Source code for desispec.database.redshift

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Code for loading spectroscopic pipeline results (specifically redshifts)
into a database.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import os
import re
import glob

import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table
from pytz import utc

from sqlalchemy import (create_engine, event, ForeignKey, Column, DDL,
                        BigInteger, Boolean, Integer, String, Float, DateTime,
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base, declared_attr
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker, relationship
from sqlalchemy.schema import CreateSchema

from desiutil.log import log, DEBUG, INFO

from import specprod_root
from .util import convert_dateobs, parse_pgpass

Base = declarative_base()
engine = None
dbSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker())
schemaname = None

[docs]class SchemaMixin(object): """Mixin class to allow schema name to be changed at runtime. Also automatically sets the table name. """ @declared_attr def __tablename__(cls): return cls.__name__.lower() @declared_attr def __table_args__(cls): return {'schema': schemaname}
[docs]class Truth(SchemaMixin, Base): """Representation of the truth table. """ targetid = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False) mockid = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) truez = Column(Float, nullable=False) truespectype = Column(String, nullable=False) templatetype = Column(String, nullable=False) templatesubtype = Column(String, nullable=False) templateid = Column(Integer, nullable=False) seed = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) mag = Column(Float, nullable=False) magfilter = Column(String, nullable=False) flux_g = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_z = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_w1 = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_w2 = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_w3 = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_w4 = Column(Float, nullable=False) oiiflux = Column(Float, nullable=False, default=-9999.0) hbetaflux = Column(Float, nullable=False, default=-9999.0) ewoii = Column(Float, nullable=False, default=-9999.0) ewhbeta = Column(Float, nullable=False, default=-9999.0) d4000 = Column(Float, nullable=False, default=-9999.0) vdisp = Column(Float, nullable=False, default=-9999.0) oiidoublet = Column(Float, nullable=False, default=-9999.0) oiiihbeta = Column(Float, nullable=False, default=-9999.0) oiihbeta = Column(Float, nullable=False, default=-9999.0) niihbeta = Column(Float, nullable=False, default=-9999.0) siihbeta = Column(Float, nullable=False, default=-9999.0) mabs_1450 = Column(Float, nullable=False, default=-9999.0) bal_templateid = Column(Integer, nullable=False, default=-1) truez_norsd = Column(Float, nullable=False, default=-9999.0) teff = Column(Float, nullable=False, default=-9999.0) logg = Column(Float, nullable=False, default=-9999.0) feh = Column(Float, nullable=False, default=-9999.0) def __repr__(self): return "<Truth(targetid={0.targetid:d})>".format(self)
[docs]class Target(SchemaMixin, Base): """Representation of the target table. """ release = Column(Integer, nullable=False) brickid = Column(Integer, nullable=False) brickname = Column(String, nullable=False) brick_objid = Column(Integer, nullable=False) morphtype = Column(String, nullable=False) ra = Column(Float, nullable=False) dec = Column(Float, nullable=False) ra_ivar = Column(Float, nullable=False) dec_ivar = Column(Float, nullable=False) dchisq_psf = Column(Float, nullable=False) dchisq_rex = Column(Float, nullable=False) dchisq_dev = Column(Float, nullable=False) dchisq_exp = Column(Float, nullable=False) dchisq_comp = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_g = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_z = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_w1 = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_w2 = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_w3 = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_w4 = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_ivar_g = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_ivar_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_ivar_z = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_ivar_w1 = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_ivar_w2 = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_ivar_w3 = Column(Float, nullable=False) flux_ivar_w4 = Column(Float, nullable=False) mw_transmission_g = Column(Float, nullable=False) mw_transmission_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) mw_transmission_z = Column(Float, nullable=False) mw_transmission_w1 = Column(Float, nullable=False) mw_transmission_w2 = Column(Float, nullable=False) mw_transmission_w3 = Column(Float, nullable=False) mw_transmission_w4 = Column(Float, nullable=False) nobs_g = Column(Integer, nullable=False) nobs_r = Column(Integer, nullable=False) nobs_z = Column(Integer, nullable=False) fracflux_g = Column(Float, nullable=False) fracflux_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) fracflux_z = Column(Float, nullable=False) fracmasked_g = Column(Float, nullable=False) fracmasked_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) fracmasked_z = Column(Float, nullable=False) fracin_g = Column(Float, nullable=False) fracin_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) fracin_z = Column(Float, nullable=False) allmask_g = Column(Float, nullable=False) allmask_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) allmask_z = Column(Float, nullable=False) wisemask_w1 = Column(Integer, nullable=False) wisemask_w2 = Column(Integer, nullable=False) psfdepth_g = Column(Float, nullable=False) psfdepth_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) psfdepth_z = Column(Float, nullable=False) galdepth_g = Column(Float, nullable=False) galdepth_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) galdepth_z = Column(Float, nullable=False) fracdev = Column(Float, nullable=False) fracdev_ivar = Column(Float, nullable=False) shapedev_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) shapedev_r_ivar = Column(Float, nullable=False) shapedev_e1 = Column(Float, nullable=False) shapedev_e1_ivar = Column(Float, nullable=False) shapedev_e2 = Column(Float, nullable=False) shapedev_e2_ivar = Column(Float, nullable=False) shapeexp_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) shapeexp_r_ivar = Column(Float, nullable=False) shapeexp_e1 = Column(Float, nullable=False) shapeexp_e1_ivar = Column(Float, nullable=False) shapeexp_e2 = Column(Float, nullable=False) shapeexp_e2_ivar = Column(Float, nullable=False) fiberflux_g = Column(Float, nullable=False) fiberflux_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) fiberflux_z = Column(Float, nullable=False) fibertotflux_g = Column(Float, nullable=False) fibertotflux_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) fibertotflux_z = Column(Float, nullable=False) ref_cat = Column(String, nullable=False) ref_id = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) gaia_phot_g_mean_mag = Column(Float, nullable=False) gaia_phot_g_mean_flux_over_error = Column(Float, nullable=False) gaia_phot_bp_mean_mag = Column(Float, nullable=False) gaia_phot_bp_mean_flux_over_error = Column(Float, nullable=False) gaia_phot_rp_mean_mag = Column(Float, nullable=False) gaia_phot_rp_mean_flux_over_error = Column(Float, nullable=False) gaia_phot_bp_rp_excess_factor = Column(Float, nullable=False) gaia_astrometric_sigma5d_max = Column(Float, nullable=False) gaia_astrometric_params_solved = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) gaia_astrometric_excess_noise = Column(Float, nullable=False) gaia_duplicated_source = Column(Boolean, nullable=False) parallax = Column(Float, nullable=False) parallax_ivar = Column(Float, nullable=False) pmra = Column(Float, nullable=False) pmra_ivar = Column(Float, nullable=False) pmdec = Column(Float, nullable=False) pmdec_ivar = Column(Float, nullable=False) maskbits = Column(Integer, nullable=False) ebv = Column(Float, nullable=False) photsys = Column(String, nullable=False) targetid = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False) desi_target = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) bgs_target = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) mws_target = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) subpriority = Column(Float, nullable=False) obsconditions = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) priority_init = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) numobs_init = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) hpxpixel = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) def __repr__(self): return "<Target(targetid={0.targetid})>".format(self)
