Source code for desispec.tile_qa_plot


Utility functions to generate the tile QA png.

import os
import sys
import subprocess
from importlib import resources
import yaml
from glob import glob
from datetime import datetime
import tempfile
from desitarget.targetmask import desi_mask, bgs_mask
from desitarget.geomask import hp_in_cap
from desispec.maskbits import fibermask
from import read_fibermap, findfile
from import checkgzip
from desispec.tsnr import tsnr2_to_efftime
from desimodel.focalplane.geometry import get_tile_radius_deg
from desiutil.log import get_logger
from desiutil.dust import ebv as dust_ebv
from astropy.table import Table, vstack
from import fits
from astropy import units
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import fitsio
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
from textwrap import wrap

log = get_logger()

# AR tile radius in degrees
tile_radius_deg = get_tile_radius_deg()

[docs]def get_qa_config(): """ Reads the configuration file (data/qa/qa-params.yaml) Args: None. Returns: Content of the qa-params.yaml file """ fn = resources.files("desispec").joinpath("data/qa/qa-params.yaml") f = open(fn, "r") config = yaml.safe_load(f) f.close() return config
[docs]def get_qa_badmsks(): """ Returns the bitmask values for bad_qafstatus_mask and bad_petal_mask.. Args: None Returns: The bitmask values for bad_qafstatus_mask and bad_petal_mask. """ config = get_qa_config() badqa_names = config["exposure_qa"]["bad_qafstatus_mask"] badqa_val = fibermask.mask(badqa_names) badpet_names = config["exposure_qa"]["bad_petal_mask"] badpet_val = fibermask.mask(badpet_names) return badqa_val, badpet_val
[docs]def assert_tracer(tracer): """ Asserts tracer in the list of allowed tracers. Args: tracer: tracer name (string, upper case) Note: Will exit with an error if not asserted. """ config = get_qa_config() all_tracers = list(config["tile_qa_plot"]["tracers"].keys()) if tracer not in all_tracers: sys.exit( "Wrong tracer ({}); should be from {}; exiting".format( tracer, ", ".join(all_tracers) ) )
[docs]def get_tracer_zminmax(tracer): """ Returns some fiducial redshift range per tracer to compute basic stats. Args: tracer: tracer name (see get_tracer_names()) (string) Returns: tuple: A tuple containing: * zmin: minimum redshift (float) * zmax: minimum redshift (float) """ assert_tracer(tracer) config = get_qa_config() zmin = config["tile_qa_plot"]["tracers"][tracer]["zmin"] zmax = config["tile_qa_plot"]["tracers"][tracer]["zmax"] return zmin, zmax
[docs]def get_zbins(): """ Redshift grid for the tile QA n(z) Args: None Returns: The redshift grid (float array) """ config = get_qa_config() zmin = config["tile_qa_plot"]["bins"]["zmin"] zmax = config["tile_qa_plot"]["bins"]["zmax"] dz = config["tile_qa_plot"]["bins"]["dz"] return np.arange(zmin, zmax, dz).round(2)
[docs]def get_tracer(tracer, d, fstatus_key="QAFIBERSTATUS"): """ For a given tracer, returns the selection used for the tile QA n(z): - (fstatus_key & bad_qafstatus_mask) == 0 - desi_mask or bgs_mask - if ELG_LOP: additional cut on (d["DESI_TARGET"] & desi_mask["QSO"]) == 0 Args: tracer: "BGS_BRIGHT", "BGS_FAINT", "LRG", "ELG_LOP", or "QSO" (string) d: structured array with at least FIBERSTATUS, DESI_TARGET, BGS_TARGET fstatus_key (optional, defaults to QAFIBERSTATUS): key to use as FIBERSTATUS (string) Returns: sel: selected tracer sample (boolean array) """ assert_tracer(tracer) badqa_val, _ = get_qa_badmsks() sel = (d[fstatus_key] & badqa_val) == 0 if tracer in ["BGS_BRIGHT", "BGS_FAINT"]: sel &= (d["BGS_TARGET"] & bgs_mask[tracer]) > 0 else: sel &= (d["DESI_TARGET"] & desi_mask[tracer]) > 0 # AR ELG_LOP : excluding ELG_LOP x QSO if tracer == "ELG_LOP": sel &= (d["DESI_TARGET"] & desi_mask["QSO"]) == 0 return sel
[docs]def get_tracer_zok(tracer, dchi2_min, d, fstatus_key="QAFIBERSTATUS"): """ For a given tracer, returns the spectro. valid sample for the tile QA n(z): - (fstatus_key & bad_qafstatus_mask) == 0 - DELTACHI2 > dchi2_min - if QSO: additional cut on SPECTYPE="QSO" Args: tracer: "BGS_BRIGHT", "BGS_FAINT", "LRG", "ELG_LOP", or "QSO" (string) dchi2_min: minimum DELTACHI2 value (read from YAML file) d: structured array with at least DELTACHI2, SPECTYPE fstatus_key (optional, defaults to QAFIBERSTATUS): key to use as FIBERSTATUS (string) Returns: sel: spectro. valid sample (boolean array) """ assert_tracer(tracer) badqa_val, _ = get_qa_badmsks() sel = (d[fstatus_key] & badqa_val) == 0 sel &= d["DELTACHI2"] > dchi2_min if tracer == "QSO": sel &= d["SPECTYPE"] == "QSO" return sel
[docs]def get_zhists( tileids, tracer, dchi2_min, d, fstatus_key="QAFIBERSTATUS", tileid_key=None ): """ Returns the fractional, per tileid, n(z) for a given tracer. Args: tileids: int or list or numpy array of int tracer: one of the tracers defined in get_tracer_names() (string) dchi2_min: DELTACHI2 threshold for a valid redshift d: structured array with at least FIBERSTATUS, DESI_TARGET, BGS_TARGET, DELTACHI2, SPECTYPE, Z fstatus_key (optional, defaults to QAFIBERSTATUS): key to use as FIBERSTATUS (string) tileid_key (optional, defaults to None): column name for TILEID (string) Returns: tuple: A tuple containing: * bins: the redshift bin grid (float array) * zhists: fractional, per tileid, n(z) (numpy array of shape (nbin) if tileids is int or has length=1 (nbin, len(tileids)) else. Notes: * If tileid_key is not provided, assumes all spectra are from the same tile. * If tileid_key is provided, will identify the tileids with np.unique(d[tileid_key]). """ assert_tracer(tracer) # AR zbins bins = get_zbins() nbin = len(bins) - 1 # AR restricting to valid fibers + selecting tracer istracer = get_tracer(tracer, d, fstatus_key=fstatus_key) # AR making hist for each TILEID if tileid_key is None: parent = istracer zok = (parent) & (get_tracer_zok(tracer, dchi2_min, d, fstatus_key=fstatus_key)) hist = np.histogram(d["Z"][(parent) & (zok)], bins=bins, density=False)[0] zhists = hist / parent.sum() else: tileids = np.unique(d[tileid_key]) zhists = np.zeros((nbin, len(tileids)), dtype=float) for i in range(len(tileids)): parent = (istracer) & (d[tileid_key] == tileids[i]) zok = (parent) & ( get_tracer_zok(tracer, dchi2_min, d, fstatus_key=fstatus_key) ) hist = np.histogram(d["Z"][(parent) & (zok)], bins=bins, density=False)[0] zhists[:, i] = hist / parent.sum() return bins, zhists
