Source code for desispec.scripts.qsoqn



import os
import sys
import glob
import time
import argparse

import fitsio
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from desitarget.targets import main_cmx_or_sv
from desitarget.targetmask import desi_mask
from desitarget.sv3.sv3_targetmask import desi_mask as sv3_mask
from desitarget.sv2.sv2_targetmask import desi_mask as sv2_mask
from desitarget.sv1.sv1_targetmask import desi_mask as sv1_mask
from desitarget.cmx.cmx_targetmask import cmx_mask

from desiutil.log import get_logger

from import get_tempfilename

from redrock.templates import find_templates
from import rrdesi

from import load_model, load_desi_coadd
from quasarnp.utils import process_preds

def parse(options=None):
    # LOAD ONLY QSO templates to RE-RUN redrock
    templates_default_qso = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(find_templates()[0]),

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run QN and rerun RR (only for SPECTYPE != QSO or for SPECTYPE == QSO && |z_QN - z_RR| > 0.05) on a coadd file to find true quasars with correct redshift")

    parser.add_argument("--coadd", type=str, required=True,
                        help="coadd file containing spectra")
    parser.add_argument("--redrock", type=str, required=True,
                        help="redrock file associated (in the same folder) to the coadd file")
    parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, required=True,
                        help="output filename where the result of the QN will be saved")

    parser.add_argument("--target_selection", type=str, required=False, default="qso_targets",
                        help="on which sample the QN is performed: \
                             qso_targets (QSO targets) -- qso (works also) \
                             / all_targets (All targets in the coadd file) -- all (works also)")
    parser.add_argument("--save_target", type=str, required=False, default="restricted",
                        help="which objects will be saved in the output files: \
                             restricted (objects which are identify as QSO by QN and where we have a new run of RR) \
                              / all (All objects which are tested by QN \
                             --> To have coadd.size objects in the ouput file: set --target_selection all_targets --save_target all")

    # for QN
    parser.add_argument("--c_thresh", type=float, required=False, default=0.5,
                        help="For QN: is_qso_QN =  np.sum(c_line > c_thresh, axis=0) >= n_thresh")
    parser.add_argument("--n_thresh", type=int, required=False, default=1,
                        help="For QN: is_qso_QN =  np.sum(c_line > c_thresh, axis=0) >= n_thresh")

    # for RR
    parser.add_argument("--templates", type=str, nargs='+', required=False, default=templates_default_qso,
                        help="give the templates used during the new run of RR\
                              By default use the templates from redrock of the form rrtemplate-qso*.fits")
    parser.add_argument("--filename_priors", type=str, required=False, default=None,
                        help="filename for the RR prior file, by default use the directory of coadd file")
    parser.add_argument("--filename_output_rerun_RR", type=str, required=False, default=None,
                        help="filename for the output of the new run of RR, by default use the directory of coadd file")
    parser.add_argument("--filename_redrock_rerun_RR", type=str, required=False, default=None,
                        help="filename for the redrock file of the new run of RR, by default use the directory of coadd file")
    parser.add_argument("--delete_RR_output", type=str, required=False, default='True',
                        help="delete RR outputs: True or False, they are useless since everything usefull are saved in output, by defaut:True")

    if options is None:
        args = parser.parse_args()
        args = parser.parse_args(options)

