Source code for desispec.qproc.qarc


import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize

from numpy.polynomial.legendre import Legendre, legval, legfit
from specter.util.traceset import TraceSet,fit_traces
from desiutil.log import get_logger

# largely inspired from but duplicated here to use qframe

[docs]def sigmas_from_arc(wave,flux,ivar,linelist,n=2): """ Gaussian fitting of listed arc lines and return corresponding sigmas in pixel units Args: linelist: list of lines (A) for which fit is to be done n: fit region half width (in bin units): n=2 bins => (2*n+1)=5 bins fitting window. """ nwave=wave.shape #- select the closest match to given lines ind=[(np.abs(wave-line)).argmin() for line in linelist] #- fit gaussian obout the peaks meanwaves=np.zeros(len(ind)) emeanwaves=np.zeros(len(ind)) sigmas=np.zeros(len(ind)) esigmas=np.zeros(len(ind)) for jj,index in enumerate(ind): thiswave=wave[index-n:index+n+1]-linelist[jj] #- fit window about 0 thisflux=flux[index-n:index+n+1] thisivar=ivar[index-n:index+n+1] #RS: skip lines with zero flux if 0. not in thisflux: spots=thisflux/thisflux.sum() try: popt,pcov=scipy.optimize.curve_fit(_gauss_pix,thiswave,spots) meanwaves[jj]=popt[0]+linelist[jj] if pcov[0,0] >= 0.: emeanwaves[jj]=pcov[0,0]**0.5 sigmas[jj]=popt[1] if pcov[1,1] >= 0.: esigmas[jj]=(pcov[1,1]**0.5) except: pass k=np.logical_and(~np.isnan(esigmas),esigmas!=np.inf) sigmas=sigmas[k] meanwaves=meanwaves[k] esigmas=esigmas[k] return meanwaves,emeanwaves,sigmas,esigmas
def _gauss_pix(x,mean,sigma): x=(np.asarray(x,dtype=float)-mean)/(sigma*np.sqrt(2)) dx=x[1]-x[0] #- uniform spacing edges= np.concatenate((x-dx/2, x[-1:]+dx/2)) y=scipy.special.erf(edges) return (y[1:]-y[:-1])/2
[docs]def process_arc(qframe,xytraceset,linelist=None,npoly=2,nbins=2): """ qframe: desispec.qframe.QFrame object xytraceset : desispec.xytraceset.XYTraceSet object linelist: line list to fit npoly: polynomial order for sigma expansion nbins: no of bins for the half of the fitting window return: xytraceset (with ysig vs wave) """ log = get_logger() if linelist is None: if qframe.meta is None or "CAMERA" not in qframe.meta : log.error("no information about camera in qframe so I don't know which lines to use") raise RuntimeError("no information about camera in qframe so I don't know which lines to use") camera=qframe.meta["CAMERA"] #- load arc lines from desispec.bootcalib import load_arcline_list, load_gdarc_lines,find_arc_lines llist=load_arcline_list(camera) dlamb,gd_lines=load_gdarc_lines(camera,llist) linelist=gd_lines"No line list configured. Fitting for lines {}".format(linelist)) tset=xytraceset assert(qframe.nspec == tset.nspec) tset.ysig_vs_wave_traceset = TraceSet(np.zeros((tset.nspec,npoly+1)),[tset.wavemin,tset.wavemax]) for spec in range(tset.nspec): spec_wave = qframe.wave[spec] spec_linelist = linelist[(linelist>spec_wave[0])&(linelist<spec_wave[-1])] meanwaves,emeanwaves,sigmas,esigmas=sigmas_from_arc(spec_wave,qframe.flux[spec],qframe.ivar[spec],spec_linelist,n=nbins) # convert from wavelength A unit to CCD pixel for consistency with specex PSF y = tset.y_vs_wave(spec,spec_wave) dydw = np.interp(meanwaves,spec_wave,np.gradient(y)/np.gradient(spec_wave)) sigmas *= dydw # A -> pixels esigmas *= dydw # A -> pixels ok=(sigmas>0)&(esigmas>0) try: thislegfit =[ok], sigmas[ok], npoly, domain=[tset.wavemin,tset.wavemax],w=1./esigmas[ok]**2) tset.ysig_vs_wave_traceset._coeff[spec] = thislegfit.coef except: log.error("legfit of psf width failed for spec {}".format(spec)) wave=np.linspace(tset.wavemin,tset.wavemax,20) #plt.plot(wave,tset.ysig_vs_wave(spec,wave)) return xytraceset