Source code for

""" Module for QA plots
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division

import os
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
import scipy
import scipy.stats
import pdb
import copy

from astropy.time import Time

from desiutil.log import get_logger
from desispec import fluxcalibration as dsflux
from desispec.util import set_backend

import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec

from desispec import util
from import makepath
from desispec.fluxcalibration import isStdStar

from desiutil import plots as desiu_p

from import read_params
desi_params = read_params()

from import s2n_funcs

from desiutil.log import get_logger

[docs]def brick_redrock(outfil, zf, qabrick): """ QA plots for redrock fits Args: outfil: qabrick: zf: ZfindBase object Returns: Stuff? """ sty_otype = get_sty_otype() # Convert types (this should become obsolete) param =['REDROCK']['PARAMS'] zftypes = [] for ztype in zf.spectype: if ztype in param['ELG_TYPES']: zftypes.append('ELG') elif ztype in param['QSO_TYPES']: zftypes.append('QSO') elif ztype in param['STAR_TYPES']: zftypes.append('STAR') else: zftypes.append('UNKNWN') zftypes = np.array(zftypes) # Plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2,2) # Error vs. z ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0]) # ax0.set_ylabel(r'$\delta z / (1+z)$') ax0.set_ylim(0.0, 0.002) ax0.set_xlabel('z') for key in sty_otype: idx = np.where(zftypes == key)[0] if len(idx) == 0: continue ax0.scatter(zf.z[idx], zf.zerr[idx]/(1+zf.z[idx]), marker='o', color=sty_otype[key]['color'], label=sty_otype[key]['lbl']) # Legend legend = ax0.legend(loc='upper left', borderpad=0.3, handletextpad=0.3, fontsize='small') # Meta text ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1,1]) ax2.set_axis_off() show_meta(ax2, qabrick, 'REDROCK', outfil) # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.1,h_pad=0.0,w_pad=0.0) plt.savefig(outfil) plt.close() print('Wrote QA REDROCK file: {:s}'.format(outfil))
[docs]def frame_skyres(outfil, frame, skymodel, qaframe, quick_look=False): """ Generate QA plots and files for sky residuals of a given frame Parameters ---------- outfil: str Name of output file frame: Frame object skymodel: SkyModel object qaframe: QAFrame object """ from import subtract_sky log = get_logger() # Access metrics ''' wavg_ivar = np.sum(res_ivar,0) chi2_wavg = np.sum(wavg_res**2 * wavg_ivar) dof_wavg = np.sum(wavg_ivar > 0.) pchi2_wavg = scipy.stats.distributions.chi2.sf(chi2_wavg, dof_wavg) chi2_med = np.sum(med_res**2 * wavg_ivar) pchi2_med = scipy.stats.distributions.chi2.sf(chi2_med, dof_wavg) ''' skyfibers = np.array(qaframe.qa_data['SKYSUB']["METRICS"]["SKYFIBERID"]) subtract_sky(frame, skymodel) res=frame.flux[skyfibers] res_ivar=frame.ivar[skyfibers] if quick_look: med_res = qaframe.qa_data['SKYSUB']["METRICS"]["MED_RESID_WAVE"] wavg_res = qaframe.qa_data['SKYSUB']["METRICS"]["WAVG_RES_WAVE"] else: med_res = np.median(res,axis=0) wavg_res = np.sum(res*res_ivar,0) / (np.sum(res_ivar,0) + (np.sum(res_ivar,0)==0)) # Plot if quick_look: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 10.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4,2) else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2,2) xmin,xmax = np.min(frame.wave), np.max(frame.wave) # Simple residual plot ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0,:]) ax0.plot(frame.wave, med_res, label='Median Res') ax0.plot(frame.wave, signal.medfilt(med_res,51), color='black', label='Median**2 Res') ax0.plot(frame.wave, signal.medfilt(wavg_res,51), color='red', label='Med WAvgRes') # ax0.plot([xmin,xmax], [0., 0], '--', color='gray') ax0.plot([xmin,xmax], [0., 0], '--', color='gray') ax0.set_xlabel('Wavelength') ax0.set_ylabel('Sky Residuals (Counts)') ax0.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax0.set_xlabel('Wavelength') ax0.set_ylabel('Sky Residuals (Counts)') ax0.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) med0 = np.maximum(np.abs(np.median(med_res)), 1.) ax0.set_ylim(-5.*med0, 5.*med0) #ax0.text(0.5, 0.85, 'Sky Meanspec', # transform=ax_flux.transAxes, ha='center') # Legend legend = ax0.legend(loc='upper right', borderpad=0.3, handletextpad=0.3, fontsize='small') # Histogram of all residuals ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1,0]) xmin,xmax = -5., 5. # Histogram binsz = qaframe.qa_data['SKYSUB']["PARAMS"]["BIN_SZ"] if 'DEVS_1D' in qaframe.qa_data['SKYSUB']["METRICS"].keys(): # Online hist = np.asarray(qaframe.qa_data['SKYSUB']["METRICS"]["DEVS_1D"]) edges = np.asarray(qaframe.qa_data['SKYSUB']["METRICS"]["DEVS_EDGES"]) else: # Generate for offline gd_res = res_ivar > 0. if not np.any(gd_res):"No good residuals in frame_skyres plot") edges = None else: devs = res[gd_res] * np.sqrt(res_ivar[gd_res]) min_devs = np.maximum(np.min(devs), xmin*2) max_devs = np.minimum(np.max(devs), xmax*2) i0, i1 = int(min_devs/binsz) - 1, int(max_devs/binsz) + 1 rng = tuple( binsz*np.array([i0,i1]) ) nbin = i1-i0 hist, edges = np.histogram(devs, range=rng, bins=nbin) if edges is not None: xhist = (edges[1:] + edges[:-1])/2. ax1.hist(xhist, color='blue', bins=edges, weights=hist)#, histtype='step') # PDF for Gaussian area = binsz * np.sum(hist) xppf = np.linspace(scipy.stats.norm.ppf(0.0001), scipy.stats.norm.ppf(0.9999), 100) ax1.plot(xppf, area*scipy.stats.norm.pdf(xppf), 'r-', alpha=1.0) ax1.set_xlabel(r'Res/$\sigma$') ax1.set_ylabel('N') ax1.