Source code for desispec.skygradpca


Class with sky model gradient templates.

import os
import glob
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing.pool
from scipy.signal import medfilt
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
from astropy.table import Table
import astropy.stats
import desispec.calibfinder

class SkyGradPCA(object):
    def __init__(self, wave, flux, header=None):
        """Create SkyGradPCA object

            wave  : 1D[nwave] wavelength in Angstroms
            flux  : 2D[ntemplate, nwave] template fluxes (unitless)
            header : (optional) header from FITS file HDU0
        All input arguments become attributes
        assert wave.ndim == 1
        assert flux.ndim == 2
        self.nspec, self.nwave = flux.shape
        self.wave = wave
        self.flux = flux
        self.header = header

[docs]def configure_for_xyr(skygradpca, x, y, R, skyfibers=None): """Add additional information to a SkyGradPCA object for fitting. A SkyGradPCA object contains the templates used to fit out sky gradients. When these templates are actually used in fitting, it's helpful to additionally know things like the locations of the fibers on the particular exposure and the mean resolution matrix for the exposure, etc. This function mutates the skygradpca object, adding new attributes for fitting. Args: skygradpca: SkyGradPCA object to extend x: 1D[nfiber] array of x fiber coordinates on exposure (mm) y: 1D[nfiber] array of y fiber coordinates on exposure (mm) R: list of resolution matrices for each fiber (unitless) skyfibers: (optional) indices of sky fibers in list of all fibers """ x = x.copy() y = y.copy() m = ~np.isfinite(x) | ~np.isfinite(y) x[m] = 0 y[m] = 0 skygradpca.x = x skygradpca.y = y skygradpca.dx = x - np.mean(x) skygradpca.dy = y - np.mean(y) meanR = np.sum(R) / len(R) deconvskygradpca = np.zeros_like(skygradpca.flux) for i in range(skygradpca.nspec): deconvskygradpca[i] = np.linalg.solve(,[i])) skygradpca.deconvflux = deconvskygradpca skygradpca.skyfibers = skyfibers
[docs]def evaluate_model(skygradpca, R, coeff, mean=None): """Evaluate a skygradpca object for a frame. The skygradpca object must first be configured for the frame with configure_for_xyr. Args: skygradpca: SkyGradPCA instance, configured with configure_for_xyr R: resolution matrices for frame coeff (array, 1D): coefficients for eigenvectors mean (optional): mean sky spectrum Returns: sky spectrum (array[nfiber, nwave]) given mean spectrum, per-fiber resolution matrices, and gradient amplitudes """ nfiber = len(skygradpca.x) sky = np.zeros((nfiber, skygradpca.nwave), dtype='f8') if mean is not None: sky += mean[None, :] for i in range(nfiber): for j in range(skygradpca.nspec): sky[i, :] += ( coeff[2*j+0]*skygradpca.deconvflux[j]*skygradpca.dx[i] + coeff[2*j+1]*skygradpca.deconvflux[j]*skygradpca.dy[i]) sky[i, :] = R[i].dot(sky[i, :]) return sky
[docs]def gather_skies(fn=None, camera='r', petal=0, n=np.inf, heliocor=True, specprod='daily'): """Gather sframes for performing bulk analyses; e.g., PCA. This function gathers residual sky spectra together for many exposures, bundling it together for later analysis. Args: fn: (list[str], optional) sframe file names to gather If not set, all of the sframes in the `specprod` product in the `camera` camera and `petal` petal will be gathered. camera: (str, optional) camera to gather petal: (int, optional) petal to gather n: (int, optional) only gather at most this many exposures worth of sky spectra heliocor: (bool, optional) if True, apply correction to sframe files to bring them to earth frame Returns: ndarray with EXPID, FIBER, CAMERA, X, Y, WAVE, FLUX, IVAR for each sky fiber from sframe files. """ if fn is None: fn = glob.glob(os.path.join( os.environ['DESI_ROOT'], 'spectro', 'redux', specprod, 'exposures', '*', '*', f'sframe-{camera}{petal}-*')) if len(fn) > n: fn = fn[:n] out = [] for i, fn0 in enumerate(fn): try: frame = except Exception as e: print(e) continue if frame.meta['EXPTIME'] < 100: continue mfib = ((frame.fibermap['OBJTYPE'] == 'SKY') & (~np.all(frame.mask != 0, axis=1)) & (~np.all(frame.ivar == 0, axis=1))) flux = frame.flux[mfib, :] medflux = medfilt(flux, kernel_size=[1, 11]) m = frame.mask[mfib, :] != 0 flux[m] = medflux[m] ivar = frame.ivar[mfib, :] ivar[m] = 0 wave = frame.wave if heliocor: wavegeo = wave / frame.meta['HELIOCOR'] rownum = (np.arange(flux.shape[0])[:, None] * np.ones((1, flux.shape[1]))) colnum = np.interp(wave, wavegeo, np.arange(len(wavegeo))) colnum = colnum[None, :]*np.ones((flux.shape[0], 1)) flux = map_coordinates(flux, [rownum, colnum], mode='nearest') var = 1/ivar var = map_coordinates(var, [rownum, colnum], mode='nearest', order=1) ivar = 1/var ivar[~np.isfinite(ivar)] = 0 nwave = flux.shape[1] res = np.zeros(np.sum(mfib), dtype=[ ('EXPID', 'i4'), ('FIBER', 'i4'), ('CAMERA', 'U1'), ('X', 'f4'), ('Y', 'f4'), ('WAVE', f'{nwave}f4'), ('FLUX', f'{nwave}f4'), ('IVAR', f'{nwave}f4')]) res['X'] = frame.fibermap['FIBERASSIGN_X'][mfib] res['Y'] = frame.fibermap['FIBERASSIGN_Y'][mfib] res['FLUX'] = flux res['IVAR'] = ivar res['CAMERA'] = frame.meta['CAMERA'][0] res['FIBER'] = frame.fibermap['FIBER'][mfib] res['EXPID'] = frame.meta['EXPID'] res['WAVE'] = wave out.append(res) return np.concatenate(out)