    return args

[docs]def collect_redshift_with_new_RR_run(spectra_name, targetid, z_prior, param_RR, comm=None): """ Wrapper to run Redrock on targetid (numpy array) from the spectra_name_file with z_prior using the template contained in template_file Parameters ---------- spectra_name : str The name of the spectra file. targetid : int array Array of the targetid (contained in the spectra_name_file) on which RR will be rerun with prior and qso template. z_prior : float array Array of the same size than targetid with the redshift estimated by QN for the associated targetid param_RR : dict Contains info to re-run RR as the template_filename, filename_priors, filename_output_rerun_RR, filename_redrock_rerun_RR comm : object, optional MPI communicator to pass to redrock; must be size=1 Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing: * redshift (numpy array): Array containing best redshift estimation by the new run of RR * err_redshift (numpy array): Array containing the associated error for the redshift * coeffs (numpy array): array containing the coefficient for the best fit given by RR even we work only with QSO template, it has a "shape" of redshift.size x 10; *warning*: they have to be converted into a list (with .tolist()) to be added in the pandas dataframe """ log = get_logger() def write_prior_for_RR(targetid, z_prior, filename_priors): """ Write the prior file for RR associated to the targetid list Args: targetid (int array): array of the targetid on which RR will be rerun with prior and qso template. z_prior (float array): array of the same size than targetid with the redshift estimated by QN for the associated targetid filename_priors (str): name under which the file will be saved """ function = np.array(['tophat'] * z_prior.size) # need to be the same for every one sigma = 0.1 * np.ones(z_prior.size) # save out = fitsio.FITS(filename_priors, 'rw', clobber=True) data, names, extname = [targetid, function, z_prior, sigma], ['TARGETID', 'FUNCTION', 'Z', 'SIGMA'], 'PRIORS' out.write(data, names=names, extname=extname) out.close() log.debug(f'Write prior file for RR with {z_prior.size} objetcs: {filename_priors}') return def extract_redshift_info_from_RR(filename_redrock, targetid): """ extract information of the redrock file from the new RR run Args: filename_redrock (str): Name of the redrock file from the new run of RR targetid (int array): array of the targetid (contained in the spectra_name_file) on which RR will be rerun with prior and qso template. Returns: * redshift (numpy array): Array containing best redshift estimation by the new run of RR * err_redshift (numpy array): Array containing the associated error for the redshift * coeffs (numpy array): array containing the coefficient for the best fit given by RR even we work only with QSO template, it has a "shape" of redshift.size x 10; *warning*: they have to be converted into a list (with .tolist()) to be added in the pandas dataframe """ with fitsio.FITS(filename_redrock) as redrock: # 9 July 2021: # The new run of RR does not save the targetid in the correct order ... # The TARGETID from REDSHIFTS HDU and FIBERMAP HDU are not the same # To avoid any kind of problem in the future --> sort redrock rr = redrock['REDSHIFTS'].read() redrock_tgid = rr['TARGETID'] # targetid.size is the number of target in new-run redrock file'SANITY CHECK: Match the order of the REDSHIFTS HDU from new RR run with the original order of targetid') correct_index = np.zeros(targetid.size, dtype=int) for i, tgid in enumerate(targetid): correct_index[i] = int(np.where(redrock_tgid == tgid)[0]) redshift = rr['Z'][correct_index] err_redshift = rr['ZERR'][correct_index] chi2 = rr['CHI2'][correct_index] coeffs = np.zeros((redshift.size, 10)) coeffs[:, :4] = rr['COEFF'][correct_index] return redshift, err_redshift, chi2, coeffs # define the output redshift, err_redshift, chi2, coeffs = np.zeros(targetid.size), np.zeros(targetid.size), np.inf * np.ones(targetid.size), np.zeros((targetid.size, 