[docs]class ObsList(SchemaMixin, Base): """Representation of the obslist table. """ expid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False) tileid = Column(Integer, nullable=False) passnum = Column(Integer, nullable=False) ra = Column(Float, nullable=True) #- Calib exposures don't have RA, dec dec = Column(Float, nullable=True) ebmv = Column(Float, nullable=True) night = Column(String, nullable=False) mjd = Column(Float, nullable=False) exptime = Column(Float, nullable=False) seeing = Column(Float, nullable=True) transparency = Column(Float, nullable=True) airmass = Column(Float, nullable=True) moonfrac = Column(Float, nullable=True) moonalt = Column(Float, nullable=True) moonsep = Column(Float, nullable=True) program = Column(String, nullable=False) flavor = Column(String, nullable=False) # dateobs = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False) def __repr__(self): return "<ObsList(expid={0.expid:d})>".format(self)
[docs]class ZCat(SchemaMixin, Base): """Representation of the zcat table. """ targetid = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False) chi2 = Column(Float, nullable=False) coeff_0 = Column(Float, nullable=False) coeff_1 = Column(Float, nullable=False) coeff_2 = Column(Float, nullable=False) coeff_3 = Column(Float, nullable=False) coeff_4 = Column(Float, nullable=False) coeff_5 = Column(Float, nullable=False) coeff_6 = Column(Float, nullable=False) coeff_7 = Column(Float, nullable=False) coeff_8 = Column(Float, nullable=False) coeff_9 = Column(Float, nullable=False) z = Column(Float, index=True, nullable=False) zerr = Column(Float, nullable=False) zwarn = Column(BigInteger, index=True, nullable=False) npixels = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) spectype = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False) subtype = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False) ncoeff = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) deltachi2 = Column(Float, nullable=False) brickname = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False) numexp = Column(Integer, nullable=False, default=-1) numtile = Column(Integer, nullable=False) # # Columns that are just copied from the target table. # # brickid = Column(Integer, nullable=False) # brick_objid = Column(Integer, nullable=False) # ra = Column(Float, nullable=False) # dec = Column(Float, nullable=False) # flux_g = Column(Float, nullable=False) # flux_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) # flux_z = Column(Float, nullable=False) # flux_w1 = Column(Float, nullable=False) # flux_w2 = Column(Float, nullable=False) # mw_transmission_g = Column(Float, nullable=False) # mw_transmission_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) # mw_transmission_z = Column(Float, nullable=False) # mw_transmission_w1 = Column(Float, nullable=False) # mw_transmission_w2 = Column(Float, nullable=False) # psfdepth_g = Column(Float, nullable=False) # psfdepth_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) # psfdepth_z = Column(Float, nullable=False) # galdepth_g = Column(Float, nullable=False) # galdepth_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) # galdepth_z = Column(Float, nullable=False) # shapedev_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) # shapedev_e1 = Column(Float, nullable=False) # shapedev_e2 = Column(Float, nullable=False) # shapeexp_r = Column(Float, nullable=False) # shapeexp_e1 = Column(Float, nullable=False) # shapeexp_e2 = Column(Float, nullable=False) # subpriority = Column(Float, nullable=False) # desi_target = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) # bgs_target = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) # mws_target = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) # hpxpixel = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) def __repr__(self): return "<ZCat(targetid={0.targetid:d})>".format(self)
