Source code for


IO routines for desi_emlinefit_afterburner.

import os
from astropy.table import Table
import fitsio
import numpy as np
from desitarget.geomask import match_to
from desitarget.targets import main_cmx_or_sv
from desiutil.dust import ext_odonnell
from desiutil.dust import ebv as dust_ebv
from desiutil.log import get_logger
from desispec.emlinefit import get_rf_em_waves
from .util import checkgzip

[docs]def get_targetids(d, bitnames, log=None): """ Returns the TARGETIDs passing the bitnames for the CMX_TARGET, SV{1,2,3}_DESI_TARGET, or DESI_TARGET mask. Args: d: structured array, typically a FIBERMAP catalog, with TARGETID and the CMX_TARGET, SV{1,2,3}_DESI_TARGET, or DESI_TARGET column. bitnames: comma-separated list of target bitnames to fit from the ``*DESI_TARGET`` mask (string) log (optional, defaults to get_logger()): Logger object Returns: targetids: list of TARGETIDs passing the {CMX,*DESI}_TARGET mask (np.array) Note: * If several bitnames are provided, selects the union of those. * Safer if d is already trimmed on unique TARGETIDs (see FIBERMAP format with ``zbest-*.fits`` files) """ # AR log if log is None: log = get_logger() # AR get the *DESI_TARGET column + mask keys, masks, survey = main_cmx_or_sv(d) dtkey = keys[0] mask = masks[0]"input catalog is identified as survey={}".format(survey)) allowed_bitnames = mask.names() # AR read + select the targetids sel = np.zeros(len(d), dtype=bool) for bitname in bitnames.split(","): if bitname not in allowed_bitnames: msg = "{} not in allowed bitnames for {} ({})".format( bitname, dtkey, allowed_bitnames ) log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) sel |= (d[dtkey] & mask[bitname]) > 0 targetids = d["TARGETID"][sel]"selecting {} targets with {} in {}".format(sel.sum(), bitnames, dtkey)) return targetids
[docs]def read_emlines_inputs( redrock, coadd, mwext_corr=True, rv=3.1, bitnames="ALL", targetids=None, rr_keys="TARGETID,Z,ZWARN,SPECTYPE,DELTACHI2", fm_keys="TARGET_RA,TARGET_DEC,OBJTYPE", ebvmax=2., log=None, ): """ Read the columns and spectra information (waves, fluxes, ivars) from the redrock and coadd files, which will go as input to get_emlines(). Args: redrock: full path to a redrock/zbest file coadd: full path to a coadd file (everest-format) mwext_corr (optional, defaults to True): correct flux for foreground MW extinction? (boolean) rv (optional, defaults to 3.1): value of R_V, used if mwext_corr=True (float) bitnames (optional, defaults to "ALL", meaning fitting all fibers): comma-separated list of target bitnames to fit from the ``*DESI_TARGET`` mask (string) targetids (optional, defaults to None): list of TARGETIDs to restrict to (int, list, or numpy array) rr_keys (optional, defaults to "TARGETID,Z,ZWARN,SPECTYPE,DELTACHI2"): comma-separated list of columns from REDSHIFTS to propagate (string) fm_keys (optional, defaults to "TARGET_RA,TARGET_DEC,OBJTYPE"): comma-separated list of columns from FIBERMAP to propagate (string) ebvmax (optional, defaults to 2): spectra with ebv >= ebvmax will be masked (ivar=0 for all pixels) (float) log (optional, defaults to get_logger()): Logger object Returns: rr: structured array with the desired redrock columns for the desired TARGETIDs fm: structured array with the desired fibermap columns for the desired TARGETIDs waves: wavelengths (numpy array of shape (Nwave)) fluxes: Galactic-extinction-corrected fluxes (numpy array of shape (Nspec, Nwave)) ivars: inverse variances (numpy array of shape (Nspec, Nwave)) Note: * We add TARGETID and Z to rr_keys if TARGETID not present in rr_keys nor in fm_keys. * If keys in rr_keys or fm_keys are not present in the redrock, those will be ignored. * If both bitnames and targetids are provided, we take the overlap of the two. * Mar. 2024: addition of ebvmax=2. argument, to avoid too long computing time on some backup tiles ( """ # AR log if log is None: log = get_logger() redrock = checkgzip(redrock) coadd = checkgzip(coadd) # AR targetids to np.array() if targetids is not None: if isinstance(targetids, list): targetids = np.array(targetids)"convert targetids from list to np.array()") if isinstance(targetids, int): targetids = np.array([targetids])"convert targetids from int to np.array()") # AR sanity checks for fn in [redrock, coadd]: if not os.path.isfile(fn): msg = "no {} file".format(fn) log.error(msg) raise FileNotFoundError(msg) keys = [key for key in rr_keys.split(",") if key in fm_keys.split(",")] if len(keys) > 0: msg = "the following columns are both present in rr_keys and fm_keys: {}".format(",".join(keys)) log.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # AR grab TARGETID from the REDSHIFTS/ZBEST extension if "TARGETID" in fm_keys.split(","):"removing TARGETID from fm_keys") fm_keys = ",".join([key for key in fm_keys.split(",") if key != "TARGETID"]) for key in ["TARGETID", "Z"]: if key not in rr_keys.split(","):"adding {} to rr_keys".format(key)) rr_keys = "{},{}".format(key, rr_keys) # AR redrock: reading the correct extension with fitsio.FITS(redrock) as h: extnames = [h[i].get_extname() for i in range(len(h))] if "REDSHIFTS" in extnames: rr_extname = "REDSHIFTS" elif "ZBEST" in extnames: rr_extname = "ZBEST" else: msg = "{} has neither REDSHIFTS or ZBEST extension".format(redrock) log.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) rr = Table(h[rr_extname].read()) # AR coadd: reading fibermap + waves/fluxes/ivars # AR fibermap has 500 rows (even in pre-everest) co = {} with fitsio.FITS(coadd) as h: fm = Table(h["FIBERMAP"].read()) # AR available cameras cameras = [] extnames = [h[i].get_extname() for i in range(len(h))] for camera in ["B", "R", "Z"]: if "{}_FLUX".format(camera) in extnames: cameras.append(camera) for camera in cameras: for key in [ "{}_WAVELENGTH".format(camera), "{}_FLUX".format(camera), "{}_IVAR".format(camera), ]: co[key] = h[key].read() # AR selecting targetids if bitnames == "ALL": bit_targetids = rr["TARGETID"] else: bit_targetids = get_targetids(fm, bitnames, log=log) if targetids is None: targetids = bit_targetids else: targetids = targetids[np.in1d(targetids, bit_targetids)] nspec = len(targetids)"Dealing with {} spectra".format(nspec)) # AR targetids: cutting on redrock ii_rr = match_to(rr["TARGETID"], targetids) rr = rr[ii_rr] if len(rr) != nspec: msg = "{} TARGETIDs are not in {}".format(nspec - len(rr), redrock) log.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # AR targetids: cutting on fibermap + fluxes/ivars ii_co = match_to(fm["TARGETID"], targetids) if ii_co.size != nspec: msg = "{} TARGETIDs are not in {}".format(nspec - ii_co.size, coadd) log.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) fm = fm[ii_co] for camera in cameras: for key in ["{}_FLUX".format(camera), "{}_IVAR".format(camera)]: co[key] = co[key][ii_co, :] # AR targetids: sanity check msg = None if len(rr) != len(fm): msg = "issue when selecting on targetids: len(rr) = {} != len(fm) = {}".format( len(rr), len(fm), ) else: tmpn = (rr["TARGETID"] != fm["TARGETID"]).sum() if tmpn > 0: msg = "issue when selecting on targetids: {} mismatches between rr and fm".format(tmpn) if msg is not None: log.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # AR EBV if mwext_corr: ebvs = dust_ebv(fm["TARGET_RA"], fm["TARGET_DEC"]) # AR rr_keys: restrict to existing ones rmv_rr_keys = [key for key in rr_keys.split(",") if key not in rr.dtype.names] if len(rmv_rr_keys) > 0:"{} removed from rr_keys, as not present in {}".format(",".join(rmv_rr_keys), rr_extname)) rr_keys = [key for key in rr_keys.split(",") if key not in rmv_rr_keys] rr = rr[rr_keys] # AR fm_keys: restrict to existing ones rmv_fm_keys = [key for key in fm_keys.split(",") if key not in fm.dtype.names] if len(rmv_fm_keys) > 0:"{} removed from fm_keys, as not present in FIBERMAP".format(",".join(rmv_fm_keys))) fm_keys = [key for key in fm_keys.split(",") if key not in rmv_fm_keys] fm = fm[fm_keys] # AR