Source code for desispec.tsnr


import os
import numpy as np
import time
import desispec

import as fits
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.convolution import convolve, Box1DKernel

import json
import glob
import yaml
from importlib import resources

from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline,interp1d
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
from desiutil.log import get_logger
from desiutil.dust import dust_transmission

from import findfile,read_frame,read_fiberflat,read_sky,read_flux_calibration,iotime,read_xytraceset
from import Spectra
from desispec.calibfinder import findcalibfile
from astropy import constants as const
from import load_desiparams
from import load_platescale
from desimodel.fastfiberacceptance import FastFiberAcceptance
from desispec.fiberfluxcorr import flat_to_psf_flux_correction

class Config(object):
    def __init__(self, cpath):
        with open(cpath) as f:
            d = yaml.safe_load(f)

        for key in d:
            setattr(self, key, d[key])

[docs]class gfa_template_ensemble(object): ''' ''' def __init__(self): log = get_logger()'Computing GFA passband TSNR template.') self.tracer = 'GPBDARK' # self.pb_fname = resources.files('desispec').joinpath('data/gfa/gfa-mean-desi-1297.csv')'Retrieved {}.'.format(self.pb_fname)) # passband: wave [3000., 11000.] self.pb =, names=['wave', 'trans']) self.pb_interp = interp1d(self.pb['wave'], self.pb['trans'], kind='linear', copy=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0, assume_sorted=False) self.wmin = 3600 self.wmax = 9824 self.wdelta = 0.8 self.wave = np.round(np.arange(self.wmin, self.wmax + self.wdelta, self.wdelta), 1) self.cslice = {"b": slice(0, 2751), "r": slice(2700, 5026), "z": slice(4900, 7781)} def compute(self): log = get_logger() self.ensemble_dflux = {} for band in ['b', 'r', 'z']: band_wave = self.wave[self.cslice[band]] self.ensemble_dflux[band] = self.pb_interp(band_wave).reshape(1, len(band_wave))'GPB passband TSNR template computation done.') def plot(self): import pylab as pl for band in ['b', 'r', 'z']: band_wave = self.wave[self.cslice[band]] pl.plot(band_wave, self.ensemble_dflux[band][0], label=band) pl.xlabel('Wavelength [Angstroms]') pl.ylabel('GPBDARK TSNR DFLUX TEMPLATE') def write(self,dirname): log = get_logger() for tracer in ['gpbdark', 'gpbbright', 'gpbbackup']: hdr = fits.Header() hdr['TRACER'] = tracer hdu_list = [fits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr)] for band in ['b', 'r', 'z']: hdu_list.append(fits.ImageHDU(self.wave[self.cslice[band]], name='WAVE_{}'.format(band.upper()))) hdu_list.append(fits.ImageHDU(self.ensemble_dflux[band], name='DFLUX_{}'.format(band.upper()))) hdu_list = fits.HDUList(hdu_list) hdu_list.writeto(dirname + '/tsnr-ensemble-{}.fits'.format(tracer), overwrite=True)'Successfully written GFA TSNR template to ' + dirname + '/tsnr-ensemble-{}.fits'.format(tracer))'Should now be copied to $DESIMODEL/data/tsnr/.')
[docs]class template_ensemble(object): ''' Generate an ensemble of templates to sample tSNR for a range of points in (z, m, OII, etc.) space. If conditioned, uses deepfield redshifts and (currently r) magnitudes to condition simulated templates. ''' def read_config(self,filename) : log = get_logger()"Reading config {}".format(filename)) self.config = Config(filename) def __init__(self,tracer, config_filename=None) : self.tracer = tracer.lower() # support ELG or elg, etc. # AR/DK DESI spectra wavelengths # TODO: where are brz extraction wavelengths defined? self.wmin = 3600 self.wmax = 9824 self.wdelta = 0.8 self.wave = np.round(np.arange(self.wmin, self.wmax + self.wdelta, self.wdelta), 1) self.cslice = {"b": slice(0, 2751), "r": slice(2700, 5026), "z": slice(4900, 7781)} if config_filename is None : config_filename = resources.files('desispec').joinpath(f'data/tsnr/tsnr-config-{self.tracer}.yaml') self.read_config(config_filename) self.seed = 1
[docs] def effmag(self,m1,m2) : """ returns an effective mag which is the magnitude that gives the same average flux^2 for the mag range specified [m1,m2] assuming a flat magnitude distribution """ return -0.5*2.5*np.log10( (10**(-0.8*m1)-10**(-0.8*m2))/(0.8*np.log(10.))/(m2-m1) )
[docs] def generate_templates(self, nmodel, redshifts=None, mags=None,single_mag=True): ''' Dedicated wrapper for desisim.templates.GALAXY.make_templates call, stipulating templates in a redshift range suggested by the FDR. Further, assume fluxes close to the expected (within ~0.5 mags.) in the appropriate band. Class init will write ensemble stack to disk at outdir, for a given tracer [bgs, lrg, elg, qso], having generated nmodel templates. Optionally, provide redshifts and mags. to condition appropriately at cost of runtime. ''' # Only import desisim if code is run, not at module import # to minimize desispec -> desisim -> desispec dependency loop import desisim.templates log = get_logger() # # normfilter_south=self.config.filter zrange = (self.config.zlo, self.config.zhi) # Variance normalized as for psf, so we need an additional linear # flux loss so account for the relative factors. psf_loss = -self.config.psf_fiberloss / 2.5 psf_loss = 10.