10)) # make an independant run for each quasar templates to circumvent some problem from redrock: # 1] cannot give two templates in redrock as input, only one or a directory # 2] problem with prior and template redshift range .. --> give zero result and redrock stop for template_filename in param_RR['templates_filename']: filename_priors = param_RR['filename_priors'] filename_output_rerun_RR = param_RR['filename_output_rerun_RR'] filename_redrock_rerun_RR = param_RR['filename_redrock_rerun_RR'] # find redshift range of the template redshift_template = fitsio.FITS(template_filename)['REDSHIFTS'][:] zmin, zmax = np.min(redshift_template), np.max(redshift_template) sel = (z_prior >= zmin) & (z_prior <= zmax) # In case where all the objects have priors outside the redshift template range # Skip the template to avoid any undesired errors if sel.sum() != 0: write_prior_for_RR(targetid[sel], z_prior[sel], filename_priors) # Info: in the case where targetid is -7008279, we cannot use it at first element of the targetid list # otherwise RR required at least one argument for --targetids .. (it is a known problem in python this comes from -) # see for example # To figure out with this, we just need to add a space before the - argument_for_rerun_RR = ['--infiles', spectra_name, '--templates', template_filename, '--targetids', ' ' + ",".join(reversed(targetid[sel].astype(str))), '--priors', filename_priors, '--details', filename_output_rerun_RR, '--outfile', filename_redrock_rerun_RR] # NEW RUN RR'Running redrock with priors on selected targets with {template_filename}')'rrdesi '+' '.join(argument_for_rerun_RR)) rrdesi(argument_for_rerun_RR, comm=comm)'Done running redrock') # Extract information from the new run of RR redshift_tmp, err_redshift_tmp, chi2_tmp, coeffs_tmp = extract_redshift_info_from_RR(filename_redrock_rerun_RR, targetid[sel]) if param_RR['delete_RR_output'] == 'True': log.debug("Remove output from the new run of RR") os.remove(filename_priors) os.remove(filename_output_rerun_RR) os.remove(filename_redrock_rerun_RR) # aggregate the result: best_chi2 = np.zeros(targetid.size, dtype='bool') best_chi2_tmp = chi2[sel] > chi2_tmp best_chi2[sel] = best_chi2_tmp redshift[best_chi2], err_redshift[best_chi2], coeffs[best_chi2] = redshift_tmp[best_chi2_tmp], err_redshift_tmp[best_chi2_tmp], coeffs_tmp[best_chi2_tmp] return redshift, err_redshift, coeffs
[docs]def selection_targets_with_QN(redrock, fibermap, sel_to_QN, DESI_TARGET, spectra_name, param_QN, param_RR, save_target, comm=None): """ Run QuasarNet to the object with index_to_QN == True from spectra_name. Then, Re-Run RedRock for the targetids which are selected by QN as a QSO. Args: redrock: fitsio hdu 'REDSHIFTS' from redrock file fibermap: fitsio hdu 'FIBERMAP' from redrock file sel_to_QN (bool array): Select on which objects QN will be apply (index based on redrock) DESI_TARGET (str): name of DESI_TARGET for the wanted version of the target selection spectra_name (str): The name of the spectra file param_QN (dict): contains info for QN as n_thresh and c_thresh param_RR (dict): contains info to re-run RR as the template_filename, filename_priors, filename_output_rerun_RR, filename_redrock_rerun_RR save_target (str) : restricted (save only IS_QSO_QN_NEW_RR==true targets) / all (save all the sample) comm, optional: MPI communicator to pass to redrock; must be size=1 Returns: QSO_sel (pandas dataframe): contains all the information useful to build the QSO cat """ log = get_logger() # INFO FOR QUASAR NET lines = ['LYA', 'CIV(1548)', 'CIII(1909)', 'MgII(2796)', 'Hbeta', 'Halpha'] lines_bal = ['CIV(1548)'] if 'QN_MODEL_FILE' in os.environ.keys(): # check if the env variable QN_MODEL_FILE is defined, otherwise load boss_dr12/qn_train_coadd_indtrain_0_0_boss10.h5 model_QN_path = os.environ['QN_MODEL_FILE'] else: log.warning( "$QN_MODEL_FILE is not set in the current environment. Default path will be used: $DESI_ROOT/science/lya/qn_models/boss_dr12/qn_train_coadd_indtrain_0_0_boss10.h5") if 