Source code for desispec.quicklook.quickfiberflat


Here will be the fiberflat routines specific to quicklook.

G. Dhungana, 2016

import numpy as np
from desiutil.log import get_logger

[docs]def compute_fiberflat(): """ computes fiberflat: A boss like algorithm writing in progress and will fit in here. Args: """
[docs]def apply_fiberflat(frame,fiberflat): """ Args: frame: desispec.frame.Frame object fiberflat: desispec.fiberflat.Fiberflat object """ from desispec import frame as fr # SK. This will not work since the frame object generated here # does not have all the parameters used in construction of the # input frame. Unfortunately it is not possible to extract all the # information from the input either. Possibly correct action would # be the directly modify the input frame object #- update ivar (like in offline case) log = get_logger() if frame.flux.shape[0] != fiberflat.fiberflat.shape[0] : mess="not same number of fibers: frame.flux.shape[0]={} != fiberflat.fiberflat.shape[0]={}".format(frame.flux.shape[0],fiberflat.fiberflat.shape[0]) log.error(mess) raise RuntimeError(mess) if frame.wave.size != fiberflat.wave.size or np.max(np.abs(frame.wave-fiberflat.wave))>0.01 : log.warning("interpolating fiber flat") flat=np.ones(frame.flux.shape) flativar=np.zeros(frame.flux.shape) for i in range(frame.flux.shape[0]) : flat[i]=np.interp(frame.wave,fiberflat.wave[fiberflat.ivar[i]>0],fiberflat.fiberflat[i,fiberflat.ivar[i]>0]) flativar[i]=np.interp(frame.wave,fiberflat.wave,fiberflat.ivar[i]) else : flat = fiberflat.fiberflat flativar= fiberflat.ivar frame.ivar=(frame.ivar>0)*(flativar>0)*(flat>0)/( 1./((frame.ivar+(frame.ivar==0))*(flat**2+(flat==0))) + frame.flux**2/(flativar*flat**4+(flativar*flat==0)) ) #- flattened flux ok=np.where(flat > 0) fflux=frame.flux fflux[ok]=frame.flux[ok]/flat[ok] #- return a frame object #fframe=fr.Frame(frame.wave,fflux,fivar,frame.mask,frame.resolution_data,meta=frame.meta,fibermap=frame.fibermap) return frame