Source code for desispec.workflow.batch


Utilities for working with slurm batch queues.

import os
from importlib import resources
import yaml

from desiutil.log import get_logger

[docs]def get_config(name): """ Return configuration dictionary for system `name` Args: name (str): e.g. cori-haswell, cori-knl, dirac, perlmutter-gpu, ... Returns dictionary with keys: * site: location of system, e.g. 'NERSC' * cores_per_node: number of physical cores per node * threads_per_core: hyperthreading / SMT per core * memory: memory per node in GB * timefactor: scale time estimates by this amount on this system * gpus_per_node: number of GPUs per node * batch_opts: list of additional batch options for script header """ if name is None: name = default_system() configfile = resources.files('desispec').joinpath('data/batch_config.yaml') with open(configfile) as fx: config = yaml.safe_load(fx) #- Add the name for reference, in case it was default selected config['name'] = name return config[name]
[docs]def default_system(jobdesc=None, no_gpu=False): """ Guess default system to use based on environment Args: jobdesc (str): Description of the job in the processing table (optional). no_gpu (bool): Don't use GPU's even if available. Default False. Returns: name (str): default system name to use """ log = get_logger() name = None if 'NERSC_HOST' in os.environ: if os.environ['NERSC_HOST'] == 'cori': name = 'cori-haswell' elif os.environ['NERSC_HOST'] == 'perlmutter': ## HARDCODED: for now arcs and biases can't use gpu's, so use cpu's if jobdesc in ['linkcal', 'arc', 'nightlybias', 'ccdcalib', 'badcol', 'psfnight', 'nightlyflat']: name = 'perlmutter-cpu' elif no_gpu: name = 'perlmutter-cpu' else: name = 'perlmutter-gpu' elif os.path.isdir('/clusterfs/dirac1'): name = 'dirac' if name is None: msg = 'Unable to determine default batch system from environment' log.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) else:'Guessing default batch system {name}') return name