'DESI_ROOT' in os.environ.keys(): DESI_ROOT = os.environ['DESI_ROOT'] model_QN_path = os.path.join(DESI_ROOT, "science/lya/qn_models/boss_dr12/qn_train_coadd_indtrain_0_0_boss10.h5") else: # if $DESI_ROOT is not set, exit the program. log.error( "$DESI_ROOT is not set in the current environment. Please set it before running this code.") raise KeyError("QN_MODEL_FILE and DESI_ROOT are not set in the current environment.") model_QN = load_model(model_QN_path) data, index_with_QN = load_desi_coadd(spectra_name, sel_to_QN) if len(index_with_QN) == 0: # if there is no object for QN :( sel_QN = np.zeros(sel_to_QN.size, dtype='bool') index_with_QN_with_no_pb = sel_QN.copy() c_line, z_line, z_QN = np.array([]), np.array([]), np.array([]) else: p = model_QN.predict(data[:, :, None]) c_line, z_line, z_QN, c_line_bal, z_line_bal = process_preds(p, lines, lines_bal, verbose=False) # c_line.size = index_with_QN.size and not index_to_QN !! # Selection QSO with QN : # sel_index_with_QN.size = z_QN.size = index_with_QN.size | is_qso_QN.size = index_to_QN.size | sel_QN.size = 500 sel_index_with_QN = np.sum(c_line > param_QN['c_thresh'], axis=0) >= param_QN['n_thresh']"We select QSO from QN with c_thresh={param_QN['c_thresh']} and n_thresh={param_QN['n_thresh']} --> {sel_index_with_QN.sum()} objects are QSO for QN") is_qso_QN = np.zeros(sel_to_QN.sum(), dtype=bool) is_qso_QN[index_with_QN] = sel_index_with_QN sel_QN = sel_to_QN.copy() sel_QN[sel_to_QN] = is_qso_QN sel_QSO_RR_with_no_z_pb = (redrock['SPECTYPE'] == 'QSO') sel_QSO_RR_with_no_z_pb[sel_QN] &= np.abs(redrock['Z'][sel_QN] - z_QN[sel_index_with_QN]) <= 0.05"Remove {sel_QSO_RR_with_no_z_pb[sel_QN].sum()} objetcs with SPECTYPE==QSO and |z_RR - z_QN| < 0.05 (since even with the prior, RR will give the same result)") sel_QN &= ~sel_QSO_RR_with_no_z_pb index_with_QN_with_no_pb = sel_QN[sel_to_QN][index_with_QN]"RUN RR on {sel_QN.sum()}") if sel_QN.sum() != 0: # Re-run Redrock with prior and with only qso templates to compute the redshift of QSO_QN redshift, err_redshift, coeffs = collect_redshift_with_new_RR_run(spectra_name, redrock['TARGETID'][sel_QN], z_QN[index_with_QN_with_no_pb], param_RR, comm=comm) if save_target == 'restricted': index_to_save = sel_QN.copy() index_to_save_QN_result = sel_QN[sel_to_QN] elif save_target == 'all': index_to_save = sel_to_QN.copy() # save every object with nan value if it is necessary --> there are sel_to_QN.sum() objects to save # index_with_QN is size of sel_to_QN.sum() index_to_save_QN_result = np.ones(sel_to_QN.sum(), dtype=bool) else: # never happen since a test is performed before running this function in desi_qso_qn_afterburner log.error('**** CHOOSE CORRECT SAVE_TARGET FLAG (restricted / all) ****') QSO_sel = pd.DataFrame() QSO_sel['TARGETID'] = redrock['TARGETID'][index_to_save] QSO_sel['RA'] = fibermap['TARGET_RA'][index_to_save] QSO_sel['DEC'] = fibermap['TARGET_DEC'][index_to_save] QSO_sel[DESI_TARGET] = fibermap[DESI_TARGET][index_to_save] QSO_sel['IS_QSO_QN_NEW_RR'] = sel_QN[index_to_save] QSO_sel['SPECTYPE'] = redrock['SPECTYPE'][index_to_save] QSO_sel['Z_RR'] = redrock['Z'][index_to_save] tmp_arr = np.nan * np.ones(sel_to_QN.sum()) tmp_arr[index_with_QN] = z_QN QSO_sel['Z_QN'] = tmp_arr[index_to_save_QN_result] tmp_arr = np.nan * np.ones((6, sel_to_QN.sum())) tmp_arr[:, index_with_QN] = c_line QSO_sel['C_LINES'] = tmp_arr.T[index_to_save_QN_result].tolist() tmp_arr = np.nan * np.ones((6, sel_to_QN.sum())) tmp_arr[:, index_with_QN] = z_line QSO_sel['Z_LINES'] = tmp_arr.T[index_to_save_QN_result].tolist() tmp_arr = np.nan * np.ones(sel_to_QN.sum()) if index_with_QN_with_no_pb.sum() != 0: # in case where sel_QN.sum() == 0 and redshift is so not defined tmp_arr[index_with_QN[index_with_QN_with_no_pb]] = redshift QSO_sel['Z_NEW'] = tmp_arr[index_to_save_QN_result] tmp_arr = np.nan * np.ones(sel_to_QN.sum()) if index_with_QN_with_no_pb.sum() != 0: tmp_arr[index_with_QN[index_with_QN_with_no_pb]] = err_redshift QSO_sel['ZERR_NEW'] = tmp_arr[index_to_save_QN_result] tmp_arr = np.nan * np.ones((sel_to_QN.sum(), 10)) if index_with_QN_with_no_pb.sum() != 0: tmp_arr[index_with_QN[index_with_QN_with_no_pb], :] = coeffs QSO_sel['COEFFS'] = tmp_arr[index_to_save_QN_result].tolist() return QSO_sel
