Source code for desispec.scripts.procdashboard


import argparse
import os, glob
import sys
import re
from import fits, ascii
from astropy.table import Table, vstack
import time, datetime
import numpy as np
from os import listdir
import json

# import
from desispec.workflow.exptable import get_exposure_table_pathname, \
    default_obstypes_for_exptable, \
    get_exposure_table_column_types, \
from desispec.workflow.proc_dashboard_funcs import get_skipped_ids, \
    return_color_profile, find_new_exps, _hyperlink, _str_frac, \
    get_output_dir, get_nights_dict, make_html_page, read_json, write_json, \
    get_terminal_steps, get_tables
from desispec.workflow.proctable import get_processing_table_pathname, \
from desispec.workflow.tableio import load_table
from import specprod_root, rawdata_root
from import decode_camword, camword_to_spectros, \
    difference_camwords, parse_badamps, create_camword, camword_intersection

[docs]def parse(options): """ Initialize the parser to read input """ # Initialize parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Search the filesystem and summarize the existance of files output from " + "the daily processing pipeline. Can specify specific nights, give a number of past nights," + " or use --all to get all past nights.") # File I/O parser.add_argument('--redux-dir', type=str, help="Product directory, point to $DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX by default ") parser.add_argument('--output-dir', type=str, default=None, help="output portal directory for the html pages, which defaults to your home directory ") parser.add_argument('--output-name', type=str, default='dashboard.html', help="name of the html page (to be placed in --output-dir).") parser.add_argument('--specprod', type=str, help="overwrite the environment keyword for $SPECPROD") parser.add_argument("-e", "--skip-expid-file", type=str, required=False, help="Relative pathname for file containing expid's to skip. " + \ "Automatically. They are assumed to be in a column" + \ "format, one per row. Stored internally as integers, so zero padding is " + \ "accepted but not required.") # parser.add_argument("--skip-null", type=str, required=False, # help="Relative pathname for file containing expid's to skip. "+\ # "Automatically. They are assumed to be in a column"+\ # "format, one per row. Stored internally as integers, so zero padding is "+\ # "accepted but not required.") # Specify Nights of Interest parser.add_argument('-n', '--nights', type=str, default=None, required=False, help="nights to monitor. Can be 'all', a comma separated list of YYYYMMDD, or a number " + "specifying the previous n nights to show (counting in reverse chronological order).") parser.add_argument('--start-night', type=str, default=None, required=False, help="This specifies the first night to include in the dashboard. " + "Default is the earliest night available.") parser.add_argument('--end-night', type=str, default=None, required=False, help="This specifies the last night (inclusive) to include in the dashboard. Default is today.") parser.add_argument('--check-on-disk', action="store_true", help="Check raw data directory for additional unaccounted for exposures on disk " + "beyond the exposure table.") parser.add_argument('--ignore-json-archive', action="store_true", help="Ignore the existing json archive of good exposure rows, regenerate all rows from " + "information on disk. As always, this will write out a new json archive," + " overwriting the existing one.") # Read in command line and return args = parser.parse_args(options) return args
###################### ### Main Functions ### ######################
