Source code for desispec.pixgroup

Tools to regroup spectra in individual exposures by healpix on the sky

import glob, os, sys, time, json
from collections import Counter, OrderedDict

import numpy as np

import fitsio
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table, vstack
import healpy as hp

from desimodel.footprint import radec2pix
from desiutil.log import get_logger
import desiutil.depend

from . import io
from .maskbits import specmask
from .tsnr import calc_tsnr2_cframe

[docs]def fibermap2tilepix(fibermap, nside=64): """ Maps fibermap to which healpix are covered by which petals Args: fibermap: table with columns TARGET_RA, TARGET_DEC, PETAL_LOC Options: nside (int): nested healpix nside (must be power of 2) Returns dict petalpix[petal] = list(healpix covered by that petal) """ tilepix = dict() ra = fibermap['TARGET_RA'] dec = fibermap['TARGET_DEC'] ok = ~np.isnan(ra) & ~np.isnan(dec) for petal in range(10): ii = (fibermap['PETAL_LOC'] == petal) & ok healpix = np.unique(radec2pix(nside, ra[ii], dec[ii])) tilepix[petal] = [int(p) for p in healpix] return tilepix
[docs]def get_exp2healpix_map(survey=None, program=None, expfile=None, specprod_dir=None, strict=False, nights=None, expids=None): """ Maps exposures to healpixels using preproc/NIGHT/EXPID/tilepix*.json files Options: survey (str): filter by this survey (main, sv3, sv1, ...) program (str): filter by this FAPRGRM (dark, bright, backup, other) specprod_dir (str): override $DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX/$SPECPROD TODO... Returns table with columns NIGHT EXPID SPECTRO HEALPIX """ log = get_logger() if specprod_dir is None: specprod_dir = io.specprod_root() if expfile is not None:'Reading exposures list from {expfile}') t = #- override FAPRGRM with what we would set it to now t['FAPRGRM'] = io.meta.faflavor2program(t['FAFLAVOR']) keep = t['TILEID'] > 0 if survey is not None: keep &= (t['SURVEY'] == survey) if program is not None: keep &= (t['FAPRGRM'] == program) if expids is not None: keep &= np.isin(t['EXPID'], expids) if nights is not None: keep &= np.isin(t['NIGHT'], nights) exptab = t['NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'TILEID', 'SURVEY', 'FAPRGRM'][keep] else: #- Read all exposure tables, filtered by SURVEY and FAPRGRM expdir = f'{specprod_dir}/exposure_tables''Reading exposures from {expdir}') exp_tables = list() for expfile in sorted(glob.glob(f'{expdir}/20????/exposure_table_????????.csv')): #- don't read file if it isn't in the nights list if nights is not None: tmp = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(expfile))[0] night = int(tmp.split('_')[2]) if night not in nights: continue #- read and filter entries to good science exposures of #- requested survey/program/expids t = keep = (t['OBSTYPE'] == 'science') keep &= (t['LASTSTEP'] == 'all') keep &= (t['TILEID'] > 0) if survey is not None: keep &= (t['SURVEY'] == survey) if program is not None: keep &= (t['FAPRGRM'] == program) if expids is not None: keep &= np.isin(t['EXPID'], expids) if np.any(keep): t = t['NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'TILEID', 'SURVEY', 'FAPRGRM'][keep] exp_tables.append(t) if len(exp_tables) == 0: raise RuntimeError('No matching tiles found in exposure tables') exptab = vstack(exp_tables) #- read one tilepix file per TILEID tilepix = dict() for i in np.unique(exptab['TILEID'], return_index=True)[1]: night = exptab['NIGHT'][i] expid = exptab['EXPID'][i] tileid = exptab['TILEID'][i] tilepixfile = io.findfile('tilepix', night, expid, tile=tileid) if not os.path.exists(tilepixfile): if strict: raise FileNotFoundError(tilepixfile) else: continue with open(tilepixfile) as fp: tilepix.update( json.load(fp) ) #- rows for table columns