Source code for


Simple methods for gathering photometric and targeting catalogs.

import os, pdb
from glob import glob
import numpy as np
import fitsio

from astropy.table import Table, vstack
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

from import get_desi_root_readonly
from import desitarget_resolve_dec

from desiutil.log import get_logger, DEBUG
log = get_logger()#DEBUG)

[docs]def gather_targetdirs(tileid, fiberassign_dir=None, verbose=False): """Gather all the targeting directories used to build a given fiberassign catalog, including both primary and secondary targets and ToOs. Args: tileid (int): tile number fiberassign_dir (str, optional): directory to fiberassign tables verbose (bool): print debugging as well as informational messages Returns: targetdirs (numpy.ndarray): list of targeting directories and files """ from import fits from desiutil.log import get_logger, DEBUG if verbose: log = get_logger(DEBUG) else: log = get_logger() desi_root = get_desi_root_readonly() desi_target = os.path.join(desi_root, 'target') desi_surveyops = os.path.join(desi_root, 'survey', 'ops', 'surveyops', 'trunk') if fiberassign_dir is None: fiberassign_dir = os.path.join(desi_root, 'target', 'fiberassign', 'tiles', 'trunk') stileid = f'{tileid:06d}' fiberfile = os.path.join(fiberassign_dir, stileid[:3], f'fiberassign-{stileid}.fits.gz') if not os.path.isfile(fiberfile): fiberfile = fiberfile.replace('.gz', '') if not os.path.isfile(fiberfile): errmsg = f'Fiber assignment file {fiberfile} not found!' log.critical(errmsg) raise IOError(errmsg) log.debug(f'Reading {fiberfile} header.') fahdr = fits.getheader(fiberfile, ext=0) # Gather the targeting directories. Looks for all header cards up to TARG[N] # where N can reach as high as 100 (but stop after finding the last # directory recorded). alltargetdirs = [] for targetclass in ['TARG', 'SCND', 'TOO']: if targetclass in fahdr: alltargetdirs += [fahdr[targetclass]] for num in (np.arange(99)+2).astype(str): moretarg = targetclass+num if moretarg in fahdr and fahdr[moretarg].strip() != '-': alltargetdirs += [fahdr[moretarg]] else: break # Filename customizations written by Anand and taken from # # Special case cmx tile 80615, for which the provenance of the targeting # catalog was not recorded in the fiberassign header. if tileid == 80615: alltargetdirs += [os.path.join(desi_root, 'target', 'catalogs', 'gaiadr2', '0.47.0', 'targets', 'cmx', 'resolve', 'supp')] targetdirs = [] for ii, fn in enumerate(alltargetdirs): # Update generic DESIROOT to DESI_SURVEYOPS env. fn = fn.replace( "DESIROOT/target/catalogs/mtl/1.1.1/mtl/main/ToO/ToO.ecsv", f"{desi_surveyops}/mtl/main/ToO/ToO.ecsv", ) fn = fn.replace( "DESIROOT/survey/ops/staging/mtl/main/ToO/ToO.ecsv", f"{desi_surveyops}/mtl/main/ToO/ToO.ecsv", ) # Filename change for main-survey secondary targets. fn = fn.replace( "DESIROOT/target/catalogs/dr9/0.58.0/targets/main/secondary/dark/maintargets-dark-secondary.fits", "DESIROOT/target/catalogs/dr9/0.58.0/targets/main/secondary/dark/targets-dark-secondary.fits", ) # Experimental tiles 82401-82409 for developing the backup program used # gaiadr2/1.3.0.dev5218 inputs that no longer exist but are equivalent # to gaiadr2/2.2.0. fn = fn.replace( "/global/cscratch1/sd/adamyers/gaiadr2/1.3.0.dev5218/targets/main/resolve/backup", f"{desi_target}/catalogs/gaiadr2/2.2.0/targets/main/resolve/backup", ) # The data model for secondary targets is different; figure out the # filename and append it to the targetdir recorded in the header. if 'secondary' in fn: txt = os.path.sep.join(fn.split(os.path.sep)[-3:]) if txt in ["sv1/secondary/bright", "sv1/secondary/dark"]: prog = fn.split(os.path.sep)[-1] fn = os.path.join(fn, f"sv1targets-{prog}-secondary.fits") fn = fn.replace("DESIROOT", desi_root) fn = fn.replace("/data/target", desi_target) fn = fn.replace("/data/afternoon_planning/surveyops/trunk", desi_surveyops) ## AR case where the path is generically defined, but not used (no mtl for sv1 or sv2) #fn = fn.replace( # "DESIROOT/survey/ops/surveyops/trunk/mtl/sv1/ToO/ToO.ecsv", # "-", #) # "DESIROOT/survey/ops/surveyops/trunk/mtl/sv2/ToO/ToO.ecsv", # "-", #) ## AR case where the path is generically defined, but not used (tiles ## 81096-81099; no secondaries for sv2) #fn = fn.replace( # "DESIROOT/target/catalogs/dr9/0.53.0/targets/sv2/secondary/dark/sv2targets-dark-secondary.fits", # "-", #) if fn != alltargetdirs[ii]: log.debug(f'{tileid:06d}: {alltargetdirs[ii]} --> {fn}') if os.path.isdir(fn) or os.path.isfile(fn): targetdirs.append(fn) else: log.debug(f'Missing {fn}!') if len(targetdirs) == 0: errmsg = f'No targeting directories found for tile {tileid}!' log.critical(errmsg) raise IOError(errmsg) targetdirs = np.sort(np.unique(targetdirs)) return targetdirs
[docs]def targetphot_datamodel(from_file=False): """Initialize the targetphot data model. Args: from_file (bool, optional): read the datamodel from a file on-disk. Returns an `astropy.table.Table` with a consistent data model across cmx, sv[1-2], and main-survey observations. """ desi_root = get_desi_root_readonly() if from_file: TARGETINGBITCOLS = [ 'CMX_TARGET', 'DESI_TARGET', 'BGS_TARGET', 'MWS_TARGET', 'SV1_DESI_TARGET', 'SV1_BGS_TARGET', 'SV1_MWS_TARGET', 'SV2_DESI_TARGET', 'SV2_BGS_TARGET', 'SV2_MWS_TARGET', 'SV3_DESI_TARGET', 'SV3_BGS_TARGET', 'SV3_MWS_TARGET', 'SCND_TARGET', 'SV1_SCND_TARGET', 'SV2_SCND_TARGET', 'SV3_SCND_TARGET', ] from importlib import resources #datamodel_file = resources.files('desitarget.test').joinpath('t/targets.fits') datamodel_file = os.path.join(desi_root, 'target', 'catalogs', 'dr9', '1.1.1', 'targets', 'main', 'resolve', 'dark', 'targets-dark-hp-0.fits') if not os.path.isfile(datamodel_file): errmsg = f'Unable to establish the data model using {datamodel_file}' log.critical(errmsg) raise IOError(errmsg) datamodel = Table(, rows=0, upper=True)) for col in datamodel.colnames: if '_TARGET' in col: datamodel.remove_column(col) else: datamodel[col] = np.zeros(datamodel[col].shape, dtype=datamodel[col].dtype) for col in TARGETINGBITCOLS: datamodel[col] = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.int64) #for col in datamodel.colnames: # print("('{}', {}, '{}'),".format(col, datamodel[col].shape, datamodel[col].dtype)) else: COLS = [ ('RELEASE', (1,), '>i2'), ('BRICKID', (1,), '>i4'), ('BRICKNAME', (1,), '<U8'), ('BRICK_OBJID', (1,), '>i4'), ('MORPHTYPE', (1,), '<U4'), ('RA', (1,), '>f8'), ('RA_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('DEC', (1,), '>f8'), ('DEC_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('DCHISQ', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('EBV', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACMASKED_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACMASKED_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACMASKED_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACIN_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACIN_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACIN_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('NOBS_G', (1,), '>i2'), ('NOBS_R', (1,), '>i2'), ('NOBS_Z', (1,), '>i2'), ('PSFDEPTH_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFDEPTH_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFDEPTH_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('GALDEPTH_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('GALDEPTH_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('GALDEPTH_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_W1', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_W2', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_W3', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_W4', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_W1', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_W2', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_W3', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_W4', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_W1', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_W2', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_W3', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_W4', (1,), '>f4'), ('ALLMASK_G', (1,), '>i2'), ('ALLMASK_R', (1,), '>i2'), ('ALLMASK_Z', (1,), '>i2'), ('FIBERFLUX_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FIBERFLUX_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FIBERFLUX_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('FIBERTOTFLUX_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FIBERTOTFLUX_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FIBERTOTFLUX_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('REF_EPOCH', (1,), '>f4'), ('WISEMASK_W1', (1,), 'uint8'), ('WISEMASK_W2', (1,), 'uint8'), ('MASKBITS', (1,), '>i2'), ('LC_FLUX_W1', (1, 15), '>f4'), ('LC_FLUX_W2', (1, 15), '>f4'), ('LC_FLUX_IVAR_W1', (1, 15), '>f4'), ('LC_FLUX_IVAR_W2', (1, 15), '>f4'), ('LC_NOBS_W1', (1, 15), '>i2'), ('LC_NOBS_W2', (1, 15), '>i2'), ('LC_MJD_W1', (1, 15), '>f8'), ('LC_MJD_W2', (1, 15), '>f8'), ('SHAPE_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('SHAPE_E1', (1,), '>f4'), ('SHAPE_E2', (1,), '>f4'), ('SHAPE_R_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('SHAPE_E1_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('SHAPE_E2_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('SERSIC', (1,), '>f4'), ('SERSIC_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('REF_ID', (1,), '>i8'), ('REF_CAT', (1,), '<U2'), ('GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_BP_RP_EXCESS_FACTOR', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_EXCESS_NOISE', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_DUPLICATED_SOURCE', (1,), 'bool'), ('GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_SIGMA5D_MAX', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_PARAMS_SOLVED', (1,), 'uint8'), ('PARALLAX', (1,), '>f4'), ('PARALLAX_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('PMRA', (1,), '>f4'), ('PMRA_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('PMDEC', (1,), '>f4'), ('PMDEC_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('PHOTSYS', (1,), '<U1'), ('TARGETID', (1,), '>i8'), ('SUBPRIORITY', (1,), '>f8'), ('OBSCONDITIONS', (1,), '>i8'), ('PRIORITY_INIT', (1,), '>i8'), ('NUMOBS_INIT', (1,), '>i8'), ('HPXPIXEL', (1,), '>i8'), # added columns ('CMX_TARGET', (1,), 'int64'), ('DESI_TARGET', (1,), 'int64'), ('BGS_TARGET', (1,), 'int64'), ('MWS_TARGET', (1,), 'int64'), ('SV1_DESI_TARGET', (1,), 'int64'), ('SV1_BGS_TARGET', (1,), 'int64'), ('SV1_MWS_TARGET', (1,), 'int64'), ('SV2_DESI_TARGET', (1,), 'int64'), ('SV2_BGS_TARGET', (1,), 'int64'), ('SV2_MWS_TARGET', (1,), 'int64'), ('SV3_DESI_TARGET', (1,), 'int64'), ('SV3_BGS_TARGET', (1,), 'int64'), ('SV3_MWS_TARGET', (1,), 'int64'), ('SCND_TARGET', (1,), 'int64'), ('SV1_SCND_TARGET', (1,), 'int64'), ('SV2_SCND_TARGET', (1,), 'int64'), ('SV3_SCND_TARGET', (1,), 'int64'), ] datamodel = Table() for col in COLS: datamodel[col[0]] = np.zeros(shape=col[1], dtype=col[2]) return datamodel
