Source code for


IO routines for fibermap.
import os
import sys
import glob
import warnings
import time
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
import fitsio

import yaml

import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table, Column, join
from import fits

from desitarget.targetmask import desi_mask
from desitarget.skybricks import Skybricks
from desiutil.log import get_logger
from desiutil.depend import add_dependencies, mergedep
from desimodel.focalplane import get_tile_radius_deg
from import load_focalplane
from import (fitsheader, write_bintable, makepath, addkeys,
    parse_badamps, checkgzip)
from import rawdata_root, findfile
from . import iotime
from .table import read_table

from desispec.maskbits import fibermask

# This is the official column ordering for main survey fibermap files. Any
# other ordering will be coerced into this order.  There are slightly
# different columns for other surveys, but these will also be coerced into
# a pre-defined order.
fibermap_columns = {'main': [('TARGETID',              'i8',                 '', 'Unique target ID'),
                             ('PETAL_LOC',             'i2',                 '', 'Petal location [0-9]'),
                             ('DEVICE_LOC',            'i4',                 '', 'Device location on focal plane [0-523]'),
                             ('LOCATION',              'i8',                 '', 'FP location PETAL_LOC*1000 + DEVICE_LOC'),
                             ('FIBER',                 'i4',                 '', 'Fiber ID on the CCDs [0-4999]'),
                             ('FIBERSTATUS',           'i4',                 '', 'Fiber status; 0=good'),
                             ('TARGET_RA',             'f8',           'degree', 'Target Right Ascension [degrees]'),
                             ('TARGET_DEC',            'f8',           'degree', 'Target declination [degrees]'),
                             ('PMRA',                  'f4',     'marcsec/year', 'PM in +RA dir (already incl cos(dec))'),
                             ('PMDEC',                 'f4',     'marcsec/year', 'Proper motion in +dec direction'),
                             ('REF_EPOCH',             'f4',                 '', 'proper motion reference epoch'),
                             ('LAMBDA_REF',            'f4',         'Angstrom', 'Wavelength at which fiber was centered'),
                             ('FA_TARGET',             'i8',                 '', ''),
                             ('FA_TYPE',               'u1',                 '', 'Internal fiberassign target type'),
                             ('OBJTYPE',           (str, 3),                 '', 'SKY, TGT, NON'),
                             ('FIBERASSIGN_X',         'f4',               'mm', 'Expected CS5 X on focal plane'),
                             ('FIBERASSIGN_Y',         'f4',               'mm', 'Expected CS5 Y on focal plane'),
                             ('PRIORITY',              'i4',                 '', 'Assignment priority; larger=higher priority'),
                             ('SUBPRIORITY',           'f8',                 '', 'Assignment subpriority [0-1)'),
                             ('OBSCONDITIONS',         'i4',                 '', 'bitmask of allowable observing conditions'),
                             ('RELEASE',               'i2',                 '', 'imaging surveys release ID'),
                             ('BRICKNAME',         (str, 8),                 '', 'Imaging Surveys brick name'),
                             ('BRICKID',               'i8',                 '', 'Imaging Surveys brick ID'),
                             ('BRICK_OBJID',           'i8',                 '', 'Imaging Surveys OBJID on that brick'),
                             ('MORPHTYPE',         (str, 4),                 '', 'Imaging Surveys morphological type'),
                             ('EBV',                   'f4',                 '', 'Galactic extinction E(B-V) reddening from SFD98'),
                             ('FLUX_G',                'f4',      'nanomaggies', 'g-band flux'),
                             ('FLUX_R',                'f4',      'nanomaggies', 'r-band flux'),
                             ('FLUX_Z',                'f4',      'nanomaggies', 'z-band flux'),
                             ('FLUX_W1',               'f4',      'nanomaggies', 'WISE W1-band flux'),
                             ('FLUX_W2',               'f4',      'nanomaggies', 'WISE W2-band flux'),
                             ('FLUX_IVAR_G',           'f4', '1/nanomaggies**2', 'Inverse variance of FLUX_G'),
                             ('FLUX_IVAR_R',           'f4', '1/nanomaggies**2', 'Inverse variance of FLUX_R'),
                             ('FLUX_IVAR_Z',           'f4', '1/nanomaggies**2', 'Inverse variance of FLUX_Z'),
                             ('FLUX_IVAR_W1',          'f4', '1/nanomaggies**2', 'Inverse variance of FLUX_W1'),
                             ('FLUX_IVAR_W2',          'f4', '1/nanomaggies**2', 'Inverse variance of FLUX_W2'),
                             ('FIBERFLUX_G',           'f4',      'nanomaggies', 'g-band model flux 1" seeing, 1.5" dia fiber'),
                             ('FIBERFLUX_R',           'f4',      'nanomaggies', 'r-band model flux 1" seeing, 1.5" dia fiber'),
                             ('FIBERFLUX_Z',           'f4',      'nanomaggies', 'z-band model flux 1" seeing, 1.5" dia fiber'),
                             ('FIBERTOTFLUX_G',        'f4',      'nanomaggies', 'fiberflux model incl. all objs at this loc'),
                             ('FIBERTOTFLUX_R',        'f4',      'nanomaggies', 'fiberflux model incl. all objs at this loc'),
                             ('FIBERTOTFLUX_Z',        'f4',      'nanomaggies', 'fiberflux model incl. all objs at this loc'),
                             ('MASKBITS',              'i2',                 '', 'Photometry mask bits'),
                             ('SERSIC',                'f4',                 '', 'Power-law index for the Sersic profile model'),
                             ('SHAPE_R',               'f4',           'arcsec', 'Half-light radius of galaxy model'),
                             ('SHAPE_E1',              'f4',                 '', 'Ellipticity component 1 for galaxy model'),
                             ('SHAPE_E2',              'f4',                 '', 'Ellipticity component 2 for galaxy model'),
                             ('REF_ID',                'i8',                 '', 'Astrometric cat refID (Gaia SOURCE_ID)'),
                             ('REF_CAT',           (str, 2),                 '', 'astrometry reference catalog'),
                             ('GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG',  'f4',              'mag', 'Gaia G band mag'),
                             ('GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG', 'f4',              'mag', 'Gaia BP band mag'),
                             ('GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG', 'f4',              'mag', 'Gaia RP band mag'),
                             ('PARALLAX',              'f4',          'marcsec', 'Parallax'),
                             ('PHOTSYS',           (str, 1),                 '', 'N for BASS/MzLS, S for DECam'),
                             ('PRIORITY_INIT',         'i8',                 '', 'initial priority'),
                             ('NUMOBS_INIT',           'i8',                 '', 'initial number of requested observations'),
                             ('DESI_TARGET',           'i8',                 '', 'Dark survey + calibration targeting bits'),
                             ('BGS_TARGET',            'i8',                 '', 'Bright Galaxy Survey targeting bits'),
                             ('MWS_TARGET',            'i8',                 '', 'Milky Way Survey targeting bits'),
                             ('SCND_TARGET',           'i8',                 '', 'Secondary program targeting bits'),
                             ('PLATE_RA',              'f8',           'degree', 'Right Ascension for Platemaker to use [degrees]'),
                             ('PLATE_DEC',             'f8',           'degree', 'declination for Platemaker to use [degrees]'),
                             ('NUM_ITER',              'i8',                 '', 'Number of positioner iterations'),
                             ('FIBER_X',               'f8',               'mm', 'CS5 X location requested by PlateMaker'),
                             ('FIBER_Y',               'f8',               'mm', 'CS5 Y location requested by PlateMaker'),
                             ('DELTA_X',               'f8',               'mm', 'CS5 X diff requested and actual position'),
                             ('DELTA_Y',               'f8',               'mm', 'CS5 Y diff requested and actual position'),
                             ('FIBER_RA',              'f8',           'degree', 'RA of actual fiber position'),
                             ('FIBER_DEC',             'f8',           'degree', 'DEC of actual fiber position'),
                             ('EXPTIME',               'f8',                's', 'Exposure time'),]}

fibermap_comments = {'main': dict([(tmp[0], tmp[3]) for tmp in fibermap_columns['main']])}
