Source code for desispec.scripts.exposuretable


import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import re
from astropy.table import Table
from import fits
## Import some helper functions, you can see their definitions by uncomenting the bash shell command
from import parse_cameras, difference_camwords, validate_badamps
from desispec.workflow.exptable import summarize_exposure, default_obstypes_for_exptable, \
                                       instantiate_exposure_table, get_exposure_table_column_defs, \
                                       get_exposure_table_path, get_exposure_table_name, \
from desispec.workflow.utils import define_variable_from_environment, listpath, pathjoin, get_printable_banner
from desispec.workflow.tableio import write_table

[docs]def create_exposure_tables(nights=None, night_range=None, path_to_data=None, exp_table_path=None, obstypes=None, \ exp_filetype='csv', cameras=None, bad_cameras=None, badamps=None, verbose=False, no_specprod=False, overwrite_files=False): """ Generates processing tables for the nights requested. Requires exposure tables to exist on disk. Args: nights: str, int, or comma separated list. The night(s) to generate procesing tables for. night_range: str, comma separated pair of nights in form YYYYMMDD,YYYYMMDD for first_night,last_night specifying the beginning and end of a range of nights to be generated. last_night should be inclusive. path_to_data: str. The path to the raw data and request*.json and manifest* files. exp_table_path: str. Full path to where to exposure tables should be saved, WITHOUT the monthly directory included. obstypes: str or comma separated list of strings. The exposure OBSTYPE's that you want to include in the exposure table. exp_filetype: str. The file extension (without the '.') of the exposure tables. verbose: boolean. Whether to give verbose output information or not. True prints more information. no_specprod: boolean. Create exposure table in repository location rather than the SPECPROD location overwrite_files: boolean. Whether to overwrite processing tables if they exist. True overwrites. cameras: str. Explicitly define the cameras for which you want to reduce the data. Should be a comma separated list. Only numbers assumes you want to reduce r, b, and z for that camera. Otherwise specify separately [brz][0-9]. bad_cameras: str. Explicitly define the cameras that you don't want to reduce the data. Should be a comma separated list. Only numbers assumes you want to reduce r, b, and z for that camera. Otherwise specify separately [brz][0-9]. badamps: str. Define amplifiers that you know to be bad and should not be processed. Should be a list separated by comma or semicolon. Saved list will converted to semicolons. Each entry should be of the form {camera}{spectrograph}{amp}, i.e. [brz][0-9][A-D]. Returns: Nothing """ if nights is None and night_range is None: raise ValueError("Must specify either nights or night_range") elif nights is not None and night_range is not None: raise ValueError("Must only specify either nights or night_range, not both") if nights is None or nights=='all': nights = list() for n in listpath(os.getenv('DESI_SPECTRO_DATA')): #- nights are 20YYMMDD if re.match('^20\d{6}$', n): nights.append(n) else: nights = [ int(val.strip()) for val in nights.split(",") ] nights = np.array(nights) if night_range is not None: if ',' not in night_range: raise ValueError("night_range must be a comma separated pair of nights in form YYYYMMDD,YYYYMMDD") nightpair = night_range.split(',') if len(nightpair) != 2 or not nightpair[0].isnumeric() or not nightpair[1].isnumeric(): raise ValueError("night_range must be a comma separated pair of nights in form YYYYMMDD,YYYYMMDD") first_night, last_night = nightpair nights = nights[np.where(int(first_night)<=nights.astype(int))[0]] nights = nights[np.where(int(last_night)>=nights.astype(int))[0]] if obstypes is not None: obstypes = [ val.strip('\t ') for val in obstypes.split(",") ] else: obstypes = default_obstypes_for_exptable() print("Nights: ", nights) print("Obs types: ", obstypes) ## Deal with cameras and amps, if given camword = cameras if camword != '': camword = parse_cameras(camword) badcamword = bad_cameras if badcamword != '': badcamword = parse_cameras(badcamword) ## Warn people if changing camword finalcamword = 'a0123456789' if camword is not None and badcamword is None: badcamword = difference_camwords(finalcamword,camword) finalcamword = camword elif camword is not None and badcamword is not None: finalcamword = difference_camwords(camword, badcamword) badcamword = difference_camwords('a0123456789', finalcamword) elif badcamword is not None: finalcamword = difference_camwords(finalcamword,badcamword) else: badcamword = '' if badcamword != '': ## Inform the user what will be done with it. print(f"Modifying camword of data to be processed with badcamword: {badcamword}. " + \ f"Camword to be processed: {finalcamword}") ## Make sure badamps is formatted properly if badamps is None: badamps = '' else: badamps = validate_badamps(badamps) ## Define where to find the data if path_to_data is None: path_to_data = define_variable_from_environment(env_name='DESI_SPECTRO_DATA', var_descr="The data path") ## Define where to save the data usespecprod = (not no_specprod) if exp_table_path is None: exp_table_path = get_exposure_table_path(night=None,usespecprod=usespecprod) ## Make the save directory exists os.makedirs(exp_table_path, exist_ok=True) ## Loop over nights colnames, coltypes, coldefaults = get_exposure_table_column_defs(return_default_values=True) nights_with_data = listpath(path_to_data) for night in nights: if str(night) not in nights_with_data: print(f'Night: {night} not in data directory {path_to_data}. Skipping') continue print(get_printable_banner(input_str=night)) ## Create an astropy exposure table for the night nightly_tab = instantiate_exposure_table() ## Loop through all exposures on disk for exp in listpath(path_to_data,str(night)): rowdict = summarize_exposure(path_to_data, night=night, exp=exp, obstypes=obstypes, \ colnames=colnames, coldefaults=coldefaults, verbosely=verbose) if rowdict is not None and type(rowdict) is not str: rowdict['BADCAMWORD'] = badcamword rowdict['BADAMPS'] = badamps ## Add the dictionary of column values as a new row nightly_tab.add_row(rowdict) if verbose: print("Rowdict:\n",rowdict,"\n\n") if len(nightly_tab) > 0: month = night_to_month(night) exptab_path = pathjoin(exp_table_path,month) os.makedirs(exptab_path,exist_ok=True) exptab_name = get_exposure_table_name(night, extension=exp_filetype) exptab_name = pathjoin(exptab_path, exptab_name) write_table(nightly_tab, exptab_name, overwrite=overwrite_files) else: print('No rows to write to a file.') print("Exposure table generations complete") ## Flush the outputs sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush()