Source code for

""" Module for QA support
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division

import numpy as np

[docs]def get_skyres(cframes, sub_sky=False, flatten=True): """ Args: cframes: str or list Single cframe or a list of them sub_sky: bool, optional Subtract the sky? This should probably not be done flatten: bool, optional Return a flat, 1D array for each variable combine: bool, optional combine the individual sky fibers? Median 'smash' Returns: wave : ndarray flux : ndarray res : ndarray ivar : ndarray """ from import read_frame from import read_sky from import subtract_sky if isinstance(cframes,list): all_wave, all_flux, all_res, all_ivar = [], [], [], [] for cframe_file in cframes: wave, flux, res, ivar = get_skyres(cframe_file, flatten=flatten) # Save all_wave.append(wave) all_flux.append(flux) all_res.append(res) all_ivar.append(ivar) # Concatenate -- Shape is preserved (nfibers, npix) twave = np.concatenate(all_wave) tflux = np.concatenate(all_flux) tres = np.concatenate(all_res) tivar = np.concatenate(all_ivar) # Return return twave, tflux, tres, tivar cframe = read_frame(cframes, skip_resolution=True) if cframe.meta['FLAVOR'] in ['flat','arc']: raise ValueError("Bad flavor for exposure: {:s}".format(cframes)) # Sky sky_file = cframes.replace('cframe', 'sky') skymodel = read_sky(sky_file) if sub_sky: subtract_sky(cframe, skymodel) # Resid skyfibers = np.where(cframe.fibermap['OBJTYPE'] == 'SKY')[0] res = cframe.flux[skyfibers] # Flux calibrated ivar = cframe.ivar[skyfibers] # Flux calibrated flux = skymodel.flux[skyfibers] # Residuals; not flux calibrated! wave = np.outer(np.ones(flux.shape[0]), cframe.wave) # Combine? ''' if combine: res = np.median(res, axis=0) ivar = np.median(ivar, axis=0) flux = np.median(flux, axis=0) wave = np.median(wave, axis=0) ''' # Return if flatten: return wave.flatten(), flux.flatten(), res.flatten(), ivar.flatten() else: return wave, flux, res, ivar