Source code for desispec.trace_shifts



from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import sys
import argparse
import time
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg.linalg import LinAlgError
import as pyfits
from numpy.polynomial.legendre import legval,legfit
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
from scipy.ndimage import median_filter
import numba

from import read_image
from desiutil.log import get_logger
from desispec.linalg import cholesky_solve,cholesky_solve_and_invert
from desispec.interpolation import resample_flux
from desispec.qproc.qextract import qproc_boxcar_extraction

[docs]def write_traces_in_psf(input_psf_filename,output_psf_filename,xytraceset) : """ Writes traces in a PSF. Args: input_psf_filename : Path to input fits file which has to contain XTRACE and YTRACE HDUs output_psf_filename : Path to output fits file which has to contain XTRACE and YTRACE HDUs xytraceset : xytraceset """ xcoef=xytraceset.x_vs_wave_traceset._coeff ycoef=xytraceset.y_vs_wave_traceset._coeff wavemin=xytraceset.wavemin wavemax=xytraceset.wavemax log = get_logger() if "PSFTYPE" in psf_fits[0].header : psftype=psf_fits[0].header["PSFTYPE"] else : psftype=None modified_x=False modified_y=False if psftype is not None and psftype=="GAUSS-HERMITE" : if "X" in psf_fits["PSF"].data["PARAM"] : i=np.where(psf_fits["PSF"].data["PARAM"]=="X")[0][0] ishape=psf_fits["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i].shape if ishape != xcoef.shape : log.warning("xcoef from file and from arg don't have same shape : %s != %s"%(str(ishape),str(xcoef.shape))) n0=min(ishape[0],xcoef.shape[0]) n1=min(ishape[1],xcoef.shape[1]) psf_fits["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i] *= 0. psf_fits["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i][:n0,:n1]=xcoef[:n0,:n1] psf_fits["PSF"].data["WAVEMIN"][i]=wavemin psf_fits["PSF"].data["WAVEMAX"][i]=wavemax modified_x=True if "Y" in psf_fits["PSF"].data["PARAM"] : i=np.where(psf_fits["PSF"].data["PARAM"]=="Y")[0][0] ishape=psf_fits["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i].shape if ishape != ycoef.shape : log.warning("xcoef from file and from arg don't have same shape : %s != %s"%(str(ishape),str(ycoef.shape))) n0=min(psf_fits["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i].shape[0],ycoef.shape[0]) n1=min(psf_fits["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i].shape[1],ycoef.shape[1]) psf_fits["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i] *= 0. psf_fits["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i][:n0,:n1]=ycoef[:n0,:n1] psf_fits["PSF"].data["WAVEMIN"][i]=wavemin psf_fits["PSF"].data["WAVEMAX"][i]=wavemax modified_y=True if "XTRACE" in psf_fits : psf_fits["XTRACE"].data = xcoef psf_fits["XTRACE"].header["WAVEMIN"] = wavemin psf_fits["XTRACE"].header["WAVEMAX"] = wavemax modified_x=True if "YTRACE" in psf_fits : psf_fits["YTRACE"].data = ycoef psf_fits["YTRACE"].header["WAVEMIN"] = wavemin psf_fits["YTRACE"].header["WAVEMAX"] = wavemax modified_y=True if not modified_x : log.error("didn't change the X coefs in the psf: I/O error") raise IOError("didn't change the X coefs in the psf") if not modified_y : log.error("didn't change the Y coefs in the psf: I/O error") raise IOError("didn't change the Y coefs in the psf") if (xytraceset.meta is not None) and ("PSF" in psf_fits): for k in xytraceset.meta.keys() : psf_fits["PSF"].header[k] = xytraceset.meta[k] psf_fits.writeto(output_psf_filename,overwrite=True)"wrote traces and psf in %s"%output_psf_filename)
[docs]def legx(wave,wavemin,wavemax) : """ Reduced coordinate (range [-1,1]) for calls to legval and legfit Args: wave : ND np.array wavemin : float, min. val wavemax : float, max. val Returns: array of same shape as wave """ return 2.*(wave-wavemin)/(wavemax-wavemin)-1.
# beginning of routines for cross-correlation method for trace shifts
[docs]def boxcar_extraction_from_filenames(image_filename,psf_filename,fibers=None, width=7) : """ Fast boxcar extraction of spectra from a preprocessed image and a trace set Args: image_filename : input preprocessed fits filename psf_filename : input PSF fits filename Optional: fibers : 1D np.array of int (default is all fibers, the first fiber is always = 0) width : extraction boxcar width, default is 7 Returns: flux : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,n0=image.shape[0]), sum of pixel values per row of length=width per fiber ivar : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,n0), ivar[f,j] = 1/( sum_[j,b:e] (1/image.ivar) ), ivar=0 if at least 1 pixel in the row has image.ivar=0 or image.mask!=0 wave : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,n0), determined from the traces """ tset = read_xytraceset(psf_filename) image = read_image(image_filename) qframe = qproc_boxcar_extraction(xytraceset,image,fibers=fibers,width=width) return qframe.flux, qframe.ivar, qframe.wave
