Source code for desispec.scripts.tile_redshifts_bash


import sys, os, glob
import re
import subprocess
import argparse
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table, vstack

from desispec.workflow.redshifts import read_minimal_exptables_columns, \
    get_ztile_script_pathname, get_ztile_relpath, \
from desiutil.log import get_logger

from desispec.workflow import batch
from desispec.util import parse_int_args

def parse(options=None):

    p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    p.add_argument("-n", "--night", type=int, nargs='+', help="YEARMMDD nights")
    p.add_argument("-t", "--tileid", type=int, help="Tile ID")
    p.add_argument("-e", "--expid", type=int, nargs='+', help="exposure IDs")
    p.add_argument("-s", "--spectrographs", type=str,
            help="spectrographs to include, e.g. 0-4,9; includes final number in range")
    p.add_argument("-g", "--group", type=str, required=True,
                   help="cumulative, pernight, perexp, or a custom name")
    p.add_argument("--run_zmtl", action="store_true",
                   help="also run make_zmtl_files")
    p.add_argument("--explist", type=str,
                   help="file with columns TILE NIGHT EXPID to use")
    p.add_argument("--nosubmit", action="store_true",
                   help="generate scripts but don't submit batch jobs")
    p.add_argument("--noafterburners", action="store_true",
                   help="Do not run afterburners (like QSO fits)")
    p.add_argument("--batch-queue", type=str, default='realtime',
                   help="batch queue name")
    p.add_argument("--batch-reservation", type=str,
                   help="batch reservation name")
    p.add_argument("--batch-dependency", type=str,
                   help="job dependencies passed to sbatch --dependency")
    p.add_argument("--system-name", type=str, default=batch.default_system(),
                   help="batch system name, e.g. cori-haswell, cori-knl, perlmutter-gpu")

    # TODO
    # p.add_argument("--outdir", type=str, help="output directory")
    # p.add_argument("--scriptdir", type=str, help="script directory")
    # p.add_argument("--per-exposure", action="store_true",
    #         help="fit redshifts per exposure instead of grouping")

    args = p.parse_args(options)

    return args

def main(args=None):
    if not isinstance(args, argparse.Namespace):
        args = parse(args)

    batch_scripts, failed_jobs = generate_tile_redshift_scripts(**args.__dict__)
    num_error = len(failed_jobs)