[docs]def get_viewer_cutout( tileid, tilera, tiledec, tmpoutdir=tempfile.mkdtemp(), width_deg=4, pixscale=10, dr="dr9", timeout=15, ): """ Downloads a cutout of the tile region from Args: tileid: TILEID (int) tilera: tile center R.A. (float) tiledec: tile center Dec. (float) tmpoutdir (optional, defaults to a temporary directory): temporary directory where width_deg (optional, defaults to 4): width of the cutout in degrees (float) pixscale (optional, defaults to 10): pixel scale of the cutout dr (optional, default do "dr9"): imaging data release timeout (optional, defaults to 15): time (in seconds) after which we quit the wget call (int) Returns: img: output of mpimg.imread() reading of the cutout (np.array of floats) Notes: * Duplicating fiberassign.fba_launch_io.get_viewer_cutout() * 20220109 : adding a check on img dimension.. """ # AR cutout tmpfn = "{}tmp-{}.jpeg".format(tmpoutdir, tileid) size = int(width_deg * 3600.0 / pixscale) layer = "ls-{}".format(dr) tmpstr = 'timeout {} wget -q -o /dev/null -O {} "{}&ra={:.5f}&dec={:.5f}&pixscale={:.0f}&size={:.0f}"'.format( timeout, tmpfn, layer, tilera, tiledec, pixscale, size ) try: subprocess.check_call(tmpstr, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError:"no cutout from viewer after {}s, stopping the wget call".format(timeout)) try: img = mpimg.imread(tmpfn) except: img = np.zeros((size, size, 3)) # AR check img is a np array with the correct shape # AR not sure why as mpimg.imread should return the correct shape, # AR but it happens that it is not the case # AR img_type_ok, img_shape_ok = True, True if not isinstance(img, np.ndarray): img_type_ok = False if img_type_ok: if len(img.shape) != 3: img_shape_ok = False else: if img.shape != (size, size, 3): img_shape_ok = False if not img_type_ok or not img_shape_ok: if not img_type_ok: log.warning( "unexpected img.type {} -> setting img = np.zeros(({}, {}, 3))".format( type(img), size, size, ) ) if not img_shape_ok: log.warning( "unexpected img.shape : {} != ({}, {}, 3) -> setting img = np.zeros(({}, {}, 3))".format( img.shape, size, size, size, size, ) ) img = np.zeros((size, size, 3)) if os.path.isfile(tmpfn): os.remove(tmpfn) return img
[docs]def deg2pix(dras, ddecs, width_deg, width_pix): """ Converts (dras,ddecs) to (xs,ys) in cutout img pixels. Args: dras: projected distance (degrees) along R.A. to the center of the cutout (np.array of floats) ddecs: projected distance (degrees) along Dec. to the center of the cutout (np.array of floats) width_deg: width of the cutout in degrees (np.array of floats) width_pix: width of the cutout in pixels (np.array of floats) Returns: tuple: A tuple containing: * dxs: distance (pixels) along x to the center of the cutout (np.array of floats) * dys: distance (pixels) along y to the center of the cutout (np.array of floats) Notes: * not sure at the <1 pixel level... * Duplicated from fiberassign.fba_launch_io.deg2pix() """ dxs = width_pix * (0.5 - dras / width_deg) dys = width_pix * (0.5 + ddecs / width_deg) return dxs, dys
[docs]def plot_cutout(ax, tileid, tilera, tiledec, width_deg, petal_c="w", ebv_c="orange"): """ Plots a ls-dr9 cutout, with overlaying the petals and the EBV contours. Args: ax: pyplot object tileid: TILEID (int) tilera: tile center R.A. (float) tiledec: tile center Dec. (float) width_deg: width of the cutout in degrees (np.array of floats) petal_c (optional, defaults to "w"): color used to display petals (string) ebv_c (optional, default to "y"): color used to display the EBV contours (string) Notes: Different than fiberassign.fba_launch_io.plot_cutout(). """ # AR get the cutout img = get_viewer_cutout( tileid, tilera, tiledec, width_deg=width_deg, pixscale=10, dr="dr9", timeout=15, ) # AR display cutout width_pix = img.shape[0] ax.imshow( img, origin="upper", zorder=0, extent=[0, width_pix, 0, width_pix], aspect="equal", ) # AR display petals for ang, p in zip(np.linspace(2 * np.pi, 0, 11), [7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]): dxs, dys = deg2pix( np.array([0, tile_radius_deg * np.cos(ang)]), np.array([0, tile_radius_deg * np.sin(ang)]), width_deg, width_pix, ) ax.plot( dxs, dys, c=petal_c, lw=0.25, alpha=1.0, zorder=1, ) anglab = ang + 0.1 * np.pi dxs, dys = deg2pix( 1.1 * tile_radius_deg * np.cos(anglab), 1.1 * tile_radius_deg * np.sin(anglab), width_deg, width_pix, ) ax.text( dxs, dys, "{:.0f}".format(p), color=petal_c, va="center", ha="center", ) # AR display outer edge ang = np.linspace(2 * np.pi, 0, 1000) dxs, dys = deg2pix( tile_radius_deg * np.cos(ang), tile_radius_deg * np.sin(ang), width_deg, width_pix, ) ax.plot( dxs, dys, c=petal_c, lw=0.25, alpha=1.0, zorder=1, ) # AR ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.set_xlim(-0.5, width_pix + 0.5) ax.set_ylim(-0.5, width_pix + 0.5) ax.axis("off") # AR EBV contours # AR the cutout is centered on tile R.A., Dec. # AR with width_deg # AR first make a regular grid in (R.A, Dec.) # AR note: would be nicer to start from a (dra, ddec) grid, # AR and use cs.spherical_offsets_by, but this exists # AR in astropy/4.3.1, and current version is astropy/4.0.1.. npts = 100 ramin = tilera - width_deg / 2. / np.cos(np.radians(tiledec)) ramax = tilera + width_deg / 2. / np.cos(np.radians(tiledec)) decmin = tiledec - width_deg / 2. decmax = tiledec + width_deg / 2. xs = np.linspace(ramin, ramax, npts) ys = np.linspace(decmin, decmax, npts) grid_ras, grid_decs = np.meshgrid(xs, ys) # AR get EBV grid_ebvs = dust_ebv(grid_ras, grid_decs) # AR get projected distance (in degree) to tile center cs = SkyCoord(grid_ras *, grid_decs *, frame="icrs") tile_cs = SkyCoord(tilera *, tiledec *, frame="icrs") dras, ddecs = cs.spherical_offsets_to(tile_cs) dras, ddecs =, # AR not exactly sure why this is needed for ddecs, but it works.. dras, ddecs = -dras, -ddecs # AR convert to cutout pixel coordinates dxs, dys = deg2pix(dras, ddecs, width_deg, width_pix) # AR plot contours cnt = ax.contour(dxs, dys, grid_ebvs, levels=3, colors=ebv_c, linewidths=0.5, zorder=1) ax.clabel(cnt, inline=1, fontsize=10) ax.text(0.5, -0.05, "Contours = EBV map", ha="center", fontsize=10, transform=ax.transAxes)
