Source code for desispec.tile_qa


Utility functions to compute an exposure QA scores (or is it tile?).

import os,sys
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table,vstack
import fitsio
import yaml
import glob

from desiutil.log import get_logger

from desispec.exposure_qa import compute_exposure_qa,get_qa_params
from import read_fibermap,findfile,read_exposure_qa,write_exposure_qa
from import replace_prefix, checkgzip
from desispec.maskbits import fibermask

def _rm_meta_keywords(table) :

    if table.meta is not None :
        for k in ['CHECKSUM','DATASUM'] :
            if k in table.meta : table.meta.pop(k) # otherwise WARNING: MergeConflictWarning
    return table

[docs]def compute_tile_qa(night, tileid, specprod_dir, exposure_qa_dir=None, group='cumulative'): """ Computes the exposure_qa Args: night (int): YYYYMMDD tileid (int): tile id specprod_dir (str): specify the production directory. default is $DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX/$SPECPROD exposure_qa_dir: str, optional, directory where the exposure qa are saved group: str, "cumulative" or "pernight" tile group Returns: tuple: A tuple of astropy.table.Table: * fiberqa (with one row per target and at least a TARGETID column) * petalqa (with one row per petal and at least a PETAL_LOC column) """ log=get_logger() # tile folder tiledir=f"{specprod_dir}/tiles/{group}/{tileid:d}/{night}" # collect fibermaps and scores of all coadds coadd_files=sorted(glob.glob(f"{tiledir}/coadd-*-{tileid:d}-*{night}.fits*")) fibermaps=[] scores=[] redshifts=[] exp_fibermaps=[] # fibermaps of all frames ### zqsos=[] for coadd_file in coadd_files :"reading {}".format(coadd_file)) fibermaps.append(_rm_meta_keywords(,"FIBERMAP"))) exp_fibermaps.append(_rm_meta_keywords(,"EXP_FIBERMAP"))) scores.append(_rm_meta_keywords(,"SCORES"))) redrock_file = replace_prefix(coadd_file, "coadd", "redrock") extname="REDSHIFTS" if not os.path.isfile(redrock_file) : zbest_file = replace_prefix(coadd_file, "coadd", "zbest") if os.path.isfile(zbest_file) : log.warning("switch to zbest file {}".format(zbest_file)) redrock_file = zbest_file extname="ZBEST""reading {}".format(redrock_file)),extname) zz.remove_column("COEFF") # 1D array per entry, not needed redshifts.append(_rm_meta_keywords(zz)) #- SB: commenting out zqso code since these have been replaced by #- zmtl, but that has to run after QA to be able to update zwarn. #- Something like zqso could be revived in QA after the QN afterburner #- is finished, but data model details will likely be different. ### zqso_file = coadd_file.replace("coadd","zqso") ### if not os.path.isfile(zqso_file) : ### log.warning("missing {}".format(zqso_file)) ### else : ###"reading {}".format(zqso_file)) ###,"ZQSO") ### zqsos.append(_rm_meta_keywords(zqso))"stacking") fibermap=vstack(fibermaps) scores=vstack(scores) redshifts=vstack(redshifts) ### if len(zqsos)>0 : ### zqsos=vstack(zqsos) ### else : ### zqsos=None exp_fibermap=vstack(exp_fibermaps) targetids=fibermap["TARGETID"] # get list of exposures used for the tile expids = np.unique(exp_fibermap["EXPID"]) lexpids=list(expids)"for tile={tileid} night={night} expids={lexpids}") if exposure_qa_dir is None : exposure_qa_dir = specprod_dir exposure_qa_meta = None exposure_fiberqa_tables = [] exposure_petalqa_tables = [] for expid in expids : exposure_night = (exp_fibermap["NIGHT"][exp_fibermap["EXPID"]==expid][0]) filename=findfile("exposureqa",night=exposure_night,expid=expid,specprod_dir=exposure_qa_dir) if not os.path.isfile(filename) :"running missing exposure qa") exposure_fiberqa_table , exposure_petalqa_table = compute_exposure_qa(night, expid, specprod_dir) if exposure_fiberqa_table is not None : write_exposure_qa(filename, exposure_fiberqa_table , exposure_petalqa_table)"wrote {}".format(filename)) else : log.warning("failed to compute exposure qa") continue else :"reading {filename}") exposure_fiberqa_table , exposure_petalqa_table = read_exposure_qa(filename) # AR add info if that expid is used for each petal exposure_petalqa_table["ISUSED"] = np.zeros(len(exposure_petalqa_table), dtype=bool) for petal in np.unique(exposure_petalqa_table["PETAL_LOC"]): petal_expids = np.unique(exp_fibermap["EXPID"][exp_fibermap["PETAL_LOC"] == petal]) if expid in petal_expids: exposure_petalqa_table["ISUSED"][exposure_petalqa_table["PETAL_LOC"] == petal] = True else: log.warning("EXPID={} is not used in coadds for PETAL_LOC={}".format(expid, petal)) if exposure_qa_meta is None : exposure_qa_meta = exposure_fiberqa_table.meta # AR case no GOALTIME, MINTFRAC (can happen for early tiles): # - set GOALTIME: # - to 1000/150/30 for dark,cmx/bright/backup; # - to 0 if TILEID=80715 (sv1m31), 80718 (sv1rosette) # - set MINTFRAC=0.9 if "GOALTIME" not in exposure_qa_meta: fafn = findfile("fiberassign", night=exposure_night, expid=expid, tile=tileid) fafn = checkgzip(fafn) fahdr = fitsio.read_header(fafn, 0) if "TARG" not in fahdr: log.error("TARG keyword missing in {} header".format(fafn)) raise ValueError("TARG keyword missing in {} header".format(fafn)) prog = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(fahdr["TARG"])) if prog in ["no-obscon", "dark"]: exposure_qa_meta["GOALTIME"] = 1000 elif prog == "bright": exposure_qa_meta["GOALTIME"] = 150 elif prog == "backup": exposure_qa_meta["GOALTIME"] = 30 elif tileid in [80715, 80718]: exposure_qa_meta["GOALTIME"] = 0 if "GOALTIME" in exposure_qa_meta: log.warning("no GOALTIME -> setting GOALTIME={}, as prog={}".format(exposure_qa_meta["GOALTIME"], prog)) else: log.error("could not identify prog") raise ValueError("could not identify prog") if "MINTFRAC" not in exposure_qa_meta: exposure_qa_meta["MINTFRAC"] = 0.9 log.warning("no MINTFRAC -> setting MINTFRAC=0.9") else : exposure_fiberqa_table.meta=None # otherwise MergeConflictWarning exposure_petalqa_table.meta=None # otherwise MergeConflictWarning exposure_fiberqa_tables.append(_rm_meta_keywords(exposure_fiberqa_table)) exposure_petalqa_tables.append(_rm_meta_keywords(exposure_petalqa_table)) if len(exposure_fiberqa_tables)==0 : log.error(f"no exposure qa data for tile {tile}") return None, None # stack qa tables if len(expids) > 1 : exposure_fiberqa_tables = vstack(exposure_fiberqa_tables) exposure_petalqa_tables = vstack(exposure_petalqa_tables) else : exposure_fiberqa_tables = exposure_fiberqa_tables[0] exposure_petalqa_tables = exposure_petalqa_tables[0] # and / or of the fiberstatus of the individual exposures if fibermap['TARGETID'].size == exp_fibermap['TARGETID'].size : or_fiberstatus = fibermap['COADD_FIBERSTATUS'].copy() and_fiberstatus = fibermap['COADD_FIBERSTATUS'].copy() else : or_fiberstatus = np.zeros_like(fibermap['COADD_FIBERSTATUS']) and_fiberstatus = np.zeros_like(fibermap['COADD_FIBERSTATUS']) for i,tid in enumerate(targetids) : jj = (exp_fibermap["TARGETID"]==tid) and_fiberstatus[i] = np.bitwise_and.reduce(exp_fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'][jj]) or_fiberstatus[i] = np.bitwise_or.reduce(exp_fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'][jj]) tile_fiberqa_table = Table() for k in ['TARGETID','PETAL_LOC','DEVICE_LOC', 'LOCATION', 'FIBER', 'TARGET_RA', 'TARGET_DEC', 'MEAN_FIBER_X', 'MEAN_FIBER_Y', 