Source code for desispec.qproc.rowbyrowextract


Row-by-row extraction routines (Horne 1986).

import numpy as np
import numba
from scipy import special, linalg
from specter.util import custom_hermitenorm, custom_erf
from desispec import qproc, io
from desiutil.log import log

@numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=False)
def pgh(x, m=0, xc=0.0, sigma=1.0):
    Pixel-integrated (probabilist) Gauss-Hermite function.
      x: pixel-center baseline array
      m: order of Hermite polynomial multiplying Gaussian core
      xc: sub-pixel position of Gaussian centroid relative to x baseline
      sigma: sigma parameter of Gaussian core in units of pixels
    Uses the relationship
    Integral{ H_k(x) exp(-0.5 x^2) dx} = -H_{k-1}(x) exp(-0.5 x^2) + const
    Written: Adam S. Bolton, U. of Utah, fall 2010
    Adapted for efficiency by S. Bailey while dropping generality
    modified from the orig _pgh to enable jit-compiling
    --> no longer passing in self, calling custom numba functions in util
    E. Schlafly added some broadcasting bits to make it play more nicely
    with large arrays.  This should probably go to specter instead.

    # Evaluate H[m-1] at half-pixel offsets above and below x
    dx = x-xc-0.5
    u = np.concatenate((dx, dx[-1:]+1.0)) / sigma
    origshape = u.shape
    u = u.reshape(-1)

    if m > 0:
        y = (-custom_hermitenorm(m-1, u) * np.exp(-0.5 * u**2) /
             np.sqrt(2. * np.pi))
        y = y.reshape(origshape)
        return (y[1:] - y[0:-1])
        y = custom_erf(u/np.sqrt(2.))
        y = y.reshape(origshape)
        return 0.5 * (y[1:] - y[0:-1])

