Source code for desispec.scripts.editexptable


from desispec.workflow.exptable import get_exposure_table_name,get_exposure_table_path, \
                                       get_exposure_flags, get_last_step_options, get_exposure_table_column_defs, \
                                       keyval_change_reporting, deconstruct_keyval_reporting
from desispec.workflow.tableio import load_table, write_table
from desispec.workflow.utils import pathjoin
from import parse_cameras, decode_camword, create_camword, parse_badamps, validate_badamps

import os
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table

[docs]def process_int_range_inclusive(input_string): """ Given a str indicating a range of integers, this auto-detects the symbol used and returns that range as an INCLUSIVE numpy array of ints. Symbol can be ':', '-', or '..'. Args: input_string, str. String with integer range with the upper value being included in the output. E.g. 100:102 returns 100,101,102. Returns: np.array. Array of ints for the range specified in the input_string. """ for symbol in [':','-','..']: if symbol in input_string: first,last = input_string.split(symbol) return np.arange(int(first),int(last)+1)
[docs]def parse_int_list_term(input_string, allints=None): """ Given a str this determines what integer values it represents. Whether that be "all" indicating all ints in the table column, a range of integers specified with ':', '-', or '..', or a single integer. This should not be a list. Args: input_string, str. String with either integer range, single integer, or 'all'. 'all' requires allints allints, np.array. One dimensional array of all integers. Returns if 'all' is specified. Returns: out_array, np.array. Array of ints for the string specified. """ if input_string.lower() == 'all' and allints is not None: out_array = np.asarray(allints) elif input_string.isnumeric(): out_array = np.atleast_1d(int(input_string)) elif np.any([symb in input_string for symb in [':','-','..']]): out_array = process_int_range_inclusive(input_string) else: raise ValueError(f"Couldn't understand input {input_string}") return out_array
[docs]def parse_int_list(input_string, allints=None, only_unique=True): """ Given a str this determines what integer values it represents. Whether that be "all" indicating all ints in the table column, a range of integers specified with ':', '-', or '..', a single integer, or an indeterminant number of them in a comma separated list. Args: input_string, str. String with either integer range, single integer, or 'all'. It can have a combination of multiple of these separated by a comma. 'all' requires allints. allints, np.array. One dimensional array of all integers. Returns if 'all' is specified. only_unique, bool. True if you want a unique set returned. Otherwise repeated entries in the input string are kept. Returns: out_array, np.array. Array of ints for the string specified. """ input_string = input_string.strip(' \t,') out_array = np.atleast_1d() for substr in input_string.split(","): out_array = np.append(out_array, parse_int_list_term(substr, allints=allints)) if only_unique: out_array = np.unique(out_array) return out_array.astype(int)
[docs]def columns_not_to_report(): """ Returns list of column names that shouldn't have reporting information saved because they are user-defined values. """ return ['COMMENTS', 'HEADERERR', 'BADCAMWORD', 'BADAMPS', 'LASTSTEP', 'EXPFLAG']
[docs]def columns_not_to_edit(): """ Defines column names that shouldn't be edited. """ ## Occasionally unchanging things like NIGHT or TILEID have been missing in the headers, so we won't restrict ## that even though it typically shouldn't be edited if the data is there return ['EXPID', 'CAMWORD', 'OBSTYPE']
[docs]def columns_not_to_append(): """ Defines column names that shouldn't be edited. """ return ['LASTSTEP', 'SURVEY', 'FA_SURV', 'FAPRGRM', 'GOALTYPE']
[docs]def validate_value(colname, value, joinsymb): """ Checks that the value provided matches the syntax of the colname given. If the syntax is incorrect an error is raised. Warning: may change the value of "value" and returns it. Args: colname, str. The name of the column that is being edited. value, any scalar type. The value that the column's current value should be changed to. Returns: value, any scalar type. The value that the column's current value should be changed to. This is verified to have the proper syntax for the colname given. """ ## Match data type and convert where necessary if colname == 'EXPFLAG': ## Make sure the exposure flag is a valid one expflags = get_exposure_flags() value = value.lower().replace(' ','_') if value not in expflags: raise ValueError(f"Couldn't understand exposure flag: '{value}'. Available options are: {expflags}.") elif colname == 'BADAMPS': ## Make sure we can decode the badamp