg, frame='icrs') obstime = Time(mjd,format="mjd") v_kms = sc.radial_velocity_correction('heliocentric', obstime=obstime, location=kpno).to( return v_kms
[docs]def heliocentric_velocity_multiplicative_corr(ra, dec, mjd) : """Heliocentric velocity correction routine. See for more details. The computed correction can be added to any observed radial velocity to determine the final heliocentric radial velocity. In other words, wavelength calibrated with lamps have to be multiplied by (1+vcorr/cspeed) to bring them to the heliocentric frame. Args: ra - Right ascension [degrees] in ICRS system dec - Declination [degrees] in ICRS system mjd - Decimal Modified Julian date. Note this should probably be type DOUBLE. Returns: (1+vcorr/c) - multiplicative term to correct the wavelength """ return 1.+heliocentric_velocity_corr_kms(ra, dec, mjd)/
[docs]def barycentric_velocity_corr_kms(ra, dec, mjd) : """Barycentric velocity correction routine. See for more details. The computed correction can be added to any observed radial velocity to determine the final barycentric radial velocity. In other words, wavelength calibrated with lamps have to be multiplied by (1+vcorr/cspeed) to bring them to the heliocentric frame. Args: ra - Right ascension [degrees] in ICRS system dec - Declination [degrees] in ICRS system mjd - Decimal Modified Julian date. Note this should probably be type DOUBLE. Returns: vcorr - Velocity correction term, in km/s, to add to measured radial velocity to convert it to the heliocentric frame. """ sc = SkyCoord(ra=ra*u.deg, dec=dec*u.deg, frame='icrs') obstime = Time(mjd,format="mjd") v_kms = sc.radial_velocity_correction(obstime=obstime, location=kpno).to( return v_kms
[docs]def barycentric_velocity_multiplicative_corr(ra, dec, mjd) : """Barycentric velocity correction routine. See for more details. The computed correction can be added to any observed radial velocity to determine the final barycentric radial velocity. In other words, wavelength calibrated with lamps have to be multiplied by (1+vcorr/cspeed) to bring them to the barycentric frame. Args: ra - Right ascension [degrees] in ICRS system dec - Declination [degrees] in ICRS system mjd - Decimal Modified Julian date. Note this should probably be type DOUBLE. Returns: (1+vcorr/c) - multiplicative term to correct the wavelength """ return 1.+barycentric_velocity_corr_kms(ra, dec, mjd)/
[docs]def main() : """Entry-point for command-line scripts. Comparison test with IDL routine:: pro helio dec=20 epoch=2000 longitude=-111.59989 latitude=31.96403 altitude=2097 for j=0,2 do begin mjd=58600+100*j jd=mjd+2400000.5 for i=0,20 do begin ra=(360.*i)/20 vkms = heliocentric(ra, dec, epoch, jd=jd, longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude, altitude=altitude) print,"ra,dec,mjd,vkms=",ra,dec,mjd,vkms endfor endfor end ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 0.00000 20 58600 -12.407597 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 18.0000 20 58600 -5.1777692 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 36.0000 20 58600 2.8805023 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 54.0000 20 58600 10.978417 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 72.0000 20 58600 18.323295 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 90.0000 20 58600 24.196169 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 108.000 20 58600 28.022160 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 126.000 20 58600 29.426754 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 144.000 20 58600 28.272459 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 162.000 20 58600 24.672266 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 180.000 20 58600 18.978587 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 198.000 20 58600 11.748759 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 216.000 20 58600 3.6904873 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 234.000 20 58600 -4.4074277 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 252.000 20 58600 -11.752306 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 270.000 20 58600 -17.625179 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 288.000 20 58600 -21.451170 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 306.000 20 58600 -22.855764 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 324.000 20 58600 -21.701469 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 342.000 20 58600 -18.101277 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 360.000 20 58600 -12.407597 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 0.00000 20 58700 -23.152438 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 18.0000 20 58700 -27.333872 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 36.0000 20 58700 -29.104026 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 54.0000 20 58700 -28.289624 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 72.0000 20 58700 -24.970386 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 90.0000 20 58700 -19.471222 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 108.000 20 58700 -12.330428 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 126.000 20 58700 -4.2469952 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 144.000 20 58700 3.9878138 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 162.000 20 58700 11.567919 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 180.000 20 58700 17.751326 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 198.000 20 58700 21.932760 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 216.000 20 58700 23.702914 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 234.000 20 58700 22.888512 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 252.000 20 58700 19.569274 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 270.000 20 58700 14.070110 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 288.000 20 58700 6.9293160 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 306.000 20 58700 -1.1541168 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 324.000 20 58700 -9.3889258 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 342.000 20 58700 -16.969031 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 360.000 20 58700 -23.152438 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 0.00000 20 58800 19.006564 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 18.0000 20 58800 12.826196 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 36.0000 20 58800 5.1371364 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 54.0000 20 58800 -3.3079572 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 72.0000 20 58800 -11.682420 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 90.0000 20 58800 -19.166501 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 108.000 20 58800 -25.027606 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 126.000 20 58800 -28.692009 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 144.000 20 58800 -29.801014 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 162.000 20 58800 -28.246063 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 180.000 20 58800 -24.179365 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 198.000 20 58800 -17.998997 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 216.000 20 58800 -10.309937 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 234.000 20 58800 -1.8648438 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 252.000 20 58800 6.5096188 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 270.000 20 58800 13.993700 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 288.000 20 58800 19.854805 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 306.000 20 58800 23.519208 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 324.000 20 58800 24.628213 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 342.000 20 58800 23.073262 ra,dec,mjd,vkms= 360.000 20 58800 19.006564 """ maxdiff=0. #read the above file=open(os.path.abspath(__file__)) for line in file.readlines() : if line.find("ra,dec,mjd,vkms=")==0 : vals=line.split() ra=float(vals[1]) dec=float(vals[2]) mjd=float(vals[3]) vkms_idl=float(vals[4]) vkms_py = heliocentric_velocity_corr_kms(ra, dec, mjd) print("RA={:d} Dec={:d} MJD={:d} vcorr -IDL={:4.3f} this={:4.3f} diff={:4.3f} km/s".format(int(ra),int(dec),int(mjd),-vkms_idl,vkms_py,vkms_idl+vkms_py)) maxdiff=max(maxdiff,np.abs(vkms_idl+vkms_py)) file.close() print("maximum difference = ",maxdiff,"km/s")
if __name__ == "__main__" : main()