NIGHT EXPID TILEID SURVEY PROGRAM SPECTRO HEALPIX rows = list() #- Add entries for each exposure for night, expid, tileid, survey, program in exptab['NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'TILEID', 'SURVEY', 'FAPRGRM']: for petal_str in tilepix[str(tileid)]: for healpix in tilepix[str(tileid)][petal_str]: rows.append( (night, expid, tileid, survey, program, int(petal_str), healpix) ) if len(rows) == 0: raise RuntimeError('No matching tilepix found') exp2pix = Table(rows=rows, names=('NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'TILEID', 'SURVEY', 'PROGRAM', 'SPECTRO', 'HEALPIX')) return exp2pix
[docs]class FrameLite(object): ''' Lightweight Frame object for regrouping This is intended for I/O without the overheads of float32 -> float64 conversion, correcting endianness, etc. ''' def __init__(self, wave, flux, ivar, mask, resolution_data, fibermap, header, scores=None): ''' Create a new FrameLite object Args: wave: 1D array of wavlengths flux: 2D[nspec, nwave] fluxes ivar: 2D[nspec, nwave] inverse variances of flux mask: 2D[nspec, nwave] mask of flux; 0=good resolution_data 3D[nspec, ndiag, nwave] Resolution matrix diagonals fibermap: fibermap table header: FITS header Options: scores: table of QA scores ''' self.wave = wave self.flux = flux self.ivar = ivar self.mask = mask self.resolution_data = resolution_data self.fibermap = fibermap self.header = header self.meta = header #- for compatibility with Frame objects self.scores = scores def __getitem__(self, index): '''Return a subset of the original FrameLight''' if not isinstance(index, slice): index = np.atleast_1d(index) if self.scores is not None: scores = self.scores[index] else: scores = None return FrameLite(self.wave, self.flux[index], self.ivar[index], self.mask[index], self.resolution_data[index], self.fibermap[index], self.header, scores)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename): ''' Return FrameLite read from `filename` ''' with fitsio.FITS(filename) as fx: header = fx[0].read_header() wave = fx['WAVELENGTH'].read() flux = fx['FLUX'].read() ivar = fx['IVAR'].read() mask = fx['MASK'].read() resolution_data = fx['RESOLUTION'].read() fibermap = fx['FIBERMAP'].read() if 'SCORES' in fx: scores = fx['SCORES'].read() if 'TARGETID' not in scores.dtype.names: tmp = Table(scores) tmp.add_column(fibermap['TARGETID'], index=0, name='TARGETID') scores = np.asarray(tmp) else: scores = None #- Add extra fibermap columns NIGHT, EXPID, TILEID nspec = len(fibermap) night = np.tile(header['NIGHT'], nspec).astype('i4') expid = np.tile(header['EXPID'], nspec).astype('i4') tileid = np.tile(header['TILEID'], nspec).astype('i4') if 'MJD-OBS' in header: mjd = np.tile(header['MJD-OBS'], nspec).astype('f8') elif 'MJD' in header: mjd = np.tile(header['MJD'], nspec).astype('f8') else: mjd = np.zeros(nspec, dtype='f8')-1 fibermap = np.lib.recfunctions.append_fields( fibermap, ['NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'MJD', 'TILEID'], [night, expid, mjd, tileid], usemask=False) fr = FrameLite(wave, flux, ivar, mask, resolution_data, fibermap, header, scores) fr.filename = filename return fr
[docs]class SpectraLite(object): ''' Lightweight spectra I/O object for regrouping ''' def __init__(self, bands, wave, flux, ivar, mask, resolution_data, fibermap, exp_fibermap=None, scores=None): ''' Create a SpectraLite object Args: bands: list of bands, e.g. ['b', 'r', 'z'] wave: dict of wavelengths, keyed by band flux: dict of fluxes, keyed by band ivar: dict of inverse variances, keyed by band mask: dict of masks, keyed by band resolution_data: dict of Resolution sparse diagonals, keyed by band fibermap: fibermap table, applies to all bands Options: exp_fibermap: per-exposure fibermap