Source code for desispec.mgii_afterburner


Authors: Edmond CHAUSSIDON (CEA Saclay), Corentin RAVOUX (CEA Saclay)

Please see for details about the MgII fitter

the "optimal"/chosen parameters are (can be modify when desi_qso_mgii_afterburner is called):
lambda_width = 250
max_sigma = 200
min_sigma = 10
min_deltachi2 = 16
min_signifiance_A = 3
min_A = 0
import sys

import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter

import redrock.templates

from import read_spectra
from desispec.coaddition import coadd_cameras
from desispec.interpolation import resample_flux

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("mgii_afterburner")

[docs]def load_redrock_templates(template_dir=None): ''' < COPY from prospect.plotframes to avoid to load prospect in desispec > Load redrock templates; redirect stdout because redrock is chatty ''' saved_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = open('/dev/null', 'w') try: templates = dict() for filename in redrock.templates.find_templates(template_path=template_dir): tx = redrock.templates.Template(filename) templates[(tx.template_type, tx.sub_type)] = tx except Exception as err: sys.stdout = saved_stdout raise(err) sys.stdout = saved_stdout return templates
[docs]def create_model(spectra, redshifts, archetype_fit=False, archetypes_dir=None, template_dir=None): ''' < COPY from prospect.plotframes to avoid to load prospect in desispec > Returns model_wave[nwave], model_flux[nspec, nwave], row matched to redshifts, which can be in a different order than spectra. - redshifts must be entry-matched to spectra. ''' if archetype_fit: from redrock.archetypes import All_archetypes if np.any(redshifts['TARGETID'] != spectra.fibermap['TARGETID']): raise RuntimeError('zcatalog and spectra do not match (different targetids)') templates = load_redrock_templates(template_dir=template_dir) # Empty model flux arrays per band to fill model_flux = dict() for band in spectra.bands: model_flux[band] = np.zeros(spectra.flux[band].shape) for i in range(len(redshifts)): zb = redshifts[i] if archetype_fit: archetypes = All_archetypes(archetypes_dir=archetypes_dir).archetypes archetype = archetypes[zb['SPECTYPE']] coeff = zb['COEFF'] for band in spectra.bands: wave = spectra.wave[band] wavehash = hash((len(wave), wave[0], wave[1], wave[-2], wave[-1], spectra.R[band].data.shape[0])) dwave = {wavehash: wave} mx = archetype.eval(zb['SUBTYPE'], dwave, coeff, wave, zb['Z']) model_flux[band][i] = spectra.R[band][i].dot(mx) else: tx = templates[(zb['SPECTYPE'], zb['SUBTYPE'])] coeff = zb['COEFF'][0:tx.nbasis] model = for band in spectra.bands: mx = resample_flux(spectra.wave[band], tx.wave * (1 + zb['Z']), model) model_flux[band][i] = spectra.R[band][i].dot(mx) # Now combine, if needed, to a single wavelength grid across all cameras if spectra.bands == ['brz']: model_wave = spectra.wave['brz'] mflux = model_flux['brz'] elif np.all([band in spectra.bands for band in ['b', 'r', 'z']]): br_split = 0.5 * (spectra.wave['b'][-1] + spectra.wave['r'][0]) rz_split = 0.5 * (spectra.wave['r'][-1] + spectra.wave['z'][0]) keep = dict() keep['b'] = (spectra.wave['b'] < br_split) keep['r'] = (br_split <= spectra.wave['r']) & (spectra.wave['r'] < rz_split) keep['z'] = (rz_split <= spectra.wave['z']) model_wave = np.concatenate([ spectra.wave['b'][keep['b']], spectra.wave['r'][keep['r']], spectra.wave['z'][keep['z']]]) mflux = np.concatenate([ model_flux['b'][:, keep['b']], model_flux['r'][:, keep['r']], model_flux['z'][:, keep['z']]], axis=1) else: raise RuntimeError("create_model: Set of bands for spectra not supported") return model_wave, mflux
[docs]def get_spectra(spectra_name, redrock_name, lambda_width, index_to_fit, template_dir=None, archetypes_dir=None): """ Get the spectra and the best fit model from a given spectra and redrock file. Args: spectra_name (str): The name of the spectra file. redrock_name (str): The name of the redrock file associated to the spectra file. lambda_width (float): The width in wavelength (in Angstrom) considered for the fitting arount the MgII peak index_to_fit (boolean numpy array): boolean array of size 500 specifing which spectra have to be used add_linear_term (boolean): Add a linear term to the Gaussian peak term to fit the continuum. template_dir (str): If the redrock template variable is not loaded by the desi environment, specify the template path archetypes_dir (str): If not None, use the archetypes templates in the path specified Returns: target_id (numpy array): Array containing target id of the the object to fit redshift_redrock (numpy array): Array containing the redshift of the the object to fit flux (numpy array): Array containing the full flux arrays of every object to fit ivar_flux (numpy array): Array containing the inverse variance arrays of every object to fit model_flux (numpy array): Array containing the best fit redrock model for every object to fit wavelength (numpy array): Array containing the wavelength index_with_fit (boolean numpy array): boolean array of index_to_fit size masking index where mgII fitter is not apply """ spectra = read_spectra(spectra_name) spectra =["TARGETID"][index_to_fit]) if 'brz' not in spectra.bands: spectra = coadd_cameras(spectra) redshifts =, 'REDSHIFTS')[index_to_fit] # astropy 5.x incorrectly interprets blank strings as masked values; undo if hasattr(redshifts['SUBTYPE'], 'mask'): redshifts['SUBTYPE'][redshifts['SUBTYPE'].mask] = '' if archetypes_dir is not None: model_wave, model_flux = create_model(spectra, redshifts, archetype_fit=True, archetypes_dir=archetypes_dir, template_dir=template_dir) else: model_wave, model_flux = create_model(spectra, redshifts, archetype_fit=False, archetypes_dir=None, template_dir=template_dir) redshift_redrock = redshifts["Z"] wavelength = spectra.wave['brz'] mgii_peak_1, mgii_peak_2 = 2803.5324, 2796.3511 mean_mgii_peak = (mgii_peak_1 + mgii_peak_2) / 2 non_visible_peak = (redshift_redrock + 1) * mean_mgii_peak < np.min(wavelength) + lambda_width / 2 non_visible_peak |= (redshift_redrock + 1) * mean_mgii_peak > np.max(wavelength) - lambda_width / 2 index_with_fit = ~non_visible_peak target_id = spectra.fibermap["TARGETID"][index_with_fit] redshift_redrock = redshift_redrock[index_with_fit] flux = spectra.flux['brz'][index_with_fit] ivar_flux = spectra.ivar['brz'][index_with_fit] model_flux = model_flux[index_with_fit] return target_id, redshift_redrock, flux, ivar_flux, model_flux, wavelength, index_with_fit
[docs]def fit_mgii_line(target_id, redshift_redrock, flux, ivar_flux, model_flux, wavelength, lambda_width, add_linear_term=False, gaussian_smoothing_fit=None, mask_mgii=None): """ Fitting routine. Fit a Gaussian peak on preselected spectra and return the main parameters of the fit including parameter errors. Args: target_id (numpy array): Array containing target id of the the object to fit redshift_redrock (numpy array): Array containing the redshift of the the object to fit flux (numpy array): Array containing the full flux arrays of every object to fit ivar_flux (numpy array): Array containing the inverse variance arrays of every object to fit model_flux (numpy array): Array containing the best fit redrock model for every object to fit wavelength (numpy array): Array containing the wavelength lambda_width (float): The width in wavelength (in Angstrom) considered for the fitting arount the MgII peak add_linear_term (boolean): Add a linear term to the Gaussian peak term to fit the continuum. gaussian_smoothing_fit (float): If not None, the spectra is smoothed by the given value before the fit mask_mgii (float): If not None, mask a region of near the MgII peak with the given witdh to fit double MgII peak (in progress) Returns: fit_results (numpy array): Array containing the parameters of the fit """ mgii_peak_1 = 2803.5324 mgii_peak_2 = 2796.3511 mean_mgii_peak = (mgii_peak_1 + mgii_peak_2) / 2 mgii_peak_observed_frame = (redshift_redrock + 1) * mean_mgii_peak if add_linear_term: fit_results = np.zeros((target_id.shape[0], 11)) else: fit_results = np.zeros((target_id.shape[0], 9)) for i in range(len(flux)): centered_wavelenght = wavelength - mgii_peak_observed_frame[i] mask_wave = np.abs(centered_wavelenght) < lambda_width / 2 if mask_mgii is not None: mask_wave &= np.abs(centered_wavelenght) > mask_mgii / 2 flux_centered = flux[i][mask_wave] model_flux_centered = model_flux[i][mask_wave] with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): # if zero division --> sigma = np.inf --> in curve_fit and the rest we only have 1/sigma --> 1/inf = 0.0 sigma_flux_centered = (1 / np.sqrt(ivar_flux[i]))[mask_wave] if gaussian_smoothing_fit is not None: flux_centered = gaussian_filter(flux_centered, gaussian_smoothing_fit) if add_linear_term: def fit_function(x, A, sigma, B, C): return A * np.exp(-1.0 * (x)**2 / (2 * sigma**2)) + B + C * x try: popt, pcov = curve_fit(fit_function, xdata=centered_wavelenght[mask_wave], ydata=flux_centered, sigma=sigma_flux_centered, p0=[1.0, lambda_width / 2, np.mean(flux_centered), 0.0], bounds=([-np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf, -0.01], [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, 0.01])) except RuntimeError: print("Fit not converged") popt = np.full((4), 0) pcov = np.full((4, 4), 0) fit_results[i][1:4] = popt[0:3] fit_results[i][4:7] = np.diag(pcov)[0:3] fit_results[i][7] = popt[3] fit_results[i][8] = np.diag(pcov)[3] else: def fit_function(x, A, sigma, B): return A * np.exp(-1.0 * (x)**2 / (2 * sigma**2)) + B try: popt, pcov = curve_fit(fit_function, xdata=centered_wavelenght[mask_wave], ydata=flux_centered, sigma=sigma_flux_centered, p0=[1.0, lambda_width / 2, np.mean(flux_centered)]) except RuntimeError: print("Fit not converged") popt = np.full((3), 0) pcov = np.full((3, 3), 0) fit_results[i][1:4] = popt fit_results[i][4:7] = np.diag(pcov) chi2_gauss = (np.sum(((flux_centered - fit_function(centered_wavelenght[mask_wave], *popt)) / sigma_flux_centered)**2)) chi2_RR = (np.sum(((flux_centered - model_flux_centered) / sigma_flux_centered)**2)) fit_results[i][0] = chi2_RR - chi2_gauss return fit_results