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) # Meta text #- limit the dictionary to residuals only for meta qaresid=copy.deepcopy(qaframe) resid_keys=['NREJ','NSKY_FIB','NBAD_PCHI','MED_RESID','RESID_PER'] qaresid.qa_data['SKYSUB']['METRICS']={key:value for key,value in qaframe.qa_data['SKYSUB'] ['METRICS'].items() if key in resid_keys} ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1,1]) ax2.set_axis_off() show_meta(ax2, qaresid, 'SKYSUB', outfil) if quick_look: #- SNR Plot elg_snr_mag = qaframe.qa_data['SKYSUB']["METRICS"]["ELG_SNR_MAG"] lrg_snr_mag = qaframe.qa_data['SKYSUB']["METRICS"]["LRG_SNR_MAG"] qso_snr_mag = qaframe.qa_data['SKYSUB']["METRICS"]["QSO_SNR_MAG"] star_snr_mag = qaframe.qa_data['SKYSUB']["METRICS"]["STAR_SNR_MAG"] ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[2,0]) ax4 = plt.subplot(gs[2,1]) ax5 = plt.subplot(gs[3,0]) ax6 = plt.subplot(gs[3,1]) ax3.set_ylabel(r'Median S/N') ax3.set_xlabel('') ax3.set_title(r'ELG') if len(elg_snr_mag[1]) > 0: #- at least 1 elg fiber? select=np.where((elg_snr_mag[1] != np.array(None)) & (~np.isnan(elg_snr_mag[1])) & (np.abs(elg_snr_mag[1])!=np.inf))[0] #- Remove None, nan and inf values in mag if select.shape[0]>0: xmin=np.min(elg_snr_mag[1][select])-0.1 xmax=np.max(elg_snr_mag[1][select])+0.1 ax3.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax3.set_ylim(np.min(elg_snr_mag[0][select])-0.1,np.max(elg_snr_mag[0][select])+0.1) ax3.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(int(np.min(elg_snr_mag[1][select])),int(np.max(elg_snr_mag[1][select]))+1,0.5)) ax3.tick_params(axis='x',labelsize=10,labelbottom='on') ax3.tick_params(axis='y',labelsize=10,labelleft='on') ax3.plot(elg_snr_mag[1][select],elg_snr_mag[0][select],'b.') ax4.set_ylabel('') ax4.set_xlabel('') ax4.set_title(r'LRG') if len(lrg_snr_mag[1]) > 0: #- at least 1 lrg fiber? select=np.where((lrg_snr_mag[1] != np.array(None)) & (~np.isnan(lrg_snr_mag[1])) & (np.abs(lrg_snr_mag[1])!=np.inf))[0] if select.shape[0]>0: xmin=np.min(lrg_snr_mag[1][select])-0.1 xmax=np.max(lrg_snr_mag[1][select])+0.1 ax4.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax4.set_ylim(np.min(lrg_snr_mag[0][select])-0.1,np.max(lrg_snr_mag[0][select])+0.1) ax4.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(int(np.min(lrg_snr_mag[1][select])),int(np.max(lrg_snr_mag[1][select]))+1,0.5)) ax4.tick_params(axis='x',labelsize=10,labelbottom='on') ax4.tick_params(axis='y',labelsize=10,labelleft='on') ax4.plot(lrg_snr_mag[1][select],lrg_snr_mag[0][select],'r.') ax5.set_ylabel(r'Median S/N') ax5.set_xlabel(r'Mag. (DECAM_R)') ax5.set_title(r'QSO') if len(qso_snr_mag[1]) > 0: #- at least 1 qso fiber? select=np.where((qso_snr_mag[1] != np.array(None)) & (~np.isnan(qso_snr_mag[1])) & (np.abs(qso_snr_mag[1])!=np.inf))[0] #- Remove None, nan and inf values if select.shape[0]>0: xmin=np.min(qso_snr_mag[1][select])-0.1 xmax=np.max(qso_snr_mag[1][select])+0.1 ax5.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax5.set_ylim(np.min(qso_snr_mag[0][select])-0.1,np.max(qso_snr_mag[0][select])+0.1) ax5.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(int(np.min(qso_snr_mag[1][select])),int(np.max(qso_snr_mag[1][select]))+1,1.0)) ax5.tick_params(axis='x',labelsize=10,labelbottom='on') ax5.tick_params(axis='y',labelsize=10,labelleft='on') ax5.plot(qso_snr_mag[1][select],qso_snr_mag[0][select],'g.') ax6.set_ylabel('') ax6.set_xlabel('Mag. (DECAM_R)') ax6.set_title(r'STD') if len(star_snr_mag[1]) > 0: #- at least 1 std fiber? select=np.where((star_snr_mag[1] != np.array(None)) & (~np.isnan(star_snr_mag[1])) & (np.abs(star_snr_mag[1])!=np.inf))[0] if select.shape[0]>0: xmin=np.min(star_snr_mag[1][select])-0.1 xmax=np.max(star_snr_mag[1][select])+0.1 ax6.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax6.set_ylim(np.min(star_snr_mag[0][select])-0.1,np.max(star_snr_mag[0][select])+0.1) ax6.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(int(np.min(star_snr_mag[1][select])),int(np.max(star_snr_mag[1][select]))+1,0.5)) ax6.tick_params(axis='x',labelsize=10,labelbottom='on') ax6.tick_params(axis='y',labelsize=10,labelleft='on') ax6.plot(star_snr_mag[1][select],star_snr_mag[0][select],'k.') """ # Meta xlbl = 0.1 ylbl = 0.85 i0 = outfil.rfind('/') ax2.text(xlbl, ylbl, outfil[i0+1:], color='black', transform=ax2.transAxes, ha='left') yoff=0.15 for key in sorted(['SKYSUB']['METRICS'].keys()): if key in ['QA_FIG']: continue # Show ylbl -= yoff ax2.text(xlbl+0.1, ylbl, key+': '+str(['SKYSUB']['METRICS'][key]), transform=ax2.transAxes, ha='left', fontsize='small') """ ''' # Residuals scatt_sz = 0.5 ax_res = plt.subplot(gs[1]) ax_res.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) # Suppress labeling res = (sky_model - (true_flux*scl))/(true_flux*scl) rms = np.sqrt(np.sum(res**2)/len(res)) #ax_res.set_ylim(-3.*rms, 3.*rms) ax_res.set_ylim(-2, 2) ax_res.set_ylabel('Frac Res') # Error #ax_res.plot(true_wave, 2.*ms_sig/sky_model, color='red') ax_res.scatter(wave,res, marker='o',s=scatt_sz) ax_res.plot([xmin,xmax], [0.,0], 'g-') ax_res.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) # Relative to error ax_sig = plt.subplot(gs[2]) ax_sig.set_xlabel('Wavelength') sig_res = (sky_model - (true_flux*scl))/sky_sig ax_sig.scatter(wave, sig_res, marker='o',s=scatt_sz) ax_sig.set_ylabel(r'Res $\delta/\sigma$') ax_sig.set_ylim(-5., 5.) ax_sig.plot([xmin,xmax], [0.,0], 'g-') ax_sig.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ''' # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.1,h_pad=0.0,w_pad=0.0) outfile = makepath(outfil) plt.savefig(outfil) plt.close() print('Wrote QA SkyRes file: {:s}'.format(outfil))