# This doesn't appear to be used.
# fibermap_dtype = [tmp[0:2] for tmp in fibermap_columns]

[docs]def _set_fibermap_columns(): """Prepare survey-specific list of columns. Returns ------- :class:`dict` As a convenience, return the full set of survey-specific columns. """ global fibermap_columns, fibermap_comments for sv in (1, 2, 3): survey = f'sv{sv:d}' fibermap_columns[survey] = fibermap_columns['main'].copy() for t in ('DESI', 'BGS', 'MWS', 'SCND'): index_columns = [x[0] for x in fibermap_columns[survey]] i = index_columns.index('{0}_TARGET'.format(t)) row = ("{0}_{1}_TARGET".format(survey.upper(), t), 'i8', '', fibermap_columns[survey][i][3]) fibermap_columns[survey].insert(index_columns.index('DESI_TARGET'), row) index_columns = [x[0] for x in fibermap_columns[survey]] del fibermap_columns[survey][index_columns.index('SCND_TARGET')] fibermap_comments[survey] = dict([(tmp[0], tmp[3]) for tmp in fibermap_columns[survey]]) fibermap_columns['cmx'] = fibermap_columns['main'].copy() index_columns = [x[0] for x in fibermap_columns['cmx']] row = ('CMX_TARGET', 'i8', '', 'Targeting bits for instrument commissioning') fibermap_columns['cmx'].insert(index_columns.index('DESI_TARGET'), row) index_columns = [x[0] for x in fibermap_columns['cmx']] del fibermap_columns['cmx'][index_columns.index('SCND_TARGET')] fibermap_comments['cmx'] = dict([(tmp[0], tmp[3]) for tmp in fibermap_columns['cmx']]) return fibermap_columns
[docs]def empty_fibermap(nspec, specmin=0, survey='main'): """Return an empty fibermap Table to be filled in. Parameters ---------- nspec : :class:`int` Number of fibers (spectra) to include. specmin : :class:`int`, optional Staring spectrum index. survey : :class:`string`, optional Define columns for this survey; default 'main'. Returns ------- :class:`~astropy.table.Table` An empty Table. """ assert 0 <= nspec <= 5000, "nspec {} should be within 0-5000".format(nspec) try: columns = fibermap_columns[survey] except KeyError: columns = _set_fibermap_columns()[survey] fibermap = Table() for (name, dtype, unit, comment) in columns: c = Column(name=name, dtype=dtype, unit=unit, length=nspec) fibermap.add_column(c) #- Fill in some values fibermap['FIBER'][:] = np.arange(specmin, specmin+nspec) fibers_per_spectrograph = 500 ### fibermap['SPECTROID'][:] = fibermap['FIBER'] // fibers_per_spectrograph fiberpos = load_focalplane()[0] fiberpos = fiberpos[fiberpos['DEVICE_TYPE'] == 'POS'] fiberpos.sort('FIBER') ii = slice(specmin, specmin+nspec) fibermap['FIBERASSIGN_X'][:] = fiberpos['OFFSET_X'][ii] fibermap['FIBERASSIGN_Y'][:] = fiberpos['OFFSET_Y'][ii] fibermap['LOCATION'][:] = fiberpos['LOCATION'][ii] fibermap['PETAL_LOC'][:] = fiberpos['PETAL'][ii] fibermap['DEVICE_LOC'][:] = fiberpos['DEVICE'][ii] fibermap['LAMBDA_REF'][:] = 5400.0 fibermap['NUM_ITER'][:] = 2 #- Set MW_TRANSMISSION_* to be slightly less than 1 to trigger dust correction code for testing ### fibermap['MW_TRANSMISSION_G'][:] = 0.999 ### fibermap['MW_TRANSMISSION_R'][:] = 0.999 ### fibermap['MW_TRANSMISSION_Z'][:] = 0.999 fibermap['EBV'][:] = 0.001 fibermap['PHOTSYS'][:] = 'S' fibermap.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'FIBERMAP' assert set(fibermap.keys()) == set([x[0] for x in columns]) return fibermap
[docs]def write_fibermap(outfile, fibermap, header=None, clobber=True, extname='FIBERMAP'): """Write fibermap binary table to outfile. Args: outfile (str): output filename fibermap: astropy Table of fibermap data header: header data to include in same HDU as fibermap clobber (bool, optional): overwrite outfile if it exists extname (str, optional): set the extension name. Returns: write_fibermap (str): full path to filename of fibermap file written. """ log = get_logger() outfile = makepath(outfile) #- incorrectly generates warning about 2D arrays of strings #- Temporarily turn off warnings to avoid this; desispec.test.test_io will #- catch it if the arrays actually are written incorrectly. if header is not None: hdr = fitsheader(header) else: hdr = fitsheader(fibermap.meta) add_dependencies(hdr) # # Detect the survey. # if 'CMX_TARGET' in fibermap.colnames: survey = 'cmx' elif 'SV1_DESI_TARGET' in fibermap.colnames: survey = 'sv1' elif 'SV2_DESI_TARGET' in fibermap.colnames: survey = 'sv2' elif 'SV3_DESI_TARGET' in fibermap.colnames: survey = 'sv3' else: survey = 'main' try: fc = fibermap_comments[survey] except KeyError: _set_fibermap_columns() with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") t0 = time.time() write_bintable(outfile, fibermap, hdr, comments=fibermap_comments[survey], extname=extname, clobber=clobber) duration = time.time() - t0'write', outfile, duration)) return outfile
[docs]def read_fibermap(filename): """Reads a fibermap file and returns its data as an astropy Table Args: filename : input file name """ #- Implementation note: wrapping with this function allows us #- to update the underlying format, extension name, etc. without having #- to change every place that reads a fibermap. log = get_logger() t0 = time.time() fibermap, hdr =, ext='FIBERMAP', header=True) fibermap = Table(fibermap) addkeys(fibermap.meta, hdr) duration = time.time() - t0 #- support old simulated fiberassign files if 'DESIGN_X' in fibermap.colnames: fibermap.rename_column('DESIGN_X', 'FIBERASSIGN_X') if 'DESIGN_Y' in fibermap.colnames: fibermap.rename_column('DESIGN_Y', 'FIBERASSIGN_Y')'read', filename, duration)) return fibermap