'MEAN_DELTA_X', 'MEAN_DELTA_Y', 'RMS_DELTA_X', 'RMS_DELTA_Y','DESI_TARGET', 'BGS_TARGET', 'EBV'] : if k in fibermap.dtype.names : tile_fiberqa_table[k]=fibermap[k] else : log.warning(f"missing keyword {k} in fibermap") # add TSNR info scores_tid_to_index = {tid:index for index,tid in enumerate(scores["TARGETID"])} tsnr2_key="TSNR2_LRG" if tsnr2_key in scores.dtype.names : tile_fiberqa_table[tsnr2_key] = np.zeros(targetids.size) for i,tid in enumerate(targetids) : if tid in scores_tid_to_index : tile_fiberqa_table[tsnr2_key][i] = scores[tsnr2_key][scores_tid_to_index[tid]] # add REDSHIFTS info redshifts_tid_to_index = {tid:index for index,tid in enumerate(redshifts["TARGETID"])} keys=["Z","SPECTYPE","DELTACHI2"] for k in keys : tile_fiberqa_table[k] = np.zeros(targetids.size,dtype=redshifts[k].dtype) redshifts_ii=[] fiberqa_ii=[] for i,tid in enumerate(targetids) : if tid in redshifts_tid_to_index : redshifts_ii.append(redshifts_tid_to_index[tid]) fiberqa_ii.append(i) for k in keys : tile_fiberqa_table[k][fiberqa_ii] = redshifts[k][redshifts_ii] # add ZQSO info ### keys=["Z_QN","Z_QN_CONF","IS_QSO_QN"] ### if zqsos is not None : ### zqso_tid_to_index = {tid:index for index,tid in enumerate(zqsos["TARGETID"])} ### for k in keys : ### tile_fiberqa_table[k] = np.zeros(targetids.size,dtype=zqsos[k].dtype) ### zqso_ii=[] ### fiberqa_ii=[] ### for i,tid in enumerate(targetids) : ### if tid in zqso_tid_to_index : ### zqso_ii.append(zqso_tid_to_index[tid]) ### fiberqa_ii.append(i) ### for k in keys : ### tile_fiberqa_table[k][fiberqa_ii] = zqsos[k][zqso_ii] ### else : ### for k in keys : ### if k == "IS_QSO_QN" : ### tile_fiberqa_table[k] = np.zeros(len(tile_fiberqa_table),dtype=int) ### else : ### tile_fiberqa_table[k] = np.zeros(len(tile_fiberqa_table),dtype=float) # AND and OR of exposures QAFIBERSTATUS and_qafiberstatus = np.zeros(targetids.size,dtype=exposure_fiberqa_tables["QAFIBERSTATUS"].dtype) or_qafiberstatus = np.zeros(targetids.size,dtype=exposure_fiberqa_tables["QAFIBERSTATUS"].dtype) for i,tid in enumerate(targetids) : jj = (exposure_fiberqa_tables["TARGETID"]==tid) and_qafiberstatus[i] = np.bitwise_and.reduce(exposure_fiberqa_tables['QAFIBERSTATUS'][jj]) or_qafiberstatus[i] = np.bitwise_or.reduce(exposure_fiberqa_tables['QAFIBERSTATUS'][jj]) # also add OR of the coadd fiberstatus (which includes extra info like BADAMPB,R,Z) # (the and/or_qafiberstatus array have the same target id ordering as the fibermap) and_qafiberstatus |= and_fiberstatus or_qafiberstatus |= or_fiberstatus # tile QAFIBERSTATUS is AND of input exposures (+ LOWEFFTIME, see below) tile_fiberqa_table["QAFIBERSTATUS"]= and_qafiberstatus qa_params=get_qa_params() bad_fibers_mask=fibermask.mask(qa_params["exposure_qa"]["bad_qafstatus_mask"]) # fiber EFFTIME is only counted for good data (per exposure and fiber) tile_fiberqa_table["EFFTIME_SPEC"]=np.zeros(targetids.size,dtype=exposure_fiberqa_tables["EFFTIME_SPEC"].dtype) for i,tid in enumerate(targetids) : jj = (exposure_fiberqa_tables["TARGETID"]==tid) tile_fiberqa_table["EFFTIME_SPEC"][i] = np.sum(exposure_fiberqa_tables['EFFTIME_SPEC'][jj]*((exposure_fiberqa_tables['QAFIBERSTATUS'][jj]&bad_fibers_mask)==0)) # AR set bit of LOWEFFTIME per fiber using the median of EBV>0 fibers, with a EBVFAC-like dependence # AR (see minimal_efftime = qa_params["tile_qa"]["fiber_rel_mintfrac"]*exposure_qa_meta["MINTFRAC"]*exposure_qa_meta["GOALTIME"] ebvfac_coeff = 2.165 ebvfac_fibers = 10. ** (ebvfac_coeff * tile_fiberqa_table["EBV"] / 2.5) sel = tile_fiberqa_table["EBV"] > 0 if sel.sum() == 0: ebvmed = 0"zero fibers with EBV>0 -> setting ebvmed=0 for LOWEFFTIME criterion") else: ebvmed = np.median(tile_fiberqa_table["EBV"][sel])"using {} EBV>0 fibers to set ebvmed={:.2f}".format(sel.sum(), ebvmed)) ebvfac_med = 10. ** (ebvfac_coeff * ebvmed / 2.5) low_efftime_fibers = np.where(tile_fiberqa_table["EFFTIME_SPEC"] * (ebvfac_fibers / ebvfac_med) ** 2 < minimal_efftime)[0] tile_fiberqa_table['QAFIBERSTATUS'][low_efftime_fibers] |= fibermask.mask("LOWEFFTIME") # good fibers are the fibers with efftime above the threshold good_fibers = np.where((tile_fiberqa_table['QAFIBERSTATUS']&fibermask.mask("LOWEFFTIME"))==0)[0] # set some scores per petal, only to make plots good_petals = np.unique(tile_fiberqa_table['PETAL_LOC'][good_fibers]) npetal=10 tile_petalqa_table = Table() petals=np.unique(exposure_fiberqa_tables["PETAL_LOC"]) tile_petalqa_table["PETAL_LOC"]=np.arange(npetal,dtype=np.int16) # all of these will be means of inputs, so get float32 output dtype keys=['WORSTREADNOISE', 'NGOODPOS', 'NSTDSTAR', 'STARRMS', 'NCFRAME', 'BSKYTHRURMS', 'BSKYCHI2PDF', 'RSKYTHRURMS', 'RSKYCHI2PDF', 'ZSKYTHRURMS', 'ZSKYCHI2PDF', 'BTHRUFRAC', 'RTHRUFRAC', 'ZTHRUFRAC'] for k in keys : tile_petalqa_table[k]=np.zeros(npetal, dtype=np.float32) for petal in petals : ii=(exposure_petalqa_tables["PETAL_LOC"]==petal) # AR add constraint that expid is used for the petal ii &= exposure_petalqa_tables["ISUSED"] for k in keys : vals=exposure_petalqa_tables[k][ii] nonnull=(vals!=0) if np.sum(nonnull)>0 : tile_petalqa_table[k][petal]=np.mean(vals[nonnull]) # Petal EFFTIME tile_petalqa_table["EFFTIME_SPEC"]=np.zeros(npetal, dtype=np.float32) for petal in petals : entries=(tile_fiberqa_table['PETAL_LOC'] == petal) if np.any(entries): tile_petalqa_table['EFFTIME_SPEC'][petal]=np.median(tile_fiberqa_table["EFFTIME_SPEC"][entries]) else: tile_petalqa_table['EFFTIME_SPEC'][petal] = 0.0 # tile EFFTIME is median of efftime of fibers that are good in all exposures always_good_fibers = ((or_qafiberstatus&bad_fibers_mask)==0) if np.any(always_good_fibers): tile_efftime = np.median(tile_fiberqa_table["EFFTIME_SPEC"][always_good_fibers]) else: tile_efftime = 0.0 # A tile is valid if efftime > mintfrac*goaltime AND number of good fibers > threshold required_tile_efftime = exposure_qa_meta["MINTFRAC"]*exposure_qa_meta["GOALTIME"] tile_is_valid = \ (tile_efftime > required_tile_efftime) & \ (good_fibers.size > qa_params["tile_qa"]["min_number_of_good_fibers"])"Tile {} EFFTIME_SPEC = {:.1f} sec (thres={}), NGOODFIB = {} , valid = {}".format(tileid,tile_efftime,int(exposure_qa_meta["MINTFRAC"]*exposure_qa_meta["GOALTIME"]),good_fibers.size,tile_is_valid)) # add meta info tile_fiberqa_table.meta["TILEID"]=tileid tile_fiberqa_table.meta["LASTNITE"]=night tile_fiberqa_table.meta["NGOODFIB"]=good_fibers.size tile_fiberqa_table.meta["NGOODPET"]=good_petals.size tile_fiberqa_table.meta["EFFTIME"]=tile_efftime tile_fiberqa_table.meta["VALID"]=tile_is_valid # rms dist of good fibers dist2 = (tile_fiberqa_table["MEAN_DELTA_X"]**2+tile_fiberqa_table["RMS_DELTA_X"]**2+tile_fiberqa_table["MEAN_DELTA_Y"]**2+tile_fiberqa_table["RMS_DELTA_Y"]**2) if len(good_fibers)>0 : dist2=dist2[good_fibers] ii=np.where((~np.isnan(dist2)))[0] if ii.size>0 : mdist2=np.mean(dist2[ii]) if mdist2<0 : mdist2=0 rmsdist = np.sqrt(mdist2) else : rmsdist = 0. else : rmsdist = 0. tile_fiberqa_table.meta["RMSDIST"]=rmsdist # mm keys = ["TILEID","TILERA","TILEDEC","GOALTIME","GOALTYPE","FAPRGRM","SURVEY","EBVFAC","MINTFRAC"] for k in keys : if k in exposure_qa_meta : tile_fiberqa_table.meta[k] = exposure_qa_meta[k] return tile_fiberqa_table ,tile_petalqa_table