[docs]def frame_fluxcalib(outfil, qaframe, frame, fluxcalib): """ QA plots for Flux calibration in a Frame Args: outfil: str, name of output file qaframe: dict containing QA info frame: frame object containing extraction of standard stars fluxcalib: fluxcalib object containing flux calibration Returns: """ log = get_logger() # Standard stars exptime = frame.meta['EXPTIME'] stdfibers = np.where(isStdStar(frame.fibermap))[0] stdstars = frame[stdfibers] #nstds = np.sum(stdfibers) nstds = len(stdfibers) # Median spectrum medcalib = np.median(fluxcalib.calib[stdfibers],axis=0) ZP_AB = dsflux.ZP_from_calib(exptime, fluxcalib.wave, medcalib) # Plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2,2) xmin,xmax = np.min(fluxcalib.wave), np.max(fluxcalib.wave) # Simple residual plot ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0,:]) # #ax0.plot([xmin,xmax], [0., 0], '--', color='gray') #ax0.plot([xmin,xmax], [0., 0], '--', color='gray') ax0.set_ylabel('ZP_AB') ax0.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax0.set_xlabel('Wavelength') #med0 = np.maximum(np.abs(np.median(med_res)), 1.) #ax0.set_ylim(-5.*med0, 5.*med0) #ax0.text(0.5, 0.85, 'Sky Meanspec', # transform=ax_flux.transAxes, ha='center') # Other stars for ii in range(nstds): # Good pixels gdp = stdstars.ivar[ii, :] > 0. icalib = fluxcalib.calib[stdfibers[ii]][gdp] i_wave = fluxcalib.wave[gdp] ZP_star = dsflux.ZP_from_calib(exptime, i_wave, icalib) # Plot if ii == 0: lbl ='Individual stars' else: lbl = None ax0.plot(i_wave, ZP_star, ':', label=lbl) ax0.plot(fluxcalib.wave, ZP_AB, color='black', label='Median Calib') # Legend legend = ax0.legend(loc='lower left', borderpad=0.3, handletextpad=0.3, fontsize='small') # Meta text ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1,1]) ax2.set_axis_off() show_meta(ax2, qaframe, 'FLUXCALIB', outfil) # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.1,h_pad=0.0,w_pad=0.0) _ = makepath(outfil) plt.savefig(outfil) plt.close() print('Wrote QA SkyRes file: {:s}'.format(outfil))
[docs]def exposure_fluxcalib(outfil, qa_data): """ QA plots for Flux calibration in an Exposure Args: outfil: str -- Name of PDF file qa_data: dict -- QA data, including that of the individual frames """ # Init cameras = list(qa_data['frames'].keys()) # Plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2) # Loop on channel clrs = dict(b='blue', r='red', z='purple') for qq, channel in enumerate(['b','r','z']): ax = plt.subplot(gs[qq % 2, qq // 2]) allc = [] for camera in cameras: if camera[0] == channel: allc.append(int(camera[1])) ax.errorbar([int(camera[1])], [qa_data['frames'][camera]['FLUXCALIB']['METRICS']['ZP']], yerr=[qa_data['frames'][camera]['FLUXCALIB']['METRICS']['RMS_ZP']], capthick=2, fmt='o', color=clrs[channel]) # #ax0.plot([xmin,xmax], [0., 0], '--', color='gray') #ax0.plot([xmin,xmax], [0., 0], '--', color='gray') ax.set_ylabel('ZP_AB') #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() ax.set_xlim(np.min(allc)-0.2, np.max(allc)+0.2) ax.set_xlabel('Spectrograph') #med0 = np.maximum(np.abs(np.median(med_res)), 1.) #ax0.set_ylim(-5.*med0, 5.*med0) #ax0.text(0.5, 0.85, 'Sky Meanspec', # transform=ax_flux.transAxes, ha='center') # Meta text #ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1,1]) #ax2.set_axis_off() #show_meta(ax2, qaframe, 'FLUXCALIB', outfil) # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.1,h_pad=0.0,w_pad=0.0) _ = makepath(outfil) plt.savefig(outfil) plt.close() print('Wrote QA FluxCalib Exposure file: {:s}'.format(outfil))
[docs]def frame_fiberflat(outfil, qaframe, frame, fiberflat): """ QA plots for fiber flat Args: outfil: qaframe: frame: fiberflat: clobber: bool, optional Returns: Stuff? """ from desimodel.focalplane import fiber_area_arcsec2 # Setup fibermap = frame.fibermap gdp = fiberflat.mask == 0 nfiber = len(frame.fibers) xfiber = np.zeros(nfiber) yfiber = np.zeros(nfiber) for ii,fiber in enumerate(frame.fibers): mt = np.where(fiber == fibermap['FIBER'])[0] xfiber[ii] = fibermap['FIBERASSIGN_X'][mt] yfiber[ii] = fibermap['FIBERASSIGN_Y'][mt] area = fiber_area_arcsec2(xfiber,yfiber) mean_area = np.mean(area) jet = cm = plt.get_cmap('jet') # Tile plot(s) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2,2) # Mean Flatfield flux in each fiber ax = plt.subplot(gs[0,0]) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(100.)) mean_flux = np.mean(frame.flux*gdp, axis=1) / fiber_area_arcsec2(xfiber,yfiber) rms_mean = np.std(mean_flux) med_mean = np.median(mean_flux) #from xastropy.xutils import xdebug as xdb #pdb.set_trace() mplt = ax.scatter(xfiber, yfiber, marker='o', s=9., c=mean_flux, cmap=jet) mplt.set_clim(vmin=med_mean-2*rms_mean, vmax=med_mean+2*rms_mean) cb = fig.colorbar(mplt) cb.set_label('Mean Flux') # Mean ax = plt.subplot(gs[0,1]) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(100.)) mean_norm = np.mean(fiberflat.fiberflat*gdp,axis=1) / (area/mean_area) m2plt = ax.scatter(xfiber, yfiber, marker='o', s=9., c=mean_norm, cmap=jet) #m2plt.set_clim(vmin=0.98, vmax=1.02) cb = fig.colorbar(m2plt) cb.set_label('Mean