[docs]def resample_boxcar_frame(frame_flux,frame_ivar,frame_wave,oversampling=2) : """ Resamples the spectra in a frame obtained with boxcar extraction to the same wavelength grid, with oversampling. Uses resample_flux routine. Args: frame_flux : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,nwave), sum of pixel values per row of length=width per fiber frame_ivar : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,nwave), ivar[f,j] = 1/( sum_[j,b:e] (1/image.ivar) ), ivar=0 if at least 1 pixel in the row has image.ivar=0 or image.mask!=0 frame_wave : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,nwave), determined from the traces Optional: oversampling : int , oversampling factor , default is 2 Returns: flux : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,nwave*oversampling) ivar : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,nwave*oversampling) frame_wave : 1D np.array of size (nwave*oversampling) """ log=get_logger()"resampling with oversampling") t0=time.time() nfibers=frame_flux.shape[0] wave=frame_wave[nfibers//2] dwave=np.median(np.gradient(frame_wave))/oversampling wave=np.linspace(wave[0],wave[-1],int((wave[-1]-wave[0])/dwave)) nwave=wave.size flux=np.zeros((nfibers,nwave)) ivar=np.zeros((nfibers,nwave)) n1=frame_ivar.shape[1] for i in range(nfibers) :"resampling fiber #%03d"%i) #flux[i],ivar[i] = resample_flux(wave, frame_wave[i],frame_flux[i],frame_ivar[i]) # because I am oversampling, a linear interpolation is sufficient # increase the masked regions. for d in [-2,-1,1,2] : frame_ivar[i,2:n1-2][frame_ivar[i,2+d:n1-2+d]==0]=0 good=(frame_ivar[i]>0) if np.sum(good)>0 : flux[i] = np.interp(wave, frame_wave[i][good],frame_flux[i][good],left=0,right=0) ivar[i] = np.interp(wave, frame_wave[i],frame_ivar[i],left=0,right=0)/oversampling # larger variance, approximately else : log.warning("fiber {} has no valid data".format(i)) t1=time.time()"Resampled {} fibers in {:3.1f} sec".format(nfibers,t1-t0)) return flux,ivar,wave
# @numba.jit no real gain
[docs]def compute_dy_from_spectral_cross_correlation(flux, wave, refflux, ivar=None, hw=3., calibrate=False, prior_width_dy=None) : """ Measure y offsets from two spectra expected to be on the same wavelength grid. refflux is the assumed well calibrated spectrum. A relative flux calibration of the two spectra is done internally. Args: flux : 1D array of spectral flux as a function of wavelenght wave : 1D array of wavelength (in Angstrom) refflux : 1D array of reference spectral flux Optional: ivar : 1D array of inverse variance of flux hw : half width in Angstrom of the cross-correlation chi2 scan, default=3A corresponding approximatly to 5 pixels for DESI prior_width_dy: applied sigma of the Gaussian prior on dy Returns: x : 1D array of x coordinates on CCD (axis=1 in numpy image array, AXIS=0 in FITS, cross-dispersion axis = fiber number direction) y : 1D array of y coordinates on CCD (axis=0 in numpy image array, AXIS=1 in FITS, wavelength dispersion axis) dx : 1D array of shifts along x coordinates on CCD ex : 1D array of uncertainties on dx fiber : 1D array of fiber ID (first fiber = 0) wave : 1D array of wavelength """ # absorb differences of calibration (fiberflat not yet applied) if calibrate: x=(wave-wave[wave.size//2])/500. kernel=np.exp(-x**2/2) f1=fftconvolve(flux,kernel,mode='same') f2=fftconvolve(refflux,kernel,mode='same') if np.all(f2>0) : scale=f1/f2 refflux *= scale error_floor=0.01 #A if ivar is None : ivar = np.ones(flux.shape) dwave = wave[1] - wave[0] ihw = int(hw / dwave)+1 chi2 = np.zeros((2 * ihw + 1)) for d in range(-ihw, ihw + 1) : b = d + ihw e = wave.size + d - ihw chi2[ihw + d] = np.sum(ivar[ihw:-ihw] * (flux[ihw:-ihw] - refflux[b:e])**2) if prior_width_dy is not None: chi2[ihw + d] += (dwave * d / prior_width_dy)**2 i=np.argmin(chi2) if i<2 or i>=chi2.size-2 : # something went wrong delta=0. sigma=100. else : # refine minimum hh=int(0.6/dwave)+1 b=i-hh e=i+hh+1 if b<0 : b=0 e=b+2*hh+1 if e>2*ihw+1 : e=2*ihw+1 b=e-(2*hh+1) x=dwave*(np.arange(b,e)-ihw) c=np.polyfit(x,chi2[b:e],2) if c[0]>0 : delta=-c[1]/(2.*c[0]) sigma=np.sqrt(1./c[0] + error_floor**2) # do not scale error bars using chi2pdf because the # two spectra do not necessarily match # (for instance dark vs bright time sky spectrum) else : # something else went wrong delta=0. sigma=100. ''' print("dw= %f +- %f"%(delta,sigma)) if np.abs(delta)>1. : print("chi2/ndf=%f/%d=%f"%(chi2[i],(ndata-1),chi2[i]/(ndata-1))) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x=dwave*(np.arange(chi2.size)-ihw) plt.plot(x,chi2,"o-") pol=np.poly1d(c) xx=np.linspace(x[b],x[e-1],20) plt.plot(xx,pol(xx)) plt.axvline(delta) plt.axvline(delta-sigma) plt.axvline(delta+sigma) ''' return delta,sigma