[docs]def gather_targetphot(input_cat, photocache=None, racolumn='TARGET_RA', deccolumn='TARGET_DEC', columns=None, fiberassign_dir=None, verbose=False): """Find and stack the photometric targeting information given a set of targets. Args: input_cat (astropy.table.Table): input table with the following (required) columns: TARGETID, RACOLUMN, DECCOLUMN, TILEID. photocache (dict, optional): dictionary cache of targetids for large targeting catalogs. racolumn (str): name of the RA column in `input_cat` (defaults to RA_COLUMN) deccolumn (str): name of the RA column in `input_cat` (defaults to DEC_COLUMN) columns (str array): return this subset of columns fiberassign_dir (str, optional): top-level directory to fiberassign tables Returns a table of targeting photometry using a consistent data model across primary (DR9) targets, secondary targets, and targets of opportunity. The data model is documented in `targetphot_datamodel`. """ import astropy from desimodel.footprint import radec2pix from desiutil.log import get_logger, DEBUG if verbose: log = get_logger(DEBUG) else: log = get_logger() if len(input_cat) == 0: log.warning('No objects in input catalog.') return Table() for col in ['TARGETID', racolumn, deccolumn, 'TILEID']: if col not in input_cat.colnames: errmsg = f'Missing required input column {col}' log.critical(errmsg) raise ValueError(errmsg) datamodel = targetphot_datamodel() out = Table(np.hstack(np.repeat(datamodel, len(np.atleast_1d(input_cat))))) out['TARGETID'] = input_cat['TARGETID'] tileids = input_cat['TILEID'] for tileid in np.unique(tileids): log.debug(f'Working on tile {tileid}') M = np.where(tileid == tileids)[0] out1 = out[M] input_cat1 = input_cat[M] photo, photofiles = [], [] # Get the unique list of targetdirs targetdirs = gather_targetdirs(tileid, fiberassign_dir=fiberassign_dir, verbose=verbose) for targetdir in targetdirs: # Handle secondary targets, which have a (very!) different data model. if 'secondary' in targetdir: targetfiles = targetdir #if 'sv1' in targetdir: # special case # if 'dedicated' in targetdir: # targetfiles = glob(os.path.join(targetdir, 'DC3R2_GAMA_priorities.fits')) # else: # targetfiles = glob(os.path.join(targetdir, '*-secondary.fits')) #else: # targetfiles = glob(os.path.join(targetdir, '*-secondary.fits')) elif 'ToO' in targetdir: targetfiles = targetdir else: alltargetfiles = glob(os.path.join(targetdir, '*-hp-*.fits')) filenside = fitsio.read_header(alltargetfiles[0], ext=1)['FILENSID'] # if np.any(np.isnan(input_cat1[racolumn])): # some SV1 targets have nan in RA,DEC log.warning(f'Some RA, DEC are NaN in target directory {targetdir}') notnan = np.isfinite(input_cat1[racolumn]) targetfiles = [] if np.sum(notnan) > 0: pixlist = radec2pix(filenside, input_cat1[racolumn][notnan], input_cat1[deccolumn][notnan]) for pix in set(pixlist): _targetfile = alltargetfiles[0].split('hp-')[0]+f'hp-{pix}.fits' # fragile if os.path.isfile(_targetfile): targetfiles.append(_targetfile) targetfiles = np.unique(targetfiles) if len(targetfiles) == 0: continue for targetfile in np.atleast_1d(targetfiles): # If this is a secondary target catalog or ToO, use the photocache # (if it exists). Also note that secondary target catalogs are # missing some or all of the DR9 photometry columns we need, so only # copy what exists. if photocache is not None and targetfile in photocache.keys(): if type(photocache[targetfile]) == astropy.table.Table: I = np.where(np.isin(photocache[targetfile]['TARGETID'], input_cat1['TARGETID']))[0] else: photo_targetid = photocache[targetfile] I = np.where(np.isin(photo_targetid, input_cat1['TARGETID']))[0] log.debug(f'Matched {len(I)} targets in {targetfile}') if len(I) > 0: if type(photocache[targetfile]) == astropy.table.Table: cachecat = photocache[targetfile][I] else: cachecat = Table(, rows=I)) _photo = Table(np.hstack(np.repeat(datamodel, len(I)))) for col in _photo.colnames: # not all these columns will exist... if col in cachecat.colnames: _photo[col] = cachecat[col] photofiles.append(targetfile) photo.append(_photo) continue if 'ToO' in targetfile: photo1 =, guess=False, format='ascii.ecsv') I = np.where(np.isin(photo1['TARGETID'], input_cat1['TARGETID']))[0] log.debug(f'Matched {len(I)} TOO targets') if len(I) > 0: photo1 = photo1[I] _photo = Table(np.hstack(np.repeat(datamodel, len(I)))) for col in _photo.colnames: # not all these columns will exist... if col in photo1.colnames: _photo[col] = photo1[col] del photo1 photofiles.append('TOO') photo.append(_photo) continue # get the correct extension name or number tinfo = fitsio.FITS(targetfile) for _tinfo in tinfo: extname = _tinfo.get_extname() if 'TARGETS' in extname: break if extname == '': extname = 1 # fitsio does not preserve the order of the rows but we'll sort later. photo_targetid = tinfo[extname].read(columns='TARGETID') I = np.where(np.isin(photo_targetid, input_cat1['TARGETID']))[0] log.debug(f'Matched {len(I)} targets in {targetfile}') if len(I) > 0: photo1 = tinfo[extname].read(rows=I) # Columns can be out of order, so sort them here based on the # data model so we can stack below. _photo = Table(np.hstack(np.repeat(datamodel, len(I)))) for col in _photo.colnames: # all these columns should exist... if col in photo1.dtype.names: _photo[col] = photo1[col] else: #log.debug('Skipping missing column {} from {}'.format(col, targetfile)) pass del photo1 photofiles.append(targetfile) photo.append(_photo) # backup programs have no target catalog photometry at all if len(photo) == 0: continue #errmsg = 'No targeting photometry found.' #log.critical(errmsg) #raise ValueError(errmsg) # np.hstack will sometimes complain even if the tables are identical... #photo = Table(np.hstack(photo)) photo = vstack(photo) # make sure there are no duplicates...? _, uindx = np.unique(photo['TARGETID'], return_index=True) #if len(uindx) < len(photo): # # # idx_sort = np.argsort(photo['TARGETID'], kind='mergesort') # targetid_sorted = photo['TARGETID'][idx_sort].data # vals, idx_start, count = np.unique(targetid_sorted, return_counts=True, return_index=True) # res = np.split(idx_sort, idx_start[1:]) # #vals = vals[count > 1] # #res = filter(lambda x: x.size > 1, res) photo = photo[uindx] assert(len(np.unique(photo['TARGETID'])) == len(photo)) # sort explicitly in order to ensure order I = np.where(np.isin(out1['TARGETID'], photo['TARGETID']))[0] srt = np.hstack([np.where(tid == photo['TARGETID'])[0] for tid in out1['TARGETID'][I]]) out1[I] = photo[srt] out[M] = out1 del out1, photo if columns is not None: out = out[columns] return out
