Source code for desispec.quicklook.palib

Low level functions to be from top level PAs
import numpy as np
from desispec.quicklook import qlexceptions,qllogger

[docs]def project(x1,x2): """ return a projection matrix so that arrays are related by linear interpolation x1: Array with one binning x2: new binning Return Pr: x1= in the overlap region """ x1=np.sort(x1) x2=np.sort(x2) Pr=np.zeros((len(x2),len(x1))) e1 = np.zeros(len(x1)+1) e1[1:-1]=(x1[:-1]+x1[1:])/2.0 # calculate bin edges e1[0]=1.5*x1[0]-0.5*x1[1] e1[-1]=1.5*x1[-1]-0.5*x1[-2] e1lo = e1[:-1] # make upper and lower bounds arrays vs. index e1hi = e1[1:] e2=np.zeros(len(x2)+1) e2[1:-1]=(x2[:-1]+x2[1:])/2.0 # bin edges for resampled grid e2[0]=1.5*x2[0]-0.5*x2[1] e2[-1]=1.5*x2[-1]-0.5*x2[-2] for ii in range(len(e2)-1): # columns #- Find indices in x1, containing the element in x2 #- This is much faster than looping over rows k = np.where((e1lo<=e2[ii]) & (e1hi>e2[ii]))[0] # this where obtains single e1 edge just below start of e2 bin emin = e2[ii] emax = e1hi[k] if e2[ii+1] < emax : emax = e2[ii+1] dx = (emax-emin)/(e1hi[k]-e1lo[k]) Pr[ii,k] = dx # enter first e1 contribution to e2[ii] if e2[ii+1] > emax : # cross over to another e1 bin contributing to this e2 bin l = np.where((e1 < e2[ii+1]) & (e1 > e1hi[k]))[0] if len(l) > 0 : # several-to-one resample. Just consider 3 bins max. case Pr[ii,k[0]+1] = 1.0 # middle bin fully contained in e2 q = k[0]+2 else : q = k[0]+1 # point to bin partially contained in current e2 bin try: emin = e1lo[q] emax = e2[ii+1] dx = (emax-emin)/(e1hi[q]-e1lo[q]) Pr[ii,q] = dx except: pass #- edge: if x2[-1]==x1[-1]: Pr[-1,-1]=1 return Pr
[docs]def resample_spec(wave,flux,outwave,ivar=None): """ rebinning conserving S/N Algorithm is based on Appendix: B.1 Args: wave : original wavelength array (expected (but not limited) to be native CCD pixel wavelength grid outwave: new wavelength array: expected (but not limited) to be uniform binning flux : df/dx (Flux per A) sampled at x ivar : ivar in original binning. If not None, ivar in new binning is returned. Note: Full resolution computation for resampling is expensive for quicklook. desispec.interpolation.resample_flux using weights by ivar does not conserve total S/N. Tests with arc lines show much narrow spectral profile, thus not giving realistic psf resolutions This algorithm gives the same resolution as obtained for native CCD binning, i.e, resampling has insignificant effect. Details,plots in the arc processing note. """ #- convert flux to per bin before projecting to new bins flux=flux*np.gradient(wave) Pr=project(wave,outwave) n=len(wave) #- convert back to df/dx (per angstrom) sampled at outwave newflux/=np.gradient(outwave) #- per angstrom if ivar is None: return newflux else: ivar = ivar/(np.gradient(wave))**2.0**(-1.0)) #- maintaining Total S/N # RK: this is just a kludge until we more robustly ensure newvar is correct k = np.where(newvar <= 0.0)[0] newvar[k] = 0.0000001 # flag bins with no contribution from input grid newivar=1/newvar # newivar[k] = 0.0 #- convert to per angstrom newivar*=(np.gradient(outwave))**2.0 return newflux, newivar
[docs]def get_resolution(wave,nspec,tset,usesigma=False): """ Calculates approximate resolution values at given wavelengths in the format that can directly feed resolution data of desispec.frame.Frame object. wave: wavelength array nsepc: no of spectra (int) tset: desispec.xytraceset like object usesigma: allows to use sigma from psf file for resolution computation. returns : resolution data (nspec,nband,nwave); nband = 1 for usesigma = False, otherwise nband=21 """ #from desispec.resolution import Resolution from desispec.quicklook.qlresolution import QuickResolution nwave=len(wave) if usesigma: nband=21 else: nband=1 # only for dimensionality purpose of data model. resolution_data=np.zeros((nspec,nband,nwave)) if usesigma: #- use sigmas for resolution based on psffile type for ispec in range(nspec): thissigma=tset.ysig_vs_wave(ispec,wave) #- in pixel units Rsig=QuickResolution(sigma=thissigma,ndiag=nband) resolution_data[ispec] return resolution_data
[docs]def apply_flux_calibration(frame,fluxcalib): """ Apply flux calibration to sky subtracted qframe Use offline algorithm, but assume qframe object is input and that it is on native ccd wavelength grid Calibration vector is resampled to frame wavelength grid frame: QFrame object fluxcalib: FluxCalib object Modifies frame.flux and frame.ivar """ from desispec.quicklook.palib import resample_spec nfibers=frame.nspec resample_calib=[] resample_ivar=[] for i in range(nfibers): rescalib,resivar=resample_spec(fluxcalib.wave,fluxcalib.calib[i],frame.wave[i],ivar=fluxcalib.ivar[i]) resample_calib.append(rescalib) resample_ivar.append(resivar) fluxcalib.calib=np.array(resample_calib) fluxcalib.ivar=np.array(resample_ivar) C = fluxcalib.calib frame.flux=frame.flux*(C>0)/(C+(C==0)) frame.ivar*=(fluxcalib.ivar>0)*(C>0) for j in range(nfibers): ok=np.where(frame.ivar[j]>0)[0] if ok.size>0: frame.ivar[j,ok]=1./(1./(frame.ivar[j,ok]*C[j,ok]**2)+frame.flux[j,ok]**2/(fluxcalib.ivar[j,ok]*C[j,ok]**4))