Source code for

""" Module for generating QA HTML
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division

import os
import numpy as np
import glob

from import meta, get_nights, get_exposures
from import makepath

[docs]def finish(f, body, links=None): """ Fill in the HTML file and end it Parameters ---------- f : file body : str links : str, optional """ # Write links if links is not None: f.write(links) f.write('</ul>\n') f.write('<hr>\n') # Write body f.write(body) # Finish end = '</body>\n' end += '</html>\n' f.write(end) return end
def init(f, title): head = header(title) f.write(head) # Init links links = '<h2>Quick Links</h2>\n' links += '<ul>\n' return links
[docs]def calib(qaprod_dir=None, specprod_dir=None): """ Generate HTML to orgainze calib HTML """ # Organized HTML html_file = meta.findfile('qa_calib_html', qaprod_dir=qaprod_dir) html_path,_ = os.path.split(html_file) makepath(html_file) # Open f = open(html_file, 'w') init(f, 'Calibration QA') # Loop on Nights nights = get_nights(sub_folder='calibnight', specprod_dir=specprod_dir) nights.sort() links = '' body = '' for night in nights: all_png = glob.glob(html_path+'/'+night+'/qa*.png') if len(all_png) == 0: continue # Find expid expids = [] for png in all_png: expids.append(int(png[-12:-4])) # A bit risky expids = np.unique(expids) expids.sort() f.write('<h2> Night -- {:s} </h2>\n'.format(night)) f.write('<h3><ul>\n') for expid in expids: # Link f.write('<li><a href="{:s}/qa-{:08d}.html">Exposure {:08d}</a></li>\n'.format(night, expid, expid)) # Generate Exposure html calib_exp(night, expid, qaprod_dir=qaprod_dir) f.write('</ul></h3>\n') # Finish finish(f,body) # Return return links, body
[docs]def calib_exp(night, expid, qaprod_dir=None): """ Geneate HTML for calib exposure PNGs Args: night: expid: Returns: """ # File name html_file = meta.findfile('qa_calib_exp_html', night=night, expid=expid, qaprod_dir=qaprod_dir) html_path,_ = os.path.split(html_file) f = open(html_file, 'w') init(f, 'Calibration Exposure QA') # Loop on Nights for ctype in ['flat']: links = '' body = '' # all_png = glob.glob(html_path+'/qa-{:s}-*-{:08d}.png'.format(ctype,expid)) all_png.sort() if len(all_png) == 0: continue # Type links +='<h2> {:s} Calib</h2>\n'.format(ctype) for png in all_png: _,png_file = os.path.split(png) # Image href="{:s}".format(png_file[:-4]) links += '<li><a class="reference internal" href="#{:s}">{:s}</a></li>\n'.format(href, href) body += '<div class="section" id="{:s}">\n'.format(href) body += '<img class ="research" src="{:s}" width="100%" height="auto"/>\n'.format(png_file) #f.write('<li><a href="{:s}/qa-{:08d}.html">Exposure {:08d}</a></li>\n'.format(night, expid, expid)) f.write('<ul>\n') f.write(links) f.write('</ul>\n') f.write(body) # Finish finish(f,'') # Return return links, body
[docs]def make_exposures(qaprod_dir=None): """ Generate HTML to organize exposure HTML Parameters ---------- Returns ------- links : str body : str """ # Organized HTML html_file = meta.findfile('qa_exposures_html', qaprod_dir=qaprod_dir) html_path,_ = os.path.split(html_file) f = open(html_file, 'w') init(f, 'Exposures QA') # Loop on Nights nights = get_nights(specprod_dir=qaprod_dir) # Scans for nights in QA nights.sort() links = '' body = '' for night in nights: # HTML f.write('<h2> Night -- {:s} </h2>\n'.format(night)) f.write('<h3><ul>\n') # Loop on exposures for expid in get_exposures(night, specprod_dir=qaprod_dir): if not os.path.exists(html_path+'/'+night+'/{:08d}'.format(expid)): continue # Link f.write('<li><a href="{:s}/{:08d}/qa-{:08d}.html">Exposure {:08d}</a></li>\n'.format(night, expid, expid, expid)) # Generate Exposure html make_exposure(night, expid, qaprod_dir=qaprod_dir) f.write('</ul></h3>\n') # Finish finish(f,body)
