Source code for desispec.linalg


Some linear algebra functions.
import numpy as np
import scipy,scipy.linalg,scipy.interpolate
from desiutil.log import get_logger

[docs]def cholesky_solve(A,B,overwrite=False,lower=False): """Returns the solution X of the linear system A.X=B assuming A is a positive definite matrix Args : A : 2D (real symmetric) (nxn) positive definite matrix (numpy.ndarray) B : 1D vector, must have dimension n (numpy.ndarray) Options : overwrite: replace A data by cholesky decomposition (faster) lower: cholesky decomposition triangular matrix is lower instead of upper Returns : X : 1D vector, same dimension as B (numpy.ndarray) """ UorL,lower = scipy.linalg.cho_factor(A, lower=lower, overwrite_a=overwrite) X = scipy.linalg.cho_solve((UorL,lower),B) return X
[docs]def cholesky_solve_and_invert(A,B,overwrite=False,lower=False) : """ returns the solution X of the linear system A.X=B assuming A is a positive definite matrix Args : A : 2D (real symmetric) (nxn) positive definite matrix (numpy.ndarray) B : 1D vector, must have dimension n (numpy.ndarray) Options : overwrite: replace A data by cholesky decomposition (faster) lower: cholesky decomposition triangular matrix is lower instead of upper Returns: X,cov, where X : 1D vector, same dimension n as B (numpy.ndarray) cov : 2D positive definite matrix, inverse of A (numpy.ndarray) """ UorL,lower = scipy.linalg.cho_factor(A, overwrite_a=overwrite) X = scipy.linalg.cho_solve((UorL,lower),B) inv = scipy.linalg.cho_solve((UorL,lower),np.eye(A.shape[0])) return X,inv
[docs]def cholesky_invert(A) : """ returns the inverse of a positive definite matrix Args : A : 2D (real symmetric) (nxn) positive definite matrix (numpy.ndarray) Returns: cov : 2D positive definite matrix, inverse of A (numpy.ndarray) """ UorL,lower = scipy.linalg.cho_factor(A,overwrite_a=False) inv = scipy.linalg.cho_solve((UorL,lower),np.eye(A.shape[0])) return inv
[docs]def spline_fit(output_wave,input_wave,input_flux,required_resolution,input_ivar=None,order=3,max_resolution=None): """Performs spline fit of input_flux vs. input_wave and resamples at output_wave Args: output_wave : 1D array of output wavelength samples input_wave : 1D array of input wavelengths input_flux : 1D array of input flux density required_resolution (float) : resolution for spline knot placement (same unit as wavelength) Options: input_ivar : 1D array of weights for input_flux order (int) : spline order max_resolution (float) : if not None and first fit fails, try once this resolution Returns: output_flux : 1D array of flux sampled at output_wave """ if input_ivar is not None : selection=np.where(input_ivar>0)[0] if selection.size < 2 : log=get_logger() log.error("cannot do spline fit because only {0:d} values with ivar>0".format(selection.size)) raise ValueError w1=input_wave[selection[0]] w2=input_wave[selection[-1]] else : w1=input_wave[0] w2=input_wave[-1] res=required_resolution n=int((w2-w1)/res) res=(w2-w1)/(n+1) knots=w1+res*(0.5+np.arange(n)) ## check that nodes are close to pixels dknots = abs(knots[:,None]-input_wave) mins = np.amin(dknots,axis=1) w=mins<res knots = knots[w] try : toto=scipy.interpolate.splrep(input_wave,input_flux,w=input_ivar,k=order,task=-1,t=knots) output_flux = scipy.interpolate.splev(output_wave,toto) except ValueError as err : log=get_logger() if max_resolution is not None and required_resolution < max_resolution : log.warning("spline fit failed with resolution={}, retrying with {}".format(required_resolution,max_resolution)) return spline_fit(output_wave,input_wave,input_flux,max_resolution,input_ivar=input_ivar,order=3,max_resolution=None) else : log.error("spline fit failed") raise ValueError return output_flux