[docs]def tractorphot_datamodel(from_file=False, datarelease='dr9'): """Initialize the tractorphot data model for a given Legacy Surveys data release. Args: from_file (bool, optional): read the datamodel from a file on-disk. datarelease (str, optional): data release to read; currently only `dr9` and `dr10` are supported. Returns an `astropy.table.Table` which follows the Tractor catalog datamodel for the given data release. """ desi_root = get_desi_root_readonly() if from_file: datamodel_file = f'{desi_root}/external/legacysurvey/{datarelease}/south/tractor/000/tractor-0001m002.fits' datamodel = Table(, rows=0, upper=True)) for col in datamodel.colnames: datamodel[col] = np.zeros(datamodel[col].shape, dtype=datamodel[col].dtype) #for col in datamodel.colnames: # print("('{}', {}, '{}'),".format(col, datamodel[col].shape, datamodel[col].dtype)) else: if datarelease.lower() == 'dr9': COLS = [ ('RELEASE', (1,), '>i2'), ('BRICKID', (1,), '>i4'), ('BRICKNAME', (1,), '<U8'), ('OBJID', (1,), '>i4'), ('BRICK_PRIMARY', (1,), 'bool'), ('MASKBITS', (1,), '>i2'), ('FITBITS', (1,), '>i2'), ('TYPE', (1,), '<U3'), ('RA', (1,), '>f8'), ('DEC', (1,), '>f8'), ('RA_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('DEC_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('BX', (1,), '>f4'), ('BY', (1,), '>f4'), ('DCHISQ', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('EBV', (1,), '>f4'), ('MJD_MIN', (1,), '>f8'), ('MJD_MAX', (1,), '>f8'), ('REF_CAT', (1,), '<U2'), ('REF_ID', (1,), '>i8'), ('PMRA', (1,), '>f4'), ('PMDEC', (1,), '>f4'), ('PARALLAX', (1,), '>f4'), ('PMRA_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('PMDEC_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('PARALLAX_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('REF_EPOCH', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_G_N_OBS', (1,), '>i2'), ('GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_BP_N_OBS', (1,), '>i2'), ('GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_RP_N_OBS', (1,), '>i2'), ('GAIA_PHOT_VARIABLE_FLAG', (1,), 'bool'), ('GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_EXCESS_NOISE', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_EXCESS_NOISE_SIG', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_N_OBS_AL', (1,), '>i2'), ('GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_N_GOOD_OBS_AL', (1,), '>i2'), ('GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_WEIGHT_AL', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_DUPLICATED_SOURCE', (1,), 'bool'), ('GAIA_A_G_VAL', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_E_BP_MIN_RP_VAL', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_BP_RP_EXCESS_FACTOR', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_SIGMA5D_MAX', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_PARAMS_SOLVED', (1,), 'uint8'), ('FLUX_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_W1', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_W2', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_W3', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_W4', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_W1', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_W2', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_W3', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_W4', (1,), '>f4'), ('FIBERFLUX_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FIBERFLUX_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FIBERFLUX_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('FIBERTOTFLUX_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FIBERTOTFLUX_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FIBERTOTFLUX_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_G', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_R', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_Z', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_RESID_G', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_RESID_R', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_RESID_Z', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_BLOBRESID_G', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_BLOBRESID_R', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_BLOBRESID_Z', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_IVAR_G', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_IVAR_R', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_IVAR_Z', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_MASKED_G', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_MASKED_R', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_MASKED_Z', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_W1', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_W2', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_W3', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_W4', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_RESID_W1', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_RESID_W2', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_RESID_W3', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_RESID_W4', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_IVAR_W1', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_IVAR_W2', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_IVAR_W3', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_IVAR_W4', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_W1', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_W2', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_W3', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