[docs]def compute_dy_from_spectral_cross_correlations_of_frame(flux, ivar, wave , xcoef, ycoef, wavemin, wavemax, reference_flux , n_wavelength_bins = 4) : """ Measures y offsets from a set of resampled spectra and a reference spectrum that are on the same wavelength grid. reference_flux is the assumed well calibrated spectrum. Calls compute_dy_from_spectral_cross_correlation per fiber Args: flux : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,nwave) ivar : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,nwave) , inverse variance of flux wave : 1D array of wavelength (in Angstrom) of size nwave refflux : 1D array of reference spectral flux of size nwave Optional: n_wavelength_bins : number of bins along wavelength Returns: x : 1D array of x coordinates on CCD (axis=1 in numpy image array, AXIS=0 in FITS, cross-dispersion axis = fiber number direction) y : 1D array of y coordinates on CCD (axis=0 in numpy image array, AXIS=1 in FITS, wavelength dispersion axis) dy : 1D array of shifts along y coordinates on CCD ey : 1D array of uncertainties on dy fiber : 1D array of fiber ID (first fiber = 0) wave : 1D array of wavelength """ log=get_logger() x_for_dy=np.array([]) y_for_dy=np.array([]) dy=np.array([]) ey=np.array([]) fiber_for_dy=np.array([]) wave_for_dy=np.array([]) nfibers = flux.shape[0] for fiber in range(nfibers) : if fiber %10==0 :"computing dy for fiber #%03d"%fiber) for b in range(n_wavelength_bins) : wmin=wave[0]+((wave[-1]-wave[0])/n_wavelength_bins)*b if b<n_wavelength_bins-1 : wmax=wave[0]+((wave[-1]-wave[0])/n_wavelength_bins)*(b+1) else : wmax=wave[-1] ok=(wave>=wmin)&(wave<=wmax) sw=np.sum(ivar[fiber,ok]*flux[fiber,ok]*(flux[fiber,ok]>0)) if sw<=0 : continue dwave,err = compute_dy_from_spectral_cross_correlation(flux[fiber,ok],wave[ok],reference_flux[ok],ivar=ivar[fiber,ok]*reference_flux[ok],hw=3., calibrate=True) if err > 1 : continue block_wave = np.sum(ivar[fiber,ok]*flux[fiber,ok]*(flux[fiber,ok]>0)*wave[ok])/sw rw = legx(block_wave,wavemin,wavemax) tx = legval(rw,xcoef[fiber]) ty = legval(rw,ycoef[fiber]) eps=0.1 yp = legval(legx(block_wave+eps,wavemin,wavemax),ycoef[fiber]) dydw = (yp-ty)/eps tdy = -dwave*dydw tey = err*dydw x_for_dy=np.append(x_for_dy,tx) y_for_dy=np.append(y_for_dy,ty) dy=np.append(dy,tdy) ey=np.append(ey,tey) fiber_for_dy=np.append(fiber_for_dy,fiber) wave_for_dy=np.append(wave_for_dy,block_wave) return x_for_dy,y_for_dy,dy,ey,fiber_for_dy,wave_for_dy
[docs]def compute_dy_using_boxcar_extraction(xytraceset, image, fibers, width=7, degyy=2) : """ Measures y offsets (internal wavelength calibration) from a preprocessed image and a trace set using a cross-correlation of boxcar extracted spectra. Uses boxcar_extraction , resample_boxcar_frame , compute_dy_from_spectral_cross_correlations_of_frame Args: xytraceset : XYTraceset object image : DESI preprocessed image object Optional: fibers : 1D np.array of int (default is all fibers, the first fiber is always = 0) width : int, extraction boxcar width, default is 7 degyy : int, degree of polynomial fit of shifts as a function of y, used to reject outliers. Returns: x : 1D array of x coordinates on CCD (axis=1 in numpy image array, AXIS=0 in FITS, cross-dispersion axis = fiber number direction) y : 1D array of y coordinates on CCD (axis=0 in numpy image array, AXIS=1 in FITS, wavelength dispersion axis) dy : 1D array of shifts along y coordinates on CCD ey : 1D array of uncertainties on dy fiber : 1D array of fiber ID (first fiber = 0) wave : 1D array of wavelength """ log=get_logger() # boxcar extraction qframe = qproc_boxcar_extraction(xytraceset, image, fibers=fibers, width=7) # resampling on common finer wavelength grid flux, ivar, wave = resample_boxcar_frame(qframe.flux, qframe.ivar, qframe.wave, oversampling=4) # boolean mask of fibers with good data good_fibers = (np.sum(ivar>0, axis=1) > 0) # median flux of good fibers used as internal spectral reference mflux=np.median(flux[good_fibers],axis=0) # measure y shifts wavemin = xytraceset.wavemin wavemax = xytraceset.wavemax xcoef = xytraceset.x_vs_wave_traceset._coeff ycoef = xytraceset.y_vs_wave_traceset._coeff return compute_dy_from_spectral_cross_correlations_of_frame(flux=flux, ivar=ivar, wave=wave, xcoef=xcoef, ycoef=ycoef, wavemin=wavemin, wavemax=wavemax, reference_flux = mflux , n_wavelength_bins = degyy+4)
@numba.jit def numba_cross_profile(image_flux,image_ivar,x,wave,hw=3) : n0=image_flux.shape[0] swdx=np.zeros(n0) sw=np.zeros(n0) svar=np.zeros(n0) swy=np.zeros(n0) swx=np.zeros(n0) swl=np.zeros(n0) for j in range(n0) : for i in range(int(x[j]-hw),int(x[j]+hw+1)) : if image_ivar[j,i]==0 : swdx[j]=0 sw[j]=0 break swdx[j] += (i-x[j])*image_flux[j,i] sw[j] += image_flux[j,i] svar[j] += 1./image_ivar[j,i] swy[j] = sw[j]*j swx[j] = sw[j]*x[j] swl[j] = sw[j]*wave[j] return swdx,sw,svar,swy,swx,swl