[docs]def main(args=None): """ Code to generate a webpage for monitoring of desi_dailyproc production status Usage: -n can be 'all' or series of nights separated by comma or blank like 20200101,20200102 or 20200101 20200102 Normal Mode: desi_proc_dashboard -n 3 --output-dir /global/cfs/cdirs/desi/www/collab/dailyproc/ desi_proc_dashboard -n 20200101,20200102 --output-dir /global/cfs/cdirs/desi/www/collab/dailyproc/ """ if not isinstance(args, argparse.Namespace): args = parse(args) args.show_null = True output_dir, prod_dir = get_output_dir(args.redux_dir, args.specprod, args.output_dir, makedir=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'expjsons'), exist_ok=True) ############ ## Input ### ############ if args.skip_expid_file is not None: skipd_expids = set( get_skipped_ids(args.skip_expid_file, skip_ids=True)) else: skipd_expids = None nights_dict, nights = get_nights_dict(args.nights, args.start_night, args.end_night, prod_dir) print(f'Searching {prod_dir} for: {nights}') monthly_tables = {} for month, nights_in_month in nights_dict.items(): print("Month: {}, nights: {}".format(month, nights_in_month)) nightly_tables = {} for night in nights_in_month: ## Load previous info if any filename_json = os.path.join(output_dir, 'expjsons', f'expinfo_{os.environ["SPECPROD"]}' + f'_{night}.json') night_json_info = None if not args.ignore_json_archive: night_json_info = read_json(filename_json=filename_json) ## get the per exposure info for a night night_info = populate_night_info(night, args.check_on_disk, night_json_info=night_json_info, skipd_expids=skipd_expids) nightly_tables[night] = night_info.copy() ## write out the night_info to json file write_json(output_data=night_info, filename_json=filename_json) monthly_tables[month] = nightly_tables.copy() outfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(output_dir, args.output_name)) make_html_page(monthly_tables, outfile, titlefill='Exp. Processing', show_null=args.show_null)
[docs]def populate_night_info(night, check_on_disk=False, night_json_info=None, skipd_expids=None): """ For a given night, return the file counts and other other information for each exposure taken on that night input: night output: a dictionary containing the statistics with expid as key name FLAVOR: FLAVOR of this exposure OBSTYPE: OBSTYPE of this exposure EXPTIME: Exposure time SPECTROGRAPHS: a list of spectrographs used n_spectrographs: number of spectrographs n_psf: number of PSF files n_ff: number of fiberflat files n_frame: number of frame files n_sframe: number of sframe files n_cframe: number of cframe files n_sky: number of sky files """ if skipd_expids is None: skipd_expids = [] ## Note that the following list should be in order of processing. I.e. the first filetype given should be the ## first file type generated. This is assumed for the automated "terminal step" determination that follows expected_by_type = dict() expected_by_type['zero'] = {'psf': 0, 'frame': 0, 'ff': 0, 'sframe': 0, 'std': 0, 'cframe': 0} expected_by_type['arc'] = {'psf': 1, 'frame': 0, 'ff': 0, 'sframe': 0, 'std': 0, 'cframe': 0} expected_by_type['cteflat'] = {'psf': 1, 'frame': 1, 'ff': 0, 'sframe': 0, 'std': 0, 'cframe': 0} expected_by_type['flat'] = {'psf': 1, 'frame': 1, 'ff': 1, 'sframe': 0, 'std': 0, 'cframe': 0} expected_by_type['nightlyflat'] = {'psf': 0, 'frame': 0, 'ff': 1, 'sframe': 0, 'std': 0, 'cframe': 0} expected_by_type['science'] = {'psf': 1, 'frame': 1, 'ff': 0, 'sframe': 1, 'std': 1, 'cframe': 1} expected_by_type['twilight'] = {'psf': 1, 'frame': 1, 'ff': 0, 'sframe': 0, 'std': 0, 'cframe': 