of Fiberflat') # RMS ax = plt.subplot(gs[1,0]) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(100.)) rms = np.std(gdp*(fiberflat.fiberflat- np.outer(mean_norm, np.ones(fiberflat.nwave))),axis=1) rplt = ax.scatter(xfiber, yfiber, marker='o', s=9., c=rms, cmap=jet) #rplt.set_clim(vmin=0.98, vmax=1.02) cb = fig.colorbar(rplt) cb.set_label('RMS in Fiberflat') # Meta text ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1,1]) ax2.set_axis_off() show_meta(ax2, qaframe, 'FIBERFLAT', outfil) """ xlbl = 0.05 ylbl = 0.85 i0 = outfil.rfind('/') ax2.text(xlbl, ylbl, outfil[i0+1:], color='black', transform=ax2.transAxes, ha='left') yoff=0.10 for key in sorted(['FIBERFLAT']['METRICS'].keys()): if key in ['QA_FIG']: continue # Show ylbl -= yoff ax2.text(xlbl+0.05, ylbl, key+': '+str(['FIBERFLAT']['METRICS'][key]), transform=ax2.transAxes, ha='left', fontsize='x-small') """ # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.1,h_pad=0.0,w_pad=0.0) _ = makepath(outfil) plt.savefig(outfil) plt.close() print('Wrote QA SkyRes file: {:s}'.format(outfil))
[docs]def frame_s2n(s2n_dict, outfile, rescut=0.2, verbose=True): """ Plot S/N diagnostics for a given frame Replaces a previous-QL script Args: s2n_dict (dict): dictionary of qa outputs repackaged a bit outfile (str): output png filename rescut (float, optional): only plot residuals (+/-) less than rescut """ from import s2n_flux_astro # Plot stypes = get_sty_otype() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2,6) plt.suptitle("Signal/Noise after {}, Camera: {}, ExpID: {}".format( s2n_dict['PANAME'], s2n_dict['CAMERA'], s2n_dict['EXPID']), fontsize=10, y=0.99) cmap = plt.get_cmap('RdBu') # Unpack a bit objlist = s2n_dict['METRICS']['OBJLIST'] nfibers = len(s2n_dict['METRICS']['MEDIAN_SNR']) # Loop over object types resids = np.zeros(nfibers) mags, snrs = [], [] ss = 0 for oid, otype in enumerate(objlist): # Truncate if ss > 5: continue mag = s2n_dict["METRICS"]["SNR_MAG_TGT"][oid][1] snr = s2n_dict["METRICS"]["SNR_MAG_TGT"][oid][0] mags += mag snrs += snr # Residuals fibers = s2n_dict['METRICS']['%s_FIBERID' % otype] coeff = np.array(s2n_dict['METRICS']['FITCOEFF_TGT'][oid]) if np.any(np.isnan(coeff)): continue amag = np.array(mag) flux = 10 ** (-0.4 * (amag - 22.5)) fit_snr = s2n_flux_astro(flux, *coeff) * s2n_dict['METRICS']['EXPTIME'] ** (1 / 2) resids[fibers] = (s2n_dict['METRICS']['MEDIAN_SNR'][fibers] - fit_snr) / fit_snr # Object fits ax_obj = plt.subplot(gs[0, ss]) # Scatter if otype in stypes.keys(): clr = stypes[otype]['color'] else: clr = 'gray' ax_obj.scatter(amag, snr, s=1, color=clr) xval = np.linspace(np.min(amag), np.max(amag)) xflux = 10 ** (-0.4 * (xval - 22.5)) ax_obj.plot(xval, s2n_flux_astro(xflux, *coeff) * s2n_dict['METRICS']['EXPTIME'] ** (1/2), color='k') #ax_obj.set_xlabel('{:s} mag ({:s})'.format(otype, s2n_dict['METRICS']['FIT_FILTER'])) ax_obj.set_xlabel('{:s}'.format(otype)) ax_obj.set_ylabel('S/N') ax_obj.set_yscale('log') # Increment ss += 1 # Median S/N ax_S2N = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0:3]) gdfibers = s2n_dict['METRICS']['MEDIAN_SNR'] > 0. ax_S2N.scatter(np.arange(nfibers)[gdfibers], s2n_dict['METRICS']['MEDIAN_SNR'][gdfibers]) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() ax_S2N.set_xlabel('Fiber #') ax_S2N.set_ylabel('Median S/N') ax_S2N.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') ax_S2N.set_ylim(0.01, 100.) # RA, DEC with residuals ax_res = plt.subplot(gs[1, 3:]) ax_res.set_title('Residual SNR: (calculated SNR - fit SNR) / fit SNR', fontsize=8) resid_plot = ax_res.scatter(s2n_dict['METRICS']['RA'], s2n_dict['METRICS']['DEC'], s=2, c=resids, cmap=cmap, vmin=-rescut, vmax=rescut) fig.colorbar(resid_plot, ticks=[-rescut, 0., rescut]) #fig.colorbar(resid_plot, ticks=[np.min(resids), 0, np.max(resids)]) ax_res.set_xlabel('RA') ax_res.set_ylabel('DEC') # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.1,h_pad=0.0,w_pad=0.0) _ = makepath(outfile) plt.savefig(outfile) if verbose: print("Wrote: {:s}".format(outfile)) plt.close()
[docs]def exposure_fiberflat(channel, expid, metric, outfile=None): """ Generate an Exposure level plot of a FiberFlat metric Args: channel: str, e.g. 'b', 'r', 'z' expid: int metric: str, allowed entires are: ['meanflux'] Returns: """ from import find_exposure_night, findfile from import read_meta_frame, read_frame from import read_fiberflat from desimodel.focalplane import fiber_area_arcsec2 log = get_logger() # Find exposure night = find_exposure_night(expid) # Search for frames with the input channel frame0 = findfile('frame', camera=channel+'0', night=night, expid=expid) if not os.path.exists(frame0): log.fatal("No Frame 0 for channel={:s} and expid={:d}".format(channel, expid)) # Confirm frame is a Flat fmeta = read_meta_frame(frame0) assert fmeta['FLAVOR'].strip() == 'flat' # Load up all the frames x,y,metrics = [],[],[] for wedge in range(10): # Load frame_file = findfile('frame', camera=channel+'{:d}'.format(wedge), night=night, expid=expid) fiber_file = findfile('fiberflat', camera=channel+'{:d}'.format(wedge), night=night, expid=expid) try: frame = read_frame(frame_file) except: continue else: fiberflat = read_fiberflat(fiber_file) fibermap = frame.fibermap gdp = fiberflat.mask == 0 # X,Y x.append([fibermap['FIBERASSIGN_X']]) y.append([fibermap['FIBERASSIGN_Y']]) area = fiber_area_arcsec2(x[-1], y[-1]) mean_area = np.mean(area) # Metric if metric == 'meanflux': mean_norm = np.mean(fiberflat.fiberflat*gdp,axis=1) / (area / mean_area) metrics.append([mean_norm]) # Cocatenate x = np.concatenate(x) y = np.concatenate(y) metrics = np.concatenate(metrics) # Plot if outfile is None: outfile='qa_{:08d}_{:s}_fiberflat.png'.format(expid, channel) exposure_map(x,y,metrics, mlbl='Mean Flux', title='Mean Flux for Exposure {:08d}, Channel {:s}'.format(expid, channel), outfile=outfile)