b : 3600,5800 , r : 5760,7620 , z : 7520,9824 # AR we keep all data points (i.e. including overlaps) # AR note that waves is not ordered, as a consequence waves = np.zeros(0) fluxes = np.zeros(0).reshape(nspec, 0) ivars = np.zeros(0).reshape(nspec, 0) for camera in cameras: tmpw = co["{}_WAVELENGTH".format(camera)] tmpfl = co["{}_FLUX".format(camera)] tmpiv = co["{}_IVAR".format(camera)] if mwext_corr: # AR TBD: use a smarter way with no loop on tids... # AR TBD: but as 500 rows at most, ~ok tmpexts = ext_odonnell(tmpw, Rv=rv) for i in range(nspec): tmp_mw_trans = 10 ** (-0.4 * ebvs[i] * rv * tmpexts) tmpfl[i, :] /= tmp_mw_trans tmpiv[i, :] *= tmp_mw_trans ** 2 waves = np.append(waves, tmpw) fluxes = np.append(fluxes, tmpfl, axis=1) ivars = np.append(ivars, tmpiv, axis=1) # AR set ivar=0 for ebv >= ebvmax spectra sel = ebvs >= ebvmax ivars[sel, :] = 0 for tid, ebv in zip(rr["TARGETID"][sel], ebvs[sel]): log.warning( "set ivar=0 for all pixels of TARGETID={} (EBV={:.2f} >= {})".format( tid, ebv, ebvmax, ) ) "we set ivar=0 for {}/{} spectra with EBV >= {}".format( sel.sum(), nspec, ebvmax ) ) return rr, fm, waves, fluxes, ivars
[docs]def write_emlines( output, emdict, rr=None, fm=None, redrock=None, coadd=None, rf_fit_hw=None, min_rf_fit_hw=None, rf_cont_w=None, rv=None, log=None, ): """ Writes the emission line fitting to a file. Args: output: output fits file (string) emdict: dictionary output by get_emlines() rr (optional, defaults to None): redrock REDSHIFTS/ZBEST extension fm (optional, defaults to None): redrock FIBERMAP extension redrock (optional, defaults to None): used redrock/zbest file coadd (optional, defaults to None): used coadd file (everest-format) rf_fit_hw (optional, defaults to None): *rest-frame* wavelength width (in A) used for fitting on each side of the line (float) min_rf_fit_hw (optional, defaults to None): minimum requested *rest-frame* width (in A) on each side of the line to consider the fitting (float) rf_cont_w (optional, defaults to None): *rest-frame* wavelength extent (in A) to fit the continuum (float) rv (optional, defaults to None): value of R_V (float) log (optional, defaults to get_logger()): Logger object """ # AR log if log is None: log = get_logger() # AR fitted emission lines emnames = list(emdict.keys()) # AR number of fitted spectra nspec = emdict[emnames[0]]["FLUX"].size # AR data model dtype = [] if rr is not None: dtype += [(key, rr.dtype[key]) for key in rr.dtype.names] if fm is not None: dtype += [(key, fm.dtype[key]) for key in fm.dtype.names] for emname in emnames: for key in list(emdict[emname].keys()): if key not in ["waves", "fluxes", "ivars", "models"]: if key == "NDOF": dtype.append(("{}_{}".format(emname, key), ">i4")) else: dtype.append(("{}_{}".format(emname, key), ">f4")) # AR store in table d = np.zeros(nspec, dtype=dtype) if rr is not None: for key in rr.dtype.names: d[key] = rr[key] if fm is not None: for key in fm.dtype.names: d[key] = fm[key] for emname in emnames: for key in list(emdict[emname].keys()): if key not in ["waves", "fluxes", "ivars", "models"]: d["{}_{}".format(emname, key)] = emdict[emname][key] # AR header hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() if redrock is not None: hdr["RRFN"] = redrock if coadd is not None: hdr["COADDFN"] = coadd if rf_fit_hw is not None: hdr["RFHW"] = rf_fit_hw if min_rf_fit_hw is not None: hdr["MINRFHW"] = min_rf_fit_hw if rf_cont_w is not None: hdr["RFCONTW"] = rf_cont_w if rv is not None: hdr["RV"] = rv hdr["EMNAMES"] = emnames for i_emname, emname in enumerate(emnames): hdr["RFWAVE{:02d}".format(i_emname)] = ",".join(get_rf_em_waves(emname).astype(str)) # AR write to fits if os.path.isfile(output):"Removing existing {}".format(output)) os.remove(output) fd = fitsio.FITS(output, "rw") fd.write(d, extname="EMLINEFIT", header=hdr) fd.close()