[docs]def make_all_pcs_wrapper(args): """Wrapper function; gathers skies for cam/petal combinations.""" return gather_skies(fn=args[0], camera=args[1], petal=args[2], **args[3])
[docs]def compute_pcs(skies, topn=6, niter=5): """Computes principal components of sky spectra. This computes the PCs used for the skygradpca product. Args: skies: output of gather skies; the sky spectra to do PCA on topn: (optional int) number of PCA to compute niter: (optional int) number of iterations to do, rejecting discrepant pixels. Returns: Output of np.linalg.svd on the clipped, mean-subtracted sky spectra. """ flux = skies['FLUX'].copy() nmed = 101 masklimit = nmed / 1.5 fluxmed = medfilt(flux, [1, nmed]) ivar = skies['IVAR'].copy() res = astropy.stats.sigma_clip(flux, axis=0) flux[res.mask] = fluxmed[res.mask] ivar[res.mask] = 0 nmask = np.sum(res.mask, axis=1) flux = flux[nmask < masklimit, :] skies = skies[nmask < masklimit] ivar = ivar[nmask < masklimit, :] chi2 = np.zeros(len(skies), dtype='f4') for i in range(niter): mn, med, sd = astropy.stats.sigma_clipped_stats(chi2) nsd = 2 keep = ~np.all(ivar == 0, axis=1) & (chi2 <= mn + nsd*sd) dvec = flux[keep] - np.mean(flux[keep], axis=0, keepdims=True) uu, ss, vv = np.linalg.svd(dvec) ss2 = ss.copy() ss2[topn:] = 0 ind = np.arange(min([uu.shape[0], vv.shape[0]])) ss2mat = np.zeros((uu.shape[0], vv.shape[0]), dtype='f4') ss2mat[ind, ind] = ss2 recon =,, vv)) chi = (dvec - recon)*np.sqrt(ivar[keep]) chi2[keep] = np.sum(chi**2, axis=1) return uu, ss, vv
[docs]def make_all_pcs(specprod, minnight=20200101, cameras='brz', petals=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], **kw): """Makes SkyGradPCA objects derived from residual skies from a specprod. This grabs all of the sframe files passing certain criteria using gather_skies and runs a PCA on them, producing SkyGradPCA objects for each camera/petal. It uses 30 processes, one for each camera/petal combination. Args: specprod (str): specprod to use minnight (int, optional): use only spectra taken after this date cameras (str, optional): string containing some of 'brz' petals (list[int], optional): petals to use **kw (dict, optional): additional keywords passed to gather_skies. Returns: dictionary[camera, petal] containing the corresponding SkyGradPCA object. """ exps = os.environ['DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX'], specprod, f'exposures-{specprod}.csv')) m = ((exps['NIGHT'] >= minnight) & (exps['SKY_MAG_R_SPEC'] < 19.5) & (exps['EXPTIME'] > 60) & (exps['FAPRGRM'] != 'BACKUP') & (exps['EFFTIME_SPEC'] > 0)) exps = exps[m] pool = multiprocessing.pool.Pool(len(cameras)*len(petals)) combos = [[c, p] for c in cameras for p in petals] fnall = [] for c, p in combos: fn = [os.path.join(os.environ['DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX'], specprod, 'exposures', f'{e["NIGHT"]:08d}', f'{e["EXPID"]:08d}', f'sframe-{c}{p}-{e["EXPID"]:08d}.fits') for e in exps] fnall.append(fn) out =, [[f]+c+[kw] for f, c in zip(fnall, combos)]) res =, out) pcs = dict() for (c, p), r, o in zip(combos, res, out): pcs[c, p] = SkyGradPCA(o['WAVE'][0], r[2][:2, :].copy()) return pcs
[docs]def make_all_pcs_by_filter(**kw): """Wrapper for make_all_pcs, doing one filter at a time.""" pcs = dict() for f in 'brz': newpcs = make_all_pcs(cameras=f, **kw) pcs.update(newpcs) return pcs
[docs]def write_pcs(pcs): """Writes SkyGradPCA objects to DESI_SPECTRO_CALIB. Takes the output of make_all_pcs and writes it to DESI_SPECTRO_CALIB. Args: pcs (dict[camera, petal] of SkyGradPCA): output of make_all_pcs """ for camera, petal in pcs: sm = desispec.calibfinder.sp2sm(petal) pc = pcs[camera, petal] smstr = 'sm%d' % sm camstr = '%s%d' % (camera, petal) calibfile = os.path.join( os.environ['DESI_SPECTRO_CALIB'], 'spec', smstr, 'skygradpca-%s-%s.fits' % (smstr, camstr)), pc)
[docs]def doall(specprod='fuji'): """Perfoms and writes out analysis of sframe sky residuals. Gathers all of the sframe residual sky spectra for each camera/petal, runs a PCA on them, makes the appropriate SkyGradPCA objects, and writes them out to DESI_SPECTRO_CALIB. Args: specprod (str, optional): specprod to run on """ pcs = make_all_pcs_by_filter(specprod) write_pcs(pcs)