[docs]def exposure_map(x,y,metric,mlbl=None, outfile=None, title=None, ax=None, fig=None, psz=9., cmap=None, vmnx=None): """ Generic method used to generated Exposure level QA One channel at a time Args: x: list or ndarray y: list or ndarray metric: list or ndarray mlbl: str, optional outfile: str, optional title: str, optional """ # Tile plot(s) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1,1) ax = plt.subplot(gs[0]) # if cmap is None: cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') if mlbl is None: mlbl = 'Metric' # Mean Flatfield flux in each fiber ax.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) mplt = ax.scatter(x,y,marker='o', s=psz, c=metric.reshape(x.shape), cmap=cmap) #mplt.set_clim(vmin=med_mean-2*rms_mean, vmax=med_mean+2*rms_mean) if fig is not None: cb = fig.colorbar(mplt) cb.set_label(mlbl) # if vmnx is not None: mplt.set_clim(vmin=vmnx[0], vmax=vmnx[1]) # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.1,h_pad=0.0,w_pad=0.0) if outfile is not None: _ = makepath(outfile) plt.savefig(outfile) print('Wrote QA SkyRes file: {:s}'.format(outfile)) plt.close()
[docs]def exposure_s2n(qa_exp, metric, outfile='exposure_s2n.png', verbose=True, specprod_dir=None): """ Generate an Exposure level plot of a S/N metric Args: qa_exp: QA_Exposure metric: str, allowed entires are: ['resid'] specprod_dir: str, optional Returns: """ from import find_exposure_night, findfile from import read_meta_frame, read_frame log = get_logger() cclrs = get_channel_clrs() # Find exposure night = find_exposure_night(qa_exp.expid, specprod_dir=specprod_dir) # Plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(6,2) cmap = plt.get_cmap('RdBu') # Prep qa_exp.qa_s2n['X'] = 0. qa_exp.qa_s2n['Y'] = 0. # Load up all the frames for ss,channel in enumerate(['b','r','z']): # ax if channel != 'z': ax = plt.subplot(gs[0:3, ss]) else: ax = plt.subplot(gs[-3:, 1]) # Load up X, Y for wedge in range(10): # Load camera=channel+'{:d}'.format(wedge) frame_file = findfile('frame', camera=camera, night=night, expid=qa_exp.expid, specprod_dir=specprod_dir) try: frame = read_frame(frame_file) except: continue fibermap = frame.fibermap # rows = np.where(qa_exp.qa_s2n['CAMERA'] == camera)[0] qa_exp.qa_s2n['X'][rows] = [fibermap['FIBERASSIGN_X'][qa_exp.qa_s2n['FIBER'][rows]]] qa_exp.qa_s2n['Y'][rows] = [fibermap['FIBERASSIGN_Y'][qa_exp.qa_s2n['FIBER'][rows]]] # Metric if metric == 'resid': rows = (qa_exp.qa_s2n['CHANNEL'] == channel) & (qa_exp.qa_s2n['RESID'] != -999.) metrics = qa_exp.qa_s2n['RESID'][rows] else: log.error("NOT READY FOR THIS QA METRIC") # Unpack for plotting x = qa_exp.qa_s2n['X'][rows] y = qa_exp.qa_s2n['Y'][rows] mags = qa_exp.qa_s2n['MAGS'][rows] s2n = qa_exp.qa_s2n['MEDIAN_SNR'][rows] # Exposure exposure_map(x,y, metrics, mlbl='S/N '+metric, ax=ax, fig=fig, title=None, outfile=None, psz=1., cmap=cmap, vmnx=[-0.9,0.9]) # Label ax.text(0.05, 0.9, channel, color=cclrs[channel], transform=ax.transAxes, ha='left') # Scatter + fit ax_summ = plt.subplot(gs[-3+ss,0]) ax_summ.scatter(mags, s2n, color=cclrs[channel], s=1.) if ss < 2: ax_summ.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) # Axes ax_summ.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') if ss == 1: ax_summ.set_ylabel('S/N') # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.1,h_pad=0.0,w_pad=0.0) _ = makepath(outfile) plt.savefig(outfile) if verbose: print("Wrote: {:s}".format(outfile)) plt.close()
[docs]def show_meta(ax, qaframe, qaflavor, outfil): """ Show meta data on the figure Args: ax: qaframe: QA_Frame qaflavor: str Returns: """ # Meta xlbl = 0.05 ylbl = 0.85 yoff=0.10 i0 = outfil.rfind('/') ax.text(xlbl, ylbl, outfil[i0+1:], color='black', transform=ax.transAxes, ha='left') # Night ylbl -= yoff ax.text(xlbl+0.1, ylbl, f'Night: {qaframe.night}', transform=ax.transAxes, ha='left', fontsize='x-small') # Rest for key in sorted(qaframe.qa_data[qaflavor]['METRICS'].keys()): if key in ['QA_FIG']: continue # Show ylbl -= yoff ax.text(xlbl+0.1, ylbl, key+': '+str(qaframe.qa_data[qaflavor]['METRICS'][key]), transform=ax.transAxes, ha='left', fontsize='x-small')
[docs]def get_sty_otype(): """Styles for plots""" sty_otype = dict(ELG={'color':'green', 'lbl':'ELG'}, LRG={'color':'red', 'lbl':'LRG'}, STAR={'color':'black', 'lbl':'STAR'}, QSO={'color':'blue', 'lbl':'QSO'}, QSO_L={'color':'blue', 'lbl':'QSO z>2.1'}, QSO_T={'color':'cyan', 'lbl':'QSO z<2.1'}) return sty_otype