[docs]def find_fiberassign_file(night, expid, tileid=None, nightdir=None): """ Walk backwards in exposures to find matching fiberassign file Args: night (int): YEARMMDD night of observations expid (int): spectroscopic exposure ID Options: tileid (int): tileid to look for nightdir (str): base directory for raw data on that night Returns first fiberassign file found on or before `expid` on `night`. Raises FileNotFoundError if no fiberassign file is found """ log = get_logger() if nightdir is None: nightdir = os.path.join(rawdata_root(), str(night)) expdir = f'{nightdir}/{expid:08d}' if tileid is not None: faglob = nightdir+'/*/fiberassign-{:06d}.fits*'.format(tileid) else: faglob = nightdir+'/*/fiberassign*.fits*' fafile = None for filename in sorted(glob.glob(faglob)): if filename.endswith('.fits.gz') or filename.endswith('.fits'): dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) if dirname <= expdir: fafile = filename else: break else: log.debug(f'Ignoring {filename}') if fafile is None: raise FileNotFoundError( f'Unable to find fiberassign on {night} prior to {expid}') return fafile
[docs]def compare_fiberassign(fa1, fa2, compare_all=False): """ Check whether two fiberassign tables agree for cols used by ICS/platemaker Args: fa1, fa2: fiberassign astropy Tables or numpy structured arrays Options: compare_all: if True, compare all columns, not just those used by ops Returns list of columns with mismatches; empty list if all agree Note: if both are NaN, it is considered a match """ if compare_all: compare_columns = fa1.dtype.names else: compare_columns = ( 'TARGETID', 'TARGET_RA', 'TARGET_DEC', 'PMRA', 'PMDEC', 'REF_EPOCH', 'LAMBDA_REF', 'LOCATION', 'PETAL_LOC', 'DEVICE_LOC') badcol = list() for col in compare_columns: #- check for mismatches, but allow for NaN match = (fa1[col] == fa2[col]) if fa1[col].dtype.kind == 'f': match |= (np.isnan(fa1[col]) & np.isnan(fa2[col])) #- negative TARGETID are allowed to mismatch if both are negative if col == 'TARGETID': match |= ((fa1[col]<0) & (fa2[col]<0)) if np.any(~match): badcol.append(col) return badcol
[docs]def assemble_fibermap(night, expid, badamps=None, badfibers_filename=None, force=False, allow_svn_override=True): """Create a fibermap for a given `night` and `expid`. Parameters ---------- night : :class:`int` YEARMMDD night of sunset. expid : :class:`int` Exposure ID. badamps : :class:`str`, optional Comma separated list of ``"{camera}{petal}{amp}"``, *i.e.* ``"[brz][0-9][ABCD]"``. Example: ``'b7D,z8A'``. badfibers_filename : :class:`str`, optional Filename with table of bad fibers with at least two columns: FIBER and FIBERSTATUS force : :class:`bool`, optional Create fibermap even if missing coordinates/guide files. allow_svn_override : :class:`bool`, optional If True (default), allow fiberassign SVN to override raw data. Returns ------- :class:`` A representation of a fibermap FITS file. """ log = get_logger() #- raw data file for header rawfile = findfile('raw', night, expid) try: rawheader = fits.getheader(rawfile, 'SPEC', disable_image_compression=True) except KeyError: rawheader = fits.getheader(rawfile, 'SPS', disable_image_compression=True) #- Look for fiberassign file, gzipped or not if 'TILEID' in rawheader: tileid = rawheader['TILEID'] rawfafile = findfile('fiberassign',night=night,expid=expid,tile=tileid) try: rawfafile = checkgzip(rawfafile) except FileNotFoundError: log.error("%s not found; looking in earlier exposures", rawfafile) rawfafile = find_fiberassign_file(night, expid, tileid=tileid) #- No TILEID in raw file, but don't give up yet # 20210114/00072405 is example of looking back and finding wrong file # 20210220/00077103 is example of looking back and finding right one # (albeit not with a useful coordinates file) else: log.error("TILEID not %s; looking for most recent fiberassign file", rawfile) rawfafile = find_fiberassign_file(night, expid)"Found %s", rawfafile) tileid = int(os.path.basename(rawfafile).split('-')[1].split('.')[0])"Guessing TILEID=%d from filename; checking RA,dec", tileid) #- Check for RA,DEC consistency fahdr = fitsio.read_header(rawfafile, 'FIBERASSIGN') if fahdr['TILERA'] != rawheader['TARGTRA']: msg = 'fiberassign RA mismatch: {} {} vs. {} {}'.format( os.path.basename(rawfile), rawheader['TARGTRA'], os.path.basename(rawfafile), fahdr['TILERA']) log.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) if fahdr['TILEDEC'] != rawheader['TARGTDEC']: msg = 'fiberassign DEC mismatch: {} {} vs. {} {}'.format( os.path.basename(rawfile), rawheader['TARGTDEC'], os.path.basename(rawfafile), fahdr['TILEDEC']) log.