[docs]def get_petalqa_props(key): """ For a given key, returns specific properties, to display diagnoses on the QA plot. Args: key: column name present in the PETALQA extension of qa-tile-TILEID-NIGHT.fits (string) Returns: tuple: A tuple containing: * short: shortname of the key (string) * precision: number of digits to report (int) * okmin: minimum value to be considered as ok (float) * okmax: maximum value to be considered as ok (float) * combine: None, "sum", "mean", i.e. how to combine the stats for all petals (string) """ config = get_qa_config() # AR set to None by default short, precision, okmin, okmax, combine = None, None, None, None, None # AR updating values if key == "PETAL_LOC": short, precision = "PETAL", 0 if key == "WORSTREADNOISE": short, precision, okmax, combine = ( "RDN", 1, config["exposure_qa"]["max_readnoise"], "mean", ) if key == "NGOODPOS": short, precision, okmin, combine = ( "GOODPOS", 0, 500 * config["exposure_qa"]["max_frac_of_bad_positions_per_petal"], "sum", ) if key == "NSTDSTAR": short, precision, okmin, combine = ( "NSTD", 0, config["exposure_qa"]["min_number_of_good_stdstars_per_petal"], "sum", ) if key == "STARRMS": short, precision, okmax, combine = ( "*RMS", 3, config["exposure_qa"]["max_rms_of_rflux_ratio_of_stdstars"], "mean", ) # AR TSNR2FRA removed ( if key in ["BTHRUFRAC", "RTHRUFRAC", "ZTHRUFRAC", "THRUFRAC"]: short, precision, okmin, okmax = ( key, 2, config["tile_qa_plot"]["thrufrac_min"], config["tile_qa_plot"]["thrufrac_max"], ) if key == "THRUFRAC": short = "THRUFRAC_X" if key in ["BSKYTHRURMS", "RSKYTHRURMS", "ZSKYTHRURMS"]: short, precision, okmax = key, 3, config["tile_qa_plot"]["skythrurms_max"] if key in ["BSKYCHI2PDF", "RSKYCHI2PDF", "ZSKYCHI2PDF"]: short, precision, okmax = key, 2, config["tile_qa_plot"]["skychi2pdf_max"] #if key == "BADPETAL" : # config["tile_qa_plot"] # AR return return short, precision, okmin, okmax, combine
[docs]def set_mwd(ax, org=120): """ Prepare a plot for a Mollweide map Args: ax: a plt.subplots() instance org: R.A. at the center of the plot (default=120) (float) """ # org is the origin of the plot, 0 or a multiple of 30 degrees in [0,360). tick_labels = np.array([150, 120, 90, 60, 30, 0, 330, 300, 270, 240, 210]) tick_labels = np.remainder(tick_labels + 360 + org, 360) ax.set_xticklabels(tick_labels) # we add the scale on the x axis ax.set_xlabel("R.A [deg]") ax.xaxis.label.set_fontsize(12) ax.set_ylabel("Dec. [deg]") ax.yaxis.label.set_fontsize(12) ax.grid(True)
[docs]def get_radec_mw(ras, decs, org): """ Converts R.A. and Dec. coordinates to be used in a Mollweide projection. Args: ras: R.A. coordinates in degrees (float array) decs: Dec. coordinates in degrees (float array) Returns: Two float arrays with transformed R.A. and Dec. """ ras = np.remainder(ras + 360 - org, 360) # shift ra values ras[ras > 180] -= 360 # scale conversion to [-180, 180] ras = -ras # reverse the scale: East to the left return np.radians(ras), np.radians(decs)
[docs]def plot_mw_skymap(fig, ax, tileid, tilera, tiledec, survey, program, org=120): """ Plots the target density sky map with a Mollweide projection, with highlighting the tile position. Args: fig: pyplot figure object ax: pyplot object with projection="mollweide" tileid: TILEID (int) tilera: tile R.A. in degrees (float) tiledec: tile Dec. in degrees (float) survey: usually "main", "sv1", "sv3" (string) program: "dark" or "bright" (string) org: R.A. at the center of the plot (default=120) (float) Note: If survey is not "main" and program is not "bright" or "dark", will color-code EBV, not the target density. """ # AR reading the pixweight file pixwfn = "{}/target/catalogs/dr9/1.1.1/pixweight/main/resolve/{}/pixweight-1-{}.fits".format( os.getenv("DESI_ROOT"), program, program ) if not os.path.isfile(pixwfn) :"use dark pixweight map") tprogram="dark" pixwfn = "{}/target/catalogs/dr9/1.1.1/pixweight/main/resolve/{}/pixweight-1-{}.fits".format( os.getenv("DESI_ROOT"), tprogram, tprogram ) hdr = fits.getheader(pixwfn, 1) nside, nest = hdr["HPXNSIDE"], hdr["HPXNEST"] pixwd =[1].data npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) thetas, phis = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(npix), nest=nest) ras, decs = np.degrees(phis), 90.0 - np.degrees(thetas) # AR plotting skymap set_mwd(ax, org) # AR dr9 ramws, decmws = get_radec_mw(ras, decs, org) sel = pixwd["FRACAREA"] > 0 if (survey == "main") & (program in ["bright", "dark"]): dens_med = np.median(pixwd["ALL"][sel]) clim = (0.5, 1.5) if program == "dark": clim = (0.75, 1.25) c = pixwd["ALL"] / dens_med clabel = "{} targets".format(program, dens_med) else: clim = (0, 0.1) c = pixwd["EBV"] clabel = "EBV" sc = ax.scatter( ramws[sel], decmws[sel], c=c[sel], s=1, alpha=0.5, zorder=0,, vmin=clim[0], vmax=clim[1], rasterized=True, ) # AR cbar pos = ax.get_position().get_points().flatten() cax = fig.add_axes( [ pos[0] + 0.1 * (pos[2] - pos[0]), pos[1] + 0.3 * (pos[3] - pos[1]), 0.4 * (pos[2] - pos[0]), 0.005, ] ) cbar = plt.colorbar( sc, cax=cax, fraction=0.025, orientation="horizontal", extend="both" ) cbar.mappable.set_clim(clim) cbar.set_label(clabel, fontweight="bold") # AR our tileid tmpra = np.remainder(tilera + 360 - org, 360) if tmpra > 180: tmpra -= 360 if tmpra > 0: dra = -40 else: dra = 40 ramws, decmws = get_radec_mw( np.array([tilera, tilera + dra]), np.array([tiledec, tiledec - 30]), org ) ax.scatter( ramws[0], decmws[0], edgecolors="k", facecolors="none", marker="o", s=50, zorder=1, ) arrow_args = dict(color="k", width=1, headwidth=5, headlength=10) ax.annotate( "", xy=(ramws[0], decmws[0]), xytext=(ramws[1], decmws[1]), arrowprops=arrow_args, )