**psf_loss rel_loss = -(self.config.wgt_fiberloss - self.config.psf_fiberloss) / 2.5 rel_loss = 10.**rel_loss magrange = (self.config.med_mag, self.config.limit_mag)'{} nmodel: {:d}'.format(self.tracer, nmodel))'{} filter: {}'.format(self.tracer, self.config.filter))'{} zrange: {} - {}'.format(self.tracer, zrange[0], zrange[1])) # NOTE THE NORMALIZATION OF MAGNITUDES DOES NOT HAVE ANY EFFECT # AT THE END OF THE DAY, BECAUSE BOTH TSNR2 VALUES AND EFFTIME # ARE RECALIBRATED TO VALUES OBTAINED EARLY IN THE SURVEY # (using table sv1-exposures.csv in py/desispec/data/tsnr/) # TO AVOID ANY ARTIFICIAL DRIFT IN THE NORMALIZATION OF THOSE # QUANTITIES. # See the scale factor applied to the flux in the routine get_ensemble # and the efftime normalization in the routine tsnr2_to_efftime # Calibration vector assumes PSF mtype.'psf fiberloss: {:.3f}'.format(psf_loss))'Relative fiberloss to psf morphtype: {:.3f}'.format(rel_loss))'Generating templates ...') if self.tracer == 'bgs': # Cut on mag. # magrange = (self.config.med_mag, self.config.limit_mag) if single_mag and mags is None : mags=np.repeat( self.effmag(magrange[0],magrange[1]) , nmodel) maker = desisim.templates.BGS(wave=self.wave, normfilter_south=normfilter_south) flux, wave, meta, objmeta = maker.make_templates(nmodel=nmodel, redshift=redshifts, mag=mags, south=True, zrange=zrange, magrange=magrange, seed=self.seed) # Additional factor rel. to psf.; TSNR put onto instrumental # e/A given calibration vector that includes psf-like loss. flux *= rel_loss elif self.tracer == 'lrg': # Cut on fib. mag. with desisim.templates setting FIBERFLUX to FLUX. # magrange = (self.config.med_fibmag, self.config.limit_fibmag) # consistent with tsnr on disk #magrange = (self.config.med_mag, self.config.limit_mag) if single_mag and mags is None : mags=np.repeat( self.effmag(magrange[0],magrange[1]) , nmodel) maker = desisim.templates.LRG(wave=self.wave, normfilter_south=normfilter_south) flux, wave, meta, objmeta = maker.make_templates(nmodel=nmodel, redshift=redshifts, mag=mags, south=True, zrange=zrange, magrange=magrange, seed=self.seed) # Take factor rel. to psf.; TSNR put onto instrumental # e/A given calibration vector that includes psf-like loss. # Note: Oppostive to other tracers as templates normalized to fibermag. flux /= psf_loss #flux *= rel_loss elif self.tracer == 'elg': # Cut on mag. # magrange = (self.config.med_mag, self.config.limit_mag) if single_mag and mags is None : mags=np.repeat( self.effmag(magrange[0],magrange[1]) , nmodel) maker = desisim.templates.ELG(wave=self.wave, normfilter_south=normfilter_south) flux, wave, meta, objmeta = maker.make_templates(nmodel=nmodel, redshift=redshifts, mag=mags, south=True, zrange=zrange, magrange=magrange, seed=self.seed) # Additional factor rel. to psf.; TSNR put onto instrumental # e/A given calibration vector that includes psf-like loss. flux *= rel_loss elif self.tracer == 'qso': # Cut on mag. # magrange = (self.config.med_mag, self.config.limit_mag) if single_mag and mags is None : mags=np.repeat( self.effmag(magrange[0],magrange[1]) , nmodel) maker = desisim.templates.QSO(wave=self.wave, normfilter_south=normfilter_south) flux, wave, meta, objmeta = maker.make_templates(nmodel=nmodel, redshift=redshifts, mag=mags, south=True, zrange=zrange, magrange=magrange, seed=self.seed) # Additional factor rel. to psf.; TSNR put onto instrumental # e/A given calibration vector that includes psf-like loss. flux *= rel_loss else: raise ValueError('{} is not an available tracer.'.format(self.tracer)) if single_mag :'{} single effective mag: {}'.format(self.tracer, mags[0])) else :'{} magrange: {} - {}'.format(self.tracer, magrange[0], magrange[1]))" Done generating templates") return wave, flux, meta, objmeta
[docs] def compute(self, nmodel=5, smooth=100., nz_table_filename=None, single_mag=True, convolve_to_nz=True): """ Compute a template ensemble for template S/N measurements (tSNR) Args: nmodel: number of template models to generate smooth: smoothing scale for dF=<F - smooth(F)> nz_table_filename: path to ASCII file with columns zmin,zmax,n single_mag: generate all templates at same average magnitude to limit MC noise convolve_to_nz: if True, each template dF^2 is convolved to match the n(z) (redshift distribution) """ log = get_logger() if nz_table_filename is None : nz_table_filename = os.environ['DESIMODEL'] + '/data/targets/nz_{}.dat'.format(self.tracer) _, flux, meta, objmeta = self.generate_templates(nmodel=nmodel,single_mag=single_mag) # keep a copy of the templates meta data self.meta = meta for k in objmeta.dtype.names : if k not in self.meta.dtype.names : self.meta[k] = objmeta[k] self.ensemble_flux = {} self.ensemble_dflux = {} self.ensemble_meta = meta self.ensemble_objmeta = objmeta self.ensemble_dflux_stack = {} self.smooth = smooth ## smoothing = np.ceil(smooth / self.wdelta).astype(int)'Applying {:.3f} AA smoothing ({:d} pixels)'.format(smooth, smoothing)) dflux = flux.copy() for i in range(flux.shape[0]): sflux = convolve(flux[i], Box1DKernel(smoothing), boundary='extend') dflux[i] -= sflux"Read N(z) in {}".format(nz_table_filename)) zmin, zmax, numz = np.loadtxt(nz_table_filename, unpack=True, usecols = (0,1,2)) # trim b=max(0,np.where(numz>0)[0][0]-1) e=min(numz.size,np.where(numz>0)[0][-1]+2) zmin=zmin[b:e] zmax=zmax[b:e] numz=numz[b:e] = Table()["zmin"]=zmin["zmax"]=zmax["n"]=numz zmid=(["zmin"]["zmax"])/2. if convolve_to_nz : # redshifting is a simple shift in log(wave) # so we directy convolve with fft in a linear log(wave) grid # map to log scale for fast convolution with dndz lwave = np.log(self.wave) loggrid_lwave = np.linspace(lwave[0],lwave[-1],lwave.size) # linear grid of log(wave) loggrid_dflux = np.zeros(dflux.shape) loggrid_step = loggrid_lwave[1]-loggrid_lwave[0] loggrid_lzmin = np.log(1+zmid[0]) number_z_bins=int((np.log(1+zmid[-1])-loggrid_lzmin)//loggrid_step)+1 if number_z_bins%2==0 : number_z_bins += 1 # need odd number loggrid_lz=loggrid_lzmin+loggrid_step*np.arange(number_z_bins) loggrid_nz=np.interp(loggrid_lz,np.log(1+zmid),numz) # truncate at zrange loggrid_nz[(loggrid_lz<np.log(1+self.config.zlo))|(loggrid_lz>np.log(1+self.config.zhi))] = 0. loggrid_nz /= np.sum(loggrid_nz) central_lz = loggrid_lz[loggrid_lz.size//2] zconv_dflux = np.zeros(dflux.shape) for i in range(dflux.shape[0]): lwave_dflux = np.interp(loggrid_lwave,lwave,dflux[i]) zi=float(self.meta['REDSHIFT'][i]) kern = np.interp(loggrid_lz+(np.log(1+zi)-central_lz),loggrid_lz,loggrid_nz,left=0,right=0) if np.sum(kern)==0 : continue kern/=np.sum(kern) lwave_convolved_dflux2 = fftconvolve(lwave_dflux**2,kern,mode="same") zconv_dflux2 = np.interp(lwave,loggrid_lwave,lwave_convolved_dflux2,left=0,right=0) zconv_dflux[i] = np.sqrt(zconv_dflux2*(zconv_dflux2>0)) dflux = zconv_dflux # Generate template (d)fluxes for brz bands. for band in ['b', 'r', 'z']: band_wave = self.wave[self.cslice[band]] in_band = np.isin(self.wave, band_wave) self.ensemble_flux[band] = flux[:, in_band] self.ensemble_dflux[band] = dflux[:, in_band] zs = meta['REDSHIFT'].data # Stack ensemble. for band in ['b', 'r', 'z']: self.ensemble_dflux_stack[band] = np.sqrt(np.average(self.ensemble_dflux[band]**2., axis=0).reshape(1, len(self.ensemble_dflux[band].T)))
def write(self,filename) : log = get_logger() hdr = fits.Header() hdr['TRACER'] = self.tracer hdr['FILTER'] = self.config.filter hdr['ZLO'] = self.config.zlo hdr['ZHI'] = self.config.zhi hdr['MEDMAG'] = self.config.med_mag hdr['LIMMAG'] = self.config.limit_mag hdr['PSFFLOSS'] = self.config.psf_fiberloss hdr['WGTFLOSS'] = self.config.wgt_fiberloss hdr['SMOOTH'] = self.smooth hdr['SEED'] = self.seed hdu_list = [fits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr)] for band in ['b', 'r', 'z']: hdu_list.append(fits.ImageHDU(self.wave[self.cslice[band]], name='WAVE_{}'.format(band.upper()))) hdu_list.append(fits.ImageHDU(self.ensemble_dflux_stack[band], name='DFLUX_{}'.format(band.upper()))) hdu_list = fits.HDUList(hdu_list) self.meta.meta={"EXTNAME":"TEMPLATES_META"} hdu_list.append(fits.convenience.table_to_hdu(self.meta)){"EXTNAME":"NZ"} hdu_list.append(fits.convenience.table_to_hdu( hdu_list.writeto(filename, overwrite=True)'Successfully written to '+filename)
[docs]def get_ensemble(dirpath=None, bands=["b","r","z"], smooth=0): ''' Function that takes a frame object and a bitmask and returns ivar (and optionally mask) array(s) that have fibers with offending bits in fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'] set to 0 in ivar and optionally flips a bit in mask. Args: dirpath: path to the dir. with ensemble dflux files. default is $DESIMODEL/data/tsnr bands (list, optional): bands to expect, typically [BRZ] - case ignored. smooth (int, optional): Further convolve the residual ensemble flux. Returns: Dictionary with keys labelling each tracer (bgs, lrg, etc.) for which each value is a Spectra class instance with wave, flux for BRZ arms. Note flux is the high frequency residual for the ensemble. See doc. 4723. ''' t0 = time.time() log=get_logger() if dirpath is None : dirpath = os.path.join(os.environ["DESIMODEL"],"data/tsnr") paths = glob.glob(dirpath + '/tsnr-ensemble-*.fits') wave = {} flux = {} ivar = {} mask = {} res = {} ensembles = {} for path in paths: tracer = path.split('/')[-1].split('-')[2].replace('.fits','') dat = if 'FLUXSCAL' in dat[0].header : scale_factor = dat[0].header['FLUXSCAL']"for {} apply scale factor = {:4.3f}".format(path,scale_factor)) else : scale_factor = 1. for band in bands: wave[band] = dat['WAVE_{}'.format(band.upper())].data flux[band] = scale_factor*dat['DFLUX_{}'.format(band.upper())].data ivar[band] = 1.e99 * np.ones_like(flux[band]) # 125: 100. A in 0.8 pixel. if smooth > 0: flux[band] = convolve(flux[band][0,:], Box1DKernel(smooth), boundary='extend') flux[band] = flux[band].reshape(1, len(flux[band])) ensembles[tracer] = Spectra(bands, wave, flux, ivar) ensembles[tracer].meta = dat[0].header duration = time.time() - t0 log=get_logger()'read',"tsnr ensemble", duration)) return ensembles