[docs]def save_dataframe_to_fits(dataframe, filename, DESI_TARGET, clobber=True): """ Save info from pandas dataframe in a fits file. Need to write the dtype array because of the list in the pandas dataframe (no other solution found) Args: dataframe (pandas dataframe): dataframe containg the all the necessary QSO info filename (str): name of the fits file DESI_TARGET (str): name of DESI_TARGET for the wanted version of the target selection clobber (bool): overwrite the fits file defined by filename ? Returns: None """ log = get_logger() # Ok we cannot use dataframe.to_records() since coeffs are saved in a list form and cannot be easily converted. data = np.zeros(dataframe.shape[0], dtype=[('TARGETID', 'i8'), ('RA', 'f8'), ('DEC', 'f8'), ('Z_NEW', 'f8'), ('ZERR_NEW', 'f4'), (DESI_TARGET, 'i8'), ('COEFFS', ('f4', 10)), ('SPECTYPE', 'U10'), ('Z_RR', 'f4'), ('Z_QN', 'f4'), ('IS_QSO_QN_NEW_RR', '?'), ('C_LYA', 'f4'), ('C_CIV', 'f4'), ('C_CIII', 'f4'), ('C_MgII', 'f4'), ('C_Hbeta', 'f4'), ('C_Halpha', 'f4'), ('Z_LYA', 'f4'), ('Z_CIV', 'f4'), ('Z_CIII', 'f4'), ('Z_MgII', 'f4'), ('Z_Hbeta', 'f4'), ('Z_Halpha', 'f4')]) data['TARGETID'] = dataframe['TARGETID'] data['RA'] = dataframe['RA'] data['DEC'] = dataframe['DEC'] data['Z_NEW'] = dataframe['Z_NEW'] data['ZERR_NEW'] = dataframe['ZERR_NEW'] data[DESI_TARGET] = dataframe[DESI_TARGET] data['COEFFS'] = np.array([np.array(dataframe['COEFFS'][i]) for i in range(dataframe.shape[0])]) data['SPECTYPE'] = dataframe['SPECTYPE'] data['Z_RR'] = dataframe['Z_RR'] data['IS_QSO_QN_NEW_RR'] = dataframe['IS_QSO_QN_NEW_RR'] data['Z_QN'] = dataframe['Z_QN'] data['C_LYA'] = np.array([dataframe['C_LINES'][i][0] for i in range(dataframe.shape[0])]) data['C_CIV'] = np.array([dataframe['C_LINES'][i][1] for i in range(dataframe.shape[0])]) data['C_CIII'] = np.array([dataframe['C_LINES'][i][2] for i in range(dataframe.shape[0])]) data['C_MgII'] = np.array([dataframe['C_LINES'][i][3] for i in range(dataframe.shape[0])]) data['C_Hbeta'] = np.array([dataframe['C_LINES'][i][4] for i in range(dataframe.shape[0])]) data['C_Halpha'] = np.array([dataframe['C_LINES'][i][5] for i in range(dataframe.shape[0])]) data['Z_LYA'] = np.array([dataframe['Z_LINES'][i][0] for i in range(dataframe.shape[0])]) data['Z_CIV'] = np.array([dataframe['Z_LINES'][i][1] for i in range(dataframe.shape[0])]) data['Z_CIII'] = np.array([dataframe['Z_LINES'][i][2] for i in range(dataframe.shape[0])]) data['Z_MgII'] = np.array([dataframe['Z_LINES'][i][3] for i in range(dataframe.shape[0])]) data['Z_Hbeta'] = np.array([dataframe['Z_LINES'][i][4] for i in range(dataframe.shape[0])]) data['Z_Halpha'] = np.array([dataframe['Z_LINES'][i][5] for i in range(dataframe.shape[0])]) # Save file in temporary file to track when timeout error appears during the writing tmpfile = get_tempfilename(filename) fits = fitsio.FITS(tmpfile, 'rw') fits.write(data, extname='QN_RR')'write output in: {filename}') fits.close() # Rename temporary file to output file, overwrite existing file. os.rename(tmpfile, filename)'rename {tmpfile} to {filename}') return
def main(args=None, comm=None): from import replace_prefix log = get_logger() if not isinstance(args, argparse.Namespace): args = parse(args) #- We need an MPI communicator to pass to redrock, but the rest of #- the qsoqn code isn't instrumented for MPI parallelism, so we require #- that the communicator is size=1 if comm is not None and comm.size>1: raise ValueError(f'{comm.size=} not allowed, must be size=1') start = time.time() # Selection param for QuasarNet param_QN = {'c_thresh': args.c_thresh, 'n_thresh': args.n_thresh} # param for the new run of RR param_RR = {'templates_filename': args.templates} if args.filename_priors is None: param_RR['filename_priors'] = replace_prefix(args.coadd, 