[docs]def get_expids_efftimes(tileqafits, prod): """ Get the EFFTIME and EFFTIMEQA for the EXPIDs from the coadd. Args: tileqafits: path to the tile-qa-TILEID-NIGHT.fits file prod: full path to input reduction, e.g. /global/cfs/cdirs/desi/spectro/redux/daily (string) Returns: structured array: An array with the following keys:: EXPID, NIGHT, EFFTIME_SPEC, QA_EFFTIME_SPEC Notes: * We work from the ``spectra-*.fits`` files; if not present in the same folder as tileqafits, we look into the expected path using prod. * As this is run *before* desi_tsnr_afterburner, we compute here the EFFTIME_SPEC values. * If no GOALTYPE in tileqafits header, we default to dark. * TBD: we purposely do not use TSNR2 keys from qa-params.yaml, as those do not handle the TSNR2_ELG->TSNR2_LRG change from 2021 shutdown. We use: - dark before 20210901: TSNR2_ELG - dark after 20210901: TSNR2_LRG - bright: TSNR2_BGS - backup: TSNR2_BGS - Method assessed against all Main exposures until 20211013 in daily tsnr-exposures.fits. """ # AR GOALTYPE (defaulting to dark) + TSNR2 key goaltype = "dark" h = hdr = fits.getheader(tileqafits, "FIBERQA") if "GOALTYPE" in [cards[0] for cards in]: goaltype = hdr["GOALTYPE"].lower() if goaltype in ["bright", "backup"]: tsnr2_key = "TSNR2_BGS" else: if hdr["LASTNITE"] < 20210921: tsnr2_key = "TSNR2_ELG" else: tsnr2_key = "TSNR2_LRG" # AR get list of exposures used for the tile # AR first try spectra*fits files in the same folder as tileqafits tmpstr = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(tileqafits), "spectra-*-{}-*{}.fits*".format(hdr["TILEID"], hdr["LASTNITE"]), ) spectra_fns = sorted(glob(tmpstr)) # AR then try based on prod ("cumulative", then "pernight") if len(spectra_fns) == 0: tileid = hdr['TILEID'] night = hdr['LASTNITE'] for groupname in ["cumulative", "pernight"]: if len(spectra_fns) == 0: tiledir = os.path.dirname( findfile( "spectra", tile=tileid, groupname=groupname, night=night, spectrograph=0, specprod_dir=prod ) ) tmpstr = os.path.join(tiledir, f'spectra-*-{tileid}-*{night}.fits*') spectra_fns = sorted(glob(tmpstr)) # AR store the TSNR2 values + (EXPID, NIGHT) if len(spectra_fns) > 0: myds = [] for spectra_fn in spectra_fns: f = fitsio.FITS(spectra_fn) myd = Table() myd["TARGETID"] = f["FIBERMAP"].read_column("TARGETID") myd["EXPID"] = f["FIBERMAP"].read_column("EXPID") myd["NIGHT"] = f["FIBERMAP"].read_column("NIGHT") myd["PETAL_LOC"] = f["FIBERMAP"].read_column("PETAL_LOC") scores_keys = f["SCORES"].get_colnames() for camera in ["B", "R", "Z"]: key = "{}_{}".format(tsnr2_key, camera) if key in scores_keys: myd["TSNR2_{}".format(camera)] = f["SCORES"].read_column(key) else: myd["TSNR2_{}".format(camera)] = 0 log.warning(f"no {key} column in {spectra_fn} -> set TSNR2_{camera}=0") f.close()"read {len(myd)} rows from {spectra_fn}") myds.append(myd) myd = vstack(myds) # AR unique list of (EXPID, NIGHT) expids, ii = np.unique(myd["EXPID"], return_index=True) nights = myd["NIGHT"][ii] # AR no spectra files found else: expids, nights = [], [] log.warning(f"found no spectra files related to {tileqafits}") nexp = len(expids) # AR looping on EXPIDS d = Table() d["EXPID"] = expids d["NIGHT"] = nights d["EFFTIME_SPEC"], d["QA_EFFTIME_SPEC"] = np.zeros(nexp), np.zeros(nexp) for i in range(nexp): # AR EFFTIME_SPEC, with looping on petals and cameras tsnr2_petals = [] sel_i = myd["EXPID"] == expids[i] for petal in np.unique(myd["PETAL_LOC"][sel_i]): tsnr2_petal = 0 sel_ip = (sel_i) & (myd["PETAL_LOC"] == petal) for camera in ["b", "r", "z"]: tsnr2_key_cam = "TSNR2_{}".format(camera.upper()) vals = myd[tsnr2_key_cam][sel_ip] vals = vals[vals > 0] if len(vals) > 0: tsnr2_petal += np.median(vals) else:"found no rows with {tsnr2_key_cam}>0 for EXPID={expids[i]} and PETAL_LOC={petal}") tsnr2_petals.append(tsnr2_petal) tsnr2_petals = np.array(tsnr2_petals) d["EFFTIME_SPEC"][i] = tsnr2_to_efftime(tsnr2_petals[tsnr2_petals > 0].mean(), tsnr2_key.split("_")[-1]) # QA_EFFTIME_SPEC, reading exposure-qa*fits fn = os.path.join( prod, "exposures", "{}".format(nights[i]), "{:08d}".format(expids[i]), "exposure-qa-{:08d}.fits".format(expids[i]), ) if os.path.isfile(fn): d["QA_EFFTIME_SPEC"][i] = fits.getheader(fn, "FIBERQA")["EFFTIME"] return d
[docs]def get_expid_vccdsec(expid, night, prod): """ Get the VCCDSEC header keyword for an exposure for each frame file. Args: expid: exposure id (int) night: night (int) prod: full path to input reduction, e.g. /global/cfs/cdirs/desi/spectro/redux/daily (string) Returns: vccdsec: dictionary with VCCDSEC value for each frame file (dict. of floats) pb_campets: list of {camera}{petal} which have VCCDSEC < threshold Notes: * The VCCDSEC threshold is set in desispec/data/qa/qa-params.yaml * If VCCDSEC is not present for a given frame file, returns -99s (so that it gets attention) * If no frame files, returns an empty dictionary """ vccdsec = {} pb_campets = [] expdir = os.path.join( prod, "exposures", "{}".format(night), "{:08d}".format(expid) ) fns = sorted(glob(os.path.join(expdir, "frame-??-{:08d}.fits*".format(expid)))) if len(fns) == 0: log.warning("no frame file found in {}".format(expdir)) else: for fn in fns: hdr = fits.getheader(fn, 0) campet = hdr["CAMERA"] # AR actually is {camera}{petal} if "VCCDSEC" in hdr: vccdsec[campet] = hdr["VCCDSEC"] else: vccdsec[campet] = -99. log.warning("no VCCDSEC keyword in {}; set VCCDSEC=-99.".format(fn)) # AR potentially problematic campets config = get_qa_config() for campet in vccdsec: if vccdsec[campet] < config["tile_qa_plot"]["vccdsec_min"]: pb_campets.append(campet) if len(pb_campets) > 0: vals = ["{}={}".format(campet, vccdsec[campet]) for campet in pb_campets] log.warning( "For EXPID={}, the following VCCDSEC values are below the {} threshold: {}".format( expid, config["tile_qa_plot"]["vccdsec_min"], ", ".join(vals), ) ) return vccdsec, pb_campets
[docs]def get_quantz_cmap(name, n, cmin=0, cmax=1): """ Creates a quantized colormap. Args: name: matplotlib colormap name (e.g. "tab20") (string) n: number of colors cmin (optional, defaults to 0): first color of the original colormap to use (between 0 and 1) (float) cmax (optional, defaults to 1): last color of the original colormap to use (between 0 and 1) (float) Returns: A matplotlib cmap object. Notes: """ cmaporig = mycol = cmaporig(np.linspace(cmin, cmax, n)) cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(mycol) cmap.set_under(mycol[0]) cmap.set_over (mycol[-1]) return cmap