[docs]def compute_dx_from_cross_dispersion_profiles(xcoef,ycoef,wavemin,wavemax, image, fibers, width=7,deg=2,image_rebin=4) : """ Measure x offsets from a preprocessed image and a trace set Args: xcoef : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,ncoef) containing Legendre coefficents for each fiber to convert wavelenght to XCCD ycoef : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,ncoef) containing Legendre coefficents for each fiber to convert wavelenght to YCCD wavemin : float wavemax : float. wavemin and wavemax are used to define a reduced variable legx(wave,wavemin,wavemax)=2*(wave-wavemin)/(wavemax-wavemin)-1 used to compute the traces, xccd=legval(legx(wave,wavemin,wavemax),xtrace[fiber]) image : DESI preprocessed image object fibers : 1D np.array of int (default is all fibers, the first fiber is always = 0) Optional: width : extraction boxcar width, default is 5 deg : degree of polynomial fit as a function of y, only used to find and mask outliers image_rebin : rebinning of CCD rows to run faster (with rebin=4 loss of precision <0.01 pixel) Returns: x : 1D array of x coordinates on CCD (axis=1 in numpy image array, AXIS=0 in FITS, cross-dispersion axis = fiber number direction) y : 1D array of y coordinates on CCD (axis=0 in numpy image array, AXIS=1 in FITS, wavelength dispersion axis) dx : 1D array of shifts along x coordinates on CCD ex : 1D array of uncertainties on dx fiber : 1D array of fiber ID (first fiber = 0) wave : 1D array of wavelength """ log=get_logger()"Starting compute_dx_from_cross_dispersion_profiles with width={} deg={} rebin={}...".format(width,deg,image_rebin)) t0=time.time() if fibers is None : fibers = np.arange(psf.nspec)"wavelength range : [%f,%f]"%(wavemin,wavemax)) if image.mask is not None : image_ivar = image.ivar*(image.mask==0) else : image_ivar = image.ivar error_floor = 0.04 # pixel n0 = image.pix.shape[0] n1 = image.pix.shape[1] # image rebinning to got faster !!! if image_rebin>1 : pix=image.pix[:(n0//image_rebin)*image_rebin,:].reshape(n0//image_rebin,image_rebin,n1).sum(1) ivar=image_ivar[:(n0//image_rebin)*image_rebin,:].reshape(n0//image_rebin,image_rebin,n1) hasnozero=(np.sum(ivar==0,axis=1)==0) ivar=ivar.sum(1)*hasnozero n0 = pix.shape[0] else : pix = image.pix ivar = image_ivar y = np.arange(n0)+0.5 # this 0.5 is important when rebinning to avoid a bias on y (here y = CCD_rows//rebin + 0.5 ) xx = np.tile(np.arange(n1),(n0,1)) hw = width//2 ncoef=ycoef.shape[1] twave=np.linspace(wavemin, wavemax, n0) rwave=legx(twave, wavemin, wavemax) ox=np.array([]) oy=np.array([]) odx=np.array([]) oex=np.array([]) of=np.array([]) ol=np.array([]) dt=0. for f,fiber in enumerate(fibers) : #"computing dx for fiber #%03d"%fiber) # the following 5 lines take 0.25 sec for all 500 fibers ty = legval(rwave, ycoef[fiber])/image_rebin tx = legval(rwave, xcoef[fiber]) wave_of_y = np.interp(y,ty,twave) x_of_y = np.interp(y,ty,tx) swdx,sw,svar,swy,swx,swl = numba_cross_profile(pix,ivar,x_of_y,wave_of_y,hw=hw) # rebin tn0 = sw.size rebin = 100//image_rebin sw = sw[:(tn0//rebin)*rebin].reshape(tn0//rebin,rebin).sum(-1) swdx = swdx[:(tn0//rebin)*rebin].reshape(tn0//rebin,rebin).sum(-1) svar = svar[:(tn0//rebin)*rebin].reshape(tn0//rebin,rebin).sum(-1) swx = swx[:(tn0//rebin)*rebin].reshape(tn0//rebin,rebin).sum(-1) swy = swy[:(tn0//rebin)*rebin].reshape(tn0//rebin,rebin).sum(-1) swl = swl[:(tn0//rebin)*rebin].reshape(tn0//rebin,rebin).sum(-1) snr = sw/np.sqrt(svar+(svar==0)) # signal to noise in bin ok = (snr>3) # keep only high snr pixels fex = np.sqrt( (20./snr[ok])**2 + 0.01**2) # uncertainties scale as snr fdx = (swdx/(sw+(sw==0)))[ok] fx = (swx/(sw+(sw==0)))[ok] fy = (swy/(sw+(sw==0)))[ok]*image_rebin-0.5 fl = (swl/(sw+(sw==0)))[ok] good_fiber=True for loop in range(10) : if fdx.size < deg+2 : good_fiber=False break try : c = np.polyfit(fy, fdx, deg, w=1. / fex) pol = np.poly1d(c) chi2 = (fdx-pol(fy))**2/fex**2 mchi2 = 2*np.median(chi2) ok = np.where(chi2<=9.*mchi2)[0] nbad = fdx.size-ok.size if nbad > 0 : log.debug("fiber {} loop {} mchi2 = {}, nbad= {}".format(fiber,loop,mchi2,nbad)) fex = fex[ok] fdx = fdx[ok] fx = fx[ok] fy = fy[ok] fl = fl[ok] except LinAlgError : good_fiber=False break if nbad==0 : break """ plt.errorbar(fy,fdx,fex,fmt="o") plt.plot(fy,pol(fy),"-") """ # we return the original sample of offset values if good_fiber : ox = np.append(ox,fx) oy = np.append(oy,fy) odx = np.append(odx,fdx) oex = np.append(oex,fex) of = np.append(of,fiber*np.ones(fy.size)) ol = np.append(ol,fl) t1=time.time()"computing dx for {} fibers in {} sec".format(len(fibers),t1-t0)) return ox,oy,odx,oex,of,ol
