Source code for desispec.workflow.calibration_selection


import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table, vstack
from collections import Counter

from desiutil.log import get_logger
from import decode_camword, parse_badamps, all_impacted_cameras, erow_to_goodcamword

[docs]def select_calib_darks(etable): """ Returns subset of etable row(s) with darks to use for badcolumn calibration Args: etable (astropy.table.Table): a DESI exposure_table Returns: dark_etable (astropy.table.Table): table of darks to use Currently this returns a table of length-1 with a single dark, but in the future it could return more than one dark if we found that useful. If no good darks are found, return a length-0 table with the same columns so that it can still be vstacked with other etable entries. """ # copy input so that we can sort without modifying original etable = etable.copy() keep = np.where((etable['OBSTYPE']=='dark') & (etable['LASTSTEP'] != 'ignore'))[0] etable = etable[keep] if len(etable) == 0: log = get_logger() log.warning('No good dark exposures found in etable') return etable # count good cameras per row num_goodcam = np.zeros(len(etable)) for i in range(len(etable)): cameras = decode_camword(erow_to_goodcamword(etable[i])) num_goodcam[i] = len(cameras) # sort by number of missing cameras $while preserving EXPID order for ties num_missing_cam = np.max(num_goodcam) - num_goodcam sorted_indices = np.argsort(num_missing_cam, kind='stable') i = sorted_indices[0] return etable[i:i+1] #- Table of length 1, not Row object
[docs]def determine_calibrations_to_proc(etable, do_cte_flats=True, still_acquiring=False): """ Selects the calibration exposures that should be processed from a populated exposure table. Args: etable (astropy.table.Table): A DESI exposure_table. do_cte_flats (bool, optional): Default is True. If True, cte flats are used if available to correct for cte effects. still_acquiring (bool): Whether data is still being acquired or the provided table is the complete set that will exist for the night. Returns: astropy.table.Table: A DESI exposure_table only containing the calibration exposures that should be processed. """ log = get_logger() full_etable = etable.copy() ## If no rows, stop here if len(full_etable) == 0: return full_etable[[]] ## Selecting cals, so remove science exposures cal_etable = full_etable[full_etable['OBSTYPE'] != 'science'] ## If no rows, stop here if len(cal_etable) == 0: return full_etable[[]] ## Use OBSTYPE, PROGRAM, and EXPTIME to select exposures that match ## calibration exposures for those fields ## Note even arcs with LASTSTEP='ignore' are retained here valid_etable, exptypes = select_valid_calib_exposures(cal_etable) ## If no rows, stop here if len(valid_etable) == 0: return full_etable[[]] ## Find if a valid 1s CTE flat is_cte_1s = ((exptypes=='cteflat') & matches_exptime(valid_etable['EXPTIME'], exptime=1.)) ## If 1 dark, 5 arcs, 12 flats, and 3 ctes then we have a candidate set, ## so return that it. Otherwise if no new data is coming in we should try ## to calibrate with what we have. If still taking data and no complete set, ## return nothing so that we swiftly exit and wait for more data. if np.sum(exptypes == 'dark') >= 1 and np.sum(exptypes == 'arc') >= 5 \ and np.sum(exptypes == 'flat') >= 12 \ and ((np.sum(is_cte_1s) >= 1) or not do_cte_flats):"Found at least one possible calibration set to test.") elif still_acquiring:"Only found {Counter(exptypes)} calibrations " + f"but still acquiring new data, so stopping here until " + f"more information is known.") return etable[[]] else: log.error(f"Only found {Counter(exptypes)} calibrations " + "and not acquiring new data, so this may be fatal " + "if you aren't using an override file.") ## Run a more detailed algorithm to ensure we have a complete set of ## arcs and a complete set of 3 flats for each of 4 lamps ## Note this gets all calibrations without exposure_time cut, as it ## does it's own selection best_arcflat_set = find_best_arc_flat_sets(cal_etable) ## Create the output table with all zeros, the best selected dark, ## the best set of arcs and flats, and all cte flats zeros = valid_etable[exptypes=='zero'] darks = select_calib_darks(valid_etable) out_table = vstack([zeros, darks, best_arcflat_set]) ## If doing cte