Source code for desispec.validredshifts


# Example usage:
# redrock_path = '/global/cfs/cdirs/desi/spectro/redux/guadalupe/tiles/cumulative/1392/20210517/redrock-5-1392-thru20210517.fits'
# cat = validate(redrock_path, return_target_columns=True)

import os, warnings
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table, hstack, join
import fitsio

[docs]def get_good_fiberstatus(cat, isqso=False): ''' Validate the fiber status for a redrock catalog. Args: cat: redrock catalog (e.g., in astropy table format) Options: isqso: bool (default False), if True, use the specific QSO criteria Returns: good_fiberstatus: boolean array ''' if not isqso: good_fiberstatus = cat['COADD_FIBERSTATUS']==0 else: # good_fiberstatus = (cat['COADD_FIBERSTATUS']==0) | (cat['COADD_FIBERSTATUS']==8388608) | (cat['COADD_FIBERSTATUS']==16777216) from desispec.maskbits import fibermask good_fiberstatus = (cat['COADD_FIBERSTATUS']==0) | (cat['COADD_FIBERSTATUS']==fibermask['BADAMPR']) | (cat['COADD_FIBERSTATUS']==fibermask['BADAMPZ']) good_fiberstatus &= cat['ZWARN'] & 2**9 == 0 # NO DATA flag return good_fiberstatus
[docs]def validate(redrock_path, fiberstatus_cut=True, return_target_columns=False, extra_columns=None, emline_path=None, ignore_emline=False): ''' Validate the redshift quality with tracer-dependent criteria for redrock+afterburner results. Args: redrock_path: str, path of redrock FITS file Options: fiberstatus_cut: bool (default True), if True, impose requirements on COADD_FIBERSTATUS and ZWARN return_target_columns: bool (default False), if True, include columns that indicate if the object belongs to each class of DESI targets extra_columns: list of str (default None), additional columns to include in the output emline_path: str (default None), specify the location of the emline file; by default the emline file is in the same directory as the redrock file ignore_emline: bool (default False), if True, ignore the emline file and do not validate the ELG redshift Returns: cat: astropy table with basic columns such as TARGETID and boolean columns (e.g., GOOD_BGS) that indicate if each object meets the redshift quality criteria of specific tracers ''' output_columns = ['GOOD_BGS', 'GOOD_LRG', 'GOOD_ELG', 'GOOD_QSO'] if return_target_columns: output_columns += ['LRG', 'ELG', 'QSO', 'ELG_LOP', 'ELG_HIP', 'ELG_VLO', 'BGS_ANY', 'BGS_FAINT', 'BGS_BRIGHT'] if ignore_emline: output_columns.remove('GOOD_ELG') if extra_columns is None: extra_columns = ['TARGETID', 'Z', 'ZWARN', 'COADD_FIBERSTATUS'] output_columns = output_columns + list(np.array(extra_columns)[~np.in1d(extra_columns, output_columns)]) ############################ Load data ############################ columns_redshifts = ['TARGETID', 'CHI2', 'Z', 'ZERR', 'ZWARN', 'SPECTYPE', 'DELTACHI2'] columns_fibermap = ['TARGETID', 'COADD_FIBERSTATUS', 'TARGET_RA', 'TARGET_DEC'] columns_emline = ['TARGETID', 'OII_FLUX', 'OII_FLUX_IVAR'] columns_qso_mgii = ['TARGETID', 'IS_QSO_MGII'] columns_qso_qn = ['TARGETID', 'Z_NEW', 'ZERR_NEW', 'IS_QSO_QN_NEW_RR', 'C_LYA', 'C_CIV', 'C_CIII', 'C_MgII', 'C_Hbeta', 'C_Halpha'] dir_path = os.path.dirname(redrock_path) qso_mgii_path = os.path.join(dir_path, os.path.basename(redrock_path).replace('redrock-', 'qso_mgii-')) qso_qn_path = os.path.join(dir_path, os.path.basename(redrock_path).replace('redrock-', 'qso_qn-')) if emline_path is None: emline_path = os.path.join(dir_path, os.path.basename(redrock_path).replace('redrock-', 'emline-')) tmp_redshifts = Table(, ext='REDSHIFTS', columns=columns_redshifts)) # read the full fibermap until we determine the targeting columns from desitarget.targets import main_cmx_or_sv tmp_fibermap =, ext='FIBERMAP') surv_target, surv_mask, surv = main_cmx_or_sv(tmp_fibermap) if surv.lower() == 'cmx': raise NotImplementedError('Determining valid redshifts for commissioning targets is not supported.') desi_target_col, bgs_target_col, _ = surv_target desi_mask, bgs_mask, _ = surv_mask tmp_fibermap = Table(tmp_fibermap[columns_fibermap + surv_target]) tmp_qso_mgii = Table(, columns=(columns_qso_mgii))) tmp_qso_qn = Table(, columns=(columns_qso_qn))) if not ignore_emline: tmp_emline = Table(, columns=(columns_emline))) # Sanity check tid = tmp_redshifts['TARGETID'].copy() if not (np.all(tid==tmp_fibermap['TARGETID']) \ # and np.all(tid==tmp_emline['TARGETID']) \ and np.all(tid==tmp_qso_mgii['TARGETID']) \ and np.all(tid==tmp_qso_qn['TARGETID'])): raise ValueError if (not ignore_emline) and (not np.all(tid==tmp_emline['TARGETID'])): raise ValueError tmp_fibermap.remove_column('TARGETID') tmp_qso_mgii.remove_column('TARGETID') tmp_qso_qn.remove_column('TARGETID') if not ignore_emline: tmp_emline.remove_column('TARGETID') if not ignore_emline: cat = hstack([tmp_redshifts, tmp_fibermap, tmp_qso_mgii, tmp_qso_qn, tmp_emline], join_type='inner') else: cat = hstack([tmp_redshifts, tmp_fibermap, tmp_qso_mgii, tmp_qso_qn], join_type='inner') if return_target_columns: for name in ['LRG', 'ELG', 'QSO', 'ELG_LOP', 'ELG_HIP', 'ELG_VLO', 'BGS_ANY', 'BGS_FAINT', 'BGS_BRIGHT']: if name in ['BGS_FAINT', 'BGS_BRIGHT']: cat[name] = cat[bgs_target_col] & bgs_mask[name] > 0 else: if name in desi_mask.names(): # not all bits were used in SV (e.g., ELG_LOP) cat[name] = cat[desi_target_col] & desi_mask[name] > 0 else: cat[name] = np.zeros(len(cat), bool) # # Bitmask definitions: # cat['LRG'] = cat['DESI_TARGET'] & 2**0 > 0 # cat['ELG'] = cat['DESI_TARGET'] & 2**1 > 0 # cat['QSO'] = cat['DESI_TARGET'] & 2**2 > 0 # cat['ELG_LOP'] = cat['DESI_TARGET'] & 2**5 > 0 # cat['ELG_HIP'] = cat['DESI_TARGET'] & 2**6 > 0 # cat['ELG_VLO'] = cat['DESI_TARGET'] & 2**7 > 0 # cat['BGS_ANY'] = cat['DESI_TARGET'] & 2**60 > 0 # cat['BGS_FAINT'] = cat['BGS_TARGET'] & 2**0 > 0 # cat['BGS_BRIGHT'] = cat['BGS_TARGET'] & 2**1 > 0 cat = actually_validate(cat, fiberstatus_cut=fiberstatus_cut, ignore_emline=ignore_emline) cat = cat[output_columns] return cat
[docs]def actually_validate(cat, fiberstatus_cut=True, ignore_emline=False): ''' Apply redshift quality criteria Args: cat: astropy table with the necessary columns for redshift quality determination Options: fiberstatus_cut: bool (default True), if True, impose requirements on COADD_FIBERSTATUS and ZWARN return_target_columns: bool (default False), if True, include columns that indicate if the object belongs to each class of DESI targets extra_columns: list of str (default None), additional columns to include in the output emline_path: str (default None), specify the location of the emline file; by default the emline file is in the same directory as the redrock file ignore_emline: bool (default False), if True, ignore the emline file and do not validate the ELG redshift Returns: cat: astropy table with boolean columns (e.g., GOOD_BGS) added ''' # BGS cat['GOOD_BGS'] = cat['ZWARN']==0 cat['GOOD_BGS'] &= cat['DELTACHI2']>40 if fiberstatus_cut: cat['GOOD_BGS'] &= get_good_fiberstatus(cat) # LRG cat['GOOD_LRG'] = cat['ZWARN']==0 cat['GOOD_LRG'] &= cat['Z']<1.5 cat['GOOD_LRG'] &= cat['DELTACHI2']>15 if fiberstatus_cut: cat['GOOD_LRG'] &= get_good_fiberstatus(cat) # ELG if not ignore_emline: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') cat['GOOD_ELG'] = (cat['OII_FLUX']>0) & (cat['OII_FLUX_IVAR']>0) cat['GOOD_ELG'] &= np.log10(cat['OII_FLUX'] * np.sqrt(cat['OII_FLUX_IVAR'])) > 0.9 - 0.2 * np.log10(cat['DELTACHI2']) if fiberstatus_cut: cat['GOOD_ELG'] &= get_good_fiberstatus(cat) # QSO - adopted from the code from Edmond # cat['IS_QSO_QN'] = np.max(np.array([cat[name] for name in ['C_LYA', 'C_CIV', 'C_CIII', 'C_MgII', 'C_Hbeta', 'C_Halpha']]), axis=0) > 0.95 cat['IS_QSO_QN_NEW_RR'] &= cat['IS_QSO_QN'] cat['QSO_MASKBITS'] = np.zeros(len(cat), dtype=int) cat['QSO_MASKBITS'][cat['SPECTYPE']=='QSO'] += 2**1 cat['QSO_MASKBITS'][cat['IS_QSO_MGII']] += 2**2 cat['QSO_MASKBITS'][cat['IS_QSO_QN']] += 2**3 cat['QSO_MASKBITS'][cat['IS_QSO_QN_NEW_RR']] += 2**4 cat['Z_RR'] = cat['Z'] cat['Z'][cat['IS_QSO_QN_NEW_RR']] = cat['Z_NEW'][cat['IS_QSO_QN_NEW_RR']].copy() cat['ZERR'][cat['IS_QSO_QN_NEW_RR']] = cat['ZERR_NEW'][cat['IS_QSO_QN_NEW_RR']].copy() # Correct bump at z~3.7 sel_pb_redshift = (((cat['Z'] > 3.65) & (cat['Z'] < 3.9)) | ((cat['Z'] > 5.15) & (cat['Z'] < 5.35))) & ((cat['C_LYA'] < 0.95) | (cat['C_CIV'] < 0.95)) cat['QSO_MASKBITS'][sel_pb_redshift] = 0 cat['GOOD_QSO'] = cat['QSO_MASKBITS']>0 if fiberstatus_cut: cat['GOOD_QSO'] &= get_good_fiberstatus(cat, isqso=True) return cat