[docs]def read_nea(path): ''' Read a master noise equivalent area [sq. pixel] file. Args: path: path to a master nea file for a given camera, e.g. b0. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing: * nea: 2D split object to be evaluated at (fiber, wavelength) * angperpix: 2D split object to be evaluated at (fiber, wavelength), yielding angstrom per pixel. ''' with, memmap=False) as fx: wave=fx['WAVELENGTH'].data angperpix=fx['ANGPERPIX'].data nea=fx['NEA'].data fiber = np.arange(len(nea)) nea = RectBivariateSpline(fiber, wave, nea) angperpix = RectBivariateSpline(fiber, wave, angperpix) return nea, angperpix
[docs]def fb_rdnoise(fibers, frame, tset): ''' Approximate the readnoise for a given fiber (on a given camera) for the wavelengths present in frame. wave. Args: fibers: e.g. np.arange(500) to index fiber. frame: frame instance for the given camera. tset: xytraceset object with fiber traces coordinates. Returns: rdnoise: (nfiber x nwave) array with the estimated readnosie. Same units as OBSRDNA, e.g. ang per pix. ''' ccdsizes = np.array(frame.meta['CCDSIZE'].split(',')).astype(float) xtrans = ccdsizes[0] / 2. ytrans = ccdsizes[1] / 2. #- default to a huge readnoise for traces off of amps rdnoise = np.zeros_like(frame.flux) + 1000 amp_ids = desispec.preproc.get_amp_ids(frame.meta) amp_sec = { amp : desispec.preproc.parse_sec_keyword(frame.meta['CCDSEC'+amp]) for amp in amp_ids } amp_rdnoise = { amp : frame.meta['OBSRDN'+amp] for amp in amp_ids } twave=np.linspace(tset.wavemin,tset.wavemax,20) # precision better than 0.3 pixel with 20 nodes for ifiber in fibers: x = tset.x_vs_wave(fiber=ifiber, wavelength=frame.wave) y = tset.y_vs_wave(fiber=ifiber, wavelength=frame.wave) for amp in amp_ids : sec = amp_sec[amp] ii=(x>=sec[1].start)&(x<sec[1].stop)&(y>=sec[0].start)&(y<sec[0].stop) if np.sum(ii)>0 : rdnoise[ifiber, ii] = amp_rdnoise[amp] return rdnoise
def surveyspeed_fiberfrac(tracer, exposure_seeing_fwhm): # # Nominal fiberloss dependence on seeing. Assumes zero offset. if tracer in ['bgs', 'gpbbright']: return np.exp(0.0341 * np.log(exposure_seeing_fwhm)**3 -0.3611 * np.log(exposure_seeing_fwhm)**2 -0.7175 * np.log(exposure_seeing_fwhm) -1.5643) elif tracer in ['elg']: return np.exp(0.0231 * np.log(exposure_seeing_fwhm)**3 -0.4250 * np.log(exposure_seeing_fwhm)**2 -0.8253 * np.log(exposure_seeing_fwhm) -0.7761) elif tracer in ['psf', 'backup', 'gpbbackup']: return np.exp(0.0989 * np.log(exposure_seeing_fwhm)**3 -0.5588 * np.log(exposure_seeing_fwhm)**2 -0.9708 * np.log(exposure_seeing_fwhm) -0.4473) else: return 1.0
[docs]def var_tracer(tracer, frame, angperspecbin, fiberflat, fluxcalib, exposure_seeing_fwhm=1.1): ''' Source Poisson term to the model ivar, following conventions defined at: See also: Args: tracer: [bgs, backup] string, defines program. frame: desispec.frame instance angperspecbin: float, angstroms per bin in spectral reductions fiberflat: desispec instance fluxcalib: desispec instance fiber_diameter_arcsec: Returns: nominal flux [e/specbin] corresponding to frame.wave ''' log = get_logger() fiberfrac = surveyspeed_fiberfrac(tracer, exposure_seeing_fwhm) if tracer in ['bgs', 'gpbbright']: # Note: neglects transparency & EBV corrections. nominal = 15.8 # r=19.5 [nanomaggie]. elif tracer in ['backup', 'gpbbackup']: nominal = 27.5 # r=18.9 [nanomaggie]. else: # No source poisson term otherwise. nominal = 0.0 # [nanomaggie]. return nominal # [e/specbin]. nominal *= fiberfrac'TSNR MODEL VAR: include {} poisson source var of {:.6f} [nMg]'.format(tracer, nominal)) nominal *= 1.e-9 # [Mg]. nominal /= (1.e23 / const.c.value / 1.e10 / 3631.) nominal /= (frame.wave)**2. # [ergs/s/cm2/A]. nominal *= 1.e17 # [1.e-17 ergs/s/cm2/A]. nominal = fluxcalib.calib * nominal # [e/A] nominal *= angperspecbin # [e/specbin]. nominal *= fiberflat.fiberflat'TSNR MODEL VAR: include {} poisson source var of {:.6e} [e/specbin]'.format(tracer, np.median(nominal))) return nominal
