Source code for desispec.pipeline.tasks.base

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Common operations for pipeline tasks.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import sys
import os
import re
import time
import socket
import traceback
from ..defs import (task_name_sep, task_state_to_int, task_int_to_state)

from desiutil.log import get_logger

task_classes = None

default_task_chain = None

[docs]def task_type(name): """Given a task name, find the type from the list of available ones. Args: name (str): the name of the task. Returns: str: the type of the task. """ global task_classes avail = list(task_classes.keys()) # We sort by string length, so that shorter types contained in the name # of longer ones do not match first. savail = list(sorted(avail, key=len)[::-1]) tt = None for av in savail: if, name) is not None: tt = av break return tt
# This class is named "BaseTask", not "TaskBase" to avoid regex matching with # the automatic loading found in
[docs]class BaseTask(object): """Base class for tasks. This defines the interfaces for the classes representing pipeline tasks. This class should not be instantiated directly. """ def __init__(self): self._type = "base" self._cols = [] # database columns self._coltypes = [] self._name_fields = [] # name fields. note that name fields have to be included in cols self._name_formats = [] # name field formats def _name_split(self, name): fields = name.split(task_name_sep) if (len(fields) != len(self._name_fields)+1) or (fields[0] != self._type): raise RuntimeError("name \"{}\" not valid for a {}".format(name,self._type)) ret = dict() for i,k in enumerate(self._name_fields) : # first part of the name is the type, like fibermap-YYYYMMDD-EXPID if re.match(r".*d.*", self._name_formats[i]) is not None: # This is an integer field ret[k] = int(fields[i+1]) else: ret[k] = fields[i+1] return ret
[docs] def name_split(self, name): """Split a task name into its properties. Args: name (str): the task name. Returns: dict: dictionary of properties. """ return self._name_split(name)
def _name_join(self, props): ret=self._type for field,fieldformat in zip(self._name_fields,self._name_formats) : ret += format(task_name_sep) ret += format(props[field], fieldformat) return ret
[docs] def name_join(self, props): """Construct a task name from its properties. Args: props (dict): dictionary of properties. Returns: str: the task name. """ return self._name_join(props)
def _paths(self, name): raise NotImplementedError("You should not use a BaseTask object " " directly") return None
[docs] def paths(self, name): """The filesystem path(s) associated with this task. Args: name (str): the task name. Returns: list: the list of output files generated by this task. """ return self._paths(name)
[docs] def _create(self, db): """See BaseTask.create. """ with db.cursor() as cur: createstr = "create table {} (name text unique".format(self._type) for col in zip(self._cols, self._coltypes): createstr = "{}, {} {}".format(createstr, col[0], col[1]) createstr = "{}, submitted integer)".format(createstr) cur.execute(createstr) return
[docs] def create(self, db): """Initialize a database for this task type. This may include creating one or more tables. Args: db (pipeline.DB): the database instance. """ self._create(db) return
[docs] def _insert(self, cursor, props): """See BaseTask.insert. """ log = get_logger() name = self.name_join(props) colstr = '(name' valstr = "('{}'".format(name) #cmd='insert or replace into {} values ("{}"'.format(self._type, name) for k, ktype in zip(self._cols, self._coltypes): colstr += ', {}'.format(k) if k == "state": if k in props: valstr += ', {}'.format(task_state_to_int[props["state"]]) else: valstr += ', {}'.format(task_state_to_int["waiting"]) else: if ktype == "text": valstr += ", '{}'".format(props[k]) else: valstr += ', {}'.format(props[k]) colstr += ', submitted)' valstr += ', 0)' cmd = 'insert into {} {} values {}'.format(self._type, colstr, valstr) log.debug(cmd) cursor.execute(cmd) return
[docs] def insert(self, cursor, props): """Insert a task into a database. This uses the name and extra keywords to update one or more task-specific tables. Args: cursor (DB cursor): the database cursor of an open connection. props (dict): dictionary of properties for the task. """ log = get_logger() log.debug("inserting {}".format(self.name_join(props))) self._insert(cursor, props) return
