Source code for


Utilities for parsing and plotting I/O timing from logfiles.

import os
import re
import datetime
import numpy as np

[docs]def format(readwrite, filename, duration): """Return standardized I/O timing message string for logging Args: readwrite (str): either "read" or "write" filename (str): filename that was read or written duration (float): time in seconds to perform I/O operations Returns: I/O timing message to log Note: this function does not call itself so that the logging source file and line number can be associated with the I/O function itself instead of this utility formatting function. """ basename = os.path.basename(filename) timestamp = msg = f"iotime {duration:.3f} sec to {readwrite} {basename} at {timestamp}" return msg
_iotime_regex = re.compile(r'(.*)iotime ([\d.]+) sec to (read|write) (.*) at (.*)') _log_regex = re.compile(r'^(DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR|CRITICAL):(\w+\.py):(\d+):(\w+):(.*)')
[docs]def parse(line): """Parse a line for an iotime message produced by `format` Args: line (str): the line to parse Returns None if no match, or dict with keys function,duration,readwrite,filename,timestamp """ m = _iotime_regex.match(line) if m is not None: prefix, duration, readwrite, filename, timestamp = m.groups() duration = float(duration) logmatch = _log_regex.match(line) if prefix == '' or logmatch is None: function = 'unknown' else: function = return dict( function=function, duration=duration, readwrite=readwrite, filename=filename, timestamp=timestamp) else: return None
[docs]def parse_logfile(logfile): """ Read iotime log entries from logfile Return Table with columns function duration readwrite filename timestamp datetime """ from astropy.table import Table from astropy.time import Time rows = list() with open(logfile) as fx: for line in fx: row = parse(line) if row is not None: rows.append(row) if len(rows) > 0: timing = Table(rows=rows) timing['datetime'] = Time(timing['timestamp']).datetime return timing else: return None
[docs]def _ordered_unique_names(names): """Return unique list of names, ordered by first appearance in list Doesn't scale well; intended for inputs <10000 long """ unique = list() for n in names: if n not in unique: unique.append(n) return unique
[docs]def hist_iotimes(timing, tmax=10, plottitle=None): """ Histogram function timing from Table read with read_iotimes Args: timing: Table with columns FUNC, DATETIME, IOTIME Options: tmax (float): upper bound of histogram (overflows included in last bin)o plottitle (str): plot title Returns matplotlib Figure """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt funcnames = _ordered_unique_names(timing['function']) nfunc = len(funcnames) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,8)) for i, func in enumerate(funcnames): jj = timing['function'] == func t = timing['duration'][jj].clip(0, tmax) plt.subplot(nfunc, 1, i+1) plt.hist(t, 25, (0, tmax+1e-3)) plt.text(tmax, 1, func, ha='right') if i != nfunc-1: locs, labels = plt.xticks() plt.xticks(locs, ['',]*len(locs)) plt.xlim(-0.1, tmax+0.1) if i == 0 and plottitle is not None: plt.title(plottitle) plt.xlabel('I/O time') return fig
[docs]def plot_iotimes(timing, plottitle=None, outfile=None): """ Plot I/O duration vs. time of I/O operation Args: timing: Table with columns FUNC, DATETIME, IOTIME Options: plottitle (str): Title to include for plot outfile (str): write plot to this file Returns matplotlib figure; does *not* call """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt funcnames = _ordered_unique_names(timing['function']) nfunc = len(funcnames) fig = plt.figure() for i, func in enumerate(funcnames): ii = timing['function'] == func marker = ('.', 'x', '+', 's', '^', 'v')[i//10] plt.plot(timing['datetime'][ii], timing['duration'][ii], marker, label=func) plt.xlabel('datestamp of I/O') plt.ylabel('I/O time [sec]') #- Allow room for large legend plt.legend(ncol=2, fontsize='small') tmax = np.max(timing['duration']) plt.ylim(-0.5, 2*tmax) if plottitle is not None: plt.title(plottitle) if outfile is not None: plt.savefig(outfile) return fig
#----- #- for convenience, optionally use this as a script without putting it #- into the default PATH if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='parse batch logfiles and make I/O timing plots') parser.add_argument("--logfiles", type=str, nargs="*", required=True, help="input log files") args = parser.parse_args() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astropy.table import Table, vstack timing = vstack([parse_logfile(logfile) for logfile in args.logfiles]) hist_iotimes(timing) plot_iotimes(timing)