flats, select one of each exptime based on proximity to the ## last 120s flat ## Since we require a 120s flat, only proceed if we have a valid 120s flat if do_cte_flats and len(best_arcflat_set) > 0 \ and np.sum(best_arcflat_set['OBSTYPE']=='flat')>0: ## identify the time of the last 120s flat lastflattime = np.max(best_arcflat_set['MJD-OBS'][best_arcflat_set['OBSTYPE']=='flat']) ## select the cte exposures ctes = valid_etable[exptypes == 'cteflat'] ## loop over exposure times and if any ctes of that time exist, ## add the nearest exposure to the last flat selected_ctes = [] for exptime in [10., 3., 1.]: ## boolean array, True if exposure time matches match_exptime = matches_exptime(ctes['EXPTIME'], exptime=exptime) ## if any matches, proceed if np.any(match_exptime): ## take matches and find the closest one in time to the 120s flat matched_ctes = ctes[match_exptime] closest = np.argmin(np.abs(matched_ctes['MJD-OBS']-lastflattime)) selected_ctes.append(matched_ctes[closest]) ## if we found any ctes, stack them into the table (note selected_ctes ## is a list of rows, so need to unpack into the vstack list) if len(selected_ctes) > 0: out_table = vstack([out_table, *selected_ctes]) return out_table
[docs]def select_valid_calib_exposures(etable, allow_any_laststep=None): """ Selects the calibration exposures from a populated exposure table that pass consistency requirements on exposure time and have LASTSTEP=='all', EXCEPT for arcs which keep all LASTSTEPS for the time being do to how the arc sets are selected later on. Args: etable (astropy.table.Table): A DESI exposure_table allow_any_laststep (list or np.array): List of obstype strings for which to allow exposures of any LASTSTEP. Returns: astropy.table.Table: A DESI exposure_table only containing the calibration exposures that pass exposure time cuts and are therefore candidates for valid calibration exposures. np.array: An array of derived observation types where each index corresponds to the row of the returned exposure_table. The obseration types include CTE information and aren't redundant with column 'OBSTYPE'. """ ## Select only good exposures, except for obstypes in allow_any_laststep laststep_mask = (etable['LASTSTEP'] == 'all') if allow_any_laststep is not None: for obstype in allow_any_laststep: laststep_mask |= (etable['OBSTYPE'] == obstype) etable = etable[laststep_mask] ## For each exposure, determine if the exptime and obstype are consistent ## with a calibration exposure. For arcs and flats also check PROGRAM good_exptimes, exptype = [], [] for erow in etable: ## Zero should have 0 exptime if erow['OBSTYPE'] == 'zero' \ and matches_exptime(erow['EXPTIME'], 0.): good_exptimes.append(True) exptype.append('zero') ## Any 300s dark is valid elif erow['OBSTYPE'] == 'dark' \ and matches_exptime(erow['EXPTIME'], 300.): good_exptimes.append(True) exptype.append('dark') ## only 5s arcs labeled "short Arcs all" have correct lamps ## for correct duration elif erow['OBSTYPE'] == 'arc' \ and matches_exptime(erow['EXPTIME'], 5.) \ and erow['PROGRAM'] == 'calib short arcs all': good_exptimes.append(True) exptype.append('arc') ## Only 120s flats labeled 'DESI-CALIB-0*' are correct for flat fielding elif erow['OBSTYPE'] == 'flat' \ and matches_exptime(erow['EXPTIME'], 120.) \ and 'desi-calib-0' in erow['PROGRAM']: good_exptimes.append(True) exptype.append('flat') ## CTE flats come in 1s, 3s, and 10s varieties elif erow['OBSTYPE'] == 'flat' and 'cte' in erow['PROGRAM']: if matches_exptime(erow['EXPTIME'],1.) \ or matches_exptime(erow['EXPTIME'],3.) \ or matches_exptime(erow['EXPTIME'],10.): good_exptimes.append(True) exptype.append('cteflat') else: good_exptimes.append(False) ## Everything else is invalid (note zeros are handled separately) else: good_exptimes.append(False) ## Only keep those flagged as being consistent with cals outtable = etable[np.array(good_exptimes)] exptype = np.array(exptype) ## Make sure the list creations above are at consistent assert len(outtable) == len(exptype), ("output table and exposure types " + "should be the same length") return outtable, exptype