_W4', (1,), '>f4'), ('NOBS_G', (1,), '>i2'), ('NOBS_R', (1,), '>i2'), ('NOBS_Z', (1,), '>i2'), ('NOBS_W1', (1,), '>i2'), ('NOBS_W2', (1,), '>i2'), ('NOBS_W3', (1,), '>i2'), ('NOBS_W4', (1,), '>i2'), ('RCHISQ_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('RCHISQ_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('RCHISQ_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('RCHISQ_W1', (1,), '>f4'), ('RCHISQ_W2', (1,), '>f4'), ('RCHISQ_W3', (1,), '>f4'), ('RCHISQ_W4', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_W1', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_W2', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_W3', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_W4', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACMASKED_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACMASKED_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACMASKED_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACIN_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACIN_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACIN_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('ANYMASK_G', (1,), '>i2'), ('ANYMASK_R', (1,), '>i2'), ('ANYMASK_Z', (1,), '>i2'), ('ALLMASK_G', (1,), '>i2'), ('ALLMASK_R', (1,), '>i2'), ('ALLMASK_Z', (1,), '>i2'), ('WISEMASK_W1', (1,), 'uint8'), ('WISEMASK_W2', (1,), 'uint8'), ('PSFSIZE_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFSIZE_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFSIZE_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFDEPTH_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFDEPTH_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFDEPTH_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('GALDEPTH_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('GALDEPTH_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('GALDEPTH_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('NEA_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('NEA_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('NEA_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('BLOB_NEA_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('BLOB_NEA_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('BLOB_NEA_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFDEPTH_W1', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFDEPTH_W2', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFDEPTH_W3', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFDEPTH_W4', (1,), '>f4'), ('WISE_COADD_ID', (1,), '<U8'), ('WISE_X', (1,), '>f4'), ('WISE_Y', (1,), '>f4'), ('LC_FLUX_W1', (1, 15), '>f4'), ('LC_FLUX_W2', (1, 15), '>f4'), ('LC_FLUX_IVAR_W1', (1, 15), '>f4'), ('LC_FLUX_IVAR_W2', (1, 15), '>f4'), ('LC_NOBS_W1', (1, 15), '>i2'), ('LC_NOBS_W2', (1, 15), '>i2'), ('LC_FRACFLUX_W1', (1, 15), '>f4'), ('LC_FRACFLUX_W2', (1, 15), '>f4'), ('LC_RCHISQ_W1', (1, 15), '>f4'), ('LC_RCHISQ_W2', (1, 15), '>f4'), ('LC_MJD_W1', (1, 15), '>f8'), ('LC_MJD_W2', (1, 15), '>f8'), ('LC_EPOCH_INDEX_W1', (1, 15), '>i2'), ('LC_EPOCH_INDEX_W2', (1, 15), '>i2'), ('SERSIC', (1,), '>f4'), ('SERSIC_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('SHAPE_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('SHAPE_R_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('SHAPE_E1', (1,), '>f4'), ('SHAPE_E1_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('SHAPE_E2', (1,), '>f4'), ('SHAPE_E2_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), # added columns ('LS_ID', (1,), '>i8'), ('TARGETID', (1,), '>i8'), ] elif datarelease.lower() == 'dr10': COLS = [ ('RELEASE', (1,), '>i2'), ('BRICKID', (1,), '>i4'), ('BRICKNAME', (1,), '<U8'), ('OBJID', (1,), '>i4'), ('BRICK_PRIMARY', (1,), 'bool'), ('MASKBITS', (1,), '>i2'), ('FITBITS', (1,), '>i2'), ('TYPE', (1,), '<U3'), ('RA', (1,), '>f8'), ('DEC', (1,), '>f8'), ('RA_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('DEC_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('BX', (1,), '>f4'), ('BY', (1,), '>f4'), ('DCHISQ', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('EBV', (1,), '>f4'), ('MJD_MIN', (1,), '>f8'), ('MJD_MAX', (1,), '>f8'), ('REF_CAT', (1,), '<U2'), ('REF_ID', (1,), '>i8'), ('PMRA', (1,), '>f4'), ('PMDEC', (1,), '>f4'), ('PARALLAX', (1,), '>f4'), ('PMRA_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('PMDEC_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('PARALLAX_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('REF_EPOCH', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_G_N_OBS', (1,), '>i2'), ('GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_BP_N_OBS', (1,), '>i2'), ('GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_RP_N_OBS', (1,), '>i2'), ('GAIA_PHOT_VARIABLE_FLAG', (1,), 'bool'), ('GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_EXCESS_NOISE', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_EXCESS_NOISE_SIG', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_N_OBS_AL', (1,), '>i2'), ('GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_N_GOOD_OBS_AL', (1,), '>i2'), ('GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_WEIGHT_AL', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_DUPLICATED_SOURCE', (1,), 'bool'), ('GAIA_A_G_VAL', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_E_BP_MIN_RP_VAL', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_PHOT_BP_RP_EXCESS_FACTOR', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_SIGMA5D_MAX', (1,), '>f4'), ('GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_PARAMS_SOLVED', (1,), 