[docs]def create_mask_fit(fit_results, max_sigma=None, min_sigma=None, min_deltachi2=None, min_A=None, min_signifiance_A=None): """ Create a mask based on the results of the MgII fit and some parameters which constraints these parameters Args: fit_results (numpy array): Array containing the parameters of the fit max_sigma (float): Maximal value for the standard deviation of the fitted Gaussian peak min_sigma (float): Minimal value for the standard deviation of the fitted Gaussian peak min_deltachi2 (float): Minimal value for the difference of chi2 between redrock fit and MgII fitter over the lambda_width interval considered min_A (float): Minimal value for the amplitude of the fitted Gaussian peak min_signifiance_A (float): Minimal signifiance for the amplitude of the fitted Gaussian peak. The signifiance is here define as the ratio between peak amplitude and error on the peak amplitude. Returns: mask (boolean numpy array): mask with the same length than fit_results which indicates the objects validating parameter constraints """ mask = np.full(fit_results.shape[0], True) if (max_sigma is not None): mask &= np.abs(fit_results[:, 2]) < max_sigma # sigma < max_sigma if (min_sigma is not None): mask &= np.abs(fit_results[:, 2]) > min_sigma # sigma > min_sigma if (min_deltachi2 is not None): mask &= np.abs(fit_results[:, 0]) > min_deltachi2 # deltachi2 > min_deltachi2 if (min_A is not None): mask &= fit_results[:, 1] > min_A # A > min_A if (min_signifiance_A is not None): mask &= np.abs(fit_results[:, 1]) > min_signifiance_A * np.sqrt(np.abs(fit_results[:, 4])) # A > min_signifiance_A * sigma(A) return mask
[docs]def mgii_fitter(spectra_name, redrock_name, index_to_fit, lambda_width, add_linear_term=False, gaussian_smoothing_fit=None, template_dir=None, archetypes_dir=None, max_sigma=None, min_sigma=None, min_deltachi2=None, min_A=None, min_signifiance_A=None): """ MgII fitter afterburner main function. For a given spectra file and its associated redrock file (redrock output), returns a numpy mask which indicates the objects fitted by redrock as galaxies and considered as QSO by the MgII fitter. The mask is determined following input parameters. Args: spectra_name (str): The name of the spectra file. redrock_name (str): The name of the redrock file associated to the spectra file. lambda_width (float): The width in wavelength (in Angstrom) considered for the fitting arount the MgII peak index_to_fit (boolean numpy array): boolean array of size 500 specifing which spectra have to be used add_linear_term (boolean): Add a linear term to the Gaussian peak term to fit the continuum. template_dir (str): If the redrock template variable is not loaded by the desi environment, specify the template path archetypes_dir (str): If not None, use the archetypes templates in the path specified max_sigma (float): Maximal value for the standard deviation of the fitted Gaussian peak min_sigma (float): Minimal value for the standard deviation of the fitted Gaussian peak min_deltachi2 (float): Minimal value for the difference of chi2 between redrock fit and MgII fitter over the lambda_width interval considered min_A (float): Minimal value for the amplitude of the fitted Gaussian peak min_signifiance_A (float): Minimal signifiance for the amplitude of the fitted Gaussian peak. The signifiance is here define as the ratio between peak amplitude and error on the peak amplitude. Returns: mask_fit (boolean numpy array): mask with the same length than index_with_fit which indicates object considered by MgII fitter as QSO fit_results (numpy array): Array containing the parameters of the fit to save them index_with_fit (boolean numpy array): boolean array of index_to_fit size masking index where mgII fitter is not apply """ (target_id, redshift_redrock, flux, ivar_flux, model_flux, wavelength, index_with_fit) = get_spectra(spectra_name, redrock_name, lambda_width, index_to_fit, template_dir=template_dir, archetypes_dir=archetypes_dir) fit_results = fit_mgii_line(target_id, redshift_redrock, flux, ivar_flux, model_flux, wavelength, lambda_width, add_linear_term=add_linear_term, gaussian_smoothing_fit=gaussian_smoothing_fit) mask_fit = create_mask_fit(fit_results, max_sigma=max_sigma, min_sigma=min_sigma, min_deltachi2=min_deltachi2, min_A=min_A, min_signifiance_A=min_signifiance_A) return mask_fit, fit_results, index_with_fit