[docs] def _retrieve(self, db, name): """See BaseTask.retrieve. """ ret = dict() with db.cursor() as cur: cur.execute(\ "select * from {} where name = '{}'".format(self._type,name)) row = cur.fetchone() if row is None: raise RuntimeError("task {} not in database".format(name)) ret["name"] = name for i,k in enumerate(self._cols[1:]) : if k == "state" : ret[k] = task_int_to_state(row[i]) else : ret[k] = row[i] return ret
[docs] def retrieve(self, db, name): """Retrieve all task information from the DB. This may include additional information beyond the contents of the task name (e.g. from other tables). Args: db (pipeline.DB): the database instance. name (str): the task name. Returns: dict: dictionary of properties for the task. """ return self._retrieve(db, name)
[docs] def _state_set(self, db, name, state, cur=None): """See BaseTask.state_set. """ start = time.time() cmd="update {} set state = {} where name = '{}'"\ .format(self._type, task_state_to_int[state], name) if cur is None : with db.cursor() as cur: cur.execute(cmd) else : cur.execute(cmd) stop = time.time() log = get_logger() log.debug("took {:.3f} sec for {} {}".format(stop-start,name, state)) return
[docs] def _state_get(self, db, name, cur=None): """See BaseTask.state_get. """ st = None cmd = "select state from {} where name = '{}'"\ .format(self._type,name) if cur is None : with db.cursor() as cur: cur.execute(cmd) row = cur.fetchone() else : cur.execute(cmd) row = cur.fetchone() if row is None: raise RuntimeError("task {} not in database".format(name)) st = task_int_to_state[row[0]] return st
[docs] def state_set(self, db, name, state, cur=None): """Set the state of a task. This should not be called repeatedly if you are setting the state of many tasks. It is more efficient to do that in a single SQL command. Args: db (pipeline.DB): the database instance. name (str): the task name. """ self._state_set(db, name, state, cur) return
[docs] def state_get(self, db, name, cur=None): """Get the state of a task. This should not be called repeatedly for many tasks- it is more efficient to get the state of many tasks in a single custom SQL query. Args: db (pipeline.DB): the database instance. name (str): the task name. Returns: str: the state. """ return self._state_get(db, name, cur)
def _deps(self, name, db, inputs): raise NotImplementedError("You should not use a BaseTask object " " directly") return None
[docs] def deps(self, name, db=None, inputs=None): """Get the dependencies for a task. This gets a list of other tasks which are required. Args: name (str): the task name. db (pipeline.DB): the optional database instance. inputs (dict): optional dictionary containing the only input dependencies that should be considered. Returns: dict: a dictionary of dependencies. The keys are arbitrary and the values can be either scalar task names or lists of tasks. """ if (db is not None) and (inputs is not None): raise RuntimeError("Cannot specify both a DB and an input dict") return self._deps(name, db, inputs)
def _run_max_procs(self): return 0
[docs] def run_max_procs(self): """Maximum number of processes supported by this task type. Args: procs_per_node (int): the number of processes running per node. Returns: int: the maximum number of processes. Zero indicates no limit. """ return self._run_max_procs()
[docs] def _run_max_mem_proc(self, name, db): """Return zero (i.e. not a limit) """ return 0.0
[docs] def run_max_mem_proc(self, name, db=None): """Maximum memory in GB per process required. If zero is returned, it indicates that the memory requirement is so small that the code can run fully-packed on any system. Args: name (str): the name of the task. db (pipeline.DB): the optional database instance. Returns: float: the required RAM in GB per process. """ return self._run_max_mem_proc(name, db)
[docs] def _run_max_mem_task(self, name, db): """Return zero (i.e. no memory requirement) """ return 0.0
[docs] def run_max_mem_task(self, name, db=None): """Maximum memory in GB per task required. If zero is returned, it indicates that the memory requirement is so small that the code can run on a single node. Args: name (str): the name of the task. db (pipeline.DB): the optional database instance. Returns: float: the required RAM in GB per process. """ return self._run_max_mem_task(name, db)
def _run_time(self, name, procs, db): raise NotImplementedError("You should not use a BaseTask object " " directly") return None
[docs] def run_time(self, name, procs, db=None): """Estimated runtime for a task at maximum concurrency. Args: name (str): the name of the task. procs (int): the total number of processes used for this task. db (pipeline.DB): the optional database instance. Returns: int: estimated minutes of run time. """ return self._run_time(name, procs, db)