[docs]def make_exposure(night, expid, qaprod_dir=None): """ Generate HTML for exposure PNGs Parameters ---------- setup : str cbset : str det : int Returns ------- links : str body : str """ # File name html_file = meta.findfile('qa_exposure_html', night=night, expid=expid, qaprod_dir=qaprod_dir) html_path,_ = os.path.split(html_file) f = open(html_file, 'w') init(f, 'Exposure QA') links = '' body = '' # Loop on Nights for ctype in ['sky', 'flux']: # all_png = glob.glob(html_path+'/qa-{:s}-*-{:08d}.png'.format(ctype,expid)) all_png.sort() if len(all_png) == 0: continue # Type links += '<h2> {:s} Calib</h2>\n'.format(ctype) for png in all_png: _,png_file = os.path.split(png) # Image href="{:s}".format(png_file[:-4]) links += '<li><a class="reference internal" href="#{:s}">{:s}</a></li>\n'.format(href, href) body += '<div class="section" id="{:s}">\n'.format(href) body += '<img class ="research" src="{:s}" width="100%" height="auto"/>\n'.format(png_file) #f.write('<li><a href="{:s}/qa-{:08d}.html">Exposure {:08d}</a></li>\n'.format(night, expid, expid)) f.write('<ul>\n') f.write(links) f.write('</ul>\n') f.write(body) # Finish finish(f,'') # Return return links, body
[docs]def toplevel(qaprod_dir=None): """ Generate HTML to top level QA Mainly generates the highest level HTML file which has links to the Exposure and Calib QA. This also slurps any .png files in the top-level Parameters ---------- setup : str cbset : str det : int Returns ------- links : str body : str """ # Organized HTML html_file = meta.findfile('qa_toplevel_html', qaprod_dir=qaprod_dir) html_path,_ = os.path.split(html_file) f = open(html_file, 'w') init(f, 'Top Level QA') # Calib? calib2d_file = meta.findfile('qa_calib_html', qaprod_dir=qaprod_dir) if os.path.exists(calib2d_file): # Truncate the path c2d_path, fname = os.path.split(calib2d_file) last_slash = c2d_path.rfind('/') f.write('<h2><a href="{:s}">Calibration QA</a></h2>\n'.format(c2d_path[last_slash+1:]+'/'+fname)) # Full path #f.write('<h2><a href="{:s}">Calibration QA</a></h2>\n'.format(calib2d_file)) # Exposures? exposures_file = meta.findfile('qa_exposures_html', qaprod_dir=qaprod_dir) if os.path.exists(exposures_file): # Truncated path exp_path, fname = os.path.split(exposures_file) last_slash = exp_path.rfind('/') f.write('<h2><a href="{:s}">Exposures QA</a></h2>\n'.format(exp_path[last_slash+1:]+'/'+fname)) # Full path #f.write('<h2><a href="{:s}">Exposures QA</a></h2>\n'.format(exposures_file)) # Existing PNGs f.write('<hr>\n') f.write('<h2>PNGs</h2>\n') all_png = glob.glob(html_path+'/*.png') all_png.sort() # Type links = '' body = '' for png in all_png: _, png_file = os.path.split(png) # Image href="{:s}".format(png_file[:-4]) links += '<li><a class="reference internal" href="#{:s}">{:s}</a></li>\n'.format(href, href) body += '<div class="section" id="{:s}">\n'.format(href) body += '<img class ="research" src="{:s}" width="100%" height="auto"/>\n'.format(png_file) f.write('<h3><ul>\n') f.write(links) f.write('</ul></h3>\n') f.write(body) # Finish finish(f,'') # Return return