Source code for desispec.workflow.tableio


import os
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table

################  Table Functions #################
from desispec.workflow.utils import pathjoin
from desiutil.log import get_logger

[docs]def ensure_scalar(val, joinsymb='|',comma_replacement=';'): """ Ensures that the object in val is a scalar that can be save to a Table cell (i.e. row of a column or column of a row). If the it is an array or list, it uses joinsymb to turn them into a single string. Parameters ---------- val : a scalar datatype, list, or array The value to be converted to a scalar quantity (returning the val if it is already a scalar). joinsymb : str A string symbol *other than comma* that will be used to join the multiple values of a list or array. comma_replacement : str A string symbol that should be used to replace any existing commas in the data, such that the value can be saved in a csv format. Returns ------- val or outstr, any scalar type or string The output string which is a scalar quantity capable of being written to a single table cell (in a csv or fits file, for example). """ if type(val) in [str, np.str_]: if ',' in val: val = val.replace(',', comma_replacement) return val elif val is None or type(val) is or np.isscalar(val): return val else: val = np.atleast_1d(val).astype(str) outstr = joinsymb.join(val) + joinsymb if ',' in outstr: outstr = outstr.replace(',', comma_replacement) return outstr
[docs]def split_str(val, joinsymb='|',comma_replacement=';'): """ Attempts to intelligently interpret an input scalar. If it is a string it looks to see if it was a list or array objects that was joined to be a single string using joinsymb. If it identifies that, it will split that into the original list/array. Otherwise it will return the val as-is. Parameters ---------- val : any datatype The input to be checked to see if it is in fact a list/array that was joined into a string for saving in a Table. joinsymb : str The symbol used to join values in a list/array when saving. Should not be a comma. comma_replacement : str Replace instances of this symbol with commas when loading ONLY scalar columns in a table, as e.g. BADAMPS is used in the pipeline and symbols like ';' are problematic on the command line. Comment arrays do not need to be converted back and forth. Returns ------- val or split_list, any datatype or np.array. """ if type(val) in [str, np.str_]: if val.isnumeric(): if '.' in val: return float(val) else: return int(val) elif joinsymb not in val: if val.lower() == 'true': return True elif val.lower() == 'false': return False else: if comma_replacement in val: val = val.replace(comma_replacement, ',') return val else: val = val.strip(joinsymb) if val == '': return np.array([], dtype=object) split_list = np.array(val.split(joinsymb)) if '.' in split_list[0] and split_list[0].isnumeric(): return split_list.astype(float) elif split_list[0].isnumeric(): return split_list.astype(int) else: split_list = np.array([val.strip('\t ') for val in split_list.astype(str)]).astype(str) return split_list else: return val
[docs]def write_table(origtable, tablename=None, tabletype=None, joinsymb='|', overwrite=True, verbose=False, comma_replacement=';', write_empty=False, use_specprod=True): """ Workflow function to write exposure, processing, and unprocessed tables. It allows for multi-valued table cells, which are reduced to strings using the joinsymb. It writes to a temp file before moving the fully written file to the name given by tablename (or the default for table of type tabletype). Parameters ---------- origtable : Table Either exposure table or processing table. tablename : str Full pathname of where the table should be saved, including the extension. Originally save to ``*.temp.{ext}`` and then moved to ``*.{ext}``. If ``None``, it looks up the default for typetable. tabletype : str Used if tablename is None to get the default name for the type of table. joinsymb : str The symbol used to join values in a list/array when saving. Should not be a comma. overwrite : bool Whether to overwrite the file on disk if it already exists. Default is currently True. verbose : bool Whether to give verbose amounts of information (True) or succinct/no outputs (False). Default is False. write_empty : bool Whether to write an empty table to disk. The default is False. Warning: code is less robust to column datatypes on read/write if the table is empty. May cause issues if this is set to True. comma_replacement : str Replace instances of this symbol with commas when loading scalar columns in a table, as e.g. BADAMPS is used in the pipeline and symbols like ';' are problematic on the command line. use_specprod : bool If True and tablename not specified and tabletype is exposure table, this looks for the table in the SPECPROD rather than the exptab repository. Default is True. """ log = get_logger() if tablename is None and tabletype is None: log.error("Pathname or type of table is required to save the table") return if tabletype is not None: tabletype = standardize_tabletype(tabletype) if tablename is None: tablename = translate_type_to_pathname(tabletype, use_specprod=use_specprod) if not write_empty and len(origtable) == 0: log.warning(f'NOT writing zero length table to {tablename}') return if