Source code for desispec.scripts.archive_tilenight

#!/usr/bin/env python

Utility script to remove archive tiles for the merged target list (MTL).

import os, sys, glob
import argparse
import subprocess
import shutil
import stat
import datetime

import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table
from import fits

from desiutil.log import get_logger
from import specprod_root, findfile
from desitarget.targetmask import zwarn_mask

[docs]def check_missing_zmtl(tiledir, archivetileroot): """ Check for zmtl file that exist in previous archives but not latest prod Args: tiledir: full path to tiles/cumulative/TILEID/LASTNIGHT archivetileroot: full path to tiles/archive/TILEID Returns: dict missing[petal] /path/to/zmtl/in/archive/not/in/prod """ def petal_from_zmtlfilename(zmtlfile): return int(os.path.basename(zmtlfile).split('-')[1]) #- Loop over zmtl files in archive; using sorted will give us most recent latest_archived_zmtl = dict() for zmtlfile in sorted(glob.glob(f'{archivetileroot}/*/zmtl-*.fits')): petal = petal_from_zmtlfilename(zmtlfile) latest_archived_zmtl[petal] = zmtlfile #- Loop over zmtl files in production tiledir latest_proc_zmtl = dict() for zmtlfile in sorted(glob.glob(f'{tiledir}/zmtl-*.fits')): petal = petal_from_zmtlfilename(zmtlfile) latest_proc_zmtl[petal] = zmtlfile #- Compare archive to production to look for missing missing = dict() for petal in latest_archived_zmtl: if petal not in latest_proc_zmtl: missing[petal] = latest_archived_zmtl[petal] return missing
[docs]def create_badpetal_zmtl(inzmtl, outzmtl): """ Using inzmtl as template, create outzmtl with ZWARN BAD_PETALQA set Args: inzmtl: full path to input zmtl file outzmtl: full path to output zmtl file """ out_hdus = list() with, mode='readonly') as fin: for hdu in fin: if ('EXTNAME' in hdu.header) and (hdu.header['EXTNAME'] == 'ZMTL'):['ZWARN'] |= zwarn_mask.BAD_PETALQA out_hdus.append(hdu) hx = fits.HDUList(out_hdus) #- Add write permission to output dir if needed outdir = os.path.dirname(outzmtl) outmode = os.stat(outdir).st_mode user_rwx = stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR os.chmod(outdir, outmode | user_rwx) try: hx.writeto(outzmtl, overwrite=True) except Exception as err: os.chmod(outdir, outmode) #- reset permissions before crashing raise err #- Reset output permissions to whatever they were before os.chmod(outdir, outmode)
[docs]def archivetile(tiledir, archivedir, badpetals=list(), dryrun=False): """ Archive tiledir to archivedir, leaving symlink behind Args: tiledir: full path to tiles/cumulative/TILEID/LASTNIGHT archivedir: full path to tiles/archive/TILEID/ARCHIVEDATE Options: dryrun: if True, print messages but don't move directories. Returns int error code, non-zero if there was a problem """ log = get_logger() if os.path.isdir(archivedir):'{archivedir} already exists') return 0 if not os.path.isdir(tiledir): log.error(f'{tiledir} missing ... skipping') return 1 #- check for petals missing from this prod but in an earlier archive missing = check_missing_zmtl(tiledir, os.path.dirname(archivedir)) for petal in missing: if petal not in badpetals: log.error(f'Production missing zmtl for tiles previously processed: {missing[petal]}; either fix in prod or use --badpetals {petal} to override') return 1 #- also check that all badpetals are actually missing for petal in badpetals: if petal not in missing: log.error(f"'Bad' petal {petal} actually exists; either remove from prod or don't include in --badpetals") return 1 err = 0 if dryrun:'Dry run: archive {tiledir} -> {archivedir}') else: move_and_link_directory(tiledir, archivedir) #- Create BAD_PETALQA zmtl files if needed #- previous checks ensured these are valid for petal in missing:'Creating BAD_PETALQA zmtl for bad petal {petal}') inzmtl = missing[petal] outzmtl = os.path.join(archivedir, os.path.basename(inzmtl)) create_badpetal_zmtl(inzmtl, outzmtl) #- Remove write access; force=True needed for re-re-archiving err = freezedir(archivedir, dryrun=dryrun, force=True) if err != 0: log.error(f'problem removing write access from {archivedir}') return err
[docs]def freezedir(path, dryrun=False, force=False): """ Remove write permission from path unless dryrun Args: path (str): path to directory to remove Options: dryrun: if True, print info but don't actually remove write access force: if True, rerun chmod even if directory already appears frozen Returns non-zero error code upon failure (not an exception) Note: dryrun overrides force """ log = get_logger() err = 0 if not os.path.isdir(path): log.error(f'Not a directory; skipping {path}') err = 1 elif not os.access(path, os.W_OK) and not force:'{path} already frozen') else: if dryrun:'Dry run: freeze {path}') else:'Freezing {path}') cmd = f'chmod -R a-w {path}' err = if err != 0: log.error(f'Freezing {path} failed') return err