[docs]def var_model(rdnoise_sigma, npix_1d, angperpix, angperspecbin, fiberflat, skymodel, alpha=1.0, components=False): ''' Evaluate a model for the 1D spectral flux variance, e.g. quadrature sum of readnoise and sky components. Args: rdnoise_sigma: npix_1d: equivalent to (1D) nea. angperpix: Angstroms per pixel. angperspecbin: Angstroms per bin. fiberflat: fiberflat instance skymodel: Sky instance. alpha: empirical weighting of the rdnoise term to e.g. better fit sky fibers per exp. cam. components: if True, return tuple of individual contributions to the variance. Else return variance. Returns: nfiber x nwave array of the expected variance. ''' # the extraction is performed with a wavelength bin of width = angperspecbin # so the effective number of CCD pixels corresponding to a spectral bin width is npix_2d = npix_1d * (angperspecbin / angperpix) # then, the extracted flux per specbin is converted to an extracted flux per A, so # the variance has to be divided by the square of the conversion factor = angperspecbin**2 rdnoise_variance = rdnoise_sigma**2 * npix_2d / angperspecbin**2 # It was verified that this variance has to be increased by about 10% to match the # inverse variance reported in the frame files of a zero exposure (exptime=0). # However the correction factor (alpha) can be larger when fitted on sky fibers # because the precomputed effective noise equivalent number of pixels (npix_1d) # is valid only when the Poisson noise is negligible. It increases with the spectral flux. if components: return (alpha * rdnoise_variance, fiberflat.fiberflat * np.abs(skymodel.flux)) else: return alpha * rdnoise_variance + fiberflat.fiberflat * np.abs(skymodel.flux)
[docs]def gen_mask(frame, skymodel, hw=5.): """ Generate a mask for the alpha computation, masking out bright sky lines. Args: frame : uncalibrated Frame object for one camera skymodel : SkyModel object hw : (optional) float, half width of mask around sky lines in A Returns: An array of same shape as frame, here mask=1 is good, 0 is bad """ log = get_logger() maskfactor = np.ones_like(frame.mask, dtype=float) maskfactor[frame.mask > 0] = 0.0 # skyline=np.array([5199.4,5578.4,5656.4,5891.4,5897.4,6302.4,6308.4,6365.4,6500.4,6546.4,\ 6555.4,6618.4,6663.4,6679.4,6690.4,6765.4,6831.4,6836.4,6865.4,6925.4,\ 6951.4,6980.4,7242.4,7247.4,7278.4,7286.4,7305.4,7318.4,7331.4,7343.4,\ 7360.4,7371.4,7394.4,7404.4,7440.4,7526.4,7714.4,7719.4,7752.4,7762.4,\ 7782.4,7796.4,7810.4,7823.4,7843.4,7855.4,7862.4,7873.4,7881.4,7892.4,\ 7915.4,7923.4,7933.4,7951.4,7966.4,7982.4,7995.4,8016.4,8028.4,8064.4,\ 8280.4,8284.4,8290.4,8298.4,8301.4,8313.4,8346.4,8355.4,8367.4,8384.4,\ 8401.4,8417.4,8432.4,8454.4,8467.4,8495.4,8507.4,8627.4,8630.4,8634.4,\ 8638.4,8652.4,8657.4,8662.4,8667.4,8672.4,8677.4,8683.4,8763.4,8770.4,\ 8780.4,8793.4,8829.4,8835.4,8838.4,8852.4,8870.4,8888.4,8905.4,8922.4,\ 8945.4,8960.4,8990.4,9003.4,9040.4,9052.4,9105.4,9227.4,9309.4,9315.4,\ 9320.4,9326.4,9340.4,9378.4,9389.4,9404.4,9422.4,9442.4,9461.4,9479.4,\ 9505.4,9521.4,9555.4,9570.4,9610.4,9623.4,9671.4,9684.4,9693.4,9702.4,\ 9714.4,9722.4,9740.4,9748.4,9793.4,9802.4,9814.4,9820.4]) maskfactor *= (skymodel.ivar > 0.0) maskfactor *= (frame.ivar > 0.0) if hw > 0.0:'TSNR Masking bright lines in alpha calc. (half width: {:.3f})'.format(hw)) for line in skyline : if line<=frame.wave[0] or line>=frame.wave[-1]: continue ii=np.where((frame.wave>=line-hw)&(frame.wave<=line+hw))[0] maskfactor[:,ii]=0.0 # Mask collimator, [4300-4500A] ii=np.where((frame.wave>=4300.)&(frame.wave<=4500.))[0] maskfactor[:,ii]=0.0 return maskfactor
[docs]def calc_alpha(frame, fibermap, rdnoise_sigma, npix_1d, angperpix, angperspecbin, fiberflat, skymodel): ''' Model Var = alpha * rdnoise component + sky. Calculate the best-fit alpha using the sky fibers available to the frame. Args: frame: desispec frame instance (should be uncalibrated, i.e. e/A). fibermap: desispec fibermap instance. rdnoise_sigma: e.g. RDNOISE value per Quadrant (float). npix_1d: equivalent to 1D nea [pixels], calculated using read_nea(). angperpix: angstroms per pixel (float), fiberflat: desispec fiberflat instance. skymodel: desispec Sky instance. alpha: nuisanve parameter to reweight rdnoise vs sky contribution to variance (float). components: if True, return individual contributions to variance, else return total variance. Returns: alpha: nuisance parameter to reweight rdnoise vs sky contribution to variance (float), obtained as the best fit to the uncalibrated sky fibers VAR. ''' log = get_logger() sky_indx = np.where(fibermap['OBJTYPE'] == 'SKY')[0] rd_var, sky_var = var_model(rdnoise_sigma, npix_1d, angperpix, angperspecbin, fiberflat, skymodel, alpha=1.0, components=True) maskfactor = gen_mask(frame, skymodel) maskfactor = maskfactor[sky_indx,:] def calc_alphavar(alpha): return alpha * rd_var[sky_indx,:] + sky_var[sky_indx,:] def alpha_X2(alpha): _var = calc_alphavar(alpha) _ivar = 1. / _var X2 = np.abs(frame.ivar[sky_indx,:] - _ivar) return np.sum(X2 * maskfactor) res = minimize(alpha_X2, x0=[1.]) alpha = res.x[0] #- From JG PR #1164: # Noisy values of alpha can occur for observations dominated by sky noise # where it is not possible to calibrated the read noise. For those # exposures, the precise value of alpha does not impact the SNR estimation. if alpha < 0.8 : log.warning(f'tSNR forcing best fit alpha = {alpha:.4f} to 0.8') alpha = 0.8 return alpha
#- Cache files from desimodel to avoid reading them N>>1 times _camera_nea_angperpix = None _band_ensemble = None
