Source code for desispec.quicklook.qlresolution


Quicklook version of resolution object that can 
calculate resolution efficiently from psf information

Author: Sami Kama


import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.special

[docs]class QuickResolution(scipy.sparse.dia_matrix): """ Quicklook version of the resolution mimicking desispec.resolution.Resolution with some reduction in dimentionality. Contains code from Resolution implementation Note that this is similar to desispec.resolution.Resolution, though faster and differing in implementation details that should be cross checked before merging these or replacing one with the other """ def __init__(self,mu=None,sigma=None,wdict=None,waves=None,ndiag=9): self.__ndiag=ndiag if ndiag & 0x1 == 0: raise ValueError("Need odd numbered diagonals, got %d"%ndiag) def _binIntegral(x,mu=None,sigma=None): """ x: bin boundaries vector (self.__ndiag,) mu: means vector of shape[nwave,1] sigma: sigmas of shape[nwave,1] """ nvecs=1 if sigma is not None: nvecs=sigma.shape[0] if mu is None: mu=np.zeros((nvecs,1)) if sigma is None: sigma=np.ones(mu.shape)*0.5 sx=(np.tile(x,(mu.shape[0],1))-mu)/(sigma*np.sqrt(2)) return 0.5*(np.abs(np.diff(scipy.special.erf(sx)))) mnone=mu is None snone=sigma is None dnone=wdict is None wnone=waves is None if snone: if wnone or dnone: raise ValueError('Cannot initialize Resolution data need sigma or wdict and waves') else: from desiutil import funcfits as dufits sigma=dufits.func_val(waves,wdict) nwave = len(sigma) s=sigma.reshape((nwave,1)) bins=np.arange(ndiag,0,-1) bins=bins-(bins[0]+bins[-1])/2.0 x=np.concatenate([bins+0.5,bins[-1:]-0.5]) self.offsets=bins rdata=_binIntegral(x,mu=mu,sigma=s).T scipy.sparse.dia_matrix.__init__(self,(rdata,self.offsets),(nwave,nwave))