[docs]class FiberAssign(SchemaMixin, Base): """Representation of the fiberassign table. """ tileid = Column(Integer, index=True, primary_key=True) targetid = Column(BigInteger, index=True, nullable=False) petal_loc = Column(Integer, nullable=False) device_loc = Column(Integer, nullable=False) location = Column(Integer, nullable=False) fiber = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) fiberstatus = Column(Integer, nullable=False) target_ra = Column(Float, nullable=False) target_dec = Column(Float, nullable=False) pmra = Column(Float, nullable=False) pmdec = Column(Float, nullable=False) pmra_ivar = Column(Float, nullable=False) pmdec_ivar = Column(Float, nullable=False) ref_epoch = Column(Float, nullable=False) lambda_ref = Column(Float, nullable=False) fa_target = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) fa_type = Column(Integer, nullable=False) objtype = Column(String, nullable=False) fiberassign_x = Column(Float, nullable=False) fiberassign_y = Column(Float, nullable=False) numtarget = Column(Integer, nullable=False) priority = Column(Integer, nullable=False) subpriority = Column(Float, nullable=False) obsconditions = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False) numobs_more = Column(Integer, nullable=False) def __repr__(self): return "<FiberAssign(tileid={0.tileid:d}, fiber={0.fiber:d})>".format(self)
[docs]def load_file(filepath, tcls, hdu=1, expand=None, convert=None, index=None, rowfilter=None, q3c=False, chunksize=50000, maxrows=0): """Load a data file into the database, assuming that column names map to database column names with no surprises. Parameters ---------- filepath : :class:`str` Full path to the data file. tcls : :class:`sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api.DeclarativeMeta` The table to load, represented by its class. hdu : :class:`int` or :class:`str`, optional Read a data table from this HDU (default 1). expand : :class:`dict`, optional If set, map FITS column names to one or more alternative column names. convert : :class:`dict`, optional If set, convert the data for a named (database) column using the supplied function. index : :class:`str`, optional If set, add a column that just counts the number of rows. rowfilter : callable, optional If set, apply this filter to the rows to be loaded. The function should return :class:`bool`, with ``True`` meaning a good row. q3c : :class:`bool`, optional If set, create q3c index on the table. chunksize : :class:`int`, optional If set, load database `chunksize` rows at a time (default 50000). maxrows : :class:`int`, optional If set, stop loading after `maxrows` are loaded. Alteratively, set `maxrows` to zero (0) to load all rows. """ tn = tcls.__tablename__ if filepath.endswith('.fits'): with as hdulist: data = hdulist[hdu].data elif filepath.endswith('.ecsv'): data =, format='ascii.ecsv') else: log.error("Unrecognized data file, %s!", filepath) return if maxrows == 0: maxrows = len(data)"Read data from %s HDU %s", filepath, hdu) try: colnames = data.names except AttributeError: colnames = data.colnames for col in colnames: if data[col].dtype.kind == 'f': bad = np.isnan(data[col][0:maxrows]) if np.any(bad): nbad = bad.sum() log.warning("%d rows of bad data detected in column " + "%s of %s.", nbad, col, filepath) # # Temporary workaround for bad flux values, see # # if col in ('FLUX_R', 'FIBERFLUX_R', 'FIBERTOTFLUX_R'): data[col][0:maxrows][bad] = -9999.0"Integrity check complete on %s.", tn) if rowfilter is None: good_rows = np.ones((maxrows,), dtype=bool) else: good_rows = rowfilter(data[0:maxrows]) data_list = [data[col][0:maxrows][good_rows].tolist() for col in colnames] data_names = [col.lower() for col in colnames] finalrows = len(data_list[0])"Initial column conversion complete on %s.", tn) if expand is not None: for col in expand: i = data_names.index(col.lower()) if isinstance(expand[col], str): # # Just rename a column. # log.debug("Renaming column %s (at index %d) to %s.", data_names[i], i, expand[col]) data_names[i] = expand[col] else: # # Assume this is an expansion of an array-valued column # into individual columns. # del