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) fafile = rawfafile rawfafile_expid = int(os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(rawfafile))) if rawfafile_expid != expid: log.error('Using fiberassign from an earlier exposure %08d/%08d', night, rawfafile_expid) #- Look for override fiberassign file in svn if allow_svn_override and ('DESI_TARGET' in os.environ): targdir = os.getenv('DESI_TARGET') testfile = f'{targdir}/fiberassign/tiles/trunk/{tileid//1000:03d}/fiberassign-{tileid:06d}.fits' try: fafile = checkgzip(testfile) except FileNotFoundError: # no alternate fiberassign file in svn yet, that's ok pass if rawfafile != fafile:'Overriding raw fiberassign file {rawfafile} with svn {fafile}') else:'{testfile}[.gz] not found; sticking with raw data fiberassign file') #- Find coordinates file in same directory dirname, filename = os.path.split(rawfafile) globfiles = glob.glob(dirname+'/coordinates-*.fits') if len(globfiles) == 1: coordfile = globfiles[0] elif len(globfiles) == 0: message = f'No coordinates*.fits file in fiberassign dir {dirname}' if force: log.error(message + '; force=True so continuing anyway') coordfile = None else: raise FileNotFoundError(message) elif len(globfiles) > 1: raise RuntimeError( f'Multiple coordinates*.fits files in fiberassign dir {dirname}') #- And guide file dirname, filename = os.path.split(rawfafile) globfiles = glob.glob(dirname+'/guide-????????.fits.fz') if len(globfiles) == 0: #- try falling back to acquisition image globfiles = glob.glob(dirname+'/guide-????????-0000.fits.fz') if len(globfiles) == 1: guidefile = globfiles[0] elif len(globfiles) == 0: message = f'No guide-*.fits.fz file in fiberassign dir {dirname}' if force: log.error(message + '; force=True continuing anyway') guidefile = None else: raise FileNotFoundError(message) elif len(globfiles) > 1: raise RuntimeError( f'Multiple guide-*.fits.fz files in fiberassign dir {dirname}') #- Read QA parameters to find max offset for POOR and BAD positioning #- replicates desispec.exposure_qa.get_qa_params, but that has #- circular import if loaded from here param_filename = resource_filename('desispec', 'data/qa/qa-params.yaml') with open(param_filename) as f: qa_params = yaml.safe_load(f)['exposure_qa'] poor_offset_um = qa_params['poor_fiber_offset_mm']*1000 bad_offset_um = qa_params['bad_fiber_offset_mm']*1000 #- Preflight announcements'Night {night} spectro expid {expid}')'Raw data file {rawfile}')'Fiberassign file {fafile}') if fafile != rawfafile:'Original raw fiberassign file {rawfafile}')'Platemaker coordinates file {coordfile}')'Guider file {guidefile}') #---- #- Read and assemble fa = read_table(fafile, 'FIBERASSIGN') fa.sort('LOCATION') fa_header = fits.getheader(fafile, 'FIBERASSIGN') # # Obtain the survey name. Reproduces the logic (though not the exact code) in # desitarget.targets.main_cmx_or_sv(), but can be much faster. # As a bonus, a freeze_iers() call can be avoided. # # survey = main_cmx_or_sv(fa)[2] survey = 'main' notmain = [name.split('_')[0] for name in fa.colnames if name.startswith('CMX') or name.startswith('SV')] if len(notmain) > 0: survey = notmain[0].lower()"Fiberassign file reports survey = '%s'.", survey) #- if using svn fiberassign override, check consistency of columns that #- ICS / platemaker used for actual observations; they should never change if fafile != rawfafile: rawfa = read_table(rawfafile, 'FIBERASSIGN') rawfa.sort('LOCATION') badcol = compare_fiberassign(rawfa, fa) #- special case for tile 80713 on 20210110 with PMRA,PMDEC NaN -> 0.0 if night == 20210110 and tileid == 80713: for col in ['PMRA', 'PMDEC']: if col in badcol: ii = rawfa[col] != fa[col] if np.all(np.isnan(rawfa[col][ii]) & (fa[col][ii] == 0.0)): log.warning(f'Ignoring {col} mismatch NaN -> 0.0 on tile {tileid} night {night}') badcol.remove(col) if len(badcol)>0: msg = f'incompatible raw/svn fiberassign files for columns {badcol}' log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) else:'svn fiberassign columns used for obervations match raw data (good)') #- Tiles designed before Fall 2021 had a LOCATION:FIBER swap for fibers #- 3402 and 3429 at locations 6098 and 6099; check and correct if needed. #- see desispec #1380 #- NOTE: this only swaps them if the incorrect combination is found if (6098 in fa['LOCATION']) and (6099 in fa['LOCATION']): iloc6098 = np.where(fa['LOCATION'] == 6098)[0][0] iloc6099 = np.where(fa['LOCATION'] == 6099)[0][0] if (fa['FIBER'][iloc6098] == 3402) and (fa['FIBER'][iloc6099] == 3429): log.warning(f'FIBERS 3402 and 3429 are swapped in {fafile}; correcting') fa['FIBER'][iloc6098] = 3429 fa['FIBER'][iloc6099] = 3402 #- add missing columns for data model consistency if 'PLATE_RA' not in fa.colnames: log.debug("Adding PLATE_RA column.") fa['PLATE_RA'] = fa['TARGET_RA'] if 'PLATE_DEC' not in fa.colnames: log.debug("Adding PLATE_DEC column.") fa['PLATE_DEC'] = fa['TARGET_DEC'] #- also read extra keywords from HDU 0 fa_hdr0 = fits.getheader(fafile, 0) if 'OUTDIR' in fa_hdr0: log.debug("Rename OUTDIR -> FAOUTDIR") fa_hdr0.rename_keyword('OUTDIR', 'FAOUTDIR') longstrn = fits.Card('LONGSTRN', 'OGIP 1.0', 'The OGIP Long String Convention may be used.') if 'DEPNAM00' in fa_hdr0: log.debug("Inserting LONGSTRN keyword before DEPNAM00") fa_hdr0.insert('DEPNAM00', longstrn) else: log.debug("Inserting LONGSTRN keyword before TILEID") fa_hdr0.insert('TILEID', longstrn) # # Merge fa_hdr0 into fa_header. unique=True means prefer cards from # fa_header over fa_hdr0 # if 'DEPNAM00' in fa_header: log.debug("Merge