table scores: scores table, applies to all bands ''' self.bands = bands[:] #- All inputs should have the same bands _bands = set(bands) assert set(wave.keys()) == _bands assert set(flux.keys()) == _bands assert set(ivar.keys()) == _bands assert set(mask.keys()) == _bands assert set(resolution_data.keys()) == _bands #- All bands should have the same number of spectra nspec = len(fibermap) for band in bands: assert flux[band].shape[0] == nspec assert ivar[band].shape[0] == nspec assert mask[band].shape[0] == nspec assert resolution_data[band].shape[0] == nspec #- Also check wavelength dimension consistency nwave = len(wave[band]) assert flux[band].shape[1] == nwave assert ivar[band].shape[1] == nwave assert mask[band].shape[1] == nwave assert resolution_data[band].shape[2] == nwave #- resolution_data[band].shape[1] is ndiag #- scores and fibermap should be row matched with same length if scores is not None: assert len(scores) == len(fibermap) self.wave = wave.copy() self.flux = flux.copy() self.ivar = ivar.copy() self.mask = mask.copy() self.resolution_data = resolution_data.copy() self.fibermap = fibermap self.exp_fibermap = exp_fibermap self.scores = scores #- for compatibility with full Spectra objects self.meta = None self.extra = None self.extra_catalog = None
[docs] def target_ids(self): """ Return list of unique target IDs. The target IDs are sorted by the order that they first appear. Returns (array): an array of integer target IDs. """ uniq, indices = np.unique(self.fibermap["TARGETID"], return_index=True) return uniq[indices.argsort()]
[docs] def num_spectra(self): """ Get the number of spectra contained in this group. Returns (int): Number of spectra contained in this group. """ if self.fibermap is not None: return len(self.fibermap) else: return 0
[docs] def num_targets(self): """ Get the number of distinct targets. Returns (int): Number of unique targets with spectra in this object. """ if self.fibermap is not None: return len(np.unique(self.fibermap["TARGETID"])) else: return 0
def __add__(self, other): ''' concatenate two SpectraLite objects into one ''' assert self.bands == other.bands for band in self.bands: assert np.all(self.wave[band] == other.wave[band]) if self.scores is not None: assert other.scores is not None bands = self.bands wave = self.wave flux = dict() ivar = dict() mask = dict() resolution_data = dict() for band in self.bands: flux[band] = np.vstack([self.flux[band], other.flux[band]]) ivar[band] = np.vstack([self.ivar[band], other.ivar[band]]) mask[band] = np.vstack([self.mask[band], other.mask[band]]) resolution_data[band] = np.vstack([self.resolution_data[band], other.resolution_data[band]]) #- Note: tables use np.hstack not np.vstack fibermap = np.hstack([self.fibermap, other.fibermap]) if self.scores is not None: scores = np.hstack([self.scores, other.scores]) else: scores = None if self.exp_fibermap is not None: exp_fibermap = np.hstack([self.exp_fibermap, other.exp_fibermap]) else: exp_fibermap = None return SpectraLite(bands, wave, flux, ivar, mask, resolution_data, fibermap, exp_fibermap=exp_fibermap, scores=scores)
[docs] def write(self, filename, header=None): ''' Write this SpectraLite object to `filename` ''' #- create directory if missing dirname=os.path.dirname(filename) if dirname != '': os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) tmpout = filename + '.tmp' #- work around c/fitsio bug that appends spaces to string column values #- by using astropy Table to write fibermap from astropy.table import Table fm = Table(self.fibermap) fm.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'FIBERMAP' header = io.fitsheader(header) desiutil.depend.add_dependencies(header) hdus = fits.HDUList() hdus.