data_names[i] del data_list[i] for j, n in enumerate(expand[col]): log.debug("Expanding column %d of %s (at index %d) to %s.", j, col, i, n) data_names.insert(i + j, n) data_list.insert(i + j, data[col][:, j].tolist()) log.debug(data_names)"Column expansion complete on %s.", tn) del data if convert is not None: for col in convert: i = data_names.index(col) data_list[i] = [convert[col](x) for x in data_list[i]]"Column conversion complete on %s.", tn) if index is not None: data_list.insert(0, list(range(1, finalrows+1))) data_names.insert(0, index)"Added index column '%s'.", index) data_rows = list(zip(*data_list)) del data_list"Converted columns into rows on %s.", tn) for k in range(finalrows//chunksize + 1): data_chunk = [dict(zip(data_names, row)) for row in data_rows[k*chunksize:(k+1)*chunksize]] if len(data_chunk) > 0: engine.execute(tcls.__table__.insert(), data_chunk)"Inserted %d rows in %s.", min((k+1)*chunksize, finalrows), tn) # for k in range(finalrows//chunksize + 1): # data_insert = [dict([(col, data_list[i].pop(0)) # for i, col in enumerate(data_names)]) # for j in range(chunksize)] # session.bulk_insert_mappings(tcls, data_insert) #"Inserted %d rows in %s..", # min((k+1)*chunksize, finalrows), tn) # session.commit() # dbSession.commit() if q3c: q3c_index(tn) return
[docs]def update_truth(filepath, hdu=2, chunksize=50000, skip=('SLOPES', 'EMLINES')): """Add data from columns in other HDUs of the Truth table. Parameters ---------- filepath : :class:`str` Full path to the data file. hdu : :class:`int` or :class:`str`, optional Read a data table from this HDU (default 2). chunksize : :class:`int`, optional If set, update database `chunksize` rows at a time (default 50000). skip : :func:`tuple`, optional Do not load columns with these names (default, ``('SLOPES', 'EMLINES')``) """ tcls = Truth tn = tcls.__tablename__ t = tcls.__table__ if filepath.endswith('.fits'): with as hdulist: data = hdulist[hdu].data elif filepath.endswith('.ecsv'): data =, format='ascii.ecsv') else: log.error("Unrecognized data file, %s!", filepath) return"Read data from %s HDU %s", filepath, hdu) try: colnames = data.names except AttributeError: colnames = data.colnames for col in colnames: if data[col].dtype.kind == 'f': bad = np.isnan(data[col]) if np.any(bad): nbad = bad.sum() log.warning("%d rows of bad data detected in column " + "%s of %s.", nbad, col, filepath)"Integrity check complete on %s.", tn) # if rowfilter is None: # good_rows = np.ones((maxrows,), dtype=bool) # else: # good_rows = rowfilter(data[0:maxrows]) # data_list = [data[col][0:maxrows][good_rows].tolist() for col in colnames] data_list = [data[col].tolist() for col in colnames if col not in skip] data_names = [col.lower() for col in colnames if col not in skip] data_names[0] = 'b_targetid' finalrows = len(data_list[0])"Initial column conversion complete on %s.", tn) del data data_rows = list(zip(*data_list)) del data_list"Converted columns into rows on %s.", tn) for k in range(finalrows//chunksize + 1): data_chunk = [dict(zip(data_names, row)) for row in data_rows[k*chunksize:(k+1)*chunksize]] q = t.update().where(t.c.targetid == bindparam('b_targetid')) if len(data_chunk) > 0: engine.execute(q, data_chunk)"Updated %d rows in %s.", min((k+1)*chunksize, finalrows), tn)
[docs]def load_redrock(datapath=None, hdu='REDSHIFTS', q3c=False): """Load redrock files into the zcat table. This function is deprecated since there should now be a single redshift catalog file. Parameters ---------- datapath : :class:`str` Full path to the directory containing redrock files. hdu : :class:`int` or :class:`str`, optional Read a data table from this HDU (default 'REDSHIFTS'). q3c : :class:`bool`, optional If set, create q3c index on the table. """ if datapath is None: datapath = specprod_root() redrockpath = os.path.join(datapath, 'spectra-64', '*', '*', 'redrock-64-*.fits')"Using redrock file search path: %s.", redrockpath) redrock_files = glob.glob(redrockpath) if len(redrock_files) == 0: log.error("No redrock files found!") return"Found %d redrock files.", len(redrock_files)) # # Read the identified redrock files. # for f in redrock_files: brickname = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(f)) with as hdulist: data = hdulist[hdu].data"Read data from %s HDU %s.", f, hdu) good_targetids = ((data['TARGETID'] != 0) & (data['TARGETID'] != -1)) # # If there are too many targetids, the in_ clause will blow up. # Disabling this test, and crossing fingers. # # q = dbSession.query(ZCat).filter(ZCat.targetid.in_(data['TARGETID'].tolist())).all() # if len(q) != 0: # log.warning("Duplicate TARGETID found in %s.", f) # for z in q: # log.warning("Duplicate TARGETID = %d.", z.targetid) # good_targetids = good_targetids & (data['TARGETID'] != z.targetid) data_list = [data[col][good_targetids].tolist() for col in data.names] data_names = [col.lower() for col in data.names]"Initial column conversion complete on brick = %s.", brickname) # # Expand COEFF # col = 'COEFF' expand = ('coeff_0', 'coeff_1', 'coeff_2', 'coeff_3', 'coeff_4', 'coeff_5', 'coeff_6', 'coeff_7', 'coeff_8', 'coeff_9',) i = data_names.index(col.lower()) del data_names[i] del data_list[i] for j, n in enumerate(expand): log.debug("Expanding column %d of %s (at index %d) to %s.", j, col, i, n) data_names.insert(i + j, n) data_list.insert(i + j, data[col][:, j].tolist()) log.debug(data_names) # # redrock files don't contain the same columns as zcatalog. # for col in ZCat.__table__.columns: if not in data_names: data_names.append( data_list.append([0]*len(data_list[0])) data_rows = list(zip(*data_list))"Converted columns into rows on brick = %s.", brickname) try: dbSession.bulk_insert_mappings(ZCat, [dict(zip(data_names, row)) for row in data_rows]) except IntegrityError as e: log.error("Integrity Error detected!") log.error(e) dbSession.rollback() else:"Inserted %d rows in %s for brick = %s.", len(data_rows), ZCat.__tablename__, brickname) dbSession.commit() if q3c: q3c_index('zcat') return
[docs]def load_fiberassign(datapath, maxpass=4, hdu='FIBERASSIGN', q3c=False, latest_epoch=False, last_column='NUMOBS_MORE'): """Load fiber assignment files into the fiberassign table. Tile files can appear in multiple epochs, so for a given tileid, load the tile file with the largest value of epoch. In the "real world", a tile file appears in each epoch until it is observed, therefore the tile file corresponding to the actual observation is the one with the largest epoch. Parameters ---------- datapath : :class:`str` Full path to the directory containing tile files. maxpass : :class:`int`, optional Search for pass numbers up to this value (default 4). hdu : :class:`int` or :class:`str`, optional Read a data table from this HDU (default 'FIBERASSIGN'). q3c : :class:`bool`, optional If set, create q3c index on the table. latest_epoch : :class:`bool`, optional If set, search for the latest tile file among several epochs. last_column : :class:`str`, optional Do not load columns past this name (default 'NUMOBS_MORE'). """ fiberpath = os.path.join(datapath, 'fiberassign*.fits*')"Using tile file search path: %s.", fiberpath) tile_files = glob.glob(fiberpath) if len(tile_files) == 0: log.error("No tile files found!") return"Found %d tile files.", len(tile_files)) # # Find the latest epoch for every tile file. # latest_tiles = dict() if latest_epoch: tileidre = re.compile(r'/(\d+)/fiberassign/fiberassign\-(\d+)\.fits') for f in tile_files: m = if m is None: log.error("Could not match %s!", f) continue epoch, tileid = map(int, m.groups()) if tileid in latest_tiles: if latest_tiles[tileid][0] < epoch: latest_tiles[tileid] = (epoch, f) else: latest_tiles[tileid] = (epoch, f) else: for f in tile_files: # fiberassign-TILEID.fits tileid = int(re.match(r'fiberassign\-(\d+)\.fits', os.path.basename(f))[1]) latest_tiles[tileid] = (0, f)"Identified %d tile files for loading.", len(latest_tiles)) # # Read the identified tile files. # data_index = None for tileid in latest_tiles: epoch, f = latest_tiles[tileid] with as hdulist: data = hdulist[hdu].data"Read data from %s HDU %s", f, hdu) for col in data.names[:data_index]: if data[col].dtype.kind == 'f': bad = np.isnan(data[col]) if np.any(bad): nbad = bad.sum() log.warning("%d rows of bad data detected in column " + "%s of %s.", nbad, col, f) # # This replacement may be deprecated in the future. # if col in ('TARGET_RA', 'TARGET_DEC', 'FIBERASSIGN_X', 'FIBERASSIGN_Y'): data[col][bad] = -9999.0 