verbose:"In write table", tablename,'\n', tabletype)[0:2]) basename, ext = os.path.splitext(tablename) temp_name = f'{basename}.temp{ext}' if verbose: ,temp_name) table = origtable.copy() if ext in ['.csv', '.ecsv']: if verbose:"Given table: ", # replace_cols = {} for nam in table.colnames: ndim = table[nam].ndim if ndim > 1 or type(table[nam][0]) in [list, np.ndarray, np.array] or table[nam].dtype is object: if verbose:'{nam} is {ndim} dimensions, changing to string') col = [ensure_scalar(row, joinsymb=joinsymb) for row in table[nam]] # replace_cols[nam] = Table.Column(name=nam,data=col) if type(table[nam]) is Table.MaskedColumn: col = Table.MaskedColumn(name=nam, data=col) else: col = Table.Column(name=nam, data=col) table.replace_column(nam, col) elif type(table[nam][0]) in [str, np.str_]: col = [row.replace(',', comma_replacement) for row in table[nam]] if type(table[nam]) is Table.MaskedColumn: col = Table.MaskedColumn(name=nam, data=col) else: col = Table.Column(name=nam, data=col) table.replace_column(nam, col) # for nam, col in replace_cols.items(): # t.replace_column(nam,col) if np.any([c.ndim > 1 or type(table[nam][0]) in [list, np.ndarray, np.array] for c in table.itercols()]) and verbose: log.warning("A column was still more than one dimensional") table.write(temp_name, format=f'ascii{ext}', overwrite=overwrite) else: table.write(temp_name, overwrite=True) os.rename(temp_name, tablename) if verbose:"Written table: ",
[docs]def standardize_tabletype(tabletype): """ Given the user defined type of table it returns the proper 'tabletype' expected by the pipeline Parameters ---------- tabletype : str Allows for a flexible number of input options, but should refer to either the 'exposure', 'processing', or 'unprocessed' table types. Returns ------- tabletype : str Standardized tabletype values. Either "exptable", "proctable", "unproctable". """ if tabletype.lower() in ['exp', 'exposure', 'etable', 'exptable', 'exptab', 'exposuretable', 'exposure_table']: tabletype = 'exptable' elif tabletype.lower() in ['proc', 'processing', 'proctable', 'proctab', 'int', 'ptable', 'internal']: tabletype = 'proctable' elif tabletype.lower() in ['unproc', 'unproctable', 'unproctab', 'unprocessed', 'unprocessing', 'unproc_table']: tabletype = 'unproctable' return tabletype
[docs]def translate_type_to_pathname(tabletype, use_specprod=True): """ Given the type of table it returns the proper file pathname Parameters ---------- tabletype : str Allows for a flexible number of input options, but should refer to either the 'exposure', 'processing', or 'unprocessed' table types. use_specprod : bool If True and tablename not specified and tabletype is exposure table, this looks for the table in the SPECPROD rather than the exptab repository. Default is True. Returns ------- tablename : str Full pathname including extension of the table type. Uses environment variables to determine the location. """ from desispec.workflow.exptable import get_exposure_table_path, get_exposure_table_pathname, get_exposure_table_name from desispec.workflow.proctable import get_processing_table_path, get_processing_table_pathname, get_processing_table_name tabletype = standardize_tabletype(tabletype) if tabletype == 'exptable': tablename = get_exposure_table_pathname(night=None,usespecprod=use_specprod) elif tabletype == 'proctable': tablename = get_processing_table_pathname() elif tabletype == 'unproctable': tablepath = get_processing_table_path() tablename = get_processing_table_name().replace("processing", 'unprocessed') tablename = pathjoin(tablepath, tablename) return tablename
[docs]def load_table(tablename=None, tabletype=None, joinsymb='|', verbose=False, process_mixins=True, use_specprod=True, suppress_logging=False): """ Workflow function to read in exposure, processing, and unprocessed tables. It allows for multi-valued table cells, which are generated from strings using the joinsymb. It reads from the file given by tablename (or the default for table of type tabletype). Parameters ---------- tablename : str Full pathname of where the table should be saved, including the extension. Originally save to ``*.temp.{ext}`` and then moved to ``*.{ext}``. If None, it looks up the default for typetable. If tabletype is None it uses this to try and identify the tabletype and uses that to get the default column names and types. tabletype : str 'exptable', 'proctable', or 'unproctable'. Used if tablename is None to get the default name for the type of table. Also used to get the column datatypes and defaults. joinsymb : str The symbol used to join values in a list/array when saving. Should not be a comma. verbose : bool Whether to give verbose amounts of information (True) or succinct/no outputs (False). Default is False. process_mixins : bool Whether to look for and try to split strings into lists/arrays. The default is True. Warning: The exposure and processing tables have default data types which are multi-value. If this is set to False, the default data types will be incorrect and issues are likely to arise. use_specprod : bool If True and tablename not specified and tabletype is exposure table, this looks for the table in the SPECPROD rather than the exptab repository. Default is True. suppress_logging : bool If True, the messages are skipped. This is