Source code for desispec.image_model


Function to provide rapidly a model of a preprocessed image
in order to have a pixel variance estimation that is
almost not correlated with pixel value.

import os
import numpy as np
import copy
import time

import numba
import scipy.interpolate

from desispec.image import Image
from desiutil.log import get_logger
from import read_xytraceset
from desispec.qproc.qextract import qproc_boxcar_extraction
from desispec.qproc.qsky import qproc_sky_subtraction
from desispec.qproc.qfiberflat import qproc_apply_fiberflat

def numba_proj(image,x,sigma,flux) :
    Add a spectrum to a model of the pixel values in a CCD image assuming a Gaussian cross-dispersion profile.

       image: 2D numpy array , this array will be modified
       x: 1D numpy array of size image.shape[0], coordinate of center of cross-dispersion profile of spectral trace, in pixel units, for each CCD row
       sigma : 1D numpy array of size image.shape[0], sigma of cross-dispersion profile of spectral trace, in pixel units, for each CCD row
       flux : 1D numpy array of size image.shape[0], quantity to project (for design usage: electrons per pixel) for each CCD row
    for j in range(n0) :
        for i in range(b,e) :
            sumprof += prof[i-b]
        for i in range(b,e) :
            image[j,i] += flux[j]*prof[i-b]/sumprof

[docs]def compute_image_model(image,xytraceset,fiberflat=None,fibermap=None,with_spectral_smoothing=True,with_sky_model=True,\ spectral_smoothing_sigma_length=10.,spectral_smoothing_nsig=4.,psf=None,fit_x_shift=True): ''' Returns a model of the input image, using a fast extraction, a processing of spectra with a common sky model and a smoothing, followed by a reprojection on the CCD image. Args: image: a preprocessed image in the form of a desispec.image.Image object xytraceset: a desispec.xytraceset.XYTraceSet object with trace coordinates fiberflat, optional: a desispec.fiberflat.FiberFlat object with_spectral_smoothing, optional: try and smooth the spectra to reduce noise (and eventualy reduce variance correlation) with_sky_model, optional: use a sky model as part of the spectral modeling to reduce the noise (requires a fiberflat) spectral_smoothing_sigma_length, optional: sigma of Gaussian smoothing along wavelength in A spectral_smoothing_nsig, optional: number of sigma rejection threshold to fall back to the original extracted spectrum instead of the smooth one psf, optional specter.psf.GaussHermitePSF object to be used for the 1D projection (slow, by default=None, in which case a Gaussian profile is used) fit_x_shift, optional: fit for an offset of the spectral traces. Returns: a 2D np.array of same shape as image.pix ''' log=get_logger() # this is done here to avoid circular import from desispec.trace_shifts import compute_dx_from_cross_dispersion_profiles if fit_x_shift : t0=time.time()"fitting dx ...") x,y,dx,ex,fiber,wave = compute_dx_from_cross_dispersion_profiles(xcoef=xytraceset.x_vs_wave_traceset._coeff, ycoef=xytraceset.y_vs_wave_traceset._coeff, wavemin=xytraceset.wavemin, wavemax=xytraceset.wavemax, image=image, fibers=np.arange(xytraceset.nspec,dtype=int)) dx = np.median(dx)"measured trace shift dx = {:.3f} pixel".format(dx))"dx fit took {:.2f} sec".format(time.time()-t0)) xytraceset.x_vs_wave_traceset._coeff[:,0] += dx # create unmasked version of image for boxcar extraction image = Image(image.pix, image.ivar, mask=None, readnoise=image.readnoise,, meta=image.meta) # first perform a fast boxcar extraction"extract spectra") qframe = qproc_boxcar_extraction(xytraceset,image) fqframe = None sqframe = None ratio = None if fiberflat is not None :"fiberflat") fqframe = copy.deepcopy(qframe) flat=qproc_apply_fiberflat(fqframe,fiberflat=fiberflat,return_flat=True) if with_sky_model : if fiberflat is None : log.warning("cannot compute and use a sky model without a fiberflat") else : # crude model of the sky, accounting for fiber throughput variation"sky") sqframe = copy.deepcopy(fqframe) sky = qproc_sky_subtraction(sqframe,return_skymodel=True) if with_spectral_smoothing :"spectral smoothing") sigma = spectral_smoothing_sigma_length/np.mean(np.gradient(qframe.wave[qframe.nspec//2])) log.debug("smoothing sigma in flux bin units = {}".format(sigma)) hw=int(3*sigma) u=(np.arange(2*hw+1)-hw) kernel=np.exp(-u**2/sigma**2/2.) kernel/=np.sum(kernel) nsig=5 y=np.arange(qframe.flux.shape[1]) for s in range(qframe.nspec) : if sqframe is not None : fflux=sqframe.flux[s] fivar=sqframe.ivar[s] elif fqframe is not None : fflux=fqframe.flux[s] fivar=fqframe.ivar[s] else : fflux=qframe.flux[s] fivar=qframe.ivar[s] sfflux=scipy.signal.fftconvolve(fflux,kernel,"same") good=((fivar*(fflux-sfflux)**2)<(spectral_smoothing_nsig**2)) out=~good nout=np.sum(out) if nout>0 : # recompute sflux while masking outliers tflux = fflux.copy() tflux[out] = np.interp(y[out],y[good],fflux[good]) sfflux=scipy.signal.fftconvolve(tflux,kernel,"same") # and replace the 'out' region by the original data # because we want to keep it to have a fair variance sfflux[out] = fflux[out] # replace by smooth version (+ possibly average sky) if sqframe is not None : qframe.flux[s]=(sky[s]+sfflux)*flat[s] elif fqframe is not None : qframe.flux[s]=sfflux*flat[s] else : qframe.flux[s]=sfflux"project back spectra on image") y=np.arange(image.pix.shape[0]) # cross dispersion profile xsig=1.*np.ones((qframe.nspec,image.pix.shape[0])) if xytraceset.xsig_vs_wave_traceset :"use traceset in PSF for xsig") for s in range(xytraceset.nspec) : wave = xytraceset.wave_vs_y(s,y) xsig[s] = xytraceset.xsig_vs_wave(s,wave) else :"use default xsig={}".format(np.mean(xsig))) # keep only positive flux qframe.flux *= (qframe.flux>0.) # convert counts per A to counts per pixel dwave = np.gradient(qframe.wave,axis=1) qframe.flux *= dwave # because true profile is not Gaussian and we do not integrate the # profile in pixels, we have to apply an adjustment empirical_scale = 1.1"empirical adjustment of xsig by {:4.2f}".format(empirical_scale)) xsig *= empirical_scale model=np.zeros(image.pix.shape) if psf is None : # use simple Gaussian"use Gaussian sigma of average = {:4.2f}".format(np.mean(xsig))) for s in range(qframe.nspec) : x=xytraceset.x_vs_y(s,y) numba_proj(model,x,xsig[s],qframe.flux[s]) else : # this takes a lot of time log.debug("Use PSF for projection, but in 1D") psf._polyparams['HSIZEY']=0 psf._polyparams['GHDEGY']=0 model = psf.project(qframe.wave, qframe.flux, xyrange=(0,image.pix.shape[1],0,image.pix.shape[0])) log.debug("done projecting")"done") return model