[docs]def onedprofile_gaussian(psf, ypix, ispec, nsig=4): """Compute the cross-dispersion profile for a Gaussian. This was warm-up code for the Gauss-Hermite implementation below, but may have independent value? It will work with any specter PSF, albeit using a Gaussian approximation to the cross-dispersion profile. Parameters ---------- psf : specter.psf.PSF psf ypix : np.ndarray rows for which to compute profile ispec : np.ndarray indices of spectra for which to compute profiles nsig : np.ndarray how many sigma out to compute the Gaussian; profile is treated as zero beyond roughly here. Returns ------- profilepix, profile, lambda profilepix : np.ndarray the x-coordinates corresponding to profile on the detector profile : np.ndarray the cross dispersion profiles lambda : np.ndarray the wavelengths of the spectra at the requested locations """ lams = [] xsigs = [] xcens = [] for ispec0 in ispec: lam = psf.wavelength(ispec=ispec0, y=ypix) lams.append(lam) xsigs.append(psf.xsigma(ispec0, lam)) xcens.append(psf.x(ispec0, wavelength=lam)) hwidth = int(np.ceil(np.max([nsig * np.max(xsig0) for xsig0 in xsigs]))) xcens = np.array(xcens) xpixs = (np.round(xcens)[None, :, :].astype('i4') + np.arange(-hwidth, hwidth+1)[:, None, None]) xsigs = np.array(xsigs) lams = np.array(lams) uu = (xpixs - 0.5 - xcens[None, ...]) / xsigs[None, ...] erfs = special.erf(uu / np.sqrt(2)) uulast = (xpixs[-1] + 0.5 - xcens) / xsigs erflast = special.erf(uulast / np.sqrt(2)) profiles = np.diff(np.vstack([erfs, erflast[None, :]]), axis=0) profiles /= np.sum(np.clip(profiles, 0., np.inf), axis=0, keepdims=True) return xpixs, profiles, lams
[docs]def tail1d(core, xx, index): """Compute the cross-dispersion profile of the tail model. Parameters ---------- core : np.ndarray core scale (pixels) xx : np.ndarray distance in x from center index : np.ndarray power law index of tail model Returns ------- np.ndarray tail amplitude at given location """ tail = (np.sqrt(np.pi) * (core**2 + xx**2) ** (-0.5 * (1 + index)) * (core**2 + index * xx**2) / index * special.gamma((index - 1) / 2) / special.gamma(index / 2)) return tail
[docs]def onedprofile_gh(psf, ypix, ispec, tails=True): """Compute cross-dispersion profile for Gauss-Hermite PSFs Parameters ---------- psf : specter.psf.gausshermite.GaussHermitePSF psf ypix : np.ndarray rows for which to compute profile ispec : np.ndarray indices of spectra for which to compute profiles Returns ------- profilepix, profile, lambda profilepix : np.ndarray the x-coordinates corresponding to profile on the detector profile : np.ndarray the cross dispersion profiles lambda : np.ndarray the wavelengths of the spectra at the requested locations """ lams = [] sigx1s = [] xcens = [] coeffs = {} degx1 = psf._polyparams['GHDEGX'] for ispec0 in ispec: lam = psf.wavelength(ispec0, y=ypix) lams.append(lam) sigx1s.append(psf.coeff['GHSIGX'].eval(ispec0, lam)) xcens.append(psf._x.eval(ispec0, lam)) for k in range(degx1 + 1): coeffs[k] = coeffs.get(k, list()) coeffs[k].append(psf.coeff[f'GH-{k}-0'].eval(ispec0, lam)) hwidth = psf._polyparams['HSIZEX'] xcens = np.array(xcens) sigx1s = np.array(sigx1s) lams = np.array(lams) xpixs = (np.round(xcens)[None, :, :].astype('i4') + np.arange(-hwidth, hwidth+1)[:, None, None]) xfunc1 = np.zeros((degx1 + 1,) + xpixs.shape) for i in range(degx1 + 1): xfunc1[i, ...] = pgh(xpixs, i, xcens, sigx1s) profiles = np.zeros(xpixs.shape, dtype='f4') for k in range(degx1+1): profiles += np.array(coeffs[k]) * xfunc1[k, ...] if tails: # add on the contribution from the tails model. for i, ispec0 in enumerate(ispec): # math in tail1d assumes TAILXSCA = 1 # it looks like that's a usual value # tailxsca = psf.coeff['TAILXSCA'].eval(ispec0, lams[i]) # math in tail1d assumes TAILYSCA = 1 # tailysca = psf.coeff['TAILYSCA'].eval(ispec, lams[i]) tailamp = psf.coeff['TAILAMP'].eval(ispec0, lams[i]) tailcore = psf.coeff['TAILCORE'].eval(ispec0, lams[i]) tailinde = psf.coeff['TAILINDE'].eval(ispec0, lams[i]) profiles[:, i, :] += tailamp * tail1d( tailcore, xpixs[:, i, :] - xcens[i], tailinde) profiles /= np.sum(np.clip(profiles, 0., np.inf), axis=0, keepdims=True) return xpixs, profiles, lams
[docs]def model(frame, profile, profilepix, shape): """Create model image for frame. Parameters ---------- frame : desispec.qproc.qframe.QFrame frame for which to create model profile : np.ndarray cross-dispersion profile at each row for each spectrum profilepix : np.ndarray x-coordinates in image corresponding to each entry in profile shape : (int, int) shape of output image """ out = np.zeros(shape, dtype='f4') nspec, npix = frame.flux.shape ipix = np.arange(npix) for ispec in range(nspec): out[ipix, profilepix[:, ispec, ipix]] += ( profile[:, ispec, :] * frame.flux[ispec, :]) return out
@numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=False) def build_atcinva(atcinva, xstart, xend, profiles, ivar): """Build A^T C^-1 A for the row-by-row extraction. Modifies input atcinva in place. Assumes spectra are ordered, so xstart[i+1] > xstart[i]. Parameters ---------- atcinvb : np.ndarray matrix to fill in (modified in place) xstart : int x coordinate of start of each profile xend : int x coordinate of end of each profile profiles : np.ndarray cross-dispersion profile for each trace ivar : np.ndarray ivar for appropriate row of image """ npix = profiles.shape[0] nspec = profiles.shape[1] for i1 in range(nspec): for i2 in range(i1, nspec): # just the upper half noverlap = xend[i1] - xstart[i2] + 1 if noverlap <= 0: break # no overlap between spectra # we can break rather than continue since if these two # don't overlap, no more widely separated spectra will # overlap either. for j in range(noverlap): atcinva[i1, i2] += ( profiles[npix - noverlap + j, i1] * ivar[xstart[i2] + j] * profiles[j, i2]) if i1 != i2: # fill in the bottom half of the matrix atcinva[i2, i1] = atcinva[i1, i2] @numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=False) def build_atcinvb(atcinvb, xstart, profiles, data): """Build A^T C^-1 b for the row-by-row extraction. Modifies input atcinvb in place. Parameters ---------- atcinvb : np.ndarray matrix to fill in (modified in place) xstart : int x coordinate of start of each profile profiles : np.ndarray cross-dispersion profile for each trace data : np.ndarray flux * ivar for appropriate row of image """ npix = profiles.shape[0] nspec = profiles.shape[1] for i1 in range(nspec): for j in range(npix): atcinvb[i1] += profiles[j, i1] * data[xstart[i1] + j]
[docs]def extract(image, psf, blocksize=25, fibermap=None, nspec=500, return_model=False, tails=False): """Extract spectra from image using an optimal row-by-row extraction. The algorithm extracts the spectra row-by-row, finding the fluxes associated with the 1D PSF that best explain the data. This only works for Gauss-Hermite PSFs at present, since it does some trickery to efficiently get 1D PSFs for large groups of wavelengths and spectra. Parameters ---------- image : Image image from which to extract the spectra. psf : specter.psf.gausshermite.GaussHermitePSF PSF to use blocksize : int number of spectra to fit simultaneously. Spectra in different blocks will be fit independently. fibermap : astropy.Table fibermap for image nspec : int total number of spectra to extract return_model : bool if True, return also the model of the image, the profiles, and the locations in the image corresponding to the profiles. tails : bool include PSF tails in the modeling. These are usually identically zero for DESI and so default to off. Returns ------- frame : desispec.qproc.qframe.QFrame The 1D extracted spectra as a QFrame """ allispec = np.arange(nspec) ny, nx = image.pix.shape outspec = np.zeros((nspec, ny), dtype='f4') outvar = np.zeros((nspec, ny), dtype='f4') startfiber = 0 wave = np.zeros((nspec, ny), dtype='f4') outprofile = [] outprofilepix = [] # avoid singular matrices, have some huge uncertainties instead ivar = np.clip(image.ivar, 1e-10, np.inf) data = image.pix * ivar'Extracting {nspec} fibers...') while startfiber < nspec: # generate all 1d profiles ispec = allispec[startfiber:startfiber + blocksize] # 34% of time. # tails = False since these aren't actually used at present, # and we compute a lot to get zero. xxa, profilesa, wavea = onedprofile_gh(psf, np.arange(ny), ispec, tails=tails) outprofile.append(profilesa) outprofilepix.append(xxa) wave[ispec, :] = wavea atcinva = np.zeros((len(ispec), len(ispec)), dtype='f4') atcinvb = np.zeros(len(ispec), dtype='f4') for ty in np.arange(ny): # ~60% of time in this loop xx = xxa[:, :, ty] minx = xx[0, 0] maxx = xx[-1, -1] xstart = xx[0, :] - minx xend = xx[-1, :] - minx profiles = profilesa[:, :, ty] ivar0 = ivar[ty, minx:maxx + 1] data0 = data[ty, minx:maxx + 1] atcinva *= 0 atcinvb *= 0 build_atcinva(atcinva, xstart, xend, profiles, ivar0) build_atcinvb(atcinvb, xstart, profiles, data0) # this takes ~45% of the time. It's presumably possible to speed # up at least the variance computation---we don't need all of the # off diagonal elements, and presumably part of solving involves # computing something like the LU factorization from which we could # maybe efficiently get the variances. But I stared a little at # cholesky decompositions and couldn't immediately find a win here. par = linalg.solve(atcinva, atcinvb) var = np.diag(linalg.inv(atcinva)) outspec[ispec, ty] = par outvar[ispec, ty] = var startfiber += blocksize if fibermap is None: log.warning("setting up a fibermap to save the FIBER identifiers") fibermap = io.fibermap.empty_fibermap(nspec) # 2% of time fibermap["FIBER"] = np.arange(nspec) if (image.meta is not None) and ('CAMERA' in image.meta): petal = int(image.meta['CAMERA'][1]) fibermap["FIBER"] += petal*500 else: fibermap = fibermap[:nspec] out = qproc.qframe.QFrame(wave, outspec, 1/outvar, mask=None, fibers=fibermap['FIBER'], meta=image.meta, fibermap=fibermap) if return_model: outprofile = np.concatenate(outprofile, axis=1) outprofilepix = np.concatenate(outprofilepix, axis=1) # 3% of time outmodel = model(out, outprofile, outprofilepix, image.pix.shape) out = (out, outmodel, outprofile, outprofilepix) return out