Source code for desispec.skymag


Utility function to compute the sky magnitude per arcmin2 based from the measured sky model
of an exposure and a static model of the instrument throughput.

import os,sys
import numpy as np
import fitsio
from astropy import units, constants

from desiutil.log import get_logger
from speclite import filters
from import read_sky,findfile,specprod_root,read_average_flux_calibration
from desispec.calibfinder import findcalibfile

average_calibrations = dict()
decam_filters = None

# only read once per process
[docs]def _get_average_calibration(filename) : """ Use a dictionnary referenced by a global variable to keep a copy of the calibration instead of reading it at each function call. """ global average_calibrations if not filename in average_calibrations : average_calibrations[filename] = read_average_flux_calibration(filename) return average_calibrations[filename]
# only read once per process def _get_decam_filters() : global decam_filters if decam_filters is None : log = get_logger()"read decam filters") decam_filters = filters.load_filters("decam2014-g", "decam2014-r", "decam2014-z") return decam_filters # AR grz-band sky mag / arcsec2 from sky-....fits files # AR now using work-in-progress throughput # AR still provides a better agreement with GFAs than previous method
[docs]def compute_skymag(night, expid, specprod_dir=None): """ Computes the sky magnitude for a given exposure. Uses the sky model and apply a fixed calibration for which the fiber aperture loss is well understood. Args: night: int, YYYYMMDD expid: int, exposure id specprod_dir: str, optional, specify the production directory. default is $DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX/$SPECPROD Returns: (gmag,rmag,zmag) AB magnitudes per arcsec2, tuple with 3 float values """ log=get_logger() # AR/DK DESI spectra wavelengths wmin, wmax, wdelta = 3600, 9824, 0.8 fullwave = np.round(np.arange(wmin, wmax + wdelta, wdelta), 1) # AR (wmin,wmax) to "stitch" all three cameras wstitch = {"b": (wmin, 5790), "r": (5790, 7570), "z": (7570, 9824)} istitch = {} for camera in ["b", "r", "z"]: ii = np.where((fullwave >= wstitch[camera][0]) & (fullwave < wstitch[camera][1]))[0] istitch[camera] = (ii[0], ii[-1]+1) # begin (included), end (excluded) if specprod_dir is None : specprod_dir = specprod_root() # AR looking for a petal with brz sky and ivar>0 sky_spectra = [] for spec in range(10) : sky = np.zeros(fullwave.shape) ok = True for camera in ["b","r","z"] : camspec="{}{}".format(camera,spec) filename = findfile("sky",night=night,expid=expid,camera=camspec,specprod_dir=specprod_dir) if not os.path.isfile(filename) : log.warning("skipping {}-{:08d}-{} : missing {}".format(night,expid,spec,filename)) ok = False break fiber=0,"IVAR")[fiber] if np.all(skyivar==0) : log.warning("skipping {}-{:08d}-{} : ivar=0 for {}".format(night,expid,spec,filename)) ok=False break,0)[fiber],"WAVELENGTH") header=fitsio.read_header(filename) exptime=header["EXPTIME"] # use fixed calibrations if night < 20210318 : # before mirror cleaning cal_filename="{}/spec/fluxcalib/fluxcalibaverage-{}-20201214.fits".format(os.environ["DESI_SPECTRO_CALIB"],camera) else : cal_filename="{}/spec/fluxcalib/fluxcalibaverage-{}-20210318.fits".format(os.environ["DESI_SPECTRO_CALIB"],camera) acal = _get_average_calibration(cal_filename) begin, end = istitch[camera] flux = np.interp(fullwave[begin:end], skywave, skyflux) acal_val = acal.value() if acal.ffracflux_wave is not None : acal_val /= acal.ffracflux_wave else : default_ffracflux = 0.6 # see DESI-6043 log.warning("use a default fiber acceptance correction = {}".format(default_ffracflux)) acal_val /= default_ffracflux acal_val = np.interp(fullwave[begin:end], acal.wave, acal_val) mean_fiber_diameter_arcsec = 1.52 # see DESI-6043 fiber_area_arcsec = np.pi*(mean_fiber_diameter_arcsec/2)**2 sky[begin:end] = flux / exptime / acal_val / fiber_area_arcsec * 1e-17 # ergs/s/cm2/A/arcsec2 if not ok : continue # to next spectrograph sky_spectra.append(sky) if len(sky_spectra)==0 : return (99.,99.,99.) if len(sky_spectra)==1 : sky = sky_spectra[0] else : sky = np.mean(np.array(sky_spectra),axis=0) # mean over petals/spectrographs # AR integrate over the DECam grz-bands filts = _get_decam_filters() # AR zero-padding spectrum so that it covers the DECam grz passbands # AR looping through filters while waiting issue to be solved ( sky_pad, fullwave_pad = sky.copy(), fullwave.copy() for i in range(len(filts)): sky_pad, fullwave_pad = filts[i].pad_spectrum(sky_pad, fullwave_pad, method="zero") mags = filts.get_ab_magnitudes(sky_pad * units.erg / ( ** 2 * units.s * units.angstrom),fullwave_pad * units.angstrom).as_array()[0] return mags # AB mags for flux per arcsec2