0} expected_by_type['dark'] = expected_by_type['zero'] expected_by_type['ccdcalib'] = expected_by_type['zero'] expected_by_type['psfnight'] = expected_by_type['arc'] expected_by_type['sky'] = expected_by_type['science'] expected_by_type['null'] = expected_by_type['zero'] ## Determine the last filetype that is expected for each obstype terminal_steps = get_terminal_steps(expected_by_type) specproddir = specprod_root() webpage = os.environ['DESI_DASHBOARD'] logpath = os.path.join(specproddir, 'run', 'scripts', 'night', night) exptab, proctab, \ unaccounted_for_expids,\ unaccounted_for_tileids = get_tables(night, check_on_disk=check_on_disk, exptab_colnames=None) preproc_glob = os.path.join(specproddir, 'preproc', str(night), '[0-9]*[0-9]') expid_processing = set( [int(os.path.basename(fil)) for fil in glob.glob(preproc_glob)]) ## Add a new indexing column to include calibnight rows in correct location exptab.add_column(Table.Column(data=2*np.arange(1,len(exptab)+1),name="ORDER")) if proctab is not None and len(proctab) > 0: new_proc_expids = set(np.concatenate(proctab['EXPID']).astype(int)) expid_processing.update(new_proc_expids) for jobdesc in ['ccdcalib', 'psfnight', 'nightlyflat']: if jobdesc in proctab['JOBDESC']: jobrow = proctab[proctab['JOBDESC']==jobdesc][0] expids = jobrow['EXPID'] lastexpid = expids[-1] if lastexpid in exptab['EXPID']: joint_erow = table_row_to_dict(exptab[exptab['EXPID']==lastexpid][0]) joint_erow['OBSTYPE'] = jobdesc joint_erow['ORDER'] = joint_erow['ORDER']+1 if len(expids) == 1: joint_erow['COMMENTS'] = [f"Exposure {expids[0]}"] else: joint_erow['COMMENTS'] = [f"Exposures {expids[0]}-{expids[-1]}"] ## Derive the appropriate PROCCAMWORD from the exposure table pcamwords = [] for expid in expids: if expid in exptab['EXPID']: erow = table_row_to_dict(exptab[exptab['EXPID'] == expid][0]) if 'BADCAMWORD' in erow: pcamword = difference_camwords(erow['CAMWORD'], erow['BADCAMWORD']) else: pcamword = erow['CAMWORD'] if len(erow['BADAMPS']) > 0: badcams = [] for (camera, petal, amplifier) in parse_badamps(erow['BADAMPS']): badcams.append(f'{camera}{petal}') badampcamword = create_camword(list(set(badcams))) pcamword = difference_camwords(pcamword, badampcamword) pcamwords.append(pcamword) if len(pcamwords) == 0: print(f"Couldn't find exposures {expids} for joint job {jobdesc}") continue ## For flats we want any camera that exists in all 12 exposures ## For arcs we want any camera that exists in at least 3 exposures if jobdesc == 'nightlyflat': joint_erow['CAMWORD'] = camword_intersection(pcamwords, full_spectros_only=False) elif jobdesc == 'psfnight': ## Count number of exposures each camera is present for camcheck = {} for camword in pcamwords: for cam in decode_camword(camword): if cam in camcheck: camcheck[cam] += 1 else: camcheck[cam] = 1 ## if exists in 3 or more exposures, then include it goodcams = [] for cam, camcount in camcheck.items(): if camcount >= 3: goodcams.append(cam) joint_erow['CAMWORD'] = create_camword(goodcams) joint_erow['BADCAMWORD'] = '' joint_erow['BADAMPS'] = '' exptab.add_row(joint_erow) del proctab exptab.sort(['ORDER']) logfiletemplate = os.path.join(logpath, '{pre}-{night}-{zexpid}-{specs}{jobid}.{ext}') fileglob_template = os.path.join(specproddir, 'exposures', str(night), '{zexpid}', '{ftype}-{cam}[0-9]-{zexpid}.{ext}') fileglob_calib_template = os.path.join(specproddir, 'calibnight', str(night), '{ftype}-{cam}[0-9]-{night}.