Source code for desispec.tilecompleteness


Routines to determine the survey progress
and tiles completion.

import os,sys
import numpy as np
import yaml
import glob
from astropy.table import Table,vstack

from import checkgzip

from desiutil.log import get_logger

[docs]def compute_tile_completeness_table(exposure_table,specprod_dir,auxiliary_table_filenames,min_number_of_petals=8) : """ Computes a summary table of the observed tiles Args: exposure_table: astropy.table.Table with exposure summary table from a prod (output of desi_tsnr_afterburner) specprod_dir: str, production directory name auxiliary_table_filenames: list(str), list of auxiliary table names, optional min_number_of_petals: int, minimum number of petals to declare a tile done Returns: astropy.table.Table with one row per TILEID, with completeness and exposure time. """ log = get_logger() default_goaltime = 1000. # objective effective time in seconds tiles, ii = np.unique(exposure_table["TILEID"], return_index=True) ntiles=tiles.size res=Table() res["TILEID"]=tiles res["TILERA"]=exposure_table['TILERA'][ii] res["TILEDEC"]=exposure_table['TILEDEC'][ii] res["SURVEY"]=np.array(np.repeat("unknown",ntiles),dtype='<U20') res["PROGRAM"]=exposure_table['PROGRAM'][ii] res["FAPRGRM"]=np.array(np.repeat("unknown",ntiles),dtype='<U20') res["FAFLAVOR"]=np.array(np.repeat("unknown",ntiles),dtype='<U20') res["NEXP"]=np.zeros(ntiles,dtype=int) res["EXPTIME"]=np.zeros(ntiles) res["EFFTIME_ETC"]=np.zeros(ntiles) res["EFFTIME_SPEC"]=np.zeros(ntiles) res["EFFTIME_GFA"]=np.zeros(ntiles) res["GOALTIME"] = np.zeros(ntiles) res["OBSSTATUS"] = np.array(np.repeat("unknown",ntiles),dtype='<U20') res["LRG_EFFTIME_DARK"]=np.zeros(ntiles) res["ELG_EFFTIME_DARK"]=np.zeros(ntiles) res["BGS_EFFTIME_BRIGHT"]=np.zeros(ntiles) res["LYA_EFFTIME_DARK"]=np.zeros(ntiles) res["GOALTYPE"] = np.array(np.repeat("unknown",ntiles),dtype='<U20') res["MINTFRAC"] = np.array(np.repeat(0.9,ntiles),dtype=float) res["LASTNIGHT"] = np.zeros(ntiles, dtype=np.int32) res.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'TILE_COMPLETENESS' # case is /global/cfs/cdirs/desi/survey/observations/SV1/sv1-tiles.fits if auxiliary_table_filenames is not None : for filename in auxiliary_table_filenames : if filename.find("sv1-tiles")>=0 : targets = np.array(np.repeat("unknown",ntiles))"Use SV1 tiles information from {}".format(filename)), 1) ii=[] jj=[] tid2i={tid:i for i,tid in enumerate(table["TILEID"])} for j,tid in enumerate(res["TILEID"]) : if tid in tid2i : ii.append(tid2i[tid]) jj.append(j) for i,j in zip(ii,jj) : res["SURVEY"][j]=str(table["PROGRAM"][i]).lower() targets[jj]=table["TARGETS"][ii] is_dark = [(t.lower().find("elg")>=0)|(t.lower().find("lrg")>=0)|(t.lower().find("qso")>=0) for t in targets] is_bright = [(t.lower().find("bgs")>=0)|(t.lower().find("mws")>=0) for t in targets] is_backup = [(t.lower().find("backup")>=0) for t in targets] res["GOALTYPE"][is_dark] = "dark" res["GOALTYPE"][is_bright] = "bright" res["GOALTYPE"][is_backup] = "backup" # 4 times nominal exposure time for DARK and BRIGHT res["GOALTIME"][res["GOALTYPE"]=="dark"] = 4*1000. res["GOALTIME"][res["GOALTYPE"]=="bright"] = 4*150. res["GOALTIME"][res["GOALTYPE"]=="backup"] = 30. else : log.warning("Sorry I don't know what to do with {}".format(filename)) # test default res["GOALTIME"][res["GOALTIME"]==0] = default_goaltime for i,tile in enumerate(tiles) : jj=(exposure_table["TILEID"]==tile) res["NEXP"][i]=np.sum(jj) for k in ["EXPTIME","LRG_EFFTIME_DARK","ELG_EFFTIME_DARK","BGS_EFFTIME_BRIGHT","LYA_EFFTIME_DARK","EFFTIME_SPEC","EFFTIME_ETC","EFFTIME_GFA"] : if k in exposure_table.dtype.names : res[k][i] = np.sum(exposure_table[k][jj]) if k == "EFFTIME_ETC" or k == "EFFTIME_GFA" : if np.any((exposure_table[k][jj]==0)&(exposure_table["EFFTIME_SPEC"][jj]>0)) : res[k][i]=0 # because we are missing data # copy the following from the exposure table if it exists and not already set as sv1 # look for first exposure with SURVEY set (the others are exposures that were not processed) jj2=(exposure_table["TILEID"]==tile)&(exposure_table["SURVEY"]!="unknown") if np.sum(jj2)>0 : j=np.where(jj2)[0][0] else : j=np.where(jj)[0][0] for k in ["SURVEY","GOALTYPE","FAPRGRM","FAFLAVOR"] : if k in exposure_table.dtype.names : val = exposure_table[k][j] if val != "unknown" : if k != "SURVEY" or res[k][i]!= "sv1" : res[k][i] = val # force consistency for k in ["GOALTIME","MINTFRAC"] : if k in exposure_table.dtype.names : val = exposure_table[k][j] if val > 0. : res[k][i] = val # force consistency # truncate number of digits for exposure times to 0.1 sec for k in res.dtype.names : if k.find("EXPTIME")>=0 or k.find("EFFTIME")>=0 : res[k] = np.around(res[k],1) # efftime_spec set per exposure and here we simpy use the sum # default efftime is LRG_EFFTIME_DARK #res["EFFTIME_SPEC"]=res["LRG_EFFTIME_DARK"] #ii=((res["GOALTYPE"]=="bright")|(res["GOALTYPE"]=="backup")) #res["EFFTIME_SPEC"][ii]=res["BGS_EFFTIME_BRIGHT"][ii] done=(res["EFFTIME_SPEC"]>res["MINTFRAC"]*res["GOALTIME"]) res["OBSSTATUS"][done]="obsend" # what was the last night on which each tile was observed, # for looking up the cumulative redshift file goodexp = (exposure_table['EFFTIME_SPEC'] > 0) for i, tileid in enumerate(res['TILEID']): thistile = (exposure_table['TILEID'] == tileid) if np.any(thistile & goodexp): lastnight = np.max(exposure_table['NIGHT'][thistile & goodexp]) else: #- no exposures for this tile with EFFTIME_SPEC>0, #- so just use last one that appears at all lastnight = np.max(exposure_table['NIGHT'][thistile]) res['LASTNIGHT'][i] = lastnight assert np.all(res['LASTNIGHT'] > 0) partial=(res["EFFTIME_SPEC"]>0.)&(res["EFFTIME_SPEC"]<=res["MINTFRAC"]*res["GOALTIME"]) res["OBSSTATUS"][partial]="obsstart" # special cases that are in list but have efftime_spec=0.0, # e.g. dither tiles or tiles where all exp so far are bad other = (res['EFFTIME_SPEC'] == 0.0) res['OBSSTATUS'][other] = 'other' res = reorder_columns(res) # reorder rows ii = np.argsort(res["LASTNIGHT"]) res = res[ii] return res
def reorder_columns(table) : neworder=['TILEID','SURVEY','PROGRAM','FAPRGRM','FAFLAVOR','NEXP','EXPTIME','TILERA','TILEDEC','EFFTIME_ETC','EFFTIME_SPEC','EFFTIME_GFA','GOALTIME','OBSSTATUS','LRG_EFFTIME_DARK','ELG_EFFTIME_DARK','BGS_EFFTIME_BRIGHT','LYA_EFFTIME_DARK','GOALTYPE','MINTFRAC','LASTNIGHT'] if not np.all(np.in1d(neworder,table.dtype.names)) or not np.all(np.in1d(table.dtype.names,neworder)) : log = get_logger() log.critical("error, mismatch of some keys") log.critical("new: {}".format(sorted(neworder))) log.critical("input: {}".format(sorted(table.dtype.names))) raise ValueError('mismatch of input and reordered columns') if np.all(np.array(neworder)==np.array(table.dtype.names)) : # same return table newtable=Table() newtable.meta=table.meta for k in neworder : newtable[k]=table[k] return newtable def is_same_table_rows(table1,index1,table2,index2) : #if table1[index1] == table2[index2] : return True if sorted(table1.dtype.names) != sorted(table2.dtype.names) : message="not same columns in the two tables {} != {}".format(sorted(table1.dtype.names),sorted(table2.dtype.names)) log.error(message) raise KeyError(message) for k in table1.dtype.names : v1=table1[k][index1] v2=table2[k][index2] if np.isreal(v1) : if np.isnan(v1) and np.isnan(v2) : continue if v1 != v2 : return False return True