[docs]def get_tilecov( tileid, surveys="main", programs=None, lastnight=None, indesi=True, nside=1024, outpng=None, plot_tiles=False, verbose=False, ): """ Computes the average number of observed tiles covering a given tile. Args: tileid (int): tileid surveys (optional, defaults to "main"): comma-separated list of surveys to consider (reads the tiles-SURVEY.ecsv file) (str) programs (optional, defaults to None): comma-separated list of programs (case-sensitive) to consider in the tiles-SURVEY.ecsv file (str) lastnight (optional, defaults to today): only consider tiles observed up to lastnight (int) surveys (optional, defaults to "main"): comma-separated list of surveys to consider (reads the tiles-SURVEY.ecsv file) (str) indesi (optional, defaults to True): restrict to IN_DESI=True tiles? (bool) nside (optional, defaults to 1024): healpix pixel nside (int) outpng (optional, defaults to None): if provided, output file with a plot (str) plot_tiles (optional, defaults to False): plot overlapping tiles? (bool) verbose (optional, defaults to False): print (bool) Returns: tuple: A tuple containing: * pixs: list of the healpix pixels covering the tile (np.array(float)) * pix_ntiles: list of the nb of tiles covering each pixel from pixs (np.array(float)) * nside: healpix pixel nside (int) * nest: healpix NESTED? (boolean) * outdict: a dictionary, with an entry for each observed, overlapping tile, containing the list of observed overlapping tiles (dict) Notes: * The "regular" use is to provide a single PROGRAM in programs (e.g., programs="DARK"). * This function relies on the following files: - $DESI_SURVEYOPS/ops/tiles-{SURVEY}.ecsv for SURVEY in surveys (to get the tiles to consider) - $DESI_ROOT/spectro/redux/daily/exposures-daily.fits (to get the existing observations up to lastnight) * If one wants to consider the latest observations, one should wait the 10am pacific update of exposures-daily.fits. """ # AR healpix nest = True # desitarget routines use nest = True # AR lastnight if lastnight is None: lastnight = int("%Y%m%d")) # AR files allowed_surveys = ["sv1", "sv2", "sv3", "main", "catchall"] sel = ~np.in1d(surveys.split(","), allowed_surveys) if sel.sum() > 0: msg = "surveys={} not in allowed_surveys={}".format( ",".join([survey for survey in np.array(surveys.split(","))[sel]]), ",".join(allowed_surveys), ) log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) tilesfns = [ os.path.join(os.getenv("DESI_SURVEYOPS"), "ops", "tiles-{}.ecsv".format(survey)) for survey in surveys.split(",") ] expsfn = os.path.join(os.getenv("DESI_ROOT"), "spectro", "redux", "daily", "exposures-daily.fits") # AR exposures with EFFTIME_SPEC>0 and NIGHT<=LASTNIGHT exps =, "EXPOSURES") sel = (exps["EFFTIME_SPEC"] > 0) & (exps["NIGHT"] <= lastnight) exps = exps[sel] # AR read the tiles ds = [] for tilesfn in tilesfns: if verbose:"reading {}".format(tilesfn)) d = if d["RA"].unit == "deg": d["RA"].unit, d["DEC"].unit = None, None if "sv2" in tilesfn: d["IN_DESI"] = d["IN_DESI"].astype(bool) ds.append(d) tiles = vstack(ds, metadata_conflicts="silent") # AR first, before any cut: # AR - get the considered tile # AR - get the healpix pixels inside that tile sel = tiles["TILEID"] == tileid if sel.sum() == 0: msg = "no TILEID={} found in {}".format(tileid, tilesfn) log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if programs is None: log.warning("programs=None, will consider *all* kind of tiles") else: if tiles["PROGRAM"][sel][0] not in programs.split(","): log.warning( "TILEID={} has PROGRAM={}, not included in the programs={} used for computation".format( tileid, tiles["PROGRAM"][sel][0], programs, ) ) c = SkyCoord( ra=tiles["RA"][sel][0] *, dec=tiles["DEC"][sel][0] *, frame="icrs" ) radecrad = [tiles["RA"][sel][0], tiles["DEC"][sel][0], tile_radius_deg] pixs = hp_in_cap(nside, radecrad, inclusive=True, fact=4) # AR then cut on: # AR - PROGRAM, IN_DESI: to get the tiles to consider # AR - exposures: to get the observations with NIGHT <= LASTNIGHT sel = np.ones(len(tiles), dtype=bool) if verbose:"starting from {} tiles".format(len(tiles))) if programs is not None: sel = np.in1d(tiles["PROGRAM"], programs.split(",")) if verbose:"considering {} tiles after cutting on PROGRAM={}".format(sel.sum(), programs)) if indesi: sel &= tiles["IN_DESI"] if verbose:"considering {} tiles after cutting on IN_DESI".format(sel.sum())) sel &= np.in1d(tiles["TILEID"], exps["TILEID"]) if verbose:"considering {} tiles after cutting on NIGHT <= {}".format(sel.sum(), lastnight)) tiles = tiles[sel] # AR overlap cs = SkyCoord(ra=tiles["RA"] *, dec=tiles["DEC"] *, frame="icrs") sel = cs.separation(c).value <= 2 * tile_radius_deg tiles = tiles[sel] if verbose:"selecting {} overlapping tiles: {}".format(len(tiles), tiles["TILEID"].tolist())) # AR get exposures outdict = { tileid : exps["EXPID"][exps["TILEID"] == tileid].tolist() for tileid in tiles["TILEID"] } # AR count the number of tile coverage pix_ntiles = np.zeros(len(pixs), dtype=int) for i in range(len(tiles)): i_radecrad = [tiles["RA"][i], tiles["DEC"][i], tile_radius_deg] i_pixs = hp_in_cap(nside, i_radecrad, inclusive=True, fact=4) sel = np.in1d(pixs, i_pixs) if verbose:"fraction of TILEID={} covered by TILEID={}: {:.2f}".format(tileid, tiles[i]["TILEID"], sel.mean())) pix_ntiles[sel] += 1 ntilecovs, counts = np.unique(pix_ntiles, return_counts=True) ntilefracs = counts / len(pixs) if verbose:"mean coverage of TILEID={}: {:.2f}".format(tileid, pix_ntiles.mean())) "tile coverage fractions of TILEID={}: {}".format( tileid, ", ".join(["{}={:.2f}".format(ntilecov, ntilefrac) for ntilecov, ntilefrac in zip(ntilecovs, ntilefracs)]), ) ) # AR plot? if outpng is not None: # AR pixels coordinates thetas, phis = hp.pix2ang(nside, pixs, nest=nest) pix_ras, pix_decs = np.degrees(phis), 90. - np.degrees(thetas) # AR cbar settings cmin = 0 # AR for "regular" programs, setting cmax to the # AR designed max. npass (though considering future possibility # AR to have more pass, e.g. for mainBRIGHT, hence the np.max()) refcmaxs = { "sv3BACKUP" : 5, "sv3BRIGHT" : 11, "sv3DARK" : 14, "mainBACKUP" : 1, "mainBRIGHT" : 4, "mainDARK" : 7, } if "{}{}".format(surveys, programs) in refcmaxs: cmax = np.max([refcmaxs["{}{}".format(surveys, programs)], pix_ntiles.max()]) else: cmax = pix_ntiles.max() cmap = get_quantz_cmap(, cmax - cmin + 1, 0, 1) # AR case overlap Dec.