[docs]def plot_emlines( outpdf, zspecs, emdict, emnames=["OII", "HDELTA", "HGAMMA", "HBETA", "OIII", "HALPHA"], targetids=None, objtypes=None, spectypes=None, deltachi2s=None, ylim=(None, None), nrow=10, rowsort_byz=True, ): """ Plot the fitted data from get_emlines(). Args: outpdf: output pdf filename (string) zspecs: list of redrock redshifts (numpy array) emdict: a dictionary with various quantities, output by get_lines(). emnames (optional, defaults to ["OII", "HDELTA", "HGAMMA", "HBETA", "OIII", "HALPHA"]): list of plotted lines (list of string) targetids (optional, defaults to None): list of TARGETIDs (numpy array) objtypes (optional, defaults to None): list of fibermap OBJTYPEs (numpy array) spectypes (optional, defaults to None): list of redrock SPECTYPEs (numpy array) deltachi2s (optional, defaults to None): list of redrock DELTACHI2s (numpy array) ylim (optional, defaults to (None, None)): ylim for plotting (float doublet) nrow (optional, defaults to 10): number of rows, i.e. galaxy, per pdf page (int) rowsort_byz (optional, defaults to True): the spectra are displayed by increasing redshifts (boolean) Note: * For `emdict`: - Each emission line has its own subdictionary. - Each emission line dictionary should contain these keys: * CONT : continuum in ``1e-17 * erg/cm2/s/A`` * FLUX, FLUX_IVAR: flux in ``1e-17 * erg/cm2/s/A`` * waves, fluxes, ivars, models: data used for fitting + fitted model * If some emname is not present in emdict, it will be discarded. * Each spectra will be one row of plot, each emission line corresponds to a column. * If rowsort_byz=False, then the spectra will be displayed by order of appearance. """ # AR plot imports from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import gridspec # AR emnames present in emdict emnames = [emname for emname in emnames if emname in emdict] # AR plotting by increasing redshift? if rowsort_byz: ii = zspecs.argsort() else: ii = np.arange(zspecs.size, dtype=int) # AR start plot with PdfPages(outpdf) as pdf: for ix, i in enumerate(ii): if ix % nrow == 0: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(25, 15)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrow, len(emnames), wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1) for i_emname, emname in enumerate(emnames): ax = plt.subplot(gs[ix % nrow, i_emname]) w = emdict[emname]["waves"][i] d = emdict[emname]["fluxes"][i] iv = emdict[emname]["ivars"][i] m = emdict[emname]["models"][i] # # AR case of camera overlap jj = w.argsort() w, d, iv, m = w[jj], d[jj], iv[jj], m[jj] jj = np.where(w[1:] - w[:-1] > 10)[0] for j in jj: d[j], iv[j], m[j] = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan obs_em_waves = (1. + zspecs[i]) * get_rf_em_waves(emname) ax.plot(w, d, c="k", lw=0.5, alpha=1.0, label="data") ax.fill_between(w, d - iv ** (-0.5), d + iv ** (-0.5), color="k", alpha=0.3) ax.plot(w, m, c="r", lw=0.5, alpha=1.0, label="model") ax.axhline(emdict[emname]["CONT"][i], c="r", lw=0.5, ls="--", alpha=1.0) for obs_em_wave in obs_em_waves: ax.axvline(obs_em_wave, c="r", lw=0.5, ls="--", alpha=1.0) fs = 8 if targetids is not None: ax.text(0.05, 0.85, "{}".format(targetids[i]), fontsize=fs, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(0.05, 0.75, "Z={:.3f}".format(zspecs[i]), fontsize=fs, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(0.05, 0.05, "SNR({})={:.1f}".format(emname, emdict[emname]["FLUX"][i] * emdict[emname]["FLUX_IVAR"][i] ** 0.5), fontsize=fs, transform=ax.transAxes) if objtypes is not None: ax.text(0.95, 0.85, "OBJTYPE={}".format(objtypes[i]), fontsize=fs, ha="right", transform=ax.transAxes) if spectypes is not None: ax.text(0.95, 0.75, "SPECTYPE={}".format(spectypes[i]), fontsize=fs, ha="right", transform=ax.transAxes) if deltachi2s is not None: ax.text(0.95, 0.05, "log10(DELTACHI2)={:.1f}".format(np.log10(deltachi2s[i])), fontsize=fs, ha="right", transform=ax.transAxes) ax.grid(True) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_ylim(ylim) if (ix % nrow == nrow - 1) | (i == ii[-1]): pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close()