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(None, header)) hdus.append(fits.convenience.table_to_hdu(fm)) if self.exp_fibermap is not None: expfm = Table(self.exp_fibermap) expfm.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'EXP_FIBERMAP' hdus.append(fits.convenience.table_to_hdu(expfm)) hdus.writeto(tmpout, overwrite=True, checksum=True) #- then proceed with more efficient fitsio for everything else #- See for why #- these are written one-by-one if self.scores is not None: fitsio.write(tmpout, self.scores, extname='SCORES') for band in sorted(self.bands): upperband = band.upper() fitsio.write(tmpout, self.wave[band], extname=upperband+'_WAVELENGTH', header=dict(BUNIT='Angstrom')) fitsio.write(tmpout, self.flux[band], extname=upperband+'_FLUX', header=dict(BUNIT='10**-17 erg/(s cm2 Angstrom)')) fitsio.write(tmpout, self.ivar[band], extname=upperband+'_IVAR', header=dict(BUNIT='10**+34 (s2 cm4 Angstrom2) / erg2')) fitsio.write(tmpout, self.mask[band], extname=upperband+'_MASK', compress='gzip') fitsio.write(tmpout, self.resolution_data[band], extname=upperband+'_RESOLUTION') os.rename(tmpout, filename)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename): ''' Return a SpectraLite object read from `filename` ''' with fitsio.FITS(filename) as fx: wave = dict() flux = dict() ivar = dict() mask = dict() resolution_data = dict() fibermap = fx['FIBERMAP'].read() if 'EXP_FIBERMAP' in fx: exp_fibermap = fx['EXP_FIBERMAP'].read() else: exp_fibermap = None if 'SCORES' in fx: scores = fx['SCORES'].read() else: scores = None bands = ['b', 'r', 'z'] for band in bands: upperband = band.upper() wave[band] = fx[upperband+'_WAVELENGTH'].read() flux[band] = fx[upperband+'_FLUX'].read() ivar[band] = fx[upperband+'_IVAR'].read() mask[band] = fx[upperband+'_MASK'].read() resolution_data[band] = fx[upperband+'_RESOLUTION'].read() return SpectraLite(bands, wave, flux, ivar, mask, resolution_data, fibermap, exp_fibermap=exp_fibermap, scores=scores)
[docs]def add_missing_frames(frames): ''' Adds any missing frames with ivar=0 FrameLite objects with correct shape to match those that do exist. Args: frames: dict of FrameLite objects, keyed by (night,expid,camera) Modifies `frames` in-place. Example: if `frames` has keys (2020,1,'b0') and (2020,1,'r0') but not (2020,1,'z0'), this will add a blank FrameLite object for z0. The purpose of this is to facilitate frames2spectra, which needs *something* for every spectro camera for every exposure that is included. ''' log = get_logger() #- First figure out the number of wavelengths per band wave = dict() ndiag = dict() for (night, expid, camera), frame in frames.items(): band = camera[0] if band not in wave: wave[band] = frame.wave if band not in ndiag: ndiag[band] = frame.resolution_data.shape[1] #- Now loop through all frames, filling in any missing bands bands = sorted(list(wave.keys())) for (night, expid, camera), frame in list(frames.items()): frameband = camera[0] spectro = camera[1:] for band in bands: if band == frameband: continue bandcam = band+spectro if (night, expid, bandcam) in frames: continue log.warning('Creating blank data for missing frame {}'.format( (night, expid, bandcam))) nwave = len(wave[band]) nspec = frame.flux.shape[0] flux = np.zeros((nspec, nwave), dtype='f4') ivar = np.zeros((nspec, nwave), dtype='f4') mask = np.zeros((nspec, nwave), dtype='u4') + specmask.NODATA resolution_data = np.zeros((nspec, ndiag[band], nwave), dtype='f4') #- Copy the header and correct the camera keyword if type(frame.meta) is fits.header.Header: header = fitsio.FITSHDR( OrderedDict(frame.meta) ) else: header = fitsio.FITSHDR(frame.meta) header['camera'] = bandcam #- Make new blank scores, replacing trailing band _B/R/Z if frame.scores is not None: dtype = [ ('TARGETID', 'i8') ] for name in frame.scores.dtype.names: if name.endswith('_'+frameband.upper()): bandname = name[0:-1] + band.upper() dtype.append((bandname, type(frame.scores[name][0]))) scores = np.zeros(nspec, dtype=dtype) scores['TARGETID'] = frame.scores['TARGETID'] else: scores = None #- Add the blank FrameLite object frames[(night,expid,bandcam)] = FrameLite( wave[band], flux, ivar, mask, resolution_data, frame.fibermap, header, scores)