[docs]def calc_tsnr_fiberfracs(fibermap, etc_fiberfracs, no_offsets=False): ''' Nominal fiberfracs for effective depths. See: Args: fibermap: desispec instance. etc_fiberfracs: propragated etc fiberfracs per tracer, json or fits header derived (dictionary). no_offsets: ignore throughput loss due to fiber offsets. Returns: dict of the nominal fiberloss of given type and seeing. ''' log = get_logger() for k in ["FIBER_X","FIBER_Y"] : if k not in fibermap.dtype.names : log.warning("no column '{}' in fibermap, cannot do the tsnr fiberfrac correction, returning 1".format(k)) return np.ones(len(fibermap)) fa = FastFiberAcceptance() # Empty dictionaries evaluate to False. ratio_fiberfrac_lrg_bgs = (0.2502/0.19365) # fa.value("BULGE",1.1/2.35*107./1.52,hlradii=1.0)/fa.value("BULGE",1.1/2.35*107./1.52,hlradii=1.0) (only 3% variation of this ratio with seeing from 0.8 to 1.5 arcsec) if not etc_fiberfracs: log.warning('Failed to inherit from etc json. Assuming median values from tsnr_refset_etc.csv.') # mean values in the calibration table desispec/data/tsnr/tsnr_refset_etc.csv # and scale factor to match the TSNR and exptime values of SV1 where we did not have the ETC info. etc_fiberfracs['psf'] = 0.537283 etc_fiberfracs['elg'] = 0.973*0.391030 etc_fiberfracs['bgs'] = 0.985*0.174810 etc_fiberfracs['lrg'] = 0.965*0.174810*ratio_fiberfrac_lrg_bgs else : if 'lrg' not in etc_fiberfracs : etc_fiberfracs['lrg'] = etc_fiberfracs['bgs']*ratio_fiberfrac_lrg_bgs # Compute the effective seeing; requires updated desimodel. exposure_seeing_fwhm = fa.psf_seeing_fwhm(etc_fiberfracs['psf']) # [microns] fiber_params = load_desiparams()['fibers'] fiber_dia = fiber_params['diameter_um'] # 107 um. fiber_dia_asec = fiber_params['diameter_arcsec'] # 1.52 '' avg_inv_platescale = fiber_dia_asec / fiber_dia # ['' / um] exposure_seeing_fwhm *= avg_inv_platescale # ['']'Computed effective seeing of {:.6f} arcseconds (focalplane avg.) for a ETC PSF fiberfrac of {:.6f}'.format(exposure_seeing_fwhm, etc_fiberfracs['psf'])) # compute the seeing and plate scale correction x_mm = fibermap["FIBER_X"] y_mm = fibermap["FIBER_Y"] bad = np.isnan(x_mm)|np.isnan(y_mm) x_mm[bad]=0. y_mm[bad]=0. if "DELTA_X" in fibermap.dtype.names : dx_mm = fibermap["DELTA_X"] # mm else : log.warning("no column 'DELTA_X' in fibermap, assume = zero") dx_mm = np.zeros(len(fibermap)) if "DELTA_Y" in fibermap.dtype.names : dy_mm = fibermap["DELTA_Y"] # mm else : log.warning("no column 'DELTA_Y' in fibermap, assume = zero") dy_mm = np.zeros(len(fibermap)) bad = np.isnan(dx_mm)|np.isnan(dy_mm) dx_mm[bad]=0. dy_mm[bad]=0. ps = load_platescale() isotropic_platescale = np.interp(x_mm**2+y_mm**2,ps['radius']**2,np.sqrt(ps['radial_platescale']*ps['az_platescale'])) # um/arcsec # we could include here a wavelength dependence on seeing, or non-Gaussian. avg_sigmas_um = (exposure_seeing_fwhm/2.35) / avg_inv_platescale # um iso_sigmas_um = (exposure_seeing_fwhm/2.35) * isotropic_platescale # um offsets_um = np.sqrt(dx_mm**2+dy_mm**2)*1000. # um nfibers = len(fibermap)'Median fiber offset {:.6f} [{:.6f} to {:.6f}]'.format(np.median(offsets_um), offsets_um.min(), offsets_um.max()))'Median avg psf microns {:.6f} [{:.6f} to {:.6f}]'.format(np.median(avg_sigmas_um), avg_sigmas_um.min(), avg_sigmas_um.max()))'Median iso psf microns {:.6f} [{:.6f} to {:.6f}]'.format(np.median(iso_sigmas_um), iso_sigmas_um.min(), iso_sigmas_um.max())) ## ## FIX ME: desispec flux calibration, in the absence of seeing values in the header, assumes 1.1'' as a default; ## ## ## ## We do the same here until that is corrected: ## ## tsnr_fiberfracs = {} tsnr_fiberfracs['exposure_seeing_fwhm'] = exposure_seeing_fwhm if no_offsets: offsets_um = np.zeros_like(offsets_um)'Zeroing fiber offsets for tsnr fiberfracs.') # Note: nominal_seeing_fwhm = 1.1 iso_sigmas_um_1p1 = (nominal_seeing_fwhm / 2.35) * isotropic_platescale # um avg_sigmas_um_1p1 = (nominal_seeing_fwhm / 2.35) / avg_inv_platescale # um # obs. psf [e/A] = true psf * ebv loss * true_flux_calib * (fiberflat / plate scale**2). # true_flux_calib = (super terrestrial transparency for psf | relative fiber frac-offset correction in seeing and ebv=0.0) x (rel. fiber frac-offset correction for psf in seeing); # flux calib = (super terrestrial transparency for psf | relative fiber frac-offset correction in seeing 1.1 and ebv=0.0) x (rel. fiber frac-offset correction for psf in 1.1''); # # true_flux_calib /approx (rel. fiber frac-offset correction for psf in seeing) * flux_calib / (rel. fiber frac-offset correction for psf in 1.1'') # if (super terrestrial transparency for psf | relative fiber frac-offset correction in seeing and ebv=0.0) \approx (super terrestrial transparency for psf | relative fiber frac-offset correction in seeing 1.1 and ebv=0.0) # Note: we can afford to remove ps**2. factor from fiberflat as our fiber frac-offset correction is in physical units, derived from the plate scale, and hence accouting for changing angular size of fiber. # ETC predicts psf fiber frac. for focal plane avg. fiber (== avg. platescale) with zero offset. psf loss given actual plate