[docs]def batch_tile_redshifts(tileid, exptable, group, spectrographs=None, submit=False, queue='realtime', reservation=None, dependency=None, system_name=None, run_zmtl=False, noafterburners=False): """ Generate batch script for spectra+coadd+redshifts for a tile Args: tileid (int): Tile ID exptable (Table): has columns NIGHT EXPID to use; ignores other columns. Doesn't need to be full pipeline exposures table (but could be) group (str): cumulative, pernight, perexp, or a custom name Options: spectrographs (list of int): spectrographs to include submit (bool): also submit batch script to queue queue (str): batch queue name reservation (str): batch reservation name dependency (str): passed to sbatch --dependency upon submit system_name (str): batch system name, e.g. cori-haswell, perlmutter-gpu run_zmtl (bool): if True, also run make_zmtl_files noafterburners (bool): if True, do not run QSO afterburners Returns tuple (scriptpath, error): scriptpath (str): full path to generated script err (int): return code from submitting job (0 if submit=False) By default this generates the script but don't submit it """ log = get_logger() if spectrographs is None: spectrographs = (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) if (group == 'perexp') and len(exptable)>1: msg = f'group=perexp requires 1 exptable row, not {len(exptable)}' log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) nights = np.unique(np.asarray(exptable['NIGHT'])) if (group in ['pernight', 'pernight-v0']) and len(nights)>1: msg = f'group=pernight requires all exptable rows to be same night, not {nights}' log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) tileids = np.unique(np.asarray(exptable['TILEID'])) if len(tileids)>1: msg = f'batch_tile_redshifts requires all exptable rows to be same tileid, not {tileids}' log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) elif len(tileids) == 1 and tileids[0] != tileid: msg = f'Specified tileid={tileid} didnt match tileid given in exptable, {tileids}' log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) spectro_string = ' '.join([str(sp) for sp in spectrographs]) num_nodes = len(spectrographs) nexps = len(exptable) frame_glob = list() for night, expid in zip(exptable['NIGHT'], exptable['EXPID']): frame_glob.append(f'exposures/{night}/{expid:08d}/cframe-[brz]$SPECTRO-{expid:08d}' +'.fits{,.gz}') #- Be explicit about naming. Night should be the most recent Night. #- Expid only used for labeling perexp, for which there is only one row here anyway night = np.max(exptable['NIGHT']) expid = np.min(exptable['EXPID']) frame_glob = ' '.join(frame_glob) batchscript = get_tile_redshift_script_pathname( tileid, group, night=night, expid=expid) batchlog = batchscript.replace('.slurm', r'-%j.log') scriptdir = os.path.split(batchscript)[0] os.makedirs(scriptdir, exist_ok=True) outdir = get_tile_redshift_relpath(tileid, group, night=night, expid=expid) suffix = get_tile_redshift_script_suffix( tileid, group, night=night, expid=expid) jobname = f'redrock-{suffix}' write_redshift_script(batchscript, outdir, jobname=jobname, num_nodes=num_nodes, group=group, spectro_string=spectro_string, suffix=suffix, frame_glob=frame_glob, queue=queue, system_name=system_name, onetile=True, tileid=tileid, night=night, expid=expid, nexps=nexps, run_zmtl=run_zmtl, noafterburners=noafterburners) err = 0 if submit: cmd = ['sbatch' ,] if reservation: cmd.extend(['--reservation', reservation]) if dependency: cmd.extend(['--dependency', dependency]) # - sbatch requires the script to be last, after all options cmd.append(batchscript) err = basename = os.path.basename(batchscript) if err == 0:'submitted {basename}') else: log.error(f'Error {err} submitting {basename}') return batchscript, err
[docs]def write_redshift_script(batchscript, outdir, jobname, num_nodes, group, spectro_string, suffix, frame_glob=None, expfile=None, healpix=None, extra_header=None, queue='regular', system_name=None, onetile=True, tileid=None, night=None, expid=None, nexps=0, run_zmtl=False, noafterburners=False, redrock_nodes=1, redrock_cores_per_rank=1, ): """ Write a batch script for running coadds, redshifts, and afterburners Args: batchscript (str): filepath to batch script to write outdir (str): output directory to write data jobname (str): slurm job name num_nodes (int): number of nodes to allocate group (str): used for tile redshifts, e.g. 