=0 if pix_ras.max() - pix_ras.min() > 100: dowrap = True else: dowrap = False if dowrap: pix_ras[pix_ras > 300] -= 360 # fig, ax = plt.subplots() sc = ax.scatter(pix_ras, pix_decs, c=pix_ntiles, s=10, cmap=cmap, vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax) # AR plot overlapping tiles? if plot_tiles: angs = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) dras = tile_radius_deg * np.cos(angs) ddecs = tile_radius_deg * np.sin(angs) for i in range(len(tiles)): if tiles["TILEID"][i] != tileid: tras = tiles["RA"][i] + dras / np.cos(np.radians(tiles["DEC"][i] + ddecs)) if dowrap: tras[tras > 300] -= 360 tdecs = tiles["DEC"][i] + ddecs ax.plot(tras, tdecs, label="TILEID={}".format(tiles["TILEID"][i])) ax.legend(loc=2, ncol=2, fontsize=8) # ax.set_title("Mean coverage of TILEID={} on {}: {:.2f}".format(tileid, lastnight, pix_ntiles.mean())) ax.set_xlabel("R.A. [deg]") ax.set_ylabel("Dec. [deg]") dra = 1.1 * tile_radius_deg / np.cos(np.radians(d["DEC"].mean())) ddec = 1.1 * tile_radius_deg ax.set_xlim(pix_ras.mean() + dra, pix_ras.mean() - dra) ax.set_ylim(pix_decs.mean() - ddec, pix_decs.mean() + ddec) ax.grid() cbar = plt.colorbar(sc, ticks=np.arange(cmin, cmax + 1, dtype=int)) cbar.set_label("Number of observed tiles on {}".format(lastnight)) cbar.mappable.set_clim(cmin, cmax) plt.savefig(outpng, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() # return pixs, pix_ntiles, nside, nest, outdict
[docs]def make_tile_qa_plot( tileqafits, prod, pngoutfile=None, dchi2_min=None, tsnr2_key=None, refdir = resources.files("desispec").joinpath("data/qa"), ): """ Generate the tile QA png file. Will replace .fits by .png in tileqafits for the png filename. Args: tileqafits: path to the tile-qa-TILEID-NIGHT.fits file prod: full path to input reduction, e.g. /global/cfs/cdirs/desi/spectro/redux/daily (string) pngoutfile (optional): output filename; default to tileqafits .fits -> .png dchi2_min (optional, defaults to value in qa-params.yaml): minimum DELTACHI2 for a valid zspec (float) tsnr2_key (optional, defaults to value in qa-params.yaml): TSNR2 key used for plot (string) refdir (optional, defaults to "desispec","data/qa"): path to folder with reference measurements for the n(z) and the TSNR2 (string) Note: * If hdr["SURVEY"] is not "main", will not plot the n(z). * If hdr["FAPRGRM"].lower() is not "bright" or "dark", will not plot the TSNR2 plot nor the skymap. * 20220109 : add safety around plot_cutout() call. """ # AR config config = get_qa_config() # AR default values if dchi2_min is None: dchi2_min = config["tile_qa_plot"]["dchi2_min"] if tsnr2_key is None: tsnr2_key = config["tile_qa_plot"]["tsnr2_key"] # SB derive output file name, handling case if ".fits" appears in path if pngoutfile is None: base = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(tileqafits))[0] pngoutfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(tileqafits), base+'.png') # AR reading h = hdr = h["FIBERQA"].header # AR switching to np.float32 to avoid error when dividing by zeros hdr["GOALTIME"] = np.float32(hdr["GOALTIME"]) fiberqa = h["FIBERQA"].data petalqa = h["PETALQA"].data # AR handling cases with no SURVEY, FAPRGRM, EBVFAC # AR (can happen for early tiles) for key,val in zip( ["SURVEY", "FAPRGRM", "EBVFAC"], ["none", "none", -1.0], ): if not key in hdr : hdr[key] = val log.warning("no {} keyword in header".format(key)) # AR start plotting fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(6, 4, wspace=0.25, hspace=0.2) # AR exposures from that TILEID exps = get_expids_efftimes(tileqafits, prod) nexp = len(exps) # AR VCCDSEC: for each exposure, a dictionary # AR VCCDSEC_PB: for each exposure, a list of pb_campets # AR MINVCCDSEC: for each exposure, store min(vccdsec) exps["VCCDSEC"] = np.zeros(nexp, dtype=object) exps["VCCDSEC_PBCAMPETS"] = np.zeros(nexp, dtype=object) exps["VCCDSEC_MIN"] = np.zeros(nexp, dtype=float) for i, (expid, night) in enumerate(zip(exps["EXPID"], exps["NIGHT"])): vccdsec, pb_campets = get_expid_vccdsec(expid, night, prod) exps["VCCDSEC"][i] = vccdsec exps["VCCDSEC_PBCAMPETS"][i] = pb_campets exps["VCCDSEC_MIN"][i] = np.min([vccdsec[campet] for campet in vccdsec]) xs = (-0.25, 0.03, 0.33, 0.57, 0.90) y, dy = 0.95, -0.10 fs = 10 ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, 1]) ax.axis("off") txts = ["EXPID", "NIGHT", "EFFTIME", "QA_EFFTIME", "VCCDSEC"] for x, txt in zip(xs, txts): ax.text(x, y, txt, fontsize=fs, fontweight="bold", transform=ax.transAxes) y += 2 * dy for i in range(len(exps)): txts = [ "{:08d}".format(exps["EXPID"][i]), "{}".format(exps["NIGHT"][i]), "{:.0f}s".format(exps["EFFTIME_SPEC"][i]), "{:.0f}s".format(exps["QA_EFFTIME_SPEC"][i]), "{:.1f}hr".format(exps["VCCDSEC_MIN"][i] / 3600), ] for x, txt in zip(xs, txts): fontweight, col = "normal", "k" if txt == txts[-1]: if len(exps["VCCDSEC_PBCAMPETS"][i]) > 0: fontweight, col = "bold", "r" ax.text(x, y, txt, fontsize=fs, fontweight=fontweight, color=col, transform=ax.transAxes) y += dy # AR cutout ax = plt.subplot(gs[2:4, 1]) try: plot_cutout(ax, hdr["TILEID"], hdr["TILERA"], hdr["TILEDEC"], 4) except Exception as err: import traceback lines = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) log.error("plot_cutout raised an exception:") print("\n".join(lines)) log.warning("continuing plotting without image cutout") # AR n(z) # AR n(z): plotting only if main survey if hdr["SURVEY"] == "main" and hdr["FAPRGRM"].lower() != "backup" : # AR n(z): reference ref =, "qa-reference-nz.ecsv")) # AR n(z), for the tracers for that program tracers = [ tracer for tracer in list(config["tile_qa_plot"]["tracers"].keys()) if