Source code for desispec.pixflat


Routines for pixel flat fielding.

import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage,scipy.signal

[docs]def convolve2d(image,k,weight=None) : """ Return a 2D convolution of image with kernel k, optionally with a weight image Args: image : 2D np.array image k : 2D np.array kernel, each dimension must be odd and greater than 1 weight, optional : 2D np.array of same shape as image Returns: cimage : 2D np.array convolved image of same shape as input image """ if weight is not None : if weight.shape != image.shape : raise ValueError("weight and image should have same shape") sw=convolve2d(weight,k,None) swim=convolve2d(weight*image,k,None) return swim/(sw+(sw==0)) if len(k.shape) != 2 or len(image.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("kernel and image should have 2 dimensions") for d in range(2) : if k.shape[d]<=1 or k.shape[d]-(k.shape[d]//2)*2 != 1 : raise ValueError("kernel dimensions should both be odd and >1, and input as shape %s"%str(k.shape)) m0=k.shape[0]//2 m1=k.shape[1]//2 eps0=m0 eps1=m1 tmp=np.zeros((image.shape[0]+2*m0,image.shape[1]+2*m1)) tmp[m0:-m0,m1:-m1]=image tmp[:m0+1,m1:-m1]=np.tile(np.median(image[:eps0,:],axis=0),(m0+1,1)) tmp[-m0-1:,m1:-m1]=np.tile(np.median(image[-eps0:,:],axis=0),(m0+1,1)) tmp[m0:-m0,:m1+1]=np.tile(np.median(image[:,:eps1],axis=1),(m1+1,1)).T tmp[m0:-m0,-m1-1:]=np.tile(np.median(image[:,-eps1:],axis=1),(m1+1,1)).T tmp[:m0,:m1]=np.median(tmp[:m0,m1]) tmp[-m0:,:m1]=np.median(tmp[-m0:,m1]) tmp[-m0:,-m1:]=np.median(tmp[-m0:,-m1-1]) tmp[:m0,-m1:]=np.median(tmp[:m0,-m1-1]) return scipy.signal.fftconvolve(tmp,k,"valid")