Source code for desispec.pipeline.scriptgen

# See top-level LICENSE.rst file for Copyright information
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Tools for generating shell and slurm scripts.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os
import stat
import sys
import re

import numpy as np

from desiutil.log import get_logger

from .. import io

from ..parallel import (dist_uniform, dist_discrete, dist_discrete_all,

from .prod import task_read, task_write

from .plan import nersc_machine, nersc_job_size

[docs]def dump_job_env(fh, tfactor, startup, nworker, workersize): """Write parameters needed at runtime to an open filehandle. """ fh.write("export DESI_PIPE_RUN_TIMEFACTOR={}\n".format(tfactor)) fh.write("export DESI_PIPE_RUN_STARTUP={}\n".format(startup)) fh.write("export DESI_PIPE_RUN_WORKERS={}\n\n".format(nworker)) fh.write("export DESI_PIPE_RUN_WORKER_SIZE={}\n\n".format(workersize)) return
[docs]def parse_job_env(): """Retrieve job parameters from the environment. """ par = dict() if "DESI_PIPE_RUN_TIMEFACTOR" in os.environ: par["timefactor"] = float(os.environ["DESI_PIPE_RUN_TIMEFACTOR"]) if "DESI_PIPE_RUN_STARTUP" in os.environ: par["startup"] = float(os.environ["DESI_PIPE_RUN_STARTUP"]) if "DESI_PIPE_RUN_WORKERS" in os.environ: par["workers"] = int(os.environ["DESI_PIPE_RUN_WORKERS"]) if "DESI_PIPE_RUN_WORKER_SIZE" in os.environ: par["workersize"] = int(os.environ["DESI_PIPE_RUN_WORKER_SIZE"]) return par
def shell_job(path, logroot, desisetup, commands, comrun="", mpiprocs=1, openmp=1,debug=False): if len(commands) == 0: raise RuntimeError("List of commands is empty") with open(path, "w") as f: f.write("#!/bin/bash\n\n") f.write("now=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`\n") f.write("export STARTTIME=${now}\n") f.write("log={}_${{now}}.log\n\n".format(logroot)) f.write("source {}\n\n".format(desisetup)) f.write("# Force the script to exit on errors from commands\n") f.write("set -e\n\n") f.write("export OMP_NUM_THREADS={}\n\n".format(openmp)) if debug: f.write("export DESI_LOGLEVEL=DEBUG\n\n") run = "" if comrun != "": run = "{} {}".format(comrun, mpiprocs) for com in commands: executable = com.split(" ")[0] # f.write("which {}\n".format(executable)) f.write("echo logging to ${log}\n") f.write("time {} {} >>${{log}} 2>&1\n\n".format(run, com)) mode = stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH os.chmod(path, mode) return
[docs]def nersc_job(jobname, path, logroot, desisetup, commands, machine, queue, nodes, cnodes, ppns, minutes, nworker, workersize, multisrun=False, openmp=False, multiproc=False, shifterimg=None, debug=False): """Create a SLURM script for use at NERSC. Args: """ if len(commands) == 0: raise RuntimeError("List of commands is empty") hostprops = nersc_machine(machine, queue) if nodes > hostprops["maxnodes"]: raise RuntimeError("request nodes '{}' is too large for {} queue '{}'"\ .format(nodes, machine, queue)) if minutes > hostprops["maxtime"]: raise RuntimeError("request time '{}' is too long for {} queue '{}'"\ .format(minutes, machine, queue)) hours = int(minutes/60) fullmin = int(minutes - 60*hours) timestr = "{:02d}:{:02d}:00".format(hours, fullmin) totalnodes = nodes if multisrun: # we are running every command as a separate srun # and backgrounding them. In this case, the nodes # given are per command, so we need to compute the # total. totalnodes = nodes * len(commands) with open(path, "w") as f: f.write("#!/bin/bash -l\n\n") if shifterimg is not None: f.write("#SBATCH --image={}\n".format(shifterimg)) for line in hostprops["sbatch"]: f.write("{}\n".format(line)) f.write("#SBATCH --account=desi\n") f.write("#SBATCH --nodes={}\n".format(totalnodes)) f.write("#SBATCH --time={}\n".format(timestr)) f.write("#SBATCH --job-name={}\n".format(jobname)) f.write("#SBATCH --output={}_%j.log\n\n".format(logroot)) f.write("echo Starting slurm script at `date`\n\n") f.write("source {}\n\n".format(desisetup)) f.write("# Force the script to exit on errors from commands\n") f.write("set -e\n\n") f.write("# Set TMPDIR to be on the ramdisk\n") f.write("export TMPDIR=/dev/shm\n\n") f.write("cpu_per_core={}\n".format(hostprops["corecpus"])) f.write("node_cores={}\n\n".format(hostprops["nodecores"])) if debug: f.write("export