[docs]def matches_exptime(val_or_array, exptime, exptime_tolerance=0.5): """ For a scalar or array it does an elementwise comparison of that value or values with the given exposure time to test whether it is within a given tolerance. Args: val_or_array (int, float, np.array): Exposure time(s) of exposure(s) to test against exptime. exptime (int, float): the reference exposure time. Returns true if val_or_array is within exptime_tolerance of exptime. exptime_tolerance (float): the tolerance within which the exposure times need to match. Returns: bool: True if val_or_array elements are within exptime_tolerance of exptime inclusive. """ exptime, exptime_tolerance = float(exptime), float(exptime_tolerance) return np.abs(val_or_array - exptime) <= exptime_tolerance
[docs]def format_row_message(message, dictlike, keys=None): """ Standardize formatting for messages about rows of tables. Args: message (str): Message to be printed verbatim before the key:val pairs dictlike (dict or astropy.Table.table): the object holding the values for the keys provided in keys, or the defaults given in the function. keys (list or np.array): iterable of strings that when passed to the dictlike object return values. Returns formatted string to pass to print, log.debug,, etc. """ ## If no keys given, use these if keys is None: keys = ['EXPID', 'SEQNUM', 'SEQTOT', 'LASTSTEP', 'BADCAMWORD', 'BADAMPS', 'PROGRAM', 'OBSTYPE'] string = message ## Append the pairs specified by keys with values from dictlike to the ## input message for col in keys: string += f' {col}:{dictlike[col]}' return string
[docs]def is_complete_set(explist): """ Function that takes a list of exposure rows (or etable) and identifies whether they are consistent with a complete set of calibrations of a particular type (either arcs or a single flat lamp) based on SEQNUM and SEQTOT Args: explist (list): A list of DESI exposure_table rows for what is expected to be a single calibration set with SEQNUM's ranging from 1 to SEQTOT in any order. Returns: (bool): True if the explist has all SEQNUM's up to SEQTOT and all SEQTOT's are consistent and the list is the appropriate length. """ if len(explist) == 0: return False else: seqnums, seqtots = [], [] ## Get all seqnums and seqtots for erow in explist: seqnums.append(erow['SEQNUM']) seqtots.append(erow['SEQTOT']) ## this is equal to sum of 1+2+...+SEQTOT expected_sum = int(seqtots[0]*(1+seqtots[0])/2) ## A full sequence should add up to the expected total, have consistent ## SEQTOT, have length of SEQTOT, and have max SEQNUM of SEQTOT return (np.all(np.array(seqtots)==seqtots[0]) and len(explist) == seqtots[0] and np.max(seqnums) == seqtots[0] and np.sum(seqnums) == expected_sum)
[docs]def find_best_arc_flat_sets(exptable, ngoodarcthreshold=3, nflatlamps=4, arcflattimediff=80.): """ Selects the calibration exposures from a populated exposure table. Args: etable (astropy.table.Table): A DESI exposure_table. ngoodarcthreshold (int): Number of good arcs in a single sequence necessary to be considered a complete set. nflatlamps (int): Number of lamp configurations in a single set for flat calibrations. arcflattimediff (float): Time difference in minutes between the final arc exposure and the first flat exposure or the final flat exposure and the first arc exposure Returns: None or astropy.table.Table: A DESI exposure_table containing only the exposures corresponding to the 'best' set of available arc+flat calibrations given the input table. Can return empty table if no set is available or just arcs if no valid flat set is available. """ log = get_logger() ## Verify only exposures that pass sanity checks are checked exptable, exptypes = select_valid_calib_exposures(etable=exptable, allow_any_laststep=['arc']) ## Make sure they are in chronologial order exptable.sort(['EXPID']) ## Initialize variables to save our sets arcs, flats = [], {lamp:[] for lamp in range(nflatlamps)} complete_arc_sets, complete_flat_sets = [], [] ## Loop over exposures and if an arc or flat, check to see if it fits into ## the pattern for a valid calibration sequence of: ## Sequential SEQNUMs leading up to SEQTOT for arcs with ## PROGRAM='calib short arcs all' and nflatlamps ## independent sets of SEQNUMs leading up to SEQTOT for flats ## differentiated by PROGRAM="calib desi-calib-0? leds only""Looping over {len(exptable)} rows") for erow in exptable: obstype, program = str(erow['OBSTYPE']).lower(), str(erow['PROGRAM']).lower() seqnum, seqtot = int(erow['SEQNUM']), int(erow['SEQTOT']) log.debug(format_row_message("Processing erow", erow)) if obstype == 'arc' and program == 'calib short arcs all': flats = {lamp:[] for lamp in range(nflatlamps)} if seqnum == 1: ## if the first arc then we are at the start of a new sequence ## remove anything saved and register this as the first arc log.debug(format_row_message(f"Identified the start of a new arc sequence:", erow, exptable.colnames)) arcs = [erow] elif len(arcs) > 0 and seqnum == arcs[-1]['SEQNUM']+1: ## if not the first arc, make sure this arc is compatible with ## the last arc. If so, add it log.debug(format_row_message(f"Identified additional arc in sequence:", erow, exptable.colnames)) arcs.append(erow) if seqnum == seqtot and is_complete_set(arcs): ## if the last arc in the sequence and all exps in the ## sequence are present, do more processing to verify ## this is a good set"Identified a complete set of {seqtot} arcs") ## vstack separate list of rows to avoid astropy #16119 bug modifying inputs. ## This keeps arcs as a list of Rows instead of becoming a list of Tables arctable = vstack(list(arcs)) ## count the number of good exposures arctable = arctable[arctable['LASTSTEP']=='all'] ## If the number of good exposures is above threshold ## then save the current set as a valid option if len(arctable) >= ngoodarcthreshold: ## find average number of bad cameras only among good ## exposures in the set narcbadcams = [] for arc in arctable: badcams = all_impacted_cameras(arc['BADCAMWORD'], arc['BADAMPS']) narcbadcams.append(len(badcams)) ## Create bundled "arcset" with useful comparative ## information arcset = {'table': arctable, 'nbadcams': narcbadcams, 'meanbadcams': np.mean(narcbadcams)} complete_arc_sets.append(arcset) else: ## If there aren't enough good arcs then it isn't ## a valid set so negate it and move on"Skipping arc set ngood=" + f"{len(arctable)} < {ngoodarcthreshold}") ## After saving arcset, reset arc and flat builders arcs = [] elif seqnum == seqtot:"Arc was last in sequence but the set wasn't valid." \ + " Removing any exposures in current exposure list," + " ignoring current exposure, and moving on.") arcs = [] else:"Arc wasn't the first in a sequence or next sequentially so " \ + "the sequence wasn't complete. Removing any exposures in " + "current exposure list, ignoring current exposure, and moving on.") arcs = [] elif obstype == 'flat' and program.startswith('calib desi-calib-') \ and program.endswith(' leds only'): arcs = [] ## If it's a flat try to parse the PROGRAM name to identify ## the lamp used try: lampnum = int(program.split('desi-calib-')[1][:2]) except IndexError: lampnum = None ## if lamp not listed then it isn't a calibration flat, so ## restart the builders if lampnum is None: ## if obstype isn't arc or flat, ignore it and reset the builders log.debug(format_row_message(f"PROGRAM wasn't correct:", erow, exptable.colnames)) flats = {lamp:[] for lamp in range(nflatlamps)} elif seqnum != len(flats[lampnum])+1 \ or ( len(flats[lampnum]) > 0 and seqnum != flats[lampnum][-1]['SEQNUM']+1 ): ## If current seqnum isn't compatible with what is already ## in the flat structure for that lamp number, then reset ## the entire flat builder log.debug(format_row_message(f"flat {seqnum=} but exposures " + f"already present for " + f"{lampnum=}: {flats[lampnum]}. " + f"Resetting flat sequence", erow, exptable.colnames)) flats = {lamp:[] for lamp in range(nflatlamps)} ## If first in the sequence, start add it and keep searching ## If in the middle of the sequence don't add it since it's ## clearly not the start of a sequence if seqnum == 1: log.debug(format_row_message(f"Identified the start of a " + f"new flat lamp sequence:", erow, exptable.colnames)) flats[lampnum].append(erow) else: ## If not the first flat in a sequence then it should be the next ## in the sequence and one exp id away from the last expoure. flats[lampnum].append(erow) ## If all lamps have the appropriate number of exposures and ## the seqnums matched, then save as a valid series of flats is_complete = False if seqnum == seqtot: is_complete = np.all([is_complete_set(explist) for explist in flats.values()]) if is_complete:"Found a complete flat set", erow, exptable.colnames)) callist = [] ## for each lamp, find the number of good flats and ## add the flats