[docs]def shift_ycoef_using_external_spectrum(psf, xytraceset, image, fibers, spectrum_filename, degyy=2, width=7, prior_width_dy=0.1): """ Measure y offsets (external wavelength calibration) from a preprocessed image , a PSF + trace set using a cross-correlation of boxcar extracted spectra and an external well-calibrated spectrum. The PSF shape is used to convolve the input spectrum. It could also be used to correct for the PSF asymetry (disabled for now). A relative flux calibration of the spectra is performed internally. Args: psf : specter PSF xytraceset : XYTraceset object image : DESI preprocessed image object fibers : 1D np.array of fiber indices spectrum_filename : path to input spectral file ( read with np.loadtxt , first column is wavelength (in vacuum and Angstrom) , second column in flux (arb. units) Optional: width : int, extraction boxcar width, default is 7 degyy : int, degree of polynomial fit of shifts as a function of y, used to reject outliers. prior_width_dy: float with of the Gaussian prior on dy Returns: ycoef : 2D np.array of same shape as input, with modified Legendre coefficents for each fiber to convert wavelenght to YCCD """ log = get_logger() wavemin = xytraceset.wavemin wavemax = xytraceset.wavemax xcoef = xytraceset.x_vs_wave_traceset._coeff ycoef = xytraceset.y_vs_wave_traceset._coeff tmp=np.loadtxt(spectrum_filename).T ref_wave=tmp[0] ref_spectrum=tmp[1]"read reference spectrum in %s with %d entries"%(spectrum_filename,ref_wave.size))"rextract spectra with boxcar") # boxcar extraction qframe = qproc_boxcar_extraction(xytraceset, image, fibers=fibers, width=7) # resampling on common finer wavelength grid flux, ivar, wave = resample_boxcar_frame(qframe.flux, qframe.ivar, qframe.wave, oversampling=2) # here we get rid of continuum by applying a median filter continuum_win = 17 continuum_foot = np.abs(np.arange(-continuum_win,continuum_win))>continuum_win /2. # we only keep emission lines and get rid of continuum for ii in range(flux.shape[0]): flux[ii] = flux[ii] - median_filter(flux[ii], footprint=continuum_foot) # boolean mask of fibers with good data good_fibers = (np.sum(ivar>0, axis=1) > 0) num_good_fibers = np.sum(good_fibers) # median flux used as internal spectral reference mflux = np.median(flux[good_fibers], axis=0) # we use data variance and MAD from different spectra # to assign variance to a spectrum (1.48 is MAD factor, # pi/2 is a factor from Stddev[median(N(0,1))] mad_factor = 1.48 mad = np.maximum(np.median(np.abs(flux[good_fibers] - mflux[None, :]), axis=0), 1e-100) # I prevent it from being zero to avoid the warning below # The exact value does not matter as we're comparing to actual # median(ivar) mivar = np.minimum( np.median(ivar[good_fibers], axis=0) , 1./mad_factor**2 / mad**2) * num_good_fibers * (2. / np.pi) # finally use use the MAD of the background subtracted spectra to # assign further variance limit # this is sort of "effective" noise in the continuum subtracted spectrum mivar = np.minimum(mivar, 1. / mad_factor**2 / np.median(np.abs(mflux))**2) # do not allow negatives mflux[mflux < 0] = 0 # trim ref_spectrum i=(ref_wave>=wave[0])&(ref_wave<=wave[-1]) ref_wave=ref_wave[i] ref_spectrum=ref_spectrum[i] # check wave is linear or make it linear if np.abs((ref_wave[1]-ref_wave[0])-(ref_wave[-1]-ref_wave[-2]))>0.0001*(ref_wave[1]-ref_wave[0]) :"reference spectrum wavelength is not on a linear grid, resample it") dwave = np.min(np.gradient(ref_wave)) tmp_wave = np.linspace(ref_wave[0],ref_wave[-1],int((ref_wave[-1]-ref_wave[0])/dwave)) ref_spectrum = resample_flux(tmp_wave, ref_wave , ref_spectrum) ref_wave = tmp_wave i=np.argmax(ref_spectrum) central_wave_for_psf_evaluation = ref_wave[i] fiber_for_psf_evaluation = (flux.shape[0]//2) try : # compute psf at most significant line of ref_spectrum dwave=ref_wave[i+1]-ref_wave[i] hw=int(3./dwave)+1 # 3A half width wave_range = ref_wave[i-hw:i+hw+1] x,y=psf.xy(fiber_for_psf_evaluation,wave_range) x=np.tile(x[hw]+np.arange(-hw,hw+1)*(y[-1]-y[0])/(2*hw+1),(y.size,1)) y=np.tile(y,(2*hw+1,1)).T kernel2d=psf._value(x,y,fiber_for_psf_evaluation,central_wave_for_psf_evaluation) kernel1d=np.sum(kernel2d,axis=1)"convolve reference spectrum using PSF at fiber %d and wavelength %dA"%(fiber_for_psf_evaluation,central_wave_for_psf_evaluation)) ref_spectrum=fftconvolve(ref_spectrum,kernel1d, mode='same') except : log.warning("couldn't convolve reference spectrum: %s %s"%(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1])) # resample input spectrum"resample convolved reference spectrum") ref_spectrum = resample_flux(wave, ref_wave , ref_spectrum)"absorb difference of calibration") x = (wave - wave[wave.size//2]) / 50. kernel = np.exp(- x**2/2) f1 = fftconvolve(mflux, kernel, mode='same') f2 = fftconvolve(ref_spectrum, kernel, mode='same') # We scale by a constant factor scale = (f1 * f2).sum() / (f2 * f2).sum() ref_spectrum *= scale"fit shifts on wavelength bins") # define bins n_wavelength_bins = degyy+4 y_for_dy=np.array([]) dy=np.array([]) ey=np.array([]) wave_for_dy=np.array([]) for b in range(n_wavelength_bins) : wmin=wave[0]+((wave[-1]-wave[0])/n_wavelength_bins)*b if b<n_wavelength_bins-1 : wmax=wave[0]+((wave[-1]-wave[0])/n_wavelength_bins)*(b+1) else : wmax=wave[-1] ok=(wave>=wmin)&(wave<=wmax) sw= np.sum(mflux[ok]*(mflux[ok]>0)) if sw==0 : continue dwave,err = compute_dy_from_spectral_cross_correlation(mflux[ok], wave[ok], ref_spectrum[ok], ivar=mivar[ok], hw=10., prior_width_dy=prior_width_dy) bin_wave = np.sum(mflux[ok]*(mflux[ok]>0)*wave[ok])/sw x,y=psf.xy(fiber_for_psf_evaluation,bin_wave) eps=0.1 x,yp=psf.xy(fiber_for_psf_evaluation,bin_wave+eps) dydw=(yp-y)/eps if err*dydw<1 : dy=np.append(dy,-dwave*dydw) ey=np.append(ey,err*dydw) wave_for_dy=np.append(wave_for_dy,bin_wave) y_for_dy=np.append(y_for_dy,y)"wave = %fA , y=%d, measured dwave = %f +- %f A"%(bin_wave,y,dwave,err)) if False : # we don't need this for now try :"correcting bias due to asymmetry of PSF") hw=5 oversampling=4 xx=np.tile(np.arange(2*hw*oversampling+1)-hw*oversampling,(2*hw*oversampling+1,1))/float(oversampling) yy=xx.T x,y=psf.xy(fiber_for_psf_evaluation,central_wave_for_psf_evaluation) prof=psf._value(xx+x,yy+y,fiber_for_psf_evaluation,central_wave_for_psf_evaluation) dy_asym_central = np.sum(yy*prof)/np.sum(prof) for i in range(dy.size) : x,y=psf.xy(fiber_for_psf_evaluation,wave_for_dy[i]) prof=psf._value(xx+x,yy+y,fiber_for_psf_evaluation,wave_for_dy[i]) dy_asym = np.sum(yy*prof)/np.sum(prof)"y=%f, measured dy=%f , bias due to PSF asymetry = %f"%(y,dy[i],dy_asym-dy_asym_central)) dy[i] -= (dy_asym-dy_asym_central) except : log.warning("couldn't correct for asymmetry of PSF: %s %s"%(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1]))"polynomial fit of shifts and modification of PSF ycoef") # pol fit coef = np.polyfit(wave_for_dy, dy, degyy, w=1. / ey) pol = np.poly1d(coef) for i in range(dy.size) :"wave=%fA y=%f, measured dy=%f+-%f , pol(wave) = %f"%(wave_for_dy[i],y_for_dy[i],dy[i],ey[i],pol(wave_for_dy[i])))"apply this to the PSF ycoef") wave = np.linspace(wavemin,wavemax,100) dy = pol(wave) dycoef = legfit(legx(wave,wavemin,wavemax),dy,deg=ycoef.shape[1]-1) for fiber in range(ycoef.shape[0]) : ycoef[fiber] += dycoef return ycoef
# end of routines for cross-correlation method for trace shifts # beginning of routines for forward model method for trace shifts
[docs]def compute_fiber_bundle_trace_shifts_using_psf(fibers,line,psf,image,maxshift=2.) : """ Computes trace shifts along x and y from a preprocessed image, a PSF (with trace coords), and a given emission line, by doing a forward model of the image. Args: fibers : 1D array with list of fibers line : float, wavelength of an emission line (in Angstrom) psf : specter psf object image : DESI preprocessed image object Optional: maxshift : float maximum shift in pixels for 2D chi2 scan Returns: x : 1D array of x coordinates on CCD (axis=1 in numpy image array, AXIS=0 in FITS, cross-dispersion axis = fiber number direction) y : 1D array of y coordinates on CCD (axis=0 in numpy image array, AXIS=1 in FITS, wavelength dispersion axis) dx : 1D array of shifts along x coordinates on CCD dy : 1D array of shifts along y coordinates on CCD sx : 1D array of uncertainties on dx sy : 1D array of uncertainties on dy """ log=get_logger()"compute_fiber_bundle_offsets fibers={} line={}".format(fibers,line)) # get central coordinates of bundle for interpolation of offsets on CCD x,y = psf.xy([int(np.median(fibers)),],line) try : nfibers=len(fibers) # compute stamp coordinates xstart=None xstop=None ystart=None ystop=None xs=[] ys=[] pix=[] xx=[] yy=[] for fiber in fibers : txs,tys,tpix = psf.xypix(fiber,line) xs.append(txs) ys.append(tys) pix.append(tpix) if xstart is None : xstart =txs.start xstop =txs.stop ystart =tys.start ystop =tys.stop else : xstart =min(xstart,txs.start) xstop =max(xstop,txs.stop) ystart =min(ystart,tys.start) ystop =max(ystop,tys.stop) # load stamp data, with margins to avoid problems with shifted psf margin=int(maxshift)+1 stamp=np.zeros((ystop-ystart+2*margin,xstop-xstart+2*margin)) stampivar=np.zeros(stamp.shape) stamp[margin:-margin,margin:-margin]=image.pix[ystart:ystop,xstart:xstop] stampivar[margin:-margin,margin:-margin]=image.ivar[ystart:ystop,xstart:xstop] # will use a fixed footprint despite changes of psf stamps # so that chi2 always based on same data set footprint=np.zeros(stamp.shape) for i in range(nfibers) : footprint[margin-ystart+ys[i].start:margin-ystart+ys[i].stop,margin-xstart+xs[i].start:margin-xstart+xs[i].stop]=1 #plt.imshow(footprint) ; ; sys.exit(12) # define grid of shifts to test res=0.5 nshift=int(maxshift/res) dx=res*np.tile(np.arange(2*nshift+1)-nshift,(2*nshift+1,1)) dy=dx.T original_shape=dx.shape dx=dx.ravel() dy=dy.ravel() chi2=np.zeros(dx.shape) A=np.zeros((nfibers,nfibers)) B=np.zeros((nfibers)) mods=np.zeros(np.zeros(nfibers).shape+stamp.shape) debugging=False if debugging : # FOR DEBUGGING KEEP MODELS models=[] # loop on possible shifts # refit fluxes and compute chi2 for d in range(len(dx)) : # print(d,dx[d],dy[d]) A *= 0 B *= 0 mods *= 0 for i,fiber in enumerate(fibers) : # apply the PSF shift psf._cache={} # reset cache !! psf.coeff['X']._coeff[fiber][0] += dx[d] psf.coeff['Y']._coeff[fiber][0] += dy[d] # compute pix and paste on stamp frame xx, yy, pix = psf.xypix(fiber,line) mods[i][margin-ystart+yy.start:margin-ystart+yy.stop,margin-xstart+xx.start:margin-xstart+xx.stop]=pix # undo the PSF shift psf.coeff['X']._coeff[fiber][0] -= dx[d] psf.coeff['Y']._coeff[fiber][0] -= dy[d] B[i] = np.sum(stampivar*stamp*mods[i]) for j in range(i+1) : A[i,j] = np.sum(stampivar*mods[i]*mods[j]) if j!