'cumulative' spectro_string (str): e.g. '0 1 2 3' spectrographs to run suffix (str): filename suffix (e.g. TILEID-thruNIGHT) Options: frame_glob (str): glob for finding input cframes expfile (str): filename with NIGHT EXPID SPECTRO healpix (int): healpix number (to use with group=healpix) extra_header (dict): extra key/value pairs to add to header queue (str): queue name system_name (str): e.g. cori-haswell, cori-knl, perlmutter-gpu onetile (bool): coadd assuming input is for a single tile? tileid (int): tileid to process; only needed for group='cumulative' night (int): process through or on night YEARMMDD; for group='cumulative' and 'pernight' expid (int): expid for group='perexp' nexps (int): number of exposures to be fit run_zmtl (bool): if True, also run zmtl noafterburners (bool): if True, skip QSO afterburners redrock_nodes (int): number of nodes for each redrock call redrock_cores_per_rank (int): number of cores/rank to use for redrock Note: some of these options are hacked to also be used by healpix_redshifts, e.g. by providing spectro_string='sv3' instead of list of spectrographs. Note: Use redrock_cores_per_rank > 1 to reserve extra memory per rank for large input coadd files (e.g. sv3 healpix). Note: must specify frame_glob for tile-based groups, and expfile for group=healpix. """ log = get_logger() if redrock_nodes > num_nodes: msg = f'redrock_nodes ({redrock_nodes}) cannot be larger than job num_nodes ({num_nodes})' log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) batch_config = batch.get_config(system_name) batchlog = batchscript.replace('.slurm', r'-%j.log') #- tileid and night are required for cumulative redshifts but not others #- (frameglob captures the info for other cases) if group in ('cumulative', 'pernight'): err = False if tileid is None: log.error(f"group='{group}' requires tileid to be set") err = True if night is None: log.error(f"group='{group}' requires night to be set") err = True if err: raise ValueError(f"group='{group}' missing tileid and/or night") if onetile: onetileopt = '--onetile' else: onetileopt = '' #- header keywords to record spectra grouping headeropt = f'--header SPGRP={group}' if group in ('cumulative', 'pernight'): headeropt += f' SPGRPVAL={night} NIGHT={night}' elif group == 'perexp': headeropt += f' SPGRPVAL={expid} NIGHT={night} EXPID={expid}' elif group == 'healpix': headeropt += f' SPGRPVAL={healpix}' else: headeropt += f' SPGRPVAL=None' if group != 'healpix': headeropt += f' TILEID={tileid} SPECTRO=$SPECTRO PETAL=$SPECTRO' if extra_header is not None: for key, value in extra_header.items(): headeropt += f' {key}={value}' #- system specific options, e.g. "--constraint=haswell" batch_opts = list() if 'batch_opts' in batch_config: for opt in batch_config['batch_opts']: batch_opts.append(f'#SBATCH {opt}') batch_opts = '\n'.join(batch_opts) runtime = 10 + int(10 * batch_config['timefactor'] * redrock_cores_per_rank) #- some healpix have lots of targets; adhoc increase runtime if group == 'healpix': runtime += 15 runtime_hh = runtime // 60 runtime_mm = runtime % 60 cores_per_node = batch_config['cores_per_node'] threads_per_core = batch_config['threads_per_core'] threads_per_node = cores_per_node * threads_per_core logdir = os.path.join(outdir, 'logs') account='desi' redrock_gpu_opts='' srun_redrock_gpu_opts='' if system_name=='perlmutter-gpu': account='desi_g' redrock_gpu_opts='--gpu --max-gpuprocs 4' srun_redrock_gpu_opts='--gpu-bind=map_gpu:3,2,1,0' with open(batchscript, 'w') as fx: fx.write(f"""#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -N {num_nodes} #SBATCH --account {account} #SBATCH --qos {queue} #SBATCH --job-name {jobname} #SBATCH --output {batchlog} #SBATCH --time={runtime_hh:02d}:{runtime_mm:02d}:00 #SBATCH --exclusive {batch_opts} # batch-friendly matplotlib backend export MPLBACKEND=agg echo --- Starting at $(date) START_TIME=$SECONDS pushd $DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX/$SPECPROD mkdir -p {outdir} mkdir -p {logdir} echo echo --- Generating files in {outdir} echo""") if frame_glob is not None: fx.write(f""" echo --- Grouping frames to spectra at $(date) for SPECTRO in {spectro_string}; do spectra={outdir}/spectra-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.fits.gz splog={logdir}/spectra-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.log if [ -f $spectra ]; then echo $(basename $spectra) already exists, skipping grouping else # Check if any input frames exist # Use either .fits or .fits.gz search will fail and throw