{ext}') def count_num_files(ftype, expid=None): if ftype == 'stdstars': cam = '' else: cam = '[brz]' if ftype == 'badcolumns': ext = 'csv' elif ftype == 'biasnight': ext = 'fits.gz' else: ext = 'fits*' # - .fits or .fits.gz if expid is None: fileglob = fileglob_calib_template.format(ftype=ftype, cam=cam, night=night, ext=ext) else: zfild_expid = str(expid).zfill(8) fileglob = fileglob_template.format(ftype=ftype, zexpid=zfild_expid, cam=cam, ext=ext) return len(glob.glob(fileglob)) output = dict() lasttile, first_exp_of_tile = None, None for row in exptab: expid = int(row['EXPID']) if expid in skipd_expids: continue obstype = str(row['OBSTYPE']).lower().strip() key = f'{obstype}_{expid}' ## For those already marked as GOOD or NULL in cached rows, take that and move on if night_json_info is not None and key in night_json_info \ and night_json_info[key]["COLOR"] in ['GOOD', 'NULL']: output[key] = night_json_info[key] continue zfild_expid = str(expid).zfill(8) tileid = str(row['TILEID']) if obstype == 'science': zfild_tid = tileid.zfill(6) linkloc = f"" \ + f"trunk/{zfild_tid[0:3]}/fiberassign-{zfild_tid}.png" tileid_str = _hyperlink(linkloc, tileid) if lasttile != tileid: first_exp_of_tile = zfild_expid lasttile = tileid elif obstype == 'zero': # or obstype == 'other': continue else: tileid_str = '----' exptime = np.round(row['EXPTIME'], decimals=1) proccamword = row['CAMWORD'] if 'BADCAMWORD' in exptab.colnames: proccamword = difference_camwords(proccamword, row['BADCAMWORD']) if obstype != 'science' and 'BADAMPS' in exptab.colnames and row['BADAMPS'] != '': badcams = [] for (camera, petal, amplifier) in parse_badamps(row['BADAMPS']): badcams.append(f'{camera}{petal}') badampcamword = create_camword(list(set(badcams))) proccamword = difference_camwords(proccamword, badampcamword) cameras = decode_camword(proccamword) nspecs = len(camword_to_spectros(proccamword, full_spectros_only=False)) ncams = len(cameras) laststep = str(row['LASTSTEP']) ## temporary hack to remove annoying "aborted exposure" comments that happened on every exposure in SV3 comments = list(row['COMMENTS']) bad_ind = None for ii, comment in enumerate(comments): if 'For EXPTIME: req=' in comment: bad_ind = ii if bad_ind is not None: comments.pop(bad_ind) comments = ', '.join(comments) if 'FA_SURV' in row.colnames and row['FA_SURV'] != 'unknown': fasurv = row['FA_SURV'] else: fasurv = 'unkwn' if 'FAPRGRM' in row.colnames and row['FAPRGRM'] != 'unknown': faprog = row['FAPRGRM'] else: faprog = 'unkwn' if obstype not in ['science', 'twilight']: if fasurv == 'unkwn': fasurv = '----' if faprog == 'unkwn': faprog = '----' derived_obstype = obstype if obstype == 'flat' and row['EXPTIME'] <= 10.0: derived_obstype = 'cteflat' if derived_obstype in expected_by_type.keys(): expected = expected_by_type[derived_obstype].copy() terminal_step = terminal_steps[derived_obstype] else: expected = expected_by_type['null'].copy() terminal_step = None if laststep == 'ignore': expected = expected_by_type['null'].copy() terminal_step = None elif laststep != 'all' and obstype == 'science': if laststep == 'skysub': expected['std'] = 0 expected['cframe'] = 0 terminal_step = 'sframe' elif laststep == 'fluxcal': pass else: print( f"WARNING: didn't understand science exposure expid={expid} of night {night}: laststep={laststep}") elif laststep != 'all' and obstype != 'science': print( f"WARNING: didn't understand non-science exposure expid={expid} of night {night}: laststep={laststep}") nfiles = {step:0 for step in ['psf','frame','ff','sky','sframe','std','cframe']} if obstype == 'arc': nfiles['psf'] = count_num_files(ftype='fit-psf', expid=expid) elif obstype == 'psfnight': nfiles['psf'] = count_num_files(ftype='psfnight') elif obstype != 'nightlyflat': nfiles['psf'] = count_num_files(ftype='psf', expid=expid) if obstype in ['ccdcalib', 'psfnight']: pass elif obstype == 'nightlyflat': nfiles['ff'] = count_num_files(ftype='fiberflatnight') else: nfiles['frame'] = count_num_files(ftype='frame', expid=expid) nfiles['ff'] = count_num_files(ftype='fiberflat', expid=expid) nfiles['sky'] = count_num_files(ftype='sky', expid=expid) nfiles['sframe'] = count_num_files(ftype='sframe', expid=expid) nfiles['std'] = count_num_files(ftype='stdstars', expid=expid) nfiles['cframe'] = count_num_files(ftype='cframe', expid=expid) if terminal_step == 'std': nexpected = nspecs else: nexpected = ncams if terminal_step is None: row_color = 'NULL' elif expected[terminal_step] == 0: row_color = 'NULL' elif nfiles[terminal_step] == 0: row_color = 'BAD' elif nfiles[terminal_step] < nexpected: row_color = 'INCOMPLETE' elif nfiles[terminal_step] == nexpected: row_color = 'GOOD' else: row_color = 'OVERFULL' if expid in expid_processing: status = 'processing' elif expid in unaccounted_for_expids: status = 'unaccounted' else: status = 'unprocessed' slurm_hlink, log_hlink = '----', '----' if row_color not in ['GOOD', 'NULL'] and obstype.lower() in ['arc', 'flat', 'science']: file_head = obstype.lower() lognames = glob.glob( logfiletemplate.format(pre=file_head, night=night, zexpid=zfild_expid, specs='*', jobid='', ext='log')) ## If no unified science script, identify which log to point to if obstype.lower() == 'science' and len(lognames) == 0: ## First chronologically is the prestdstar lognames = glob.glob(logfiletemplate.format(pre='prestdstar', night=night, zexpid=zfild_expid, specs='*', jobid='', ext='log')) file_head = 'prestdstar' lognames_std = glob.glob( logfiletemplate.format(pre='stdstarfit', night=night, zexpid=first_exp_of_tile, specs='*', jobid='', ext='log')) ## If stdstar logs exist and we have all files for prestdstar ## link to stdstar if nfiles['sframe'] == ncams and len(lognames_std) > 0: lognames = lognames_std file_head = 'stdstarfit' lognames_post = glob.glob( logfiletemplate.format(pre='poststdstar', night=night, zexpid=zfild_expid, specs='*', jobid='', ext='log')) ## If poststdstar logs exist and we have all files for stdstar ## link to poststdstar if nfiles['std'] == nspecs and len(lognames_post) > 0: lognames = lognames_post file_head = 'poststdstar' newest_jobid = '00000000' spectrographs = '' for log in lognames: jobid = log.split('-')[-1].split('.')[0] if int(jobid) > int(newest_jobid): newest_jobid = jobid spectrographs = log.split('-')[-2] if newest_jobid != '00000000' and len(spectrographs) != 0: if file_head == 'stdstarfit': zexp = first_exp_of_tile else: zexp = zfild_expid logname = logfiletemplate.format(pre=file_head, night=night, zexpid=zexp, specs=spectrographs, jobid='-' + newest_jobid, ext='log') slurmname = logfiletemplate.format(pre=file_head, night=night, zexpid=zexp, specs=spectrographs, jobid='', ext='slurm') slurm_hlink = _hyperlink(os.path.relpath(slurmname, webpage), 'Slurm') log_hlink = _hyperlink(os.path.relpath(logname, webpage), 'Log') rd = dict() rd["COLOR"] = row_color rd["EXPID"] = str(expid) rd["TILEID"] = tileid_str rd["OBSTYPE"] = obstype rd["FA SURV"] = fasurv rd["FA PRGRM"] = faprog rd["LAST STEP"] = laststep rd["EXP TIME"] = str(exptime) rd["PROC CAMWORD"] = proccamword rd["PSF"] = _str_frac(nfiles['psf'], ncams * expected['psf']) rd["FRAME"] = _str_frac(nfiles['frame'], ncams * expected['frame']) rd["FFLAT"] = _str_frac(nfiles['ff'], ncams * expected['ff']) rd["SFRAME"] = _str_frac(nfiles['sframe'], ncams * expected['sframe']) rd["SKY"] = _str_frac(nfiles['sky'], ncams * expected['sframe']) rd["STD"] = _str_frac(nfiles['std'], nspecs * expected['std']) rd["CFRAME"] = _str_frac(nfiles['cframe'], ncams * expected['cframe']) rd["SLURM FILE"] = slurm_hlink rd["LOG FILE"] = log_hlink rd["COMMENTS"] = comments rd["STATUS"] = status output[key] = rd.copy() return output
if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse(options=None) main(args)