[docs]def prod_channel_hist(qa_prod, qatype, metric, xlim=None, outfile=None, pp=None, close=True): """ Generate a series of histrograms (one per channel) Args: qa_prod: QA_Prod class qatype: str metric: str xlim: tuple, optional outfile: str, optional pp: PdfPages, optional close: bool, optional Returns: """ log = get_logger() # Setup fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2,2) # Loop on channel clrs = get_channel_clrs() for qq, channel in enumerate(['b', 'r', 'z']): ax = plt.subplot(gs[qq]) #ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(100.)) # Grab QA qa_tbl = qa_prod.get_qa_table(qatype, metric, channels=channel) # Check for nans qa_arr = qa_tbl[metric] isnan = np.isnan(qa_arr) if np.sum(isnan) > 0: log.error("NAN in qatype={:s}, metric={:s} for channel={:s}".format( qatype, metric, channel)) qa_arr[isnan] = -999. # Histogram ax.hist(qa_arr, color=clrs[channel]) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # Label ax.text(0.05, 0.85, channel, color='black', transform=ax.transAxes, ha='left') ax.set_xlabel('{:s} :: {:s}'.format(qatype,metric)) if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim) # Meta ''' ax = plt.subplot(gs[3]) ax.set_axis_off() xlbl = 0.05 ylbl = 0.85 yoff = 0.1 ax.text(xlbl, ylbl, qa_prod.prod_name, color='black', transform=ax.transAxes, ha='left') nights = list(qa_tbl['NIGHT']) # ylbl -= yoff ax.text(xlbl+0.1, ylbl, 'Nights: {}'.format(nights), transform=ax.transAxes, ha='left', fontsize='x-small') # ylbl -= yoff expids = list(qa_tbl['EXPID']) ax.text(xlbl+0.1, ylbl, 'Exposures: {}'.format(expids), transform=ax.transAxes, ha='left', fontsize='x-small') ''' # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.1,h_pad=0.0,w_pad=0.0) if outfile is not None: plt.savefig(outfile) if close: plt.close() elif pp is not None: pp.savefig() if close: plt.close() pp.close() else: # Show
[docs]def prod_time_series(qa_multi, qatype, metric, outfile=None, close=True, pp=None, bright_dark=0, exposures=False, night=None, horiz_line=None): """ Generate a time series plot for a production Can be MJD or Exposure number Args: qa_multi: QA_Prod or QA_Night qatype: str metric: str outfile: str, optional close: bool, optional pp: bright_dark: int, optional; (flag: 0=all; 1=bright; 2=dark) night: str, optional Only used for the Title horiz_line: float, optional Draw a horizontal line at input value """ log = get_logger() # Setup fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3,1) # Loop on channel clrs = get_channel_clrs() # Grab QA all_times = [] all_ax = [] for cc, channel in enumerate(['b','r','z']): ax = plt.subplot(gs[cc]) qa_tbl = qa_multi.get_qa_table(qatype, metric, channels=channel) if len(qa_tbl) == 0:"QA Table is empty.. Maybe you input an incorrect metric?") continue ''' # Check for nans isnan = np.isnan(qa_arr) if np.sum(isnan) > 0: log.error("NAN in qatype={:s}, metric={:s} for channel={:s}".format( qatype, metric, channel)) qa_arr[isnan] = -999. ''' # Convert Date to MJD atime = Time(qa_tbl['DATE-OBS'], format='isot', scale='utc') atime.format = 'mjd' mjd = atime.value # Bright dark if bright_dark == 0: # All pass elif bright_dark == 1: # Bright"Using a bright/dark kludge for now") bright = qa_tbl['EXPTIME'] < 1200. qa_tbl = qa_tbl[bright] mjd = mjd[bright] elif bright_dark == 2: # Dark"Using a bright/dark kludge for now") dark = qa_tbl['EXPTIME'] > 1200. qa_tbl = qa_tbl[dark] mjd = mjd[dark] # Scatter me if exposures: xval = qa_tbl['EXPID'] plt.xticks(rotation=90) else: xval = mjd ax.scatter(xval, qa_tbl[metric], color=clrs[channel], s=4.) # Camera ax.text(0.05, 0.85, channel, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=13., ha='left', color=clrs[channel]) # Axes ax.set_ylabel('Metric') if cc < 2: ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) if cc == 0: title = '{:s} :: {:s}'.format(qatype,metric) if night is not None: title = str(night)+' '+title # ax.set_title(title) # Horizontal line? if horiz_line is not None: ax.axhline(horiz_line, color='gray', ls='--') # Append all_times.append(mjd) all_ax.append(ax) # Label #ax.text(0.05, 0.85, channel, color='black', transform=ax.transAxes, ha='left') if exposures: ax.set_xlabel('EXPID') else: ax.set_xlabel('MJD') all_times = np.concatenate(all_times) xmin, xmax = np.min(all_times), np.max(all_times) for cc in range(3): all_ax[cc].set_xlim(xmin,xmax) # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.1,h_pad=0.0,w_pad=0.0) if outfile is not None: plt.savefig(outfile) print("Wrote QA file: {:s}".format(outfile)) if close: plt.close() elif pp is not None: pp.savefig() if close: plt.close() pp.close() else: # Show
[docs]def prod_avg_s2n(qa_prod, outfile=None, optypes=['ELG'], xaxis='MJD', fiducials=None): """ Generate a plot summarizing average S/N in a production for a few object types in a few cameras Args: qa_prod: QA_Prod object outfile: str, optional Output file name optypes: list, optional List of fiducial objects to show Options are: ELG, LRG, QSO xaxis: str, optional Designate x-axis. Options are: MJD, expid, texp fiducials: Returns: """ markers = {'b': '*', 'r': 's', 'z': 'o'} # Hard-code metrics for now if fiducials is None: fiducials = {} fiducials['ELG'] = dict(otype='ELG', channel='r', ref_mag=23., color='g') fiducials['LRG'] = dict(otype='LRG', channel='z', ref_mag=22., color='r') fiducials['QSO'] = dict(otype='QSO', channel='b', ref_mag=22, color='b') # Grab em oplots = [fiducials[ftype] for ftype in optypes] nplots = len(oplots) # Calculate SN_vals = [[] for i in range(nplots)] SN_sig = [[] for i in range(nplots)] mjds = [[] for i in range(nplots)] expids = [[] for i in range(nplots)] texps = [[] for i in range(nplots)] dates = [[] for i in range(nplots)] # Loop on exposure for qaexp in qa_prod.qa_exps: if qaexp.qa_s2n is None or len(qaexp.qa_s2n) == 0: continue # Loop on objects to plot for itype, oplot