[docs]def frames2spectra(frames, pix=None, nside=64): ''' Combine a dict of FrameLite into a SpectraLite for healpix `pix` Args: frames: dict of FrameLight, keyed by (night, expid, camera) Options: pix: only include targets in this NESTED healpix pixel number nside: Healpix nside, must be power of 2 Returns: SpectraLite object with subset of spectra from frames that are in the requested healpix pixel `pix` ''' log = get_logger() #- shallow copy of frames dict in case we augment with blank frames frames = frames.copy() #- To support combining old+new data, recalculate TSNR2 if any #- frames are missing TSNR2* scores present in other frames of same bad. #- Assume longest list per camera is the one we want, because we also #- need to preserve order. Ugh. frame_scores_columns = dict() scores_columns = dict(b=[], r=[], z=[]) for (night,expid,cam), frame in frames.items(): brz = cam.lower()[0] cols = frame.scores.dtype.names frame_scores_columns[(night,expid,cam)] = cols if len(cols) > len(scores_columns[brz]): scores_columns[brz] = cols for (night,expid,cam), frame in frames.items(): brz = cam.lower()[0] if frame_scores_columns[(night,expid,cam)] != scores_columns[brz]: log.warning(f'Recalculating TSNR2 for ({night},{expid},{cam})') s = Table(frame.scores) tsnr2, alpha = calc_tsnr2_cframe(frame) for key in tsnr2: s[key] = tsnr2[key] #- standardize order frame.scores = np.array(s[scores_columns[brz]]) #- Make sure that the given set of frames is complete #- If not, fill in missing cameras so that the stack works properly add_missing_frames(frames) #- Setup data structures to fill wave, flux, ivar, mask = dict(), dict(), dict(), dict() resolution_data, scores, fmaps = dict(), dict(), dict() #- Get the bands that exist in the input data #- identify all of the exposures for each band #- and instantiate some variables for the next loop bands, allkeys = list(), dict() for (night,expid,cam),frame in frames.items(): band = cam[0] if band not in bands: bands.append(band) allkeys[band] = list() flux[band] = list() ivar[band] = list() mask[band] = list() resolution_data[band] = list() scores[band] = list() wave[band] = frame.wave if (cam[1],night,expid) not in fmaps.keys(): fmaps[(cam[1],night,expid)] = dict() fmaps[(cam[1],night,expid)][band] = None allkeys[band].append((cam[1],night,expid,cam)) bands = sorted(bands) for band in bands: assert len(allkeys[band]) != 0 #- Select just the frames for this band using keys collected above # Sort them so we are ordered by spectrograph, then night, then exposure band_keys = sorted(allkeys[band]) #- Select flux, ivar, etc. for just the spectra on this healpix for spec,night,expid,cam in band_keys: bandframe = frames[(night,expid,cam)] if pix is not None: ra, dec = bandframe.fibermap['TARGET_RA'], bandframe.fibermap['TARGET_DEC'] ok = ~np.isnan(ra) & ~np.isnan(dec) ra[~ok] = 0.0 dec[~ok] = 0.0 allpix = radec2pix(nside, ra, dec) ii = (allpix == pix) & ok else: ii = np.ones(bandframe.flux.shape[0]).astype(bool) #- Careful: very similar code below for non-filtered appending flux[band].append(bandframe.flux[ii]) ivar[band].append(bandframe.ivar[ii]) mask[band].append(bandframe.mask[ii]) resolution_data[band].append(bandframe.resolution_data[ii]) fmaps[(spec,night,expid)][band] = bandframe.fibermap[ii] if