to the list of expoures for calflatlist in flats.values(): callist.extend(calflatlist) flattable = vstack(callist) # list wrapper in case astropy changes inputs del callist ## make sure all flat are valid, otherwise don't save set ## Note this shouldn't as of 20240301 as we already cut ## on LASTSTEP for flats before this point if not np.all(flattable['LASTSTEP'] == 'all'): log.debug(f"At least one bad flat found: {flattable}") else: ## if the appropriate number of flats, ## add as complete flat set flattable = flattable[flattable['LASTSTEP'] == 'all'] complete_flat_sets.append(flattable) ## whether valid or not, this was the last in a sequence ## so reset the sets. If valid it was added to ## complete_sets above flats = {lamp:[] for lamp in range(nflatlamps)} else: log.debug("Either wasn't an arc or flat or the programs were not " \ + "consistent with a calibration exposure. Resetting the " + "arc and flat builders.") arcs = [] flats = {lamp:[] for lamp in range(nflatlamps)} log.debug(len(complete_arc_sets)) log.debug(len(complete_flat_sets)) ## Loop over arc sets and flat sets and see which ones are compatible in ## time to be paired together complete_sets = [] max_mjd_dt = float(arcflattimediff) / (24.*60.) for arcset in complete_arc_sets: arctable = arcset['table'] arcstart, arcend = np.min(arctable['MJD-OBS']), np.max(arctable['MJD-OBS']) narcbadcams = arcset['nbadcams'] for flattable in complete_flat_sets: flatstart, flatend = np.min(flattable['MJD-OBS']), np.max(flattable['MJD-OBS']) ## Only proceed with the arc-flat set if the time difference is less ## than the specified difference if np.abs(arcstart-flatend) < max_mjd_dt or np.abs(flatstart-arcend) < max_mjd_dt: ## If time difference is valid, it is a valid set so ## continue to produce info about set ## start based on the existing list of badcam numbers from arcs ## and add number of bad cameras for the flats nbadcams = narcbadcams.copy() for flat in flattable: badcams = all_impacted_cameras(flat['BADCAMWORD'], flat['BADAMPS']) nbadcams.append(len(badcams)) if arcend < flatstart: mjd_dt = flatstart - arcend elif flatend < arcstart: mjd_dt = arcstart - flatend else: ## arcs and flats overlap in time, which is surprising but not necessarily fatal ## could happend if multiple partial sets were taken but combined they are good arc_expids = sorted(arctable['EXPID']) flat_expids = sorted(flattable['EXPID']) log.error(f'Overlapping arc/flat sequences? {arc_expids=} {flat_expids=}') mjd_dt = 0.0 complete_set = {'table': vstack([arctable, flattable]), 'meanbadcams': np.mean(nbadcams), 'mjd_dt': mjd_dt} complete_sets.append(complete_set) arcs = complete_set['table'][complete_set['table']['OBSTYPE'] == 'arc'] if complete_set['meanbadcams'] == 0 \ and len(arcs) == arcs['SEQTOT'][0]:"Found ideal arc-flat set.") else:"Found an arc-flat set but with at least one issue.") ## If there are no complete_sets, then fall back to just arc sets ## if there are no arc sets either, then immediately return empty table setlist = complete_sets if len(complete_sets) == 0: if len(complete_arc_sets) == 0: return exptable[[]] else: setlist = complete_arc_sets ## Select the best set by selecting the one with the fewest meanbadcams ## If two tie in meanbadcams, then select the one with more ## LASTSTEP='all' arc exposures. If a tie, pick set with smallest ## timediff between arcs and flats. If still a tie, choose the first set. bestset = setlist[0] if len(setlist) > 1: for calset in setlist[1:]: if calset['meanbadcams'] < bestset['meanbadcams']:"Found calset with {calset['meanbadcams']} mean bad cameras" \ + f" which is less than previous best {bestset['meanbadcams']}") bestset = calset elif calset['meanbadcams'] == bestset['meanbadcams'] \ and len(calset['table']) > len(bestset['table']):"Found set with same {calset['meanbadcams']} mean bad " \ + f"cameras but more good exposures than previous best " \ + f"{len(calset['table'])} > {len(bestset['table'])}") bestset = calset ## last tie-breaker is time difference, which only applies to complete sets not ## arc sets, so make sure dict has 'mjd_dt' elif ('mjd_dt' in calset) and ('mjd_dt' in bestset) and (calset['mjd_dt'] < bestset['mjd_dt']): bestset = calset ## return the exposure table with the best selection of arcs and flats return bestset['table']