Source code for desispec.scripts.calibrate_tsnr_ensemble


Generate Master TSNR ensemble DFLUX files.  See doc. 4723.  Note: in this
instance, ensemble avg. of flux is written, in order to efficiently generate
tile depths.
import os
import sys
import argparse
import numpy as np
from importlib import resources

import as fits
from astropy.table import Table, join

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from desiutil.log import get_logger
from desispec.tsnr import template_ensemble
from import load_desiparams
from desimodel.fastfiberacceptance import FastFiberAcceptance

def parse(options=None):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate a sim. template ensemble stack of given type and write it to disk at --outdir.")
    parser.add_argument('-i','--infile', type = str, required=True,
                        help='tsnr-ensemble fits filename')
    parser.add_argument('--tsnr-table-filename', type=str, required=True,
                        help='TSNR afterburner file, with TSNR2_TRACER.')
    parser.add_argument('--plot', action='store_true',
                        help='plot the fit.')
    parser.add_argument('--exclude', type=str, default=None, required=False,
                        help='comma separated list of expids to ignore.')
    parser.add_argument('-o','--outfile', type = str, required=False,
                        help='tsnr-ensemble fits output')
    parser.add_argument('--sv1', action='store_true',
                        help='calibration on sv1-exposures.csv, default uses data from May 2021')
    args = None

    if options is None:
        args = parser.parse_args()
        args = parser.parse_args(options)