config["tile_qa_plot"]["tracers"][tracer]["program"] == hdr["FAPRGRM"].upper() ] cols = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"][: len(tracers)] # AR number of valid zspec in zmin, zmax n_valid, nref_valid = 0.0, 0.0 # compare number of qsos from redrock and QuasarNP nqso_rr = 0 ### nqso_qnp = 0 # AR plot ax = plt.subplot(gs[0:2, 2]) for tracer, col in zip(tracers, cols): # AR considered tile bins, zhists = get_zhists(hdr["TILEID"], tracer, dchi2_min, fiberqa) cens = 0.5 * (bins[1:] + bins[:-1]) ax.plot(cens, zhists, color=col, label=tracer) # AR number of valid zspec zmin, zmax = get_tracer_zminmax(tracer) istracer = get_tracer(tracer, fiberqa) sel = (bins[:-1] >= zmin) & (bins[1:] <= zmax) n_valid += zhists[sel].sum() * istracer.sum() if tracer=="QSO" : if istracer.sum() == 0: nqso_rr = 0 log.warning("istracer.sum() == 0 for QSO, probably due to LOW_EFFTIME (TBC); nqso_rr = 0") else: nqso_rr = int(zhists[sel].sum() * istracer.sum()) ### nqso_qnp = np.sum((fiberqa['IS_QSO_QN']==1)\ ### &(fiberqa['Z_QN']>=zmin)&(fiberqa['Z_QN']<=zmax)) # AR reference sel = ref["TRACER"] == tracer ax.fill_between( cens, ref["N_MEAN"][sel] - ref["N_MEAN_STD"][sel], ref["N_MEAN"][sel] + ref["N_MEAN_STD"][sel], color=col, alpha=0.3, label="{} reference".format(tracer), ) # AR reference number of valid zspec sel &= (ref["ZMIN"] >= zmin) & (ref["ZMAX"] <= zmax) nref_valid += ref["N_MEAN"][sel].sum() * istracer.sum() ax.legend(loc=1, ncol=1) ax.set_xlabel("Z") ax.set_ylabel("Per tile fractional count") if hdr["FAPRGRM"].lower() == "bright": ax.set_xlim(-0.1, 1.5) ax.set_ylim(0, 0.4) else: ax.set_xlim(-0.1, 6) ax.set_ylim(0, 0.2) ax.grid(True) # AR n(z) : ratio ratio_nz = n_valid / nref_valid # AR n(z): if not main, just put dummy -1 else: ratio_nz = -1 nqso_rr = -1 ### nqso_qnp = -1 # AR Z vs. FIBER plot ax = plt.subplot(gs[0:2, 3]) xlim, ylim = (-100, 5100), (-1.1, 1.1) yticks = np.array([0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) # AR identifying non-assigned/sky/broken fibers # AR (equivalent of OBJTYPE!="TGT" in fiberassign-TILEID.fits.gz) # AR undirect way, as not all columns are here... # AR the DESI_TARGET column for sky should be present + correctly set # AR for all surveys (with same bits) nontgt = np.zeros(len(fiberqa), dtype=bool) for msk in ["SKY", "BAD_SKY", "SUPP_SKY"]: nontgt |= (fiberqa["DESI_TARGET"] & desi_mask[msk]) > 0 for msk in ["UNASSIGNED", "STUCKPOSITIONER", "BROKENFIBER"]: nontgt |= (fiberqa["QAFIBERSTATUS"] & fibermask[msk]) > 0 # AR identifying secondary-only targets # AR we use here DESI_TARGET: this will work for Main tiles only # AR that is sufficient for our goal scndonly = fiberqa["DESI_TARGET"] == desi_mask["SCND_ANY"] # sels = [ (~nontgt) & (fiberqa["QAFIBERSTATUS"] == 0) & (~scndonly), (~nontgt) & (fiberqa["QAFIBERSTATUS"] == 0) & (scndonly), (~nontgt) & (fiberqa["QAFIBERSTATUS"] > 0), nontgt, ] labels = ["QAFIBERSTATUS = 0","QAFIBERSTATUS = 0 SCND-only", "QAFIBERSTATUS > 0", "non-TGT"] cs = ["b", "lime", "r", "y"] zorders = [1, 1, 1, 0] for sel, label, c, zorder in zip(sels, labels, cs, zorders): ax.scatter(fiberqa["FIBER"][sel], np.log10(0.1 + fiberqa["Z"][sel]), s=0.1, c=c, alpha=1.0, zorder=zorder, label="{} ({} fibers)".format(label, sel.sum())) for petal in range(10): if petal % 2 == 0: ax.axvspan(petal * 500, (petal + 1) * 500, color="k", alpha=0.05, zorder=0) ax.text(petal * 500 + 250, -1.09, str(petal), color="k", fontsize=10, ha="center") ax.set_xlabel("FIBER") ax.set_ylabel("Z") ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_yticks(np.log10(0.1 + yticks)) ax.set_yticklabels(yticks.astype(str)) ax.grid() ax.legend(loc=1, markerscale=10, fontsize=6, ncol=2) show_efftime = True # else show TSNR if show_efftime : ax = plt.subplot(gs[2:4, 2]) x = fiberqa["MEAN_FIBER_X"] y = fiberqa["MEAN_FIBER_Y"] fibers = fiberqa["FIBER"] efftime = fiberqa["EFFTIME_SPEC"] medefftime = np.median(efftime[efftime>0]) vmin = 0.5*medefftime vmax = 1.5*medefftime sel = (efftime>0) sc = ax.scatter( x[sel], y[sel], c=efftime[sel],, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, s=5, ) sel = ((fiberqa["QAFIBERSTATUS"] & fibermask.mask("LOWEFFTIME")) > 0)&(efftime>0) ax.scatter(x[sel],y[sel], edgecolor="r", facecolors="none", s=5, alpha=0.5, label="LOWEFFTIME") # plotting fibers discarded because of EBV=0 sel = (fiberqa["QAFIBERSTATUS"] & fibermask.mask("LOWEFFTIME")) == 0 sel &= (fiberqa["EBV"] == 0) ax.scatter(x[sel], y[sel], marker="x", color="purple", s=10, lw=0.5, alpha=0.5, label="EBV=0") ax.set_xlabel("FIBER_X [mm]") ax.set_ylabel("FIBER_Y [mm]") # AR 2*505 mm matches the 4 deg width of the cutout ax.set_xlim(-505, 505) ax.set_ylim(-505, 505) ax.grid(True) ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.legend(loc=3, ncol=2, markerscale=5) # cbar = plt.colorbar(sc, extend="both") p = ax.get_position().get_points().flatten() cax = fig.add_axes([ p[0] + 0.05 * (p[2] - p[0]), p[1] + 0.94 * (p[3]-p[1]), 0.9 * (p[2] - p[0]), 0.05 * (p[3]-p[1]) ]) cbar = plt.colorbar(sc, cax=cax, orientation="horizontal", ticklocation="bottom", pad=0, extend="both") #cbar.mappable.set_clim(clim) # cbar.set_label("EFFTIME (sec)"), 0.5, "EFFTIME (sec)", color="k", ha="center", va="center", # AR ratio of the median TSNR2 w.r.t ref #sel = np.isfinite(ref["{}_{}".format(tsnr2_key, hdr["FAPRGRM"].upper())]) #sel &= np.isfinite(tsnr2s) #ratio_tsnr2 = np.median(tsnr2s[sel]) / np.median( # ref["{}_{}".format(tsnr2_key, hdr["FAPRGRM"].upper())][sel] else : # AR TSNR: reference ref =, "qa-reference-tsnr2.ecsv")) # AR TSNR2 ax = plt.subplot(gs[2:4, 2]) if hdr["FAPRGRM"].lower() in ["bright", "dark"]: clim = (0.5, 1.5) # AR TSNR2: ratio (discarding ebv=0 for now, as the TSNR2 is then biased) badqa_val, badpet_val = get_qa_badmsks() sel = (fiberqa["QAFIBERSTATUS"] & badqa_val) == 0 sel &= fiberqa["EBV"] > 0 tsnr2s = np.nan + np.zeros(5000) tsnr2s[fiberqa["FIBER"][sel]] = fiberqa[tsnr2_key][sel] # AR TSNR2: plot sc = ax.scatter( ref["FIBERASSIGN_X"], ref["FIBERASSIGN_Y"], c=tsnr2s / ref["{}_{}".format(tsnr2_key, hdr["FAPRGRM"].upper())],, vmin=clim[0], vmax=clim[1], s=5, ) sel = ((fiberqa["QAFIBERSTATUS"] & fibermask.mask("LOWEFFTIME")) > 0) fibers = fiberqa["FIBER"][sel] ax.scatter(ref["FIBERASSIGN_X"][fibers], ref["FIBERASSIGN_Y"][fibers], edgecolor="k", facecolors="none", s=5, label="bad_petal_mask") # AR TSNR2: plotting fibers discarded because of EBV=0 sel = (fiberqa["QAFIBERSTATUS"] & badqa_val) == 0 sel &= fiberqa["EBV"] == 0 fibers = fiberqa["FIBER"][sel] ax.scatter(ref["FIBERASSIGN_X"][fibers], ref["FIBERASSIGN_Y"][fibers], marker="x", color="k", s=10, lw=0.5, label="EBV=0") # ax.set_xlabel("FIBERASSIGN_X [mm]") ax.set_ylabel("FIBERASSIGN_Y [mm]") # AR 2*505 mm matches the 4 deg width of the cutout ax.set_xlim(-505, 505) ax.set_ylim(-505, 505) ax.grid(True) ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.legend(loc=2) cbar = plt.colorbar(sc, extend="both") cbar.mappable.set_clim(clim) cbar.set_label("{} / {}_REFERENCE".format(tsnr2_key, tsnr2_key)) # AR ratio of the median TSNR2 w.r.t ref sel = np.isfinite(ref["{}_{}".format(tsnr2_key, hdr["FAPRGRM"].upper())]) sel &= np.isfinite(tsnr2s) ratio_tsnr2 = np.median(tsnr2s[sel]) / np.median( ref["{}_{}".format(tsnr2_key, hdr["FAPRGRM"].upper())][sel] ) # AR TSNR2: if not bright/dark, just put dummy -1 else: ratio_tsnr2 = -1 # AR TSNR2: display petal ids for ang, p in zip(np.linspace(2 * np.pi, 0, 11), [3, 2, 1, 0, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4]): anglab = ang + 0.1 * np.pi ax.text( 450 * np.cos(anglab), 450 * np.sin(anglab), "{:.0f}".format(p), color="k", va="center", ha="center", ) # AR positioners accuracy ax = plt.subplot(gs[2:4, 3]) x = fiberqa["MEAN_FIBER_X"] y = fiberqa["MEAN_FIBER_Y"] fibers = fiberqa["FIBER"] c = np.sqrt(fiberqa["MEAN_DELTA_X"] ** 2 + fiberqa["MEAN_DELTA_Y"] ** 2) vmin = 0. vmax = 0.03 sc = ax.scatter( x, y, c=c,, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, s=5, ) ax.set_xlabel("FIBER_X [mm]") ax.set_ylabel("FIBER_Y [mm]") # AR 2*505 mm matches the 4 deg width of the cutout ax.set_xlim(-505, 505) ax.set_ylim(-505, 505) ax.grid(True) ax.set_aspect("equal") # cbar = plt.colorbar(sc, extend="both") p = ax.get_position().get_points().flatten() cax = fig.add_axes([ p[0] + 0.05 * (p[2] - p[0]), p[1] + 0.94 * (p[3]-p[1]), 0.9 * (p[2] - p[0]), 0.05 * (p[3]-p[1]) ]) cbar = plt.colorbar(sc, cax=cax, orientation="horizontal", ticklocation="bottom", pad=0, extend="max") cbar.set_ticks([0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03]), 0.5, "DELTA_XY (mm)", color="k", ha="center", va="center", # AR display petal ids for ang, p in zip(np.linspace(2 * np.pi, 0, 11), [3, 2, 1, 0, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4]): anglab = ang + 0.1 * np.pi ax.text( 450 * np.cos(anglab), 450 * np.sin(anglab), "{:.0f}".format(p), color="k", va="center", ha="center", ) # AR sky map ax = plt.subplot(gs[1, 1], projection="mollweide") plot_mw_skymap( fig, ax, hdr["TILEID"], hdr["TILERA"], hdr["TILEDEC"], hdr["SURVEY"], hdr["FAPRGRM"].lower(), org=120, ) for k in ["RMSDIST","EFFTIME"] : if k not in hdr : hdr[k]=0 # AR overall infos ax = plt.subplot(gs[0:2, 0]) ax.axis("off") x0, x1, y, dy, fs = 0.45, 0.55, 0.95, -0.08, 10 if hdr["VALID"] : ax.text(0.1,y,"TILE IS VALID",color="green", fontsize=int(fs*1.2), fontweight="bold", ha="left", transform=ax.transAxes, ) y += dy else : ax.text(0.1,y,"TILE IS NOT VALID",color="red", fontsize=int(fs*1.2), fontweight="bold", ha="left", transform=ax.transAxes, ) y += dy # cumulative tiles have "thru", pernight don't if "thru" in os.path.basename(tileqafits): nightprefix = "thru" else: nightprefix = "per" for txt in [ [f"TILEID-{nightprefix}NIGHT", "{:06d}-{}".format(hdr["TILEID"], hdr["LASTNITE"])], ["SURVEY-PROGRAM", "{}-{}".format(hdr["SURVEY"], hdr["FAPRGRM"])], ["RA , DEC", "{:.3f} , {:.3f}".format(hdr["TILERA"], hdr["TILEDEC"])], ["EBVFAC", "{:.2f}".format(hdr["EBVFAC"])], ["", ""], ["efftime / goaltime", "{:.0f}/{:.0f}={:.2f}".format(exps["EFFTIME_SPEC"].sum(), hdr["GOALTIME"], exps["EFFTIME_SPEC"].sum() / hdr["GOALTIME"])], ["qa_efftime / goaltime", "{:.0f}/{:.0f}={:.2f}".format(hdr["EFFTIME"], hdr["GOALTIME"], hdr["EFFTIME"] / hdr["GOALTIME"])], ["n(z) / n_ref(z)", "{:.2f}".format(ratio_nz)], ### ["nqso(RR) , nqso(QNP)", "{} , {}".format(nqso_rr,nqso_qnp)], ["nqso(RR)", "{}".format(nqso_rr)], ["NGOODFIB", "{}".format(hdr["NGOODFIB"])], ["NGOODPET", "{}".format(hdr["NGOODPET"])], ["Fiber pos. RMS(2D)", "{:.3f} mm".format(hdr["RMSDIST"])], ]: fontweight, col = "normal", "k" if ( (txt[0] == "efftime / goaltime") & (exps["EFFTIME_SPEC"].sum() / hdr["GOALTIME"] < hdr["MINTFRAC"]) ) | ( (txt[0] == "qa_efftime / goaltime") & (hdr["EFFTIME"] / hdr["GOALTIME"] < hdr["MINTFRAC"]) ): fontweight, col = "bold", "r" if (txt[0] == "n(z) / n_ref(z)") & (ratio_nz < 0.8): fontweight, col = "bold", "r" #if (txt[0] == "tsnr2 / tsnr2_ref") & (ratio_tsnr2 < 0.8): # fontweight, col = "bold", "r" ax.text( x0, y, txt[0], color=col, fontsize=fs, fontweight=fontweight, ha="right", transform=ax.transAxes, ) ax.text( x1, y, txt[1], color=col, fontsize=fs, fontweight=fontweight, ha="left", transform=ax.transAxes, ) y += dy # AR per petal diagnoses ax = plt.subplot(gs[2:4, 0]) print_petal_infos(ax, petalqa,fiberqa) # AR VCCDSEC alert? # AR grouping them by petal to save display space vccdsec_alert = [] for expid, vccdsec, pb_campets in zip(exps["EXPID"], exps["VCCDSEC"], exps["VCCDSEC_PBCAMPETS"]): if len(pb_campets) > 0: pb_pets = np.unique([_[1] for _ in pb_campets]) pb_brzpets = [] for pet in pb_pets: pb_brzpets.append("{}{}".format("".join([_[0] for _ in pb_campets if _[1] == pet]), pet)) txt = "{}={}".format(expid, "-".join(pb_brzpets)) vccdsec_alert.append(txt) if len(vccdsec_alert) > 0: txt = "Alert: VCCDSEC:{}".format(", ".join(vccdsec_alert)) # AR fixed length display nchar = 180 txt = "\n".join(wrap(txt, nchar)) ax.text(0.05, 0.01, txt, color="r", fontsize=10, ha="left", va="bottom", transform=ax.transAxes) try : # AR saving plot plt.savefig(pngoutfile, bbox_inches="tight") except ValueError as e : log.warning("failed to save figure") print(e) pngoutfile=None plt.close() return pngoutfile