#------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parse(options=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Archive tiles to read-only tiles/archive/TILEID/ARCHIVEDATE') parser.add_argument('-t', '--tileids', type=str, help='archive only these TILEIDs (comma separated)') parser.add_argument('--thru', type=int, help='archive tiles observed this LASTNIGHT or before') parser.add_argument('--since', type=int, help='archive tiles observed this LASTNIGHT or after') parser.add_argument('-n', '--night', type=int, help='archive only tiles observed on this LASTNIGHT') parser.add_argument('-p', '--prod', type=str, help = 'Path to input reduction, e.g. ' '/global/cfs/cdirs/desi/spectro/redux/daily, ' 'or simply prod version, like daily. ' 'Default is $DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX/$SPECPROD.') parser.add_argument('--badpetals', type=str, help = 'Comma separated list of known bad petals not in production but archived from earlier prod') parser.add_argument('--specstatus', type=str, help='tiles-specstatus.ecsv file to use; archive tiles with ' 'ZDONE=false and QA=true; update to ZDONE=true and set ARCHIVEDATE') parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', help='print what directories to archive, without archiving them') parser.add_argument('--only-tiles', action='store_true', help="archive only tiles dirs; don't freeze exposures, preproc") parser.add_argument('--rearchive', action='store_true', help="Rearchive requested tiles, even if ZDONE=true") args = parser.parse_args(options) return args def main(options=None): args = parse(options) log = get_logger() if is None: reduxdir = specprod_root() elif"/") == 0: # convert prod as a SPECPROD name to a full path reduxdir = specprod_root( else: reduxdir = if args.badpetals is None: args.badpetals = list() else: args.badpetals = [int(petal) for petal in args.badpetals.split(',')] if args.specstatus is None: if os.path.exists('./tiles-specstatus.ecsv'):'Using tiles-specstatus.ecsv in current directory') args.specstatus = os.path.abspath('./tiles-specstatus.ecsv') else:'Using default surveyops/ops/tiles-specstatus.ecsv') args.specstatus = os.path.expandvars( '$DESI_ROOT/survey/ops/surveyops/trunk/ops/tiles-specstatus.ecsv') if not os.path.exists(args.specstatus): log.critical(f'Missing {args.specstatus}') sys.exit(1)'Reading tiles from {args.specstatus}') if not args.dry_run and not os.access(args.specstatus, os.W_OK): filename = os.path.basename(args.specstatus) log.critical(f'Need write access to {filename} to update ZDONE and ARCHIVEDATE') sys.exit(1) #- before changing directories, convert paths to absolute args.specstatus = os.path.abspath(args.specstatus)'Archiving tiles in {reduxdir}') os.chdir(reduxdir) tiles ='Archiving tiles with SURVEY=main|sv3, QA=good') keep = (tiles['SURVEY'] == 'main') | (tiles['SURVEY'] == 'sv3') keep &= (tiles['QA'] == 'good') if not args.rearchive:'Requiring ZDONE=false (use --rearchive to override)') keep &= (tiles['ZDONE'] == 'false') if args.thru is not None:'Filtering to LASTNIGHT<={args.thru}') keep &= tiles['LASTNIGHT'] <= args.thru if args.since is not None:'Filtering to LASTNIGHT>={args.since}') keep &= tiles['LASTNIGHT'] >= args.since if args.night is not None:'Filtering to just LASTNIGHT={args.night}') keep &= tiles['LASTNIGHT'] == args.night if args.tileids is not None: tileids = [int(t) for t in args.tileids.split(',')]'Filtering to just TILEIDs {tileids}') keep &= np.isin(tiles['TILEID'], tileids) archivetiles = tiles[keep] archivedate ='%Y%m%d') ntiles = len(archivetiles) if ntiles == 0: log.warning('No tiles to archive; exiting') sys.exit(0)'Archiving {ntiles} tiles using ARCHIVEDATE={archivedate}') #- find and read exposures table for that specprod specprod = os.path.basename(reduxdir) for expfile in [ f'{reduxdir}/exposures-{specprod}.fits', f'{reduxdir}/tsnr-exposures.fits', ]: if os.path.exists(expfile):'Reading exposures from {expfile}') #- HDU name changed mid-2021, so read HDU 1 for backwards compatibility #- with other productions (though this may only be used with daily) exposures =, 1) break else: #- for-loop else only runs if loop finishes without break log.error(f'Unable to find an exposures files in {reduxdir}; not freezing exposures') exposures = None failed_archive_tiles = list() for tileid, lastnight in archivetiles['TILEID','LASTNIGHT']:'-- Archiving {tileid} {lastnight}') #- Archive tile tiledir = f'tiles/cumulative/{tileid}/{lastnight}' archivedir = f'tiles/archive/{tileid}/{archivedate}' tile_err = archivetile(tiledir, archivedir, badpetals=args.badpetals, dryrun=args.dry_run) #- Remove write access from any input preproc and exposures if (exposures is not None) and (not args.only_tiles): ii = (exposures['TILEID'] == tileid) for prefix in ['preproc', 'frame']: for expnight, expid, efftime in exposures['NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'EFFTIME_SPEC'][ii]: tmpfile = findfile(prefix, expnight, expid, 'b0', specprod_dir=reduxdir) path = os.path.dirname(tmpfile).replace(reduxdir+'/', '') #- missing dir ok if efftime==0, otherwise error if efftime == 0.0 and not os.path.exists(path): continue exp_err = freezedir(path, args.dry_run) tile_err |= exp_err if exp_err != 0: log.error(f'problem removing write access from {path}') if tile_err == 0: i = np.where(tiles['TILEID'] == tileid)[0][0] tiles['ARCHIVEDATE'][i] = archivedate tiles['ZDONE'][i] = 'true' else: log.error(f'Tile {tileid} had errors while archiving; not setting ARCHIVEDATE') failed_archive_tiles.append(tileid) if not args.dry_run: if len(failed_archive_tiles) < len(archivetiles): tiles.write(args.specstatus, overwrite=True)'Updated {args.specstatus} with new ZDONE and ARCHIVEDATE')'Remember to svn commit that file now') else: log.error(f'All tiles failed archiving; not updating {args.specstatus}') if len(failed_archive_tiles) > 0: log.critical(f'Some tiles failed archiving: {failed_archive_tiles}') sys.exit(1) return 0