assert not np.any(np.isnan(data[col])) assert np.all(np.isfinite(data[col])) n_rows = len(data) if data_index is None: data_index = data.names.index(last_column) + 1 data_list = ([[tileid]*n_rows] + [data[col].tolist() for col in data.names[:data_index]]) data_names = ['tileid'] + [col.lower() for col in data.names[:data_index]]"Initial column conversion complete on tileid = %d.", tileid) data_rows = list(zip(*data_list))"Converted columns into rows on tileid = %d.", tileid) dbSession.bulk_insert_mappings(FiberAssign, [dict(zip(data_names, row)) for row in data_rows])"Inserted %d rows in %s for tileid = %d.", n_rows, FiberAssign.__tablename__, tileid) dbSession.commit() if q3c: q3c_index('fiberassign', ra='target_ra') return
[docs]def q3c_index(table, ra='ra'): """Create a q3c index on a table. Parameters ---------- table : :class:`str` Name of the table to index. ra : :class:`str`, optional If the RA, Dec columns are called something besides "ra" and "dec", set its name. For example, ``ra='target_ra'``. """ q3c_sql = """CREATE INDEX ix_{table}_q3c_ang2ipix ON {schema}.{table} (q3c_ang2ipix({ra}, {dec})); CLUSTER {schema}.{table} USING ix_{table}_q3c_ang2ipix; ANALYZE {schema}.{table}; """.format(ra=ra, dec=ra.lower().replace('ra', 'dec'), schema=schemaname, table=table)"Creating q3c index on %s.%s.", schemaname, table) dbSession.execute(q3c_sql)"Finished q3c index on %s.%s.", schemaname, table) dbSession.commit() return
[docs]def setup_db(options=None, **kwargs): """Initialize the database connection. Parameters ---------- options : :class:`argpare.Namespace` Parsed command-line options. kwargs : keywords If present, use these instead of `options`. This is more user-friendly than setting up a :class:`~argpare.Namespace` object in, *e.g.* a Jupyter Notebook. Returns ------- :class:`bool` ``True`` if the configured database is a PostgreSQL database. """ global engine, schemaname # # Schema creation # if options is None: if len(kwargs) > 0: try: schema = kwargs['schema'] except KeyError: schema = None try: overwrite = kwargs['overwrite'] except KeyError: overwrite = False try: hostname = kwargs['hostname'] except KeyError: hostname = None try: username = kwargs['username'] except KeyError: username = 'desidev_admin' try: dbfile = kwargs['dbfile'] except KeyError: dbfile = 'redshift.db' try: datapath = kwargs['datapath'] except KeyError: datapath = None try: verbose = kwargs['verbose'] except KeyError: verbose = False else: raise ValueError("No options specified!") else: schema = options.schema overwrite = options.overwrite hostname = options.hostname username = options.username dbfile = options.dbfile datapath = options.datapath verbose = options.verbose if schema: schemaname = schema # event.listen(Base.metadata, 'before_create', CreateSchema(schemaname)) if overwrite: event.listen(Base.metadata, 'before_create', DDL('DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS {0} CASCADE'.format(schemaname))) event.listen(Base.metadata, 'before_create', DDL('CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {0}'.format(schemaname))) # # Create the file. # postgresql = False if hostname: postgresql = True db_connection = parse_pgpass(hostname=hostname, username=username) if db_connection is None: log.critical("Could not load database information!") return 1 else: if os.path.basename(dbfile) == dbfile: db_file = os.path.join(datapath, dbfile) else: db_file = dbfile if overwrite and os.path.exists(db_file):"Removing file: %s.", db_file) os.remove(db_file) db_connection = 'sqlite:///'+db_file # # SQLAlchemy stuff. # engine = create_engine(db_connection, echo=verbose) dbSession.remove() dbSession.configure(bind=engine, autoflush=False, expire_on_commit=False)"Begin creating tables.") for tab in Base.metadata.tables.values(): tab.schema = schemaname Base.metadata.create_all(engine)"Finished creating tables.") return postgresql