'uint8'), ('FLUX_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_I', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_W1', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_W2', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_W3', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_W4', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_I', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_W1', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_W2', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_W3', (1,), '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_W4', (1,), '>f4'), ('FIBERFLUX_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FIBERFLUX_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FIBERFLUX_I', (1,), '>f4'), ('FIBERFLUX_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('FIBERTOTFLUX_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FIBERTOTFLUX_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FIBERTOTFLUX_I', (1,), '>f4'), ('FIBERTOTFLUX_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_G', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_R', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_I', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_Z', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_RESID_G', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_RESID_R', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_RESID_I', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_RESID_Z', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_BLOBRESID_G', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_BLOBRESID_R', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_BLOBRESID_I', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_BLOBRESID_Z', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_IVAR_G', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_IVAR_R', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_IVAR_I', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_IVAR_Z', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_MASKED_G', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_MASKED_R', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_MASKED_I', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_MASKED_Z', (1, 8), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_W1', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_W2', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_W3', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_W4', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_RESID_W1', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_RESID_W2', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_RESID_W3', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_RESID_W4', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_IVAR_W1', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_IVAR_W2', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_IVAR_W3', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('APFLUX_IVAR_W4', (1, 5), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_I', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_W1', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_W2', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_W3', (1,), '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_W4', (1,), '>f4'), ('NOBS_G', (1,), '>i2'), ('NOBS_R', (1,), '>i2'), ('NOBS_I', (1,), '>i2'), ('NOBS_Z', (1,), '>i2'), ('NOBS_W1', (1,), '>i2'), ('NOBS_W2', (1,), '>i2'), ('NOBS_W3', (1,), '>i2'), ('NOBS_W4', (1,), '>i2'), ('RCHISQ_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('RCHISQ_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('RCHISQ_I', (1,), '>f4'), ('RCHISQ_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('RCHISQ_W1', (1,), '>f4'), ('RCHISQ_W2', (1,), '>f4'), ('RCHISQ_W3', (1,), '>f4'), ('RCHISQ_W4', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_I', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_W1', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_W2', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_W3', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_W4', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACMASKED_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACMASKED_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACMASKED_I', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACMASKED_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACIN_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACIN_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACIN_I', (1,), '>f4'), ('FRACIN_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('NGOOD_G', (1,), '>i2'), ('NGOOD_R', (1,), '>i2'), ('NGOOD_I', (1,), '>i2'), ('NGOOD_Z', (1,), '>i2'), ('ANYMASK_G', (1,), '>i2'), ('ANYMASK_R', (1,), '>i2'), ('ANYMASK_I', (1,), '>i2'), ('ANYMASK_Z', (1,), '>i2'), ('ALLMASK_G', (1,), '>i2'), ('ALLMASK_R', (1,), '>i2'), ('ALLMASK_I', (1,), '>i2'), ('ALLMASK_Z', (1,), '>i2'), ('WISEMASK_W1', (1,), 'uint8'), ('WISEMASK_W2', (1,), 'uint8'), ('PSFSIZE_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFSIZE_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFSIZE_I', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFSIZE_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFDEPTH_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFDEPTH_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFDEPTH_I', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFDEPTH_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('GALDEPTH_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('GALDEPTH_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('GALDEPTH_I', (1,), '>f4'), ('GALDEPTH_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('NEA_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('NEA_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('NEA_I', (1,), '>f4'), ('NEA_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('BLOB_NEA_G', (1,), '>f4'), ('BLOB_NEA_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('BLOB_NEA_I', (1,), '>f4'), ('BLOB_NEA_Z', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFDEPTH_W1', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFDEPTH_W2', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFDEPTH_W3', (1,), '>f4'), ('PSFDEPTH_W4', (1,), '>f4'), ('WISE_COADD_ID', (1,), '<U8'), ('WISE_X', (1,), '>f4'), ('WISE_Y', (1,), '>f4'), ('LC_FLUX_W1', (1, 