dependencies from HDU0 into fa_header.") mergedep(fa_hdr0, fa_header, conflict='dst') fa_header.extend(fa_hdr0, unique=True) #- Read platemaker (pm) coordinates file; 3 formats to support: # 1. has FLAGS_CNT/EXP_n and DX_n, DX_n (e.g. 20201214/00067678) # 2. has FLAGS_CNT/EXP_n but not DX_n, DY_n (e.g. 20210402/00083144) # 3. doesn't have any of these (e.g. 20201220/00069029) # Notes: # * don't use FIBER_DX/DY because some files are missing those # (e.g. 20210224/00077902) # * don't use FLAGS_COR_n because some files are missing that # (e.g. 20210402/00083144) pm = None numiter = 0 if coordfile is None: msg = 'No coordinates file, thus no info on fiber positioning' log.error(msg) if not force: raise FileNotFoundError(msg) else: #- coorfile is not None, use it pm = read_table(coordfile, 'DATA') #- PM = PlateMaker #- If missing columns *and* not the first in a (split) sequence, #- try again with the first expid in the sequence #- (e.g. 202010404/00083419 -> 83418) if 'DX_0' not in pm.colnames: log.error(f'Missing DX_0 in {coordfile}') if 'VISITIDS' in rawheader: firstexp = int(rawheader['VISITIDS'].split(',')[0]) if firstexp != rawheader['EXPID']: origcorrdfile = coordfile coordfile = findfile('coordinates', night, firstexp)'trying again with {coordfile}') pm = read_table(coordfile, 'DATA') else: log.error(f'no earlier coordinates file for this tile') else: log.error('Missing VISITIDS header keywords to find earlier coordinates file') if 'FLAGS_CNT_0' not in pm.colnames: log.error(f'Missing spotmatch FLAGS_CNT_0 in {coordfile}; no positioner offset info') pm = None numiter = 0 else: #- Count number of iterations in file numiter = len([col for col in pm.colnames if col.startswith('FLAGS_CNT_')])'Using FLAGS_CNT_{numiter-1} in {coordfile}') #- Now let's merge that platemaker coordinates table (pm) with fiberassign fibermap_header = fits.Header({'XTENSION': 'BINTABLE'}) fibermap_header.extend(fa_header, unique=True) if pm is not None: pm['LOCATION'] = 1000*pm['PETAL_LOC'] + pm['DEVICE_LOC'] keep = np.in1d(pm['LOCATION'], fa['LOCATION']) pm = pm[keep] pm.sort('LOCATION')'%d/%d fibers in coordinates file', len(pm), len(fa)) #- Exposures 114320 (part way through night 20211216) until 20211222 (exp 115150) #- have FVC turbulence corrections applied to FPA_X/Y_n and DX_n/DY_n #- columns, but this isn't applied to FIBER_RA/DEC yet, so make #- an approximate correction to TARGET_RA/DEC instead. #- NOTE: in the future there may also be an end date after which #- they are applied, but we don't know if/when that is yet. i = numiter-1 if (114320 <= expid < 115150 and f'TURB_X_{i}' in pm.colnames and f'TURB_Y_{i}' in pm.colnames and f'DX_{i}' in pm.colnames and f'DY_{i}' in pm.colnames and 'FIBER_RA' in pm.colnames and 'FIBER_DEC' in pm.colnames ):'Updating FIBER_RA/DEC values with turbulance corrections') #- approximate RA/DEC correction; see desispec issue #1538 pm['FIBER_RA'] = pm['TARGET_RA'] - pm[f'DX_{i}']*1000/(70*3600)/np.cos(pm['TARGET_DEC']*np.pi/180) pm['FIBER_DEC'] = pm['TARGET_DEC'] + pm[f'DY_{i}']*1000/(70*3600) #- Create fibermap table to merge with fiberassign file fibermap = Table() fibermap['LOCATION'] = pm['LOCATION'] fibermap['NUM_ITER'] = numiter #- Sometimes these columns are missing in the coordinates files, maybe #- only when numiter=1, i.e. only a blind move but not corrections? if f'FPA_X_{numiter-1}' in pm.colnames: fibermap['FIBER_X'] = pm[f'FPA_X_{numiter-1}'] fibermap['FIBER_Y'] = pm[f'FPA_Y_{numiter-1}'] fibermap['DELTA_X'] = pm[f'DX_{numiter-1}'] fibermap['DELTA_Y'] = pm[f'DY_{numiter-1}'] elif ( numiter>1 and f'DX_{numiter-2}' in pm.colnames and f'FVC_X_{numiter-2}' in pm.colnames and f'FVC_X_{numiter-1}' in pm.colnames and f'CNT_X_{numiter-2}' in pm.colnames and f'CNT_X_{numiter-1}' in pm.colnames and f'REQ_X' in pm.colnames and f'DY_{numiter-2}' in pm.colnames and f'FVC_Y_{numiter-2}' in pm.colnames and f'FVC_Y_{numiter-1}' in pm.colnames and f'CNT_Y_{numiter-2}' in pm.colnames and f'CNT_Y_{numiter-1}' in pm.colnames and f'REQ_Y' in pm.colnames ) : log.warning("estimate FP offsets from FVC coordinates because missing info") expflags = pm[f'FLAGS_EXP_{numiter-2}'] goodmatch = ((expflags & 4) == 4) cntflags = pm[f'FLAGS_CNT_{numiter-2}'] spotmatched = ((cntflags & 1) == 1) for coord in ["X","Y"] : good = goodmatch & spotmatched key1="FVC" key2="CNT" good &= ~np.isnan(pm[f"REQ_{coord}"]+pm[f"{key1}_{coord}_{numiter-2}"]+pm[f"{key2}_{coord}_{numiter-2}"]+pm[f"{key2}_{coord}_{numiter-1}"]) # fit transfo : simple linear fit here (this is a large approximation but we cannot reinvent PM here) for loop in range(2) : c=np.polyfit(pm[f"{key1}_{coord}_{numiter-1}"][good],pm[f"REQ_{coord}"][good],1) pol=np.poly1d(c) adiff=np.abs(pol(pm[f"{key1}_{coord}_{numiter-1}"])-pm[f"REQ_{coord}"]) good &= adiff<1. # apply transfo to deltas # DX_N = REQ_X - FPA_X_N ddx=pol(pm[f"{key2}_{coord}_{numiter-1}"])-pol(pm[f"{key2}_{coord}_{numiter-2}"]) ddx -= np.median(ddx[good]) pm[f'D{coord}_{numiter-1}'] = pm[f'D{coord}_{numiter-2}'] - ddx pm[f'FPA_{coord}_{numiter-1}'] = pm[f"REQ_{coord}"] - pm[f'D{coord}_{numiter-1}'] fibermap[f'FIBER_{coord}'] = pm[f'FPA_{coord}_{numiter-1}'] fibermap[f'DELTA_{coord}'] = pm[f'D{coord}_{numiter-1}'] else : log.error('No FIBER_X/Y or DELTA_X/Y information from platemaker') fibermap['FIBER_X'] = np.zeros(len(pm)) fibermap['FIBER_Y'] = np.zeros(len(pm)) fibermap['DELTA_X'] = np.zeros(len(pm)) fibermap['DELTA_Y'] = np.zeros(len(pm)) if ('FIBER_RA' in pm.colnames) and ('FIBER_DEC' in pm.colnames): fibermap['FIBER_RA'] = pm['FIBER_RA'] fibermap['FIBER_DEC'] = pm['FIBER_DEC'] else: log.error('No FIBER_RA or FIBER_DEC from platemaker') fibermap['FIBER_RA'] = np.zeros(len(pm)) fibermap['FIBER_DEC'] = np.zeros(len(pm)) #- Bit definitions at #- FLAGS_EXP bit 2 is for positioners (not FIF, GIF, ...) #- These should match what is in fiberassign, except broken fibers expflags = pm[f'FLAGS_EXP_{numiter-1}'] goodmatch = ((expflags & 4) == 4) if np.any(~goodmatch): badloc = list(pm['LOCATION'][~goodmatch]) log.warning(f'Flagging {len(badloc)} locations without POS_POS bit set: {badloc}') #- Keep only matched positioners (FLAGS_CNT_n bit 0) cntflags = pm[f'FLAGS_CNT_{numiter-1}'] spotmatched = ((cntflags & 1) == 1) num_nomatch = np.sum(goodmatch & ~spotmatched) if num_nomatch > 0: badloc = list(pm['LOCATION'][goodmatch & ~spotmatched]) log.error(f'Flagging {num_nomatch} unmatched fiber locations: {badloc}') goodmatch &= spotmatched #- pass forward dummy column for joining with fiberassign fibermap['_GOODMATCH'] = goodmatch #- WARNING: this join can re-order the table fibermap = join(fa, fibermap, join_type='left') #- poor and bad positioning dr = np.sqrt(fibermap['DELTA_X']**2 + fibermap['DELTA_Y']**2) * 1000 poorpos = ((poor_offset_um < dr) & (dr <= bad_offset_um)) badpos = (dr > bad_offset_um) | np.isnan(dr) numpoor = np.count_nonzero(poorpos) numbad = np.count_nonzero(badpos) if numpoor > 0: log.warning(f'Flagging {numpoor} POOR positions with {poor_offset_um} < offset <= {bad_offset_um} microns') if numbad > 0: log.warning(f'Flagging {numbad} BAD positions with offset > {bad_offset_um} microns') #- SKY assignments on stuck positioners will get special treatment stucksky = (fibermap['TARGETID']<0) & (fibermap['OBJTYPE']=='SKY') #- Set fiber status bits missing = np.in1d(fibermap['LOCATION'], pm['LOCATION'], invert=True) missing |= ~fibermap['_GOODMATCH'] missing |= (fibermap['FIBER_X']==0.0) & (fibermap['FIBER_Y']==0.0) fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'][missing] |= fibermask.MISSINGPOSITION fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'][poorpos] |= fibermask.POORPOSITION fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'][badpos & ~stucksky] |= fibermask.BADPOSITION #- for SKY on stuck positioners, recheck if they are on a blank sky #- (e.g. they might be "off" target but still ok for sky)'Checking if SKY on stuck positioners are still on SKY locations') tilera = fa.meta['TILERA'] tiledec = fa.meta['TILEDEC'] tileradius = get_tile_radius_deg() skybricks = Skybricks() ok = skybricks.lookup_tile(tilera, tiledec, tileradius, fibermap['FIBER_RA'][stucksky], fibermap['FIBER_DEC'][stucksky]) num_stucksky = len(ok) num_ok = np.sum(ok)'Keeping {num_ok}/{num_stucksky} SKY on stuck positioners') fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'][stucksky][~ok] |= fibermask.BADPOSITION fibermap.remove_column('_GOODMATCH') else: #- No coordinates file or no positioning iterations; #- just use fiberassign + dummy columns if not force: msg = 'Unable to find useful coordinates file; use force=True to proceed with dummy values' log.error(msg) raise FileNotFoundError(msg) log.error('Unable to find useful coordinates file; proceeding with fiberassign + dummy columns') fibermap = fa fibermap['NUM_ITER'] = 0 fibermap['FIBER_X'] = 0.0 fibermap['FIBER_Y'] = 0.0 fibermap['DELTA_X'] = 0.0 fibermap['DELTA_Y'] = 0.0 fibermap['FIBER_RA'] = 0.0 fibermap['FIBER_DEC'] = 0.0 fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'] |= fibermask.MISSINGPOSITION # Update data types to be consistent with updated value if coord file was used. for val in ['FIBER_X','FIBER_Y','DELTA_X','DELTA_Y']: old_col = fibermap[val] fibermap.replace_column(val,Table.Column(name=val,,dtype='>f8')) for val in ['LOCATION','NUM_ITER']: old_col = fibermap[val] fibermap.replace_column(val,Table.Column(name=val,,dtype=np.int64)) #- Update SKY and STD target bits to be in both CMX_TARGET and DESI_TARGET #- i.e. if they are set in one, also set in the other. Ditto for SV* for targetcol in ['CMX_TARGET', 'SV0_TARGET', 'SV1_TARGET', 'SV2_TARGET']: if targetcol in fibermap.colnames: for mask in [ desi_mask.SKY, desi_mask.STD_FAINT, desi_mask.STD_BRIGHT]: ii = (fibermap[targetcol] & mask) != 0 iidesi = (fibermap['DESI_TARGET'] & mask) != 0 fibermap[targetcol][iidesi] |= mask fibermap['DESI_TARGET'][ii] |= mask #- Add header information from rawfile log.debug(f'Adding header keywords from {rawfile}') #- Early data raw headers had bad >8 char 'FIBERASSIGN' and 'USESPLITS' keyword. for old, new in [('FIBERASSIGN', 'FIBASSGN'), ('USESPLITS', 'USESPLIT')]: if old in rawheader: if new in rawheader: if rawheader[old] == rawheader[new]: log.warning("%s and %s both exist in header from %s, but they have the same value.", old, new, rawfile) else: log.error("%s and %s both exist