Source code for desispec.workflow.timing


import os, glob, json
import time, datetime

import numpy as np

from desiutil.log import get_logger
from import rawdata_root

########## Time Functions #############
[docs]def what_night_is_it(): """ Return the current night """ d = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(7 / 24 + 0.5) tonight = int(d.strftime('%Y%m%d')) return tonight
[docs]def get_nightly_start_time(): """ Defines the time of day that the desi_daily_proc_manager should start (in Tucson local time). Before this time, the manager being woken by a cron job will exit immediately. Selected to give plenty of time between end of night and start of the next, but early enough to catch and begin running afternoon calibrations. Returns: 14: int. The number of hours after midnight that signifies the start of a new night of observing. """ return 14 # 2PM local Tucson time
[docs]def get_nightly_end_time(): """ Defines when a night ends for desi_daily_proc_manager in local Tucson time. Once this time is exceeded, the manager will enter into queue cleanup mode and then exit when the jobs have finished. End of night is altered slightly for summer vs. winter. Returns: end_night: int. The number of hours after midnight that signifies the end of a night of observing. """ month = time.localtime().tm_mon if np.abs(month - 6) > 2: end_night = 8 # 7:23 is latest sunrise else: end_night = 7 # 5:15 is earliest sunrise return end_night # local Tucson time the following morning
[docs]def ensure_tucson_time(): """ Define the start and end of a 'night' based on times at the mountain. So ensure that the times are with respect to Arizona. """ if 'TZ' not in os.environ.keys() or os.environ['TZ'] != 'US/Arizona': os.environ['TZ'] = 'US/Arizona' time.tzset()
[docs]def nersc_format_datetime(timetup=None): """ Given a time tuple from the time module, this will return a string in the proper format to be properly interpreted by the NERSC Slurm queue scheduler. Args: timetup: tuple. A time.time() tuple object representing the time you want to trasnform into a Slurm readable string. Returns: str. String of the form YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS. """ if timetup is None: timetup = time.localtime() # YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM[:SS]] return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', timetup)
[docs]def nersc_start_time(night=None, starthour=None): """ Transforms a night and time into a YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM[:SS]] time string Slurm can interpret Args: night: str or int. In the form YYYMMDD, the night the jobs are being run. starthour: str or int. The number of hours (between 0 and 24) after midnight where you began submitting jobs to the queue. Returns: str. String of the form YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS. Based on the given night and starthour """ if night is None: night = what_night_is_it() if starthour is None: starthour = get_nightly_start_time() starthour = int(starthour) timetup = time.strptime(f'{night}{starthour:02d}', '%Y%m%d%H') return nersc_format_datetime(timetup)
[docs]def nersc_end_time(night=None, endhour=None): """ Transforms a night and time into a YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM[:SS]] time string Slurm can interpret. Correctly accounts for the fact that the night is defined starting at Noon on a given day. Args: night: str or int. In the form YYYMMDD, the night the jobs are being run. endhour: str or int. The number (between 0 and 24) of hours after midnight where you stop submitting jobs to the queue. Returns: str. String of the form YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS. Based on the given night and endhour """ if night is None: night = what_night_is_it() if endhour is None: endhour = get_nightly_end_time() endhour = int(endhour) yester_timetup = time.strptime(f'{night}{endhour:02d}', '%Y%m%d%H') yester_sec = time.mktime(yester_timetup) ## If ending in the PM, then the defined night is the same as the day it took place ## If in the AM then it corresponds to the following day, which requires adding 24 hours to the time. if endhour > 12: today_sec = yester_sec else: one_day_in_seconds = 24 * 60 * 60 today_sec = yester_sec + one_day_in_seconds today_timetup = time.localtime(today_sec) return nersc_format_datetime(today_timetup)
[docs]def during_operating_hours(dry_run=False, starthour=None, endhour=None): """ Determines if the desi_daily_proc_manager should be running or not based on the time of day. Can be overwridden with dry_run for testing purposes. Args: dry_run: bool. If true, this is a simulation so return True so that the simulation can proceed. starthour: str or int. The number of hours (between 0 and 24) after midnight. endhour: str or int. The number (between 0 and 24) of hours after midnight. Assumes an endhour smaller than starthour implies the following day. Returns: bool. True if dry_run is true OR if the current time is between the starthour and endhour. """ if starthour is None: starthour = get_nightly_start_time() if endhour is None: endhour = get_nightly_end_time() ensure_tucson_time() hour = time.localtime().tm_hour if endhour < starthour: return dry_run or (hour < endhour) or (hour > starthour) else: return dry_run or ( (hour < endhour) and (hour > starthour) )
[docs]def wait_for_cals(night): """ Wait for calibrations to arrive on given night before returning Looks for request file with PROGRAM='CALIB Flats all done' If night is the current night, this will keep trying until morning; for other nights it will give up immediately if cals aren't found. """ log = get_logger() already_checked = list() rawnightdir = rawdata_root() calsdone = False tonight = what_night_is_it() while not calsdone:'Looking for {night} calibration data at {time.asctime()}') requestfiles = sorted(glob.glob(f'{rawnightdir}/{night}/????????/request-*.json')) for filename in requestfiles: if filename in already_checked: continue already_checked.append(filename) with open(filename) as fp: request = json.load(fp) if 'PROGRAM' in request: program = request['PROGRAM'] else: program = 'UNKNOWN' expid = int(os.path.basename(filename)[8:16])'{night}/{expid} - {program}') if program == 'CALIB Flats all done':'{night} calibration data arrived; returning') calsdone = True break #- keep waiting if this is the current night, cals haven't arrived, #- and it isn't morning yet if not calsdone: if (night == tonight) and during_operating_hours(starthour=12): sleep_minutes = 10'{night} cals not yet arrived at {time.asctime()}; waiting {sleep_minutes} minutes') time.sleep(sleep_minutes*60) else:'Giving up waiting for cals at {time.asctime()}') break if not calsdone: log.error(f'Night {night} cals not found') return calsdone