17), '>f4'), ('LC_FLUX_W2', (1, 17), '>f4'), ('LC_FLUX_IVAR_W1', (1, 17), '>f4'), ('LC_FLUX_IVAR_W2', (1, 17), '>f4'), ('LC_NOBS_W1', (1, 17), '>i2'), ('LC_NOBS_W2', (1, 17), '>i2'), ('LC_FRACFLUX_W1', (1, 17), '>f4'), ('LC_FRACFLUX_W2', (1, 17), '>f4'), ('LC_RCHISQ_W1', (1, 17), '>f4'), ('LC_RCHISQ_W2', (1, 17), '>f4'), ('LC_MJD_W1', (1, 17), '>f8'), ('LC_MJD_W2', (1, 17), '>f8'), ('LC_EPOCH_INDEX_W1', (1, 17), '>i2'), ('LC_EPOCH_INDEX_W2', (1, 17), '>i2'), ('SERSIC', (1,), '>f4'), ('SERSIC_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('SHAPE_R', (1,), '>f4'), ('SHAPE_R_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('SHAPE_E1', (1,), '>f4'), ('SHAPE_E1_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), ('SHAPE_E2', (1,), '>f4'), ('SHAPE_E2_IVAR', (1,), '>f4'), # added columns ('LS_ID', (1,), '>i8'), ('TARGETID', (1,), '>i8'), ] else: errmsg = f'Unrecognized data release {datarelease}; only dr9 and dr10 currently supported.' log.critical(errmsg) raise IOError(errmsg) datamodel = Table() for col in COLS: datamodel[col[0]] = np.zeros(shape=col[1], dtype=col[2]) return datamodel
[docs]def _gather_tractorphot_onebrick(input_cat, legacysurveydir, radius_match, racolumn, deccolumn, datamodel): """Support routine for gather_tractorphot.""" assert(np.all(input_cat['BRICKNAME'] == input_cat['BRICKNAME'][0])) brick = input_cat['BRICKNAME'][0] idr9 = np.where((input_cat['RELEASE'] > 0) * (input_cat['BRICKID'] > 0) * (input_cat['BRICK_OBJID'] > 0) * (input_cat['PHOTSYS'] != ''))[0] ipos = np.delete(np.arange(len(input_cat)), idr9) out = Table(np.hstack(np.repeat(datamodel, len(np.atleast_1d(input_cat))))) out['TARGETID'] = input_cat['TARGETID'] # DR9 targeting photometry exists if len(idr9) > 0: assert(np.all(input_cat['PHOTSYS'][idr9] == input_cat['PHOTSYS'][idr9][0])) # find the catalog photsys = input_cat['PHOTSYS'][idr9][0] if photsys == 'S': region = 'south' elif photsys == 'N': region = 'north' #raslice = np.array(['{:06d}'.format(int(ra*1000))[:3] for ra in input_cat['RA']]) tractorfile = os.path.join(legacysurveydir, region, 'tractor', brick[:3], f'tractor-{brick}.fits') if not os.path.isfile(tractorfile): errmsg = f'Unable to find Tractor catalog {tractorfile}' log.critical(errmsg) raise IOError(errmsg) # Some commissioning and SV targets can have brick_primary==False, so don't require it here. #<Table length=1> # TARGETID BRICKNAME BRICKID BRICK_OBJID RELEASE CMX_TARGET DESI_TARGET SV1_DESI_TARGET SV2_DESI_TARGET SV3_DESI_TARGET SCND_TARGET # int64 str8 int32 int32 int16 int64 int64 int64 int64 int64 int64 #----------------- --------- ------- ----------- ------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- --------------- --------------- ----------- #39628509856927757 0352p315 503252 4109 9010 0 0 2305843009213693952 0 0 0 #<Table length=1> # TARGETID TARGET_RA TARGET_DEC TILEID SURVEY PROGRAM # int64 float64 float64 int32 str7 str6 #----------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------ ------ ------- #39628509856927757 35.333944142134406 31.496490061792002 80611 sv1 bright _tractor =, columns=['OBJID', 'BRICK_PRIMARY'], upper=True) #I = np.where(_tractor['BRICK_PRIMARY'] * np.isin(_tractor['OBJID'], input_cat['BRICK_OBJID']))[0] I = np.where(np.isin(_tractor['OBJID'], input_cat['BRICK_OBJID'][idr9]))[0] ## Some secondary programs have BRICKNAME!='' and BRICK_OBJID==0 (i.e., ## not populated). However, there should always be a match here because ## we "repair" brick_objid in the main function. #if len(I) == 0: # return Table() tractor_dr9 = Table(, rows=I, upper=True)) # sort explicitly in order to ensure order srt = np.hstack([np.where(objid == tractor_dr9['OBJID'])[0] for objid in input_cat['BRICK_OBJID'][idr9]]) tractor_dr9 = tractor_dr9[srt] assert(np.all((tractor_dr9['BRICKID'] == input_cat['BRICKID'][idr9])*(tractor_dr9['OBJID'] == input_cat['BRICK_OBJID'][idr9]))) tractor_dr9['LS_ID'] = np.int64(0) # will be filled in at the end tractor_dr9['TARGETID'] = input_cat['TARGETID'][idr9] out[idr9] = tractor_dr9 del tractor_dr9 # use positional matching if len(ipos) > 0: rad = radius_match * u.arcsec # resolve north/south tractorfile_north = os.path.join(legacysurveydir, 'north', 'tractor', brick[:3], f'tractor-{brick}.fits') tractorfile_south = os.path.join(legacysurveydir, 'south', 'tractor', brick[:3], f'tractor-{brick}.fits') if os.path.isfile(tractorfile_north) and not os.path.isfile(tractorfile_south): tractorfile = tractorfile_north elif not os.path.isfile(tractorfile_north) and os.path.isfile(tractorfile_south): tractorfile = tractorfile_south elif os.path.isfile(tractorfile_north) and os.path.isfile(tractorfile_south): if np.median(input_cat[deccolumn][ipos]) < desitarget_resolve_dec(): tractorfile = tractorfile_south else: tractorfile = tractorfile_north elif not os.path.isfile(tractorfile_north) and not os.path.isfile(tractorfile_south): return out _tractor =, columns=['RA', 'DEC', 'BRICK_PRIMARY'], upper=True) iprimary = np.where(_tractor['BRICK_PRIMARY'])[0] # only primary targets if len(iprimary) == 0: log.warning(f'No primary photometric targets on brick {brick}.') else: _tractor = _tractor[iprimary] coord_tractor = SkyCoord(ra=_tractor['RA']*u.deg, dec=_tractor['DEC']*u.deg) # Some targets can appear twice (with different targetids), so # to make sure we do it right, we have to loop. Example: # # TARGETID SURVEY PROGRAM TARGET_RA