in header from %s, and they have the different values!", old, new, rawfile) log.warning("Deleting header keyword %s.", old) rawheader.remove(old) else: log.warning('Renaming header keyword %s -> %s.', old, new) rawheader.rename_keyword(old, new) if 'DEPNAM00' in rawheader: mergedep(rawheader, fibermap_header, conflict='dst') fibermap_header.extend(rawheader, strip=True, unique=True) fibermap_header.remove('EXPTIME') fibermap['EXPTIME'] = rawheader['EXPTIME'] #- Add header info from guide file #- sometimes full header is in HDU 0, other times HDU 1... if guidefile is not None: log.debug(f'Adding header keywords from {guidefile}') guideheader = fits.getheader(guidefile, 0) if 'TILEID' not in guideheader: guideheader = fits.getheader(guidefile, 1) if fibermap_header['TILEID'] != guideheader['TILEID']: raise RuntimeError('fiberassign tile {} != guider tile {}'.format( fibermap_header['TILEID'], guideheader['TILEID'])) if 'DEPNAM00' in guideheader: mergedep(guideheader, fibermap_header, conflict='dst') #- We want the spectrograph EXPTIME, not the guider EXPTIME. #- aborted 20211127/111105 is missing guider 'EXPTIME' so check first if 'EXPTIME' in guideheader: guideheader.remove('EXPTIME') fibermap_header.extend(guideheader, strip=True, unique=True) fibermap_header['EXTNAME'] = 'FIBERMAP' for key in ('ZIMAGE', 'ZSIMPLE', 'ZBITPIX', 'ZNAXIS', 'ZNAXIS1', 'ZTILE1', 'ZCMPTYPE', 'ZNAME1', 'ZVAL1', 'ZNAME2', 'ZVAL2'): fibermap_header.remove(key) #- Record input guide and coordinates files if guidefile is not None: fibermap_header['GUIDEFIL'] = os.path.basename(guidefile) else: fibermap_header['GUIDEFIL'] = 'MISSING' if coordfile is not None: fibermap_header['COORDFIL'] = os.path.basename(coordfile) else: fibermap_header['COORDFIL'] = 'MISSING' #- mask the fibers defined by badamps if badamps is not None: maskbits = {'b':fibermask.BADAMPB, 'r':fibermask.BADAMPR, 'z':fibermask.BADAMPZ} ampoffsets = {'A': 0, 'B':250, 'C':0, 'D':250} for (camera, petal, amplifier) in parse_badamps(badamps): maskbit = maskbits[camera] ampoffset = ampoffsets[amplifier] fibermin = int(petal)*500 + ampoffset fibermax = fibermin + 250 ampfibs = np.arange(fibermin,fibermax) truefmax = fibermax - 1'Masking fibers from {fibermin} to {truefmax} for camera {camera} because of badamp entry '+\ f'{camera}{petal}{amplifier}') ampfiblocs = np.in1d(fibermap['FIBER'], ampfibs) fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'][ampfiblocs] |= maskbit #- mask the fibers defined by bad fibers if badfibers_filename is not None: # list of bad fibers that are in the fibermap badfibers=np.intersect1d(np.unique(table["FIBER"]),fibermap["FIBER"]) for i,fiber in enumerate(badfibers) : # for each of the bad fiber, add the bad bits to the fiber status badfibermask = np.bitwise_or.reduce(table["FIBERSTATUS"][table["FIBER"]==fiber]) fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'][fibermap["FIBER"]==fiber] |= badfibermask #- NaN are a pain; reset to dummy values for col in [ 'FIBER_X', 'FIBER_Y', 'DELTA_X', 'DELTA_Y', 'FIBER_RA', 'FIBER_DEC', 'GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG', 'GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG', 'GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG', ]: ii = np.isnan(fibermap[col]) if np.any(ii): n = np.sum(ii) log.warning(f'Setting {n} {col} NaN to 0.0') fibermap[col][ii] = 0.0 # # Some SV1-era files had these extraneous columns, make sure they are not propagated. # In the case of CMX_TARGET, those bits have already been copied into DESI_TARGET above. # for col in ('NUMTARGET', 'BLOBDIST', 'FIBERFLUX_IVAR_G', 'FIBERFLUX_IVAR_R', 'FIBERFLUX_IVAR_Z', 'HPXPIXEL'): if col in fibermap.colnames:"Removing column '%s' from fibermap table.", col) fibermap.remove_column(col) if survey != 'cmx' and 'CMX_TARGET' in fibermap.colnames:"Removing column '%s' from fibermap table.", 'CMX_TARGET') fibermap.remove_column(col) # # Some SV1-era files did not have SV1_SCND_TARGET. # if 'SV1_DESI_TARGET' in fibermap.colnames and 'SV1_SCND_TARGET' not in fibermap.colnames:'Adding SV1_SCND_TARGET column.') fibermap.add_column(np.zeros(len(fibermap), dtype=np.int64), index=fibermap.index_column('SV1_MWS_TARGET') + 1, name='SV1_SCND_TARGET') # # Some early files did not have FLUX_IVAR_W1, FLUX_IVAR_W2. # if 'FLUX_IVAR_W1' not in fibermap.columns and 'FLUX_IVAR_W2' not in fibermap.columns:'Adding FLUX_IVAR_W1 and FLUX_IVAR_W2 columns.') fibermap.add_column(-1.0*np.ones(len(fibermap), dtype=np.float32), index=fibermap.index_column('FLUX_W2') + 1, name='FLUX_IVAR_W1') fibermap.add_column(-1.0*np.ones(len(fibermap), dtype=np.float32), index=fibermap.index_column('FLUX_W2') + 2, name='FLUX_IVAR_W2') # # Some very early (c. February 2020) files did not have SERSIC, SHAPE_R, etc.. # for j, column in enumerate(('SERSIC', 'SHAPE_R', 'SHAPE_E1', 'SHAPE_E2')): if column not in fibermap.columns:'Adding %s column.', column) fibermap.add_column(-1.0*np.ones(len(fibermap), dtype=np.float32), index=fibermap.index_column('MASKBITS') + j + 1, name=column) # # Some SV1-era file have various columns out of order. # for column, location in (('RELEASE', 20), ('BRICKID', 21), ('BRICK_OBJID', 22), ('MASKBITS', 