def _run_defaults(self): raise NotImplementedError("You should not use a BaseTask object " " directly") return None
[docs] def run_defaults(self): """Default options. This dictionary of default options will be written to the options.yaml file in a production directory. The options will then be loaded from that file at run time. Changes to this function will only impact newly-created productions, and these options will be overridden by any changes to the options.yaml file. Returns: dict: dictionary of default options. """ return self._run_defaults()
def _run_cli(self, name, opts, procs, db): raise NotImplementedError("You should not use a BaseTask object " " directly") return None
[docs] def run_cli(self, name, opts, procs, launch=None, log=None, db=None): """Return the equivalent command-line interface. Args: name (str): the name of the task. opts (dict): dictionary of runtime options. procs (int): The number of processes to use. launch (str): optional launching command. log (str): optional log file for output. db (pipeline.db.DB): The database. Returns: str: a command line. """ comstr = self._run_cli(name, opts, procs, db) if launch is not None: comstr = "{} {} {}".format(launch, procs, comstr) if log is not None: comstr = "{} >{} 2>&1".format(comstr, log) return comstr
def _run(self, name, opts, comm, db): raise NotImplementedError("You should not use a BaseTask object " " directly") return
[docs] def run(self, name, opts, comm=None, db=None): """Run the task. Args: name (str): the name of this task. opts (dict): options to use for this task. comm (mpi4py.MPI.Comm): optional MPI communicator. db (pipeline.db.DB): The database. Returns: int: the number of processes that failed. """ log = get_logger() nproc = 1 rank = 0 if comm is not None: nproc = comm.size rank = comm.rank # at info level, write out the equivalent commandline that was used if rank == 0: start_time = time.time() lstr = "(run by pipeline with {} procs)".format(nproc) com = self.run_cli(name, opts, nproc, db=db)"{}: {}".format(lstr, com)) hostname = socket.gethostname()"Starting {} at {} on {}".format( name, time.asctime(), hostname)) if 'SLURM_JOB_ID' in os.environ: jobid = os.getenv('SLURM_JOB_ID')'slurm job id {}'.format(jobid)) failed = 0 try: self._run(name, opts, comm, db) except: msg = "FAILED: task {} process {}".format(name, rank) log.error(msg) exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() lines = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) log.error("".join(lines)) failed = 1 failcount = 0 if comm is None: failcount = failed else: failcount = comm.allreduce(failed) if failcount > 0: if rank == 0: log.error("{} of {} processes raised an exception"\ .format(failcount, nproc)) if rank == 0: runtime = (time.time() - start_time) / 60"Finished {} at {} ({:.1f} min)".format( name, time.asctime(), runtime)) return failcount
[docs] def getready(self, db, name, cur): """Checks whether dependencies are ready""" log = get_logger() deps = self.deps(name, db=db, inputs=None) ready = True for dep in deps.values() : # for each dependency, guess its type deptype = dep.split(task_name_sep)[0] # based on the type and dependency name, read state from db depstate = task_classes[deptype].state_get(db=db,name=dep,cur=cur) ready &= (depstate=="done") # ready if all dependencies are done if ready : # change state to ready log.debug("{} is ready to run".format(name)) self.state_set(db=db,name=name,state="ready",cur=cur)
[docs] def postprocessing(self, db, name, cur): """For successful runs, postprocessing on DB""" pass
[docs] def run_and_update(self, db, name, opts, comm=None): """Run the task and update DB state. The state of the task is marked as "done" if the command completes without raising an exception and if the output files exist. Args: db (pipeline.db.DB): The database. name (str): the name of this task. opts (dict): options to use for this task. comm (mpi4py.MPI.Comm): optional MPI communicator. Returns: int: the number of processes that failed. """ nproc = 1 rank = 0 if comm is not None: nproc = comm.size rank = comm.rank failed =, opts, comm=comm, db=db) if rank == 0: if failed > 0: self.state_set(db, name, "failed") else: outputs = self.paths(name) done = True for out in outputs: if not os.path.isfile(out): done = False failed = nproc break if done: self.state_set(db, name, "done") # post processing is now done by a single rank in run.run_task_list else: self.state_set(db, name, "failed") return failed