error, so catch them CFRAMES=$(ls {frame_glob} 2>/dev/null) NUM_EXPS={nexps} NUM_CFRAMES=$(echo $CFRAMES | wc -w) if [ $NUM_EXPS -gt $NUM_CFRAMES ]; then echo WARNING: Some expected cframes may be missing for spectrograph $SPECTRO. Proceeding anyway fi echo INFO: For spectrograph $SPECTRO, $NUM_CFRAMES cframes found for $NUM_EXPS exposures if [ $NUM_CFRAMES -gt 0 ]; then echo Grouping $NUM_CFRAMES cframes into $(basename $spectra), see $splog cmd="srun -N 1 -n 1 -c {threads_per_node} --cpu-bind=none desi_group_spectra --inframes $CFRAMES --outfile $spectra {headeropt}" echo RUNNING $cmd &> $splog $cmd &>> $splog & sleep 0.5 else echo ERROR: no input cframes for spectrograph $SPECTRO, skipping fi fi done echo Waiting for desi_group_spectra to finish at $(date) wait """) elif expfile is not None and group == 'healpix': fx.write(f""" echo --- Grouping frames to spectra at $(date) for SPECTRO in {spectro_string}; do spectra={outdir}/spectra-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.fits.gz splog={logdir}/spectra-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.log if [ -f $spectra ]; then echo $(basename $spectra) already exists, skipping grouping else cmd="desi_group_spectra --expfile {expfile} --outfile $spectra --healpix {healpix} {headeropt}" echo RUNNING $cmd &> $splog $cmd &>> $splog fi done """) fx.write(f""" echo echo --- Coadding spectra at $(date) for SPECTRO in {spectro_string}; do spectra={outdir}/spectra-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.fits.gz coadd={outdir}/coadd-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.fits colog={logdir}/coadd-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.log if [ -f $coadd ]; then echo $(basename $coadd) already exists, skipping coadd elif [ -f $spectra ]; then echo Coadding $(basename $spectra) into $(basename $coadd), see $colog cmd="srun -N 1 -n 1 -c {threads_per_node} --cpu-bind=none desi_coadd_spectra {onetileopt} --nproc 16 -i $spectra -o $coadd" echo RUNNING $cmd &> $colog $cmd &>> $colog & sleep 0.5 else echo ERROR: missing $(basename $spectra), skipping coadd fi done echo Waiting for desi_coadd_spectra to finish at $(date) wait """) fx.write(f""" echo echo --- Running redrock at $(date) echo Using {redrock_nodes} nodes per redrock call echo Using {redrock_cores_per_rank} cores per rank for redrock for SPECTRO in {spectro_string}; do coadd={outdir}/coadd-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.fits redrock={outdir}/redrock-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.fits rrdetails={outdir}/rrdetails-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.h5 rrlog={logdir}/redrock-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.log if [ -f $redrock ]; then echo $(basename $redrock) already exists, skipping redshifts elif [ -f $coadd ]; then echo Running redrock on $(basename $coadd), see $rrlog cmd="srun -N {redrock_nodes} -n {cores_per_node*redrock_nodes//redrock_cores_per_rank} -c {threads_per_core*redrock_cores_per_rank} --cpu-bind=cores {srun_redrock_gpu_opts} rrdesi_mpi -i $coadd -o $redrock -d $rrdetails {redrock_gpu_opts}" echo RUNNING $cmd &> $rrlog $cmd &>> $rrlog & sleep 0.5 else echo ERROR: missing $(basename $coadd), skipping redshifts fi done echo Waiting for redrock to finish at $(date) wait """) if group in ('pernight', 'cumulative'): fx.write(f""" echo echo --- Running desi_tile_qa at $(date) tileqa={outdir}/tile-qa-{suffix}.fits if [ -f $tileqa ]; then echo $(basename $tileqa) already exists, skipping desi_tile_qa else tile_qa_log={logdir}/tile-qa-{tileid}-thru{night}.log echo Running desi_tile_qa, see $tile_qa_log cmd="desi_tile_qa -g {group} -n {night} -t {tileid}" echo RUNNING $cmd &> $tile_qa_log $cmd &>> $tile_qa_log fi """) if run_zmtl: fx.write(f""" # These run fast; use a single node for all 10 petals without srun overhead echo echo --- Running make_zmtl_files at $(date) for SPECTRO in {spectro_string}; do coadd={outdir}/coadd-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.fits redrock={outdir}/redrock-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.fits zmtl={outdir}/zmtl-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.fits zmtllog={logdir}/zmtl-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.log if [ -f $zmtl ]; then echo $(basename $zmtl) already exists, skipping make_zmtl_files elif [[ -f $coadd && -f $redrock ]]; then echo Running make_zmtl_files on $(basename $redrock), see $zmtllog cmd="make_zmtl_files -in $redrock -out $zmtl" echo RUNNING $cmd &> $zmtllog $cmd &>> $zmtllog & else echo ERROR: missing $(basename $redrock) or $(basename $coadd), skipping zmtl fi done echo Waiting for zmtl to finish at $(date) wait """) if not noafterburners: fx.write(f""" echo echo --- Running QSO and emline afterburners at $(date) for SPECTRO in {spectro_string}; do coadd={outdir}/coadd-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.fits redrock={outdir}/redrock-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.fits qsomgii={outdir}/qso_mgii-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.fits qsoqn={outdir}/qso_qn-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.fits emfit={outdir}/emline-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.fits qsomgiilog={logdir}/qso_mgii-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.log qsoqnlog={logdir}/qso_qn-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.log emfitlog={logdir}/emline-$SPECTRO-{suffix}.log # QSO MgII afterburner if [ -f $qsomgii ]; then echo $(basename $qsomgii) already exists, skipping QSO MgII afterburner elif [ -f $redrock ]; then echo Running QSO MgII afterburner, see $qsomgiilog cmd="srun -N 1 -n 1 -c {threads_per_node} --cpu-bind=none desi_qso_mgii_afterburner --coadd $coadd --redrock $redrock --output $qsomgii --target_selection all --save_target all" echo RUNNING $cmd &> $qsomgiilog $cmd &>> $qsomgiilog & sleep 0.5 else echo ERROR: missing $(basename $redrock), skipping QSO MgII afterburner fi # QSO QuasarNet (QN) afterburner if [ -f $qsoqn ]; then echo $(basename $qsoqn) already exists, skipping QSO QuasarNet afterburner elif [ -f $redrock ]; then echo Running QSO QuasarNet afterburner, see $qsoqnlog cmd="srun -N 1 -n 1 -c {threads_per_node} --cpu-bind=none desi_qso_qn_afterburner --coadd $coadd --redrock $redrock --output $qsoqn --target_selection all --save_target all" echo RUNNING $cmd &> $qsoqnlog $cmd &>> $qsoqnlog & sleep 0.5 else echo ERROR: missing $(basename $redrock), skipping QSO QN afterburner fi # EM Line Fit afterburner if [ -f $emfit ]; then echo $(basename $emfit) already exists, skipping EM Line Fit afterburner elif [ -f $redrock ]; then echo Running EM Line Fit afterburner, see $emfitlog cmd="srun -N 1 -n 1 -c {threads_per_node} --cpu-bind=none desi_emlinefit_afterburner --coadd $coadd --redrock $redrock --output $emfit" echo RUNNING $cmd &> $emfitlog $cmd &>> $emfitlog & sleep 0.5 else echo ERROR: missing $(basename $redrock), skipping EM Line Fit afterburner fi done echo Waiting for QSO and emline afterburners to finish at $(date) wait """) fx.write(f""" echo echo --- Files in {outdir}: for prefix in spectra coadd redrock tile-qa zmtl qso_qn qso_mgii emline; do echo " " $(ls {outdir}/$prefix*.fits* |& grep -v 'cannot access' | wc -l) $prefix done popd &> /dev/null END_TIME=$SECONDS DURATION_MINUTES=$(( ($END_TIME - $START_TIME)/60 )) DURATION_SECONDS=$(( ($END_TIME - $START_TIME)%60 )) echo echo --- Done at $(date) in ${{DURATION_MINUTES}}m${{DURATION_SECONDS}}s """)'Wrote {batchscript}')
[docs]def generate_tile_redshift_scripts(group, night=None, tileid=None, expid=None, explist=None, spectrographs=None, run_zmtl=False, noafterburners=False, batch_queue='realtime', batch_reservation=None, batch_dependency=None, system_name=None, nosubmit=False): """ Creates a slurm script to run redshifts per tile. By default it also submits the job to Slurm. If nosubmit is True, the script is created but not submitted to Slurm. Args: group (str): Type of coadd redshifts to run. Options are cumulative, pernight, perexp, or a custom name. night (int, or list or np.array of int's): YEARMMDD nights. tileid (int): Tile ID. expid (int, or list or np.array of int's): Exposure IDs. explist (str): File with columns TILE NIGHT EXPID to use spectrographs (str or list of int): spectrographs to include run_zmtl (bool): If True, also run make_zmtl_files noafterburners (bool): If True, do not run QSO afterburners batch_queue (str): Batch queue name. Default is 'realtime'. batch_reservation (str): Batch reservation name. batch_dependency (str): Job dependencies passed to sbatch --dependency . system_name (str): Batch system name, e.g. cori-haswell, cori-knl, perlmutter-gpu. nosubmit (bool): Generate scripts but don't submit batch jobs. Default is False. Returns: batch_scripts (list of str): The path names of the scripts created during the function call that returned a null batcherr. failed_jobs (list