=i : A[j,i] = A[i,j] Ai=np.linalg.inv(A) model=np.zeros(stamp.shape) for i in range(nfibers) : model += flux[i]*mods[i] chi2[d]=np.sum(stampivar*(stamp-model)**2) if debugging : models.append(model) if debugging : schi2=chi2.reshape(original_shape).copy() # FOR DEBUGGING sdx=dx.copy() sdy=dy.copy() # find minimum chi2 grid point k = chi2.argmin() j,i = np.unravel_index(k, ((2*nshift+1),(2*nshift+1))) #print("node dx,dy=",dx.reshape(original_shape)[j,i],dy.reshape(original_shape)[j,i]) # cut a region around minimum delta=1 istart=max(0,i-delta) istop=min(2*nshift+1,i+delta+1) jstart=max(0,j-delta) jstop=min(2*nshift+1,j+delta+1) chi2=chi2.reshape(original_shape)[jstart:jstop,istart:istop].ravel() dx=dx.reshape(original_shape)[jstart:jstop,istart:istop].ravel() dy=dy.reshape(original_shape)[jstart:jstop,istart:istop].ravel() # fit 2D polynomial of deg2 m = np.array([dx*0+1, dx, dy, dx**2, dy**2, dx*dy ]).T c, r, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(m, chi2) if c[3]>0 and c[4]>0 : # get minimum # dchi2/dx=0 : c[1]+2*c[3]*dx+c[5]*dy = 0 # dchi2/dy=0 : c[2]+2*c[4]*dy+c[5]*dx = 0 a=np.array([[2*c[3],c[5]],[c[5],2*c[4]]]) b=np.array([c[1],c[2]]) t=-np.linalg.inv(a).dot(b) dx=t[0] dy=t[1] sx=1./np.sqrt(c[3]) sy=1./np.sqrt(c[4]) #print("interp dx,dy=",dx,dy) if debugging : # FOR DEBUGGING import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() plt.subplot(2,2,1,title="chi2") plt.imshow(schi2,extent=(-nshift*res,nshift*res,-nshift*res,nshift*res),origin=0,interpolation="nearest") plt.plot(dx,dy,"+",color="white",ms=20) plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") plt.subplot(2,2,2,title="data") plt.imshow(stamp*footprint,origin=0,interpolation="nearest") plt.grid() k0=np.argmin(sdx**2+sdy**2) plt.subplot(2,2,3,title="original psf") plt.imshow(models[k0],origin=0,interpolation="nearest") plt.grid() plt.subplot(2,2,4,title="shifted psf") plt.imshow(models[k],origin=0,interpolation="nearest") plt.grid() else : log.warning("fit failed (bad chi2 surf.) for fibers [%d:%d] line=%dA"%(fibers[0],fibers[-1]+1,int(line))) dx=0. dy=0. sx=10. sy=10. except LinAlgError : log.warning("fit failed (masked or missing data) for fibers [%d:%d] line=%dA"%(fibers[0],fibers[-1]+1,int(line))) dx=0. dy=0. sx=10. sy=10. return x,y,dx,dy,sx,sy
[docs]def compute_dx_dy_using_psf(psf,image,fibers,lines) : """ Computes trace shifts along x and y from a preprocessed image, a PSF (with trace coords), and a set of emission lines, by doing a forward model of the image. Calls compute_fiber_bundle_trace_shifts_using_psf. Args: psf : specter psf object image : DESI preprocessed image object fibers : 1D array with list of fibers lines : 1D array of wavelength of emission lines (in Angstrom) Returns: x : 1D array of x coordinates on CCD (axis=1 in numpy image array, AXIS=0 in FITS, cross-dispersion axis = fiber number direction) y : 1D array of y coordinates on CCD (axis=0 in numpy image array, AXIS=1 in FITS, wavelength dispersion axis) dx : 1D array of shifts along x coordinates on CCD dy : 1D array of shifts along y coordinates on CCD sx : 1D array of uncertainties on dx sy : 1D array of uncertainties on dy fiber : 1D array of fiber ID wave : 1D array of wavelength """ log = get_logger() nlines=len(lines) nfibers=len(fibers)"computing spots coordinates and define bundles") x=np.zeros((nfibers,nlines)) y=np.zeros((nfibers,nlines)) # load expected spots coordinates for fiber in range(nfibers) : for l,line in enumerate(lines) : x[fiber,l],y[fiber,l] = psf.xy(fiber,line) bundle_fibers=[] bundle_xmin=[] bundle_xmax=[] xwidth=9. bundle_xmin.append(x[0,nlines//2]-xwidth/2) bundle_xmax.append(x[0,nlines//2]+xwidth/2) bundle_fibers.append([0,]) for fiber in range(1,nfibers) : tx=x[fiber,nlines//2] found=False for b in range(len(bundle_fibers)) : if tx+xwidth/2 >= bundle_xmin[b] and tx-xwidth/2 <= bundle_xmax[b] : found=True bundle_fibers[b].append(fiber) bundle_xmin[b]=min(bundle_xmin[b],tx-xwidth/2) bundle_xmax[b]=max(bundle_xmax[b],tx+xwidth/2) break if not found : bundle_fibers.append([fiber,]) bundle_xmin.append(tx-xwidth/2) bundle_xmax.append(tx+xwidth/2)"measure offsets dx dy per bundle ({}) and spectral line ({})".format(len(bundle_fibers),len(lines))) wave_xy=np.array([]) # line fiber_xy=np.array([]) # central fiber in bundle x=np.array([]) # central x in bundle at line wavelength y=np.array([]) # central x in bundle at line wavelength dx=np.array([]) # measured offset along x dy=np.array([]) # measured offset along y ex=np.array([]) # measured offset uncertainty along x ey=np.array([]) # measured offset uncertainty along y for b in range(len(bundle_fibers)) : for l,line in enumerate(lines) : tx,ty,tdx,tdy,tex,tey = compute_fiber_bundle_trace_shifts_using_psf(fibers=bundle_fibers[b],psf=psf,image=image,line=line)"fibers [%d:%d] %dA dx=%4.3f+-%4.3f dy=%4.3f+-%4.3f"%(bundle_fibers[b][0],bundle_fibers[b][-1]+1,int(line),tdx,tex,tdy,tey)) if tex<1. and tey<1. : wave_xy=np.append(wave_xy,line) fiber_xy=np.append(fiber_xy,int(np.median(bundle_fibers[b]))) x=np.append(x,tx) y=np.append(y,ty) dx=np.append(dx,tdx) dy=np.append(dy,tdy) ex=np.append(ex,tex) ey=np.append(ey,tey) return x,y,dx,ex,dy,ey,fiber_xy,wave_xy