[docs]def merge_tile_completeness_table(previous_table,new_table) : """ Merges tile summary tables. Args: previous_table: astropy.table.Table new_table: astropy.table.Table Returns: astropy.table.Table with merged entries. """ log = get_logger() # first check columns and add in previous if missing for k in new_table.dtype.names : if not k in previous_table.dtype.names :"New column {}".format(k)) previous_table[k] = np.zeros(len(previous_table),dtype=new_table[k].dtype) # check whether there is any difference for the new ones t2i={t:i for i,t in enumerate(previous_table["TILEID"])} nadd=0 nmod=0 nforcekeep=0 # keep all tiles that are not in the new table keep_from_previous = list(np.where(~np.in1d(previous_table["TILEID"],new_table["TILEID"]))[0]) nsame = len(keep_from_previous) add_from_new = [] for j,t in enumerate(new_table["TILEID"]) : if t not in t2i : nadd += 1 add_from_new.append(j) continue i=t2i[t] if is_same_table_rows(previous_table,i,new_table,j) : nsame += 1 keep_from_previous.append(i) continue # do some sanity check any_change=False for k in ["SURVEY","GOALTYPE"] : if new_table[k][j] == "unknown" and previous_table[k][i] != "unknown" : log.warning("IGNORE change for tile {} of {}: {} -> {}".format(t,k,previous_table[k][i],new_table[k][j])) new_table[k][j] = previous_table[k][i] any_change=True survey = new_table["SURVEY"][j] if survey in ["cmx","sv1","sv2","sv3"]: for k in ["GOALTIME","OBSSTATUS"] : if new_table[k][j] != previous_table[k][i] : log.warning("IGNORE change for tile {} of {}: {} -> {}".format(t,k,previous_table[k][i],new_table[k][j])) new_table[k][j] = previous_table[k][i] any_change=True if any_change : # recheck if still different if is_same_table_rows(previous_table,i,new_table,j) : nsame += 1 keep_from_previous.append(i) continue nmod += 1 add_from_new.append(j)"{} tiles unchanged".format(nsame))"{} tiles modified".format(nmod))"{} tiles added".format(nadd)) if len(add_from_new)>0 : res = vstack( [ previous_table[keep_from_previous] , new_table[add_from_new] ] ) else : res = previous_table res = reorder_columns(res) # reorder rows ii = np.argsort(res["LASTNIGHT"]) res = res[ii] return res
def number_of_good_redrock(tileid,night,specprod_dir,warn=True) : log=get_logger() nok=0 for spectro in range(10) : # coadd_filename = os.path.join(specprod_dir,"tiles/cumulative/{}/{}/coadd-{}-{}-thru{}.fits".format(tileid,night,spectro,tileid,night)) coadd_filename, exists = findfile('coadd', night=night, tile=tileid, spectrograph=spectro, groupname='cumulative', specprod_dir=specprod_dir, return_exists=True) if not exists: if warn: log.warning("missing {}".format(coadd_filename)) continue # redrock_filename = os.path.join(specprod_dir,"tiles/cumulative/{}/{}/redrock-{}-{}-thru{}.fits".format(tileid,night,spectro,tileid,night)) redrock_filename, exists = findfile('redrock', night=night, tile=tileid, spectrograph=spectro, groupname='cumulative', specprod_dir=specprod_dir, return_exists=True) if not exists: if warn : log.warning("missing {}".format(redrock_filename)) continue # do more tests nok+=1 return nok