scale and offset: # Flux calibration vector is exact in the case of 1.1'' seeing fwhm. psf_loss = etc_fiberfracs['psf'] * (fa.value("POINT",iso_sigmas_um,offsets=offsets_um) / fa.value("POINT", avg_sigmas_um,offsets=np.zeros_like(avg_sigmas_um))) mean_psf_loss = np.mean(psf_loss) rel_psf_loss = psf_loss / mean_psf_loss psf_loss_1p1 = etc_fiberfracs['psf'] * (fa.value("POINT",iso_sigmas_um_1p1,offsets=offsets_um) / fa.value("POINT", avg_sigmas_um_1p1,offsets=np.zeros_like(avg_sigmas_um))) mean_psf_loss_1p1 = np.mean(psf_loss_1p1) rel_psf_loss_1p1 = psf_loss_1p1 / mean_psf_loss_1p1 # 'fiber frac' = true_flux_calib * (fiberflat / plate scale**2) in [flux calib * fiberflat] units. # = (rel. fiber frac-offset correction for psf in seeing) / (rel. fiber frac-offset correction for psf in 1.1'') / plate scale**2 [flux calib * fiberflat] # notnull = rel_psf_loss_1p1 > 0.0 for tracer in ['psf', 'mws', 'qso', 'lya', 'gpbbackup']: tsnr_fiberfracs[tracer] = np.ones_like(rel_psf_loss) # Flux calibration vector should be zero due to rel psf loss in 1.1'' tsnr_fiberfracs[tracer][notnull] *= (rel_psf_loss[notnull] / rel_psf_loss_1p1[notnull]) # [flux_calib * fiberflat] # BULGE == DEV for tracer, mtype, hl in zip(['elg', 'lrg', 'bgs'], ['DISK', 'BULGE', 'BULGE'], [0.45, 1.0, 1.50]): tsnr_fiberfracs[tracer] = etc_fiberfracs[tracer] / fa.value(mtype, avg_sigmas_um,offsets=np.zeros_like(avg_sigmas_um),hlradii=hl * np.ones_like(avg_sigmas_um)) tsnr_fiberfracs[tracer] *= fa.value(mtype, iso_sigmas_um,offsets=offsets_um,hlradii=hl * np.ones_like(iso_sigmas_um)) # mean_psf_loss derived from flux calib. tsnr_fiberfracs[tracer][notnull] /= mean_psf_loss # flux calib contains rel_psf_loss_1p1. tsnr_fiberfracs[tracer][notnull] /= rel_psf_loss_1p1[notnull] # Flux calibration vector should be zero due to rel. psf loss == 0.0 in 1.1'' tsnr_fiberfracs[tracer][~notnull] = 1.0 # Assume same as elg. tsnr_fiberfracs['gpbdark'] = tsnr_fiberfracs['elg'] tsnr_fiberfracs['gpbbright'] = tsnr_fiberfracs['bgs'] for tracer in ['qso', 'elg', 'lrg', 'bgs', 'gpbdark', 'gpbbright', 'gpbbackup']:"Computed median nominal {} fiber frac of {:.6f} ([{:.6f},{:.6f}]) for a seeing fwhm of: {:.6f} arcseconds.".format(tracer, np.median(tsnr_fiberfracs[tracer]),\ tsnr_fiberfracs[tracer].min(),\ tsnr_fiberfracs[tracer].max(),\ exposure_seeing_fwhm)) return tsnr_fiberfracs
[docs]def calc_tsnr2_cframe(cframe): """ Given cframe, calc_tsnr2 guessing frame,fiberflat,skymodel,fluxcalib to use Args: cframe: input cframe Frame object Returns: tuple: (results, alpha) from calc_tsnr2 """ log = get_logger() dirname, filename = os.path.split(cframe.filename) framefile = os.path.join(dirname, filename.replace('cframe', 'frame')) skyfile = os.path.join(dirname, filename.replace('cframe', 'sky')) fluxcalibfile = os.path.join(dirname, filename.replace('cframe', 'fluxcalib')) for testfile in (framefile, skyfile, fluxcalibfile): if not os.path.exists(testfile): msg = 'missing {testfile}; unable to calculate TSNR2' log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) night = cframe.meta['NIGHT'] expid = cframe.meta['EXPID'] camera = cframe.meta['CAMERA'] fiberflatfile ='fiberflatnight', night, camera=camera) if not os.path.exists(fiberflatfile): ffname = os.path.basename(fiberflatfile) log.warning(f'{ffname} not found; using default calibs') fiberflatfile = findcalibfile([cframe.meta,], 'FIBERFLAT') frame = read_frame(framefile) fiberflat = read_fiberflat(fiberflatfile) skymodel = read_sky(skyfile) fluxcalib = read_flux_calibration(fluxcalibfile) return calc_tsnr2(frame, fiberflat, skymodel, fluxcalib)
[docs]def calc_tsnr2(frame, fiberflat, skymodel, fluxcalib, alpha_only=False, include_poisson=True, include_fiberfracs=True): ''' Compute template SNR^2 values for a given frame Args: frame : uncalibrated Frame object for one camera fiberflat : FiberFlat object sky : SkyModel object fluxcalib : FluxCalib object Returns (tsnr2, alpha): `tsnr2` dictionary, with keys labeling tracer (bgs,elg,etc.), of values holding nfiber length array of the tsnr^2 values for this camera, and `alpha`, the relative weighting btwn rdnoise & sky terms to model var. Note: Assumes DESIMODEL is set and up to date. ''' global _camera_nea_angperpix global _band_ensemble t0=time.time() log=get_logger() if not (frame.meta["BUNIT"]=="count/Angstrom" or frame.meta["BUNIT"]=="electron/Angstrom" ) : log.error("requires an uncalibrated frame") raise RuntimeError("requires an uncalibrated frame") camera=frame.meta["CAMERA"].strip().lower() band=camera[0] psfpath=findcalibfile([frame.meta],"PSF") tset=read_xytraceset(psfpath) expid=frame.meta["EXPID"] night=frame.meta["NIGHT"] etc_fiberfracs={} etcpath=findfile('etc', night=night, expid=expid) ## if 'ETCFRACP' in frame.meta: ## Transparency-weighted average of FFRAC over the exposure calculated for a PSF source profile. Calculated as (ETCTHRUP/ETCTRANS)*0.56198 where the constant is the nominal PSF FFRAC. ## Note: unnormalized equivalent