bandframe.scores is not None: scores[band].append(bandframe.scores[ii]) flux[band] = np.vstack(flux[band]) ivar[band] = np.vstack(ivar[band]) mask[band] = np.vstack(mask[band]) resolution_data[band] = np.vstack(resolution_data[band]) if len(scores[band]) > 0: scores[band] = np.hstack(scores[band]) #- Combine scores into a single table #- Why doesn't np.vstack work for this? (says invalid type promotion) if len(scores[bands[0]]) > 0: if len(bands) == 1: scores = scores[bands[0]] else: names = list() data = list() for band in bands[1:]: for colname in scores[band].dtype.names: #- TARGETID appears in multiple bands; only add once if colname != 'TARGETID': names.append(colname) data.append(scores[band][colname]) scores = np.lib.recfunctions.append_fields( scores[bands[0]], names, data) else: scores = None #- Go in order over all exposures, pick up fibermaps. When multiple, use the first #- but bitwise OR the fiberstatus. merged_over_cams_fmaps = list() sorted_keys = sorted(list(fmaps.keys())) for key in sorted_keys: banddict = fmaps[key] outmap = None for band in bands: if banddict[band] is None: continue if outmap is None: outmap = banddict[band] else: outmap['FIBERSTATUS'] |= banddict[band]['FIBERSTATUS'] merged_over_cams_fmaps.append(outmap) #- Convert to Tables to facilitate column add/drop/reorder for i, fm in enumerate(merged_over_cams_fmaps): if not isinstance(fm, Table): merged_over_cams_fmaps[i] = Table(fm) #- Standardize all fibermaps to have the same columns in same order if len(merged_over_cams_fmaps) > 1: colnames = list(merged_over_cams_fmaps[0].colnames) for fm in merged_over_cams_fmaps[1:]: for drop in set(colnames) - set(fm.colnames): log.warning(f"Ignoring {drop}, missing from some fibermaps") colnames.remove(drop) #- Also warn about columns that were never in original list for drop in set(fm.colnames) - set(colnames): log.warning(f"Ignoring {drop}, missing from some fibermaps") for i in range(len(merged_over_cams_fmaps)): merged_over_cams_fmaps[i] = merged_over_cams_fmaps[i][colnames] #- Combine all the individual fibermaps from the exposures and spectrographs fibermap = np.hstack(merged_over_cams_fmaps) #- assemble_fibermap now sets NaN to 0, #- but reset here too if combining older data for col in [ 'FIBER_X', 'FIBER_Y', 'DELTA_X', 'DELTA_Y', 'FIBER_RA', 'FIBER_DEC', 'GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG', 'GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG', 'GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG', ]: ii = np.isnan(fibermap[col]) if np.any(ii): n = np.sum(ii) log.warning(f'Setting {n} {col} NaN to 0.0') fibermap[col][ii] = 0.0 return SpectraLite(bands, wave, flux, ivar, mask, resolution_data, fibermap, scores=scores)
[docs]def update_frame_cache(frames, framekeys, specprod_dir=None): ''' Update a cache of FrameLite objects to match requested frameskeys Args: frames: dict of FrameLite objects, keyed by (night, expid, camera) framekeys: list of desired (night, expid, camera) Updates `frames` in-place Notes: `frames` is dictionary, `framekeys` is list. When finished, the keys of `frames` match the entries in `framekeys` ''' log = get_logger() #- Drop frames that we no longer need ndrop = 0 for key in list(frames.keys()): if key not in framekeys: ndrop += 1 del frames[key] nkeep = len(frames) #- Read and add the new frames that we do need nadd = 0 for key in framekeys: if key not in frames.keys(): night, expid, camera = key framefile = io.findfile('cframe', night, expid, camera, specprod_dir=specprod_dir) log.debug(' Reading {}'.format(os.path.basename(framefile))) nadd += 1 frames[key] = log.debug('Frame cache: {} kept, {} added, {} dropped, now have {}'.format( nkeep, nadd, ndrop, len(frames)))