in enumerate(oplots): gdobj = qaexp.qa_s2n['OBJTYPE'] == oplot['otype'] if not np.any(gdobj): continue # S/N fit_snrs = [] for wedge in range(10): gdcam = qaexp.qa_s2n['CAMERA'] == '{:s}{:d}'.format(oplot['channel'], wedge) rows = gdcam & gdobj if not np.any(rows): continue # Grab the first one; should be the same for all idx = np.where(rows)[0][0] coeff = qaexp.qa_s2n['COEFFS'][idx,:] # Evaluate funcMap = s2n_funcs(exptime=qaexp.qa_s2n.meta['EXPTIME']) fitfunc = funcMap['astro'] flux = 10 ** (-0.4 * (oplot['ref_mag'] - 22.5)) fit_snrs.append(fitfunc(flux, *coeff)) SN_vals[itype].append(np.mean(fit_snrs)) SN_sig[itype].append(np.std(fit_snrs)) # Meta dates[itype].append(qaexp.qa_s2n.meta['DATE-OBS']) texps[itype].append(qaexp.qa_s2n.meta['EXPTIME']) expids[itype].append(qaexp.expid) # A bit more prep for itype, oplot in enumerate(oplots): atime = Time(dates[itype], format='isot', scale='utc') atime.format = 'mjd' mjds[itype] = atime.value # Setup fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1,1) ax = plt.subplot(gs[0]) for itype, oplot in enumerate(oplots): # Empty if len(dates[itype]) == 0: continue # Nope, let's plot if xaxis == 'MJD': xval = mjds[itype] elif xaxis == 'expid': xval = expids[itype] elif xaxis == 'texp': xval = texps[itype] # Plot ax.errorbar(xval, SN_vals[itype], yerr=SN_sig[itype], label='{:s}: {:s} {:0.1f}'.format( oplot['otype'], oplot['channel'], oplot['ref_mag']), ls='none', color=oplot['color'], marker=markers[oplot['channel']]) ax.set_xlabel(xaxis) ax.set_ylabel('<S/N>') legend = ax.legend(loc='upper right', borderpad=0.3, handletextpad=0.3, fontsize='small') # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.1,h_pad=0.0,w_pad=0.0) if outfile is not None: plt.savefig(outfile) print("Wrote QA file: {:s}".format(outfile)) plt.close() else: # Show
[docs]def prod_ZP(qa_prod, outfile=None, channels=('b','r','z'), xaxis='MJD'): """ Generate a plot summarizing the ZP for a production Args: qa_prod: QA_Prod object outfile: str, optional Output file name channels: tuple, optional List of channels to show xaxis: str, optional Designate x-axis. Options are: MJD, expid, texp Returns: """ markers = {'b': '*', 'r': 's', 'z': 'o'} # Setup nplots = len(channels) ZP_vals = [[] for i in range(nplots)] ZP_sig = [[] for i in range(nplots)] mjds = [[] for i in range(nplots)] expids = [[] for i in range(nplots)] texps = [[] for i in range(nplots)] dates = [[] for i in range(nplots)] # Loop on exposure for ic, channel in enumerate(channels): # Generate the table ZP_tbl = qa_prod.get_qa_table('FLUXCALIB', 'ZP', channels=[channel]) # Loop on expid uni_expid = np.unique(ZP_tbl['EXPID']) for expid in uni_expid: rows = ZP_tbl['EXPID'] == expid irow = np.where(rows)[0][0] ZP_vals[ic].append(np.median(ZP_tbl["ZP"][rows].data)) ZP_sig[ic].append(np.std(ZP_tbl["ZP"][rows].data)) # Meta dates[ic].append(ZP_tbl['DATE-OBS'][irow]) texps[ic].append(ZP_tbl['EXPTIME'][irow]) expids[ic].append(expid) # A bit more prep for ic in range(nplots): atime = Time(dates[ic], format='isot', scale='utc') atime.format = 'mjd' mjds[ic] = atime.value # Setup fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) ax = plt.subplot(gs[0]) for ic, channel in enumerate(channels): # Empty if len(dates[ic]) == 0: continue # Nope, let's plot if xaxis == 'MJD': xval = mjds[ic] elif xaxis == 'expid': xval = expids[ic] elif xaxis == 'texp': xval = texps[ic] # Plot ax.errorbar(xval, ZP_vals[ic], yerr=ZP_sig[ic], label=channel, ls='none', color=get_channel_clrs()[channel], marker=markers[channel]) ax.set_xlabel(xaxis) ax.set_ylabel('ZP') legend = ax.legend(loc='upper right', borderpad=0.3, handletextpad=0.3, fontsize='small') # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.1, h_pad=0.0, w_pad=0.0) if outfile is not None: plt.savefig(outfile) print("Wrote QA file: {:s}".format(outfile)) plt.close() else: # Show
[docs]def skyline_resid(channel, sky_wave, sky_flux, sky_res, sky_ivar, outfile=None, pp=None, close=True, dpi=700): """ QA plot for residuals on sky lines ala Julien Guy Args: sky_wave: sky_flux: sky_res: outfile: pp: close: nslices: dpi: Returns: """ # Grab the sky lines sky_peaks = desi_params['qa']['skypeaks']['PARAMS']['{:s}_PEAKS'.format(channel.upper())] npeaks = len(sky_peaks) # Collapse the sky data #sky_wave = np.median(sky_wave, axis=0) #sky_res = np.median(sky_res, axis=0) #sky_ivar = np.median(sky_ivar, axis=0) #sky_flux = np.median(sky_flux, axis=0) # Start the plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(npeaks, 1) wv_off = 15. clrs = dict(b='b', r='r', z='purple') # Loop on peaks for ss,peak in enumerate(sky_peaks): ax= plt.subplot(gs[ss]) # Zoom in pix = np.abs(sky_wave[0,:]-peak) < wv_off # Calculate orig = np.sqrt(np.mean(sky_ivar[:,pix] * sky_res[:,pix]**2, axis=0)) lbl=r"$\sqrt{ <flux^2/\sigma^2>}$" if ss > 0: lbl = None ax.plot(sky_wave[0,pix], orig, color=clrs[channel], label=lbl) # Sky scaling #lbl=r"$\sqrt{ < 1+(0.05 sky)^2/\sigma^2 > }$" # Labels ax.set_ylabel(r'$n \sigma$') #ax_flux.set_ylabel('Residual Flux') ax.set_ylim(bottom=0.) ax.axhline(1., color='gray', linestyle='dashed') if ss == 0: legend = ax.legend(loc='upper left', borderpad=0.3, handletextpad=0.3, fontsize='small') # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.1, h_pad=0.0, w_pad=0.0) if outfile is not None: plt.savefig(outfile, dpi=dpi) if close: plt.close() elif pp is not None: pp.savefig() if close: plt.close() pp.close() else: # Show