value (or easily correct it so we can decode it) ## This raises an error if it can't be converted to a viable list value = validate_badamps(value, joinsymb=joinsymb) elif colname == 'BADCAMWORD': ## Make sure we can understand the cameras given ## This raises an error if it cant be parsed value = parse_cameras(value) elif colname == 'LASTSTEP': options = get_last_step_options() value = value.lower() if value not in options: raise ValueError(f"Couldn't understand laststep: '{value}'. Available options are: {options}.") elif joinsymb in value: print(f"WARNING: For colname {colname} you provided a value '{value}' that contains the default"+ f" joinsymbol='{joinsymb}'. This is allowed, but use at your own caution. Continuing...") elif '|' in value: print(f"WARNING: For colname {colname} you provided a value '{value}' that contains the default"+ " indicator of an array string in the exposure tables (the 'pipe' i.e. '|'."+ " This is allowed, but use at your own caution. Continuing...") else: ## Otherwise we don't have a strict syntax, so pass it pass return value
[docs]def document_in_comments(tablerow,colname,value,comment_col='HEADERERR'): """ Places "reporting" string in the appropriate comment column of the exposure table to document the edits being made. Note: This alters and returns the input tablerow. How astropy handles this may vary. As of Jan 2021, I believe a copy is made in memory upon altering of a tablerow object. So the output here should be returned and assigned to overwrite the old value in the input table. Args: tablerow, astropy.table.Row. A table row with columns colname and comment_col. Comment_col must be a numpy array. colname, str. The name of the column that is being edited. value, any scalar type. The value that the column's current value should be changed to. comment_col, str. The name of the comment column where the change reporting should be placed. Default is HEADERERR. Returns: tablerow, astropy.table.Row. A table row with columns colname and comment_col. Comment_col is a numpy array with the new reporting string included. """ colname = colname.upper() if colname in columns_not_to_report(): return tablerow existing_entries = [colname in term for term in tablerow[comment_col]] if np.any(existing_entries): loc = np.where(existing_entries)[0][0] entry = tablerow[comment_col][loc] key, origval, oldval = deconstruct_keyval_reporting(entry) if key != colname: print("Key didn't match colname in document_in_comments") raise new_entry = keyval_change_reporting(colname, origval, value) tablerow[comment_col][loc] = new_entry else: reporting = keyval_change_reporting(colname, tablerow[colname], value) tablerow[comment_col] = np.append(tablerow[comment_col], reporting) return tablerow
[docs]def change_exposure_table_rows(exptable, exp_str, colname, value, include_comment='', append_string=False, overwrite_value=False, joinsymb=','): """ Changes the column named colname to value of value for rows of exposure table in exptable that correspond to the exposures defined in exp_str. Note: This edits and returns the exptable given in the inputs. Args: exptable, astropy.table.Table. An exposure table defined in desispec.workflow.exptable. Each column is an exposure. exp_str, str. A string representing the exposure ID's for which you want to edit the column to a new value. The string can be any combination of integer ranges, single integers, or 'all'. Each range or integer is separated by a comma. 'all' implies all exposures. Ranges can be given using ':', '-', or '..'. All ranges are assumed to be inclusive. colname, str. The column name in the exptable where you want to change values. value, any scalar type. The value you want to change the column value of each exp_str exposure row to. include_comment, str. A user specified comment to be added to the COMMENTS column after setting colname to value for the given exp_str exposures. append_string, bool. True if you want to append your input value to the end of an existing string. overwrite_value, bool. Default is False. Must be set to True if you want to overwrite a non-default value. If current value is a default value for that column for that row, this doesn't need to be set. joinsymb, str. The symbol used to separate string elements that are being appended. Shouldn't be '|'. Default is ','. Returns: exptable, astropy.table.Table. The exposure table given in the input, with edits made to the column colname for the rows corresponding to the exposure ID's in exp_str. """ ## Make sure colname exists before proceeding ## Don't edit fixed columns colname = colname.upper() if colname in columns_not_to_edit(): raise ValueError(f"Not allowed to edit colname={colname}.") if colname not in exptable.colnames: raise ValueError(f"Colname {colname} not in exposure table") if append_string and colname