    return args

[docs]def tsnr_efftime(exposures_table_filename, tsnr_table_filename, tracer, plot=True, exclude=None, use_sv1=False): ''' Given an external calibration, e.g. /global/cfs/cdirs/desi/survey/observations/SV1/sv1-exposures.fits with e.g. EFFTIME_DARK and a tsnr afterburner run, e.g. /global/cfs/cdirs/desi/spectro/redux/cascades/tsnr-cascades.fits Compute linear coefficient to convert TSNR2_TRACER_BRZ to EFFTIME_DARK or EFFTIME_BRIGHT. ''' log = get_logger() tsnr_col = 'TSNR2_{}'.format(tracer.upper()) ext_calib = # Quality cuts. ext_calib = ext_calib[(ext_calib['EXPTIME'] > 0.)]'Calibrating tracer {}'.format(tracer)) if tracer in ['bgs', 'mws' , 'gpbbright', 'gpbbackup']: if use_sv1 : efftime_col = 'EFFTIME_BRIGHT' else : efftime_col = 'BGS_EFFTIME_BRIGHT' if use_sv1 : ext_calib = ext_calib[(ext_calib['TARGETS']=='BGS+MWS')] else : ext_calib = ext_calib[ext_calib['GOALTYPE']=='bright'] elif tracer in ['elg', 'lrg', 'qso', 'lya', 'gpbdark']: if use_sv1 : efftime_col = 'EFFTIME_DARK' else : efftime_col = 'ELG_EFFTIME_DARK' if use_sv1 : ext_calib = ext_calib[(ext_calib['TARGETS']=='ELG') |(ext_calib['TARGETS']=='QSO+ELG') |(ext_calib['TARGETS']=='QSO+LRG')] else : ext_calib = ext_calib[ext_calib['GOALTYPE']=='dark'] else: log.critical('External calibration for tracer {} is not defined.'.format(tracer)) tsnr_run = # TSNR == 0.0 if exposure was not successfully reduced. tsnr_run = tsnr_run[tsnr_run[tsnr_col] > 0.0] # External excluded exposures. exclude = np.array(exclude) if exclude is not None:'Excluding exposure list of: {}'.format(exclude)) tsnr_run = tsnr_run[~np.isin(tsnr_run['EXPID'], exclude)] # Keep common exposures. ref_extexpids = ext_calib['EXPID'] ext_calib = ext_calib[np.isin(ext_calib['EXPID'], tsnr_run['EXPID'])] tsnr_run = tsnr_run[np.isin(tsnr_run['EXPID'], ext_calib['EXPID'])] ref_frac = np.mean(np.isin(ref_extexpids, ext_calib['EXPID']))'Found {:.6f} of ref. exposures in provided tsnr'.format(ref_frac)) if ref_frac < 0.7: log.critical('Provided TSNR is likely missing exposures required to calibrate (!)') e2i={e:i for i,e in enumerate(ext_calib['EXPID'])} ii=[e2i[e] for e in tsnr_run["EXPID"]] efftime_col_ref=efftime_col+"_REF" tsnr_run[efftime_col_ref] = ext_calib[efftime_col] print(ext_calib[efftime_col]) print(tsnr_run[efftime_col_ref]) with_reference_tsnr = (tsnr_col in ext_calib.dtype.names) if with_reference_tsnr : tsnr_col_ref = tsnr_col+"_REF" tsnr_run[tsnr_col_ref] = ext_calib[tsnr_col] else : log.warning("no {} column in ref, cannot calibrate it".format(tsnr_col)) tsnr_run.sort(efftime_col_ref) tsnr_run.pprint()'Calibrating {} [{}, {}] against {} [{}, {}].'.format(tsnr_col, tsnr_run[tsnr_col].min(), tsnr_run[tsnr_col].max(), efftime_col_ref, tsnr_run[efftime_col_ref].min(), tsnr_run[efftime_col_ref].max())) slope_efftime = np.sum(tsnr_run[efftime_col_ref] * tsnr_run[tsnr_col]) / np.sum(tsnr_run[tsnr_col]**2.) if with_reference_tsnr : slope_tsnr2 = np.sum(tsnr_run[tsnr_col_ref] * tsnr_run[tsnr_col]) / np.sum(tsnr_run[tsnr_col]**2.) else : slope_tsnr2 = 1. if plot: plt.figure("efftime-vs-tsnr2-{}".format(tracer)) plt.plot(tsnr_run[tsnr_col], tsnr_run[efftime_col_ref], c='k', marker='.', lw=0.0, markersize=1) plt.plot(tsnr_run[tsnr_col], slope_efftime*tsnr_run[tsnr_col], c='k', lw=0.5) plt.title('{} = {:.3f} x {} (ref. frac. {:.2f})'.format(efftime_col_ref, slope_efftime, tsnr_col, ref_frac)) plt.xlabel("new "+tsnr_col) plt.ylabel("reference "+efftime_col_ref) plt.grid() plt.figure("efftime-vs-tsnr2-{}-ratio".format(tracer)) plt.plot(slope_efftime*tsnr_run[tsnr_col], tsnr_run[efftime_col_ref] / (slope_efftime*tsnr_run[tsnr_col]), c='k', lw=0.0, marker='.', markersize=2) plt.axhline(1.1, c='c', alpha=0.75, lw=0.5) plt.axhline(0.9, c='c', alpha=0.75, lw=0.5) plt.axhline(1.2, c='b', alpha=0.50, lw=0.5) plt.axhline(0.8, c='b', alpha=0.50, lw=0.5) plt.title('{} = {:.3f} x {} (ref. frac. {:.2f})'.format(efftime_col_ref, slope_efftime, tsnr_col, ref_frac)) plt.xlabel("efftime "+tsnr_col) plt.ylabel("reference "+efftime_col_ref+"/"+"new efftime "+tsnr_col) plt.ylim(0.0, 2.5) plt.grid() if with_reference_tsnr : plt.figure("tsnr2-vs-tsnr2-{}".format(tracer)) plt.plot(tsnr_run[tsnr_col], tsnr_run[tsnr_col_ref], c='k', marker='.', lw=0.0, markersize=1) plt.plot(tsnr_run[tsnr_col], slope_tsnr2*tsnr_run[tsnr_col], c='k', lw=0.5) plt.title('{} = {:.3f} x {} (ref. frac. {:.2f})'.format(tsnr_col_ref, slope_tsnr2, tsnr_col, ref_frac)) plt.xlabel("new "+tsnr_col) plt.ylabel("reference "+tsnr_col) plt.grid() return slope_efftime , slope_tsnr2
def main(args): log = get_logger() if args.sv1 : effective_time_calibration_table_filename = resources.files('desispec').joinpath('data/tsnr/sv1-exposures.csv') else : effective_time_calibration_table_filename = resources.files('desispec').joinpath('data/tsnr/tsnr_refset_etc.csv') ens = hdr = ens[0].header tracer = hdr["TRACER"].strip().lower()"tracer = {}".format(tracer)) if args.exclude is not None: args.exclude = [int(x) for x in args.exclude.split(',')] slope_efftime,slope_tsnr2 = tsnr_efftime(exposures_table_filename=effective_time_calibration_table_filename, tsnr_table_filename=args.tsnr_table_filename, tracer=tracer,plot=args.plot, exclude=args.exclude, use_sv1=args.sv1) # TSNR2_REF = slope_tsnr2 * TSNR2_CURRENT # so I have to apply to delta_flux a scale: flux_scale = np.sqrt(slope_tsnr2) # EFFTIME_REF = slope_efftime * TSNR2_CURRENT = slope_efftime/slope_tsnr2 * TSNR2_REF slope_efftime_calib = slope_efftime/slope_tsnr2 if 'FLUXSCAL' in hdr : # need to account for previous flux scale if exists because used to compute the TSNR values old_flux_scale = hdr['FLUXSCAL'] new_flux_scale = old_flux_scale * flux_scale else : new_flux_scale = flux_scale if args.outfile :'appending SNR2TIME coefficient of {:.6f} to {}'.format(slope_efftime, args.infile)) hdr['FLUXSCAL'] = ( new_flux_scale , "flux scale factor") hdr['SNR2TIME'] = ( slope_efftime_calib , "eff. time factor") hdr['TIMEFILE'] = os.path.basename(effective_time_calibration_table_filename) hdr['TSNRFILE'] = os.path.basename(args.tsnr_table_filename) ens.writeto(args.outfile, overwrite=True)"wrote {}".format(args.outfile)) else :'fitted slope efftime vs tsnr2 = {:.6f}'.format(slope_efftime))'fitted slope tsnr2(ref) vs tsnr2(current) = {:.6f}'.format(slope_tsnr2)) log.warning("the calibration has not been saved (use option -o to write the result)") if __name__ == '__main__': print("please run desi_calibrate_tsnr_ensemble")