DESI_LOGLEVEL=DEBUG\n\n") f.write("now=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`\n") f.write("echo \"job datestamp = ${now}\"\n") f.write("log={}_${{now}}.log\n\n".format(logroot)) f.write("envlog={}_${{now}}.env\n".format(logroot)) f.write("env > ${envlog}\n\n") for com, cn, ppn, nwrk, wrksz in zip( commands, cnodes, ppns, nworker, workersize): if ppn > hostprops["nodecores"]: raise RuntimeError("requested procs per node '{}' is more than" " the number of cores per node on {}".format(ppn, machine)) f.write("nodes={}\n".format(cn)) f.write("node_proc={}\n".format(ppn)) f.write("node_thread=$(( node_cores / node_proc ))\n") f.write("node_depth=$(( cpu_per_core * node_thread ))\n") f.write("procs=$(( nodes * node_proc ))\n\n") dump_job_env(f, hostprops["timefactor"], hostprops["startup"], nwrk, wrksz) if openmp: f.write("export OMP_NUM_THREADS=${node_thread}\n") f.write("export OMP_PLACES=threads\n") f.write("export OMP_PROC_BIND=spread\n") else: f.write("export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1\n") f.write("\n") runstr = "srun" if multiproc: runstr = "{} --cpu_bind=no".format(runstr) f.write("export KMP_AFFINITY=disabled\n") f.write("\n") else: runstr = "{} --cpu_bind=cores".format(runstr) if shifterimg is None: f.write("run=\"{} -n ${{procs}} -N ${{nodes}} -c " "${{node_depth}}\"\n\n".format(runstr)) else: f.write("run=\"{} -n ${{procs}} -N ${{nodes}} -c " "${{node_depth}} shifter\"\n\n".format(runstr)) comlist = com.split(" ") executable = comlist.pop(0) f.write("ex=`which {}`\n".format(executable)) f.write("app=\"${ex}.app\"\n") f.write("if [ -x ${app} ]; then\n") f.write(" if [ ${ex} -nt ${app} ]; then\n") f.write(" app=${ex}\n") f.write(" fi\n") f.write("else\n") f.write(" app=${ex}\n") f.write("fi\n") f.write("echo calling {} at `date`\n\n".format(executable)) f.write("export STARTTIME=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`\n") f.write("echo ${{run}} ${{app}} {}\n".format(" ".join(comlist))) f.write("time ${{run}} ${{app}} {} >>${{log}} 2>&1".format(" ".join(comlist))) if multisrun: f.write(" &") f.write("\n\n") if multisrun: f.write("wait\n\n") f.write("echo done with slurm script at `date`\n") return
[docs]def batch_shell(tasks_by_type, outroot, logroot, mpirun="", mpiprocs=1, openmp=1, db=None): """Generate bash script(s) to process lists of tasks. Given sets of task lists, generate a script that processes each in order. Args: tasks_by_type (OrderedDict): Ordered dictionary of the tasks for each type to be written to a single job script. outroot (str): root output script name. logroot (str): root output log name. mpirun (str): optional command to use for launching MPI programs. mpiprocs (int): if mpirun is specified, use this number of processes. openmp (int): value to set for OMP_NUM_THREADS. db (DataBase): the pipeline database handle. Returns: (list): list of generated script files. """ from .tasks.base import task_classes, task_type # Get the location of the setup script from the production root. proddir = os.path.abspath(io.specprod_root()) desisetup = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(proddir, "")) dbstr = "" if db is None: dbstr = "--nodb" coms = list() for t, tasklist in tasks_by_type.items(): if len(tasklist) == 0: raise RuntimeError("{} task list is empty".format(t)) taskfile = "{}_{}.tasks".format(outroot, t) task_write(taskfile, tasklist) if mpiprocs > 1: coms.append("desi_pipe_exec_mpi --tasktype {} --taskfile {} {}"\ .format(t, taskfile, dbstr)) else: coms.append("desi_pipe_exec --tasktype {} --taskfile {} {}"\ .format(t, taskfile, dbstr)) outfile = "{}.sh".format(outroot) shell_job(outfile, logroot, desisetup, coms, comrun=mpirun, mpiprocs=mpiprocs, openmp=openmp) return [ outfile ]