in columns_not_to_append(): raise ValueError(f"Cannot append_string to {colname}") if append_string and overwrite_value: raise ValueError("Cannot append_string and overwrite_value.") ## Parse the exposure numbers exposure_list = parse_int_list(exp_str, allints=exptable['EXPID'].data, only_unique=True) ## Match exposures to row numbers row_numbers = [] for exp in exposure_list: rownum = np.where(exptable['EXPID'] == exp)[0] if rownum.size > 0: row_numbers.append(rownum[0]) row_numbers = np.asarray(row_numbers) if len(row_numbers) == 0: raise ValueError(f"Exposures {exposure_list} not found in exposure table") if len(row_numbers) < len(exposure_list): found_exposures = list(exptable['EXPID'][row_numbers]) missing_exposures = sorted(set(exposure_list) - set(found_exposures)) print(f'WARNING: Exposures {missing_exposures} not found in exposure table, but proceeding with {found_exposures}') ## Make sure the value will work ## (returns as is if fine, corrects syntax if it can, or raises an error if it can't) value = validate_value(colname, value, joinsymb) ## If appending camwords, let's convert to camera list only once to save computation if colname == 'BADCAMWORD' and append_string: value_as_camlist = decode_camword(value) ## Inform user on whether reporting will be done if colname in columns_not_to_report(): print("Won't do comment reporting for user defined column.") ## Get column names and definitions colnames,coldtypes,coldeflts = get_exposure_table_column_defs(return_default_values=True) colnames,coldtypes,coldeflts = np.array(colnames),np.array(coldtypes),np.array(coldeflts,dtype=object) cur_dtype = coldtypes[colnames==colname][0] cur_default = coldeflts[colnames==colname][0] if include_comment != '' and 'COMMENTS' not in colnames: print("Given a comment to append to the exposure tables, but COMMENTS isn't in column names. "+ "Not including comment") ## Assign new value isstr = (cur_dtype in [str, np.str, np.str_] or type(cur_dtype) is str) isarr = (cur_dtype in [list, np.array, np.ndarray]) appendable = (colname not in columns_not_to_append()) if append_string and not isstr: raise ValueError(f"Told to append_string but {colname} isn't a string: {cur_dtype}") elif overwrite_value: print(f"Overwriting values in column: {colname} to '{value}' for exposures: {exposure_list}.") elif append_string: print(f"Appending '{value}' to existing entries in column: {colname} for exposures: {exposure_list}.") elif isarr: print(f"Appending {value} to arrays in column: {colname} for exposures: {exposure_list}.") else: print(f"Changing default values in column: {colname} to '{value}' for exposures: {exposure_list}.") orig_exptable = exptable.copy()[row_numbers] for rownum in row_numbers: if colname == 'BADCAMWORD' and exptable[colname][rownum] != cur_default and append_string: curcams = decode_camword(exptable[colname][rownum]) if len(set(value_as_camlist).difference(set(curcams))) == 0: print(f"For exposure: {exp}. Asked to append '{value}' to '{exptable[colname][rownum]}'" + " but all bad cameras are already present. Skipping and not commenting.") continue else: curcams.extend(value_as_camlist) combinedcams = list(set(curcams)) exptable[colname][rownum] = create_camword(combinedcams) elif colname == 'BADAMPS' and append_string and exptable[colname][rownum] != cur_default: curamps = exptable[colname][rownum].split(joinsymb) value_as_amplist = value.split(joinsymb) newvals = list(set(value_as_amplist).difference(set(curamps))) if len(newvals) == 0: print(f"For exposure: {exp}. Asked to append '{value}' to '{exptable[colname][rownum]}'"+ " but all badamps are already present. Skipping and not commenting.") continue else: curamps.extend(newvals) exptable[colname][rownum] = joinsymb.join(curamps) elif isstr and append_string and exptable[colname][rownum] != cur_default: exptable[colname][rownum] += f'{joinsymb}{value}' elif isarr: if overwrite_value and len(exptable[colname][rownum])>0: exptable[rownum] = document_in_comments(exptable[rownum],colname,value) exptable[colname][rownum] = np.append(cur_default, value) else: exptable[colname][rownum] = np.append(exptable[colname][rownum], value) else: if overwrite_value or exptable[colname][rownum] == cur_default: exptable[rownum] = document_in_comments(exptable[rownum],colname,value) exptable[colname][rownum] = value else: exp = exptable[rownum]['EXPID'] err = f"In exposure {exp} for column {colname}: asked to fill non-default " + \ f"entry '{exptable[colname][rownum]}' with '{value}'.\n" + \ f"\t\tTo overwrite, use --overwrite-value.\n" if appendable: err += "\t\tTo append to the existing, use --append-string.\n" err += f"\t\tOriginal column entries for requested exposures were:\n" for exp,val in zip(list(orig_exptable['EXPID']), list(orig_exptable[colname])): err += f"\t\t\t{exp}: {val}\n" err += "\n\t\tNo entries updated. Exiting." raise ValueError (err) if include_comment != '' and 'COMMENTS' in colnames: exptable['COMMENTS'][rownum] = np.append(exptable['COMMENTS'][rownum], include_comment) meaningful_comments = (exptable['COMMENTS'][rownum] != '') exptable['COMMENTS'][rownum] = exptable['COMMENTS'][rownum][meaningful_comments] return exptable