# end of routines for forward model method
[docs]def monomials(x,y,degx,degy) : """ Computes monomials as a function of x and y of a 2D polynomial of degrees degx and degy Args: x : ND array y : ND array of same shape as x degx : int (>=0), polynomial degree along x degy : int (>=0), polynomial degree along y Returns : monomials : ND array of shape ( (degx+1)*(degy+1) , x shape ) """ M=[] for i in range(degx+1) : for j in range(degy+1) : M.append(x**i*y**j) return np.array(M)
[docs]def polynomial_fit(z,ez,xx,yy,degx,degy) : """ Computes and 2D polynomial fit of z as a function of (x,y) of degrees degx and degy Args: z : ND array ez : ND array of same shape as z, uncertainties on z x : ND array of same shape as z y : ND array of same shape as z degx : int (>=0), polynomial degree along x degy : int (>=0), polynomial degree along y Returns: coeff : 1D array of size (degx+1)*(degy+1) with polynomial coefficients (as defined by routine monomials) covariance : 2D array of covariance of coeff error_floor : float , extra uncertainty needed to get chi2/ndf=1 polval : ND array of same shape as z with values of pol(x,y) mask : ND array of same shape as z indicating the masked data points in the fit """ M=monomials(x=xx,y=yy,degx=degx,degy=degy) error_floor = 0. npar=M.shape[0] A=np.zeros((npar,npar)) B=np.zeros((npar)) mask=np.ones(z.shape).astype(int) for loop in range(100) : # loop to increase errors w=1./(ez**2+error_floor**2) w[mask==0]=0. A *= 0. B *= 0. for k in range(npar) : B[k]=np.sum(w*z*M[k]) for l in range(k+1) : A[k,l]=np.sum(w*M[k]*M[l]) if l!=k : A[l,k]=A[k,l] coeff=cholesky_solve(A,B) polval = # compute rchi2 with median ndata=np.sum(w>0) rchi2=1.4826*np.median(np.sqrt(w)*np.abs(z-polval))*ndata/float(ndata-npar) # std chi2 rchi2_std = np.sum(w*(z-polval)**2)/(ndata-npar) #print("#%d rchi2=%f rchi2_std=%f ngood=%d nbad=%d error floor=%f"%(loop,rchi2,rchi2_std,ndata,np.sum(w==0),error_floor)) # reject huge outliers nbad=0 rvar=w*(z-polval)**2 worst=np.argmax(rvar) if rvar[worst] > 25*max(rchi2,1.2) : # cap rchi2 if starting point is very bad #print("remove one bad measurement at %2.1f sigmas"%np.sqrt(rvar[worst])) mask[worst]=0 nbad=1 if rchi2>1 : if nbad==0 or loop>5 : error_floor+=0.002 if rchi2<=1. and nbad==0 : break # rerun chol. solve to get covariance coeff,covariance=cholesky_solve_and_invert(A,B) return coeff,covariance,error_floor,polval,mask
[docs]def recompute_legendre_coefficients(xcoef,ycoef,wavemin,wavemax,degxx,degxy,degyx,degyy,dx_coeff,dy_coeff) : """ Modifies legendre coefficients of an input trace set using polynomial coefficents (as defined by the routine monomials) Args: xcoef : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,ncoef) containing Legendre coefficents for each fiber to convert wavelenght to XCCD ycoef : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,ncoef) containing Legendre coefficents for each fiber to convert wavelenght to YCCD wavemin : float wavemax : float. wavemin and wavemax are used to define a reduced variable legx(wave,wavemin,wavemax)=2*(wave-wavemin)/(wavemax-wavemin)-1 used to compute the traces, xccd=legval(legx(wave,wavemin,wavemax),xtrace[fiber]) degxx : int, degree of polynomial for x shifts as a function of x (x is axis=1 in numpy image array, AXIS=0 in FITS, cross-dispersion axis = fiber number direction) degxy : int, degree of polynomial for x shifts as a function of y (y is axis=0 in numpy image array, AXIS=1 in FITS, wavelength dispersion axis) degyx : int, degree of polynomial for y shifts as a function of x degyy : int, degree of polynomial for y shifts as a function of y dx_coeff : 1D np.array of polynomial coefficients of size (degxx*degxy) as defined by the routine monomials. dy_coeff : 1D np.array of polynomial coefficients of size (degyx*degyy) as defined by the routine monomials. Returns: xcoef : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,ncoef) with modified Legendre coefficents ycoef : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,ncoef) with modified Legendre coefficents """ wave=np.linspace(wavemin,wavemax,100) nfibers=xcoef.shape[0] rw=legx(wave,wavemin,wavemax) for fiber in range(nfibers) : x = legval(rw,xcoef[fiber]) y = legval(rw,ycoef[fiber]) m=monomials(x,y,degxx,degxy) xcoef[fiber]=legfit(rw,x+dx,deg=xcoef.shape[1]-1) m=monomials(x,y,degyx,degyy) ycoef[fiber]=legfit(rw,y+dy,deg=ycoef.shape[1]-1) return xcoef,ycoef