to ETCTHRUP, etc. etc_fiberfracs['psf'] = frame.meta['ETCFRACP'] ## PSF -> ELG etc_fiberfracs['elg'] = frame.meta['ETCFRACE'] ## PSF -> BGS etc_fiberfracs['bgs'] = frame.meta['ETCFRACB']'Retrieved etc data from frame hdr.') elif os.path.exists(etcpath): with open(etcpath) as f: etcdata = json.load(f) try: for tracer in ['psf', 'elg', 'bgs']: etc_fiberfracs[tracer]=etcdata['expinfo']['ffrac_{}'.format(tracer)]'Retrieved etc data from {}'.format(etcpath)) except: log.warning('Failed to find etc expinfo/ffrac for all tracers.') # Reset, will default to nominal values on empty dict. etc_fiberfracs={} tsnr_fiberfracs = calc_tsnr_fiberfracs(frame.fibermap, etc_fiberfracs, no_offsets=False) # Returns bivariate spline to be evaluated at (fiber, wave). if not "DESIMODEL" in os.environ : msg = "requires $DESIMODEL to get the NEA and the SNR templates" log.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) if _camera_nea_angperpix is None: _camera_nea_angperpix = dict() if camera in _camera_nea_angperpix: nea, angperpix = _camera_nea_angperpix[camera] else: neafilename=os.path.join(os.environ["DESIMODEL"], f"data/specpsf/nea/masternea_{camera}.fits")"read NEA file {}".format(neafilename)) nea, angperpix = read_nea(neafilename) _camera_nea_angperpix[camera] = nea, angperpix if _band_ensemble is None: _band_ensemble = dict() if band in _band_ensemble: ensemble = _band_ensemble[band] else: ensembledir=os.path.join(os.environ["DESIMODEL"],"data/tsnr")"read TSNR ensemble files in {}".format(ensembledir)) ensemble = get_ensemble(ensembledir, bands=[band,]) _band_ensemble[band] = ensemble nspec, nwave = fluxcalib.calib.shape fibers = np.arange(nspec) rdnoise = fb_rdnoise(fibers, frame, tset) # ebv = frame.fibermap['EBV'] if np.sum(ebv!=0)>0 :"TSNR MEDIAN EBV = {:.3f}".format(np.median(ebv[ebv!=0]))) else :"TSNR MEDIAN EBV = 0") # Evaluate. npix = nea(fibers, frame.wave) angperpix = angperpix(fibers, frame.wave) angperspecbin = np.mean(np.gradient(frame.wave)) for label, x in zip(['RDNOISE', 'NEA', 'ANGPERPIX', 'ANGPERSPECBIN'], [rdnoise, npix, angperpix, angperspecbin]):'{} \t {:.3f} +- {:.3f}'.format(label.ljust(10), np.median(x), np.std(x))) # Relative weighting between rdnoise & sky terms to model var. alpha = calc_alpha(frame, fibermap=frame.fibermap, rdnoise_sigma=rdnoise, npix_1d=npix, angperpix=angperpix, angperspecbin=angperspecbin, fiberflat=fiberflat, skymodel=skymodel)"TSNR ALPHA = {alpha:.6f}") if alpha_only: return {}, alpha maskfactor = np.ones_like(frame.mask, dtype=float) maskfactor[frame.mask > 0] = 0.0 maskfactor *= (frame.ivar > 0.0) tsnrs = {} for tracer in ensemble.keys(): wave = ensemble[tracer].wave[band] dflux = ensemble[tracer].flux[band] if len(frame.wave) != len(wave) or not np.allclose(frame.wave, wave): log.warning(f'Resampling {tracer} ensemble wavelength to match input {camera} frame') tmp = np.zeros([dflux.shape[0], len(frame.wave)]) for i in range(dflux.shape[0]): tmp[i] = np.interp(frame.wave, wave, dflux[i], left=dflux[i,0], right=dflux[i,-1]) dflux = tmp wave = frame.wave denom = var_model(rdnoise, npix, angperpix, angperspecbin, fiberflat, skymodel, alpha=alpha) if include_poisson: # TODO: Fix default seeing-fiberfrac relation. denom += var_tracer(tracer, frame, angperspecbin, fiberflat, fluxcalib) # Work in uncalibrated flux units (electrons per angstrom); flux_calib includes exptime. tau. # Broadcast. dflux = dflux * fluxcalib.calib # [e/A] # Wavelength dependent fiber flat; Multiply or divide - check with Julien. result = dflux * fiberflat.fiberflat # Apply dust transmission. result *= dust_transmission(frame.wave, ebv[:,None]) if include_fiberfracs: if (tracer in tsnr_fiberfracs): result *= tsnr_fiberfracs[tracer][:,None] else: log.critical('Missing {} tracer in tsnr fiberfracs.'.format(tracer)) result = result**2. result /= denom # Eqn. (1) of;filename=sky-monitor-mc-study-v1.pdf;version=2 tsnrs[tracer] = np.sum(result * maskfactor, axis=1) results=dict() for tracer in tsnrs.keys(): key = 'TSNR2_{}_{}'.format(tracer.upper(), band.upper()) results[key]=tsnrs[tracer]'{} = {:.6f}'.format(key, np.median(tsnrs[tracer])))'computation time = {:4.2f} sec'.format(time.time()-t0)) return results, alpha
[docs]def tsnr2_to_efftime(tsnr2,target_type) : """ Converts TSNR2 values to effective exposure time. Args: tsnr2: TSNR**2 values, float or numpy array target_type: str, "ELG","BGS","LYA", or other depending on content of data/tsnr/tsnr-efftime.yaml Returns: Exptime in seconds, same type and shape if applicable as input tsnr2 """ tracer=target_type.lower() tsnr_ensembles = get_ensemble() log = get_logger() if not "SNR2TIME" in tsnr_ensembles[tracer].meta.keys() : message = "did not find key SNR2TIME in tsnr_ensemble fits file header, the tsnr files must be deprecated, please update DESIMODEL." log.error(message) return np.zeros_like(tsnr2) slope = tsnr_ensembles[tracer].meta["SNR2TIME"]"for tracer {} SNR2TIME={:f}".format(tracer,slope)) return slope*tsnr2