TARGET_DEC OBJID BRICKID RELEASE SKY GAIADR RA DEC GROUP BRICKNAME # int64 str7 str6 float64 float64 int64 int64 int64 int64 int64 float64 float64 int64 str8 # --------------- ------ ------- ------------------ ----------------- ----- ------- ------- ----- ------ ------- ------- ----- --------- # 234545047666699 sv1 other 150.31145983340912 2.587887211205909 11 345369 53 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 1503p025 # 243341140688909 sv1 other 150.31145983340912 2.587887211205909 13 345369 55 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 1503p025 for indx_cat, (ra, dec, targetid) in enumerate(zip(input_cat[racolumn][ipos], input_cat[deccolumn][ipos], input_cat['TARGETID'][ipos])): coord_cat = SkyCoord(ra=ra*u.deg, dec=dec*u.deg) indx_tractor, d2d, _ = coord_cat.match_to_catalog_sky(coord_tractor) if d2d < rad: _tractor = Table(, rows=iprimary[indx_tractor], upper=True)) _tractor['LS_ID'] = np.int64(0) # will be filled in at the end _tractor['TARGETID'] = targetid out[ipos[indx_cat]] = _tractor[0] # Add a unique DR9 identifier. out['LS_ID'] = (out['RELEASE'].astype(np.int64) << 40) | (out['BRICKID'].astype(np.int64) << 16) | (out['OBJID'].astype(np.int64)) assert(np.all(input_cat['TARGETID'] == out['TARGETID'])) return out
[docs]def gather_tractorphot(input_cat, racolumn='TARGET_RA', deccolumn='TARGET_DEC', legacysurveydir=None, dr9dir=None, radius_match=1.0, columns=None, verbose=False): """Retrieve the Tractor catalog for all the objects in this catalog (one brick). Args: input_cat (astropy.table.Table): input table with the following (required) columns: TARGETID, TARGET_RA, TARGET_DEC. Additional optional columns that will ensure proper matching are BRICKNAME, RELEASE, PHOTSYS, BRICKID, and BRICK_OBJID. legacysurveydir (str): full path to the location of the Tractor catalogs dr9dir (str): relegated keyword; please use `legacysurveydir` radius_match (float, arcsec): matching radius (default, 1 arcsec) columns (str array): return this subset of columns Returns a table of Tractor photometry. Matches are identified either using BRICKID and BRICK_OBJID or using positional matching (1 arcsec radius). """ from desitarget.targets import decode_targetid from desiutil.brick import brickname from desiutil.log import get_logger, DEBUG desi_root = get_desi_root_readonly() if verbose: log = get_logger(DEBUG) else: log = get_logger() if len(input_cat) == 0: log.warning('No objects in input catalog.') return Table() for col in ['TARGETID', racolumn, deccolumn]: if col not in input_cat.colnames: errmsg = f'Missing required input column {col}' log.critical(errmsg) raise ValueError(errmsg) # If these columns don't exist, add them with blank entries: COLS = [('RELEASE', (1,), '>i2'), ('BRICKID', (1,), '>i4'), ('BRICKNAME', (1,), '<U8'), ('BRICK_OBJID', (1,), '>i4'), ('PHOTSYS', (1,), '<U1')] for col in COLS: if col[0] not in input_cat.colnames: input_cat[col[0]] = np.zeros(col[1], dtype=col[2]) if dr9dir is not None: log.warning('Keyword dr9dir is relegated; please use legacysurveydir.') legacysurveydir = dr9dir if legacysurveydir is None: legacysurveydir = os.path.join(desi_root, 'external', 'legacysurvey', 'dr9') if not os.path.isdir(legacysurveydir): errmsg = f'Legacy Surveys directory {legacysurveydir} not found.' log.critical(errmsg) raise IOError(errmsg) if 'dr9' in legacysurveydir: datarelease = 'dr9' elif 'dr10' in legacysurveydir: datarelease = 'dr10' else: errmsg = f'Unable to determine data release from {legacysurveydir}; falling back to DR9.' log.warning(errmsg) datarelease = 'dr9' ## Some secondary programs (e.g., 39632961435338613, 39632966921487347) ## have BRICKNAME!='' & BRICKID!=0, but BRICK_OBJID==0. Unpack those here ## using decode_targetid. #idecode = np.where((input_cat['BRICKNAME'] != '') * (input_cat['BRICK_OBJID'] == 0))[0] #if len(idecode) > 0: # log.debug('Inferring BRICK_OBJID for {} objects using decode_targetid'.format(len(idecode))) # new_objid, new_brickid, _, _, _, _ = decode_targetid(input_cat['TARGETID'][idecode]) # try: # assert(np.all(new_brickid == input_cat['BRICKID'][idecode])) # except: # pdb.set_trace() # input_cat['BRICK_OBJID'][idecode] = new_objid # BRICKNAME can sometimes be blank; fix that here. NB: this step has to come # *after* the decode step, above! inobrickname = np.where(input_cat['BRICKNAME'] == '')[0] if len(inobrickname) > 0: log.debug(f'Inferring brickname for {len(inobrickname):,d} objects') input_cat['BRICKNAME'][inobrickname] = brickname(input_cat[racolumn][inobrickname], input_cat[deccolumn][inobrickname]) # Split into unique brickname(s) and initialize the data model. bricknames = input_cat['BRICKNAME'] datamodel = tractorphot_datamodel(datarelease=datarelease) out = Table(np.hstack(np.repeat(datamodel, len(np.atleast_1d(input_cat))))) for onebrickname in set(bricknames): I = np.where(onebrickname == bricknames)[0] out[I] = _gather_tractorphot_onebrick(input_cat[I], legacysurveydir, radius_match, racolumn, deccolumn, datamodel) if 'RELEASE' in input_cat.colnames: _, _, check_release, _, _, _ = decode_targetid(input_cat['TARGETID']) bug = np.where(out['RELEASE'] != check_release)[0] if len(bug) > 0: input_cat['BRICKNAME'][bug] = brickname(input_cat[racolumn][bug], input_cat[deccolumn][bug]) input_cat['RELEASE'][bug] = 0 input_cat['BRICKID'][bug] = 0 input_cat['BRICK_OBJID'][bug] = 0 input_cat['PHOTSYS'][bug] = '' bugout = Table(np.hstack(np.repeat(datamodel, len(bug)))) for onebrickname in set(input_cat['BRICKNAME'][bug]): I = np.where(onebrickname == input_cat['BRICKNAME'][bug])[0] bugout[I] = _gather_tractorphot_onebrick(input_cat[bug][I], legacysurveydir, radius_match, racolumn, deccolumn, datamodel) if columns is not None: if type(columns) is not list: columns = columns.tolist() out = out[columns] return out