[docs]def batch_nersc(tasks_by_type, outroot, logroot, jobname, machine, queue, maxtime, maxnodes, nodeprocs=None, openmp=False, multiproc=False, db=None, shifterimg=None, debug=False): """Generate slurm script(s) to process lists of tasks. Given sets of task lists and constraints about the machine, generate slurm scripts for use at NERSC. Args: tasks_by_type (OrderedDict): Ordered dictionary of the tasks for each type to be written to a single job script. outroot (str): root output script name. logroot (str): root output log name. jobname (str): the name of the job. machine (str): the NERSC machine name. queue (str): the name of the queue maxtime (int): the maximum run time in minutes. maxnodes (int): the maximum number of nodes to use. nodeprocs (int): the number of processes to use per node. openmp (bool): if True, set OMP_NUM_THREADS to the correct value. multiproc (bool): if True, use OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 and disable core binding of processes. db (DataBase): the pipeline database handle. shifter (str): the name of the shifter image to use. debug (bool): if True, set DESI log level to DEBUG in the script. Returns: (list): list of generated slurm files. """ from .tasks.base import task_classes, task_type # Get the location of the setup script from the production root. proddir = os.path.abspath(io.specprod_root()) desisetup = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(proddir, "")) joblist = dict() # How many pipeline steps are we trying to pack? npacked = len(tasks_by_type) for t, tasklist in tasks_by_type.items(): if len(tasklist) == 0: raise RuntimeError("{} task list is empty".format(t)) # Compute job size for this task type if npacked > 1: joblist[t] = nersc_job_size( t, tasklist, machine, queue, maxtime, maxnodes, nodeprocs=nodeprocs, db=db ) else: # Safe to load balance joblist[t] = nersc_job_size( t, tasklist, machine, queue, maxtime, maxnodes, nodeprocs=nodeprocs, db=db, balance=True ) # If we are packing multiple pipeline steps, but one of those steps # is already too large to fit within queue constraints, then this # makes no sense. if (len(joblist[t]) > 1) and (npacked > 1): log = get_logger()"{} {} queue, maxtime={}, maxnodes={}".format( machine, queue, maxtime, maxnodes))"{} {} tasks -> {} jobs".format( len(tasklist), t, len(joblist[t]))) raise RuntimeError("Cannot batch multiple pipeline steps, " "each with multiple jobs") dbstr = "" if db is None: dbstr = "--nodb" scriptfiles = list() log = get_logger() # Add an extra 20 minutes (!) to the overall job runtime as a buffer # against system issues. runtimebuffer = 20.0 if npacked == 1: # We have a single pipeline step which might be split into multiple # job scripts. jindx = 0 tasktype = list(tasks_by_type.keys())[0] for (nodes, ppn, runtime, nworker, workersize, tasks) \ in joblist[tasktype]: joblogroot = None joboutroot = None if jindx>0: joblogroot = "{}_{}".format(logroot, jindx) joboutroot = "{}_{}".format(outroot, jindx) else: joblogroot = logroot joboutroot = outroot taskfile = "{}.tasks".format(joboutroot) task_write(taskfile, tasks) coms = [ "desi_pipe_exec_mpi --tasktype {} --taskfile {} {}"\ .format(tasktype, taskfile, dbstr) ] outfile = "{}.slurm".format(joboutroot) log.debug("writing job {}".format(outfile)) runtime += runtimebuffer nersc_job(jobname, outfile, joblogroot, desisetup, coms, machine, queue, nodes, [ nodes ], [ ppn ], runtime, [ nworker ], [ workersize ], openmp=openmp, multiproc=multiproc, shifterimg=shifterimg, debug=debug) scriptfiles.append(outfile) jindx += 1 else: # We are packing multiple pipeline steps into a *single* job script. # We have already verified that each step fits within the machine # and queue constraints. We use the largest job size. fullnodes = 0 fullruntime = 0 for t in tasks_by_type.keys(): for (nodes, ppn, runtime, nworker, workersize, tasks) in joblist[t]: if nodes > fullnodes: fullnodes = nodes fullruntime += runtime # Verify that this total does not exceed the machine limits hostprops = nersc_machine(machine, queue) if fullruntime > hostprops["maxtime"]: raise RuntimeError("Packed pipeline jobs exceed time limit") coms = list() ppns = list() cnodes = list() nwk = list() wrksz = list() for t, tasklist in tasks_by_type.items(): (nodes, ppn, runtime, nworker, workersize, tasks) = joblist[t][0] taskfile = "{}_{}.tasks".format(outroot, t) task_write(taskfile, tasks) coms.append("desi_pipe_exec_mpi --tasktype {} --taskfile {} {}"\ .format(t, taskfile, dbstr)) ppns.append(ppn) cnodes.append(nodes) nwk.append(nworker) wrksz.append(workersize) outfile = "{}.slurm".format(outroot) fullruntime += runtimebuffer nersc_job(jobname, outfile, logroot, desisetup, coms, machine, queue, fullnodes, cnodes, ppns, fullruntime, nwk, wrksz, openmp=openmp, multiproc=multiproc, shifterimg=shifterimg, debug=debug) scriptfiles.append(outfile) return scriptfiles