30), ('BRICKNAME', 37), ('PRIORITY_INIT', 54), ('NUMOBS_INIT', 55)): if fibermap.index_column(column) != location:'Reordering %s column.', column) column_copy = fibermap[column].copy() fibermap.remove_column(column) fibermap.add_column(column_copy, index=location, name=column) # # Some SV1-era files have RELEASE as int32. Should be int16. # if fibermap['RELEASE'].dtype == np.dtype('>i2'): log.debug("RELEASE has correct type.") else: log.warning("Setting RELEASE to int16.") fibermap['RELEASE'] = fibermap['RELEASE'].astype(np.int16) # # Just to reduce complaints by certain FITS tools. # fibermap_header.rename_keyword('EPOCH', 'EQUINOX') #- if position was unknown, set FIBERSTATUS as BADPOSITION if col.startswith('FIBER') or col.startswith('DELTA'): fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'][ii] |= fibermask.BADPOSITION #- Some code incorrectly relies upon the fibermap being sorted by #- fiber number, so accomodate that before returning the table fibermap.sort('FIBER') # # Coerce into final column order # try: final_columns = fibermap_columns[survey] except KeyError: final_columns = _set_fibermap_columns()[survey] fibermap = fibermap[ [ c[0] for c in final_columns ] ] # # Don't propagate fibermap.meta; we'd rather keep the comments from the # explicitly-constructed header. # fibermap.meta.clear() fibermap_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU(fibermap) fibermap_hdu.header.extend(fibermap_header, update=True) fibermap_hdulist = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU(), fibermap_hdu]) return fibermap_hdulist
[docs]def fibermap_new2old(fibermap): '''Converts new format fibermap into old format fibermap Args: fibermap: new-format fibermap table (e.g. with FLUX_G column) Returns: old format fibermap (e.g. with MAG column) Note: this is a transitional convenience function to allow us to simulate new format fibermaps while still running code that expects the old format. After all code has been converted to use the new format, this will be removed. ''' from desiutil.brick import Bricks from desitarget.targetmask import desi_mask brickmap = Bricks() fm = fibermap.copy() n = len(fm) isMWS = (fm['DESI_TARGET'] & desi_mask.MWS_ANY) != 0 fm['OBJTYPE'][isMWS] = 'MWS_STAR' isBGS = (fm['DESI_TARGET'] & desi_mask.BGS_ANY) != 0 fm['OBJTYPE'][isBGS] = 'BGS' stdmask = 0 for name in ['STD', 'STD_FSTAR', 'STD_WD', 'STD_FAINT', 'STD_FAINT_BEST', 'STD_BRIGHT', 'STD_BRIGHT_BEST']: if name in desi_mask.names(): stdmask |= desi_mask[name] isSTD = (fm['DESI_TARGET'] & stdmask) != 0 fm['OBJTYPE'][isSTD] = 'STD' isELG = (fm['DESI_TARGET'] & desi_mask.ELG) != 0 fm['OBJTYPE'][isELG] = 'ELG' isLRG = (fm['DESI_TARGET'] & desi_mask.LRG) != 0 fm['OBJTYPE'][isLRG] = 'LRG' isQSO = (fm['DESI_TARGET'] & desi_mask.QSO) != 0 fm['OBJTYPE'][isQSO] = 'QSO' if ('FLAVOR' in fm.meta): if fm.meta['FLAVOR'] == 'arc': fm['OBJTYPE'] = 'ARC' elif fm.meta['FLAVOR'] == 'flat': fm['OBJTYPE'] = 'FLAT' fm.rename_column('TARGET_RA', 'RA_TARGET') fm.rename_column('TARGET_DEC', 'DEC_TARGET') fm['BRICKNAME'] = brickmap.brickname(fm['RA_TARGET'], fm['DEC_TARGET']) fm['TARGETCAT'] = np.full(n, 'UNKNOWN', dtype=(str, 20)) fm['MAG'] = np.zeros((n,5), dtype='f4') fm['MAG'][:,0] = 22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(fm['FLUX_G']) fm['MAG'][:,1] = 22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(fm['FLUX_R']) fm['MAG'][:,2] = 22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(fm['FLUX_Z']) fm['MAG'][:,3] = 22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(fm['FLUX_W1']) fm['MAG'][:,4] = 22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(fm['FLUX_W2']) fm['FILTER'] = np.zeros((n,5), dtype=(str, 10)) fm['FILTER'][:,0] = 'DECAM_G' fm['FILTER'][:,1] = 'DECAM_R' fm['FILTER'][:,2] = 'DECAM_Z' fm['FILTER'][:,3] = 'WISE_W1' fm['FILTER'][:,4] = 'WISE_W2' fm['POSITIONER'] = fm['LOCATION'].astype('i8') fm.rename_column('LAMBDA_REF', 'LAMBDAREF') fm.rename_column('FIBER_RA', 'RA_OBS') fm.rename_column('FIBER_DEC', 'DEC_OBS') if 'DESIGN_X' in fm.colnames: fm.rename_column('DESIGN_X', 'X_TARGET') if 'DESIGN_Y' in fm.colnames: fm.rename_column('DESIGN_Y', 'Y_TARGET') if 'FIBERASSIGN_X' in fm.colnames: fm.rename_column('FIBERASSIGN_X', 'X_TARGET') if 'FIBERASSIGN_Y' in fm.colnames: fm.rename_column('FIBERASSIGN_Y', 'Y_TARGET') fm['X_FVCOBS'] = fm['X_TARGET'] fm['Y_FVCOBS'] = fm['Y_TARGET'] fm['X_FVCERR'] = np.full(n, 1e-3, dtype='f4') fm['Y_FVCERR'] = np.full(n, 1e-3, dtype='f4') for colname in [ 'BRICKID', 'BRICK_OBJID', 'COMM_TARGET', 'DELTA_XFPA', 'DELTA_XFPA_IVAR', 'DELTA_YFPA', 'DELTA_YFPA_IVAR', 'DESIGN_Q', 'DESIGN_S', 'FIBERFLUX_G', 'FIBERFLUX_R', 'FIBERFLUX_Z', 'FIBERSTATUS', 'FIBERTOTFLUX_G', 'FIBERTOTFLUX_R', 'FIBERTOTFLUX_Z', 'FIBER_DEC_IVAR', 'FIBER_RA_IVAR', 'FLUX_IVAR_G', 'FLUX_IVAR_R', 'FLUX_IVAR_W1', 'FLUX_IVAR_W2', 'FLUX_IVAR_Z', 'FLUX_G', 'FLUX_R', 'FLUX_W1', 'FLUX_W2', 'FLUX_Z', 'MORPHTYPE', 'NUMTARGET', 'NUM_ITER', 'PMDEC', 'PMDEC_IVAR', 'PMRA', 'PMRA_IVAR', 'PRIORITY', 'REF_ID', 'SECONDARY_TARGET', 'SUBPRIORITY', 'SV1_BGS_TARGET', 'SV1_DESI_TARGET', 'SV1_MWS_TARGET', 'TARGET_DEC_IVAR', 'TARGET_RA_IVAR', ]: if colname in fm.colnames: fm.remove_column(colname) return fm