[docs]def get_options(*args): """Parse command-line options. Parameters ---------- args : iterable If arguments are passed, use them instead of ``sys.argv``. Returns ------- :class:`argparse.Namespace` The parsed options. """ from sys import argv from argparse import ArgumentParser prsr = ArgumentParser(description=("Load a data challenge simulation into a " + "database."), prog=os.path.basename(argv[0])) prsr.add_argument('-f', '--filename', action='store', dest='dbfile', default='redshift.db', metavar='FILE', help="Store data in FILE.") prsr.add_argument('-H', '--hostname', action='store', dest='hostname', metavar='HOSTNAME', help='If specified, connect to a PostgreSQL database on HOSTNAME.') prsr.add_argument('-m', '--max-rows', action='store', dest='maxrows', type=int, default=0, metavar='M', help="Load up to M rows in the tables (default is all rows).") prsr.add_argument('-o', '--overwrite', action='store_true', dest='overwrite', help='Delete any existing file(s) before loading.') prsr.add_argument('-r', '--rows', action='store', dest='chunksize', type=int, default=50000, metavar='N', help="Load N rows at a time (default %(default)s).") prsr.add_argument('-s', '--schema', action='store', dest='schema', metavar='SCHEMA', help='Set the schema name in the PostgreSQL database.') prsr.add_argument('-U', '--username', action='store', dest='username', metavar='USERNAME', default='desidev_admin', help="If specified, connect to a PostgreSQL database with USERNAME.") prsr.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='Print extra information.') prsr.add_argument('-z', '--redrock', action='store_true', dest='redrock', help='Force loading of the zcat table from redrock files.') prsr.add_argument('datapath', metavar='DIR', help='Load the data in DIR.') if len(args) > 0: options = prsr.parse_args(args) else: options = prsr.parse_args() return options
[docs]def main(): """Entry point for command-line script. Returns ------- :class:`int` An integer suitable for passing to :func:`sys.exit`. """ # from pkg_resources import resource_filename # # command-line arguments # options = get_options() # # Logging # if options.verbose: log = get_logger(DEBUG, timestamp=True) else: log = get_logger(INFO, timestamp=True) # # Initialize DB # postgresql = setup_db(options) # # Load configuration # loader = [{'filepath': os.path.join(options.datapath, 'targets', 'truth-dark.fits'), 'tcls': Truth, 'hdu': 'TRUTH', 'expand': None, 'convert': None, 'index': None, 'q3c': False, 'chunksize': options.chunksize, 'maxrows': options.maxrows}, {'filepath': os.path.join(options.datapath, 'targets', 'targets-dark.fits'), 'tcls': Target, 'hdu': 'TARGETS', 'expand': {'DCHISQ': ('dchisq_psf', 'dchisq_rex', 'dchisq_dev', 'dchisq_exp', 'dchisq_comp',)}, 'convert': None, 'index': None, 'q3c': postgresql, 'chunksize': options.chunksize, 'maxrows': options.maxrows}, {'filepath': os.path.join(options.datapath, 'survey', 'exposures.fits'), 'tcls': ObsList, 'hdu': 'EXPOSURES', 'expand': {'PASS': 'passnum'}, # 'convert': {'dateobs': lambda x: convert_dateobs(x, tzinfo=utc)}, 'convert': None, 'index': None, 'q3c': postgresql, 'chunksize': options.chunksize, 'maxrows': options.maxrows}, {'filepath': os.path.join(options.datapath, 'spectro', 'redux', 'mini', 'zcatalog-mini.fits'), 'tcls': ZCat, 'hdu': 'ZCATALOG', 'expand': {'COEFF': ('coeff_0', 'coeff_1', 'coeff_2', 'coeff_3', 'coeff_4', 'coeff_5', 'coeff_6', 'coeff_7', 'coeff_8', 'coeff_9',)}, 'convert': None, 'rowfilter': lambda x: ((x['TARGETID'] != 0) & (x['TARGETID'] != -1)), 'q3c': postgresql, 'chunksize': options.chunksize, 'maxrows': options.maxrows}] # # Load the tables that correspond to a single file. # for l in loader: tn = l['tcls'].__tablename__ # # Don't use .one(). It actually fetches *all* rows. # q = dbSession.query(l['tcls']).first() if q is None: if options.redrock and tn == 'zcat':"Loading %s from redrock files in %s.", tn, options.datapath) load_redrock(datapath=options.datapath, q3c=postgresql) else:"Loading %s from %s.", tn, l['filepath']) load_file(**l)"Finished loading %s.", tn) else:"%s table already loaded.", tn.title()) # # Update truth table. # for h in ('BGS', 'ELG', 'LRG', 'QSO', 'STAR', 'WD'): update_truth(os.path.join(options.datapath, 'targets', 'truth-dark.fits'), 'TRUTH_' + h) # # Load fiber assignment files. # q = dbSession.query(FiberAssign).first() if q is None:"Loading FiberAssign from %s.", options.datapath) load_fiberassign(options.datapath, q3c=postgresql)"Finished loading FiberAssign.") else:"FiberAssign table already loaded.") return 0