[docs]def skysub_resid_dual(sky_wave, sky_flux, sky_res, outfile=None, pp=None, close=True, nslices=20, dpi=700): """ Generate a plot of sky subtraction residuals Typically for a given channel Args: wave: sky_flux: sky_res: outfile: pp: close: Returns: """ # Start the plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2,1) # Wavelength ax_wave = plt.subplot(gs[0]) desiu_p.plot_slices(sky_wave, sky_res, np.min(sky_wave), np.max(sky_wave), 0., num_slices=nslices, axis=ax_wave, scatter=False) ax_wave.set_xlabel('Wavelength') ax_wave.set_ylabel('Residual Flux') # Wavelength ax_flux = plt.subplot(gs[1]) desiu_p.plot_slices(sky_flux, sky_res, np.min(sky_flux), np.max(sky_flux), 0., num_slices=nslices, axis=ax_flux, set_ylim_from_stats=True, scatter=False) ax_flux.set_xlabel('log10(Sky Flux)') ax_flux.set_ylabel('Residual Flux') #ax_flux.set_ylim(-600, 100) # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.1,h_pad=0.0,w_pad=0.0) if outfile is not None: plt.savefig(outfile, dpi=dpi) if close: plt.close() elif pp is not None: pp.savefig() if close: plt.close() pp.close() else: # Show
[docs]def skysub_resid_series(sky_dict, xtype, outfile=None, pp=None, close=True, nslices=20, dpi=700): """ Generate a plot of sky subtraction residuals for a series of inputs Typically for a given channel Args: wave: sky_flux: sky_res: outfile: pp: close: Returns: """ # Start the plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(sky_dict['count'],1) for kk in range(sky_dict['count']): sky_wave = sky_dict['wave'][kk] sky_res = sky_dict['res'][kk] sky_flux = sky_dict['skyflux'][kk] ax = plt.subplot(gs[kk]) #ax.set_ylabel('Residual Flux') if xtype == 'wave': # Wavelength desiu_p.plot_slices(sky_wave, sky_res, np.min(sky_wave), np.max(sky_wave), 0., num_slices=nslices, axis=ax, scatter=False) xlbl = 'Wavelength' elif xtype == 'flux': # Flux xlbl = 'log10(Sky Flux)' desiu_p.plot_slices(sky_flux, sky_res, np.min(sky_flux), np.max(sky_flux), 0., num_slices=nslices, axis=ax, set_ylim_from_stats=True, scatter=False) if kk == sky_dict['count']-1: ax.set_xlabel('Wavelength') else: ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) if kk == sky_dict['count']-1: ax.set_xlabel(xlbl) else: ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.1,h_pad=0.0,w_pad=0.0) if outfile is not None: plt.savefig(outfile, dpi=dpi) if close: plt.close() elif pp is not None: pp.savefig() if close: plt.close() pp.close() else: # Show
[docs]def skysub_gauss(sky_wave, sky_flux, sky_res, sky_ivar, outfile=None, pp=None, close=True, binsz=0.1, dpi=700, nfbin=4): """ Generate a plot examining the Gaussianity of the residuals Typically for a given channel Args: wave: sky_flux: sky_res: sky_ivar: outfile: pp: close: Returns: """ from scipy.stats import norm # Deviates gd_res = sky_ivar > 0. devs = sky_res[gd_res] * np.sqrt(sky_ivar[gd_res]) # Start the plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4.0)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1,2) # Histogram :: Same routine as in frame_skyresid ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) i0, i1 = int( np.min(devs) / binsz) - 1, int( np.max(devs) / binsz) + 1 rng = tuple(binsz*np.array([i0,i1]) ) nbin = i1-i0 hist, edges = np.histogram(devs, range=rng, bins=nbin) xhist = (edges[1:] + edges[:-1])/2. ax0.hist(xhist, color='blue', bins=edges, weights=hist)#, histtype='step') # PDF for Gaussian area = binsz * np.sum(hist) xppf = np.linspace(scipy.stats.norm.ppf(0.000001), scipy.stats.norm.ppf(0.999999), 10000) ax0.plot(xppf, area*scipy.stats.norm.pdf(xppf), 'r-', alpha=1.0) ax0.set_xlabel(r'Res/$\sigma$') ax0.set_ylabel('N') # Deviates vs. flux absdevs = np.abs(devs) asrt = np.argsort(absdevs) absdevs.sort() ndev = devs.size ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) # All xlim = (0., np.max(absdevs)) ylim = (0.000001, 1.) ax1.plot(absdevs, 1-np.arange(ndev)/(ndev-1), 'k', label='All') # Bin by sky flux sflux = sky_flux[asrt] sky_flux.sort() fbins = [0.] + [sky_flux[int(ii*ndev/nfbin)] for ii in range(1,nfbin)] fbins += [np.max(sky_flux)] # Adjust last bin to be likely on sky lines if np.max(sky_flux) > 2000.: # Am assuming 2000 counts is a skyline fbins[-2] = max(2000., fbins[-2]) # Digitize f_i = np.digitize(sflux, fbins) - 1 for kk in range(nfbin): lbl = 'flux = [{:d},{:d}]'.format(int(fbins[kk]),int(fbins[kk+1])) idx = f_i == kk ncut = np.sum(idx) ax1.plot(absdevs[idx], 1-np.arange(ncut)/(ncut-1), '--', label=lbl) # Gauss lines for kk in range(1,int(xlim[1])+1): ax1.plot([kk]*2, ylim, ':', color='gray') icl = norm.cdf(kk) - norm.cdf(-1*kk) # Area under curve ax1.plot(xlim, [1-icl]*2, ':', color='gray') ax1.text(0.2, 1-icl, '{:d}'.format(kk)+r'$\sigma$', color='gray') ax1.set_xlabel(r'Res/$\sigma$') ax1.set_ylabel(r'Fraction greater than Res/$\sigma$') ax1.set_yscale("log", nonposy='clip') ax1.set_ylim(ylim) legend = ax1.legend(loc='lower left', borderpad=0.3, handletextpad=0.3, fontsize='small') # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.1,h_pad=0.0,w_pad=0.0) if outfile is not None: plt.savefig(outfile, dpi=dpi) if close: plt.close() elif pp is not None: pp.savefig() if close: plt.close() pp.close() else: # Show
[docs]def get_channel_clrs(): """ Simple dict to organize styles for channels Returns: channel_dict: dict """ return dict(b='blue', r='red', z='purple')