of str): The path names of the scripts created during the function call that returned a batcherr. """ log = get_logger() # - If --tileid, --night, and --expid are all given, create exptable if ((tileid is not None) and (night is not None) and (len(night) == 1) and (expid is not None)):'Creating exposure table from --tileid --night --expid options') exptable = Table() exptable['EXPID'] = expid exptable['NIGHT'] = night[0] exptable['TILEID'] = tileid if explist is not None: log.warning('Ignoring --explist, using --tileid --night --expid') # - otherwise load exposure tables for those nights elif explist is None: if night is not None:'Loading production exposure tables for nights {night}') else:'Loading production exposure tables for all nights') exptable = read_minimal_exptables_columns(night) else:'Loading exposure list from {explist}') if explist.endswith( ('.fits', '.fits.gz') ): exptable =, format='fits') elif explist.endswith('.csv'): exptable =, format='ascii.csv') elif explist.endswith('.ecsv'): exptable =, format='ascii.ecsv') else: exptable =, format='ascii') if night is not None: keep = np.in1d(exptable['NIGHT'], night) exptable = exptable[keep] # - Filter exposure tables by exposure IDs or by tileid # - Note: If exptable was created from --expid --night --tileid these should # - have no effect, but are left in for code flow simplicity if expid is not None: keep = np.in1d(exptable['EXPID'], expid) exptable = exptable[keep] #expids = np.array(exptable['EXPID']) tileids = np.unique(np.array(exptable['TILEID'])) # - if provided, tileid should be redundant with the tiles in those exps if tileid is not None: if not np.all(exptable['TILEID'] == tileid): log.critical(f'Exposure TILEIDs={tileids} != --tileid={tileid}') sys.exit(1) elif tileid is not None: keep = (exptable['TILEID'] == tileid) exptable = exptable[keep] #expids = np.array(exptable['EXPID']) tileids = np.array([tileid, ]) else: tileids = np.unique(np.array(exptable['TILEID'])) # - anything left? if len(exptable) == 0: log.critical(f'No exposures left after filtering by tileid/night/expid') sys.exit(1) if spectrographs is not None: if isinstance(spectrographs, str): spectrographs = parse_int_args(spectrographs, include_end=True) else: spectrographs = list(range(10)) # - If cumulative, find all prior exposures that also observed these tiles # - NOTE: depending upon options, this might re-read all the exptables again # - NOTE: this may not scale well several years into the survey if group == 'cumulative':'{len(tileids)} tiles; searching for exposures on prior nights') allexp = read_minimal_exptables_columns() keep = np.in1d(allexp['TILEID'], tileids) exptable = allexp[keep] ## Ensure we only include data for nights up to and including specified nights if (night is not None): lastnight = int(np.max(night)) exptable = exptable[exptable['NIGHT'] <= lastnight] #expids = np.array(exptable['EXPID']) tileids = np.unique(np.array(exptable['TILEID'])) # - Generate the scripts and optionally submit them failed_jobs, batch_scripts = list(), list() for tileid in tileids: tilerows = (exptable['TILEID'] == tileid) nights = np.unique(np.array(exptable['NIGHT'][tilerows])) expids = np.unique(np.array(exptable['EXPID'][tilerows]))'Tile {tileid} nights={nights} expids={expids}') submit = (not nosubmit) opts = dict( spectrographs=spectrographs, submit=submit, run_zmtl=run_zmtl, noafterburners=noafterburners, queue=batch_queue, reservation=batch_reservation, dependency=batch_dependency, system_name=system_name, ) if group == 'perexp': for i in range(len(exptable[tilerows])): batchscript, batcherr = batch_tile_redshifts( tileid, exptable[tilerows][i:i + 1], group, **opts) elif group in ['pernight', 'pernight-v0']: for night in nights: thisnight = exptable['NIGHT'] == night batchscript, batcherr = batch_tile_redshifts( tileid, exptable[tilerows & thisnight], group, **opts) else: batchscript, batcherr = batch_tile_redshifts( tileid, exptable[tilerows], group, **opts) if batcherr != 0: failed_jobs.append(batchscript) else: batch_scripts.append(batchscript) #- Report num_error but don't sys.exit for pipeline workflow needs, do that at script level num_error = len(failed_jobs) if num_error > 0: tmp = [os.path.basename(filename) for filename in failed_jobs] log.error(f'problem submitting {num_error} scripts: {tmp}') #- Return batch_scripts for use in pipeline and failed_jobs for explicit exit code in script return batch_scripts, failed_jobs