Source code for desispec.maskedmedian


Utility function to perform a median of images with masks.

from desiutil.log import get_logger
import numpy as np

[docs]def masked_median(images,masks=None) : ''' Perfomes a median of an list of input images. If a list of mask is provided, the median is performed only on unmasked pixels. Args: images : 3D numpy array : list of images of same shape Options: masks : list of mask images of same shape as the images. Only pixels with mask==0 are considered in the median. Returns : median image ''' log = get_logger() if masks is None :"simple median of %d images"%len(images)) return np.median(images,axis=0) else :"masked array median of %d images"%len(images)) return,mask=(masks!=0)),axis=0).data