'coadd', 'priors-tmp') else: param_RR['filename_priors'] = args.filename_priors if args.filename_output_rerun_RR is None: param_RR['filename_output_rerun_RR'] = replace_prefix(args.coadd, 'coadd', 'rrdetails-tmp') else: param_RR['filename_output_rerun_RR'] = args.filename_output_rerun_RR if (args.filename_redrock_rerun_RR is None): param_RR['filename_redrock_rerun_RR'] = replace_prefix(args.coadd, 'coadd', 'redrock-tmp') else: param_RR['filename_redrock_rerun_RR'] = args.filename_redrock_rerun_RR param_RR['delete_RR_output'] = args.delete_RR_output if os.path.isfile(args.coadd) and os.path.isfile(args.redrock): # Testing if there are three cameras in the coadd file. If not create a warning file. if np.isin(['B_FLUX', 'R_FLUX', 'Z_FLUX'], [hdu.get_extname() for hdu in fitsio.FITS(args.coadd)]).sum() != 3: misscamera = os.path.splitext(args.output)[0] + '.misscamera.txt' with open(misscamera, "w") as miss: miss.write(f"At least one camera is missing from the coadd file: {args.coadd}.\n") miss.write("This is expected for the exposure directory.\n") miss.write('This is NOT expected for cumulative / healpix directory!\n') log.warning(f"At least one camera is missing from the coadd file; warning file {misscamera} has been written.") else: # open best fit file generated by redrock with fitsio.FITS(args.redrock) as redrock_file: redrock = redrock_file['REDSHIFTS'].read() fibermap = redrock_file['FIBERMAP'].read() # from everest REDSHIFTS hdu and FIBERMAP hdu have the same order (the indices match) if np.sum(redrock['TARGETID'] == fibermap['TARGETID']) == redrock['TARGETID'].size:"SANITY CHECK: The indices of REDROCK HDU and FIBERMAP HDU match.") else: log.error("**** The indices of REDROCK HDU AND FIBERMAP DHU do not match. This is not expected ! ****") return 1 # Find which selection is used (SV1/ SV2 / SV3 / MAIN / ...) DESI_TARGET = main_cmx_or_sv(fibermap)[0][0] if args.target_selection.lower() in ('qso', 'qso_targets'): if DESI_TARGET == 'DESI_TARGET': qso_mask_bit = desi_mask.mask('QSO') elif DESI_TARGET == 'SV3_DESI_TARGET': qso_mask_bit = sv3_mask.mask('QSO') elif DESI_TARGET == 'SV2_DESI_TARGET': qso_mask_bit = sv2_mask.mask('QSO') elif DESI_TARGET == 'SV1_DESI_TARGET': qso_mask_bit = sv1_mask.mask('QSO') elif DESI_TARGET == 'CMX_TARGET': qso_mask_bit = cmx_mask.mask('MINI_SV_QSO|SV0_QSO') else: log.error("**** DESI_TARGET IS NOT CMX / SV1 / SV2 / SV3 / MAIN ****") sys.exit(1) sel_to_QN = fibermap[DESI_TARGET] & qso_mask_bit != 0 elif args.target_selection.lower() in ('all', 'all_targets'): sel_to_QN = np.ones(redrock['TARGETID'].size, dtype=bool) else: log.error("**** CHOOSE CORRECT TARGET_SELECTION FLAG (qso_targets / all_targets) ****") return 1 # Check args.save_target to avoid a crash after the QN + new RR Run if not (args.save_target in ['restricted', 'all']): log.error('**** CHOOSE CORRECT SAVE_TARGET FLAG (restricted / all) ****') return 1"Nbr objetcs for QN: {sel_to_QN.sum()}") QSO_from_QN = selection_targets_with_QN(redrock, fibermap, sel_to_QN, DESI_TARGET, args.coadd, param_QN, param_RR, args.save_target, comm=comm) if QSO_from_QN.shape[0] > 0:"Number of targets saved : {QSO_from_QN.shape[0]} -- " f"Selected with QN + new RR: {QSO_from_QN['IS_QSO_QN_NEW_RR'].sum()}") save_dataframe_to_fits(QSO_from_QN, args.output, DESI_TARGET) else: file = open(os.path.splitext(args.output)[0] + '.notargets.txt', "w") file.write("No targets were selected by QN afterburner to be a QSO.") file.write(f"\nThis is done with the following parametrization : target_selection = {args.target_selection}\n") file.write("\nIN SOME CASE (BRIGHT TILE + target_selection=QSO), this file is expected !") file.close() log.warning(f"No objects selected to save; blanck file {os.path.splitext(args.output)[0]+'.notargets.txt'} is written") else: # file for the consider Tile / Night / petal does not exist log.error(f"**** There is problem with files: {args.coadd} or {args.redrock} ****") return 1"EXECUTION TIME: {time.time() - start:3.2f} s.") return 0