[docs]def edit_exposure_table(exp_str, colname, value, night=None, include_comment='', tablepath=None, append_string=False, overwrite_value=False, use_spec_prod=True, read_user_version=False, write_user_version=False, overwrite_file=True, joinsymb=','): """ Edits the exposure table on disk to change the column named colname to value of value for rows of exposure table that correspond to the exposures defined in exp_str. The table on disk can be defined using night given directly with tablepath. Note: This overwrites an exposure table file on disk by default. Args: exp_str, str. A string representing the exposure ID's for which you want to edit the column to a new value. The string can be any combination of integer ranges, single integers, or 'all'. Each range or integer is separated by a comma. 'all' implies all exposures. Ranges can be given using ':', '-', or '..'. All ranges are assumed to be inclusive. colname, str. The column name in the exptable where you want to change values. value, any scalar type. The value you want to change the column value of each exp_str exposure row to. night, str or int. The night the exposures were acquired on. This uniquely defines the exposure table. include_comment, str. A user specified comment to be added to the COMMENTS column after setting colname to value for the given exp_str exposures. tablepath, str. A relative or absolute path to the exposure table file, if named differently from the default in desispec.workflow.exptable. append_string, bool. True if you want to append your input value to the end of an existing string. overwrite_value, bool. Default is False. Must be set to True if you want to overwrite a non-default value. If current value is a default value for that column for that row, this doesn't need to be set. use_spec_prod, bool. True if you want to read in the exposure table defined by night from the currently defined SPECPROD as opposed to the exposure table repository location. Default is True. read_user_version, bool. True if you want to read in an exposure table saved including the current user's USER name. Meant for test editing of a file multiple times. If the file doesn't exist, the non-user value is loaded. Default is False. write_user_version, bool. True if you want to write in an exposure table saved including the current user's USER name. Meant for test editing of a file without overwriting the true exposure table. Default is False. overwrite_file, bool. True if you want to overwrite the file on disk. Default is True. joinsymb, str. The symbol used to separate string elements that are being appended. Shouldn't be '|'. Default is ','. """ ## Don't edit fixed columns colname = colname.upper() if tablepath is None and night is None: raise ValueError("Must specify night or the path to the table.") if colname in columns_not_to_edit(): raise ValueError(f"Not allowed to edit colname={colname}.") if append_string and colname in ['LASTSTEP', 'SURVEY', 'FA_SURV', 'FAPRGRM', 'GOALTYPE']: raise ValueError(f"Cannot append_string to {colname}") if append_string and overwrite_value: raise ValueError("Cannot append_string and overwrite_value.") ## Get the file locations if tablepath is not None: path, name = os.path.split(tablepath) else: path = get_exposure_table_path(night=night, usespecprod=use_spec_prod) name = get_exposure_table_name(night=night)#, extension='.csv') pathname = pathjoin(path, name) user_pathname = os.path.join(path, name.replace('.csv', '_' + str(os.environ['USER']) + '.csv')) ## Read in the table if read_user_version: if os.path.isfile(user_pathname): exptable = load_table(tablename=user_pathname, tabletype='exptable') else: print("Couldn't locate a user version of the exposure table, loading the default version of the table.") exptable = load_table(tablename=pathname, tabletype='exptable') else: exptable = load_table(tablename=pathname, tabletype='exptable') if exptable is None: print("There was a problem loading the exposure table... Exiting.") return ## Do the modification outtable = change_exposure_table_rows(exptable, exp_str, colname, value, include_comment, append_string, overwrite_value, joinsymb) ## Write out the table if write_user_version: write_table(outtable, tablename=user_pathname, tabletype='exptable', overwrite=overwrite_file) print(f"Wrote edited table to: {user_pathname}") else: write_table(outtable, tablename=pathname, tabletype='exptable', overwrite=overwrite_file) print(f"Wrote edited table to: {pathname}")