useful in scripts looping over many tables to reduce the amount of things printed to the screen. Returns ------- table : Table Either exposure table or processing table that was loaded from tablename (or from default name based on tabletype). Returns None if the file doesn't exist. """ from desispec.workflow.exptable import instantiate_exposure_table, get_exposure_table_column_defs from desispec.workflow.proctable import instantiate_processing_table, get_processing_table_column_defs log = get_logger() if tabletype is not None: tabletype = standardize_tabletype(tabletype) if tablename is None: if tabletype is None: log.error("Must specify either tablename or tabletype in load_table()") return None else: tablename = translate_type_to_pathname(tabletype, use_specprod=use_specprod) else: if tabletype is None: if not suppress_logging:"tabletype not given in load_table(), trying to guess based on filename") filename = os.path.split(tablename)[-1] if 'exp' in filename or 'etable' in filename: tabletype = 'exptable' elif 'unproc' in filename: tabletype = 'unproctable' elif 'proc' in filename or 'ptable' in filename: tabletype = 'proctable' if tabletype is None: log.warning(f"Couldn't identify type based on filename {filename}") else: if not suppress_logging:"Based on filename {filename}, identified type as {tabletype}") if os.path.isfile(tablename): if not suppress_logging:"Found table: {tablename}") elif tabletype is not None: if not suppress_logging:'Table {tablename} not found, creating new table of type {tabletype}') if tabletype == 'exptable': return instantiate_exposure_table() elif tabletype == 'unproctable': return instantiate_exposure_table() elif tabletype == 'proctable': return instantiate_processing_table() else: log.warning(f"Couldn't create type {tabletype}, unknown table type") return None else: log.error(f"In load_table:\n\tCouldn't find: {tabletype} and tabletype not specified, returning None") return None basename, ext = os.path.splitext(tablename) if ext in ['.csv', '.ecsv']: table =, format=f'ascii{ext}') if verbose:"Raw loaded table: ", if tabletype in ['exptable', 'unproctable']: colnames, coltypes, coldefaults = get_exposure_table_column_defs(return_default_values=True) elif tabletype == 'proctable': colnames, coltypes, coldefaults = get_processing_table_column_defs(return_default_values=True) else: colnames = table.colnames coltypes = [table[nam].dtype for nam in colnames] coldefaults = [guess_default_by_dtype(typ) for typ in coltypes] colnames, coltypes = np.array(colnames), np.array(coltypes) if len(table) > 0: outcolumns = [] first_err = True for nam, typ, default in zip(colnames, coltypes, coldefaults): if nam not in table.colnames: if first_err: log.warning(f"{nam} not in column names of loaded table: {table.colnames}") first_err = False else: log.warning(f"{nam} not in column names of loaded table") continue elif type(table[nam]) is Table.MaskedColumn: data, mask = table[nam].data, table[nam].mask else: data, mask = table[nam].data, None col, dtyp = process_column(data, typ, mask=mask, default=default, joinsymb=joinsymb, \ process_mixins=process_mixins, verbose=verbose) if dtyp in [list, np.array, np.ndarray]: out = np.ndarray(shape=(len(col),),dtype=object) for ii in range(len(col)): out[ii] = np.atleast_1d(col[ii]) newcol = Table.Column(name=nam, data=out, dtype=dtyp) else: newcol = Table.Column(name=nam, data=col, dtype=dtyp) outcolumns.append(newcol) table = Table(outcolumns) else: table = Table(names=colnames, dtype=coltypes) else: table = if verbose:"Expanded table: ", return table
[docs]def guess_default_by_dtype(typ): """ Returns a default value given a data type. To be used in filling a table if no default is given. Parameters ---------- typ : DataType The datatype of the element you want a default value for. Returns ------- number default value for that type. Can be int, float, str, list, or array. If it can't guess, it returns the integer -99 . """ if typ in [int ,np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int32]: return -99 elif typ in [float, np.float32, np.float64]: return -99.0 elif typ in [str, np.str_]: return 'unknown' elif typ == list: return [] elif typ in [np.array, np.ndarray]: return np.array([], dtype=str) else: return -99
[docs]def process_column(data, typ, mask=None, default=None, joinsymb='|', process_mixins=True, comma_replacement=';', verbose=False): """ Used with load_table to process a Table.Column after being read in. It fills in masked values with defaults, and identifies and splits mixin columns (columns that should be a list/array) back into their list/array from their string representation. Parameters ---------- data : Table.Column or Table.MaskedColumn Column of data to be checked for masked rows (to be filled with default) and string-ed versions of lists/arrays that need to be expanded out. typ : DataType The expected datatype of the data in data. May differ from the type of the input data, in which case the data will be transformed. mask : np.array A mask array with True in row elements of the input data array that are masked and False in row elements that are not masked. default : any type The default value to be used for masked rows. joinsymb : str The symbol used to join values in a list/array when saving. Should not be a comma. process_mixins : bool Whether to look for and try to split strings into lists/arrays. The default is True. Warning: The exposure and processing tables have default data types which are multi-value. If this is set to False, the default data types will be incorrect and issues are likely to arise. comma_replacement : str Replace instances of this symbol with commas when loading scalar columns in a table, as e.g. BADAMPS is used in the pipeline and symbols like ';' are problematic on the command line. verbose : bool Whether to give verbose amounts of information (True) or succinct/no outputs (False). Default is False. Returns ------- col, list or np.array A new data vector similar to input 'data' except with masked values filled in and mixin strings expanded back into np.array's. DataType The data type of a row element in the return col. """ log = get_logger() if default is None: default = guess_default_by_dtype(typ) if mask is not None and np.sum(np.bitwise_not(mask)) == 0: return [default]*len(data), typ if mask is None: mask = np.zeros(len(data)).astype(bool) array_like = (typ in [list, np.array, np.ndarray]) dtyp = typ if mask is not None: first = data[np.bitwise_not(mask)][0] else: first = data[0] firsttype = type(first) if verbose: log.debug(first, firsttype, firsttype in [str, np.str_]) if process_mixins and firsttype in [str, np.str_] and joinsymb in first: do_split_str = True if typ not in [list, np.array, np.ndarray]: log.warning("Found mixin column with scalar datatype:")"\tcolname={nam}, first={first}, typefirst={firsttyp}, dtype={typ}")"\tchanging to np.array datatype") dtyp = np.ndarray else: do_split_str = False col = [] for rowdat ,rowmsk in zip(data ,mask): if rowmsk: col.append(default) elif do_split_str: col.append(split_str(rowdat, joinsymb=joinsymb)) elif array_like: col.append(np.array([rowdat])) elif type(rowdat) in [str, np.str_] and comma_replacement in rowdat: col.append(rowdat.replace(comma_replacement, ',')) else: col.append(rowdat) if verbose: return col, dtyp
[docs]def write_tables(tables, tablenames=None, tabletypes=None, write_empty=False, verbose=False, overwrite=True): """ Workflow function to write multiple exposure, processing, and unprocessed tables. It allows for multi-valued table cells, which are reduced to strings. It writes to a temp file before moving the fully written file to the name given by tablenames (or the default for table of types tabletypes). Parameters ---------- tables : list/array of Table List or array of exposure tables, unprocessed tables, and/or processing table. tablenames : list/array of str List or array of the full pathnames to where the tables should be saved, including the extension. If None, it looks up the default for each of tabletypes. tabletype : list/array of str List or array of table types to be used if tablenames is None to get the default name for each type of table. write_empty : bool Whether to write an empty table to disk. The default is False. Warning: code is less robust to column datatypes on read/write if the table is empty. May cause issues if this is set to True. overwrite : bool Whether to overwrite the file on disk if it already exists. Default is currently True. verbose : bool Whether to give verbose amounts of information (True) or succinct/no outputs (False). Default is False. """ log = get_logger() if tablenames is None and tabletypes is None: log.error("Need to define either tablenames or the table types in write_tables") elif tablenames is None: for tabl, tabltyp in zip(tables, tabletypes): if write_empty or len(tabl) > 0: write_table(tabl, tabletype=tabltyp, verbose=verbose, overwrite=overwrite, write_empty=write_empty) else: for tabl, tablname in zip(tables, tablenames): if write_empty or len(tabl) > 0: write_table(tabl, tablename=tablname, verbose=verbose, overwrite=overwrite, write_empty=write_empty)
[docs]def load_tables(tablenames=None, tabletypes=None, verbose=False): """ Workflow function to read in multiple exposure, processing, and unprocessed tables. It allows for multi-valued table cells, which are generated from strings using the joinsymb. It reads from the files given by tablenames (or the default for tables of types in tabletypes). Parameters ---------- tablename : list/array of str List or array of the full pathnames of where the tables should be saved, including the extension. tabletype : list/array of str List or array of the table types, which are used if tablenames is None to get the default name for the type of table. They are also used to get the column datatypes and defaults. verbose : bool Whether to give verbose amounts of information (True) or succinct/no outputs (False). Default is False. Returns ------- tabs : list of Table Either exposure table or processing table that was loaded from tablename (or from default name based on tabletype). Returns None if the file doesn't exist. """ tabs = [] if tablenames is None and tabletypes is None: pass elif tablenames is None: for tabltyp in tabletypes: tabs.append(load_table(tabletype=tabltyp, verbose=verbose)) elif tabletypes is None: for tablname in tablenames: tabs.append(load_table(tablename=tablname, verbose=verbose)) else: for tablname ,tabltyp in zip(tablenames , tabletypes): tabs.append(load_table(tablename=tablname, tabletype=tabltyp, verbose=verbose)) return tabs